// $Id: command4.cc,v 2000/05/29 23:21:19 greear Exp $
// $Revision: $  $Author: greear $ $Date: 2000/05/29 23:21:19 $

//ScryMUD Server Code
//Copyright (C) 1998  Ben Greear
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
//as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
//of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// To contact the Author, Ben Greear:  greear@cyberhighway.net, (preferred)
//                                     greearb@agcs.com

///**********************  command4.cc  ******************************///
#include "commands.h"
#include "command2.h"
#include "command3.h"
#include "command4.h"
#include "command5.h"
#include "olc2.h"   // For normalize_obj
#include "misc.h"
#include "misc2.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "classes.h"
#include "battle.h"
#include "spec_prc.h"
#include "spells.h"
#include "skills.h"
#include <fstream.h>
#include <PtrArray.h>
#include "load_wld.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "vehicle.h"

int do_gecho(const char* msg) {
   Cell<critter*> cll(pc_list);
   critter* ptr;

   while ((ptr = cll.next())) {
      show(msg, *ptr);
   return 0;

int title(const String* tit, critter& pc) {
   if (tit->Strlen() > 79) {
      return -1;
   (pc.short_desc) = *tit;
   return 0;

int poofin(String* pin, critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, NULL, NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (pin->Strlen() > 79) {
      show("Your poofin must be less than 80 characters.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   for (int i = 0; i<pin->Strlen(); i++) {
      if (pin->charAt(i) == '\n') {
         pin->setCharAt(i, ' ');

   show("Poofin changed.\n", pc);
   return 0;

int poofout(String* pin, critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, NULL, NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (pin->Strlen() > 79) {
      show("Your poofout must be less than 80 characters.\n", pc);
      return -1;
   for (int i = 0; i<pin->Strlen(); i++) {
      if (pin->charAt(i) == '\n') {
         pin->setCharAt(i, ' ');

   show("Poofout changed.\n", pc);
   return 0;

int oreload(critter& pc) {

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFR", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (update_objects(ROOM.getZoneNum(), TRUE) >= 0) {
      show("Objects in your current zone have been reloaded.\n", pc);
   else {
      pc.show("ERROR:  There was an error, probably out of disk space (VERY BAD).\n");
   return 0;

int mreload(critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFR", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (update_critters(ROOM.getZoneNum(), TRUE) >= 0) {
      show("Critters in your current zone have been reloaded.\n", pc);
   else {
      pc.show("ERROR:  There was an error, probably out of disk space (VERY BAD).\n");
   return 0;

int read(int i_th, const String* post, int j_th, const String* board, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   Cell<object*> cll(*(ROOM.getInv()));
   object* ptr;
   if (board->Strlen() == 0) {
      while ((ptr = cll.next())) {
         if (ptr->OBJ_FLAGS.get(74))
   else {
      ptr = ROOM.haveObjNamed(j_th, board, pc.SEE_BIT);

   if (!ptr) {
      return look(i_th, post, pc, TRUE);
      //show("You don't see a bulletin board here.\n", pc);
      //return -1;

   object* msg;
   if (post->Strlen() > 0) {
      msg = have_obj_named(ptr->inv, i_th, post, ~0, ROOM);
   else { //by number only
      Sprintf(buf, "%i", i_th);
      msg = have_obj_named(ptr->inv, 1, &buf, ~0, ROOM);

   if (!msg) {
      show("The board doesn't contain that message.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   show(msg->short_desc, pc);
   show("\n\n", pc);
   show(msg->long_desc, pc);
   return 0;

int siteban(const String* site, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (pc.getImmLevel() < 8) {
      return -1;

   if (site->Strlen() < 2) {
      pc.show("You need to be more specific as to which site to ban.\n");
      return -1;

   banned_hosts.append(new String(*site));

   return 0;

int unsiteban(const String* site, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (pc.getImmLevel() < 8) {
      return -1;

   Cell<String*> cll(banned_hosts);
   String* ptr;
   ptr = cll.next();
   while (ptr) {
      if (*ptr == *site) {
         delete ptr;
         ptr = banned_hosts.lose(cll);
         pc.show("Removed it..");
         return 0;
      else {
         ptr = cll.next();

   pc.show("Didn't find that site to delete it...");
   return -1;

int list_site_bans(critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   pc.show("These sites are banned:\n\n");

   Cell<String*> cll(banned_hosts);
   String* ptr;

   while ((ptr = cll.next())) {
      pc.show("      ");
   return 0;

int passwd(const String* old, const String* new1, const String* new2,
            critter& pc) {
   if (!pc.pc)
      return -1;

   if (pc.pc->password != crypt((const char*)(*old), "bg")) {
      pc.show("Please enter a correct old password, see help.\n");
      return -1;

   if (*new1 != *new2) {
      pc.show("Your new passwords do not match, please retry.\n");
      return -1;

   pc.pc->password = crypt(*new1, "bg");

   pc.show("Password successfully changed.\n");

   return 0;

int unpost(int i_th, const String* post, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (pc.getImmLevel() < 8) {
      return -1;

   Cell<object*> cll(*(ROOM.getInv()));
   object* ptr;

   while ((ptr = cll.next())) {
      if (ptr->OBJ_FLAGS.get(74))

   if (!ptr) {
      show("You don't see a bulletin board here.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   object* msg;
   if (post->Strlen() > 0) {
      msg = have_obj_named(ptr->inv, i_th, post, ~0, ROOM);
   else { //by number only
      Sprintf(buf, "%i", i_th);
      msg = have_obj_named(ptr->inv, 1, &buf, ~0, ROOM);

   if (!msg) {
      show("The board doesn't contain that message.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   // NOTE:  Don't ever decrementCurInGame or anything, post objects
   //        are screwy in that they never have a counterpart in the
   //        obj_list.
   delete msg;

        /* update the numbers and short_descs for asthetic reasons */
   short eos, term_by_period;
   int i = 1;
   while ((msg = cll.next())) {
      Sprintf(buf, "%i", i);
      Put(new String(buf), msg->names);
      msg->names.append(new String(cstr(CS_MESSAGE, pc)));
      buf = msg->short_desc.Get_Command(eos, term_by_period);
      Sprintf(buf, "Message_%i", i);

   show("The message has been removed.\n", pc);

   return write_board(*ptr); //save new state

int write_board(object& obj) {
   String buf(100);
   Sprintf(buf, "./Boards/board_%i", obj.OBJ_NUM);
   ofstream ifile(buf);
   if (!ifile) {
      mudlog.log(ERROR, "ERROR:  couldn't open board file.\n");
      return -1;

   Cell<object*> cll(obj.inv);
   object* ptr;

   while ((ptr = cll.prev())) {
      ifile << ptr->OBJ_NUM << "\t\tMessage number\n";
      ifile << "\n\n";

   ifile << "-1                EOF.\n";
   return 0;

int post(const String* title, critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "mFPSG", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!pc.isPc())
      return -1;
   object* ptr;
   Cell<object*> cll(*(ROOM.getInv()));
   while ((ptr = cll.next())) {
      if (ptr->OBJ_FLAGS.get(74)) {


   if (!ptr) {
      show("There isn't a board here to post upon.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   pc.pc->post_msg = new object;
   pc.pc->post_msg->short_desc = *title;
   return 0;

int do_post(critter& pc) {
   String buf = pc.pc->input.Get_Rest();

   if (buf.Strlen() == 0) {
      show("Input a line of your message or a ~ to end it.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (buf == "~") {
      show("Your message has been posted.\n", pc);

      Cell<object*> cll(*(ROOM.getInv()));
      object* ptr;
      while ((ptr = cll.next())) {
         if (ptr->OBJ_FLAGS.get(74)) {
      if (!ptr) {
         show("Ack, someone moved the bulletin board.\n", pc);

                        /* clean up mess */
         delete pc.pc->post_msg;
         pc.pc->post_msg = NULL;
      else {                /* good to go, save to disk */
         pc.pc->post_msg->in_list = &(ptr->inv);  //make it SOBJ
         pc.pc->post_msg->OBJ_FLAGS.turn_on(7); //!mort
         int i = get_next_msg_num(*ptr);
         pc.pc->post_msg->OBJ_NUM = i;

         String* name = new String(20);
         Sprintf(*name, "%i", i);
         Put(name, (pc.pc->post_msg->names));
         Sprintf(buf, "message_%i", i);
         name = new String(buf);

         String tmp_desc((pc.pc->post_msg->short_desc));
                 "message_%i from %S:  ", i, name_of_crit(pc, ~0));

                 "A message from %S lies here.", name_of_crit(pc, ~0));

         Sprintf(buf, "./Boards/board_%i", ptr->OBJ_NUM);
         ifstream ifile(buf, ios::nocreate);
              if (!ifile) {
            mudlog.log(INF, "CHECK:  creating new board file.\n");
            String buf2(100);
            Sprintf(buf2, "cp ./World/DEFAULT_OBJECTS ./Boards/board_%i",
            system(buf2); //now it exists
         else {
            mudlog.log(INF, "CHECK:  didn't create new board file.\n");

         ofstream da_msg("./Boards/TMP_MSG");
         da_msg << i << "\tmessage number\n";
         da_msg << endl << endl << flush;
         Sprintf(buf, "cat ./Boards/board_%i >> ./Boards/TMP_MSG",
                 ptr->OBJ_NUM); //append it
         Sprintf(buf, "mv -f ./Boards/TMP_MSG ./Boards/board_%i", 
                    ptr->OBJ_NUM); //move it back to right name

         Put(pc.pc->post_msg, ptr->inv);
         pc.pc->post_msg = NULL;

      return 0;

   (pc.pc->post_msg->long_desc) += buf;
   (pc.pc->post_msg->long_desc) += "\n";
   return 0;

/* called as 'quit' by the player */
int log_out(critter& pc) {
   if (mudlog.ofLevel(DBG))
      mudlog << "in log_out:  "  << *(name_of_crit(pc, ~0))
             << " getCurRoomNum():  " << pc.getCurRoomNum()
             << "PC's addr:  " << &pc << endl;

   if (!pc.pc)
      return -1;

   if (!IsEmpty(pc.IS_FIGHTING)) {
      show("You must stop fighting first.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   show("Cya later.\n", pc);
   emote("has left the game.\n", pc, ROOM, TRUE);
   return 0;

int go(int i_th, const String* direction, critter& pc, int& is_dead) {
   if (pc.isMob()) { //if MOB
      return -1;
   return move(pc, i_th, *direction, TRUE, ROOM, is_dead);

int snoop(int i_th, const String* vict, critter& pc) {

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFPG", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (pc.getImmLevel() < 8) {
      show("Eh??", pc);
      return -1;

   critter* ptr = have_crit_named(pc_list, i_th, vict, pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);

   if (!ptr) {
      pc.show("That person cannot be found among the active players.\n");
      return -1;
   else if (ptr->SNOOPED_BY) {
      pc.show("You can't snoop that person now.\n");
      return -1;
   else if (!ptr->pc) {
      pc.show("You can only snoop PC's.\n");
      return -1;
   else if (&pc == ptr) {
      pc.show("You can't snoop yourself!\n");
      return -1;
   else {
      pc.SNOOPING = ptr;
      ptr->SNOOPED_BY = &pc;
      String buf(100);
      Sprintf(buf, "You are now snooping %S.\n", ptr->getName());

      if (mudlog.ofLevel(WRN)) {
         mudlog << "SNOOP:  " << *(pc.getName()) << " started snooping:  "
                << *(ptr->getName()) << endl;
   return 0;

int unsnoop(critter& pc) {
   if (pc.pc && pc.SNOOPING) {

      if (mudlog.ofLevel(WRN)) {
         mudlog << "SNOOP:  " << *(pc.getName()) << " stopped snooping:  "
                << *(pc.SNOOPING->getName()) << endl;

      pc.SNOOPING = NULL;
      pc.show("You have stopped snooping.\n");

   return 0;

int possess(int i_th, const String* vict, critter& pc) {

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (pc.getImmLevel() < 5) {
      show("Eh??", pc);
      return -1;

   critter* ptr = ROOM.haveCritNamed(i_th, vict, pc.SEE_BIT);

   if (!ptr) {
      pc.show("That person is not here.\n");
      return -1;
   else if (ptr->possessed_by) {
      pc.show("You can't possess that person now.\n");
      return -1;
   else if (ptr->isPc()) {
      pc.show("You can't possess PC's at this time.\n");
      return -1;
   else {
      if (ptr->isMob()) {
         ptr = mob_to_smob(*ptr,  pc.getCurRoomNum(), TRUE, i_th,
                           vict, pc.SEE_BIT);

      pc.possessing = ptr;
      ptr->possessed_by = &pc;
      String buf(100);
      Sprintf(buf, "You are now possessing %S.\n", ptr->getName());
   return 0;

int _goto(int i_th, const String* name, critter& pc) {
   int rm_num = -1;

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IBF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (name->Strlen() == 0) { //called like goto <rm_number>
      //mudlog << "_goto:  name has zero length." << endl;
      if (!check_l_range(i_th, 0, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS, pc, TRUE))
         return -1;
   else { 
      critter* crit = have_crit_named(pc_list, i_th, name,
                                      pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);
      if (!crit) {
         crit = have_crit_named(linkdead_list, i_th, name,
                                pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);

      if (crit) {
         rm_num = crit->getCurRoomNum();
      else {
         crit = room::haveCritNamedInWorld(i_th, name, pc.SEE_BIT, rm_num);

      if (!crit) {
         show("That person is not to be found.\n", pc);
         return -1;
      i_th = rm_num;

   if (!check_l_range(i_th, 0, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS - 1, pc, FALSE)) {
      show("Got an out of range room_num.  Check to see if the\n", pc);
      show("mob you tried to go to is constructed correctly.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   int znum = room_list[i_th].getZoneNum();
   if (mudlog.ofLevel(DBG)) {
      mudlog << "In _goto, znum: " << znum << endl;

   if (ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).isLocked()) {
      if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).isOwnedBy(pc)
          && !(znum == 0)) {
         if (pc.getImmLevel() <= 5) {
            pc.show("Sorry, that zone is locked and you do not own it.\n");
            pc.show("If you have a legit reason to visit it, talk to the\n");
            pc.show("head builder or coder for special permission.\n");
            return -1;

   String buf(100);

   if (pc.shouldDoPoofout()) {
   else {
      emote("disappears with a popping sound!\n", pc, ROOM, FALSE);

   //mudlog << "WARNING: about to doGoToRoom: " << i_th << endl;

   int is_dead;
   pc.doGoToRoom(i_th, NULL, NULL, is_dead, pc.getCurRoomNum(), 1);

   if (pc.shouldDoPoofin()) {
   else {
      emote("appears suddenly.\n", pc, ROOM, FALSE);
   return 0;
}//_goto room_number

int where(int i_th, const String* name, critter& pc) {
   Cell<critter*> cll;
   critter* ptr = NULL;
   String buf(100);

   int zn = ROOM.getZoneNum();

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "Fr", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (name->Strlen() == 0) { //list all in zone
      if (!pc.isImmort()) {
         while ((ptr = cll.next())) {
            if (zn == ptr->getCurZoneNum()) {
               if ((pc.LEVEL + 3 > ptr->LEVEL) && 
                   (pc.isRemort() || !ptr->isRemort()) &&
                   detect(pc.SEE_BIT, ptr->VIS_BIT | 
                          room_list[ptr->getCurRoomNum()].getVisBit())) {
                  Sprintf(buf, "%S%P20%S\n", name_of_crit(*ptr, pc.SEE_BIT),
                  show(buf, pc);
      else {
         int start = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(pc.getCurZoneNum()).getBeginRoomNum();
         int end = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(pc.getCurZoneNum()).getEndRoomNum();
         for (int i = start; i<= end; i++) {
            if (room_list.elementAtNoCreate(i)) {
               Cell<critter*> ccll(room_list[i].getCrits());
               while ((ptr = ccll.next())) {
                  if (!ptr->isPc()) {
                     Sprintf(buf, "[Room %i] %P11[%i]%P20%S.\n",
                             i, ptr->getIdNum(), ptr->getName());
                  else {
                     if (!ptr->isImmort() ||  (ptr->isImmort() && (ptr->getImmLevel() <= pc.getImmLevel()))) {
                        Sprintf(buf, "[Room %i] %P11[PC] ***%S***.\n", i, ptr->getName());
   else {
      if (pc.isImmort()) {
         if (strcasecmp(*name, "pcs") == 0) {
            Cell<critter*> ccll(pc_list);
            critter* ptr;
            while ((ptr = ccll.next())) {
               if (!ptr->isImmort() ||  (ptr->isImmort() && (ptr->getImmLevel() <= pc.getImmLevel()))) {
                  Sprintf(buf, "[Room %i] %P11[PC]%P20%S.\n",
                          ptr->getCurRoomNum(), ptr->getName());
            return 0;
         else if (strcasecmp(*name, "objs") == 0) {
            int start = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(pc.getCurZoneNum()).getBeginRoomNum();
            int end = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(pc.getCurZoneNum()).getEndRoomNum();
            for (int i = start; i<= end; i++) {
               if (room_list.elementAtNoCreate(i)) {
                  Cell<object*> ocll(*(room_list[i].getInv()));
                  object* optr;
                  while ((optr = ocll.next())) {
                     Sprintf(buf, "[Room %i] %P11[%i]%P20%S.\n",
                             i, optr->getIdNum(), optr->getLongName());
            return 0;
      }//if immort

      ptr = have_crit_named(pc_list, i_th, name, pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);
      if (ptr) {
         if (pc.isImmort()) {
            if (!ptr->isImmort() || (ptr->getImmLevel() <= pc.getImmLevel())) {
               Sprintf(buf, "%S%P20[%i]%S\n", ptr->getName(pc),
                       ptr->getCurRoomNum(), &(room_list[ptr->getCurRoomNum()].short_desc));
               show(buf, pc);
         else if ((pc.LEVEL + 3 > ptr->LEVEL) &&
                  (ROOM.getZoneNum() == 
                   room_list[ptr->getCurRoomNum()].getZoneNum()) &&
                  detect(pc.SEE_BIT, ptr->VIS_BIT | 
                         room_list[ptr->getCurRoomNum()].getVisBit())) {
            Sprintf(buf, "%S%P20%S\n", ptr->getName(pc.SEE_BIT),
            show(buf, pc);
      else {
         show("That person isn't logged on as far as you can tell.\n", pc);
   return 0;

int roll(int i, int j, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);
   if (i > 100) {
      pc.show("Can only roll your dice a max of 100 times!!\n");
      i = 100;

   Sprintf(buf, "Your roll of %i dice of %i side(s) is:  %i\n",
           i, j, d(i, j));
   return 0;

int uptime(critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   int ut = (time(NULL) - BOOT_TIME);
   int seconds = ut % 60;
   int mins = (ut % (60 * 60) / 60);
   int hours = (ut % (60 * 60 * 24) / (60 * 60));
   int days = (ut / (60 * 60 * 24));

   String buf(100);
   Sprintf(buf, "ScryMUD has been up for %i seconds, or:\n", ut);
   Sprintf(buf, "%i days, %i hrs, %i mins and %i secs\n",
           days, hours, mins, seconds);
   return 0;

int zgoto(int i_th, critter& pc) {
   int rm_num;

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(i_th, 0, NUMBER_OF_ZONES, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(i_th).isInUse()) {
      show("That zone has not been defined yet.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   int i = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(i_th).getBeginRoomNum();
   int ndroom = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(i_th).getEndRoomNum();
   rm_num = i;
   for (; i< ndroom; i++) {
      if (room_list[i].isInUse()) {
         rm_num = i;

   String buf(100);

   if (pc.shouldDoPoofout()) {
   else {
      emote("disappears with a popping sound!\n", pc, ROOM, FALSE);

   int is_dead;
   pc.doGoToRoom(rm_num, NULL, NULL, is_dead, pc.getCurRoomNum(), 1);

   if (pc.shouldDoPoofin()) {
   else {
      emote("appears suddenly.\n", pc, ROOM, FALSE);
   return 0;
}//goto zone

int rclear(int i_th, critter& pc) {
   int rm_num;
   String buf(100);

   mudlog.log(TRC, "In rclear.\n");

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (i_th == 1) { //do current room
      rm_num = pc.getCurRoomNum();
   else {
      if (!check_l_range(i_th, 0, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS, pc, TRUE)) {
         return -1;
      rm_num = i_th;
   if (!pc.doesOwnRoom(room_list[rm_num])) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this room.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   int new_rm_num;
   if (pc.getCurRoomNum() != config.loginRoom) {
      new_rm_num = config.loginRoom;
   else {
      new_rm_num = config.loginRoom + 1;

   if (mudlog.ofLevel(DBG)) {
      mudlog << "Rclear, new_rm_num:  " << new_rm_num 
             << " rm_num:  " << rm_num << "  pc:  " << *(pc.getName())
             << " i_th:  " << i_th << endl;

   room_list.setAndDestroy(NULL, rm_num);

   Sprintf(buf, "Cleared room# %i\n", rm_num);

   return 0;
}// rclear

int oclear(int i_th, critter& pc) {

   mudlog.log(TRC, "In oclear.\n");

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (!check_l_range(i_th, 2, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (!pc.doesOwnObject(obj_list[i_th])) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this object.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   show("Ok, the object was deleted from the online DB.  In order to make\n",
   show("these changes permanent, you will have to do an 'aosave'.\n", pc);

   Cell<critter*> ccll;
   critter* cptr;
   for (int i = 0; i<NUMBER_OF_ROOMS; i++) {
      if (room_list.elementAtNoCreate(i)) {

   while ((cptr = ccll.next())) {

   obj_list[i_th].Clear();  //clear out the object
   return 0;
}// oclear

int mclear(int i_th, critter& pc) {

   mudlog.log(TRC, "In mclear.\n");

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(i_th, 2, NUMBER_OF_MOBS, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (!pc.doesOwnCritter(mob_list[i_th])) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this mob.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   show("Ok, the mob was deleted from the online DB.  In order to make\n",pc);
   show("these changes permanent, you will have to do an 'amsave'.\n", pc);

   for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ROOMS; i++) {
      room_list[i].purgeCritter(i_th, pc);

   mob_list[i_th].Clear();  //clear out the mob

   return 0;
}// mclear

int dclear(int i_th, critter& pc) {

   mudlog.log(TRC, "In dclear.\n");

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(i_th, 2, NUMBER_OF_DOORS, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (!pc.doesOwnDoor(door_list[i_th])) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this door.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   show("Ok, the door was deleted from the online DB.  In order to make\n",
   show("these changes permanent, you will have to do an 'adsave'.\n", pc);

   door_list[i_th].Clear();  //clear out the mob

   Cell<door*> cll;
   door* ptr;
   for (int i = 0; i<NUMBER_OF_ROOMS; i++) {
      if (room_list.elementAtNoCreate(i)) {
         ptr = cll.next();
         while (ptr) {
            if (ptr->dr_data == &door_list[i_th])  {
               delete ptr;
               ptr = room_list[i].DOORS.lose(cll);
               ptr = cll.next();
   return 0;
}// dclear

int brief(critter& pc) {
   String buf("brief");
   return toggle_prompt(&buf, pc);

/* helper function, not a command */
int num_of_generic_door(const String* direction) {
   String* tmp_name;
   for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
      tmp_name = Top(door_list[i].names);
      if (strcasecmp(*direction, *tmp_name) == 0)
         return i;
   return -1;

int flip_door(int i_th, const String* name, critter& pc) {

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIFRZ", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   door* dr_ptr = door::findDoor(ROOM.DOORS, i_th, name, pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);
   if (!dr_ptr) {
      show("That door doesn't seem to exist.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (!dr_ptr->dr_data->door_data_flags.get(9)) {
      show("That door is flagged !FLIP.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   dr_ptr->destination = (-(dr_ptr->destination));
   show("The door has been flipped.\n", pc);
   return 0;

int door_to(int room_num, int dist, const String* direction, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIFZ", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (mudlog.ofLevel(DBG)) {
      String buf(100);
      Sprintf(buf, "DEBUG:  door_to:  Room_num: %i dist: %i dir -:%S:-\n",
              room_num, dist, direction);

   if (dist == 1) {
      show("NOTE:  door_to has been changed to include distance.\n", pc);
      show("READ THE HELP IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY.\n", pc);
   }//if one, odds are its a default value, ie not on purpose

   if (!check_l_range(dist, 0, 25, pc, FALSE)) {
      show("Distance is out of range, must be between 0 and 25.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (room_num <= 1) {
      Sprintf(buf, "You cannot build a door to that room ( room# <= 1): %i\n",
      return -1;

   if (room_num > NUMBER_OF_ROOMS) {
      show("Your stated room number is too high.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   String op_dir(get_opposite_dir(*direction));
   do_door_to(ROOM, room_list[room_num], dist, pc, direction);
   do_door_to(room_list[room_num], ROOM, dist, pc, &op_dir);
   return 0;

int do_door_to(room& cur_room, room& targ_room, int distance, critter&
                pc, const String* direction, int is_gate = FALSE) {
   String buf(100);
   int i;

   if (!is_gate) {
      if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BZR", 0, pc, &cur_room, NULL, TRUE)) {
         return -1;

      i = num_of_generic_door(direction);
      if (i < 0) {
         show("In what direction should your door to exit?\n", pc);
         return -1;
   }//if not a gate/portal
   else {
      i = is_gate;

   door* new_door = new door;
   new_door->dr_data = &(door_list[i]);
   new_door->destination = targ_room.getRoomNum();
   new_door->distance = distance;
   new_door->in_room = cur_room.getRoomNum();
   if (is_gate) {
      new_door->ticks_till_disolve = pc.LEVEL/8 + 1;
      obj_ptr_log << "NOTE " << cur_room.getIdNum() << " " << &cur_room
                  << "Adding to affected_rooms bcause of gate." << endl;
   Put(new_door, cur_room.doors);
   if (!is_gate)
     show("OK, doors added (its reflexive now)\n", pc);
   return 0;

int replace_door(int nd_num, const String* direction, critter& pc) {

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIFRZ", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (!check_l_range(nd_num, 0, NUMBER_OF_DOORS, pc, TRUE))
      return -1;

   if (IsEmpty(door_list[nd_num].names)) {
      show("That door doesn't exist yet.\n", pc);
      return -1;
   door* dr_ptr = door::findDoor(ROOM.DOORS, 1, direction, ~0, ROOM);
   if (!dr_ptr) {
      show("That door doesn't seem to exist.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   dr_ptr->dr_data = &(door_list[nd_num]); //essentially add new door
   return 0;

int delete_door(int i_th, const String* direction, critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIFRZ", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   door* dr_ptr = 
         door::findDoor(ROOM.DOORS, i_th, direction, pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);
   if (!dr_ptr) {
      show("That door doesn't seem to exist.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   delete dr_ptr; //only a shallow delete

   show("Ok, door has been removed.\n", pc);
   return 0;

int write_zone(int znum, critter& pc) {

   String buf(100);

   if (mudlog.ofLevel(DBG)) {
      mudlog << "In write zone, znum:  " << znum << endl;

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (znum == 1) {
     znum = ROOM.getZoneNum();

   if (!check_l_range(znum, 0, NUMBER_OF_ZONES, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).isLocked()) { //locked from mortals, mob_procs
      show("WARNING:  You cannot write a zone that is not locked.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).isTotallyLoaded()) {
      show("WARNING:  You cannot write a zone that isn't totally_loaded.\n", 
      return -1;

   if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).isOwnedBy(pc)) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this zone.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).canWriteRooms()) { //if locked (no write, checked out)
      show("WARNING:  All builders of your zone must finish their projects\n",
      show("before you can write it to disk.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   Sprintf(buf, "Your zone# %i is being written.\n", znum);

   return do_write_zone(znum);

int do_write_zone(int znum) {
   String buf(100);
   int j;
   Sprintf(buf, "./World/zone_%i", znum);
   ofstream rfile(buf);
   if (!rfile) {
      mudlog.log(ERROR, "ERROR:  rfile not opened in 'write_zone'.\n");
      return -1;
   for (j = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).getBeginRoomNum();
        j <= ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).getEndRoomNum();
        j++) {
      if (!IsEmpty(room_list[j].names)) {
         if (room_list[j].isVehicle()) {
            rfile << (j | 0x01000000) << "\t\tVehicle number\n";
         else {
            rfile << j << "\t\tRoom Number\n";
   rfile << "\n\n" << -1 << "\t\tEND OF FILE MARKER\n" << flush;
   return 0;

int zlock(int znum, critter& pc) {

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (znum == 1) {
      znum = ROOM.getZoneNum();

   if (!check_l_range(znum, 0, NUMBER_OF_ZONES, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).isOwnedBy(pc)) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this zone.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   show("Your present zone is now locked.\n", pc);
   return 0;

int zunlock(int znum, critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "BIF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (znum == 1) { //default is zone pc is in
     znum = ROOM.getZoneNum(); 

   if (!check_l_range(znum, 0, NUMBER_OF_ZONES, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(znum).isOwnedBy(pc)) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this zone.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   show("Your zone is now unlocked.\n", pc);
   return 0;

/* helper function */
int do_lock_room(room& rm) {
   return 0;

/* helper function */
int do_unlock_room(room& rm) {
   return 0;

/* set the players prompt */
int prompt(const String* pr, critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "mFG", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   if (*pr == "NORMAL") //reset to default
      pc.pc->prompt = "%N< %hH %mM %vV >  ";
      pc.pc->prompt = *pr;
   show("Ok.\n", pc);
   return -1;

int give(int i_th, const String* obj, int j_th, const String* target,
         critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);
   critter* targ;
   object* item;

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "mrFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;
   item = have_obj_named(pc.inv, i_th, obj, pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);
   if (!item) {
      show("You don't have that object.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   targ = ROOM.haveCritNamed(j_th, target, pc.SEE_BIT);
   if (!targ) {
      pc.show("To whom shall you give it?\n");
      return -1;

   if (targ == &pc) {
      show("Nothing much seems to change!!\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (targ->isMob())
      targ = mob_to_smob(*targ, pc.getCurRoomNum(), TRUE, j_th, target, pc.SEE_BIT);

                   /* assume have valid item and targ */

   return do_give(*targ, pc, *item);


int do_give(critter& targ, critter& pc, object& obj) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!source_give_to(pc, obj, targ)) {
      return -1;

   if (!obj_drop_by(obj, pc)) {
      return -1;

   if (obj.IN_LIST)
      obj.IN_LIST = &(targ.inv);


   /* this may fail silently with some mob procs, however, it should be
      harmless. */

   Cell<critter*> cll(ROOM.getCrits());
   critter* crit_ptr;
   while ((crit_ptr = cll.next())) {
      if ((crit_ptr != &targ) && (crit_ptr != &pc)) {
         Sprintf(buf, "%S gives %S to %S.\n",
                 name_of_crit(pc, crit_ptr->SEE_BIT),
                 long_name_of_obj(obj, crit_ptr->SEE_BIT),
                 name_of_crit(targ, crit_ptr->SEE_BIT));
         show(buf, *crit_ptr);

   Sprintf(buf, "You give %S to %S.\n", &(obj.short_desc),
        name_of_crit(targ, pc.SEE_BIT));
   show(buf, pc);

   Sprintf(buf, "%S gives you %S.\n", name_of_crit(pc, targ.SEE_BIT),
           long_name_of_obj(obj, targ.SEE_BIT));
   show(buf, targ);

   if (targ.isPlayerShopKeeper()) {
      if (targ.mob->proc_data->sh_data->getPsdFor(obj)==NULL) {
         say("I have no use for that.", targ, ROOM);
         drop_eq_effects(obj, targ, TRUE);

   int deleted_obj = FALSE;

   drop_eq_effects(obj, pc, FALSE); //don't do msgs
   gain_eq_effects(obj, NULL, targ, -1, FALSE, deleted_obj); //don't do msgs

   if (!deleted_obj) {
      do_domob_give_proc(targ, pc, obj); //this can recurse but twice I believe
      String cmd = "give";
      String obj_num;
      obj_num = obj.OBJ_NUM;
      ROOM.checkForProc(cmd, obj_num, pc, targ.MOB_NUM);

   return 0;

int olist(int start, int end, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (end == 1) {
      if (start + 20 >= NUMBER_OF_ITEMS) {
         end = (NUMBER_OF_ITEMS - 1);
      else {
         end = start + 20;

   if (!check_l_range(start, 0, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE) ||
       !check_l_range(end, 0, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   for (int i = start; i<= end; i++) {
      if (obj_list[i].OBJ_FLAGS.get(10)) {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\t%S\n", i, &(obj_list[i].short_desc));
         show(buf, pc);
      else {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\tTHIS OBJECT UNDEFINED.\n", i);
         show(buf, pc);
   return 0;

int zlist(int start, int end, critter& pc) {
   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IF", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   // Change default to zero.
   if (start == 1) {
      start = 0;

   if (end == 1) {
      if (start + 20 >= NUMBER_OF_ZONES) {
         end = (NUMBER_OF_ZONES - 1);
      else {
         end = start + 20;

   if (!check_l_range(start, 0, NUMBER_OF_ZONES, pc, TRUE) ||
       !check_l_range(end, 0, NUMBER_OF_ZONES, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   ZoneCollection::instance().zlist(pc, start, end);
   return 0;

int mlist(int start, int end, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (end == 1) {
      if (start + 20 > NUMBER_OF_MOBS) {
         end = NUMBER_OF_MOBS;
      else {
         end = start + 20;

   if (!check_l_range(start, 0, NUMBER_OF_MOBS, pc, TRUE) ||
       !check_l_range(end, 0, NUMBER_OF_MOBS, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   for (int i = start; i<= end; i++) {
      if (mob_list[i].CRIT_FLAGS.get(18)) {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\t%S\n", i, &(mob_list[i].short_desc));
         show(buf, pc);
      else {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\tTHIS MOB UNDEFINED.\n", i);
         show(buf, pc);
   return 0;

int rlist(int start, int end, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (end == 1) {
      if (start + 20 > NUMBER_OF_ROOMS) {
         end = NUMBER_OF_ROOMS;
      else {
         end = start + 20;

   if (!check_l_range(start, 0, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS, pc, TRUE) ||
       !check_l_range(end, 0, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   for (int i = start; i<= end; i++) {
      if (!IsEmpty(room_list[i].names)) {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\t%S\n", i, &(room_list[i].short_desc));
         show(buf, pc);
      else {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\tTHIS ROOM UNDEFINED.\n", i);
         show(buf, pc);
   return 0;

int dlist(int start, int end, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (end == 1) {
      if (start + 20 > NUMBER_OF_DOORS) {
         end = NUMBER_OF_DOORS;
      else {
         end = start + 20;

   if (!check_l_range(start, 0, NUMBER_OF_DOORS, pc, TRUE) ||
       !check_l_range(end, 0, NUMBER_OF_DOORS, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   for (int i = start; i<= end; i++) {
      if (!IsEmpty(door_list[i].names)) {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\t%S\n", i, &(door_list[i].long_desc));
         show(buf, pc);
      else {
         Sprintf(buf, "\t%i\tTHIS DOOR UNDEFINED.\n", i);
         show(buf, pc);
   return 0;

int adlist(int znum, critter& pc) {
   String buf(100);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   int zone_num;

   if (znum == 1) {
      zone_num = ROOM.getZoneNum();
   else {
      zone_num = znum;

   if (zone_num < 0)
      zone_num = 0;
   if (zone_num >= NUMBER_OF_ZONES) 
      zone_num = NUMBER_OF_ZONES - 1;

   Sprintf(buf, "Here are all the doors for zone: %i\n\n", zone_num);

   for (int i = 0; i<NUMBER_OF_DOORS; i++) {
      if (door_list[i].isInUse() && door_list[i].isInZone(zone_num)) {
         Sprintf(buf, "       %i%P14%S\n", i, &(door_list[i].long_desc));
         show(buf, pc);
   return 0;

int tog_rflag(int flagnum, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFPRZ", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(flagnum, 0, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (flagnum == 23) {
      pc.show("You can't toggle that flag, try rclone or rclear.\n");
   else {
      Sprintf(buf, "Toggling flag#:  %i.\n", flagnum);
      show(buf, pc);
      return 0;
   return -1;

int tog_vflag(int flagnum, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFPRZ", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(flagnum, 0, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!ROOM.isVehicle()) {
      pc.show("This room is not a vehicle.\n");
      return -1;
   else {
      vehicle* v = (vehicle*)(&ROOM);

      Sprintf(buf, "Toggling vehicle flag#:  %i.\n", flagnum);
      show(buf, pc);
      return 0;
   return -1;

int set_zflag(int flagnum, const String* on_off, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);
   int flag;

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFPR", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(flagnum, 0, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (strcasecmp(*on_off, "on") == 0) {
      flag = 1;
   else if (strcasecmp(*on_off, "off") == 0) {
      flag = 0;
   else {
      pc.show("Syntax:  set_zflag [flag_num] [on/off]\n");
      return -1;
   if (flagnum == 23) {
      pc.show("You can't toggle that flag, try rclone or rclear.\n");
   else {
      int start = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(pc.getCurRoom()->getZoneNum()).getBeginRoomNum();
      int end = ZoneCollection::instance().elementAt(pc.getCurRoom()->getZoneNum()).getEndRoomNum();
      if (flag) {
         Sprintf(buf, "Turning ON flag#:  %i in rooms %i through %i.\n",
                 flagnum, start, end);
      else {
         Sprintf(buf, "Turning OFF flag#:  %i in rooms %i through %i.\n",
                 flagnum, start, end);
      show(buf, pc);
      for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
         if (room_list.elementAtNoCreate(i)) {
            room_list[i].setFlag(flagnum, flag);
      return 0;
   return -1;

int rset(const String* targ, int new_val, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFPR", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   int len1;
   int flag = FALSE;

   if ((len1 = targ->Strlen()) == 0) {
      show("You may set any of these, range is in parentheses:\n", pc);
      show("movement (-5, 50)\n", pc);
      show("vis_bit (0, 2 billion), NOTE:  better know what yer doing!\n", pc);
      show("in_room (1, MAX_RM_NUM), Vehicles only.\n", pc);
      show("fall_to (0, MAX_RM_NUM), Where a flying critter will land if it falls.\n",pc);
      return 0;

   if (strncasecmp(*targ, "movement", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, -5, 50, pc, TRUE)) {
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "vis_bit", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 2000000000, pc, TRUE)) {
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "in_room", len1) == 0) {
      if (ROOM.isVehicle()) {
         vehicle* v = (vehicle*)(&(ROOM));
         if (strncasecmp(*targ, "in_room", len1) == 0) {
            if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS, pc, TRUE)) {
               flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "fall_to", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS, pc, TRUE)) {
         if (new_val == 0) pc.show("Falling critters will stay in this room.");
         flag = TRUE;

   if (!flag) {
      show("Error trying to rset.\n", pc);
      return -1;
   return 0;

/* vict is the name of the mob you wish to mset, targ is thing to set */
int mset(int i_th, const String* vict, const String* targ, int new_val,
         const String* new_val_string, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if ((pc.getImmLevel() >= 7) && !(pc.getCurRoom()->isZlocked())) {
      if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
         return -1;
   else {
      if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFPR", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
         return -1;

   if (vict->Strlen() == 0) {
      show("NOTE:  some of these may be restricted from you.\n", pc);
      show("These are your choices, range is in parentheses:\n\n", pc);
      show("Usage:  mset <<i_th> [mob] [thing_to_set] [new_value]\n", pc);
      show("If the new value is a string with spaces, be sure to\n", pc);
      show("put it in single quotes.\n", pc);

      Sprintf(buf, "skin_num, for MOBS (0-%i)\n", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
      show(buf, pc);
      show("open_time [shop keepers] (0, 23)\n", pc);
      show("close_time [shop keepers] (0, 23)\n", pc);
      show("buy% (0, 1000)              markup% (sell) (0, 10000)\n", pc);
      show("mob_name (keyword)          short_desc\n", pc);
      show("in_room_desc                naked_weight (1, 20000)\n", pc);
      show("sex (0-female, 1-male, 2-neuter)\n", pc);
      show("position (0, 6)             alignment (-1000 1000)\n", pc);
      show("hunger (-1, 9999)           thirst (-1, 9999)\n", pc);
      show("drugged (-1, 9999)          wimpy(0-99999)\n", pc);
      show("quest_points (0, 1000)      gold (0, 50 million)\n", pc);
      show("experience (0, 100 million) bank_gold (0, 50 million)\n", pc);
      show("strength (0, 100)           intelligence (0, 100)\n", pc);
      show("constitution (0, 100)       charisma (0, 100)\n", pc);
      show("wisdom (0, 100)             dexterity (0, 100)\n", pc);
      show("hit (-100, 100)             dam (0, 100)\n", pc);
      show("ac (-200, 200)              attacks (1, 4)\n", pc);
      show("class (100, 108)            race (0, 17)\n", pc);
      show("level (0, 40)               imm_level (0, 10)\n", pc);
      show("practices (0, 100)          mana (0, 10000)\n", pc);
      show("mov (0, 10000)              hp (0, 10000)\n", pc);
      show("hp_max (0, 10000)           mana_max (0, 10000)\n", pc);
      show("mov_max (0, 10000)          religion (0, 6)\n", pc);
      show("guild (0, 10)               vis_bit (0, 2 billion)\n", pc);
      show("see_bit (0, 2 billion)      max_in_game, for MOBS (0-200)\n", pc);
      show("heat_resis (-100, 200)      cold_resis (-100, 200)\n", pc);
      show("elect_resis (-100, 200)     spell_resis (-100, 200)\n", pc);
      show("bhd_count (0, 20)           bhd_sides (0, 100)\n", pc);
      show("hp_regen (-50, 500)         mana_regen(-50, 500)\n", pc);
      show("dam_giv_mob (1, 1000)       dam_rcv_mod(1, 1000)\n", pc);
      show("mov_regen (-50, 500)        exp_worth(0, millions)\n", pc);
      show("bad_assedness (-10, 10)     skill_violence (-10, 10)\n", pc);
      show("defensiveness (-10, 10)     social_awareness (-10, 10)\n", pc);
      show("benevolence (-10, 10)       pause (0, 50)\n", pc);
      show("Language (0 English, 1 Spanish, 2 Portugues)\n", pc);
      show("home_room (0 - MAX_ROOMS)   password(3 char mininum)\n", pc);
      show("manager (of store)          ticks_old(0, 500)", pc);
      show("ticks_till_freedom (0 - 500000)\n", pc);
      return 0;

   critter* ptr = NULL;
   if (strcasecmp(*vict, "DB") == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(i_th, 2, NUMBER_OF_MOBS, pc, TRUE, "Mob Number: ")) {
         pc.show("Modifying Database Directly.\n");
         ptr = &(mob_list[i_th]);
   else {
      ptr = ROOM.haveCritNamed(i_th, vict, pc.SEE_BIT);

   if (!ptr) {
      show("You don't see that person.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (!ptr->isInUse()) {
      pc.show("That mob has not been created yet.\n");
      return -1;

   if (!ptr->pc) {
      if ((pc.doesOwnCritter(*ptr)) ||
          (!(ROOM.isZlocked()) && pc.getImmLevel() > 6)) {
      else {
         show("You don't have permission to edit this mob.\n", pc);
         return -1;
   else {
      if (ptr->isImmort() && (ptr->IMM_LEVEL >= pc.IMM_LEVEL)
          && (ptr != &pc)) {
         show("You can't mess with one so powerful.\n", pc);
         return -1;

   short flag = FALSE; //did it work

   int len1 = targ->Strlen();
   if (len1 == 0) {
      show("Which attribute do you wish to set?\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (ptr->pc && pc.IMM_LEVEL == 10) { //most restricted ones
      if (strncasecmp(*targ, "imm_level", len1) == 0) {
         if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10, pc, TRUE)) {
            if (ptr->pc->imm_data) {
               show("Imm level changed.\n", pc);
               return 0;
   if ((ptr->pc) && (pc.IMM_LEVEL < 9) && (ptr != &pc)) {
         //only 9+ imms can 'set' pcs
      show("You must be an imm of level 9 or more to 'mset' players.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   // NPC Only attributes.
   if (ptr->isNpc()) {
      if (strncasecmp(*targ, "bad_assedness", len1) == 0) {
         if (check_l_range(new_val, -10, 10, pc, TRUE)) {
            flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "skill_violence", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, -10, 10, pc, TRUE)) {
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "ticks_old", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 500, pc, TRUE)) {
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "ticks_till_freedom", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 500000, pc, TRUE)) {
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "home_room", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, NUMBER_OF_ROOMS - 1, pc, TRUE)) {
           ptr->mob->home_room = new_val;
           flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "defensiveness", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, -10, 10, pc, TRUE)) {
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "social_awareness", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, -10, 10, pc, TRUE)) {
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "benevolence", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, -10, 10, pc, TRUE)) {
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "manager", 7) == 0) {
         flag = TRUE;
         if (pc.getImmLevel() >= 9) {
            if (ptr->isPlayerShopKeeper()) {
               ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data->manager = *new_val_string;
               if (ptr->isSmob()) {
                  pc.show("Saving shop owner now.\n");

            else {
               pc.show("Not a shopkeeper.\n");
         else {
            pc.show("You must be level 9 immort or higher.\n");

   if (ptr->pc) { //only can set these on pc's
      if (strncasecmp(*targ, "hunger", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, -1, 9999, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->HUNGER = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "thirst", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, -1, 9999, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->THIRST = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "drugged", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, -1, 9999, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->DRUGGED = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "quest_points", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 1000, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->pc->quest_points = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "practices", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->PRACS = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "password", len1) == 0) {
         if (new_val_string->Strlen() > 3) {
             ptr->pc->password = crypt(*new_val_string, "bg");
             pc.show("Password changed.");
             return 0;
         pc.show("Password must be more than 3 characters long.");
         return -1;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "language", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, (int)(English), (int)(LastLanguage - 1),
                          pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->pc->preferred_language = (LanguageE)(new_val);
          flag = TRUE;
   }//if pc only

   /* go check the rest, can be for pc OR mob, no more restrictions */

   if (strncasecmp(*targ, "max_in_game", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
       if (ptr->mob) {
          flag = TRUE;
        else {
           show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "naked_weight", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, 20000, pc, TRUE)) {
        flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "wimpy", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 99999, pc, TRUE)) {
        flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "mob_name", len1) == 0) {
      if (!ptr->isPc()) {
         ptr->names.append(new String(*new_val_string));
         flag = TRUE;
      else {
         show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "short_desc", len1) == 0) {
      if (!ptr->isPc()) {
         ptr->short_desc = *new_val_string;
         flag = TRUE;
      else {
         show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "in_room_desc", len1) == 0) {
      if (!ptr->isPc()) {
         ptr->in_room_desc = *new_val_string;
         flag = TRUE;
      else {
         show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "close_time", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 23, pc, TRUE)) {
       if (ptr->mob && ptr->mob->proc_data &&
           ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data) {
          ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data->close_time = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
        else {
          show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "buy%", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       if (ptr->mob && ptr->mob->proc_data &&
           ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data) {
          ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data->buy_percentage = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
        else {
          show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "markup%", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       if (ptr->mob && ptr->mob->proc_data &&
           ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data) {
          ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data->markup = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
        else {
          show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "close_time", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 23, pc, TRUE)) {
       if (ptr->mob && ptr->mob->proc_data &&
           ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data) {
          ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data->close_time = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
        else {
          show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "open_time", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 23, pc, TRUE)) {
       if (ptr->mob && ptr->mob->proc_data &&
           ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data) {
          ptr->mob->proc_data->sh_data->open_time = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
        else {
          show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "skin_num", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE)) {
       if (ptr->mob) {
         if (new_val == 0)  {
             ptr->mob->skin_num = 0;
         else {
           ptr->mob->skin_num = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;
        else {
          show("This can only work on MOBILES.\n", pc);
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "gold", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 50000000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->GOLD = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "position", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, POS_STAND, POS_PRONE, pc, TRUE)) {
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "experience", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100000000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->EXP = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "exp_worth", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 500000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->EXP = new_val * config.experienceDivisor;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "pause", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 50, pc, TRUE)) {
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "alignment", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -1000, 1000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->ALIGN = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "heat_resis", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -100, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->HEAT_RESIS = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "cold_resis", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -100, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->COLD_RESIS = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "elect_resis", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -100, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->ELEC_RESIS = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "spell_resis", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -100, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->SPEL_RESIS = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "bhd_count", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 20, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->BH_DICE_COUNT = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "bhd_sides", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->BH_DICE_SIDES = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "hp_regen", max(len1, 3)) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -50, 500, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->HP_REGEN = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "dam_giv_mod", max(len1, 5)) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, 1000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->DAM_GIV_MOD = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if ((strncasecmp(*targ, "dam_rcv_mod", max(len1, 5)) == 0) ||
            (strncasecmp(*targ, "dam_rec_mod", max(len1, 5)) == 0)) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, 1000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->DAM_REC_MOD = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "mana_regen", max(len1, 5)) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 500, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->MA_REGEN = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "mov_regen", max(len1, 4)) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -50, 500, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->MV_REGEN = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "bank_gold", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 50000000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->BANK_GOLD = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "strength", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->STR = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "intelligence", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->INT = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "constitution", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->CON = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "charisma", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->CHA = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "wisdom", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->WIS = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "dexterity", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->DEX = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "hit", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -100, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->HIT = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "dam", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->DAM = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "ac", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, -200, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->AC = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "attacks", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, 4, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->ATTACKS = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "sex", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 2, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->SEX = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "class", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, 8, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->CLASS = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "race", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, 17, pc, TRUE)) {
        ptr->RACE = new_val;
        flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "level", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 40, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->LEVEL = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "hp", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->HP = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "mana", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->MANA = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "mov", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->MOV = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "hp_max", max(len1, 4)) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "mana_max", max(len1, 5)) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->MA_MAX = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "mov_max", max(len1, 5)) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->MV_MAX = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "religion", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 6, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->RELIGION = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "guild", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->GUILD = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "vis_bit", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 2000000000, pc, TRUE)) {
         if (ptr->isPc() && !(pc.isImmort() && (pc.IMM_LEVEL >= 9))) {
            pc.show("That is restricted to you.\n");
         else {
            ptr->VIS_BIT = new_val;
            flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "see_bit", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 2000000000, pc, TRUE)) {
         if (ptr->isPc() && !(pc.isImmort() && (pc.IMM_LEVEL >= 9))) {
            pc.show("That is restricted to you.\n");
         else {
            ptr->SEE_BIT = new_val;
            flag = TRUE;

   if (flag) {
     show("Ok, new value has been set.\n", pc);
     return 0;
   else {
     show("Oops, for some reason it failed, remember that not everyone\n", pc);
     show("can do an mset on everyone else, some things are restricted.\n",
     return -1;

int oset(int i_th, const String* vict, const String* targ, int new_val,
         const String* new_val_string, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (vict->Strlen() == 0) {
      show("NOTE:  some of these may be restricted from you.\n", pc);
      show("These are your choices, range is in parentheses:\n", pc);
      show("Usage:  oset <<i_th> [object_name] [field] [new_value]\n", pc);
      show("If the new value has spaces in it, surround it with single\n", pc);
      show("quotes.\n\n", pc);

      Sprintf(buf, "key_num (0, %i)\n", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
      show(buf, pc);
      show("max_weight (0, 9999)        percentage_weight (1, 1000)\n",
      show("time_till_disolve (0, 500)  charges/light_count (-1, 100)\n",
      show("percent_load (0, 100)       weight (0, 10000)\n", pc);
      show("dice_sides (0, 50)          dice_count (0, 50)\n", pc);
      show("level (0, 30)               vis_bit (0, 2 billion)\n", pc);
      show("price (0, 50 million)       max_in_game(0, 1000)\n", pc);
      show("obj_name (ie keyword)       short_desc\n", pc);
      show("in_room_desc                liquid(1, MAX_OBJS)\n", pc);
      show("max_recharge_cnt(100)       \n", pc);
      return 0;

   object* ptr = have_obj_named(pc.inv, i_th, vict, pc.SEE_BIT,
   if (!ptr) {
      ptr = ROOM.haveObjNamed(i_th, vict, pc.SEE_BIT);      

   if (!ptr) {
      if (strcasecmp(*vict, "DB") == 0) {
         if ((i_th > 1) && (i_th < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS)) {
            if (obj_list[i_th].isInUse()) {
               ptr = &(obj_list[i_th]);

   if (!ptr) {
      show("You don't see that object.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (!pc.doesOwnObject(*ptr)) {
     show("You don't have permission to edit this object.\n", pc);
     return -1;

   int len1 = targ->Strlen();

   if (len1 == 0) {
     show("Which attribute do you wish to change??\n", pc);
     return -1;

   short flag = FALSE; //did it work

   if (ptr->bag) { //thingies for bags
      if (strncasecmp(*targ, "key_num", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->bag->key_num = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "max_weight", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 9999, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->bag->max_weight = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "percentage_weight", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, 1000, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->bag->percentage_weight = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "time_till_disolve", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 500, pc, TRUE)) {
          ptr->bag->time_till_disolve = new_val;
          flag = TRUE;
      else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "liquid", len1) == 0) {
        if (check_l_range(new_val, 1, Cur_Max_Obj_Num, pc, TRUE)) {
           if (obj_list[new_val].isInUse() && obj_list[new_val].isLiquid()) {
              if (ptr->isCanteen()) {
                 Cell<object*> cll(ptr->inv);
                 object* optr;
                 while ((optr = cll.next())) {
                    recursive_init_unload(*optr, 0);

                 flag = TRUE;
              else {
                 pc.show("That isn't a canteen (liquid holder.)\n");
           else {
              pc.show("That 'liquid' object# isn't in the game, or isn't a liquid.\n");
   }//bag only

   if (strncasecmp(*targ, "charges", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, -1, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->extras[0] = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "max_recharge_cnt", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->extras[1] = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "obj_name", len1) == 0) {
      ptr->names.append(new String(*new_val_string));
      flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "short_desc", len1) == 0) {
      ptr->short_desc = *new_val_string;
      flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "in_room_desc", len1) == 0) {
      ptr->in_room_desc = *new_val_string;
      flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "percent_load", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 100, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->extras[2] = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "weight", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 10000, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->extras[5] = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "max_in_game", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 1000, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->extras[4] = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "dice_sides", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 50, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->extras[6] = new_val;
         if(!(pc.pc && pc.pc->pc_data_flags.get(2)
              && pc.pc->imm_data->imm_level >= 9)) {
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "dice_count", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 50, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->extras[7] = new_val;
         if(!(pc.pc && pc.pc->pc_data_flags.get(2)
              && pc.pc->imm_data->imm_level >= 9)) {
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "price", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 50000000, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->PRICE = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "level", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 30, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->OBJ_LEVEL = new_val;
         if(!(pc.pc && pc.pc->pc_data_flags.get(2)
              && pc.pc->imm_data->imm_level >= 9)) {
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "vis_bit", len1) == 0) {
      if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 2000000000, pc, TRUE)) {
         ptr->OBJ_VIS_BIT = new_val;
         flag = TRUE;

   if (flag) {
     show("Ok, new value has been set.\n", pc);
     return 0;
   else {
     show("Value not set.\n", pc);
     return -1;

int dset(int i_th, const String* vict, const String* targ, int new_val,
         critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (vict->Strlen() == 0) {
      show("NOTE:  some of these may be restricted from you.\n", pc);
      show("These are your choices, range is in parentheses:\n", pc);

0 open exit, basically no door, 1 is_mag_lockable, 2 is_closed, 3 is_locked,
4 is_pickable, 5 is_lockable, 6 mag_locked (spell only can open it),
7 is_destructable, 8 is_closeable, 9 is_flippable, 
11 is_unopenable (other than normal reasons)
12 is_vehicle_exit, 13 is_secret, 14 is_blocked, 16 hidden_when_open.\n\n", pc);

      show("vis_bit (web page has definitions)\n", pc);
      show("key_num (0, MAX_ITEM_NUM)\n", pc);
      show("token_num (0, MAX_ITEM_NUM)\n", pc);
      show("distance(0, 10)\n", pc);
      return 0;

   door* ptr = door::findDoor(ROOM.DOORS, i_th, vict, pc.SEE_BIT, ROOM);
   if (!ptr) {
      show("You don't see that door.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   int len1 = targ->Strlen();

   if (len1 == 0) {
     show("Which attribute do you wish to change??\n", pc);
     return -1;

   short flag = FALSE; //did it work

   if (!pc.doesOwnRoom(ROOM)) {
     show("You have to own this zone to change a door.\n", pc);
     return -1;

   if (strncasecmp(*targ, "distance", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 15, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->distance = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;

   if (flag) {
     show("Ok.\n", pc);
     return 0;

   if (!pc.doesOwnDoor(*ptr)) {
     show("You don't have permission to edit this door.\n", pc);
     return -1;

   if (strncasecmp(*targ, "toggle_flag", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, 20, pc, TRUE)) {
       if ((new_val != 10) && (new_val != 14)) {
         flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "vis_bit", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, (1 << 30), pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->dr_data->vis_bit = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "key_num", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->dr_data->key_num = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;
   else if (strncasecmp(*targ, "token_num", len1) == 0) {
     if (check_l_range(new_val, 0, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE)) {
       ptr->dr_data->token_num = new_val;
       flag = TRUE;

   if (flag) {
     show("Ok, new value has been set.\n", pc);
     return 0;
   else {
     show("Value not set for some reason.\n", pc);
     return -1;

int tog_oflag(int flagnum, const String* flag_type,
              int i_th, const String* obj, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(flagnum, 0, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   object* obj_ptr = NULL;

   if ((obj->Strlen() > 0) && (strcasecmp(*obj, "DB") != 0)) {
      obj_ptr = have_obj_named(pc.inv, i_th, obj, pc.SEE_BIT,
      if (!obj_ptr) {
         obj_ptr = ROOM.haveObjNamed(i_th, obj, pc.SEE_BIT);
   else { 
      if (!check_l_range(i_th, 2, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, pc, TRUE))
         return -1;
      if (!obj_list[i_th].isInUse()) {
         pc.show("That object does not exist.\n");
         return -1;

      obj_ptr = &(obj_list[i_th]);
   if (!obj_ptr) {
      pc.show("You don't see that object.\n");
      return -1;

   if (!pc.doesOwnObject(*obj_ptr)) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this object.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if ((strncasecmp(*flag_type, "obj_flag", 1) == 0) ||
       (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "bag_flag", 1) == 0) ||
      (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "spec_flag", 1) == 0)) {
      if (obj_ptr->IN_LIST) {
         Sprintf(buf, "Toggling obj_flag#:  %i on SOBJ:  %S.\n", flagnum, 
         show(buf, pc);
      }//if SOBJ
      else {
         Sprintf(buf, "Toggling obj_flag#:  %i on OBJ:  %S.\n", flagnum, 
         show(buf, pc);
   else {
      show("You must specify flagtype as: obj_flag, bag_flag, or spec_flag.\n",
      show("See the help page.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "obj_flag", 1) == 0) {
      if (flagnum != 8 && flagnum != 9 && flagnum != 10 && flagnum != 63
          && flagnum != 70 && flagnum != 73 && flagnum != 74) {
         return 0;
      else {
         show("OOPS, you can't toggle that obj_flag.\n", pc);
         return -1;
   else if (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "bag_flag", 1) == 0) { //bag flags
      if (!obj_ptr->bag) {
         show("Doh, thats not a bag!!\n", pc);
         return -1;
      if (flagnum != 8) {
         return 0;
      else {
         show("OOPS, you can't toggle that bag_flag.\n", pc);
         return -1;
   else { //spec flags
      if (obj_ptr->obj_proc) {
         obj_ptr->obj_proc = new obj_spec_data();
         obj_ptr->obj_flags.turn_on(63);  //note we have spec data
      if ((flagnum == 3) || (flagnum == 0)) {
         return 0;
      else {
         show("OOPS, you can't toggle that bag_flag.\n", pc);
         return -1;
}// tog_oflag

int tog_mflag(int flagnum, const String* flag_type, 
              int i_th, const String* mob, critter& pc) {
   String buf(50);

   if (!ok_to_do_action(NULL, "IFP", 0, pc, pc.getCurRoom(), NULL, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   if (!check_l_range(flagnum, 0, 200, pc, TRUE)) {
      return -1;

   critter* mob_ptr = NULL;
   if (strcasecmp(*mob, "DB") != 0) {
      mob_ptr = ROOM.haveCritNamed(i_th, mob, pc.SEE_BIT);
   else {
      if (check_l_range(i_th, 2, NUMBER_OF_MOBS, pc, TRUE, "Mob Number: ")) {
         pc.show("Modifying Database Directly.\n");
         mob_ptr = &(mob_list[i_th]);

   if (!mob_ptr) {
      show("You don't see that critter.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (!mob_ptr->isInUse()) {
      pc.show("That mob has not been created yet.\n");
      return -1;

   if (!mob_ptr->pc && !pc.doesOwnCritter(*mob_ptr)) {
      show("You don't have permission to edit this mobile.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if (mob_ptr->pc && mob_ptr->isImmort()) {
      if ((mob_ptr->IMM_LEVEL >= pc.IMM_LEVEL) && (&pc != mob_ptr)) {
         show("You don't have permission to edit this player.\n", pc);
         return -1;

   if (mob_ptr->pc && (pc.IMM_LEVEL < 9)) {
      show("You aren't allowed to toggle PC flags.\n", pc);
      return -1;

   if ((strncasecmp(*flag_type, "mob_flag", 1) == 0) ||
       (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "crit_flag", 1) == 0) ||
       (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "teach_flag", 1) == 0) ||
       (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "shop_flag", 1) == 0)) {
      if (mob_ptr->isMob()) {
         Sprintf(buf, "Toggling flag#:  %i on MOB:  %S.\n", flagnum,
         show(buf, pc);
      }//if SOBJ
      else if (mob_ptr->isSmob()) {
         Sprintf(buf, "Toggling flag#:  %i on SMOB:  %S.\n", flagnum,
         show(buf, pc);
      else if (mob_ptr->isPc()) {
         Sprintf(buf, "Toggling flag#:  %i on PC:  %S.\n", flagnum,
         show(buf, pc);
   else {
      show("You must specify flagtype as:  'mob_flag' or 'crit_flag'.\n",
      return -1;

   if (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "mob_flag", 1) == 0) {
      if ((flagnum == 1) || (flagnum == 2) || (flagnum == 5) ||
         (flagnum == 6) || (flagnum == 7) || (flagnum == 8) ||
         (flagnum == 9)) {
         if (mob_ptr->isNpc()) {
            return 0;
         else {
            pc.show("That is not an NPC.\n");
            return -1;
      else {
         show("OOPS, you can't toggle that flag.\n", pc);
         return -1;
   else if (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "shop_flag", 1) == 0) {
      if (mob_ptr->mob && mob_ptr->mob->hasProcData()) {
         return mob_ptr->mob->togShopFlag(flagnum);
      else {
         pc.show("OOPS:  That critter is not a shop owner.\n");
         return -1;
   else if (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "teach_flag", 1) == 0) {
      if (mob_ptr->isTeacher()) {
         return mob_ptr->mob->togTeachFlag(flagnum);
      else {
         pc.show("OOPS:  That critter is not a teacher.\n");
         return -1;
   else if (strncasecmp(*flag_type, "crit_flag", 1) == 0) {
      if ((flagnum != 18) && (flagnum != 24)) { //put restrictions here
         return 0;
      else {
         show("OOPS, you can't toggle that flag.\n", pc);
         return -1;
   else {
      pc.show("You must specify a flag type of:  crit_flag, mob_flag, or shop_flag");
      return -1;
}// tog_mflag