**               j###t  ########## ####   ####
**              j###t   ########## ####   ####
**             j###T               "###L J###"
**          ######P'    ##########  #########
**          ######k,    ##########   T######T
**          ####~###L   ####
**          #### q###L  ##########   .#####
**          ####  \###L ##########   #####"

package key;

import key.collections.*;
import key.util.FilteredEnumeration;
import key.util.MultiEnumeration;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Vector;

  *  A container is capable of holding Atoms.
public class Container
extends Atom
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 4938263978050622486L;
	public static final AtomicElement[] ELEMENTS =
			//  boolean getReferencesOnly();
		AtomicElement.construct( Container.class, Boolean.class,
			  AtomicElement.PUBLIC_ACCESSORS | AtomicElement.READ_ONLY,
			  "true if this container only holds references" ),
			//  int getCountContents();
		AtomicElement.construct( Container.class, Integer.TYPE,
			  AtomicElement.PUBLIC_ACCESSORS | AtomicElement.READ_ONLY,
			  "the number of things inside this container" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Container.class, String.class,
			  AtomicElement.PUBLIC_ACCESSORS | AtomicElement.READ_ONLY,
			  "the type of the collection" ),
			//  Integer limit;
		AtomicElement.construct( Container.class, Integer.class,
			  "the maximum number of things that may be in this container" )
	public static final AtomicStructure STRUCTURE = new AtomicStructure( Atom.STRUCTURE, ELEMENTS );
	  * @see key.AtomicElement.PARENT_TYPE
	public static final int PARENT_TYPE = 0;
		//  proper container objects have rooms off them
		//  normal small rooms have exits
		//  I *guess* its possible to have both
	transient Collection contained;
	Reference joined = Reference.EMPTY;
	protected boolean reference;

		//  initially no limit (null)
	public Integer limit = null;
	protected Type constrainedType;
	public Container()
		this( false );
	public AtomicStructure getDeclaredStructure()
		return( STRUCTURE );
	public Container( boolean ref )
		reference = ref;
		contained = new StringKeyCollection();
		constrainedType = null;
	public Container( boolean ref, Object key, Collection initialCollection )
		setKey( key );
		reference = ref;
		contained = initialCollection;
		constrainedType = null;
	public Container( Object key, Type constraint )
		this( false );
		setKey( key );

		if( constraint != null )
			setConstraint( constraint );
	private void writeObject( ObjectOutputStream oos ) throws IOException
		writeContents( oos );

	public String getCollectionType()
		return( contained.getClass().getName() );
	private void readObject( ObjectInputStream ois ) throws IOException
			readContents( ois );
		catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
			throw new UnexpectedResult( e.toString() );
	void setRecursiveOwner_imp( Atom newOwner )
		super.setRecursiveOwner_imp( newOwner );
		if( !reference )
			for( Enumeration e = elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
				Atom a = (Atom) e.nextElement();
				if( a.isParent( this ) )
					a.setRecursiveOwner( newOwner );
	  *  The argument to a container is the class to constrain
	  *  contained objects to
	public void argument( String args ) throws IllegalArgumentException
		if( args.length() != 0 )
				setConstraint( Type.forName( args ) );
			catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
				throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find class '" + args + "' to constraint the container." );
	public Type getConstraint()
		return( constrainedType );
	protected void setConstraint( Type c )
		if( (contained.count() == 0) )
			constrainedType = c;
			throw new UnexpectedResult( "trying to constrain a class with " + contained.count() + " elements already in it" );
	public final boolean isReference()
		return( reference );
	public boolean canAdd()
		if( limit != null && (contained.count() >= limit.intValue()) )
			return( false );
		return( true );
	  *  This method is called after the permission checking has
	  *  been done to actually do the work of adding the atom.
	  *  If this is a reference container, the atom is never
	  *  actually loaded.
	protected void addInternal( Reference added ) throws BadKeyException, NonUniqueKeyException
		Atom addedAtom = null;
			//  check the limit on this container hasn't been exceeded
		if( limit != null )
			if( contained.count() >= limit.intValue() )
				throw new LimitExceededException( "limit of " + limit.toString() + " exceeded on " + getName() );
		addedAtom = added.get();
		if( addedAtom == null )
			System.out.println( "null reference " + added.getClass().getName() + " passed to addInternal." );
		if( constrainedType != null )
			Type addedType = Type.typeOf( addedAtom );
			if( !addedType.isA( constrainedType ) )
				throw new TypeMismatchException( added.getName() + " is a " + addedType.getName() + ", which is not a " + constrainedType.getName() + ", the required class for " + getName() );
		Container j = (Container) joined.get();
		if( j != null )
			j.addInternal( added );
		if( !reference )
			addedAtom.addParent( this, PARENT_TYPE );
			addedAtom.addSymbolicParent( this ); (Symbol) added );
	  *  Adds the supplied atom and sets its parent to this
	public void add( Atom added ) throws BadKeyException, NonUniqueKeyException
		permissionList.check( addToAction );
		added.checkAdd( this );
		addInternal( added.getThis() );
	public void alias( Atom toAlias )
		permissionList.check( concealInAction );
		contained.conceal( (Symbol) toAlias.getThis() );
	public void unalias( Atom toNormal )
		permissionList.check( revealInAction );
		contained.reveal( (Symbol) toNormal.getThis() );
		/** Used primarily in the 'Many' command. */
	public void rekey( Atom toRekey, AliasListKey newAlk )
			//  remove the current keys
		AliasListKey alk;
			alk = (AliasListKey) toRekey.getKey();
		catch( ClassCastException e )
			throw new UnexpectedResult( "You need an aliaslist key atom in order to rekey." );
		if( contained instanceof AliasCollection )
			AliasCollection ac;
			ac = (AliasCollection) contained;
			ac.removeSecondaries( alk );
				//  rekey the atom
			alk.copySecondaries( newAlk );
			ac.addSecondaries( alk, (Symbol) toRekey.getThis() );
		else if( contained instanceof ObjectCollection )
				//  rekey the atom
			alk.copySecondaries( newAlk );
			((ObjectCollection)contained).rekey( toRekey.getThis() );
			throw new UnexpectedResult( "You need an aliasable container in order to rekey (" + contained.getClass().getName() + ": " + (contained instanceof ObjectCollection) );
	public final void sort()
		permissionList.check( sortAction );
	protected void delete()
		if( !reference )
				for( Enumeration e = elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
					Atom a = (Atom)e.nextElement();
					a.removeParent( this );
					Registry.instance.deleteIfTemporary( a );
			catch( NoSuchElementException e )
				//  this is okay - it happens when we dispose atoms that are
				//  already disposed - during this scan.  this exception is
				//  just because we ran out of things to delete in this 
				//  circumstance.
	void stopBeingTemporary()
		for( Enumeration e = elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
			Atom a = (Atom) e.nextElement();
	  * removes the atom.  if this is its parent container, specifies that the
	  * atom should be disposed of (deleted)
	public void remove( Atom removed ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,NoSuchElementException,BadKeyException
			//  this is a slightly more complicated permissions
			//  model.  we can remove if we've got access to remove
			//  from this group, OR if we've got access to move the
			//  player in question.
			permissionList.check( removeFromAction );
		catch( AccessViolationException e )
			if( !reference )
				removed.checkPermissionList( Atom.deleteAction );
					//  we can also remove from a container if
					//  we own the atom being removed - we always
					//  have rights over our own things.
				Player p = Player.getCurrent();
					//  this way is easier to read, rather than
					//  negating the expression.
				if( p != null && removed.isOwner( p ) )
					; //  fall through
					throw e;
		removeInternal( removed.getThis() );
	protected void removeInternal( Reference removed ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,NoSuchElementException,BadKeyException
		if( reference )
			noSideEffectRemove( removed );
				//  this is a little hacky - it should
				//  really just get() and "removeParent"
				//  like the other one, but that would
				//  require loading all the time, which
				//  wouldn't be much fun.  besides, what
				//  are reference containers for, if not
				//  efficiency hacks like this.
			if( removed.isLoaded() )
				removed.get().removeSymbolicParent( this );
			Atom a = removed.get();
				//  will call 'noSideEffectRemove' to remove 
			a.removeParent( this );
	protected void noSideEffectRemove( Reference removed ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,NoSuchElementException,BadKeyException
		contained.unlink( (Symbol) removed );
			//  this will occasionally throw an exception - generally for the joined
			//  classes - I figure its our responsibility to remove the element
			//  if it gets removed from here.  If you're going to step through
			//  reverseReferences and unlink them all, and then unlink the atom
			//  from its parent, unlink it from its parent first, since that will
			//  tidy up and make it one less reverse reference to deal with.
		Container j = (Container) joined.get();
		if( j != null )
				j.removeInternal( removed );
			catch( NonUniqueKeyException e )
				Log.debug( this, e.toString() + " while removing from joined" );
			catch( NoSuchElementException e )
					//  If you get:
					//  key.Residents - java.util.NoSuchElementException: 
					//      joe while removing from joined
					//  or similar - it just means the person was a
					//  newbie when the server was shut down.
				Log.debug( this, e.toString() + " while removing from joined" );
			catch( BadKeyException e )
				Log.debug( this, e.toString() + " while removing from joined" );
	public void removeByNumber( int c ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,BadKeyException
			//  this is a slightly more complicated permissions
			//  model.  we can remove if we've got access to remove
			//  from this group, OR if we've got access to move the
			//  player in question.
			permissionList.check( removeFromAction );
		catch( AccessViolationException e )
			if( !reference )
				Reference t = (Reference) contained.getElementAt( c );
				Atom a = t.get();
				a.getPermissionList().check( Atom.deleteAction );
				throw e;
			//  TODO: this code below has been added & not
			//  tested to ensure it was really required.
		if( !reference )
			Reference t = (Reference) contained.getElementAt( c );
			Atom a = t.get();
			a.removeParent( this );
		contained.removeElementAt( c );
	public final Symbol getElementAt( int n )
		Reference r = (Reference) contained.getElementAt( n );
		if( r != null )
			return( getReference( r ) );
			return( null );
	public final Symbol getElementAt( String p )
			return( getElementAt( Integer.parseInt( p ) ) );
		catch( NumberFormatException e )
			throw new InvalidSearchException( "a number must follow the @ symbol" );
		//  used to be limit( int )
	public void setLimit( int amount )
		limit = new Integer( amount );
	public final Object getTrieFor( String m )
		return( contained.getTrieFor( m ) );
	public void removeInvalidReferences()
		for( Enumeration e = contained.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
			Reference r = (Reference) e.nextElement();
			if( !r.isValid() )
					noSideEffectRemove( r );
				catch( Exception x )
					System.out.println( x.toString() );
					x.printStackTrace( System.out );
	  *  Adds all the symbols in this
	  *  container to the provided Container
	  *  This container retains a reference to
	  *  its elements, but full ownership (the
	  *  elements parents) is given to the new
	  *  container.  (ie, the parents of all
	  *  elements in this container are passed
	  *  to the parent container)
	public void addTopLevel( Container addTo )
		joined = addTo.getThis();
		for( Enumeration e = referenceElements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
				Reference l;
				l = (Reference) e.nextElement();
				addTo.addInternal( l );
			catch( BadKeyException t )
				Log.error( "invalid key while trying to add to top level", t );
			catch( NonUniqueKeyException t )
				Log.error( "non unique key while trying to add to top level", t );

	  *  This function returns Tags?
	public final Enumeration elements()
		return( new FilteredEnumeration( 
				new ReferenceEnumeratorFilter(
					new ReferenceEnumeratorFilter.EnumeratedThing()
						public void noSideEffectRemove( Reference r )
							throws NonUniqueKeyException, java.util.NoSuchElementException,BadKeyException
							Container.this.noSideEffectRemove( r );
				, true ) ) );
	public final Enumeration referenceElements()
		return( new FilteredEnumeration( 
				new ReferenceEnumeratorFilter(
					new ReferenceEnumeratorFilter.EnumeratedThing()
						public void noSideEffectRemove( Reference r )
							throws NonUniqueKeyException, java.util.NoSuchElementException,BadKeyException
							Container.this.noSideEffectRemove( r );
				, false ) ) );
	public void clearAllElements()
		permissionList.check( removeFromAction );
		for( Enumeration e = referenceElements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
			Reference t = (Reference) e.nextElement();
				removeInternal( t );
			catch( NonUniqueKeyException except )
				throw new UnexpectedResult( except.toString() );
			catch( BadKeyException except )
				throw new UnexpectedResult( except.toString() );
	public void search( Search s ) throws InvalidSearchException
		StringTokenizer st =;
		if( !st.hasMoreTokens() )
			//  s.result is already == this
		s.lastAtom = this;
		String p = st.nextToken();

		//System.out.println( "container::search recvd '" + p + "'" );
		Reference o = null;
		switch( p.charAt( 0 ) )
			case '.':
				if( !st.hasMoreElements() )
					s.result = this;
				p = st.nextToken();
				//System.out.println( "(.)               recvd '" + p + "'" );
					AtomicElement ae = structure.getElement( p );
					if( ae == null )
						throw new InvalidSearchException( "no such property '" + p + "' in " + getId() );
					s.result = ae;
			case '@':
					//  if it has a '@' in it, get elementAt
				if( !st.hasMoreElements() )
					throw new InvalidSearchException( "search string cannot end with a @" );
				p = st.nextToken();
					o = (Reference) contained.getElementAt( Integer.parseInt( p ) );
				catch( NumberFormatException e )
					throw new InvalidSearchException( "a number must follow the @ symbol" );
			case '/':
					//  if it ends with a '/', ignore the trailing slash
				if( !st.hasMoreElements() )
				p = st.nextToken();

				if( p.charAt(0) == '.' )
					if( !st.hasMoreTokens() )
						return;  //  ignore it, as above
						//  sometimes people write 'myname/.property',
						//  and this is permitted, but we need a hack
						//  for it.
					p = st.nextToken();
						AtomicElement ae = structure.getElement( p );
						if( ae == null )
							throw new InvalidSearchException( "no such property '" + p + "' in " + getId() );
						s.result = ae;
				//  deliberate fall through
				if( p.charAt( 0 ) == Key.nullEntry )
						//  special case for matching an element without a name
					p = "";
					//  look up the atom here
				o = (Reference) contained.getExact( p );
		if( o == null )
			throw new InvalidSearchException( "no such element '" + p + "' in " + getId() );
		if( !o.isValid() )
				noSideEffectRemove( o );
			catch( Exception x )
				throw new UnexpectedResult( x );
			throw new InvalidSearchException( "no such element (invalid) '" + p + "' in " + getId() );
		s.result = o;
	protected void readContents( ObjectInputStream from ) throws IOException
			contained = (Collection) from.readObject(); 
		catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
			throw new UnexpectedResult( "Incompatible change: " + e.toString() + " during container::readContents" );
	protected void writeContents( ObjectOutputStream to ) throws IOException
		to.writeObject( contained ); 
	protected String getSecondLevelId( int c )
		Atom p = getParent();
		if( p == null || getParentType() == PARENT_TYPE )
			return( getName() + ((c==0)?'/':':') );
			return( p.getSecondLevelId( c + 1 ) );
    public final int count()
		return( contained.count() );
	public final boolean getReferencesOnly()
		return( reference );

	public final int getCountContents()
		return( count() );
		//  if this was false, the container would
		//  use a . match if there aren't any leading
		//  tokens on a getSymbol
	protected boolean assumedContents = true;
	public final Object getReferenceElement( String s )
		Reference r = (Reference) contained.get( s );
		if( r == null || r.isValid() )
			return( r );
				noSideEffectRemove( r );
			catch( Exception x )
				throw new UnexpectedResult( x );
			return( null );
	public final Object getElement( String s )
			if( s.charAt( 0 ) == '@' )
				return( getElementAt( s.substring( 1 ) ) );
		catch( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e )
		Object o = contained.get( s );
		if( o instanceof Reference )
			Reference r = (Reference) o;
			if( r != null )
				return( getReference( r ) );
				return( null );
			return( o );
	private final Atom getReference( Reference r )
			return( r.get() );
		catch( OutOfDateReferenceException e )
			System.out.println( "CONTAINER: out of date reference to " + r.getName() + " removed" );
				noSideEffectRemove( r );
			catch( Exception x )
				throw new UnexpectedResult( x );
			return( null );
	public final Object getExactElement( String s )
			if( s.charAt( 0 ) == '@' )
				return( getElementAt( s.substring( 1 ) ) );
		catch( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e )
		Reference o = (Reference) contained.getExact( s );
		if( o != null )
			return( getReference( o ) );
			return( null );

	public void noLongerReferencing( Atom a )
		if( a.getParentType() == PARENT_TYPE )
				noSideEffectRemove( a.getThis() );
			catch( NonUniqueKeyException e )
				Log.error( "noLongerReferencing called for an atom that we're not referencing", e );
			catch( BadKeyException e )
				Log.error( "noLongerReferencing called for an atom that we're not referencing", e );
			super.noLongerReferencing( a );
	public final boolean contains( Atom a )
		return( contained.contains( (Symbol) a.getThis() ) );

	public final boolean containsReference( Reference r )
		return( contained.contains( r ) );

	//---  actions  ---//

	protected static StringKeyCollection staticActions;

		/**  is allowed to add objects to this container */
	public static Action addToAction; 

		/**  is allowed to remove objects from this container */
	public static Action removeFromAction;

		/**  can conceal atoms in this container */
	public static Action concealInAction;

		/**  can reveal atoms in this container */
	public static Action revealInAction;

		/**  can sort atoms in this container */
	public static Action sortAction;
		staticActions = new StringKeyCollection();
		addToAction = newAction( Container.class, staticActions, "addTo", true, true );
		removeFromAction = newAction( Container.class, staticActions, "removeFrom", true, true );
		concealInAction = newAction( Container.class, staticActions, "concealIn", true, true );
		revealInAction = newAction( Container.class, staticActions, "revealIn", true, true );
		sortAction = newAction( Container.class, staticActions, "sort", true, true );
	public Enumeration getActions()
		return( new MultiEnumeration( staticActions.elements(), super.getActions() ) );
	public boolean containsAction( Action a )
		return( staticActions.contains( a ) || super.containsAction( a ) );
	  *  Returns the action corresponding to the
	  *  supplied name.  This routine will need to
	  *  be overriden by sub-classes using actions.
	public Action getAction( String name )
		Action a = (Action) staticActions.get( name );

		if( a == null )
			return( super.getAction( name ) );
			return( a );
	private static int totalContainers;
	public static int getTotalContainers()
		return( totalContainers );
	protected void finalize() throws Throwable