# Key setup script
# $Id:,v 2.00 1998/10/21 11:42:31 subtle Exp $
# setting up default commands...

# Ref (subtle 04Sep96)
load commands.Cd .commands/cd
load commands.Out .commands/out

# Set (subtle 1Sep96)
load commands.Set .commands/set

# Forest staff setup
cd /ranks
load Rank citizen
load Rank candidate
load Rank novice
load Rank superuser
load Rank adept
load Rank director
load Rank mage

mv candidate novice.implies
mv novice superuser.implies
mv superuser adept.implies
mv adept director.implies

load Rank advisor
mv superuser advisor.implies

mv everyone novice.targets
set everyone.reversedRank candidate

# EW Compatibility commandset - it holds temporary commands
# that are used for some of the aliases used to do things in
# the EW style.
cd /commandsets
load CommandList ew
cd ew
load commands.Echo notImplemented
set notImplemented.echo "This command has not been implemented"

# The main & default commandset
cd /commandsets/base

# load all commands into the base command set, then shift commands

load commands.Conceal conceal
load commands.Reveal reveal

# Whisper (subtle 29Aug96)
# (the ^@ and ^$ are markers to prevent the users colour
# changes from affecting anything else ... they kind of
#  store the current colour, and the restore it at the end)
load commands.Whisper whisper
set whisper.broadcast "%o whispers something to %t"
set "You whisper '^@%m^$' to %t"
set whisper.feedbackQuestion "You whisper, asking %t '^@%m^$'"
set whisper.feedbackExclaim "You exclaim in a whisper '^@%m^$' to %t"
set "%o whispers '^@%m^$' to %t"
set whisper.directQuestion "%o whispers, asking %t '^@%m^$'"
set whisper.directExclaim "%o exclaims in a whisper '^@%m^$' to %t"

# Say (subtle 29Aug96)
load commands.Broadcast say
set say.broadcast "%o says '^@%m^$'"
set "You say '^@%m^$'"
set say.broadcastQuestion "%o asks '^@%m^$'"
set say.feedbackQuestion "You ask '^@%m^$'"
set say.broadcastExclaim "%o exclaims '^@%m^$'"
set say.feedbackExclaim "You exclaim '^@%m^$'"

# Emote (subtle 29Aug96)
load commands.Broadcast emote
set emote.broadcast "%o%s^@%m^$"
set "You emote: %o%s^@%m^$"

# Think (subtle 29Aug96)
load commands.Broadcast think
set think.broadcast "%o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )"
set "You think . o O ( ^@%m^$ )"

# Tell (subtle 29Aug96)
load commands.Directed tell
set "%o tells %t '^@%m^$'"
set "You tell %t '^@%m^$'"
set tell.directQuestion "%o asks %t '^@%m^$'"
set tell.feedbackQuestion "You ask %t '^@%m^$'"
set tell.directExclaim "%o exclaims to %t '^@%m^$'"
set tell.feedbackExclaim "You exclaim to %t '^@%m^$'"

# Remote (subtle 26Sep96)
load commands.Directed remote
set "%o%s^@%m^$"
set "You emote '%o%s^@%m^$' to %t"

# Rthink (subtle 26Sep96)
load commands.Directed rthink
set "%o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )"
set "You think . o O ( %o ^@%m^$ ) to %t"

load commands.Also rt
set rt.command rthink

# Shout (subtle 29Jul97)
load commands.ShoutBroadcast shout
set shout.broadcast "%o shouts '^@%m^$'"
set "You shout '^@%m^$'"
set shout.scapeFor /

load commands.ShoutBroadcast eshout
set eshout.broadcast "%o%s^@%m^$"
set "You emote to everyone: %o%s^@%m^$"
set eshout.scapeFor /

# Leave (subtle 20Jul97)
load commands.Leave leave
set leave.failure "But you aren't in anyone's rooms."
set leave.referenceIn ~me
set leave.roomProperty lastPublicRoomLocation
set leave.enter "%o slowly fades into view..."

# Home (subtle 20Jul97)
load commands.ChangeRoom home
set home.failure "But you're already in your home room."
set home.referenceIn ~me
set home.roomProperty home
set home.enter "%o slowly fades into view..."
set home.leave "%o slowly fades from view..."
set home.noFind "You don't seem to have a home"

load commands.Contents informs
set informs.containerFor ~informs
set informs.singular You have only one entry on your inform list
set informs.footer You have %n entries on your inform list
set informs.empty You have no-one on your inform list

# notsnapper 21/7 - friends stuff
load commands.ScapeWho fwho
set fwho.scapeFor ~friends
set fwho.singular You have one friend online
set fwho.footer You have %n friends online
set fwho.empty No friends on at the moment
load commands.Contents friends
set friends.containerFor ~friends
set friends.singular You have only one friend
set friends.footer You have %n friends
set friends.empty You have no friends!

load commands.FriendsBroadcast tf
set tf.scapeFor ~friends
load commands.FriendsBroadcast rf
set rf.scapeFor ~friends
load commands.FriendsBroadcast ft
set ft.scapeFor ~friends

set tf.broadcast "%o tells %h friends '^@%m^$'"
set tf.broadcastExclaim "%o exclaims to %h friends '^@%m^$'"
set tf.broadcastQuestion "%o asks of %h friends '^@%m^$'"
set "You tell your friends '^@%m^$'"
set tf.feedbackExclaim "You exclaim to your friends '^@%m^$'"
set tf.feedbackQuestion "You ask of your friends '^@%m^$'"
set tf.noone "None of your friends are online at the moment."

set rf.broadcast "%o%s^@%m^$"
set "You emote '%o%s^@%m^$' to your friends."
set rf.noone "None of your friends are online at the moment."

set ft.broadcast "%o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )"
set "You emote '%o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )' to your friends."
set ft.noone "None of your friends are online at the moment."

load commands.Punctuation f
set f.say /commandsets/base/tf
set f.emote /commandsets/base/rf
set f.think /commandsets/base/ft
conceal tf
conceal rf
conceal ft

# Room schtuff (subtle 22Jul97)
load commands.Relation relation

# SU blank title command (subtle 22Jul97)
load commands.ConstrainedSet blankTitle
set blankTitle.setProperty title
set blankTitle.displayProperty title
set blankTitle.maxLength 0
set blankTitle.usage "<player>"
set blankTitle.filledFeedback "You blank %t's title."
set blankTitle.on $
set /players

# exit modification commands (exile 29Jul97)
load commands.ConstrainedSet arriveRoom
set arriveRoom.setProperty arriveRoom
set arriveRoom.displayProperty arriveRoom
set arriveRoom.maxLength 60
set arriveRoom.usage "<exit> <message that the room you are arriving at sees>"
set arriveRoom.on $
set ~here
# exit modification commands (exile 29Jul97)
load commands.ConstrainedSet departRoom
set departRoom.setProperty departRoom
set departRoom.displayProperty departRoom
set departRoom.maxLength 60
set departRoom.usage "<exit> <message that the room you are departing sees>"
set departRoom.on $
set ~here

load commands.Actions actions
load commands.Age age
load commands.As as
load commands.Aka aka
load commands.Allow allow
load commands.BlockMsg blockMsg
load commands.BlockingMsg blockingMsg
load commands.Blocking blocking
load commands.Call call
load commands.Cls cls
load commands.Commands commands

load commands.Colours colours
load commands.Also colors
set colors.command colours

load commands.Default default
load commands.Delete delete
load commands.Deny deny
load commands.Describe describe
load commands.Disconnect dc
load commands.Edit edit
load commands.Eject eject

load commands.Also boot
set boot.command eject

load commands.Summon summon
load commands.Visit visit

# merlin 12/7 - end command
load commands.End end

load commands.Examine x
conceal x
load commands.Also examine
set examine.command x

load commands.Exits exits
load commands.Footnote footnote
load commands.Friend friend
load commands.Finger finger
set f.otherwise /commandsets/base/finger
load commands.Go go
load commands.Gc yield
load commands.Give give
load commands.Help help
load commands.Hide hide
load commands.Idle idle
load commands.IdleMsg idleMsg
load commands.Inform inform

load commands.IsColour iscolour
load commands.Also iscolor
conceal iscolor
set iscolor.command iscolour

load commands.Join join
load commands.Lag lag
load commands.LimitActions limitActions
load commands.Liberated liberate
load commands.List ls

load commands.Look l
conceal l
load commands.Also look
set look.command l

load commands.Many many
load commands.Motd motd
load commands.Msgs msgs
load commands.NoPager noPager
load commands.Newbies newbies
load commands.PagerNext n
load commands.Portrait portrait
conceal n
load commands.PagerQuit q
conceal q
load commands.Page page
load commands.Password password
load commands.Plan plan
load commands.Post post
load commands.Prefix prefix
load commands.Prefer prefer
load commands.Prompt prompt
load commands.Pwd pwd
load commands.Register register
load commands.RefPlayer player

load commands.Qualify colour
load commands.Also color
conceal color
set color.command colour

load commands.Recap recap
load commands.Repeat re
conceal re
load commands.Also repeat
set repeat.command re

load commands.Remove remove
load commands.RefRoom room
load commands.Rooms rooms
load commands.Save save
load commands.Sort sort
# show not implemented
#load commands.Show show
load commands.Schedule schedule
load commands.SetGender gender
load commands.SetHome sethome
load commands.Status status
load commands.ScapeWho swho
set swho.scapeFor /
set swho.singular You are all alone, *schniff*
set swho.footer There are %n players online
set swho.empty There is nobody online
load commands.Term term
load commands.Trans trans
load commands.Travel travel
load commands.Time time

load commands.Alias date
set date.command "time -"

# merlin 18/7 - add timezone command (jetlag from ew );
load commands.Timezone timezone
load commands.Title title
load commands.Threads threads
load commands.Url homepage
load commands.Verify verify
load commands.Where where
load commands.Wordwrap wordwrap
load commands.Who who
load commands.Also w
conceal w
set w.command who

load commands.Transfer transfer
load commands.Trace trace

# Object commands, subtle 19Oct98
# the standard verbs
load commands.Verb use
set use.verb use
set use.checkInventory true

load commands.Verb wear
set wear.verb wear
set wear.checkInventory true

load commands.Verb removev
set removev.verb remove
set removev.checkInventory true

load commands.Verb wield
set wield.verb wield
set wield.checkInventory true

load commands.Verb get
set get.verb get
set get.checkRoom true

load commands.Verb drop
set drop.verb drop
set drop.checkInventory true

load commands.Verb sit
set sit.verb sit
set sit.checkRoom true

# a couple of special verbs
load commands.Stand stand

load commands.Read read
set read.checkInventory true
set read.checkRoom true

load commands.Inspect inspect
set inspect.checkInventory true
set inspect.checkRoom true

# utility commands
load commands.ListInventory i
conceal i
load commands.Also inventory
set inventory.command i

load commands.Orient orient

# Wizards First Rule:  People are stupid
# out
# load commands.Echo commandsets/base/save
# set commandsets/base/save.echo "Character saved. <footnote 8>"

#load commands.Echo check
#set check.echo "If you're looking for mail, you might want to try 'read mail'.  For news, wander down to the town square and 'read news'."

# 'check' category
load CategoryCommand check
cd check.commands

load commands.Alias commands
set commands.command "commands check"

load commands.ScapeWho home
set home.scapeFor ~me.home
set home.empty "There isn't anyone in your home."
set home.doesntExist "You don't seem to have a home"

load commands.Alias mail
set mail.command "read mail"

load commands.Alias news
set news.command "read news"

#'Also' is faster than 'alias' if no special args are required
load commands.Also exits
set exits.command ..../exits

load commands.Also entry
set entry.command /commandsets/ew/notImplemented
load commands.Also sent
set sent.command /commandsets/ew/notImplemented
load commands.Also list
set list.command /commandsets/ew/notImplemented

	# the primary difference here is that if your context is
	# different (ie, clan, or if you cd'd around), "check rooms"
	# will still check -your- rooms, while 'rooms' will not)
load commands.Also rooms
set rooms.command ..../rooms
set rooms.context ~me

load commands.Also room
set room.command ..../inspect
set room.context ~here
set room.passArgs false

load commands.CheckEmail email

load commands.Also wrap
set wrap.command ..../wordwrap
set wrap.passArgs false

cd ....

load CategoryCommand blank
cd blank.commands

load commands.Alias commands
set commands.command "commands blank"

load commands.Blank$actions actions
load commands.Blank$friends friends
load commands.Blank$informs informs
load commands.Blank$prefers prefers

cd ....

# news * EW style commands
load CategoryCommand news
cd news.commands

load commands.Alias commands
set commands.command "commands news"

load commands.Alias check
set check.command "read news"

load commands.Alias view
set view.command "read news"
conceal view

load commands.Alias read
set read.command "read news %m"

load commands.Alias reply
set reply.command "reply news %m"

load commands.Alias followup
set followup.command "reply news %m"
conceal followup

load commands.Alias post
set post.command "post news %m"

cd ....

# mail * EW style commands
load CategoryCommand mail
cd mail.commands

load commands.Alias commands
set commands.command "commands mail"

load commands.Alias check
set check.command "read mail"

load commands.Alias view
set view.command "read mail"
conceal view

load commands.Alias read
set read.command "read mail %m"

load commands.Alias reply
set reply.command "reply mail %m"

load commands.Alias post
set post.command "post %m"

# this may be broken in the future...
load commands.Alias remove
set remove.command "remove %m"

load commands.Alias delete
set delete.command "remove %m"
conceal delete

cd ....

load commands.Block block
cd block.commands

load commands.Alias commands
set commands.command "commands block"

load commands.Block$clan clan

load commands.Block$type friends
set friends.type friends
set friends.blockMsg "You block friend tells."
set friends.unblockMsg "You stop blocking friend tells."

load commands.Block$type movement
set movement.type movement
set movement.blockMsg "You will now not see people entering or leaving."
set movement.unblockMsg "You will now see people entering and leaving."

load commands.Block$type tells
set tells.type player
set tells.blockMsg "You block all tells."
set tells.unblockMsg "You stop blocking tells."

load commands.Block$type shouts
set shouts.type shout
set shouts.blockMsg "You block shouts."
set shouts.unblockMsg "You stop blocking shouts."

cd ....

load commands.Also blocktells
set blocktells.command block.commands/tells

load commands.Also earmuffs
set earmuffs.command block.commands/shouts

load commands.Echo list
set list.echo "If you're looking for a list of the people you're blocking, or whatever, try 'actions'."

# With (druss 16July97)
load commands.With with

load commands.KBLock afk
load commands.Reply reply
load commands.Brief brief
# Punctuation (subtle 04Sep96)
load commands.Punctuation $
conceal $
set $.tell /commandsets/base/tell
set $.remote /commandsets/base/remote
set $.say /commandsets/base/say
set $.emote /commandsets/base/emote
set $.think /commandsets/base/think
set $.whisper /commandsets/base/whisper
set $.shout /commandsets/base/shout

load commands.Punctuation e
set e.say /commandsets/base/shout
set e.emote /commandsets/base/eshout
set e.shout /commandsets/base/shout
conceal e

# Bug (subtle 20Jul97)
load commands.AddLogEntry bug
set bug.logName "bug"
Program defect logged and flagged for a Directors attention

Thanks for taking an interest in Forest.

# Idea (subtle 20Jul97)
load commands.AddLogEntry idea
set idea.logName "idea"
Idea logged and flagged for a Directors attention

Thanks for taking an interest in Forest.

load commands.Email email
edit email.warning
Forest's new code sends an email verification message to your email account when you set it.  This message will contain a special code that can be entered into
Forest in order to validate your email address.

This system is used to prove that you are who you say you are, and ensure that
all the email addresses on the system are valid.

Everyone on Forest is permitted a single character ONLY.  The registration of more than one character will bring about severe consequences.

If you wish to not enter an email address below, simply hit return.


load commands.RefSite site
load commands.BanType newbieban
set newbieban.banType "N"
load commands.BanType siteban
set siteban.banType "C"
load commands.SiteUnban unban
load commands.SitesBanned sitesbanned
load commands.StringSetAdd reserve
load commands.SiteDisplay display

set reserve.stringSet /online/reservednames

# banish and splat - 24/7
load commands.TimedBanish splat
set splat.banTime 30m
set splat.commandType "S"
load commands.TimedBanish banish
set banish.banTime 3d
set banish.commandType "B"
load commands.Unbanish unsplat
set unsplat.commandType "S"
load commands.Unbanish unbanish
set unbanish.commandType "B"

# online stuff
cd online
load events.Shutdown shutdown

load Container footnotes memo

load Memo footnotes/1
set footnotes/1.value "Footnote 1:  The traders became very disgruntled after the cabbage price crash of 97 and pleaded with the city rulers to intervene to keep prices stable.  The rulers were very tired of eating cabbages at the time and opted to support the turnip industry after the move to the new city."

load Memo footnotes/2
set footnotes/2.value "Footnote 2:  I don't think I can sufficently convey to you how much the directors made fun of the author of this sentence. He seems to have put himself in a state of exile over it."

load Memo footnotes/3
set footnotes/3.value "Footnote 3:  Even after the move to the new city we still couldn't find the keys... but we think we know who took them now."

load Memo footnotes/4
set footnotes/4.value "Footnote 4:  The center of the old forest community."

load Memo footnotes/5
set footnotes/5.value "Footnote 5:  Of course they said that about the Titanic as well *shrug*"

load Memo footnotes/6
set footnotes/6.value "Footnote 6:  Footnotes are a lot of fun.  You can see them scattered around the realm, so if you ever see something like <footnote 9>, you know to look at it."

load Memo footnotes/7
set footnotes/7.value "Footnote 7:  The heroic nature of the `spod' is currently a topic of heated discussion in the behavioural psychology classes of a nearby university.  Some even claim that aspiring to `spodness' (or addiction to mindless banter)  is, as one lecturer puts it, `bloody stupid'."

load Memo footnotes/8
set footnotes/8.value "Footnote 8:  Wizards First Rule:  People are stupid."

load Memo footnotes/9
set footnotes/9.value "Footnote 9:  This is the famous recursive footnote, footnote 13.  <footnote 9>"

load Memo footnotes/10
set footnotes/10.value "Footnote 10:  It's not much, but its all we've got."

load Memo footnotes/11
set footnotes/11.value "Footnote 11:  There is no footnote 11"

load Memo footnotes/12
set footnotes/12.value "Footnote 12:  This is a placeholder footnote so that we could have a footnote 13"

load Memo footnotes/13
set footnotes/13.value "Footnote 13:  The famous recursive footnote, footnote 13, has moved.  No junk mail, please."

load Memo footnotes/14
set footnotes/14.value "Footnote 14:  Isn't it fun looking through all the footnotes?"

load Memo footnotes/15
set footnotes/15.value "Footnote 15:  It is slightly interesting to note that 'block tells' is an entirely different beast"

load Screen disclaimer
edit disclaimer
      --==>   Disclaimer of Liability and Indemnification   <==--

The Forest is not liable to the users of this service or to its listed
participants for the content, quality, performance or any other aspect of
any information provided by the listed participants and transmitted by
this service or for any errors in the transmission of said information.
Nor is Forest responsible to any person for any damages arising in any
manner out of the use of this service. The users and participants
acknowledge that they assume all risk and/or responsibility for any loss
or damage arising from the uses to which this service is put.

The user and/or the listed participant shall indemnify and hold harmless
Forest, its officers and employees, from and against any claims,
liabilities, losses, costs, damages or expenses (including attorney's
fees) arising from the user's use of or participation in this service or
the information contained thereon.

           By using this program,  you are stating that
           you  understand and  agree to the statements
           above: now and whenever you use this program


load Screen newbieban
edit newbieban
         --==>    This site has been newbie banned    <==--


        A newbie ban means that new people can not come in from your
        site.  People with resident accounts still can, however.

    Why?  Well...

        If people are constantly logging on from your site and abusing
        people, continually, and generally preventing everyone from having
        fun (which is the main purpose of this talker), then yes, we're
        going to newbie ban your site.

        You're probably not one of those people.  (Since you *are* reading
        this - which says something).  We're sorry.

        If you want, you can get an account pre-'made' for you, so
        that you can get around the newbie ban.  Write some email to
        the directors, at:


load Screen siteban
edit siteban
          --==>    This site has been completely banned    <==--

    Why?  Well...

        If people are constantly logging on from your site and abusing
        people, continually, and generally preventing everyone from having
        fun (which is the main purpose of this talker), then yes, we're
        going to ban your site.

        You're probably not one of those people.  (Since you *are* reading
        this - which says something).  We're sorry.

        Please note that you may be able to get this 'siteban' removed by
        writing some email to:


load Screen playerBanished
edit playerBanished

              --==>    This name has been banished    <==--


        The name you have attempted to use has been barred from entering
        this program.  It probably isn't even directed at you personally,
        you may just have picked a name that someone else (who obviously
        wasn't very popular) has used in the past.  Regardless... you're
        going to have to pick a new name.  [bzzzzt.  try again]

    Why?  Well...

        There are two major reasons that a name could be 'banished' from
        Forest.  Some names are just plain offensive - and we really don't
        like offensive things in our beautiful Forest.  I'd start giving
        examples here, but its not really in good taste, is it?

        Alternatively, some admin may have taken a particular disliking to
        you.  In this case, its probably so that some discussion of sorts
        can be carried out, before deciding upon what action to take (to
        allow you back in, or not).  In this case, it may be worth putting
        in your two cents worth by mailing:


load StaffChannel staffChannel
set /ranks/candidate.joinedTo /online/staffChannel
load CommandList /commandSets/staff
set staffChannel.commands /commandSets/staff

cd staffChannel.commands
load commands.Broadcast susay
set susay.broadcast "<%o> ^@%m^$"
set "<%o> ^@%m^$"
set susay.scapeFor /online/staffChannel
conceal susay
load commands.Broadcast suemote
set suemote.broadcast "<%o%s^@%m^$>"
set "<%o%s^@%m^$>"
set suemote.scapeFor /online/staffChannel
conceal suemote
load commands.Broadcast suthink
set suthink.broadcast "<%o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )>"
set "<%o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )>"
set suthink.scapeFor /online/staffChannel
conceal suthink
load commands.Punctuation s
set s.say /online/staffChannel.commands/susay
set s.emote /online/staffChannel.commands/suemote
set s.think /online/staffChannel.commands/suthink

load CategoryCommand block
cd block.commands

load commands.Block$scape su
set su.blockMsg "You block the SU channel"
set su.unblockMsg "You stop blocking the SU channel"
set su.notinBlockMsg "If you're ever promoted to SU, it'll be blocked"
set su.notinUnblockMsg "If you're ever promoted to SU, you won't be blocking the channel"
set su.blockScapeMsg "<> %o blocks the SU channel"
set su.unblockScapeMsg "<> %o stops blocking the SU channel"
set su.scapeFor /online/staffChannel
set su.type staffChannel

cd ....

cd /commandsets/base

load commands.ScapeWho staff
set staff.scapeFor /online/staffChannel
set staff.singular There is one member of staff online
set staff.footer There are %n staff on
set staff.empty No staff on at the moment.  If you're having problems or require assistance in any way, email

load commands.Warn warn
set warn.splashTo /online/staffChannel

load commands.Resident resident
set resident.splashTo /online/staffChannel
load commands.Also res
set res.command resident

load commands.Citizen citizen
set citizen.splashTo /online/staffChannel

# command setup for ranks
# by default, all of the commands are in the players container - shift from there

# Forest staff commands setup (snap 26Jul97)
cd /commandsets/base
load CommandList /commandSets/novice
set /ranks/novice.commands /commandSets/novice
mv citizen /ranks/novice.commands
mv res /ranks/novice.commands
conceal /ranks/novice.commands/res
mv resident /ranks/novice.commands
mv warn /ranks/novice.commands
mv newbies /ranks/novice.commands
mv dc /ranks/novice.commands
mv trace /ranks/novice.commands
mv sitesbanned /ranks/novice.commands
mv banish /ranks/novice.commands
mv newbieban /ranks/novice.commands
mv site /ranks/novice.commands
mv siteban /ranks/novice.commands
mv splat /ranks/novice.commands
mv unsplat /ranks/novice.commands
mv unban /ranks/novice.commands
mv display /ranks/novice.commands
mv reserve /ranks/novice.commands
mv blankTitle /ranks/novice.commands
mv player /ranks/novice.commands

# super user commands
load CommandList /commandSets/superuser
set /ranks/superuser.commands /commandSets/superuser

# Adept commands
load CommandList /commandSets/adept
set /ranks/adept.commands /commandSets/adept
mv travel /ranks/adept.commands
mv unbanish /ranks/adept.commands
mv limitActions /ranks/adept.commands

# Director Commands
mv ~me /ranks/director
mv ~me /ranks/mage
load CommandList /commandSets/director
set /ranks/director.commands /commandSets/director
mv as /ranks/director.commands
mv lag /ranks/director.commands

# mage commands
load CommandList /commandSets/mage
set /ranks/mage.commands /commandSets/mage
mv dump /ranks/mage.commands
mv ls /ranks/mage.commands
mv pwd /ranks/mage.commands
mv conceal /ranks/mage.commands
mv load /ranks/mage.commands
mv out /ranks/mage.commands
mv many /ranks/mage.commands
mv cd /ranks/mage.commands
mv reveal /ranks/mage.commands
mv schedule /ranks/mage.commands
mv set /ranks/mage.commands
mv mv /ranks/mage.commands
mv sort /ranks/mage.commands
mv sync /ranks/mage.commands
mv threads /ranks/mage.commands
mv yield /ranks/mage.commands

# set up creation commands in appropriate ranks
cd /commandSets/base
load CategoryCommand create
cd create.commands

load commands.Alias commands
set commands.command "commands create"

load commands.Create$room room
load commands.Create$exit exit

cd /commandSets/mage
load CategoryCommand create
cd create.commands
load commands.Create$clan clan
load commands.Create$object object

cd /commandSets/superuser
load CategoryCommand create
cd create.commands
load commands.Create$player player

cd /

sort /commandsets/base
sort /ranks/novice.commands
sort /ranks/superuser.commands
sort /ranks/adept.commands
sort /ranks/director.commands
sort /ranks/mage.commands

# cd /daemons
# web daemon disabled
# load WebConnectPort www 8888

sync /realm
sync /marshland
sync /online/help
sync /sites
sync /clans
