1		Room Number
Temple_Garland ~	names
The Temple of Garland.
You find yourself inside a huge, circular room.  Great columns of 
white granite support the vaulted ceiling.  An altar carved from a greenish
stone stands in the middle of the room all covered with small bouquets of dried
flowers.  A set of oaken doors leads west to what seems to be the fellowship
hall.  Large arches lead out of the temple to the north and south.

23 21 10 8 7 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 1 1 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
31 32 145 -1	inv
1 135 71 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 10 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 2 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
2 -1	mobs
End of Room
2		Room Number
Temple_Hall_1 ~	names
The fellowship hall.
  You find yourself in a large room.  The decor is not as nice as the
main temple, but the atmosphere is more relaxed.  Wooden tables and benches
fill the area and a large stone fireplace is built in to the south wall.  
There are two exits to the north and there is a fine wooden door to the west.
To the east you can see main congregation area of the temple.

32 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
benches tables ~
The benches are made of solid oak joined with dovetail cuts and
wooden pegs.  They have been worn to a shine by the countless
bottoms they have supported.   The tables are arranged against the
wall, ready to be brought into the middle for meetings and feasts.

1   Start of KeywordPair
fireplace ~
The large stone fireplace offers warmth, both physical and spiritual
to the occupants of the hall.  Often, the elders and town leaders
will have long talks around the low flickering flames.

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 2 2 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 11 11 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 1 1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 7 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 12 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 3 -1	mobs
End of Room
3		Room Number
Plaza_North ~	names
The northern plaza.
Broad stone walkways and a neatly trimmed lawn make this a nice place
to hang out.  A road begins to the north and the center of the plaza is
directly to the south.  If you're feeling pious, you can go up the marble
steps to the Temple.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 3 3 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 20 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 21 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 19 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 15 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 14 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 -1	mobs
End of Room
4		Room Number
Northern_Road_2 ~	names
Northern Lily Lane.
   You find yourself on Lily Lane just west of Kaela's flower shop.  The
humid air inside it has fogged over the windows in places, but from the
potted plants outside you can tell she knows her way with plants.  The road
leads south towards the center of town, and north towards the gates.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 4 4 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 47 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 5 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 21 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 1498 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
5		Room Number
Lily_Lane_North ~	names
Northern Lily Lane.
	Lily Lane continues north towards the gates, and south towards 
the center of Garland.  Looking to the south you can see a large, bright
collection of potted plants on your left.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 5 5 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 23 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 4 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
6		Room Number
Newbie_Room ~	names
The Newbie Room.
   Welcome to ScryMUD, adventurer!
Before you is a lavishly-decorated room.  Chairs are scattered about, some
around tables and others placed in seemingly random positions.  Great red
draperies hang from the walls, framing a window which opens onto a view of the
vast, rolling countryside beyond the city of Garland.  A chandelier made from
exquisite crystal hangs from the ceiling, its numerous candles flickering
occasionally and casting a peaceful and tranquil light throughout the room.
A large arched doorway leads off to the north.  A sign which reads "Education"
hangs in the doorway.

35 24 23 21 9 7 6 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 6 6 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 127 8 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 4643 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
-1  End of room proc scripts
End of Room
7		Room Number
Donation_Room_Garland ~	names
The Garland donation room.
  This is a place for the richer to help those in need.  You are welcome to
drop any of your excess equipment and get any you may need, but please don't
sell items you find here.  A large wooden bin rests in a corner of the room for
long-term storage of items.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 7 7 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
742 -1	inv
1 4 2 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
8		Room Number
Upstairs ~	names
The upstairs hall.
You find yourself in a hallway with oak floors.  There are exits in all of the
cardinal directions, as well as a stairway which leads downwards into the main
hall of the temple of Garland.  To the west lies the newbie area.  From that
direction you can hear people bumping into walls, and it sounds as if someone
just cut himself with his knife!

35 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 8 8 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 10 12 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 1 10 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 9 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 13 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 6 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
-1  End of room proc scripts
End of Room
9		Room Number
Adventurers_meeting_room ~	names
The adventurers' meeting room.
    This room is a quiet place where folks gather to plan their epic

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 9 9 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 4 8 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
10		Room Number
Library_Garland ~	names
The library.
     This is a quiet room filled with books of all kinds.  Several pamphlets
are strewn about on the tables.  They might just be useful!!
32 23 21 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
pamplets manuals papers ~
Several small pamphlets lie here in a pile.  They are topics of interest
to folks trying  to understand this new realm.  Please use these commands
to view the appropriate help file:
	help commands
	help topics
	help rules
	help channels
	help shops
	help houses

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 10 10 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
352 352 352 352 -1	inv
1 2 8 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
11		Room Number
Priest_Quarters ~	names
The private study of the High Priest.
     You find yourself in the quarters of the High Priest.  The book cases
that cover every wall are filled with a huge assortment of books.  Light 
comes from a crystal suspended from the ceiling, well out of your reach.
There is a large oak desk in the center of the room.  It is quite neat
with only a pen and some blank paper on it.
32 23 21 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
desk ~
The desk is of dark cherry, polished to a sheen.  There are some 
writing implements on the table, but it is arranged in a neat

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 11 11 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 11 -2 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
12		Room Number
Stairs_Temple ~	names
In the stairwell.
     This is the stairwell that leads up to the second floor.  You can
also exit through the door to the south into the fellowship hall.
23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 12 12 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 5 2 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 8 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
13		Room Number
News_Room ~	names
The reading room.
    This is a quiet place where you can catch up on the news.  A large
bulletin board is tacked to the wall and covered with articles people have

23 21 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 13 13 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
365 -1	inv
1 3 8 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
14		Room Number
NW_Plaza ~	names
The northwestern plaza.
    The plaza stretches out to the south and east and you can also go
up the broad stairs to the temple.  Rose street can be seen to the north

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 14 14 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 3 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 24 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 15 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 -1	mobs
End of Room
15		Room Number
Western_Plaza ~	names
The western Plaza.
     This is the western part of the Plaza.  It has been designed for both
beauty and utility.  The paths are wide and paved with stone and there are
small plots of flowering hedges and neatly trimmed grass around them.  Wide
steps lead up to the temple and the central plaza is just to the east.  
Daisy Lane leads off to the east towards some shops.
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 15 15 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 14 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 6 3 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 16 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 17 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 25 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
4 4 3 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
16		Room Number
SW_Plaza ~	names
The southwest plaza.
     The plaza spreads out to the north and east and Violet Drive begins
to the south west.  You can also go up the steps to the temple.
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 16 16 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 17 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 15 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 6 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 26 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 -1	mobs
End of Room
17		Room Number
South_Plaza ~	names
The southern plaza.
      You find yourself at the south end of the central plaza in Garland.
To the north you see the central plaza and to the south Lily Lane begins.
You can also go up the wide stairs to the temple.
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 17 17 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 18 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 6 19 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 15 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 27 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 16 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 -1	mobs
End of Room
18		Room Number
SE_Plaza ~	names
The southeast plaza.
     This is the south eastern part of the large central plaza of Garland.
The plaza continues to the north and west, or you can go up the steps
to the temple.  To the southeast is Rose Drive.
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 18 18 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 19 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 28 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 17 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
19		Room Number
Eastern_Plaza ~	names
The eastern plaza.
    You are in the renowned central plaza of Garland.  It spreads out to the
east and Daisy Lane begins to the east.  You can also go up the marble
stairs to the temple.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 19 19 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
1 -1	inv
1 1 29 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 20 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 3 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 18 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 17 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
20		Room Number
NE_Plaza ~	names
The northeast plaza.
    The central plaza of Garland stretches out to the south and east or
you can go up the stairs to the temple.  Violet Drive leads off to the

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 20 20 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 6 30 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 19 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 22 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 3 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 -1	mobs
End of Room
21		Room Number
Lily_Lane ~	names
Northern Lily Lane.
   You are on a well paved road leading north out of town and south
towards the plaza.  The wonderful scent of freshly baked bread comes from
the west, and some happy customers are sitting to the east in a small

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 21 21 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 46 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 4 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 3 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 31 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 3 -1	mobs
End of Room
22		Room Number
Central_Plaza ~	names
The central plaza of Garland.
   Due to the fact that this city was carefully designed around the
structure of a flower by an ancient architect, you now find yourself in
the exact center of Garland.  A beautiful temple with broad stairs leading
to it from every direction stands here.  All the paths lead around it
so there is a little confusion, but everyone around here seems to take
life pretty slowly so there are few accidents.
A plaque with some directions has been fastened to a granite block.

32 23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
sign map plaque loki ~
One of the local artisans donated this plaque to the people of Garland so that
they may better know their city and its places of interest.  It gives a short
list of establishments found nearby.
Academy of physical arts:  northwest
Mage academy:  northeast
Cleric academy:  northeast
Guild for relieving oneself of one's cumbersome posessions:  south
Bakery:  north
Weaponsmith:  east
Armorsmith:  east
Bank:  east
Magician:  west
Tavern:  northwest
The forest of Tyro:  east
The Elven forest:  north
The citadel:  west
The crossroads:  east

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 22 22 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
10 -1	inv
1 1 19 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 3 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 6 20 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 14 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 17 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 18 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 16 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 15 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)

-1	End of Doors
3 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
23		Room Number
Lily_Lane ~	names
Just south of the Gates.
  This is the northern end of Lily Lane.  The gates are in just to the north
and the road continues to the south towards the center of town.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 23 23 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 44 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 5 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 216 -1	mobs
End of Room
24		Room Number
NW_Rose_Lane ~	names
Northwest Rose Lane.
     You are at the beginning of Rose Lane, which continues to the north
west.  The plaza lies to the south east.
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 24 24 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 7 33 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 14 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
25		Room Number
W_Daisy_Lane ~	names
Western Daisy Lane.
   This is the beginning of the broad street known as Daisy Lane.  It is
lined with all sorts of shops and filled with people going this way and that.
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 25 25 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 15 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 57 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 58 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 36 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 3 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
26		Room Number
SW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Southwest Violet Drive.
     This road leads to the southwest towards some shops and northeast
towards the central plaza.  Someone has placed a container of potted
violets on their open window, just makes you feel good about life!
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 26 26 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 6 16 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 72 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 -1	mobs
End of Room
27		Room Number
S_Lily_Lane ~	names
Southern Lily Lane.
     This cheerful lane continues to the south and north.  A few shops
can be seen but it is not as comercialized as Daisy Drive.
23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 27 27 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 1473 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 17 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 70 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
28		Room Number
SW_Rose_Lane ~	names
Southeastern Rose Lane.
    This is a small street which is not heavily traveled.  The central plaza
can be seen to the northwest.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 28 28 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 7 18 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 75 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
29		Room Number
E_Daisy_Drive ~	names
Eastern Daisy Drive.
    This is one of the main roads of Garland.  The braver of the travelers
often use this route to travel to Jakarta and beyond.  This is the shortest
way, but the appearance of dragons and cut-throats of all kinds has recently
made many people go back to the longer northern route that runs by the elven

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 29 29 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 43 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 1497 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 54 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 19 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
10 -1	mobs
End of Room
30		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Northeast Violet Drive.
This lane runs in a diagonal direction to the northeast towards a few of
the guilds, and joins the northeast portion of the central plaza.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 30 30 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 6 53 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 20 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
31		Room Number
bakery ~	names
The bakery
	You find yourself in the most popular bakery in Garland.  The air is
filled with the smell of cinamon, cloves, apples, and the indescribably good
smell of freshly baked bread.  Dorian, the baker, moves briskly about from the
huge stone oven to the counter and back again as duty calls.  There is a basket
of samples on the counter, but the local children do a good job of keeping
it empty!

27 23 21 10 9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 31 31 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 21 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
11 -1	mobs
End of Room
32		Room Number
garland_bank ~	names
The Bank of Garland
	This is the main commercial center of Garland and the surrounding
area.  Two, very big, guards, one appearing to be of Ogrue descent stand
watch for the thieves that have lately started plagueing this once
peaceful city.  The cashiers at their desks are as friendly as ever, and
one young clerk blushes and looks away as you notice them staring at you.
Hmmm, maybe you should visit here more often!

27 25 23 21 10 9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 32 32 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 4 43 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
233 264 265 -1	mobs
End of Room
33		Room Number
NW_Rose_Lane ~	names
Northwest Rose Lane.
     You are at the beginning of Rose Lane, which continues to the north
west.  The plaza lies to the south east.
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 33 33 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 7 34 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 24 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
34		Room Number
NW_Rose_Lane ~	names
Northwest Rose Lane.
	You are at the edge of town right outside the Grapes of Wrath tavern.
The cheerful noise draws you toward the entrance to the north east, but you
know you should probably continue back south east, towards the center of
Garland.  Perhaps just one drink wouldn't hurt...

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 34 34 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 6 35 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 86 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 33 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
35		Room Number
tavern ~	names
The Grapes of Wrath Tavern
This fine establishment serves great beer and every now and then
Camlor, the sturdy owner, cooks up a decent meal.  Unfortunately, it
seems you have come on one of those days in which the food isn't so good!

23 21 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 35 35 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 8 34 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
1 -1	mobs
End of Room
36		Room Number
W_Daisy_Lane ~	names
Western Daisy Lane.
You find yourself just west of the center of town on Daisy Lane.  The road
continues to the west towards a massive gate which you can see even from this
distance.  To the north is a strange-looking building.  The huge pillars
made of concrete are scarred horribly with large chunks of them missing
in places.  In a few places rusted metal can be seen exposed where the 
concrete has been chipped away.  You can only marvel at the ancients, who
could afford the steel, and then build the structure in front of you.  A small
stairwell leads down into a hole in the ground, and there is a sign mounted on
a pole near it.

32 23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
sign shop quad quadcaster ~
Quad's store.  Dragon items are just the beginning!
The sign is made of dragon hides and scales placed together in a distinct
pattern.  The writing is made from little pieces of ni'ite held in by nails at
the top and bottom of each piece.

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 36 36 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 10 1502 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 1 25 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 37 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 96 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 76 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 3 -1	mobs
End of Room
37		Room Number
ruins_garland ~	names
Entrance to the Tubes
  This building has obviously been here a long time.  The walls are over
four feet thick, poured concrete.  It has undergone some tremendous stress, as
one of the supporting pillars has a chunk taken out bigger than your head,
revealing the rusting iron underneath.  The roof was a later addition
of more contemporary materials.  A strange set of iron steps leads down
into a cavernous room.  

25 23 21 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 37 37 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 10 38 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 36 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
38		Room Number
garland_tube_stop ~	names
Garland station
    This room, much like the room above it, is constructed mostly of concrete,
much more than even the largest guild could provide in these times.  Some of
the supports have scars which could be caused by things you can only imagine.
There is a strange silvery wall with automatic doors to the east.  One local
entrepreneur has obtained the rights to make you pay to get on the tube-trains
that arrive periodically.  There is a map on the wall that tries to show
you the destinations available, and a small sign posted by the ticket machine.

32 23 21 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
map ~
A faded map drawn on an ancient steel plate is bolted to the concrete
wall.  There is a large red arrow pointing to a smudge near the center
of the map, which you assume must be Garland.  If there were routes
along every line on the map, you could go almost anywhere, but from
the looks of the place, that must not be the case.  Someone has scrawled
along the bottom:  "This train sucks, it doesn't go anywhere!!"

1   Start of KeywordPair
sign ~
A small sign points you to a ticket machine that has since been
demolished.  It looks like someone has cleaned out a place to
install a new one though...

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 38 38 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 4 40 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 37 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
16777255		Vehicle number
train ~	names
The Silver Train
  This is a marvel of a previous era.  The ancients, for all their flaws
and violence, and perhaps because of it, were excellent engineers.  The tube
train networks are a prime example of this fact.  When the ancients destroyed
themselves with their own fire, the tube trains were some of the few artifacts
that remained intact.  Many tubes have collapsed, but the trains seem smart
enough to route around these obstacles when they can.  The tech has
outlasted their extinct creators, a sad but powerful testament to the
power of man.  

23 21 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 39 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 12 -40 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
7 2 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

1  Beginning of PathCell
At Garland Central.

1 1 south is_dest, i_th, dir, End of PathCell..
1  Beginning of PathCell
Within the dark tube.

0 1 south is_dest, i_th, dir, End of PathCell..
1  Beginning of PathCell
Within the dark tunnel.

0 1 south is_dest, i_th, dir, End of PathCell..
1  Beginning of PathCell
At the southern station.

1 1 north is_dest, i_th, dir, End of PathCell..
1  Beginning of PathCell
Gliding through the dark tunnel.

0 1 north is_dest, i_th, dir, End of PathCell..
1  Beginning of PathCell
Gliding through the dark tunnel.

0 1 north is_dest, i_th, dir, End of PathCell..
-1 End of PathCells..
8 40 300 300 8  End of Vehicle
40		Room Number
tube_tunnel ~	names
The tube
     You are moving quietly and smoothly down the tube towards your
destination.  You are near Garland Station.

23 21 14 13 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1025 1 40 40 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 38 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 41 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 12 39 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
41		Room Number
tube_tunnel ~	names
The tube
The tube is almost totally dark.  It's smooth to the touch and is
covered with very fine dust.

23 21 14 13 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1025 1 41 41 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 40 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 42 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
42		Room Number
tube_tunnel ~	names
The tube
You find yourself at the southern Station in Garland.

23 21 14 13 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1025 1 42 42 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 41 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
43		Room Number
east_daisy_lane ~	names
Eastern Daisy Lane
	The lane continues to the east toward Garland's eastern gates, and
west toward the central plaza.  The Bank of Garland is to the north and
Gimbal, the local lawyer, has his office to the south.

23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 43 43 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 50 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 32 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 48 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 29 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
44		Room Number
north_gate ~	names
The northern gates of Garland
	These gates are quite low, and in fact they are often left open
for convenience.  There are a few guards around, but they mostly just
gossip with the townspeople who come and go.  The road continues to the
north towards Glenwood Forrest.  The road is quite wide and well kept
because it is the main trade route to the northeast.

23 21 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 44 44 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 114 45 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 23 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
45		Room Number
traderoad ~	names
Outside the northern gates
	You are just outside the thriving city of Garland.  The northern
gates are to your south and the road continues to the north towards 

33 23 21 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 45 45 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 114 -44 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 352 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
46		Room Number
pick_nick_area ~	names
Dorian's picknick tables.
	There are several picknick tables aranged on a brick patio here.  To
the south there is a small hedge wall seperating the square from the dining
area.  The back of a building blocks the east and Kaela's Flowers is to the
north.  The patio is made of red bricks placed closely together and grouted
with a fine with sand.  Dorian is sure to pull any weed that dare intrude
and keeps the tables and benches in good repair.  This is a popular place
for the young people to spend their evenings when the weather is pleasant.

25 23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 46 46 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 27 47 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 21 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
164 164 164 -1	mobs
End of Room
47		Room Number
flower_shop ~	names
Kaela's Flower Shop
	Kaela, despite her childhood has created a small piece of heaven here.
Beautiful boquets in baskets bequeath an air of eternal life, even in the
darkest days of winter.  The building is both a shop and a greenhouse.  The
moist air is filled with the fragrance of exotic flowers from the elven woods
to the north, and the indestructable cacti of the southern deserts.  A pair
of colorful birds, a gift from an Anitre nobleman, flit around making an
astonishing amount of noise.  Kaela smiles in greeting and offers her help
in finding the perfect flower for the occasion.

25 23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 47 47 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 27 -46 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 4 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
58 -1	mobs
End of Room
48		Room Number
gimbal_shop ~	names
Gimbal's Justice
	This is the dimly lit office of Gimbal.  The place is not exactly
clean, and while you might expect a few leather bound books of law, or at
least some handsomely printed scrolls, there is nothing scholarly about this
place.  There is a nice set of leg irons in the corner, and a broad sword
worthy of a large man!  That man would have to be Gimbal, who has just
walked out of his back office.  

27 25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 48 48 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 29 49 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 43 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
401 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
49		Room Number
gimbals_office ~	names
	This room is cluttered beyond belief.  Three of the corners are piled
high with junk, and a fourth holds a low mattress, which may have once been
clean.  It becomes clear that Gimbal actually lives in this hole, and you
no longer wonder why he keeps the door closed!

27 25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 2 49 49 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 29 -48 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
50		Room Number
east_daisy ~	names
Eastern Daisy Lane
The street leads east towards the gates, and west towards the town proper.
The sounds of steel on steel resound from the north, which proves to be
a blacksmith's store.  The armory is to the south.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 50 50 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 51 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 55 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 56 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 43 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 -1	mobs
End of Room
51		Room Number
east_gates ~	names
Eastern Gates of Garland
These are the eastern gates of Garland.  A great expanse of rolling plains
and small forests stretches out to the east as far as you can see.  A decent
sized road winds along the outside of the city walls to the south, leading
out across the plains.

23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 51 51 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 31 52 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 1512 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 50 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
52		Room Number
outside_gates ~	names
Before the Eastern Gates
The beautiful city of Garland lies to the west, and a road continues
east across a small field.  To the south another road snakes around the
outside of the crumbling city walls.

23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 52 52 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 4197 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 31 -51 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 2085 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
53		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Northeast Violet Drive.
This lane runs in a diagonal direction to the northeast towards a few of
the guilds, and southwest back towards the center of town.  Farther to the
north east, a bunch of young adults are standing around talking and laughing.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 53 53 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 6 59 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 30 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
54		Room Number
garlandstore ~	names
General Store
Here is a quaint store run by one of Garlands friendliest folk. The shop is
loaded, shelf to shelf, of useful items that many take with them on their
journey to unknown lands. Many people rush in to find the best prices as you
gaze around.  The shop keeper is always willing to buy from you, if you have
something of interest. The exit is to the north.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 54 54 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 29 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
278 -1	mobs
End of Room
55		Room Number
garlandweaponsmith ~	names
With a 'clink' and a 'clank' you see a weaponsmith over in a corner shaping a
sword with his hammer.  With a rolling, joyful laugh, he greets you and
persuades you to have a look around.  There are weapons of all sorts here, from
swords to whips, from hammers to axes.  They are all very beautiful, for the
weaponsmith takes great care in his work.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 55 55 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 4 50 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
205 -1	mobs
End of Room
56		Room Number
garlandarmory ~	names
In this dark and mysterious shop, armor of all types can be found.  Some
pieces are of finely linked steel rings, others of massive plates of steel.
More exotic pieces lie behind the counter, where sits a gaunt man in
a wide brimmed leather hat. 

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 56 56 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 50 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
446 -1	mobs
End of Room
57		Room Number
garlandmagic ~	names
Magic Shop
A kind and gentle sorcerer greets you at the door. He is not ugly or wrinkled,
but very handsome and intelligent for good magic is his way. On the side
counter are scrolls of incantations used for a variety of spells. Magic potions
bubble in flasks as a homely aroma fills the room. This small store enchants
you and you feel compelled to stay a bit longer. 

32 23 21 10 9 7 6 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
list note ~

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 57 57 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 4 25 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
447 -1	mobs
End of Room
58		Room Number
garlandjewelers ~	names
Rocks and Gold
Jewels and diamonds lighten the store with a glorious light. Rubies,
emeralds, sapphires and stones fill the room in baskets and shelves. A
small, homely lady sings a little ditty to herself as she polishes her
necklaces of gold.  Beautiful and enchanting rings twinkle in your eye as
and silver bracelets compell you to stay and look.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 58 58 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 25 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
59		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Northeast Violet Drive.
You are on Violet Drive in the northeastern quadrant of Garland.  The mages'
guild is to the north and the clerics have set up an academy to the southeast. 
The two schools of thought share an interest in magical powers, and a powerful
rivalry.  Often the elders of both schools sit outside their academies and
discuss the shortcomings of their neighbors with zest!

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 59 59 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 60 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 6 90 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 61 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 53 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
60		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Before the Mage Academy.
This is the enterance to the Mage academy.  Magic has lately become a 
respected art and there are many young people hanging around.  In fact, the
mage students' parties have actually started rivaling the parties held over
in the trade school in the northwestern quarter, no doubt helped by the fact
that the cleric academy to the south has recently been very successful in
recruiting some of the brighter young ladies.  The two schools have some
idealogical differences, but the students seem to be able to put those aside,
and it must be said that the mages do put on a pretty good show at times!

33 23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 60 60 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
143 -1	inv
1 3 62 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 59 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
16 -1	mobs
End of Room
61		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Before the Cleric academy.
This has a peaceful atmosphere.  The walkway leading to the low stone buildings
are lined with shrubbery and an occasional bench on which the more serious
students often have quite animated discussions.  There are three buildings in
sight, one to the east, southeast, and south.  A small fountain contains
a teeming variety of life, including some brightly colored fish from foreign

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 61 61 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 89 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 59 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
62		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
In the main hall.
This is a large room with a high, arched ceiling.  The general impression is
that it is quite dark.  The walls and beams are all made of a dark, polished
wood and the floor is mostly of large stone slabs set in mortar.  There is a
large fireplace that is putting out much more light and heat than you would
expect from some mundane fire, but then you realize where you are at!  A
large staircase leads up to a second floor on the west side of the room and
a door to the east leads out into the courtyard. 

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 62 62 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 64 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 60 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 9 63 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
81 79 -1	mobs
End of Room
63		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
The upstairs hallway.
This narrow hall leads a short distance to the north and the large staircase
leads back down to the main fellowship hall.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 63 63 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 10 62 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 65 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
64		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
In the courtyard.
This is where the largest parties are held.  The courtyard has some large,
stone paved walkways and some benches around the edge.  It is entirely walled
in so the light and sound is somewhat muffled, although the neighbors still
complain, and once an elder mage was so upset the cast a spell of silence
over the area that lasted 2 weeks.  A large stone slab stands in the middle of
the yard, and on this the more advanced students put on shows and exhibitions.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 64 64 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 68 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 62 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
78 -1	mobs
End of Room
65		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
End of the hall.
The hallway leads back towards the south from whence you came and a door
leads to a room to the east.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 65 65 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 66 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 63 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
66		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
A larger classroom.
This is one of the large classrooms on the premises and thankfully, for the
students at least, it has several windows on the eastern side.  The northern
wall is taken up by the stone chimney of the fireplace in the hall below and
keeps this room warm on even the coldest days.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 66 66 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 2 65 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
67		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
In a classroom.
This is a fairly small classroom, and the space isn't helped by the fact that
the western side of the ceiling slants down almost to the floor due to the
roof.  Much to your dismay, there are no windows here, but there is some kind
of glowing bulb attached, or suspended just below, the sloping ceiling that
gives off quite a bit of light.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 67 67 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 65 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
68		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
In the courtyard.
This is the northern part of the courtyard.  This area is mostly grassed and
a few bushes or shrubs, depending on your view, grow here and there.  A large,
very sturdy looking building lies directly to the north.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 68 68 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 69 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 64 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 73 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
69		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
In the practice barn.
This is the place the mages actually practice their spells.  The walls are
made of whole logs, carried from Glenwood forest to the north, and some of
the more advanced mages have made them as immune to magic as possible.  It
looks as if they did their job well, for though there are large burn marks
and bits of melted glass on the floor, the walls stand with hardly a scratch. 
The one exception are the letters K-O-R-G etched deeply into the wood.  Korg
has since left the academy, but he has made his mark in other lands as well..

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 69 69 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 4 68 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
70		Room Number
S_Lily_Lane ~	names
Southern Lily Lane.
    This cheerful lane continues to the south and north.  Just to the
south the road gets a little narrower, and to make things worse, there is a
broken down cart against the righthand wall.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 70 70 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 27 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 79 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 80 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
305 -1	mobs
End of Room
71		Room Number
Temple_Garland ~	names
In a marble altar.
The altar contains many gifts that people offer as tokens to the
powers of good.  Fortunately, temple attendants regularly clean the
altar out, because food is a typical offering!  Flowers also can be
seen from time to time.

34 33 27 26 25 24 23 21 14 12 11 10 8 7 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1025 1 71 1 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 135 -1 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
72		Room Number
SW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Southwest Violet Drive.
     This road leads to the southwest towards some shops and northeast
towards the central plaza.  Someone has placed a container of potted
violets on their open window, just makes you feel good about life!
23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 72 72 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 1500 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 6 26 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
73		Room Number
mage_academy ~	names
Grand Mage's Quarters
These are the quarters of the Grand Mage, the master of the academy.  In the
two hundred years since its founding, this room has housed some of the
brightest minds in this part of the realm.  The walls are panelled with dark
wood, but the large exposed beams support some unnatural lights that keep the
place brightly lit.  Large bookcases fill the wall to your left and a large
desk is positioned so that Shawna can look out at the yard.  A stout door lies
to the north.

27 23 21 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 73 73 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 47 74 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 1 68 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
76 -1	mobs
End of Room
74		Room Number
bedroom ~	names
Bedroom of the Master's Quarters
These are the private quarters of the Grand Mage Shawna.  She often retreats
to here for some peace and quiet.  A smaller, and much more cluttered desk
can be seen across the room to the north by a small window.  A scroll of
parchment lies on the desk, beside a framed sketch of a striking young man.

27 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 74 74 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 47 -73 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
75		Room Number
SW_Rose_Lane ~	names
Southeastern Rose Lane.
    This roads leads southeast towards some shops and its end and northwest
towards the central plaza.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 75 28 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 7 28 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 97 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
76		Room Number
W_Daisy_Lane ~	names
Inside the Western Gates.
You are just inside the magnificant Western Gates of Garland.  To the north
is an impressive mound of broken concrete and tortured steel.  The years have
blunted the edges, and much of the exposed steel has been extracted over the
aeons, but the heap of strange materials, many of them impossible to cut or
break, continues to arouse speculation and yearnings for knowledge of the
past.  Western Daisy lane continues to the east past another ancient structure,
this one still mostly intact.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 76 76 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 36 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 77 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 160 3 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
77		Room Number
W_Daisy_Lane ~	names
At the Western Gates.
These gates are one of the prides of Garland.  They were constructed several
years ago as a symbol of the city's prosperity.  The local colleges helped
with the excavation and erection of the huge pillars of ancient steel and
concrete.  The pillars' original purpose remains unknown but it could not
have been nobler than serving as fifty foot sentinals to a town priding
itself on scholarship and noble deeds.  To the east you catch a glimpse of the
huge collection of rubble from which the pillars were extracted.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 77 77 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 76 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 113 78 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 -1	mobs
End of Room
78		Room Number
W_Daisy_Lane ~	names
West of the Gate.
The magnificant gates to the east signify the offical start of Garland,
the City of Light.  Small farm houses dot the surrounding country side giving
it a peaceful, if somewhat desolate look.  The road continues to the south
west across the plains.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 78 78 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 113 -77 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 2096 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
3 -1	mobs
End of Room
79		Room Number
S_Lily_Lane ~	names
Southern Lily Lane.
Lily Lane continues to the north towards the center of town, and south towards
the gates.  The road is pretty narrow here, and the buildings are mostly old
and in disrepair.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 79 70 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 14 1463 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 70 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 92 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 204 204 -1	mobs
End of Room
80		Room Number
alley ~	names
In the narrow alley.
The alley is narrow and filled with debris, which almost seems to be placed to
slow you down on purpose!  There are numerous places for would be attackers to
hide, and the uneven cobblestones would make battle treacherous.  To the east
the alley opens into a larger road, and to the west it continues into darkness.

25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 80 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 70 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 81 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
81		Room Number
alley ~	names
In the narrow alley.
The narrow alley turns to the southwest and continues to the east in
shadows.  A smashed cart lies against the north wall of stone, leaving you
to squeeze through the narrow path to the southwest.  You feel eyes watching
you, and you can't tell if the whispering sounds from above are of man,
beast or wind!

25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 81 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
12 -1	inv
1 1 80 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 82 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
82		Room Number
alley ~	names
In the narrow alley.
You are at the east edge of a large stone courtyard.  Small groups of
people congregate near the door of the large, dark building to the north.
The courtyard is about 50 paces across, and relatively clean, although
the large stone benches seem conveniently placed to make getting to the
entrance of the building a slow affair.

33 25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 82 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 6 81 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 83 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
83		Room Number
alley ~	names
In the courtyard.
You are in the store courtyard that seems to be the hub of many small
paths and alleys.  You can be sure that there are more than you see at
first glance!  To the north is a large tavern, and its large fireplace
casts dancing shadows through the door and onto the surrounding

25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 83 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 82 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 3 84 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
197 -1	mobs
End of Room
84		Room Number
tavern ~	names
Maedon's Tavern
The tavern is quite large, with huge exposed oak beams to support the roof
and thik stone walls all around.  There is a large fireplace on the western
side of the room, with a large iron spit for roasting large chunks of meat.
Several clusters of oil-burning lamps are located on the walls to give off
light for the many customers.  Waiters and waitresses keep the flagons full,
and laughter can be heard often.  Along the northern wall is a large bar
crowded with stools and patrons, and a stout railing protects a flight
of stairs descending into the darkness.

25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 84 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 10 85 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 83 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
516 196 195 -1	mobs
End of Room
85		Room Number
tavern ~	names
A darkly lit room.
This is both the living quarters and meeting room of Maedon.  The actual
size of the room is hard to judge because of the shadows and thick hanging
curtains that hide the walls.  A large table dominates the center of the
room and stout chairs are arranged around the perimeter.  Stout stairs
lead up to the tavern above.

25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 85 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 9 84 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
186 -1	mobs
End of Room
86		Room Number
NW_Rose_Lane ~	names
Northwest Rose Lane.
To the northeast are the practice yards of the local constabulary.
Rose lane continues to run northwest to southeast, back towards the
center of town.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 86 34 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 6 87 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 5 34 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
87		Room Number
NW_Rose_Lane ~	names
In the large practice yard.
This is the headquarters of the local constabulary.  Many of the young
men and women of the area come here for basic self defense training, and
a few go on to become masters of their trade.  A low building lies to the
west, where final examinations are given.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 87 34 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 8 86 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 88 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
88		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
A large practice hall.
This is where more serious students come to test their skills and learn
new ones.  The room is plain and sparsely decorated.  The ceiling is higher
than it looked from outside because the floor is recessed into the ground.
It is covered with sawdust, and shows signs of strenous combat.  The wide
door leads back to the yard to the east.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 88 66 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 87 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
199 -1	mobs
End of Room
89		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
In the chapel.
This is the chapel in which the students can come and discuss many
of the great secrets and teachings with the elders of the order.
The room is light and airy, and there is almost always someone around
to teach those who are in need.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 89 66 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 2 61 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
201 -1	mobs
End of Room
90		Room Number
NW_Violet_Drive ~	names
Northeast Violet Drive.
You are on Violet drive in the north eastern quadrant of Garland.  A
tinker's shop can be seen to the east, where the lore master tries to
learn of the ancient peoples. The road continues back to the southwest
towards the center of town.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 90 59 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 91 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 8 59 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
204 -1	mobs
End of Room
91		Room Number
tavern ~	names
The Tinkerer
This shop, or study as the owner refers to it, is packed with strange
contraptions and broken artifacts from all over the known (and unknown)
world.  The Lore Master has gathered all of these in an effort to understand
those who came before.  It will be a slow task, but he takes pains to teach
those who are interested, so that his knowledge will not die with him.

25 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 91 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 2 90 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
92		Room Number
S_Lily_Lane ~	names
North of the Gates.
Lily lane narrows here and the shops become more sparse.  To the south
a semblance of a gate can be seen, but it is beyond repair.  A small path
leads to the northeast where there is a meeting hall of some kind, and
Lily lane continues north towards the center of town.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 92 70 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 79 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 4 93 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
93		Room Number
S_Lily_Lane ~	names
At the Southern Gates.
The dusty road from the south becomes slightly paved as it turns north
through some broken gates into the city of Garland.  To the south
the rolling hills covered with grass and trees continue out of sight.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 93 70 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 3 92 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
94		Room Number
S_Lily_Lane ~	names
Front room of the Garland Pet Shop
You stand in the front room of Garland's pet shop.  The barks, chirps, and
meows of the animals can be heard, though muffled, through the door which leads
to the back room of the shop.  A man stands behind the counter, his back to the
window which displays the animals in the back room.  A sign is hanging on the

32 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
sign ~
Welcome to the Garland Pet Shop.
If you'd like to buy a pet, please purchase one of the tokens here and take it
into the back room.  Give the token to my assistant and he'll give you your
Thank you.

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 94 27 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 27 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 95 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
408 -1	mobs
End of Room
95		Room Number
S_Lily_Lane ~	names
Back room of the Garland Pet Shop
You stand in the back room of the pet shop.  The noise is deafening, and you
wonder how anyone can stand it in here.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 95 27 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 94 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
409 -1	mobs
End of Room
96		Room Number
W_Daisy_Lane ~	names
The Garland development office
You stand within the Garland development office.  It is a small building,
though the rear part of the building is not visible or accessible to visitors. 
A bulletin board is nailed to the wall, and there are letters and notices of
various sorts on it.

23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 96 36 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
629 -1	inv
1 3 36 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
97		Room Number
SW_Rose_Lane ~	names
Southeastern Rose Lane.
This is the southeastern end of Rose Lane.  A shop lies to the west, and the
scent of meat drifts in from that direction.  A sign hangs from a post, swaying
in the breeze;  it reads simply:  Butcher.  The central plaza lies along the
road to the northwest.

23 21 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 97 28 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 7 75 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 98 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
98		Room Number
SW_Rose_Lane ~	names
In the butcher's shop.
This shop is completely filled with meat!  It hangs from the walls, ceiling,
and lies on the floor.  In the back of the shop stands a large husky man,
happily hacking away at the carcass of a deer with a large knife.  A sign hangs
from the ceiling on an unused meat hook.

32 23 21 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1   Start of KeywordPair
sign ~
The sign reads thusly:
Welcome to Frank's!  I only sell the highest quality in meats, and what you buy
will be spectacular on the dinner table!  Look around!
I won't buy meats from foreign sources;  however, if you bring in something
you'd like fixed up for you, just give it to me and I'll give a shot at turning
it into something more edible for you!

-1  No more KeywordPairs
1024 1 98 28 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 97 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
526 -1	mobs
End of Room