# Forest Online Help v1.00 chapter 5
cd /online/help
# (PERMISSIONS) [5] (subtle 23/09/98 v1.00)
load Screen permissions
set permissions.title "(PERMISSIONS) [5]"
set subtle
edit permissions.text

It is through the permissions commands that you may specify 'who' may do
'what'.  For instance, if you wanted to prevent snapper from talking to you,
you could 'deny snapper tell'.

sub topics

  actions      (5.1)     listing the actions that you've set
  allow        (5.2)     allowing someone to do something
  deny         (5.3)     preventing someone from doing something

  player_act   (5.4)     a description of the actions available for players
  other_act    (5.5)     using the permissions commands on other objects
  room_act     (5.6)     a description of the actions available for rooms
  clan_act     (5.7)     a description of the actions available for clans

many permissions perms 5

load Screen actions
set actions.title "(PERMISSIONS) [5.1]"
set "subtle"
edit actions.text

The actions command displays a list of the settings for an object.  For
instance, when I type actions, it might look like this:

This means...

In general, you will only see the actions of your current 'context' when you
type 'actions'.  In order to see the actions of other objects (for instance,
the action list for one of your rooms), you will need to change your context
to that object, first.  The 'room <roomname>' command does this.  You may
either use 'room <roomname>' (for instance, "room tower", if I had previously
"construct room tower"), and this will change your context to this room for
many commands (your prompt will also change to something like '[tower] ->')
until you type 'end'.  Alternatively, to change your context to an object
for a single command, you may type 'room <roomname> <command>', for instance
'room tower actions', which will immediately list the actions for my tower
without changing my context.  If you are in a clan, you might also find
that you have commands to view the actions on each rank in a clan, or the
clan rooms.  The use of these can be explained in more detail by your founder,
or, if you're game, you can read snapper's technical clan overview.

Player Actions

This is a list of the normal actions available on a player.  To see how to
turn these on and off (by default, or for a specific player), see the allow,
deny, and default commands.

  tell_act     (5.4.1)   can people can talk to you with 'tell' or 'remote'
  find_act     (5.4.2)   whether people can find you with 'where' or 'who'
  friend_act   (5.4.3)   determines if people may friend you or not
  seePriv_act  (5.4.4)   some people can see your email or florins
  summon_act   (5.4.5)   if people can 'summon' you to the same room as them


  The tell action permits or prevents someone from talking to you using
  the "tell", "remote" or "rthink" commands.  If you, for instance,
  "deny tell", then, by default, *no-one* may talk to you.  If you then
  were to "allow snapper tell", then he _could_ talk to you.  That is,
  specific entries for a player override the defaults.  Now, when someone
  tries to talk to you and can't (either because you are blocking all
  tells, or because you are blocking them, specifically).  <footnote 15>


  The find action permits people to see where you are when you're hiding.
  People may see where you are with two commands, 'where', and 'who' will
  sometimes show your location as well.

  The friend action permits or prevents people from 'friending' you.  If
  you were a particularly unfriendly person, you may, for instance, simply
  'deny friend', which means that no-one (aside from those people you have
  explicitly set 'allow <name> friend' for) may put you on their friends
  list.  This is different from you putting them on your friends list,
  however.  A good use of this command might be 'deny friend', 'allow
  friends friend'.  This would mean that someone can only friend you after
  you friend them first.


  The seePrivateInfo action can be used to allow (or disallow) particular
  people from being able to look up certain 'private' fields on your
  playerfile.  For instance, if you set your email to private (with the
  command 'email private', then only people who you have 'allow <name>
  seePrivateInfo' for will be able to see your email address if they
  finger you.  (With 'finger <name>').  Oh, su's can see your email
  as well.  In case you wondered.  They've been instructed not to tell
  anyone what it is, though, so... you know.


  The summon action permits other people to 'summon' you into the same
  room that they are in.  It is kind of like a reverse 'join' command.
  'join subtle' takes you to the room that I am in (if you're permitted
  to go to that room), 'summon subtle' brings me to the room that you
  are in.  Provided you're allowed to "summon" me.  Making sense?

Other Actions

This is a list of the normal actions available on a player.  To see how to
turn these on and off (by default, or for a specific player), see the allow,
deny, and default commands.

  modify_act   (5.5.1)   certain people (other than the owner) may make changes
  move_act     (5.5.2)   whether someone can move this object around
  possess_act  (5.5.3)   determines whether a person may take ownership
  delete_act   (5.5.4)   permits or prevents someone from deleting this object
  addTo_act    (5.5.5)   permits someone to add something to this container
  removeFrom_act(5.5.6)  to remove something from this container 


  The modify action will permit or prevent others from making changes to this
  object.  For instance, if you were to "room kitchen allow meowcat modify",
  then meowcat would be free to change the description (or indeed, any other
  property) of that room as she will.


  The move action will permit or prevent others from moving an object around.
  It is not particularly applicable to rooms or players, however, if one had
  been given the appropriate commands, they could move a room from one player
  to another.  They'd need 'addTo' and 'removeFrom' on the two players, as
  well.  Another action thats going to need to wait for the objects code. ;)


  You probably don't want to touch this action, either.  Presumably (again,
  given that the person involved had the appropriate commands), they could
  take ownership (make it so that it was theirs) of the object.


  Giving someone 'delete' of an object will allow them (provided they have
  'removeFrom' on the objects parent, for instance the player or room) to
  erase the object.  Deletion is kind of final, so you know.  Don't take
  it lightly.


  This action will allow someone to add an object to this container.  For
  instance, someone with addTo on a room will be able to add, say, a
  newsboard.  Someone with addTo on a player is able to add a room to that
  players rooms.


  This action will allow or prevent someone from removing something from
  this container.  Generally, in removing something from a container, you
  will also need 'move' or 'delete' (depending upon what you're trying to
  do, exactly) on the object that is being moved as well.

Room Actions

This is a list of the normal actions available on a room.  To see how to
turn these on and off (by default, or for a specific player), see the allow,
deny, and default commands.

  ejectFrom_act(5.5.1)   whether someone can kick someone else out of here
  enter_act    (5.5.2)   whether someone can come into this room


  Players with this action enabled on the room they are in are permitted to
  'eject' other players in the room from it.  It is important to note that
  there is no check other than this one.  This means that they could kick
  you out of your own room!  (Of course, you could then revoke their ability
  to do that...)  Hand out this action with caution.


  Players with this action may come into this room.  Without it, there
  should not (the code is in betatest, remember) be a way for the player
  to come into the room.  Unless they're a SU, or something tricky like
  that, obviously.  The SU's have been instructed not to do such things
  unless it is absolutely necessary, however, and you should report any
  breaches of this to

Clan Actions

The actions on and in a clan are generally have the same names as the others
(a clan is, after all, just a container), however, because of their somewhat
unique structure, these actions have somewhat different meanings.

To start, a clan contains ranks, not players.  Giving someone addTo or
removeFrom on a clan (on the clan itself) means that that player may create
a new rank for the clan.  Now, the clan land is a landscape, containing rooms,
and giving someone (or a rank) addTo or removeFrom on that permits them to
create new clan rooms or delete clan rooms.

<footnote 15:  It is slightly interesting to note that 'block tells' is an entirely different beast>