102	 Start of Object
dress brow brown ~	names
a light brown dress
A light brown pile of cloth lies here.
A small, light brown dress made of a thin material lies in a small heap.
It's sleeveless design allows your arm's free movement and because it only
comes down to you knees it doesn't get in your way when you try to move.  
It is embroidered with a curious stitching pattern, which makes you think
to the elven women you have seen in the past.

56 40 33 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 20 4 0 0 0 	extras
1024 735 102 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
7 1 9 -12 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

103	 Start of Object
apple ~	names
an apple
A shiny apple lies here.
This looks like one of the apples that grow in the small meadows found
throughout the elven woods.

61 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
7 0 80 0 50 2 0 0 0 	extras
1024 20 103 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 5 101 1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

104	 Start of Object
elven vest ~	names
an elf vest
An elf vest lies here.
This vest is made from elven cloth and it blends pretty good with the foliage.
It seems light weight and decently sturdy like leather yet easily moveable.

56 33 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 30 2 0 0 12 	extras
1024 100 104 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -10 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

105	 Start of Object
slim dagger ~	names
a slim dagger
A slim dagger is wedged into the ground.
This dagger has a green handguard and a long slim blade. It is commonly
used as an elven weapon.

57 43 31 30 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 75 0 30 1 7 2 12 	extras
1024 300 105 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
29 5 8 1 7 1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

106	 Start of Object
wood spear ~	names
a wood spear
A wood spear is on the floor here.
This spear is a sharpened staff used as a spear. It is used mainly by elven
guards. It can be very lethal for it acts like a spear and a staff.

57 43 31 30 18 17 16 15 12 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 25 3 6 2 15 	extras
1024 1000 106 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
37 1 28 5 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

107	 Start of Object
bow short ~	names
a short bow
A short bow lies here.
This short wooden bow looks like a play thing but is actually a weapon.

57 47 45 43 30 17 16 13 12 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 20 3 3 3 15 	extras
1024 1200 107 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
7 1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

108	 Start of Object
pie veggie ~	names
a veggie pie
A small pie made from vegetables lies here.
This is a baked vegetable pie, one of the elves' favorite dishes.

61 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 500 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 25 108 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 4 101 -1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

109	 Start of Object
pine torch ~	names
a pine torch
A small pine torch is here.
This pine torch has a slight tingling touch and is small and made from pine.

58 40 32 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
75 0 100 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 200 109 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
7 1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

110	 Start of Object
waterskin old ~	names
an old waterskin
An old waterskin lies here unattended.
This waterskin is old leather but still can hold water for thirst.

59 54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 40 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 100 110 5 	cur_stats
9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 10 50 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
7 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

112	 Start of Object
skin bear ~	names
a large black bear skin
A large black bear skin lies here.
This skin is covered in coarse, thick, black hair.  The skin itself is very
think and could probably make a pretty decent piece of leather armor.

63 50 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 50 25 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1250 112 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
116 112 0 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

113	 Start of Object
elven boots ~	names
a pair of elven boots
A pair of elf boots are here.
These boots are used by elves to quickly move around. They are tight fitting
and are green like the forest.

56 40 36 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 30 2 0 0 15 	extras
1024 2300 113 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
39 5 31 5 9 -10 25 20 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

114	 Start of Object
elven cloak elven cloak ~	names
an elven cloak
An elven cloak lies here.
This green cloak made by the elves helps them to move unnoticed through
the forest. It is light weight but very powerful in earth fey.

56 40 25 17 15 13 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 30 2 0 0 14 	extras
1024 3100 114 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
30 10 9 -10 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

115	 Start of Object
staff otal ~	names
the staff of Otal
A white wooden staff lies here.
This staff is made from ash wood.  A small golden figuring decorates its head
and small designs are carved throughout its surface.  A small inscription on
its side reads, simply, "Otal".

63 56 51 40 31 15 14 11 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
3 1 50 0 1 3 0 0 15 	extras
1024 6000 115 5 	cur_stats
162 -1 -1	affected_by
-1	inv
38 5 32 -30 24 50 23 -30 -1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
188 15 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

116	 Start of Object
breastplate leather ~	names
a bearskin breastplate
A tough bearskin breastplate lies here.
This breastplate has been constructed with care from a large bear skin.  The
front part is double layered with the thick skin, an armor strong enough to
stop all but the sharpest weapons.  It has been constructed for a person with
a huge chest, but, glancing down,  you figure it'd probably fit you too!

56 40 33 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 0 0 30 9 0 0 15 	extras
1024 1500 116 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
27 -5 9 -20 23 20 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

117	 Start of Object
little boat ~	names
a little boat
A little boat is propped up here.
This little boat is made from a light weight wood and was carved. It looks
like it could carry one person safely.

62 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 20 50 0 0 10 	extras
1024 1000 117 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

118	 Start of Object
dagger royal elven ~	names
a Royal Elven dagger
A dagger of elven royalty lies here.
This dagger is engraved with the elven royal house insignia.
It has a green handle and a silver blade made from the silver leaves.

57 43 31 30 10 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 30 0 10 2 4 5 20 	extras
1024 1100 118 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
8 4 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

377	 Start of Object
ginseng ~	names
a four-prong ginseng plant
A beautiful four-pronged ginseng plant grows in the shade.
This herb, long sought after for it's healing properties, grows on the forest
floor.  It's favorite place is near springs and in poplar groves.  It has
2 and 5 prongs which hold leaves that turn bright golden in the fall.  It's
root is a tuber that is mightily wrinkled, and often forms interesting shapes.

72 68 63 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 25 0 5 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 30 377 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
382 377 378 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

378	 Start of Object
pitcher plant ~	names
a green pitcher plant
A deep green pitcher plant is filled with sparkling water.
The pitcher plants of the elven forest have been cultivated for centuries
to allow them to distill the magical essence of the land.  The green ones
are especially well known for their healing properties.

72 68 63 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 25 0 5 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 500 378 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
382 377 378 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

379	 Start of Object
pitcher plant yellow ~	names
a yellow pitcher plant
A yellow pitcher plant is filled with sparkling water.
The pitcher plants of the elven forest have been cultivated for centuries
to allow them to distill the magical essence of the land.  The yellow plants
are said to help shield you from harm, especially when brewed with the
hull of a hickory nut.

72 68 63 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 75 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 500 379 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
248 391 383 379 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

382	 Start of Object
potion ginseng ~	names
a ginseng potion
A potion brewed from ginseng lies here.
This potion combines the healing properties of ginseng with the magical
waters of the elven forest.

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1000 382 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
189 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

383	 Start of Object
hickory nut hull ~	names
a green hickory nut
A green hickory nut still in its hull lies here.
The hickory nut is still encased in its pungent green hull which smells
strongly of cinnamon.

72 68 63 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 75 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 100 383 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
248 391 383 379 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

391	 Start of Object
honeycomb comb ~	names
a piece of honeycomb
A piece of honeycomb broken from a hive lies here.
Some bear or other large animal must have ripped this from an old
tree and forgot about it in the midst of all the bees!  The honey,
containing a bit of essence from every flower in the forest, should
sweeten your concoctions or make a nice snack!  It does, however, have a
peculiar odor about it which makes you wonder whether it's safe to eat...

72 68 63 61 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 75 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 100 391 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
102 7 -1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
248 391 383 379 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

746	 Start of Object
skin wolf ~	names
the skin of a wolf
The shiny fur of a wolf lies in a heap.
It is a smooth, soft grey coat, removed cleanly from its previous owner.

56 50 40 25 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 8 0 0 0 	extras
0 100 746 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -10 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

747	 Start of Object
skin fox fur ~	names
a fox's skin
The skin of a reddish fox lies here.
It is a small skin, cleanly removed from the carcass of a fox.

67 63 56 50 40 25 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 5 0 0 0 	extras
0 10 747 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -5 -1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
755 747 0 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.