**               j###t  ########## ####   ####
**              j###t   ########## ####   ####
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**          ######P'    ##########  #########
**          ######k,    ##########   T######T
**          ####~###L   ####
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**  $Id$
**  Class History
**  Date        Name         Description
**  ---------|------------|-----------------------------------------------
**  19Aug98     subtle       start of recorded history

package key.util;

import key.NonUniqueKeyException;
import key.BadKeyException;

import java.util.*;

  *  The only thing that can't be stored in a
  *  Trie safely is another Trie - we use
  *  instanceof to determine if a Trie is
  *  terminated or not
public final class Trie
	static final int BRANCHES = 26;
		//  Information about the location of this Trie in the
		//  trie tree ;)
	int position;
	Trie previous;
		//  For when a string ends on this trie
	TrieEntry at;
		//  The contents of this trie
	Object entries[];
	  * Creates a new trie with no entries
	public Trie()
		entries = new Object[BRANCHES];
		at = null;
		position = 0;
		previous = null;

		//  Internal constructor
	private Trie( Trie parent )
		previous = parent;
		position = previous.getPosition() + 1;
	String spaces()
		StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();

		for( int i=0; i < position; i++ )
			s.append( " " );
		return( s.toString() );

	  *  Counts the number of linked objects off this trie
	public int length()
		int count = 0;

		if( at != null )

		for( int i=0; i < BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof TrieEntry )
					count += ((Trie)entries[i]).length();
		return( count );

	  *  Removes the object with the given key from the
	  *  trie
	public void remove( String key ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,java.util.NoSuchElementException,BadKeyException
		if( key.length() == position )
		{		//  item is on the 'at' for this trie
			if( at != null )
				at = null;
				throw new NonUniqueKeyException( key );
			int i = index( key.charAt( position ) );
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					((Trie)entries[i]).remove( key );
					int a = ((Trie)entries[i]).length();
					if( a == 1 )
					{		//  lower trie is now not required
						TrieEntry t = ((Trie)entries[i]).firstElement();
						if( t != null )
							//System.out.println( spaces() + "removing trie with item '" + t.getKey() + "' swapup..." );
							entries[i] = t;
							entries[i] = null;
					entries[i] = null;
				throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException( key );

	  * Inserts the provided object into the trie
	  * with the given key.
	public void insert( String key, Object item ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,BadKeyException
		if( key.length() == position )
		{		//  this item needs to be inserted _on_ this trie
			if( at != null )
				throw new NonUniqueKeyException( key );
			at = new TrieEntry( key, item );
			int i = index( key.charAt( position ) );
			if( entries[i] != null )
			{		//  already an item here
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					//System.out.println( spaces() + "passdown insert" );
					((Trie) entries[i]).insert( key, item );
				{		//  already something here - create a new
						//  trie, insert this something, and insert
						//  the new something
					if( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey().equals( key ) )
						throw new NonUniqueKeyException( key );
					//System.out.println( spaces() + "item already in place" );
					Trie down = new Trie( this );
					//System.out.println( spaces() + "re-inserting " +
					//	((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey() ); 

					down.insert( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey(),
						((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getEntry() );
					//System.out.println( spaces() + "inserting " + key );
					down.insert( key, item );

					//System.out.println( spaces() + "updating the new trie for insertion" );
					entries[i] = down;
			{		//  the space is empty - simply add it in
				entries[i] = new TrieEntry( key, item );
				//System.out.println( spaces() + "straight insert of " + key );

	  * searchExact does *not* return a Trie for 'multiple matches',
	  * but will return null in that case.
	public Object searchExact( String key )
		if( key.length() == position )
		{		//  check at
			if( at != null )
			{		//  this must be it
				return( at.getEntry() );
			{		//  multiple matches in this case
				return( null );
		int i = 0;
		i = negIndex( key.charAt( position ) );
		if( i == -1 )
		{		//  act as if this was the end of the
				//  string - return the at, if there is one
			if( at != null )
				return( at.getEntry() );
				return( null );

		if( entries[i] != null )
			if( entries[i] instanceof Trie )
			{		//  pass it along the chain
				return( ((Trie)entries[i]).searchExact( key ) );
			{		//  found it
						//  some interesting behaviour here - if
						//  the next character is an invalid, there
						//  isn't much chance the key is correct - we'll
						//  treat it as if it was the end of the string (as
						//  per the position == key.length() code above
						//  this little 'hack' is not required for a normal
						//  search, which will find the element as soon as
						//  it has a non-conflicting match
				if( ( position + 1 ) < key.length() )
					if( negIndex( key.charAt( position + 1 ) ) == -1 && key.substring( 0, position+1 ).equalsIgnoreCase( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey() ) )
						return( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getEntry() );
				if( key.equalsIgnoreCase( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey() ) )
					return( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getEntry() );
					return( null );
			return( null );

	  *  Returns a Trie of all the elements starting with
	  *  'key', or an Object which is a single exact match
	public Object getTrieFor( String key )
		if( key.length() == position )
			return( this );
		int i = 0;
		i = negIndex( key.charAt( position ) );
		if( i == -1 )
			return( this );

		if( entries[i] != null )
			if( entries[i] instanceof Trie )
			{		//  pass it along the chain
					return( ((Trie)entries[i]).getTrieFor( key ) );
				if( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey().startsWith( key.toLowerCase() ) )
					return( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getEntry() );
		return( null );
	  *  Returns a trie for multiple matches,
	  *  else returns null for no object matched,
	  *  or returns the object matched.  could
	  *  easily be optimised
	public Object search( String key )
		if( key.length() == position )
		{		//  check at
			if( at != null )
			{		//  this must be it
				return( at.getEntry() );
			{		//  multiple matches in this case
				return( this );
		int i = 0;
		i = negIndex( key.charAt( position ) );
		if( i == -1 )
		{		//  act as if this was the end of the
				//  string - return the at, if there is one
			if( at != null )
				return( at.getEntry() );
				return( null );

		if( entries[i] != null )
			if( entries[i] instanceof Trie )
			{		//  pass it along the chain
				return( ((Trie)entries[i]).search( key ) );
			{		//  found it (this check may not be required?)
				if( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey().startsWith( key.toLowerCase() ) )
					return( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getEntry() );
					return( null );
			return( null );

	  *  From a number between 0 and 25 returns
	  *  the alpha equivalent (between a and z)
	  * @see index
	static char letter( int i )
		return( (char) (i + 'a') );

	  *  Converts a letter between a and z to a number
	  *  between 0 and 25
	  * @see letter
	public static final int index( char c ) throws BadKeyException
		int r = negIndex( c );
		if( r == -1 )
			throw new BadKeyException( c );	
		return( r );

	  *  Returns -1 on an error as opposed to throwing an 
	  *  exceptions (exceptions are slow and ugly)
	public static final int negIndex( char c )
		int r = java.lang.Character.toLowerCase( c ) - 'a';
		if( r < 0 || r > 25 )
			return( -1 );
			return( r );

	  *  Returns the first element in a trie -
	  *  is generally only used when an element
	  *  is erased from the trie and a trie delete
	  *  and swapup is required.
	TrieEntry firstElement()
		if( at != null )
			return at;
		for( int i = 0; i < BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null && !(entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this)) )
				return ((TrieEntry)entries[i]);
		return( null );

	  *  Returns the character offset that this
	  *  trie is off the main trie
	int getPosition()
		return( position );

	  *  Returns an alphabetically sorted list of
	  *  the elements in this trie.  This routine
	  *  is rather inefficient.
	public Enumeration elements()
		Vector v = new Vector( 30, 20 );

		elements( v );

		return( v.elements() );
	  *  Returns an alphabetically sorted list of
	  *  the elements in this trie
	public LinkedList getSortedList()
		LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
		listElements( ll );
		return( ll );
	  *  Recursive function to append elements
	  *  to a linked list
	protected void listElements( LinkedList ll )
		if( at != null )
			ll.append( at.getEntry() );
		for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					((Trie)entries[i]).listElements( ll );
					ll.append( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getEntry() );
	  *  Recursive function to append elements
	  *  to a linked list
	protected void elements( Vector v )
		if( at != null )
			v.addElement( at.getEntry() );

		for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					((Trie)entries[i]).elements( v );
					v.addElement( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getEntry() );
	  *  This is a simple little test routine
	  *  included so this class can be run as
	  *  an application to test its cababilities
	public static void main( String args[] )
		Trie main = new Trie();
		String entry;
		int count=0;

			System.out.println( "\nTrie contains " + main.length() + " elements" );
			entry = input( "dump,quit,add,search,delete,avg,num: " );
			if( entry.length() == 0 )
			else if( entry.equals( "avg" ) )
				System.out.println( "\nAverage clash: " + Float.toString( main.averageClash() ) + "\n" );
			else if( entry.equals( "num" ) )
				System.out.println( "\nTotal number of tries: " + main.numberTries() + "\n" );
			else if( entry.equals( "dump" ) )
				System.out.println( "\nDUMPING:\n--------" );
			else if( entry.startsWith( "search " ) )
				entry = entry.substring( 7 );
				System.out.println( "Searching for " + entry + "..." );
				Object r=null;
				r = entry );
				if( r == null )
					System.out.println( "Not found" );
				else if( r instanceof Trie )
					System.out.println( "Multiple matches:" );
					System.out.println( "Found. Value is " + r.toString() );
			else if( entry.equals( "quit" ) )
			else if( entry.startsWith( "delete " ) )
				entry = entry.substring( 7 );
				System.out.println( "Deleting " + entry + "..." );
					main.remove( entry );
				catch( java.util.NoSuchElementException e )
					System.out.println( e.toString() );
				catch( NonUniqueKeyException e )
					System.out.println( e.toString() );
				catch( BadKeyException e )
					System.out.println( e.toString() );
			else if( entry.startsWith( "add " ) )
				entry = entry.substring( 4 );
				System.out.println( "Inserting " + entry + "..." );
					main.insert( entry, new java.lang.Integer( count++ ) );
				catch( BadKeyException e )
					System.out.println( e.toString() );
				catch( NonUniqueKeyException e )
					System.out.println( e.toString() );
				System.out.println( "Unknown command '" + entry + "'" );
		} while( !entry.equals( "quit" ) );
	public static String input( String prompt )
		StringBuffer buildInput = new StringBuffer();
		char b=' ';

		System.out.print( prompt );

				b = (char);
			catch( e )
						//  generally an IOException here means that
						//  the player in question has disconnected
					System.out.println( e.toString() );
					System.exit( 1 );
			if( b != '\n' && b != 0 )
				buildInput.append( b );
		} while( b != '\n' && b != 0 );

		return( new String( buildInput ) );
	public String toString()
		if( length() > 20 )
			return( "Multiple matches: <too many to list (>20)>" );
			return( "Multiple matches: " + contents( new StringBuffer() ) );
	public String contents()
		return( contents( new StringBuffer() ) );

	public String contents( StringBuffer b )
		String pre = spaces();
		if( at != null )
			b.append( at.getKey() );
			b.append( " " );

		for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					b.append( ((Trie)entries[i]).contents() );
					b.append( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey() );
					b.append( " " );
		return( b.toString() );

	void quickDump()
		String pre = spaces();
		if( at != null )
			System.out.print( at.getKey() + " " );

		for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					System.out.print( ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey() + " " );

	void dump()
		String pre = spaces();
		if( at != null )
			System.out.println( pre + at.getKey() );

		for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					System.out.println( pre + "[" + letter( i ) + "]" );
					System.out.println( pre + ((TrieEntry)entries[i]).getKey() );

	void averageClash( TrieAverage t )
		if( at != null )
			t.add( position );

		for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					((Trie)entries[i]).averageClash( t );
					t.add( position );

	float averageClash()
		TrieAverage t = new TrieAverage();
		averageClash( t );
		return( ((float) t.average) / ((float)t.number) );
	int numberTries()
		int accum = 1;
		for( int i=0; i<BRANCHES; i++ )
			if( entries[i] != null )
				if( entries[i] instanceof Trie && (((Trie)entries[i]).previous == this) )
					accum += ((Trie)entries[i]).numberTries();
		return( accum );

class TrieAverage
	int average;
	int number;

	public TrieAverage()

	public void add( int i )
		average += i;

  *  A private class which is used to
  *  internally mark off elements to
  *  items
class TrieEntry implements Serializable
	String key;
	Object entry;

	public TrieEntry()
		key = "";
		entry = null;

	public TrieEntry( String trigger, Object store )
		key = trigger.toLowerCase();
		entry = store;

	public String getKey()
		return( key );

	public Object getEntry()
		return( entry );