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   <title>CthulhuMud Help - RP</title>
<CthulhuMud-Title    roleplaying>
<CthulhuMud-Index    Concepts>
<CthulhuMud-Keywords rp roleplaying>


<p><br>This mud requires that at least some of the time you play be spent
"in character". If an immortal witnesses (while unseen only) a player who
is role-playing well, he may award xp for this.
<p>What is role-playing?
<br>For those who are unfamiliar with role-playing, it means getting past
the numbers of the game and developing the personality of your character
as something <font color="#FF0000">unique and different from yourself</font>
that fits into the type of world we have created rather than the modern-day
world. It's sort of like acting, where you have no script to go by, you
just get "in character" and&nbsp; sort of ad lib as you go. A good role-player
will create an entire life for his character, and live this life somewhat,
that is totally unrelated to the killing of creatures or gathering of treasure
which permeates large muds.
<p>Why should I role-play? What if I don't wanna?
<br>We require role-playing here because some people like to interact with
other players "in character" as a form of entertainment. Diku/Merc/Rom
based muds offer the best in playability, but usually lack in role-playing
because of the basic design of the game, where power is everything. Here,
it doesn't work quite that way. We want to keep the mechanics of a game
system like this so that combat is still fun, but to encourage role-playing
we have a few changes. Firstly, there is the xp award possibility. We're
not talking 2 xp here either. While the process is easy, if you powerlevel
and never talk to anyone, the chances are pretty slim that you'll make
it past that stage. Most importantly is the consideration that if you consistently
discuss real-life things outside of the MUNDANE channel, and people complain
about it, then you stand the chance of penalties. We're not trying to be
anal retentive or anything, but the only way to provide a strong role-playing
base is to make it unprofitable to not role-play. If you don't feel that
you wish to role-play, then maybeyou would be more comfortable somewhere
else besides this mud.
<p>What kind of penalties were you talking about?
<br>Penalities can include nochannelling, cash fines, jail sentences, and
xp deductions. Deletion will be reserved for persons who are obviously
ignoring other forms of punishments and are continuing to act in an unbecoming
manner which extends beyond lack of role-playing into apparent disrespect
for the rules. The rest of the penalties listed above will be decided on
a case basis, so you won't lose xp for saying "my car broke down!" but
you might lose xp for sitting in the center of your hometown using a script
to cast "cure light" on everyone who walks past. Continued out-of-character
discussions which are not taken to private tells or the MUNDANE channel
can result in cash fines. Jail sentences are usually reserved for characters
acting way out of character, such as a good aligned pkilling a good aligned
<p>The IMM's aren't gonna jump me for minor infractions are they?
<br>No. We still want to provide a fun environment, and believe that the
moment the game becomes so much like real life that it's as much of a drag
as real life, it is no longer fun. You can get away with being out of character
in many cases, but you need to remember to be in character when it counts.
We won't pick anyone for a personal Vendetta, and certainly won't punish
you for single unsubstantiated complaints.