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   <title>CthulhuMud Help - Newbie</title>
   <CthulhuMud-Title    Newbie>
   <CthulhuMud-Index    Basics>
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<b><font size=+1>Newbie:</font></b><b><font size=+1></font></b>
<p>Ok folks. Here we go.... yer new here, so here's what ya need to know
straight off.
<p>1) <font color="#CC0000">We're here to provide a game for you folks.</font>
That means we want you to be happy. Some of the imms here have put over
three years of work in. So yes, the place is big, and complex, and can
be downright confusing if you've never mudded before. We have a lot of
real complex things here. On the other hand...
<p>2)<font color="#CC0000"> We're here to help.</font> If you see an imm
on you can ask them questions, we won't kill you for honest confusion.
Just remember, if an imm is labeled as <font color="#CC33CC">(OLC)</font>...
that means they are creating something
<br>for your future pleasure, the distraction may come at a bad time. On
the other hand...
<p>3) <font color="#CC0000">The heros and older players can also help with
your questions.</font> But never forget, on the other end of that line
of typing is a person, just like you, not a machine there for your personal
benefit. The same
<br>politeness you show to someone 10 years older than you when you ask
them something, will get you incredible distances here. Don't make demands;
you wouldn't in real life, don't expect it here either. Don't
<br>expect to be spoon fed, they weren't, why should they do that for you?
The ones that do help are doing it out of incredible generosity, since
some people would think that that cheapens all the work older players went
through. On the other hand...
<p>4) <font color="#CC0000">There is a machine here that *is* for your
personal benefit.</font> The help files on the mud itself, and the ones
online. Once you get in the mud type '<font color="#3333FF">help</font>'
and press enter. That shows you some of the basics that
<br>you can look up. It's really the first thing you should do when you
first start on a new mud. Also consider bookmarking <a href=""></a>
which is our online help. You'd be surprised how annoyed people can get
when it's obvious you haven't even tried to answer a question for yourself.
<a href=""></a> is the webpage
for the mud in general. There are maps here. Use them. Which brings me
to hand number 5...
<p>5) <font color="#CC0000">We want you people to enjoy the game, to play
it to it's fullest.</font> We respect <font color="#3333FF">self-reliance</font>
and <font color="#3333FF">independance of spirit</font>. Explore, be willing
to take risks while you can. Read your helps, try to learn the *first*
time someone explains something to you. And don't take it too seriously...
you can always recover from your losses. And don't forget the idea of safety
in numbers, what one of you has a problem killing, three of you might pound
into the ground. Enjoy yourself, talk to people, learn... It's a game.
Not a test.
<p>PS. Our board system here is very active, new features to the mud are
posted everyday. It pays off to read each note, so you can get a feel for
<br>Use '<font color="#3333FF">help note</font>' to read the help on it.
And '<font color="#3333FF">note read</font>' is the basic command to use
<p>-Bast (of the 5 hands)