<color blue>
                      Help for OLC Mobile creation.
	Names are handles by which a player may interact with the
mob.  It is best if at least one of the names is somewhat general
so that players aren't frusterated.  At the same time, you may wish to
frusterate them at times...  The first name given is what the game uses
when it needs an mob name, but others are searched when a user tries
to interact with in in some way.  The names should be single words seperated
by spaces.
Short Description:</color>
	This should be a sentence fragment with no period after it.  This
description is used by the game as follows:  Scrubal hits <short_description>
Do not capatalize it unless it should be capatalized within the body of a
For Example:  
	a citadel guard
In Room Desc:</color>
	The in_room description is what shows when the mob is in a room
and a person does a 'look' in that room (or simply travels to it.)
Should be a complete sentence, no more than 80 characters long (one line.)
Long Description:</color>
	This is what is shown when a player 'looks' at an mobile.  This
should be concise yet complete.  I recomend 2-8 lines, but the server will
accept any number of lines, as long as there is at least one.
Mob Flags:</color>
	These determine the (default) state of the mobile and restrict
or enable certain actions upon the mobile.  Please read over the list
well to acquaint yourself with them.  They should be fairly self
explanatory.  Please make sure the flags agree with each other logically,
as the MUD server does not check this too well.
Miscellaneous Data:</color>
	NOTE:  Please see the web page for a discussion on the ranges we
		suggest for these values.
	Gold:  The amount of gold the mob is carrying.
	Exp Worth:  This is the number of experience points are distributed
		to this mobs's killer(s).
	Bank Gold:  How much does this mob have in the bank.  This is not
		yet supported well in the game, so zero is a good value.
Visibility Bits:</color>
	Add up these numbers to arrive at the visibility of the
mobile:  {1 dark, 2 invis, 4 hidden, 8 god_invis1, 16 god_invis2}
See Bits:</color>
	Add up these numbers to arrive at the bits which represent what
the mobile can detect.  These values directly relate the the 'visibility bits'
seen here and in other places.  
{1 dark, 2 invis, 4 hidden, 8 god_invis1, 16 god_invis2}
Critter Stats:</color>
	These go a long way towards making the mobile who he/she/it is.
Here are the value ranges supported. 
	NOTE:  Web pages have discussions of appropriate values, or ask online.
 	POS:  <color=black>{0 stand, 1 prone, 2 sit, 3 rest, 4 sleep, 5 med,
		6 stun, 7 dead}</color>
	STR, INT, CON, CHA, WIS, DEX:  1-18
        HIT, DAM, AC:  See web pages, or ask around.
	ATTACKS (per round):  1-3 (12)pause_count {0 is good}, 
	SEX: <color=black> {0 female, 1 male, 2 neuter}</color>
	CLASS:<color=black> {1 Warrior, 2 Sage, 3 Wizard, 4 Ranger, 5 Thief,
		6 Alchemist, 7 Cleric, 8 Bard}</color>
	RACE: <color=black>{1 human, 2 anitre, 3 avintre, 4 darkling, 5 drow,
           6 dragon, 7 dwarf, 8 ironclad, 9 ogrue, 10 rocktroll,
           11 elf, 12 faerie, 13 entity, 14 sombrian, 15 undead,
           16 animal, 17 monster}</color>
	HP, MANA, MOV:  default (starting) values for this mobile
	LEVEL: 1-40
	HOME TOWN:  The number from which is the mobile.  Does NOT have to be
		your current zone of course.
	HP_MAX, MA_MAX, MV_MAX:  Maximum values of Hit, Mana and Movement points.
	Damage_Rec_divisor:  100 is normal, the raw damage inflicted on a mob
		is then multiplied by 100/Damage_Rec_Divisor to determine the
		real damage inflicted.  You can do the math!
	Dam_Given_Mult:  100 is normal, the raw damage inflicted by a mob is first
		multiplied by Dam_Given_Mult/100 before it is applied to the target.
	Heat_Resis, Cold_Resis, Elect_resis, Spell_resis:  These specify a mob's
		resistance to these things.  Range is -50 to 200, the lower the
		the value the more resistance the mobile has.  See web pages for
		more discussion.
	Religion:<color=black> { 0 none, 1 fire, 2 ice, 3 air, 4 earth, 5 beast,
		6 blade }</color>  These do not affect much at this time, but set
		them anyway if applicable, so when I get the code in, your mobiles
		will behave accordingly.
	BH_Dice_Cnt:  The 4 in 4d5.  This applies to the mob when not wielding
		a weapon only.
	BH_Dice_Side:  The 5 in 4d5.  This applies to the mob when not wielding
		a weapon only.
	HP_REGEN, MA_REGEN, MV_REGEN:  These are the percentages of normal that
		the mob regenerates at.  Range accordingly, but keep less than
		1000, unless you get my (Grock or other Admin) permission first.
	GUILD:  Zero for now, code not in.
	Enter eq in (<<object number> <<position>) pairs.
Example:  8 1
Positions: 1 head, 2 neck, 3 neck, 4 around body, 5 arms, 6 wrist, 7 wrist,
8 hands, 9 wielded, 10 held, 11 light, 12 body, 13 belt, 14 legs,
15 feet, 16 finger, 17 finger, 18 shield.</color>
Affected By:</color>
	Enter affected by as (<<spell number> <<duration>) pairs.
These spells will affect the mobile by default, for the duration given.
For instance one might have the mob affected by Sanctuary by default.  Get
the spell numbers from the web page, or with the 'slist' command.
The duration is in ticks, -1 means forever.
<color=red>NOTE:  The spell's affects ARE NOT DONE TO THE MOBILE.  You must
build those in as you go.  This would affect a player's ability to cast or 
re-cast certain spells though, as the game dictates.</color>
Max In Game:</color>
	How many can be loaded into the game at once?
Skin Number:</color>
	What is the object number of this critter's skin.  The default of
zero means the game will create a 'generic' skin for the critter when he/she/it
dies, otherwise the object number given here will become the skin.  It can be
retrieved from the corpse by the 'skin' skill.  Neat eh? :)
	This is a list of space-seperated object numbers that will automatically
be loaded onto the mob, based on their individual load percentages.  The 'olist'
and 'aolist' command are good for getting these object numbers.
Posn Guarding:</color>
	If mob is to be a sentinel, give direction guarding:<color=black>
{1 east, 2 west, 3 north, 4 south, 5 southeast, 6 northeast, 7 northwest,
 8 southwest, 9 up, 10 down}</color>
This will cause this mob to block anyone from going in that direction.
	These are used to control the behavior (AI) of the mob.  Just fill these
out truthfully, and leave it up to the server to dictate how the mob reacts to
a given situation.  Comments welcome on this btw.<color=black>
	Skill Activity: (how often should the mob use skills, -10 never, 10 always)
	benevolence (-10 very aggressive, 10 very peaceful)
	defensiveness (-10 must hurt others, 10 maximum self preservation)
	bad_assedness (-10 Barney, 10 Snake Pliskin)
	social_awareness (-10 who_cares, 10 Ghandi!)</color>
Special Procedure Flags:</color>
	These help determine the behavior of the mobile.  Those of special note
include same_race_pass and same_class_pass, which refer to Sentinels (see above).
Same align only, same class only, and is a racist, refer to spec procs, and how
they will interact with others.  Click on the has_mob_**_proc to get the server
to prompt you for details on these procs.  NOTE:  You can't enter this data via
the GUI, per se, but a pop-up box will give you a place to enter the data.  Check
the main console window for the prompt.  Perhaps one day it'll be in the GUI, but
just too much boring coding for now...
Markup percentage:</color>
	This is only valid for SHOPKEEPERS, this number divided by 100 will
multiplied against the 'price' of the object in question to get the selling
price the shop keeper will ask.
Buy percentage:</color>
	This is only valid for SHOPKEEPERS, this number divided by 100 will
multiplied against the 'price' of the object in question to get the buying
price the shop keeper will offer and give.
Open and Close time:</color>
	These are in military time, 0 - 23 are valid values.  The shopkeeper
won't sell during off hours of course...
Shop Data Flags:</color>
	For SHOPKEEPERS ONLY, this dictates what they deal in.  Choose as many
as you wish.  However, leave the first three **_proc0 checked.  Those are the one
and only procs available at this time.
Permanent Inventory:</color>
	These are the objects that the shopkeeper will NEVER SELL OUT OF.
Only put extremely expensive, or extremely mundane objects here to keep the
game balanced.  Enter a space-seperated list of object numbers.
Teacher Flags:</color>
	These flags give the classes that this teacher is qualified to teach.
These are only valid if the TEACHER flag is checked in the panel before.
	Sends the data to the MUD server.  If the data is acceptable, then
the object will be created, otherwise you may be prompted by a pop-up box.
Check the output from the MUD, on the main console screen, for verication
or errors or prompts for more/different input.
	Do not send the data.  If it has already been sent once, canceling
WILL NOT AFFECT THE MUD IN ANY WAY.  Usually one presses cancel after
submitting, unless they wish to create another, similar, mobile..