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**  Class History
**  Date        Name         Description
**  ---------|------------|-----------------------------------------------
**  18Jul97     snapper      added countMembers() routine
**  18Jul97     subtle       added timestatistics keeping

package key;

import key.primitive.*;
import key.commands.ClanBroadcast;
import java.util.Enumeration;

  *  A clan is land - but it also encompasses the
  *  rank and structures of that land
public class Clan extends Channel
	private static final long serialVersionUID = -46981576610977923L;
	public static final int MAX_DESCRIPTION_LINES = Player.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LINES;
	public static final int MAX_DESCRIPTION_BYTES = Player.MAX_DESCRIPTION_BYTES;
	public static final int MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 60;
	public static final int MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH = 10;
	public static final AtomicElement[] ELEMENTS =
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, TimeStatistics.class, "loginStats",
			AtomicElement.PUBLIC_FIELD | AtomicElement.ATOMIC,
			"information about the cumulative time spent in the clan" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Player.class, "founder",
			"the leader and owner of the clan" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Room.class, "hall",
			"the clan's main room" ),
		//AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Landscape.class, "land",
			//"the clan's rooms" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Landscape.class, "ranks",
			"the clan's ranks" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Landscape.class, "commandSets",
			"the clan's command sets" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Rank.class, "baseRank",
			"the clan's ranks" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, String.class, "title", "title",
			"a string that sometimes comes after the clan's name",
			AtomicSpecial.StringLengthLimit( MAX_TITLE_LENGTH, false, true ) ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, String.class, "prefix", "prefix",
			"a string that sometimes comes before the clan's name",
			AtomicSpecial.StringLengthLimit( MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH, false, true ) ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, TextParagraph.class,
			"description", "description",
			"a short description of the clan",
				//  these constants should be put elsewhere
			AtomicSpecial.TextParagraphLengthLimit( MAX_DESCRIPTION_BYTES,
			                                        MAX_DESCRIPTION_LINES ) ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Webpage.class, "homepage",
			"the clan's homepage" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, Screen.class, "motd",
			"a message of the day for the clan" ),
		AtomicElement.construct( Clan.class, String.class, "titledName",
			AtomicElement.PUBLIC_ACCESSORS | AtomicElement.READ_ONLY |
			"the name and title of the clan" )
	public static final AtomicStructure STRUCTURE = new AtomicStructure( Channel.STRUCTURE, ELEMENTS );
	public final TimeStatistics loginStats = new TimeStatistics();
	public Reference founder = Reference.EMPTY;
	public Reference hall = Reference.EMPTY;
	//public final Landscape land = (Landscape) Factory.makeAtom( Landscape.class, "land" );
	public final Container ranks = (Container) Factory.makeAtom( Container.class, "ranks" );
	public final Container commandSets = (Container) Factory.makeAtom( Container.class, "commandSets" );
	public final Screen motd = (Screen) Factory.makeAtom( Screen.class, "motd" );
	public Reference baseRank = Reference.EMPTY;
	public String title = " the shiny new clan";
	public String prefix = "CLAN";
	public TextParagraph description = new TextParagraph();
	public Webpage homepage = new Webpage();
	public static final int MAX_RANKS = 6;
	public static final int MAX_NAME = 20;
	public AtomicStructure getDeclaredStructure()
		return( STRUCTURE );
	public Clan()
		ranks.setConstraint( Type.RANK );
		ranks.setLimit( MAX_RANKS );
			// make founder, leader, and member ranks...
			// founder
		Rank founder = (Rank) Factory.makeAtom( Rank.class, "founder" );
		Rank leader = (Rank) Factory.makeAtom( Rank.class, "leader" );
		Rank member = (Rank) Factory.makeAtom( Rank.class, "member" );
			ranks.add( founder );
			ranks.add( leader );
			ranks.add( member );
				// set the base rank to member.
			baseRank = member.getThis();
				// add the joined-to property so they can use commands in
				// clan as opposed to rank.
			member.setJoinedTo( this );
			PermissionList pl;
			pl = leader.getPermissionList();
			pl.allow( founder.getThis(), Container.addToAction );
			pl.allow( founder.getThis(), Container.removeFromAction );
			pl = member.getPermissionList();
			pl.allow( leader.getThis(), Container.addToAction );
			pl.allow( leader.getThis(), Container.removeFromAction );
				// set up the implies, founder implies leader,
				//                     leader implies member.
			founder.implies.add( leader );
			leader.implies.add( member );
			CommandList clanCommands = (CommandList) Factory.makeAtom( CommandList.class, "clanCommands" );
			clanCommands.setLimit( 20 );
			clanCommands.setTitle( "clan" );
			commandSets.add( clanCommands );
			commands = clanCommands.getThis();
				CommandCategory refClan = (CommandCategory) Factory.makeAtom( key.CommandCategoryContainer.class );
				refClan.setKey( "clan" );
				clanCommands.add( refClan );
				CommandList clanClanCommands = refClan.getCommandList();
				clanClanCommands.setTitle( "clan" );
				Command cmds = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.Alias.class, "commands" );
				cmds.setProperty( "command", "commands clan" );
				clanClanCommands.add( cmds );
				Command cwho = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.ScapeWho.class, "who" );
				cwho.setProperty( "scapeFor", this );
				cwho.setProperty( "singular", "There is one clan member online" );
				cwho.setProperty( "footer", "You have %n clan members online" );
				cwho.setProperty( "empty", "No clan members on at the moment" );
				clanClanCommands.add( cwho );
					//  Communication, ick...
					//  clan say 
				ClanBroadcast csay = (ClanBroadcast) Factory.makeAtom( ClanBroadcast.class, "say" );
				csay.setProperty( "broadcast", "(%c): %o says '^@%m^$'" );
				csay.setProperty( "broadcastQuestion", "(%c): %o asks '^@%m^$'" );
				csay.setProperty( "broadcastExclaim", "(%c): %o exclaims '^@%m^$'" );
				csay.setProperty( "feedback", "(%c): %o says '^@%m^$'" );
				csay.setProperty( "feedbackQuestion", "(%c): %o asks '^@%m^$'" );
				csay.setProperty( "feedbackExclaim", "(%c): %o exclaims '^@%m^$'" );
				csay.setScapeFor( this );
				clanClanCommands.add( csay );
					// clan emote 
				ClanBroadcast cemote = (ClanBroadcast) Factory.makeAtom( ClanBroadcast.class, "emote" );
				cemote.setProperty( "broadcast", "(%c): %o%s^@%m^$" );
				cemote.setProperty( "feedback", "(%c): %o%s^@%m^$" );
				cemote.setScapeFor( this );
				clanClanCommands.add( cemote );
					// clan think 

				ClanBroadcast cthink = (ClanBroadcast) Factory.makeAtom( ClanBroadcast.class, "think" );
				cthink.setProperty( "broadcast", "(%c): %o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )" );
				cthink.setProperty( "feedback", "(%c): %o thinks . o O ( ^@%m^$ )" );
				cthink.setScapeFor( this );
				clanClanCommands.add( cthink );
					// Now punctuation for the communication
				Command cPunctuation = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.Punctuation.class, "c" );
				clanCommands.add( cPunctuation );
					// add the say, emote and think to c
				cPunctuation.setProperty( "say", csay );
				cPunctuation.setProperty( "emote", cemote );
				cPunctuation.setProperty( "think", cthink );
					// Add commands to the ranks, founders get generic 
					// grant style command named 'raise'
					// leader get accept, exile
					// member secede
					// code:	construct the new commandlist;
					//			set the rank's command list to created 
					//			create a new command
					//			put in in the list 
					//			make the founder the owner
				Command secede = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.Secede.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( secede );
				// member
			CommandList memberCommands = (CommandList) Factory.makeAtom( CommandList.class, "member" );
			memberCommands.setLimit( 20 );
			commandSets.add( memberCommands );
			member.setProperty( "commands", memberCommands );
				CommandCategory refClan = (CommandCategory) Factory.makeAtom( key.CommandCategoryContainer.class );
				refClan.setKey( "clan" );
				memberCommands.add( refClan );
				CommandList clanClanCommands = refClan.getCommandList();
				clanClanCommands.setTitle( "clan" );
				Command clanMotd = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.ClanMotd.class );
				clanMotd.setKey( "clanmotd" );
				clanClanCommands.add( clanMotd );
				// leader
			CommandList leaderCommands = (CommandList) Factory.makeAtom( CommandList.class, "leader" );
			leaderCommands.setLimit( 20 );
			commandSets.add( leaderCommands );
			leader.setProperty( "commands", leaderCommands );

				CommandCategory refClan = (CommandCategory) Factory.makeAtom( key.CommandCategoryContainer.class );
				refClan.setKey( "clan" );
				leaderCommands.add( refClan );
				CommandList clanClanCommands = refClan.getCommandList();
				clanClanCommands.setTitle( "clan" );
				Command accept = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Accept.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( accept );
				Command revoke = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Revoke.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( revoke );
				// founders
			CommandList founderCommands = (CommandList) Factory.makeAtom( CommandList.class, "founder" );
			founderCommands.setLimit( 20 );
			commandSets.add( founderCommands );
			founder.setProperty( "commands", founderCommands );
			CommandCategoryContainer create = (CommandCategoryContainer) Factory.makeAtom( CommandCategoryContainer.class, "create" );
			founderCommands.add( create );
			Command rank = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Create_rank.class, "rank" );
			create.getCommandList().add( rank );
				CommandCategory refClan = (CommandCategory) Factory.makeAtom( key.CommandCategoryContainer.class );
				refClan.setKey( "clan" );
				founderCommands.add( refClan );
				CommandList clanClanCommands = refClan.getCommandList();
				clanClanCommands.setTitle( "clan" );
				Command refRank = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.RefRank.class );
				refRank.setKey( "rank" );
				clanClanCommands.add( refRank );
				Command add = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Add.class );
				add.setKey( "add" );
				clanClanCommands.add( add );
				Command take = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Take.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( take );
				Command baserank = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.BaseRank.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( baserank );
				Command editmotd = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.EditMotd.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( editmotd );
				Command setHall = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.SetHall.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( setHall );
				Command dissolve = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Dissolve.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( dissolve );
				Command implies = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Implies.class );
				clanClanCommands.add( implies );
				Command notImplies = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.NotImplies.class );
				notImplies.setKey( "notimplies" );
				clanClanCommands.add( notImplies );
				//Command clanland = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.RefClanLand.class );
				//clanland.setKey( "clanland" );
				//clanClanCommands.add( clanland );
				Command structure = (Command) Factory.makeAtom( key.commands.clan.Structure.class );
				structure.setKey( "structure" );
				clanClanCommands.add( structure );
				// sort those command sets!
		catch( BadKeyException e )
			throw new UnexpectedResult( "static string should contain only alphabetic characters" );
		catch( NonUniqueKeyException e )
			throw new UnexpectedResult( "There is already something of that name here" );
	public Player getFounder()
			return( (Player) founder.get() );
		catch( OutOfDateReferenceException e )
			founder = Reference.EMPTY;
			Log.log( "clan", "Clan " + getName() + " no longer has a valid founder" );
			return( null );
		catch( ClassCastException e )
			founder = Reference.EMPTY;
			Log.log( "clan", "Clan " + getName() + " no longer has a valid founder" );
			return( null );
	public void setFounder( Player p )
		if( founder == Reference.EMPTY )
			founder = p.getThis();
			Container c = (Container) ranks.getElement( "founder" );
			if( c != null )
					c.add( p );
				catch( Exception e )
					Log.error( "during clan setFounder()", e );
			throw new AccessViolationException( this, "founder already set in clan " + getName() + ".  Cannot set the founder to be " + p.getName() );
	public String getTitledName()
		return( getName() + title );
	public String getPrefix()
		return( prefix );
	public int countMembers()
		int temp = 0;
		for( Enumeration e = ranks.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
			temp += ((Rank)e.nextElement()).count();
		return temp;
	public String getCreationDate()
		return( loginStats.firstConnection.toString() );
	public void linkPlayer( Player p ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,BadKeyException
		super.linkPlayer( p );
	public void unlinkPlayer( Player p ) throws NonUniqueKeyException,java.util.NoSuchElementException,BadKeyException
		super.unlinkPlayer( p );