colourcode `
security 7

helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text .            `GThe Dawn of Time Newbie Document`+
`GNewbie Help Document.`=?`+
Welcome to Dawn of Time. This file is for new players, and for long time 
ones too. For those that do not know what Dawn of Time has to offer, this 
will be a very useful document to read. It will give you an idea of where 
Dawn of Time is,where it is going, and how you can fit in with everyone who 
already has the jump on you. For more experienced players, it will serve to 
remind you of a few things you might have missed, or could use some brushing 
up on.  Rolemaster Based Attributes - The attribute system for Dawn of Time 
is modled after the rolemaster role playing game. If you are not familiar 
with rolemaster, don't worry. Take a look at the help file for ATTRIBUTES 
and it will explain the ten attributes and how they effect your character. 
The expanded number of attributes seems a bit daunting at first, but they 
allow for a greater realism in character abilities. Before long they will 
seem no more confusing than more standard six attribute MUDs.`+
Dynamic Mythos - The Immortals of Dawn of Time are constantly updating and 
changing the game. A story line is being followed, and from time to time, 
major events in Dawn of Time history occur. Some times new zones are added, 
other times zones are rewritten to reflect what has been going on. Other 
changes can occur based on player interaction. Everyone has the potential to 
help craft the story line of Dawn of Time. `+
`CSEE: ROLEPLAY, and all associated help files.`=?`+
Magic System - Under the new Dawn of Time code system, spell casting classes 
have a much greater control over what spells they learn. Gone are the days 
of being guaranteed a certain spell simply by gaining a level. Now, each 
spell caster chooses different spell Spheres and Realms that dictate what 
spells will be available during their character's life. As you gain 
experience, other spheres and realms can be gained (see also help GAIN) to 
increase your character's spell casting ability. When you reach a new level, 
a series of random checks are made to see if you learn a new spell. The 
higher your level, the better chance you have of learning it. Technically, 
it is possible for a second level mage to learn acid blast, but that would 
be a rare case indeed!`+
Role playing has several different facets to it. In terms of your character, 
you are described by several different catagories. One of which is your 
race. Race plays a big part of what your character is. Each of the races of 
Dawn of Time speak a language native to them. Several races speak human, but 
there are many others that have a tounge totally different. If you choose to 
play an orc, and nobody you know speaks orcish, will your character try to 
learn another language to communicate, or will it instead consider everyone 
else the ignorant party? Race also plays a factor in who you consider a 
potential ally, or enemy. Does your character carry any biases? If you are 
an half breed race (half elf, or half orc) do you harbor any ill will toward 
one half of your parentry? Or both? All questions worth considering. `+
Not only is your character marked by race, but by class. Your class will 
dictate what gear you may use. If you look at someone else and see them 
wearing the heaviest armors in the realm, they are not likely to be a mage. 
Likewise, most warriors would not be dressed in only robes. Also, beyond 
gear, the skills you choose are also class dependant. For example, everyone 
can learn to dodge, but if you find a new player in the realm, and see them 
dodging well in a fight, that might clue you into the fact that they might 
be either a warrior or rogue. The level at which you can learn a skill 
depends on your class, and the skill in question. (See help SKILLS and GAIN 
for more information) `+
`r<see help GAME2 for the continued newbie help>`=? 

keyword GAME2~
helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text ..          `GThe Dawn of Time Newbie Document, Part2`+
These two groups define the character in it's most general form. There are 
however other distinctions that need to be considered. One of these is your 
character's alignment. How strongly they are influenced by good and evil, 
law or chaos will reflect many things about a character. Who they will trust 
(if anyone), what gear they will use, whether or not they are likely to 
retrieve corpses for other players, what clans they will seek out to join, 
nobles. `+
`CSEE: `=_OOC `=_IC `=_RP`=?`+
Another part of your character is how they regard clans. There are several 
clans in Dawn of Time. Will your character choose to seek one that holds 
beliefs close to thiers, or are they more of the solo type? Does your 
character trust them? Would your character rather start thier own clan, on 
thier own terms? Questions every character should be willing to answer. For 
more information look at the help file for CLANs.`+
Lastly, but far from finally, your charcter is an individual. You have your 
own view on the world, and how it should be. How you take steps toward that 
end dictates ultimately what kind of a character you are. All of the above 
items combine to form your character's outlook. What kind of mobs does your 
character kill? Where does he or she choose to rest after a hard fought 
battle? What skills do you want your character to develop first? Next? Notat 
all? `+
Now, aside from role playing, there are certain parts of the game that 
cannot be avoided. These are game mechanics and more or less what you have 
to do to level, and improve yourself. Mostly, your character will improve 
through killing mobs. Player killing IS allowed in Dawn of Time, after all, 
this is supposed to be as realistic as possible. One word of warning is that 
if you kill another player for a non-IC reason, you will be punished by the 
nobles, the administration, or both. Player killing is accepted, but not 
taken lightly.`+
`CSEE: `=_DEATH `=_IC `=_WHY `=_OOC `=_RP`=?`+
Combat is level dependant on Dawn of Time. That is to say, if you greatly 
out class your opponent in terms of level, you will more than likely defeat 
them very easily. The opposite is also true. If your intended kill out ranks 
you, you may want to rethink your actions. Weapons also do damage that is 
dependant on thier type. Daggers do the least amount of damage (all other 
factors being equal) and two handed axes do the most. This should be self 
evident. All players can wield a weapon, and hold one in thier off hand. 
While so armed, the character gains an extra (and ONLY one) attack with that 
secondary weapon. While using a shield, holding an item, or wielding a two 
handed weapon, a secondary weapon cannot be used. `+
Armor in Dawn of Time will protect you based on how much of your body it 
covers. Items like neck armor protect compairitivly little of you, whereas 
shields provide much better protection. Whether or not your character uses a 
two handed weapon, two one handed weapons, or a weapon and a shield is 
totally up to you. All three forms have thier advantages, and disadvantages. 
Once you begin your character on Dawn of Time, you are encouraged to visit 
several areas to get a grasp of what you just got yourself into. Firstly, 
and most obivous, is the Mud School. Even experienced MUD players should 
invest the time to go through mud school. The mobs there, and the refresher 
course in mudding are valuable to everyone. `+
Also, Dawn of Time has the roof of the mud school available to explore. This 
is an area the explains mudding on more general terms, both for game 
mechanics, and how it applies to Dawn of Time. Everyone should deffinatly go 
through this area. To sum up, Dawn of Time is a unique game where those who 
want to spend the time and effort to build interesting, multi-dimentional 
characters have the opportunity to do so. If this is your goal, then submit 
a character and get ready for a game you are not likely to soon forget.`+

category undefined~
text We currently have no Mud School.  You start with 1000 silver in the main 
plaza of your home town, and we suggest you look at the maps you'll find in 
your inventory.  They show lots of good areas to go to for new players, as 
well as everything in your home town.  It is also a good idea to type 'help 
game', our main file for new players.  

keyword SEND~
helpflags nsupport~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?send <charname> <email address>`+
The send command, available only to immortals and newbie helpers, is for 
sending a copy of the newbie document to the specified email address.  `+
If you would like a copy of the newbie document sent to you, you can ask an 
immortal or newbie helper to send you one, or you can find it online at 

keyword CHARDESC~
helpflags nsupport~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?chardesc <character>`+
`=?        chardesc <mobile>`+
This command allows you to edit a characters long description, using the 
familiar description editor.  You can edit a characters long description 
using the character description command(chardesc).  It works exactly like 
the descript command (for yourself) apart from youtype the characters name 
as the single parameter.  You cannot edit a characters long description if 
they have been letgained.  Only an immortal can do this.  This command is 
specifically for helping those newbies that are absoultely new to RPing 
and/or the description editor. `+
eg CHARDESC BOB will edit bobs description...  NOTE: The person is totally 
unaware that you are editing his/her long description.  You might want to 
notify them that you are doing so, or else you'll both end up messing with 
the description at the same time.`+
You can also edit a mobiles description for quests and things like that. 
Newbie support people are also able to edit descriptions of newbies. 

helpflags nsupport~
category undefined~
text Newbie support personnel have access to several comamnds to help them 
accomplish their duties.  Most useful is the `#`Ctell`^ command, which will allow 
you to talk to a newbie no matter where they are on the mud. The `Cchardesc`^ 
will allow you to help a newbie with their long description, and `Csend`^ allows 
you to email a copy of the newbie document to them.  Check the helps for 
more information and syntax. `+

keyword START-NEWBIE1~
category newbie~
parent_help SUMMARY~
continues START-NEWBIE2~
text Welcome,`+
The following few help entries will introduce you to the basics of playing 
this game and get you up and running.`+
In these helps, the text '`=lSyntax:`=?' is used to specify what you must type 
to activate a command, for example:`+
  `=lSyntax:`=? help `=_start-newbie`+
Means that you can type `=Chelp start-newbie`=? (which in this case is the 
command used to display this help entry.)`+
When you view these helps please read them carefully and view associated 
help files, for example 'help `=_get' will also have help on the give command.`+
Another way to figure out what all the commands do is to just type 
`=Ccommand`=?, this will list all of the commands you can use.  You can view a 
help on any of those commands by typing `=Chelp <command name>`=?.  e.g. if you 
type command and you see a command listed called give, type `=Chelp give`=? for 
help on what the command give actually does.`+
See helps on:`+
`G[Moving about]        [Grouping with others]`+
     `=lSyntax:`=?                  `=lSyntax:`=?`=?`+
* help `=_direction         * help `=_follow`+
* help `=_exits             * help `=_group`+
* help `=_recall            * help `=_split`+
* help `=_wake`+
* help `=_sleep`+

keyword START-NEWBIE2~
category newbie~
parent_help SUMMARY~
continues START-NEWBIE3~
text `G[Using Objects]        [Information/Communication]
`=lSyntax:`=?                  `=lSyntax:`=?`=?                  
* help `=_give                * command [this lists all the commands you can 
* help `=_wear                           type, type 'command' then look at help 
* help `=_brandish                       for the ones you dont understand]
* help `=_unlock              * help `=_commands [common commands]
* help `=_drink               * help `=_equipment
* help `=_buy                 * help `=_notes
* help `=_wear                * help `=_communication
                           * help `=_look
                           * help `=_socials    
                           * help `=_language
                           * help `=_smote

keyword START-NEWBIE3~
category newbie~
parent_help SUMMARY~
continues START-THIS-MUD~
text `G[Combat]            [Other]`=?
`=lSyntax:`=?                  `=lSyntax:`=?`=?                  
* `=_kill                     * `=_teach
* `=_flee                     * `=_save
* `=_backstab                 * `=_quit
* `=_skills                   * `=_train 
* `=_cast                     * `=_practice
* `=_wimpy                    * `=_gain
                           * `=_delete
Ok now you know the basics of mudding, lets talk about mudding here in particular...

title Starting to mud on The Dawn of Time~
helpflags mud_specific~
category newbie~
parent_help SUMMARY~
text This help entry introduces things which are specific about this mud, it is 
recommended that you read '`=Chelp `=_start-newbie`=?' before reading this help if 
you are new to mudding, for information about mudding in general.`+
The Dawn of Time is a roleplaying MUD what does this mean?`+
Well it means we have a lot of fun!  Once you have roleplayed you will never 
think of mudding the same.  As roleplay and roleplaying is an integral part 
of The Dawn Of Time please read these helps and associated helps.  You can 
read more about roleplaying in 'help `=_roleplaying'. `+
The Dawn of Time has a great magic system, it is slightly different from 
other MUDS but be assured it is more fun, to understand the system in place 
at the Dawn of Time and learn about its races, attribute system, classes 
etc..read this help and associated help files.`+
  help `=_system [read all associated helps :)]`+
  help `=_death`+
  help `=_karn`+
For some general knowledge regarding the game, the people who run it and 
other things go check out help `=_start-general 

category undefined~
text `=?
`GOk things you need to know!`=?
 To see our `cWebpages`=? check out the `=_sites help and to send 
 your Immortals some EMAIL our areas our other stuff see the 
`c`=_immemail`=? help file! 
  help `=_immemail
  help `=_sites
`RImportant helps of interest you may have missed.`=?
  help `=_magic-system
  help `=_letgain
  help `=_rules
  help `=_policy
  help `=_admin
IF you have any other questions or suggestions send them in a note or email 
to the immortals or ADMIN, we will be glad to here from you.
