emotes ([203|"60s":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Back in the 60's, international sex symbols didn't have to have good teeth.\"",]),"Peep":([1|"":"$N $speep",]),"ack":([1|"":"$N $vack.",]),"act":([1|"":"$N $vwave $p hand in the air with a flourish and $vsay: \"I was just... Acting!\"",]),"agree":([1|"":"$N $vagree wholeheartedly.",]),"ahem":([1|"":"$N $vclear $p throat and $vgo \"Ahem.\"",]),"alight":([1|"":"A light shines from the skies and bathes $N in an aura of divine radiance as he begins to float above you.",]),"angry":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"Mr. Bigglesworth is angry. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets angry... PEOPLE DIE!!!\"",]),"applaud":([1|"":"$N $vapplaud.",]),"back":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Back.\"",]),"back2":([1|"":"$N $vare lying comatose on the floor. Suddenly, $p eyes snap open! In a flash, $n $vjump to $p feet and $vshout: \"BACK!\"",]),"bark":([1|"":"$N $vyip 'Arf Arf'",]),"bbb":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"BURN, baby, burn!",]),"beep":([1|"LIV":"$N $vbeep $t on the nose.",]),"bigdog":([1|"":"$N $vgrowl 'WOOF WOOF'",]),"blah":([1|"":"$N $vget a look of disgust on $p and $vgo \"blah!\"",]),"bless":([1|"LIV":"$N $vmake the sign of the cross, blessing $t.",]),"bless2":([1|"LIV":"$N $vmake the sign of the cross, right to left in the orthodox manner, blessing $t.",]),"blink":([1|"":"$N blink. ",]),"blush":([1|"":"$N $vblush.",]),"boggle":([1|"":"$N $vboggle at the concept.",]),"bogleg":([1|"":"$N $vbogleg at the copcnet",]),"bogleg2":([1|"":"$N $vbogleg at the copcnet.",]),"bow":([2|"":"$N $vbow.","LIV":"$N $vbow to $T.",]),"burn":([1|"LIV":"$N $vburn $T with $p cigarette butt!",]),"burp":([2|"":"$N $vburp loudly! How rude!","LIV":"$N $vburp in $t face! How rude!",]),"cackle":([1|"":"$N $vthrow $p head back and $vcackle with glee!",]),"camelot":([1|"":"$N $vsay, \"On second thought, let us not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.\"",]),"cc":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Cha Ching!$!$!$!$!!\"",]),"chainsmoke":([1|"":"$N $vchainsmoke yet another Centaur cigarette.",]),"chant":([1|"":"$N $vchant \"Harry... Harry Krishna... Krishna Krishna... Harry Harry...\"",]),"cheer":([2|"":"$N $vlet out a resounding cheer!","LIV":"$N $vcheer wildly for $T!",]),"choke":([1|"":"$N $vlaugh so hard $n $vchoke.",]),"chuckle":([2|"":"$N $vchuckle.","LIV":"$N $vchuckle at $T",]),"ciggie":([1|"":"$N $vlight up an unfiltered Centaur ciggie.",]),"comfort":([1|"LIV":"$N $vcomfort $T.",]),"cossacks":([1|"":"Three cossacks kick dance their way in unison across the floor... HEY!",]),"cross":([1|"":"$N $vcross $p fingers.",]),"cry":([1|"":"$N $vburst into tears!",]),"cuddle":([1|"LIV":"$N $vcuddle $t ",]),"cul":([1|"":"$N $vbow smartly and $vsay: \"Te torcher le cul.\"",]),"dbow":([1|"":"$N $vwhip off $p hat, then $vbow so low that $p beard touches the ground.",]),"def":([1|"STR":"$N $vmutter: \"Definitely. Definitely $o.\"",]),"dervish":([2|"":"$N $vmeow playfully.","LIV":"$N $vgrin evilly, pouncing at $T and licking $T on the nose.  As $N $vwalk away, $n $vadd a final \"meow\".",]),"dg":([1|"":"$N $vmumble \"You da god, Woodie!\"",]),"disdain":([2|"LIV":" $N $vglare and $vgive $T a look of withering disdain.","OBJ":"$N $vglare at $o and $vgive it a look of withering disdain.",]),"doh":([1|"":"$N $vhit $p forhead and $vshout \"DOH!\"",]),"drag":([1|"":"$N $vtake a deep drag on $p cigarette.",]),"drool":([3|"":"$N $vdrool all over $p self.","LIV":"$N $vdrool all over $T.","OBJ":"$N $vdrool all over $T.",]),"egrin":([2|"":"A demonic expression sweeps over $p face as $N $vflash an evil grin.","LIV":"$p head spins around twice as $N $vflash $t an evil grin!",]),"egrin2":([1|"":"Little horns grow from $p forehead as $N $vflash an evil grin.",]),"ep":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"Everybody, dance the polka!\"",]),"evil":([1|"STR":"$N $vask: \"Could it be an _evil_ $o at least?\"",]),"eye":([1|"":"$N $vmake a quick hand gesture to avert the 'evil eye'.",]),"eyebrow":([1|"":"$N $vraise an eyebrow.",]),"fart":([4|"":"$N $vfart in your general direction.","LIV":"$N $vfart on $T.","OBJ":"$N $vsit on $o and $vfart.","STR":"$N $vfart $o",]),"feature":([1|"":"$N $vpoint out that isn't a bug, it's a feature.",]),"feign":([2|"":"$N $vfeign interest as the mindless blathering goes on and on...","LIV":"$T $vfeign interest as $N $vblather on and on...",]),"ff":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Feel free.\"",]),"flex":([1|"":"$N $vflex $p muscles!",]),"flick":([2|"":"$N $vflick $p cigarette butt down on the ground.","LIV":"$N $vflick ashes all over $t.",]),"french":([1|"LIV":"$N $vpull $t over and $vfrench $t while fonding $p1 gonads",]),"frolic":([1|"":"$N $vfrolic about merrily.",]),"fronod":([1|"":"$N $vfronod.",]),"frozen":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Give me a frickin' break, I was frozen for the last 30 years!\"",]),"fuckoff":([1|"LIV":"$N $vturn to $t and $vsay: \"Je m'en branle.\"",]),"gag":([1|"":"$N $vclutch $p throat and $vgag.",]),"gasp":([2|"":"$N $vgasp.","LIV":"$N $vgasp at $T.",]),"giggle":([1|"":"$N $vgiggle.",]),"girn":([1|"":"$N $vgirn ... what?!",]),"gp":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Good point!\"",]),"grin":([2|"":"$N $vgrin.","LIV":"$N $vgrin at $T.",]),"grind":([1|"":"$N $vgrind $p teeth and $vgo \"arrrgh!\"",]),"groan":([1|"":"$N $vgroan",]),"groovy":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Oh groovy, baby!\"",]),"grovel":([2|"":"$N $vgrovel shamelessly.","LIV":"$N $vgrovel shamelessly before $T.",]),"growl":([1|"":"$N $vgrowl angrily.",]),"grumble":([1|"":"$N $vgrumble",]),"hair":([1|"":"$N $vpull at $p hair. It comes out in large clumps.",]),"hamster":([1|"":"$N $vproclaim : \"My father was a hamster.\"",]),"hanky":([1|"":"$N $vsing, \"Mr. Hanky, The Christmas Poo...\"",]),"hb":([1|"":"$N $vremark: \"How bizzare.\"",]),"head":([1|"":"In frustration, $N $vbang $p head into $p keyboard. Repeatedly.",]),"headbutt":([1|"LIV":"$N $vstruggle to head butt $t into a bloody pulp.",]),"heh":([1|"":"$N $vgo \"Heh!\"",]),"hide":([3|"":"$N $vhide $p head in shame.","LIV":"$N $vtry to hide behind $t. What a coward!","OBJ":"$N $vtry to hide behind $o.",]),"high5":([1|"LIV":"$N high $vfive $T.",]),"hiss":([2|"":"$N $vhiss vehemently!","LIV":"$N $vhiss at $t menacingly!",]),"hmm":([1|"":"$N $vhmm",]),"hug":([1|"LIV":"$N $vhug $T.",]),"ick":([1|"":"$N $vgo \"Ick!\"",]),"idle":([1|"":"$N $vsay \"Just gonna idle for a bit... Honest.\"",]),"intone":([1|"STR":"$N $vraise both arms to the sky and $vintone in a deep booming voice: $o",]),"jump":([1|"":"$N $vjump.",]),"kick":([3|"":"$N $vkick the thin air.","LIV":"$N $vkick $T.","OBJ":"$n $vkick $o.",]),"kiss":([1|"LIV":"$N $vkiss $T.",]),"lag":([1|"":"$N $vlag like a little bitch",]),"laugh":([3|"":"$N $vlaugh.","LIV":"$N $vpoint at $T and $vlaugh.","OBJ":"$N $vpoint at $o and $vlaugh.",]),"lean":([3|"":"$N $vlean against a nearby wall.","LIV":"$N $vlean on $T.","OBJ":"$N $vlean against $o.",]),"ll":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"Long live Woodie!\"  \"Long live WoodieMUD!\"",]),"mem":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Ok, you have a memory, that's why you're the god, Woodie.\"",]),"mgrin":([2|"":"$N $vgrin mischieviously.","LIV":"$N $vgrin mischieviously at $T.",]),"mybag":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!\"",]),"mybeer":([1|"":"$N $vhold up a can of WoodieBEER and $vsay: \"My beer is WoodieBEER, the dry beer. Drink WoodieBEER when ever you try beer. It's refreshing, has bite. Gets you drunk, makes you fight! Try extra-dry WoodieBEER!\"",]),"needinfo":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Throw me a frickin' bone here! I'm the boss! Need the info!\"",]),"nod":([2|"":"$N $vnod.","LIV":"$N $vnod at $T.",]),"noda":([1|"":"$N $vnod vigorously in agreement.",]),"nodk":([1|"":"$N $vnod knowingly.",]),"nodv":([1|"":"$N $vnod vigorously in agreement.",]),"oh":([1|"":"$N $vnod in realization and $vsay: \"Oh.\"",]),"oh!":([1|"":"$N $vlet out a small yelp of surprize as $n $vsay: \"Oh!\"",]),"oh?":([1|"":"In a somewhat surprized tone $N $vsay: \"Oh?\"",]),"ok":([1|"":"$N $vsay \"Ok, your the god, Woodie.\"",]),"on":([1|"":"$N $vgo on and on...",]),"pah":([2|"":"$N $vspit on the ground and $vmutter: \"Pah!\"","LIV":"$N $vspit on $t and $vmutter: \"Pah!\"",]),"pat":([1|"LIV":"$N $vpat $T on the back.",]),"peep":([1|"":"$N $vpeep.",]),"peer":([1|"":"$N $vpeer quizically.",]),"perk":([1|"":"$N $vperk $p ears up to listen",]),"pet":([1|"LIV":"$N $vpet $t.",]),"plan":([1|"":"$N $vsay: Here's the plan. We get the warhead. Then we hold the world ransom for... ONE MILLION dollars!",]),"plytwins":([1|"":"$N $vtry to get the Nymphthing twins drunk...",]),"pm":([1|"":"$N $vrelate \"PixieMUD is a wreckage of a faded glory mudlib presided over by lazy, unstable admins that just like to play favorites and then lie about it to all to the players.\"",]),"pmfem":([1|"":"$N $vremark: \"All the PixieMUD admins are slightly effeminate, even the women admins.\"",]),"pna":([1|"":"$N $vmumble: \"Pay no attention to me, I'm just babbling.\"",]),"point":([3|"LIV":"$N $vpoint at $T.","OBJ":"$N $vpoint at $o.","STR":"$N $vpoint at $o",]),"poke":([2|"":"$N $vpoke.","LIV":"$N $vpoke $T.",]),"polka":([1|"LIV":"$N $vdance the polka with $T.",]),"ponder":([1|"":"$N $vponder the situation.",]),"pound":([1|"":"$N $vpound on the situation, hard.",]),"pp":([1|"":"$N $vremark: \"It's a polka party!\"",]),"pretense":([1|"":"$N $vsneer and $vsay: \"It was all just a pretense.\"",]),"priff":([1|"":"$N $vpull out $p accordian and $vplay a polka riff.",]),"ps":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"Pixie Spirit? I've got your Pixie Spirit right...  HERE!\"",]),"ptma":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"PixieTown, my ass!!\"",]),"ptwins":([1|"":"$N $vdance the polka with BOTH of the Nymphthing twins!",]),"puff":([1|"":"As $N $vpuff on that Centaur cigarette, $p head gets surrounded by hazy blue smoke.",]),"puke":([3|"":"$N $vdouble over and $vpuke on $p shoes.","LIV":"$N $vdouble over and projectile $vvomit all over $T.","OBJ":"$N $vdouble over and projectile $vvomit all over $o.",]),"purr":([2|"":"$N $vpurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr","LIV":"$N $vsnuggle close and $vpurr at $t.",]),"pw":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Praise Woodie!\"",]),"quack":([1|"":"$N $vquack contentedly.",]),"raise":([2|"":"$N $vraise one eyebrow.","LIV":"$N $vlook at $T and $vraise one eyebrow.",]),"randy":([1|"":"$N $vask Let me ask you a question, and be honest....Do I make you horny?!",]),"ratlover":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"Rat lover!\"",]),"ratty":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"That's awfully ratty.\"",]),"rib":([1|"":"$N $vribbit contentedly.",]),"righton":([1|"":"$N $vsay \"Right on, man! Right on!\"",]),"rk":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"Rat Killer!\"",]),"rl":([1|"":"$N $vshout: \"Rat lover!\"",]),"roll":([1|"":"$N $vroll $p eyes.",]),"rosepetal":([1|"LIV":"$N $vthrow rose petals before $T.",]),"rp":([1|"":"$N $vwave $p hand in the air with a flourish and $vsay: \"I was just... Role Playing!\"",]),"salute":([1|"LIV":"$N $vsalute $T.",]),"sb":([1|"":"$N $vmutter: \"Stupid bastard...\"",]),"sbt":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"Strange... but true!\"",]),"scheme":([1|"":"As $N $vstart to scheme, $p eyes become small and beady things...",]),"scoff":([2|"":"$N $vscoff at the very notion!","LIV":"$N $vscoff at $T!",]),"scratch":([1|"":"$N $vscratch $p head.",]),"scream":([2|"":"$N $vscream loudly!","STR":"$N $vscream $o",]),"shagadelic":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"I think you're shagadelic, baby! You're switched on, you're smashing!\"",]),"shake":([3|"":"$N $vshake $p head.","LIV":"$N $vshake hands with $t.","STR":"$N $vshake $p head $o.",]),"shits":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"I'm just trying to get a rise out of you, that's all! For shits and giggles!\"",]),"shotgun":([1|"":"$N $vshotgun a can of WoodieBEER.",]),"shrug":([1|"":"$N $vshrug.",]),"shudder":([1|"":"$N $vshudder",]),"sigh":([2|"":"$N $vsigh.","LIV":"$N $vpoint at $T and $vsigh.",]),"sign":([1|"":"$N $vpoint to the heavens and $vshout: \"It is a SIGN!\"",]),"sing":([2|"":"$N $vsing a few bars of \"Woodiemud, WoodieMUD uber alles...  Uber alles en der Welt!\"","STR":"$N $vsing a few bars of $o",]),"sip":([1|"":"$N $vtake a sip of WoodieBEER and then $vshake $p head rapidly, back and forth.",]),"sit":([1|"":"$N $vsit and $vrest $p legs.",]),"situate":([1|"":"$N $vsituate the ponderation.",]),"slomo":([1|"":"$N $vmove in very.......slow...........m..o..t..i...o..n",]),"smell":([1|"":"$N $vsmell like eldeberries.",]),"smile":([4|"":"$N $vsmile.","LIV":"$N $vsmile at $T.","OBJ":"$N $vsmile at $o.","STR":"$N $vsmile $o.",]),"smirk":([2|"":"$N $vsmirk in amusement","LIV":"$N $vsmirk at $T",]),"smoke":([1|"":"$N $vlight up a Centaur cigarette and $vsay: \"AFK for a smoke.\"",]),"smokering":([1|"":"$N $vtry to blow a smoke ring.",]),"snap":([1|"":"$N $vsnap $p fingers.",]),"snaps":([1|"":"$N $vsnap the fingers on both $p hands repeatedly, in approval.",]),"sneer":([2|"":"$N $vsneer.","LIV":"$n $vsneer at $T.",]),"snicker":([1|"":"$N $vsnicker.",]),"sniffle":([1|"":"$N $vsniffle",]),"snuggle":([1|"LIV":"$N $vsnuggle up to $t (Aww...)",]),"sob":([1|"":"$N $vsob uncontrolably (what a BABY!)",]),"space":([1|"":"$N $vspace out.",]),"spanish":([1|"":"A dramatic chord plays in the background, and $N $vcackle wildly! \"NOBODY expects %^RED%^The Spanish Inquisition%^RESET%^!\"",]),"speed":([1|"":"$N suddenly $vspeed up!",]),"spellk":([1|"":"$N $vtry to spell and $vfail miserably.",]),"strut":([1|"":"$N $vstrut.",]),"sulk":([1|"":"$N $vsulk in the corner.",]),"think":([3|"":"$N $vthink hard about it.","LIV":"$N $vthink $T $vhave gone to far...","OBJ":"$N $vthink hard about $o.",]),"tickle":([1|"LIV":"$N $vtickle $T.",]),"tsk":([1|"":"$N $vshake $p head and $vgo \"tsk, tsk, tsk\".",]),"wave":([2|"":"$N $vwave.","LIV":"$N $vwave at $T.",]),"whistle":([1|"":"$N $vwhistle innocently...",]),"wink":([2|"":"$N $vwink.","LIV":"$N $vwink at $t (oh baby!)",]),"winkc":([1|"":"$N $vgive a conspiritorial wink.",]),"wiper":([1|"":"$N $vwipe $p brow in relief!",]),"woo":([2|"":"$N $vexplode with joy and $vgo \"Woo! Woo!\"","LIV":"$N $vpoint at $T and $vgo \"Woo! Woo!\"",]),"worship":([2|"":"$N $vbow and $vscrape nauseatingly.","LIV":"$N $vbow and $vscrape nauseatingly before $t.",]),"yawn":([2|"":"$N $vyawn.","LIV":"$N $vyawn at $T.",]),"yeah":([1|"":"$N $vsay: Yeah Baby! Yeah!",]),"ynarm":([1|"":"$N $vsay: \"You're not a REAL man.\"",]),])