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   <title>The Rooms Content</title>
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<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+2>Introduction</font></font></font></b></center>

<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Rooms are without
a doubt the easiest thing to create, but building a quality room is a different
matter. This section only covers the commands, not tips or guidance on
quality and style.</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomscreate"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Creating

<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Creating rooms
is a relative simple matter and can be accomplished in two fashions:</font></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font size=+0><font color="#000000">1. </font><b><font color="#3333FF">EDIT
ROOM CREATE [VNUM]</font></b><font color="#000000"> which both creates
the new room and automatically transfers you there.</font></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>2. Linking a
door to a non-existant room will automatically create one. You will not
be automatically moved to rooms created in this fashion.</font></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>The method you
use isn't important as long as it works for you. Some people prefer to
just map out their entire area by creating doors to their new rooms. While
this will initially set up the entire area, remembering the location of
rooms relative to each other for additional doors might become complicated.
The method I use, use it or ignore it as you prefer, is to initially sketch
out my area on graph paper. Then I fill in the rooms inside the sketch
and label them with their VNUMs. This helps me keep track of which rooms
need to be linked with each other and prevents further confusion down the
road, but please feel free to use whatever method works for you.</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomsedit"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Editing

<p><font face="Arial"><font size=+0><b><font color="#3366FF">EDIT ROOM</font></b><font color="#000000">will
allow you to edit your rooms after you have finished laying them all out,
or if you prefer, to finish them while creating.</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomsdesc"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Descriptions</font></font></font></b></center>

<p><font face="Arial"><font size=+0><b><font color="#3366FF">DESC</font></b><font color="#000000">will
enter the APPEND mode, the standard editor for note spools, descriptions
and MOBprograms. If you aren't that familiar with the editor from playing
Macula, I suggest you become an expert with all its functions. It even
has a spell checker, so there is no excuse for blatant mispelling. Grammar
errors, however, require a watchful eye and proofreading by both yourself
and other builders.</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomsext"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Extended

<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>The commands
for extended descriptions are:</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED ADD [KEYWORD
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED CHANGE
[id] [NEW KEYWORD LIST]</font></font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED SHOW [id]</font></font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED EDIT [id]</font></font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED DELETE
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED FORMAT
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED COND [id]
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ED DEED [id]
[deed id] [type] [TITLE string]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This is where
you make your money as a builder. Extended descriptions add depth and flavor
to your rooms. Players, especially those exploring your area for the first
time, will want to look around and examine everything. Prominent features
in your room description should be given their own extended description.
Some builders actually go as far as placing keywords in their room description
in a different color, letting players know which words are linked to extended
descriptions. There can be, and often warranted, multiple keywords for
an extended description as seen in this example:</font></font></font>
<br><tt><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>The trail
of sticky memo pads leads to a dusty corner.</font></font></font></tt>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Here, both <i>memo</i>
and <i>pads</i> could be keywords to an extended description detailing
what the memo pads look like--perhaps there is even a secret message on
them or more likely just useless scribbles and tic-tac-toe games played
during admin sessions where nothing is getting accomplished.</font></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>With good imagination
and planning, a builder doesn't just make a nifty leveling area but actually
tells a story if the players delve into the descriptions. Further extended
descriptions might be embedded in the first set of extendeds, visible in
the room description. Looking at a desk might detail the fact that its
a plain oak desk with three drawers. Examining the drawers might reveal
a secret message scratched in the wood telling players how to bypass the
overly nasty mobile in the next room or reveal the location of a buried
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Typical ed conds
are based on skills:</font></font></font>
<br><i><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>ed cond 1
actor skill 'german' 40 -1</font></font></font></i>
<br><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>will result
in the ed only being activated, when the person triggering it has a GERMAN
skill of 40 or higher (-1).</font></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>But also more
global stuff can be used:</font></font></font>
<br><i><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>ed cond 1
world not hour_of_day 7 19</font></font></font></i>
<br><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>will result
in the ed only being availiable by between 8pm and 6am</font></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Getting an ed
can also give you a deed:</font></font></font>
<br><i><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>ed deed 1
1234 private You looked at Pickman's portrait.</font></font></font></i>
<br><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>will give you
the deed 1234 with this title. Other deed types are <i>public</i> and <i>secret</i>.</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomsedit"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Room

<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>There is quite
a number of numeric settings for your room. In most cases the defaults
will be sufficient but sometimes you should fine-tune them a bit.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>RECALL [vnum]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This sets the
recall location for this room. If it isn't set, your area recall location
will be used.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>&nbsp;RESPAWN
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This sets the
respawn (starting point after death) location for this room. If it isn't
set, your area respawn location will be used.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>MORGUE [vnum]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This sets the
morgue location for this room. If it isn't set, your area morgue location
will be used.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>DREAM [vnum]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This sets the
dream location for this room. If it isn't set, your area dream location
will be used.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>MARE [vnum]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This sets the
nightmare location for this room. If it isn't set, your area nightmare
location will be used. If it's set to -1 this room issafe for dreaming.
No nightmares will happen.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>NIGHT [vnum]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This sets the
vnum for an alternate night room. You'll be taken there by night making
the room appear different. If none is set, the room is used as its own
night room (default).</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>DAY [vnum]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This sets the
vnum for an alternate day room. You'll be taken there by day making the
room appear different. If none is set, the room is used as its own day
room (default).</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>RENT [cost]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This is the rent
cost for the room, which only makes sense if the room is rentable. 5000/month
is used as default value.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>HEAL [%]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This is the healing
rate. 100 is default; 0 means, you don't regenerate hit points in here.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>MANA [%]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This is the mana
rate. 100 is default; 0 means, you don't regenerate mana points in here.</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomsflag"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Room

<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>FLAG [FLAG]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>These <a href="flags.html#Room">flags</a>
define what affects the room has, the possible flags are:</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomssect"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Sector

<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>SECTOR [Type]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Sector flags
determine the terrain which affects movement and access:</font></font></font>
<table WIDTH="47%" >
<td><font color="#000000">Type</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">Move Pts</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">Notes</font></td>




<td><font color="#000000">inside</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">1</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">city</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">2</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">field&nbsp;</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">2</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">forest</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">6</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">hills</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">mountain</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">6</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">climb check</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">swim</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">swim check</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">noswim</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">1</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">needs boat</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">air</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">10</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">must be flying</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">desert</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">6</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">underground</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">swamp</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">8</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">moor</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">space</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">10</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">must be flying, </font><font color="#FF0000">no
air</font><font color="#000000">, </font><font color="#FF0000">cold</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">underwater</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">8</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">swim check, </font><font color="#FF0000">no air</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">small-fire</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">fire</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">fire</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">5</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">fire</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">big-fire</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">6</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">fire</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">cold</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">cold</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">acid</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">6</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">acid</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">lightning</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">lightning</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">holy</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">holy</font><font color="#000000"> (evil chars)</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">evil</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">4</font></td>

<td><font color="#FF0000">negative</font><font color="#000000"> (good chars)</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">jungle</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">8</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">path</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">2</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">road</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">1</font></td>


<td><font color="#000000">plain</font></td>

<td><font color="#000000">2</font></td>




















<p><a NAME="roomsdoors"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Doors</font></font></font></b></center>

<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>From the room
editor, doors require the following syntax followed by the extended commands.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>[DIRECTION]
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0><b>Extended Commands</b>
(Required for any door operation)</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>DIG [VNUM]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Creates a standard
two-way exit to another room. The editor will automatically create the
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>LINK [VNUM]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Creates a standard
two exit to another room. The room must already exist.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>ROOM [VNUM]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Creates a standard
oneway exit to another room. The room must already exist.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>KEY [OBJECT
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This commands
restricts all lock/unlock actions to those with they key object of the
specified VNUM. This can only be used on exits defined already as DOOR.
Keys are set only on one side of the door. If you want a keyhole on both
sides, you got to set it on both sides.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>NAME 'DOOR
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Sets the exit/keywords.
Someone can only open/close the door if they use the keywords defined here.
The following example set exit keywords to <i>rat hole</i>.</font></font></font>
<br><tt><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>WEST NAME
'RAT HOLE'</font></font></font></tt>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>DESCRIPTION</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This will take
you straight into the APPEND Mode to edit the description of an exit text.
This is seen when looking in that direction and usually contains the name
or clues to the name of a <b>NAME</b>d exit.</font></font></font>
<br>&nbsp;<b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0></font></font></font></b>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>TRANSITION</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>This will take
you straight into the APPEND Mode to edit the transition of an exit text.
It's being displayed, when you're using an exit.</font></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0></font></font></font>&nbsp;
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>DELETE</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Deletes an exit
in the specified direction. Can be used to delete only one side or both
at once.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+0>DOOR [EXIT-FLAG]</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Sets the <a href="flags.html#Exit">door
flags</a> to an exit. Whether it IS a door for example and whether players
will be able to use pass door or pick the lock. You <b>MUST</b> define
a door as DOOR first before applying any other flags!</font></font></font>
<p><a NAME="roomsshops"></a><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#006600"><font size=+1>Pet

<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>Pet Shops require
special addressing as most shops can be generated as regular rooms with
an NPC shopkeeper mobile. A pet shop is in reality two rooms, not one.
The first room is the actual shop where players will buy the pets. The
second room is the pet storage room.</font></font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+0>The room VNUMs
MUST be sequential!</font></font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+0>The first
room MUST be flagged with Pet_shop</font></font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>So if room VNUM
1000 is the pet shop (and flagged pet_shop), the pet storage room MUST
be room VNUM 1001. The pet storage room is where you will place the resets
on the mobiles that the shopkeeper will sell.</font></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0>All pet storage
rooms should be flagged
<tt>No_mob</tt> and <tt>Gods_only</tt>. The first
is to prevent mobiles from being teleported into the room. Though I'm sure
players would love to buy Tiamat as a pet, we don't want to see that happen.
The second flag is to prevent players from entering the room, they have
no business being in there.</font></font></font>