Category:  Client  Topic:  script_editor

The Mob Script Editor automatically grabs certain data from the MUD and
stores in in the editor so that you may easily modify it.  If the editor
is not FROZEN, then anytime you stat_script on a valid script, it will be
temporarily stored in the editor for you to modify as you wish.  If you
change anything but the precedence, the script or the mob number, then the
script will be added BESIDE the other scripts for that mob, not replace
the one you modified.  You may delete scripts with the rm_script command. 
List_scripts allows you to see a brief listing of every script on a
particular mob. 

	If you wish to make changes, then edit the text fields and
press the Commit button.  Watch your main screen to see if there
are any errors.  Possible errors include:  You don't own the mob
in question.

Precedence:  If the precedence is greater than zero, then the script
	will be placed in a queue where the highest numbered precedence
	will be executed first.  This is useful if you want the mob to
	be able to remember to start another script while it is in the
	middle of running another.

Refresh:  Loads the script from the MUD.  Same as entering:
	stat_script, or stat_room_script on the command line.

Freeze:  Keeps the script from being automatically updated if you
	stat another script.

Script Index:  This is used during a 'refresh'.  It is not needed,
	and will actually be ignored when just editing a script.

Special Descrim:  Descriminators may have different meanings for
	different triggers, but these are a few that can apply
	anytime.  See 'help add_mob_script' for more information.
	These descriminators have the meaning "ONLY", in other words,
	if you chose FEM (for female), then the script would only fire
	for FEMALE actors.

Entity#:  That is the ID of the ROOM or MOB which 'owns' this

Actor:  The entity causing the trigger event.  -1 means ANY.

Target:  Many trigger commands have targets associated.  If so, then
	this field may be the specific ID number of the MOB that can
	trigger this script. -1 means ANY.

NOTE:  all this can (and is) done with plain old MUD commands, check out
	the help topics under OLC (see the help screen) for more
	information.  The relevant commands are:
	add_mob_proc, stat_script, list_scripts, and rm_script.