<color blue>
                      Help for OLC Object creation.
Object Number:</color>
	This allows you to specify the object number you wish this object
to be.  It must NOT BE USED in the server database yet.  (ostat <<obj_num>
can tell you whether or not it's in use.)  If it is already used, or wrong
for any other reason, it will chose the next available.  If you don't care what
the object number is (the common case), then just leave it '1' and let the
server assign one.
	Object names are handles by which a player may interact with the
object.  It is best if at least one of the object names is somewhat general
so that players aren't frusterated.  At the same time, you may wish to
frusterate them at times...  The first name given is what the game uses
when it needs an object name, but others are searched when a user tries
to interact with in in some way.  The names should be single words seperated
by spaces.
Short Description:</color>
	This should be a sentence fragment with no period after it.  This
description is used by the game as follows:  Scrubal wields <short_description>
Do not capatalize it unless it should be capatalized within the body of a
For Example:  
	a silver sword
In Room Desc:</color>
	The in_room description is what shows when an object is lying in
a room.  It should be less than 80 characters long...
Long Description:</color>
	This is what is shown when a player 'looks' at an object.  If the
object can be 'read', then the long desc is shown then too.
Object Flags:</color>
	These determine the (default) state of the object and restrict
or enable certain actions upon the object.  Please read over the list
well to acquaint yourself with them.  They should be fairly self
explanatory.  Please make sure the flags agree with each other logically,
as the MUD server does not check this too well.
Miscellaneous Data:</color>
	Charges/Light count:  set for wands, light sources, and drink
		containers, where it signifies drinks left in container.
	Recharges:  How many times a wand can be recharged.
	Load Percentage:  Likely hood of an object loading, 0-100 please.
	Cur_in_game:  Please leave this one zero for now.
	Max_in_game:  Max number of objects that can be in the game at once.
	Weight:  The weight of the (empty) object.
	Dice Sides:  the 5 in 4d5, used for weapons, keep this sane please
	Dice Count:  the 4 in 4d5, used for weapons, keep this sane please
	Level:  The level of this object, has various implications, so
		please set it accordingly (1-30).

Bag Flags: </color>
	These determine default states of the object if it is a container.
Leave it alone if you don't want your object to be a container.  This data
will be ignored, unless you toggle the Object Flag specifying the object as
being a container.  Please do not toggle corpse unless you know what you're
Bag Data:</color>
	Key Number:  object number of key used to unlock the bag, if none
		enter zero.
	Max Weight:  The capacity of the bag.  NOTE:  the bag must carry
		itself too, so Max Weight should always be more than the
		weight of the container.
	Percent Weight:  This allows for 'magic' bags.  If this is less than
		100, then the objects become proportionally lighter as they
		are placed into the bag.  If over 100, they become heavier.
	Time Till Disolve:  This is for corpses.  -1 means never disolve.
	Inventory:  This is a space-seperated list of object numbers to
		be found in the bag by default (if they beat their load%).
		Please get these right the first time, its hard to change
		them later!  Also, these objects MUST BE CREATED ALREADY.
	Stat Effects:  Enter these in <<stat_number> <<modifier> pairs.
		REMINDER:  This is NOT A TWINK MUD, be reasonable.
1 str, 2 int, 3 con, 4 cha, 5 wis, 6 dex, 7 hit, 8 dam, 9 ac, 10 attacks,
11 pause_count, 15 hp, 16 mana, 17 mov, 18 align, 19 level, 23 hp_max,
24 mana_max, 25 mov_max, 27 damage_received_modifier, 28 damage_given_modifier,
29 heat_resis, 30 cold_resis, 31 elect_resis, 32 spell_resis, 
35 bare_hand_dice_count, 36 bare_hand_dice_sides, 37 hp_regen, 
38 mana_regen, 39 mov_regen, 100 hunger, 101 thirst, 102 drugged.
</color> <color=red>
Visibility Bits:</color>
	Add up these numbers to arrive at the visibility of the
object:  {1 dark, 2 invis, 4 hidden, 8 god_invis1, 16 god_invis2}
	This is the base value of the object.  Buyers and Sellers use this
number to calculate their prices.  Please set the value of the object in
question to a reasonable value.
Spec Proc Flags:</color>
	These specify a few special procs that can be added to an object.
Be sure to toggle CONSTRUCT DATA if you wish the object to be part of a
construction or concoction.  If you wish to give it a skin (perhaps it's a
corpse?) toggle the skin button...
Construct/Concoct Data:</color>
	Resulting Object:  This is the obj number of the object that will be
		created from the concoction or construction of the target
		objects.  One of the components should be the object number
		of the object we are now creating.  Make sure these numbers
		are not in use, and won't be used up during your building
		time, because if you pick an already-used number, the game
		will automatically pick you the next available one.
	Components:  These are the object numbers of the components we must
		have in order to construct the object.
Skin Number:</color>
	This is the object number of the object which is to be the skin
'on' this object.  Default (none) is zero.
Casts these Spells:</color>
	These spells are triggered at different times, depending on what
type of object it actuall is.  Weapons usually in battle, wands with the
'use' command and scrolls with the 'recite' command.  Potions are triggered
when 'quaf'ed.  Enter the spell numberes seperated by spaces.  To get the
spell numbers, try the 'slist' command, or the web pages for the listing of
spell numbers with their names. 
	Sends the data to the MUD server.  If the data is acceptable, then
the object will be created, otherwise you may be prompted by a pop-up box.
Check the output from the MUD, on the main console screen, for verication.
	Do not send the data.  If it has already been sent once, canceling
WILL NOT AFFECT THE MUD IN ANY WAY.  Usually one presses cancel after
submitting, unless they wish to create another, similar, object..