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<CthulhuMud-Title    Forging>
<CthulhuMud-Index    Skills>
<CthulhuMud-Keywords forging gunsmith fix>

<b>Forging [Skill]</b></h3>

<p><br>An experienced adventurer, having used and misused weapons and armor
enough in their time and having watched them be repaired, can soon enough
learn to repair their items themselves, and even to create items of their
own. The forging skill allows a player to repair items that shops cannot,
for free. Simply find a forge, and fix &lt;item> to repair it slightly.
<br>Remember, there is a chance that you could do serious harm to the item,
or even destroy it, so be careful, and do not attempt to fix weapons too
high above your level.
<p>With the same skill, a player can create their own weapons. The power
the weapon has will be dependant on your level and your skill at forging.
In order to forge your own weapon, you must be at a forge, and be holding
material with which to build your weapon. Additionally you can forge weapons
for others of a lower level.
<p>For making ammo, there is an additional explosives skill needed and
you got to have gunpowder held as raw material.
<br><b>&nbsp; forge &lt;weapontype> &lt;level></b>
<br><b>&nbsp; forge &lt;armortype> &lt;level></b>
<br><b>&nbsp; gunsmith &lt;guntype> &lt;cal> &lt;level></b>
<br><b>&nbsp; gunsmith ammo &lt;cal></b>
<br><b>&nbsp; fix &lt;object></b>