4193		Room Number
outside_gates ~	names
Yukon Road
Off to the east, a clearing is visible in the dense woods.  Grasses and
low-growing foliage are interspersed within the large trees which reach into
the sky above your head.  The road continues east and northwest.

23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 4193 52 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 4194 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 7 4195 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
4194		Room Number
outside_gates ~	names
Yukon Road
To the east lies a small clearing surrounded by tall trees.  The sounds of the
forest live echo throughout the woods, creating a very peaceful nature setting.
 The road travels back to the west, and the forest expands out in all

33 23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 4194 52 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 4085 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 4193 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
4195		Room Number
outside_gates ~	names
Yukon Road
the bumpy road makes a turn towards the southeast here.  A broken wheel lies
along the side of the road, and it looks almost as if two wagons collided here!
 The road travels deeper into the forest to the southeast, and back to the west
lies the intersection and beyond that the city of Garland.

23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 4195 52 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 5 4193 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 4196 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
4196		Room Number
outside_gates ~	names
Yukon Road
You stand at the edge of a small forest.  The trees are relatively sparse and
small here, but to the east lies a much thicker forest.  The road takes a turn
to the southeast not far ahead as it travels deeper into the forest.

23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 4196 52 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 4195 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 4197 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room
4197		Room Number
outside_gates ~	names
Yukon Road
The rough dirt road travels on to the east and west.  To the west, the city of
Garland is visible, its low eastern gates wide open.  Grasses growing on either
side of the road sway back and forth in the gentle breeze.

33 23 21 4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1024 1 4197 52 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
1 1 4196 0 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
1 2 52 1 door# dest# distance
-1	door Affected_Bye (end of door)
-1	End of Doors
-1	mobs
End of Room