Name Mount Runak~
Builders Halodar~
VNUMs 21700 21799
Credits (null)~
Security 9
Version 1



Steaming Jungle Path~
You are on a packed-dirt path running beneath the towering canopy of this
lush tropical jungle.  Dense undergrowth borders the path, hemming it in and
making it quite impossible to deviate from the east-west direction this
trail runs.  The heady smell of exotic flowers wafts on the warm, sluggish
breeze, blowing at you from the east.  
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Steaming Jungle Path~
The trees above and the undergrowth below seem to be creeping closer
together as the path progresses to the East.  Great twisted vines reach from
the jungle floor to the treetops, giving this trail the appearance of a
great organic tunnel.  To the west you can see more light, and to the east
the jungle closes in to darkness.  
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Tunnel Through The Jungle~
The vines and tree trunks on both sides of the path have come together as
one great mass, arching over the path and joining in the middle to seal the
ground away from the sunlight.  Strange fungi sprout from the wood and bark
walls of the tunnel, some emitting a diffuse green glow.  The path leads
west to light and east to darkness.  
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Tunnel in the Trees~
You are in a tunnel of living wood, leading sharply up to the east and
down to the west.  Even the floor of the tunnel is made up of branches and
vines, grown tightly together to form a solid walkway.  A few fungi grow on
the walls and ceiling, glowing enough to light the way.  The smell of smoke
and hot rock comes down the tunnel from the east, blown along by a very warm
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The Mouth of the Treetop Tunnel~
You are standing at the mouth of a dark tunnel leading west into the
living canopy of the forest.  To the east is a long, swaying rope bridge,
spanning a gap between the treetops and a huge vertical cliff.  Towering
above that are the rocky slopes of a huge volcano, ringed at the top with
clouds and smoke.  At the end of the bridge you can make out a deeply
shadowed rectangular opening, about midway up the tall cliff face.  
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The Swinging Bridge~
This rope bridge connects the jungle canopy to the west to an entrance
midway up a sheer cliff in the mountain to the east.  A steady breeze
whistles through the tall stakes that make up a sort of wall to either side.
Atop the taller stakes are many heads, some human and some distinctly
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The Middle of the Swinging Bridge~
The bridge sways in the wind, slowly creaking back and forth.  Though it
is well-built, there is no way to judge how long this bridge has stood in
the elements.  There are occasional gaps in the boards underfoot, allowing a
glimpse at the thunderous drop to a boulder field far below.  To the west,
the bridge meets up with the forest canopy and disappears into the
vegetation.  To the east, you can see a tall opening in the cliff face, too
dark to see within.  
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Runak Gate~
You are standing before a tall granite doorway hewn into the solid rock
of the cliff that towers above you and drops away below.  Carved into the
stone above the opening are the letters: {DR U N A K{x.  The only sound here
is the creaking of the bridge spanning the gap to the west, and the whistle
of the hot breeze.  It stinks of sulphur and smoke.  
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A Deep Granite Shaft~
Hot air gusts up from the dark depths of this stone shaft.  An ancient
staircase, hewn into the wall of the shaft, appears to have crumbled beyond
use.  The remains of a massive metal gate lie twisted on the floor of the
platform before the tall doorway to the west.  The strong smell of sulphur
and burning rock rides the warm, steady wind from the pit below.  
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The Stairway Ends~
The stairway cut into the shaft wall ends here in a crumbling dropoff,
leading down to a cataclysmic fall into the glowing depths below.  The walls
of the shaft appear unclimbable.  The only way out is up the stairs that
spiral above you.  
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Floating Up the Granite Shaft~
The walls of the rock shaft drift slowly past as the wicker gondola
floats lazily up on the warm breeze.  There is a halo of light visible above
you, mostly blocked by the balloon.  Every so often you see the remains of
the ancient stairway.  Some crumbling ledges are home to the unkempt nests
of some cave-dwelling creature.  Bright eyes peer at you from the shadows.  
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Near the Top of the Shaft~
The balloon is gaining speed as it nears the circle of sky above.  The
walls here are worn down by weather, grooved in some areas by eons of water
flowing down from above.  You can smell fresh air and greenery from above,
but the smell of sulfur and heat from below is much stronger.  
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Top of the Shaft~
The balloon bobs to a gentle stop.  A net, stretched horizontally between
four tall posts, covers the shaft opening to catch the balloon.  A length of
wooden plank slowly extends from the edge of the shaft and bangs down on the
edge of the basket, anchoring it to the rocky ground of the crater rim. 
Some stone ruins can be seen to the east, some still partially intact.  
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A Balloon Gondola~
Straining slightly against a large strong net, a balloon hangs in the air
directly above this gondola.  There is a deep shaft below, leading far down
into darkness.  A thin wooden plank bridges the gap to the east, where some
buildings and ruins can be seen.  
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