  A very basic Intermud-3 daemon for those MUDs running on the DGD driver
  with network support.  It is not meant to run out of the box, but rather
  to show how to receive and send data over the Intermud network using
  DGD's network capabilities.

  Originally created by Jason Cone (Qi@CornerStone)

#include <status.h>
#include <limits.h>


mixed *mpRouterList;
static private mapping aServices;
int connected;
mapping chanlist;
int chanlist_id;
mapping mudlist;
int mudlist_id;

void create( void );

void IMUDLOG( string str ) {
  write_file( "/logs/imud", ctime( time() ) + " : " + str );

void save_me( void ) {
  save_object( "/daemons/data/imud_d.o" );

void restore_me( void ) {
  restore_object( "/daemons/data/imud_d.o" );

private void write_imud_stream(string sType, string sTargetMUD,
                               string sTargetUser, mixed *mpMessage)
  string sOrigUser;
  string sSend;
  int nSize;
  mixed *mpPacket;

  if( this_user() != 0 )
    if( this_user()->query_player() != 0 )
      sOrigUser = this_user()->query_player()->query_name();

  /*  The first 6 entries into the outgoing array will always be the

  mpPacket = ({
    sType,  /*The packet type.  Should correspond to one of the services*/
    5,      /*Always 5. */
    IMUD_NAME,  /*Name of the MUD as it should be known over the I-3 network*/
    sOrigUser,  /*Name of the local user involved in this transaction*/
    sTargetMUD, /*Name of the target MUD*/
    sTargetUser,  /*Name of the target user on the target MUD*/
  }) + mpMessage; /*Service-specific information*/

  First, I convert the array to a string.  I am currently using a daemon
  to do this though I may eventually make it an afun.  Anyway, since I'm
  passing a 1 to the function via to_string(mpPacket, 1) that's telling
  the daemon to leave out the "|<number of elements>" string in the
  array/mapping translation as it is unique to DGD values.  I then get
  the size of the string and add 1 for the null character that is appended
  to the end.
  nSize = strlen(sSend = save_variable(mpPacket)) + 1;

  /*  Initialize the string so I can reference specific bytes */
  sSend = "    " + sSend + " ";

  /*  Convert the length of the packet to a byte string */
  sSend[0] = (nSize & 0xff000000) >> 24;
  sSend[1] = (nSize & 0xff0000) >> 16;
  sSend[2] = (nSize & 0xff00) >> 8;
  sSend[3] = nSize & 0xff;

  /*  Append the null character */
  sSend[strlen(sSend)-1] = 0;

  /*  Send it to the router */
    IMUDLOG("There was an error writing the data to the Intermud connection");

  The following group of functions allow for easier sending of data over
  the I-3 network according to the nature of the action.
  The logic for this setup was borrowed from the LIMA MUDlib.

/*  Use this function to send a packet to the router */
static void send_to_router(string sType, mixed *mpMessage)
  write_imud_stream(sType, "*gjs", 0, mpMessage);

/*  Use this function to send a packet to a certain MUD */
static void send_to_mud(string sType, string sMudName, mixed *mpMessage)
  write_imud_stream(sType, sMudName, 0, mpMessage);

/*  Use this function to send a packet to a certain MUD -and- direct */
/*  the action to a specific user. */
static void send_to_user(string sType, string sMudName, string sUserName,
                         mixed *mpMessage)
  write_imud_stream(sType, sMudName, sUserName, mpMessage);

/*  Use this function to send a packet to all the MUDs connected to the */
/*  I-3 network. */
static void send_to_all(string sType, mixed *mpMessage)
  write_imud_stream(sType, 0, 0, mpMessage);

void do_channel_m( string chan, string what ) {
  send_to_all( "channel-m",({ chan, capitalize(this_player()->query_name()),
				 what }) );

void do_channel_e( string chan, string what ) {
  send_to_all( "channel-e",({ chan, capitalize(this_player()->query_name()),
				 what }) );

void do_tell( string who, string where, string what ) {
  send_to_user( "tell", where, who, ({ capitalize( this_player()->query_name() ), what }) );

void do_who( string where ) {
  send_to_mud( "who-req", where, ({ 0 }) );

void do_locate( string who ) {
  send_to_all( "locate-req", ({ who }) );

  When a whole packet has been received, call the associated function
  for the given function.  If none exists, send an error packet back
  to the sender saying that we don't support that service.
private void handle_router_read(mixed *mpMessage)
  If you don't have support for this service, return an error.  You
  shouldn't receive packets for unsupported services if you didn't
  define them in your startup-request-3 packet.
    write_imud_stream("error", mpMessage[2], mpMessage[3],
      ({ "unk-type",
      "Packet-type '"+mpMessage[0]+"' is not defined",
      mpMessage }));

  This call assumes that you've either #include'ed or inherited the
  various services into this object.  If not, you'll have to modify
  this call to reflect your setup.
  call_other(this_object(), aServices[mpMessage[0]],
    mpMessage[2], mpMessage[3], mpMessage[5], mpMessage[6..]);

void rcv_locate_reply( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
		    mixed rest ) {
  object p;

  p = USER_D->find_player( destuser );
  if( p != 0 ) {
    p->message( "%^ORANGE%^[locate]%^RESET%^ " + rest[1] + 
		" has been found on " + rest[0] +
		" (idle" + format_idle_time( rest[2] ) + ").\n" );

void rcv_locate_req( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
		    mixed rest ) {
  object u;

  u = USER_D->find_user( lowercase( rest[0] ) );
  if( u != 0 ) {
    send_to_user( "locate-reply", origmud, origuser, 
		  ({ IMUD_NAME, capitalize( u->query_player()->query_name() ),
		       u->query_player()->query_idle(), 0 
		  }) );

void rcv_who_reply( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
		    mixed rest ) {
  object p;
  int i;

  p = USER_D->find_player( destuser );
  if( p != 0 ) {
    p->message( "[" + origmud + "] " + sizeof( rest[0] ) + " users connected.\n" );
    p->message( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    for( i=0; i < sizeof( rest[0] ); i++ ) {
      p->message( rest[0][i][0]+" "+format_idle_time(rest[0][i][1])+" "+rest[0][i][2]+"\n" );
    p->message( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
void rcv_who_req( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
		  mixed rest ) {
  mixed *msg;
  object *p;
  int i;
  msg = ({ });
  p = USER_D->query_users();
  for( i = 0; i < sizeof( p ); i++ ) {
    msg += ({ ({
             capitalize( p[i]->query_player()->query_name() ), 
	   }) });
  send_to_user("who-reply", origmud, origuser, ({ msg }) );
  IMUDLOG( "Replied to a who-request by " + origuser + "@" + origmud + ".\n" );

void rcv_channel_t( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
		    mixed rest ) {
  CHANNEL_D->chan_imud_rcv_targetted( rest[0], rest[5], origmud, rest[6], 
				      rest[1], rest[3] );

void rcv_channel_e( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
		    mixed rest ) {
  CHANNEL_D->chan_imud_rcv_emote( rest[0], rest[1], origmud, rest[2] );

void rcv_channel_m( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
		    mixed rest ) {
  CHANNEL_D->chan_imud_rcv_say( rest[0], rest[1], origmud, rest[2] );

void rcv_tell( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
			mixed rest ) {
  object user;

  IMUDLOG( "Got tell from " + origuser + "@" + origmud + " to " + destuser + ":" + rest[1] + ".\n" );

  user = USER_D->find_user( destuser );
  if( user != 0 ) {
     user->query_player()->set_last_tell( origuser + "@" + origmud );
     user->query_player()->message( rest[0] + "@" + origmud + " tells you: " + rest[1] );

void rcv_chanlist_reply( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
			 mixed rest ) {
  string *chans;
  int i;

  if( chanlist == 0 ) {
    chanlist = ([ ]);

  chanlist_id = rest[0];

  /*  chans = map_indices( chanlist );
  for( i = 0; i < sizeof( chans ); i++ ) {
    if( rest[1][chans[i]] == 0 ) {
      chanlist[chans[i]] = 0;
  chans = map_indices( rest[1] );
  for( i = 0; i < sizeof( chans ); i++ ) {
    chanlist[chans[i]] = rest[1][chans[i]];
    IMUDLOG("Added channel: " + chans[i] + "\n");
/*    send_to_router( "channel-listen", ({ chans[i], 1 }) ); */

void rcv_mudlist( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
			mixed rest ) {
  string *muds;
  int i;

  if( mudlist == 0 ) {
    mudlist = ([ ]);

  mudlist_id = rest[0];

/*  muds = map_indices( mudlist ); */

  /*  for( i = 0; i < sizeof( muds ); i++ ) {
    if( rest[1][muds[i]] == 0 ) {
      mudlist[muds[i]] = 0;
  muds = map_indices( rest[1] );

  for( i = 0; i < sizeof( muds ); i++ ) {
     IMUDLOG("Added mud: " + muds[i] + "\n" );
    mudlist[muds[i]] = rest[1][muds[i]];

void rcv_startup_reply( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
			mixed rest ) {

  mpRouterList = rest[0];
  connected = 0;
  IMUDLOG( "Connected to I3.\n" );

void rcv_startup_error( string origmud, string origuser, string destuser, 
			mixed rest ) {
  IMUDLOG( "Got an error packet!\n" );

mapping query_mudlist( void ) {
  return( mudlist );

mapping query_chanlist( void ) {
  return( chanlist );

static string sBuffer;

  This is where we parse the incoming data from the socket connection.
  The basic logic flow is this:

    * Append the data to the buffer string until a null character at
      the end of an array is reached (denoted end of packet).

    * Because it's possible to receive more than one packet in a stream,
      I keep an array of packets parsed on the "})\0" sequence (unique
      to the end of a packet).

    * Strip the first 4 bytes (packet length info) of each complete
      packet and append the trailing "})" that was lost in the explode()

    * Convert each packet to a value using the convert daemon and pass
      the resulting value to handle_router_read() for evaluation.

  I started out trying to use the packet length information to decide
  when I had received the whole packet, but it made for a mess and
  nearly tripled the amount of code needed to parse the string.  It
  didn't work consistently, either.  So until I'm shown that this method
  won't work, I'm going to keep on using it (parsing on the null
  character). :)

static void receive_message(string sStream)
  string *spPackets;
  string sPacket;
  int nIndex;
  int nSize;

  if( strlen( sBuffer ) + strlen( sStream ) > MAX_STRING_SIZE ) {
     sBuffer = "";

  sBuffer += sStream;
  nSize = strlen(sBuffer);

  if(sBuffer[nSize-3..] == "})\0")
    spPackets = explode(sBuffer, "})\0");
    for(nIndex = 0, nSize = sizeof(spPackets); nIndex < nSize; nIndex++)
      sPacket = spPackets[nIndex][4..] + "})";
      if( sPacket[0] != '(' && sPacket[1] != '[' ) {
	 IMUDLOG("Skipping : '" + sPacket + "'\n");
    sBuffer = "";

  This is called when the connection is lost, closed, or when the daemon
  itself is destructed.  Possible code that could go in here could
  include, but is not limited to, automatic reconnecting, save current
  settings, notify a group that may be logged in, log event to a file,
static void close() {
  connected = 0;
  IMUDLOG( "Connection lost.\n" );
  call_out( "reconnect", 300 );

void reconnect( void ) {
  string *spAddress;

  IMUDLOG( "Router: " + mpRouterList[0][1] + "\n" );

  if( connected == 0 ) {
    spAddress = explode(mpRouterList[0][1], " ");
    IMUDLOG( "Reconnecting to " + spAddress[0] + " " + spAddress[1] + "\n" );
    connect(spAddress[0], (int)spAddress[1]);

int query_mudlist_id( void ) {
  return( mudlist_id );
int query_chanlist_id( void ) {
  return( chanlist_id );

static void open()
  send_to_router("startup-req-3", ({
    0, /* Password - Send 0 if you're new */
    query_mudlist_id(), /* Mudlist ID - Send 0 if you're new */
    query_chanlist_id(),  /* Channel List ID - Send 0 if you're new */
    LOGIN_PORT, /* What port people use to connect to your MUD */
    I3_TCP_PORT,  /* The MUD's designated port for Imud TCP comm */
    I3_UDP_PORT,  /* The MUD's designated port for Imud UDP/OOB comm */
    LIB_NAME + " " + LIB_VERSION, /*Name of current lib*/
    LIB_NAME, /*Name of base lib*/
    "DGD " + status()[ST_VERSION],  /*Driver version*/
    "LPMud",  /*MUD Type*/
    "Mudlib Development", /*MUD Status*/
    ADMIN_EMAIL,  /*Email address of the MUD's admin*/
      /*The following is a list of SUPPORTED services with appropriate values.
	Information regarding the various services can be found in the I-3
      /*      "auth"    : 1, */
      "channel" : 1,
      /*      "emoteto" : 1, */
      /*      "file"    : 1, */
      /*      "finger"  : 1, */
      "ftp"     : FTP_PORT,
      "locate"  : 1,
      /*      "mail"    : 1, */
      "tell"    : 1,
      "who"     : 1,
      /*      "ucache"  : 1, */
      /*This is a list of custom services that are support by your MUD, but
	not by the I-3 protocol.

  sBuffer = "";

  create() is called when the daemon is first loaded (as is the case
  with every object).  Things of note that take place here:

    * Router list is given a default address and name

    * The Services mapping is initialized to reflect supported
      call-back functions for the respective services.

    * The connection to the Intermud router is initialized.
void create( void )
  string *spAddress;

  connected = 0;
  mpRouterList = ({ ({ "*gjs", " 9000"}) });    
  mudlist = ([ ]);
  chanlist = ([ ]);

    I went ahead and included this segment to show how I set up the packet-
    type/function relationships.  Each key is the string that is sent
    in each packet and the values are the names of the actual functions
    that are called when packets are received.

    You should only define those functions that you have coded support
    for, though, as defining unsupported ones will lead to router/mud


  aServices = ([
    "tell"            : "rcv_tell",
    "emoteto"         : "rcv_emoteto",
    "who-req"         : "rcv_who_req",
    "who-reply"       : "rcv_who_reply",
    "finger-req"      : "rcv_finger_req",
    "finger-reply"    : "rcv_finger_reply",
    "locate-req"      : "rcv_locate_req",
    "locate-reply"    : "rcv_locate_reply",
    "chanlist-reply"  : "rcv_chanlist_reply",
    "chan-who-req"    : "rcv_chan_who_req",
    "chan-who-reply"  : "rcv_chan_who_reply",
    "channel-m"       : "rcv_channel_m",
    "channel-e"       : "rcv_channel_e",
    "channel-t"       : "rcv_channel_t",
    "chan-user-req"   : "rcv_chan_user_req",
    "chan-user-reply" : "rcv_chan_user_reply",
    "auth-mud-req"    : "rcv_auth_mud_req",
    "auth-mud-reply"  : "rcv_auth_mud_reply",
    "ucache-update"   : "rcv_ucache_update",
    "mudlist"         : "rcv_mudlist",
    "startup-reply"   : "rcv_startup_reply",
    "error"           : "rcv_error",
    "oob-req"         : "rcv_oob_req",

  spAddress = explode(mpRouterList[0][1], " ");
  connect(spAddress[0], (int)spAddress[1]);