   <TITLE>Key: Credits</TITLE>
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   <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Paul Mclachlan">
   <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="This is the credits page for the Key Project.">
   <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="key credits">
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<img src = "images/key-logo.gif" alt="Key Logo" border=0>

<P><B><FONT COLOR="#008000">December 1998</FONT></B></P>

<P><FONT COLOR="#008000">by Paul Mclachlan<BR>
(aka subtle)</FONT></P>

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<P>Key represents literally thousands of man-hours of work in thought, design,
and code.  Even so, it had very humble beginnings.</P>

<P>At midnight<SUP>1</SUP>, on the 12th of May, 1995, 'Key' was born because of
four university students sitting around on level 3 of UTS with nothing better
to do.<SUP>2</SUP></P>

<P>Since then, I've been principally responsible for its design and development,
yet I am far from its sole author; others have contributed varying amounts
to the project effort.  Hence, the credits page.</P>

<P>Key was originally intended to be a replacement 'Forest'. Forest started
its life using 'EW-too', a piece of extremely buggy (but popular)&nbsp;C
code from Simon Marsh. (I suspect, and I feel it worthwhile to add here,
that the original EW code produced by Simon was quite well written.  Since
then, and before we recieved it, however, it had been almost completely
hacked to pieces.)</P>

<P>The Directors of Forest are:</P>
	<LI>snapper - Jason Crane
	<LI>exile - George Wright
	<LI>merlin - Scott Tierney
	<LI>subtle - Paul Mclachlan
	<LI>druss - Eric Bicknell
	<LI>milamber - Andrew Wilson
	<LI>shimone - Nathan Lennox
<P>All the directors did at least a smattering of commands work (all the
stuff you see in key.commands.*, and let me tell you now, there's a lot of
them), and so, outside of that, I'm only going to list 'additional effort'
and credits.</P>

<P>I was originally planning to write Key in C++, and indeed, I had about
250k of code written before Java came along and disrupted all my plans.  
I was stuck trying to write my own garbage collection anyway ;)  I actually
started the Java version of Key in January '96 (gee, that seems like so long

<P>Jason, in a monolithic effort, actually wrote all the commands for clans, 
although he was always bitching about how big it was... ;)  I just marvel
that he was dumb enough say 'yes' when I gave it to him for something to do.</P>

<P>George was our fearless project leader, ensuring that we all went to
basketball training and generally completed things on time.  He also sat
down and wrote all our new public room descriptions.  (You'll have to trust
me when I say that most of the old ones we had on Forest truly sucked).</P>

<P>Scott wrote the interface commands to the site tracking code, and a lot
of the normal su commands.</P>

<P>Eric had a lot to do with the initial design of rooms, way back in the
beginning, and kicked off a lot of the room and exit classes.</P>

<P>Andrew has helped me reason some design things out over lunch
- the email validation and priv checking stuff, for instance, as well
as writing the admin port, and, uh, 'playing' with the colour code.</P>

<P>Nathan did a lot of the initial commands work on the mail and news


<P>Adam Teague (brann) fleshed out a lot of the online editor (don't blame
him for the design, though, we thought the EW one was complicated enough,
without having everyone learn a new one), adding some nice features (all that
.5d stuff).</P>

<P>I've obviously taken a lot of inspiration from Simon Marsh's original
EW-too code, as well as LambdaMOO and the various MUD servers out there.
&nbsp;(diku, circle and all the varients).</P>

<HR WIDTH="100%">

<I>Key is dedicated to Lisa Kim Dow, without whom, I'd never have stayed
on Forest for long enough to get addicted to it (or privved, so the story
goes).<BR>Incidently, that is where we got the 2809 from.</I>

<HR WIDTH="100%">

<LI>It wasn't actually midnight when we first came up with the idea.  It
was more like 10.  But we sat there arguing for a couple of hours about
what to call it.  It took us a long time to convince J that we weren't
going to call it 'snapper'.</LI>
<LI>Well... there was that GPSS assignment, but nothing <I>better</I> to
do, anyway.</LI>