
   Yog Sothoth
   Shub Niggurath

[{bGreater Gods{w]

[{gLesser Gods{w]


Greetings mortal! Here ye shall find adventure and danger, and maybe 
even a little bit 'o fame. But aye, before ye begin, there are a few
things ye should know. Be sure to "practice" your weapons in one of 
the training rooms. Then try the "equipment", "spells" and "skills"
commands to see what you own, spells you know (if any) and what you
know how to do. For a complete list of commands, type "commands".
For a list of available help topics, type "hlist".

If you want COLOR type COLOR from the prompt once in the game.
-1 MOTD~
Hello @a2, welcome to @g0.
This is a RP Mud - try to stay in character as much as possible.
This is also a PK Mud - don't try to kill at sight, you won't be killed at
sight either. It is allowed but strictly and only in character and
with good RP reasons. Even if we play rough sometimes - don't be scared.
This is a helpful place - ask and you'll get assistance.
<IMG SRC="">

*** Welcome to CthulhuMud ***
Your gods are:
Tsathoggua, Marduk, Yog,
Shub, Bast, Dagon,
Nyarlathotep, Hatama
and Cthugha.
<BACK COLOR=black>
Fill in IMOTD Message here.
51 JOBS~
This is a partial list of what a god of any given level should be doing.
It is just a rough guideline and not exact.

Heroes / Superheroes:
You should be helping mortals in minor ways (i.e. not handing out free spells
right and left).  An ideal example is leading quest parties or missions to 
get corpses...don't just get the corpse for a person, make them come along and
help you do it. Getting newbies startet won't harm too

Lesser Gods:
Lesser Gods may not assist mortals directly in any way.  
A Lesser's main job is to help with quests (via switch), or possibly run
small quest of their own -- but the rewards should be minimal.

Deities have two main roles: reimbursement and quest running.  Be skeptical
on reimburses, don't just hand out every piece of gear.  I suggest limiting
reimbursements to 10 items at a time, and make sure that you do not load things
at too high a level (new format items have hard-coded levels, so are not a
problem).  vnum and stat are useful for this.  You can draft Angels to help you
run a quest, and please note that quests should NOT have huge rewards -- the
main point should be to have fun.  Deities have no business trying to enforce
rules -- the most you should do to a player is a NOCHANNEL or similar light
punishment. This level is also used for most of the mud's builders who do 
not have other duties.

Greater Gods:
Gods can run quests just like Deities, and it's nice to do reimbursements too.
However, the main role of a God is keeping the peace.  Gods can enforce (but
not create rules), using the various NOTELL-class commands, as well as deny,
purge, freeze, and ban (but be careful with these commands!)  Gods are expected
to help make the mud run more smoothly, power trips are strictly verbotten.

Not fufilling the roles of your office can result in demotion or deletion.

                         **    {r   The Rules {x         **

1)  Do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals.
    This includes transferring/summoning them to aggressive mobs.

2)  Do not cheat for ANY mortal in ANY way, especially your own. 
    Unless of course you LIKE deletion. Yes this includes tanking,
    healing/restoring, casting protection spells <armor, sanct>,    
    and softening up or altering mobs.

3)  Do not transfer or summon mobs to mortals or mortals to mobs.
    They have legs, if they want to kill a mob, they can easilly
    go there themselves.

4)  DO NOT kill the shopkeepers for any reason at ALL.

5)  DO NOT use reboot.  <--- Note, simple English.

6)  Do not give out free equipment.  You don't need to win brownie
    points with the mortals.  Quest are fine but handing out items

7)  A note on quests: Quests are a good thing, more or less, BUT 
    do not give out overly extravagant prizes.  Exercise some 
    common sense here folks.  Do not load items more than 4 levels
    below their normal level (i.e. no level 5 ogre gauntlets).

8)  Do not undermine the authority of a higher level god.  If you 
    see that someone has been frozen or nochannelled do not restore
    their priveleges.  They are being punished for a reason. Also,
    NEVER argue with an administrator or implementor. If you *are*
    an administrator, NEVER argue with the final decision of the 

9)  Do not try to overrule each other. If a disagreement between to
    immortals occurs, it should be turned over to a higher level god.

10) Trusted mortals:  Do not use your god powers to help your mortal
    character.  If you do, your trust will be taken away.

11) If you are a BUILDER, do not give out or use equipment from your 
    area until it has been approved. Also, editing things not your own
    can result in severe punishment. 
This are the rules of CthulhuMUD.  For other matters, use commom sense.

* Player killing {Ris{x allowed. Type "help pkill" for details.
  Do not kill without good reason and never attack newbies.

* foul and/or abusive language will not be tolerated on Cthulhu, from anyone
  (including gods). Punishments range from deletion to NOCHANNELing.

* sexual harassment of any form will not be tolerated, punishable by deletion

* no multiple logins, multiple playing, or helping your own characters with 
  other characters you own -- by any arrangment.

* no kill stealing.  This means you cannot attack a mob someone else is 
  fighting, unless they ask you to. If a mob is injured, and you are not
  the one who injured it, you may not under any circumsances attack it.
  This means NO. Whether it is an easy mob or a hard mob or there is not
  even anybody else logged in! A flag will soon be added to make spotting
  of injured mobs easier.

* cheating will not be tolerated.  This includes accepting favors from gods
  and exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not use it.
  {RIf you are unsure of what constitutes a bug, read HELP BUG.{w
A bug is anything in the game that the immortals have deemed a mistake in
the code, areas, rules, or layouts. Immortal comment is FINAL on saying
whether or not something is a bug. If an immortal tells you something you
are doing is a bug, you may not argue that it is not. Continuing to exploit
a bug after being warned WILL result in deletion. Just because you are able
to do it does not make it legal.

- The Staff.
  clone obj <object>
  clone mob <mobile>
  clone <name>

The clone command duplicates an object or mobile.  The level of item or mobile
that may be cloned depends on your level.  The target object or mob must be in
the same room as you, or in your posession.  Strung and set information is
preserved by clone, as well as any spell effects and container contents or
mobile inventory, except for items which are too high for you to clone.  
Strung extended descriptions on objects are not kept, however.
The xinfo command toggles an immortal's extra information display.  Only
has limited use currently, affects extra autoexit information display.
syntax: prompt
        prompt <string>
        prompt default

The prompt command with no argument toggles your prompt on and off.
The default argument returns your prompt to the default.

Any other argument is taken as the new setting for your prompt.  It may
contain a mixture of normal characters, color codes and special strings.
See {wHELP COLOR{x for help with the color codes.  The special strings
you can use are:

%h current hp           %H maximum hp
%m current mana         %M maximum mana
%v current movement     %V maximum movement
%g total gold           %w current wait states
%l current level        %n characters name
%t time in hours        %T Time in hh:mm format 

The default prompt is:

{{G({{W%h/%Hhp %m/%Mmn %v/%Vmv{{G){{x

which gives something like:

{G({W25/37hp 32/63mn 97/126mv{G){x

Immortals may find other information shown as a part of their prompt.
Syntax: EDIT AREA [create/reset] [vnum]		- Area Creation and Repoping.

   Note: EDIT AREA is available to IMPS only. Ask one to create your area.

Syntax: EDIT ROOM ( [create] [vnum] )		- Room Creation and Editing.
Syntax: EDIT OBJ  [create] <vnum>		- Object Creation and Editing.
Syntax: EDIT MOB  [create] <vnum>		- Mobile Creation and Editing.

Syntax: ASAVE  <world/area/changed/list>	- Save Editing to Disk.
Syntax: ALIST                                   - Listing of Areas.
Syntax: RESET  See Help Resets.			- Set Game Resets.

Definition: [optional]  <required>  (combined arguments)

     Inside an editor, typing COMMANDS lists working commands and ? gives
help. AEDIT and REDIT default to the current area or room. EDIT ROOM RESET
resets the current room.  Most commands with no arguments display syntax.

     To exit an editor, type END. Be sure to save or your changes will
be LOST at the next reboot. Save *OFTEN* because a crash can wipe your changes 

Note: AEDIT,REDIT,MEDIT and OEDIT are not commands, they are modes.
See also help: AEDIT REDIT MEDIT OEDIT. Also see help: DEFAULT
To edit HELPS, see "help hedit"
Syntax: ALIST

This command gives you a listing of all the areas along with their
vnum assignments and the builder(s) assigned to editing them.
Syntax: edit area	 -Enters the editor for the current area.
Syntax: edit area <vnum> -Enters the editor for the selected area.

The follow commands are available from within the AEDITOR:

age <number>        - set the age of the area
builder <player>    - toggle that builder's access
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
create              - create a brand new area and switch to it
done                - exits the area editor and returns to normal play
filename <filename> - change the file name for the area (be careful)
name <name>         - change the 'AREAS' name of this area
reset               - resets the current area
security <rating>   - set the security rating for this area
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the area stats
vnum <lower> <upper>- set the lower and upper vnum's
lvnum <lower>       - set the lower vnum
uvnum <upper>       - set the upper vnum
flags <flag>        - set area flag <flag> - type ? AREA for a list
Syntax: edit room		-Enters the editor for the current room.

The following commands are available from within the REDITOR:

commands            - prints a list of possible commands
used				- shows all used room vnums in the current area
unused				- shows all unused room vnums in the current area
create <vnum>       - creates a room with a certain vnum
desc                - edit description of room
done                - exists the room editor and returns to normal play
ed                  - type this command for additonal extra-description help
format              - format(wordwrap) the room description
name <room title>   - changes the room title
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the room stats
oshow <vnum>        - shows an object with given vnum
olist               - lists objects in this area.
mshow <vnum>        - shows a mobile with given vnum
mlist               - lists mobiles in this area.
flags <flag>        - set room attribute to <flag> - ? ROOM for list
sector <sector>     - set room terrain, type ? SECTOR for a list
<direction>         - see help EXIT, or type <dir> ?
oreset              - Sets object resets in room.
mreset              - Sets mob resets in room. 
{RNOTE: {Y--- {R Use the two reset commands above, and RESET only if the
two above will not do what you need. RESET is buggy, the ORESET and MRESET 
commands work better.{w 
52 EXIT~
For exits, type the direction (north/s/e/w) followed by:

dig <vnum>         - creates the room and makes a two way link
link <room vnum>   - make a two way link
room <room vnum>   - make a one way link (use with caution)
key <object vnum>  - makes specified object the vnum of the key required
name <door name>   - makes the door's name/keywords = to the given name
desc               - edit the description of the exit
delete             - delete this exit
<exit-flags>       - type ? EXIT for a list(make exit door, locked etc.)

The exit flags are presented in the following manner.  The capitalized
flags are ones not included in the reset info.  i.e. closed is due to
a player closing the door and not due to the door being set to be closed.

-South to [ 3744] Key: [   -1] Exit flags: [door CLOSED bashed pickproof]
Syntax: edit object <vnum>	-Enters the editor for the selected object.

The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:

addaffect           - attaches an affect to an object, no args for help
addapply			- attaches an apply to an object, no args for help
delaffect           - removes an affect or apply from an object, no args for help
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
cost <gold>         - sets the gold value of the object
create <vnum>       - creates object with specified vnum
done                - exits the object editor and returns to normal play
ed                  - type this for info on adding/editing extended descripts
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an object
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an object (a sword, a fish etc)
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the object stats
v0 <num>            - sets the value '0' on the object
v1 <num>            - sets the value '1' on the object
v2 <num>            - sets the value '2' on the object
v3 <num>            - sets the value '3' on the object
v4 <num>            - sets the vlaue '4' on the objcet
weight <num>        - sets the weight of the object
type         	    - type of object, type ? TYPE for a list
extra		    - attributes of object, type ? EXTRA for a list
wear                - where object is worn, type ? WEAR for a list
material            - material the object is made from
Syntax: medit <vnum>		-Enters the editor for the selected mobile.

The following commands are available from within the MEDITOR:

alignment <value>   - set the mobile's alignment
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
create <vnum>       - creates mobile with specified vnum
desc                - edit the mobile's description (when looked at)
done                - exits the mobile editor and returns to normal play
level <level>       - set the mobile's level
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an mobile
shop                - type this command for further information
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an mobile (a sword, a fish etc)
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the mobile stats
spec                - sets a mobiles spec proc, type ? SPEC for a list
sex                 - set the mobile's sex, type ? SEX for a list
act                 - mobiles actions, type ? ACT for a list
affect              - mobile affects, type ? AFFECT for a list
ac		    - set the mobile's ac, type ? AC for a list
form		    - mobiles body-form, type ? FORM for a list
part		    - mobiles bodyparts, type ? PART for a list
imm		    - mobile is immune to, type ? IMM for a list
res		    - mobile is resistant to, type ? RES for a list
vuln		    - mobile is vulnerable to, type ? VULN for a list
material	    - material mobile is made from, type ? MATERIAL for a list
off		    - offensive behaviour, type ? OFF for a list
size		    - size, type ? SIZE for a list
hitdice		    - dice to toss to get mobile's hitpoints
manadice	    - dice to toss to get mobile's mana
damdice		    - dice to toss to get mobile's hand to hand damage
damtype		- weaponless damage type, ie "hit", "wrath", "bite"

type 'help HITDICE', 'help MANADICE', 'help DAMDICE' for lists of reasonable dice 
combinations on different levels.
  ORESET <vnum> <number>
  ORESET <vnum> <number> <in obj name>
  ORESET <vnum> <number> <in mob name> <wear location>

  MRESET <vnum> <number>

  RESET <number> DELETE

Typing ? WEAR-LOC will list possible locations that an object can be loaded to.
value 0    unused
   value 1    unused
   value 2    hours of light available, 0 is dead, -1 or 599 is infinite            
   value 3    unused
   value 4    unused
value 0    level
   value 1    max charges
   value 2    current charges
   value 3    spell name
   value 4    unused

An up-to-date list of spells can be obtained by typing:
? SPELLS [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all]
value 0    level
   value 1    spell name 1
   value 2    spell name 2
   value 3    spell name 3
   value 4    unused

An up-to-date list of spells can be obtained by typing:
? SPELLS [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all]
value 0    ac pierce
   value 1    ac bash
   value 2    ac slash
   value 3    ac exotic (magic)
   value 4    unused
value 0    weapon class.
   value 1    number of dice to roll.
   value 2    type of dice to roll.
   value 3    weapon type.
   value 4    special weapon type.

An up-to-date list of values can be obtained by typing
value 0    weight capacity
   value 1    flags: closeable, pickproof, closed, locked            
   value 2    key vnum
   value 3    unused
   value 4    unused

An up-to-date list of flags can be obtained by typing
value0    capacity
   value 1    current quantity
   value 2    liquid type
   value 3    poisoned?
   value 4    unused

An up-to-date list of liquid types can be obtained by typing
value 0    hours of food value
   value 1    unused
   value 2    unused
   value 3    poisoned?
   value 4    unused
value 0    value in gold pieces
   value 1    unused
   value 2    unused
   value 3    unused
   value 4    unused
Sets the MOB or Object you are creating to default values. These values
are the de-facto standard for CthulhuMUD, and you may vary them, but these
are the standards and if you ignore them totally your area will be adjusted
to meet them, or be deleted.
{RYour first Steps here:{x

1) Have a look at {bHELP RULES{x
2) Set your AUTO-Settings ({bHELP AUTO{x)
3) Learn how to move around ({bn, e, s, w, u, d, in , out, RECALL{x)
4) Have a look at your character ({bSCORE, INV, EQ, HELP PROFESSIONS{x)
5) Train your Stats ({bTRAIN{x)
6) Find a teacher and practice your skills ({bHELP PRACTICE, PRAC{x)
7) Ready your weapons ({bINV, HELP WEAR{x)
8) Hunt some mobs in your {rNewbie Area{x ({bHELP CONSIDER, HELP KILL, HELP FLEE{x)
9) Use the new stuff you find during your expeditions ({bHELP COMPARE, HELP SACRIFICE{x)
10) If you're stuck somewhere, ask for help. The best way to do so is GOSSIP channel ({bCHANNELS{x)

For a complete HELP database go to:
=> @g1/help/
Syntax: help
Syntax: help <keyword>

HELP without any arguments shows a one-page command summary.
HELP <keyword> shows a page of help on that keyword.  The keywords include
all the commands, spells, and skills listed in the game.

HLIST shows a list of all locally available help topics.
For a complete HELP database go to:
Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE
may also be used to demote characters.
Syntax: trust <character> <level>

TRUST sets a character's trust to the specified level.  This is similar to
advancing the character for accessing immortal commands, but has no effect
on combat strength, et cetera.  You can give more trust to mortal (or
immortal) characters to give them access to more power without messing up
the character.  You can also restrict a player's trust to less than their
natural level.

A trust of 0 means to use the character's natural level again.
Syntax: allow   <site>
	ban     <site>

BAN <site> prohibits players from that site from logging in.  BAN with
no arguments lists the banned sites.  ALLOW <site> removes a site from
the ban list.

The site ban test works by suffix comparison, so if you ban 'foo.edu',
all sites within 'foo.edu' are banned as well.

Site bans are not saved; every time the server is rebooted, the site
ban list is cleared.  
Syntax: reboot <timer>
              shutdown <timer>

Reboot shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used
to control the server, a delay of fifteen seconds will ensue (to allow
old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

Shutdown shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script
from restarting it.

Never, ever, shutdown the mud without permission from Lotherius.
Syntax: wizlock

Wizlock and newlock both block login attempts to the mud.  Wizlock locks
out all non-gods (i.e. level less than 51), except for link-dead players who
are returning.  Newlock only locks out new character generation, typically
used for preventing a spammer from returning.  Wizlocking should be avoided,
and newlocking should be accompanied by mail or a note to Zeran.
59 DENY~
Syntax: deny <name>

Deny locks a character out of a game permanently, rendering their character
name unusable.  It may only be removed by editing the file, for this reason
freeze is usually preferred.
Syntax: disconnect <name>

Disconnect breaks a player's link to the game, dumping them back to the telnet
prompt.  This is a non-lethal way of getting rid of spammers and annoying
Syntax: freeze <name>

FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all. It can be removed from within the game, so freezing a 
troublemaker is usually a better option than they deny command.
Syntax: force <character> <command>
Syntax: force all <command>

FORCE forces one character to execute a command, except of course delete.

Below level 57 (Deity) force can only be used on mobiles, and force all is
unavailable.  You also cannot 'force orc murder hugo', for example. 

FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.
This is typically used for 'force all save'.
Syntax: sockets
              sockets <name> 

SOCKETS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including 
users in the process of logging in.  The two numbers inside brackets are the 
channel number and the 'connected' state.  The 'connected' states are listed in 
merc.h: 0 is CON_PLAYING; non-zero values are various states of logging in.

The optional name argument shows the site of a player, or optional can be used
to identify switched gods (i.e. socket orc shows the name of anyone switched
into an orc).
54 LOAD~
Syntax: load mob <vnum>
              load obj <vnum> <level>

The load command is used to load new objects or mobiles (use clone to 
duplicate strung items and mobs).  The vnums can be found with the vnum
command, or by stat'ing an existing mob or object.

Load puts objects in inventory if they can be carried, otherwise they are
put in the room.  Mobiles are always put into the same room as the god. Old
format objects must be given a level argument to determine their power, new
format objects have a preset level that cannot be changed without set.
(see also clone, vnum, stat)
58 SET~
Syntax: set mob   <mobile> <field> <value>
	set obj   <object> <field> <value>
	set room  <number> <field> <value>
	set skill <char>   <name>  <rating>
	set skill <char>   all     <rating>

The qet command is used to change the numerical values of the various data
structures. Type set <class> without an argument to see a listing of options.
Set skill all (pc's only) will set all the character's skills to the value
given.  Use string to change the strings on an object or mobile.
(see also string, stat)
Syntax: string obj <field> <string>
	string mob <field> <string>

The string command changes the various strings associated with an object or
mobile.  A full list of fields can be viewed by typing string obj or string
mob.  Sorry, multi-line strings are not yet supported.
Syntax: nochannel <character>
	noemote   <character>
	noshout   <character>
	notell    <character>

Noemote, noshout, and notell are used to muffle other characters, by
preventing them from emoting, shouting, and telling, respectively.
Characters who are noshout'ed or no'telled will also not receive those
forms of communication.

The nochannel command is similar, but more drastic. It prevents the victim
from using any of the channels (gossip, auction, Q/A, music) on the game.
Nochannels usually result from swearing or spamming on public channels.
Syntax: pardon <character> killer
	pardon <character> thief

Pardon pardons a player for their crimes.  Don't pardon a player unless you
are sure they deserve it.  Being killed by Hassan acts as an automatic
Syntax: purge
              purge <character>

Purge is used to clean up the world.  Purge with no arguments removes all the
NPC's and objects in the current room.  Purge with an argument purges one
character from anywhere in the world.

Purge will not get rid of PC's, or objects or mobiles with a NOPURGE flag
set (i.e. the pit, the fountain, shopkeepers, Hassan).  Mobiles may be
purged if they are called directly by name.
Syntax: restore <character>
              restore room
              restore all

Restore restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points to the
target character.  It also heals poison, plague, and blindness.
Restore room (or restore with no argument) performs a restore on every player
in the room, restore all does the same for all connected players. Restore all
is only usable by creators and implementors.  Restore should be used sparingly
or not at all.
57 SLAY~
Syntax: slay <character>

Slay kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.  Best not to use this
command on players if you enjoy being a god.
Syntax: transfer <character>
	transfer all
	transfer <character> <location>
	transfer all         <location>

Transfer transfers the target character, or ALL player characters,
to your current location (default) or to a specified location. Trans all 
should almost never be used, as 100 players popping into one room can have
horrible effects on slow links. Teleport is a synonym for transfer. 
54 AT~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

At executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile, or as the name of an object.

At works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your
Syntax: echo  <message>
	gecho <message>
	pecho <character> <message>

These commands all perform similar functions.  Echo sends the message to
all characters in the same room as the user, with no indication of who sent
it.  Gecho does the same for all players connected to the game, and pecho
sends the message to the player specified as the target.  Any higher-level
god will see a prompt in front of your message, informing him or her that it
is an echo.
52 GOTO~
Syntax: goto <location>

Goto takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

You may not Goto a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present. Some other rooms are barred to players below a certain
god level.
Syntax: holylight
	winvis <level>
                 invis  <level> 
    	cloak  <level>

Holylight is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

Wizinvis takes a level argument, and will make you invisible to all players of
a lower level than your invisibility level.  It defaults to the maximum
(your level) if no argument is given.  Wizi 60 characters are totally 
invisible. Typing invis is the same thing.

Cloak is similar to wizinvis, except that people in the room with you
can still see you.  Great for when you want to talk to someone without
being wizinvis but still want to be hidden from the rest of the world.    
Syntax: memory

Memory reports the size of your mud.

The 'Mobs' and 'Objs' lines report the number of types of mobiles and objects,
not the number of instances currently in the game.

The 'Strings' line shows memory used by area-file strings.  These strings have
a maximum limit, which is also shown.

The 'Perms' line shows permanently allocated memory blocks.  There is no limit
on the number and size of these blocks.
56 VNUM~
Syntax: vnum <name>
	vnum <obj or mob> <name>
	vnum skill <name>

Vnum finds all objects and mobiles with a particular name, and prints out
the results.  Use vnum obj or vnum mob to limit the search.  This vnum is
very useful for loading. Vnum skill returns the skill number (for set) and
the slot number (for making new areas) of a skill name.
(see also load)
52 STAT~
Syntax: stat <name>
	stat mob  <name>
	stat obj  <name>
	stat room <number>

The stat command gives you detailed information on an object, mobile, or room
within the game.  Without a class argument, the command will return a object
(if found), a mobile (if no object exists, but a mobile does), or a room 
(if a number is  given).  Stat room with no argument stats the room you are
standing in.  Stat can be used to find room vnums for goto.
(see also goto, transfer)
Syntax: mwhere <name>

Mwhere shows you the locations of all mobiles with a particular name.
Syntax: peace

Peace causes all characters in a room to stop fighting. It also strips the
AGGRESSIVE bit from mobiles.
Syntax: poofin  <message>
Syntax: pooffout <message>

The standard messages for goto are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the poofin and poofout commands.  These messages
must include your name somewhere in the string.

Poofin and poofout only show to characters who can see you.
(see also goto)
Syntax: log   <character>
	log   all
	snoop <character>

Log <character> causes all of a character's commands to be logged into
the server's log file.  Like Freeze, it is a permanent character toggle.
Logs may only be used by creators and implementors, and should be accompanied
by mail to the Admin.

Certain commands (Password) are protected against log.  Conversely, certain
commands (especially immortal commands) are always logged.

Log all logs all character commands.  It is a server-wide toggle; it does not
persist across reboots. Please do not use this unless you tell Zeran.

Snoop shows you a copy of all the input and output going to a character.
The character must have an open channel.  You may snoop more than one
character at a time. Try to respect privacy.  Abuse of snoop will
incur severe punishment.

Snoop yourself to cancel all outstanding snoops.
Syntax: switch <character>

Switch switches you into the body of another character (who must not
already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC). You also cannot
switch into link-dead PCs.

Return returns you to your original body.
Syntax: immtalk <message>

Immtalk sends a message to all immortals.  : is a synonym for immtalk.
Using this command with no argument turns off the immortal channel (or
turns it back on).
Syntax: wizhelp

Wizhelp provides a list of all the immortal commands.
Syntax: colour    Toggles colour mode on/off

        You may also talk in colour; the format is like this:
	the 'escape character' to specify a colour is the left
	handed brace '{{', following 
	that you should use one of the following letters,
		{r{{r     red     {c{{c     cyan
		{g{{g     green   {y{{y     yellow
		{b{{b     blue    {w{{w     white
		{m{{m     magenta {x{{x     clear(reset colour)
		{{{{      {{ char {{*       beep
		{{/       newline {{3       Underline{x
		{4{{4     reverse{x
	Note that not all codes work on all terminals. This is not
	the fault of the mud, but a fault of some terminals.
                When using colour, it looks better if you finish the line
	with whatever colour it would normally be in, such as a
	gossip, the colour is magenta, so:
		{mLope gossips '{ghello,{r world{m'{x
	looks better than:
		{mLope gossips '{ghello,{r world'{x
	To make {YBRIGHT{x colors, use capital letters.

                ColoUr is written by Lope (ant@solace.mh.se)
53 hedit~
syntax: edit help <keyword>

Allows online editing of helpfiles.
To see commands available, type "commands" from within the help 

To quit, type "done".
To save, type "save" from within the editor.
-1 hlist~
syntax: hlist <min> <max>

Lists all the helpfile keywords between the levels of
the <min> and <max> you set.
Syntax: alias 'name' 'command string'
Syntax: unalias 'name'

Do not enter the alias using the ' ' marks.

The Alias command lets you specify macros that execute more complex 
commands with a short sequence of keystrokes.

Unalias will clear an existing alias.
See Also: Multi
This mud has the capability for entering multiple commands.

To do so, insert a | character between the commands you would
like to execute. You can use this character in aliases as well.

On your keyboard, the | character (called a pipe) will look similar
to the colon, but have a tiny break in the middle.

See Also: Alias

board [number|name]                     Shows or changes board.
note                                    Reads next note.
note read [number]                      Reads a certain note.
note forward [number]
note reply [number]
note remove <number>                    Removes a note written by you.
note list [number]                      Shows up to number notes.
note write                              Posts a note.
note catchup                            Marks all notes in this board read.

These commands are used for the new note system. Instead of just one board, 
there are several, each with its special purpose. 

Changing between the boards is accomplished using the BOARD command. BOARD
without any arguments gives you a list of all boards together with number of
unread message. To change, type BOARD <number> or BOARD <name of the board>.

To read next unread note, type NOTE. To read a note with a specified number,
type NOTE READ <number>. Typing NOTE while in a board with no unread notes
shifts you to the next board. Note that unlike the standard note system, a 
note has the same number in NOTE LIST and NOTE READ.

Posting a message is as simple as writing NOTE WRITE. You will be moved 
into interactive mode, where all you see are prompts for the fields like 
To:, From: etc. You will be automatically put AFK while writing a note.

To see the list of the notes in the current board, type NOTE LIST. Typing
NOTE LIST <number> will list only <number> of the last notes in the area.

You can remove your own note by using NOTE REMOVE <number>. Implementors may
remove other people's notes. Implementors can also select how many days
Their note is kept before being purged. Purging happens automatically at
bootup. Purged notes are not deleted, but saved into a file.

To let only immortals see your note, address it to "imm". To let players of
a specific level and above, address it to that level (no other recipients may
appear in that case).

This board system was created by Erwin S. Andreasen, erwin@pip.dknet.dk, aka
Phunk and is freely available. The general outlook was based on Mystic 
Adventure's note system (mud.gel.ulaval.ca 4000).
100 immtitle~
Syntax: immtitle <string>
Your immtitle can be up to 15 characters long, including color codes.
This is what shows in the who list instead
of race.
We'll accept all sorts of real (or at least realistic) names, that will
fit into the world of the 1930s.  What we will not accept are: 
 * Fantasy names
 * Names of Gods (No matter if Mtythos Gods or not)
 * 'Action Names' (Hellraiser, Flash,...)
 * Names, that could cause any other problems

A name, found unsuitable to the style of this MUD, can cause your {RDeletion{x!
0 cthulhu~
Cthulhu is a god who figures very largely in Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos. 
This tentacle-faced denizen of the sea lies sleeping in R'Lyeh where he
waits for the time when his followers will release him from his chains so he
can rule the world once more.  He is an evil god who is bent on the
destruction of the human race, despite this fact he does have a large number
of followers who do actively try to release him using such books as the
51 devour~
syntax: devour <mob>
        devour <player>
This command will cause you to devour the specifed creature.  Mobs will
be slain, characters will be transported somewhere strange (room 20030).

Use with caution on injured or lower level characters as the destination
environment is somewhat hostile. 

You get no xps for devouring mobs, regardless of their level.
0 impsummary~
<a href=@g1/help/index.html>CthulhuMud Online Help</a>
0 diku~
                    Original game idea, concept, and design:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (katz@freja.diku.dk)
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (noop@freja.diku.dk)
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (bombman@freja.diku.dk)
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (seifert@freja.diku.dk)
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (quinn@freja.diku.dk)

Developed at: DIKU -- The Department of Computer Science
                      at the University of Copenhagen.

Based off CthulhuMud (cthulhu.mud.at:9999),by Mik Clarke
(mykael@vianet.net.au), Joachim Hustler (mystery@chello.at)
0 greeting~
This is the help entry GREETING: Fill in the greeting message of your
choice and don't forget the credits.
ROM 2.3, Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, 
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, 
Furey, and Kahn ROM 2.3 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
Based off CthulhuMud (cthulhu.mud.at:9999),by Mik Clarke
(mykael@vianet.net.au), Joachim Hustler (mystery@chello.at)
0 nohelp~
This help is unavailiable online.  Please consult our large {RHELP-DATABASE{x
There you should be able to find help on all topics.
0 nmotd~
   Your help database online: {chttp://{x
   The Cthulhumud webpage: {chttp://{x
   The players are here to help, as are the imms. But please... don't 
abuse us for it. We're here to play just like you are. A smidgin of 
politeness and niceness will work wonders if you hope to make friends 
and allies here. Explore, use your help files, learn... but remember 
that whenever you learn something for yourself you get a lot more 
respect and you get a lot more understanding than if it was spoon fed 
to you. A more detailed version of this is under newbie help. Go to
 {chttp://{x and look under newbie help.
50 hmotd~
   Welcome to hero status. Congrats, you're now an elder player and a 
leader on this mud. That means we expect somethings out of you. One, play 
nice with the newbies. If they are under level {c10{x, you aren't allowed to 
hurt them. Two, we expect you to give some help every now and then, but 
that doesn't mean you're there to be abused by the lower level sorts. Tell 
the player if they're asking for too much. Point them in the direction of
other help, be it imm, player or help file. For further details on what we 
expect out of you, with your newfound position read hero help at 
0 chat~
Welcome to the @g0 chat channel.  This is a free OOC channel but please
try to stick to your manners.  
/? ... Help
/w ... Who
/q ... Quit
0 $~
