Glob objects in room descriptions.
Glob objects when dropping.
Remove all immunities on mobs.
Make eq break.
Allow Clerics to get XP for healing
Change imms to resistances
persistent objects
deal with powerlevelling
fix who list

FIXED - Let players steal from one another
FIXED - Fix chain lightning
FIXED - Fix vamps
FIXED - Finish luggage code
FIXED - Add NO_EXP flag.
FIXED - changed lightning bolt to bolt

change + {GChanges:
change + {G* {xlowered damage on chain
change + {G* {xmade all lightning spells depend on weather
change + {G* {xchanged 'lightning bolt' spell to 'bolt'
change + {G* {xadded message to room when someone 'orders' a pet
change + {G* {xlowered vamp recovery hit points
change + {G* {xpstealing now allowed for pk'ers
change + {G* {xchanged the corpse bag name
change + {G* {xmade it impossible to get XP from guardians/summoned mobs
change + {G* {xdwarfs get more bonus from fighting drunk
change + {G* {xupdated help multiplay
change + {G* {xupdated wizlist

#2  When a low level dwarf is drunk, some mobs (guards in amber palace) hit
him for negative damage, and it actually heals them.  Don't know if this
happens for other lvls or mobs or races.

#3  Forgot to include that a player can rescue a thief/assassin, and the
thief/assassin can backstab the mob.  No one does this though.  Barely anyone

#4  Mobs show up as someones if mob is hidden (invis?), if time is night, and
if player has detect spells on.  Happens a lot in rainforest area.  I'm pretty
sure this applies to players as being someones also under these conditions.
If player does not have detect spells, mob is hidden, and time is night, the
mob then shows its name when attacking.

#5  Mobs do lesser damage when equiped with a weapon, at least for high lvls.
Mobs like the onyx dragons in Z'tari Tomb are an example.