
53 OLC~
{o***  *        **    *****          ***   *       ***
{o *   *       *  *    *   *        *   *  *      *   *{x   Original code by:
{o *   *      *    *   *   *        *   *  *      *    {x   Surreality
{o *   *      *    *   *   *        *   *  *      *    {x  
{o *   *      *    *   ****         *   *  *      *    {x   From TheIsles by:
{o *   *      ******   *   *        *   *  *      *    {x   Locke
{o *   *      *    *   *   *        *   *  *      *    {x  
{o *   *      *    *   *   *        *   *  *      *   *{x   Envy conversion by:
{o***  *****  *    *  *****          ***   *****   *** {x   Jason Dinkel

Later work for Envy 2.0 conversion was done by Stoked.
Later on, the code was severely mutilated by Zen who included it on UE.

Tutorial parts are mostly based on Envy 2.2's area.txt which was written
by the Farside staff.

These commands are used to expand the game world.  Use '?' for help.

See also: 'OLC COMMANDS'

Syntax: aedit create
or:     aedit reset

These commands are used for area creation and repoping.

Syntax: redit create <vnum>
or:     redit reset
or:     redit reset  <vnum>

These commands are used for room creation and editing.

Syntax: oedit create <vnum>

This command is used for object creation and editing.

Syntax: medit create <vnum>

This command is used for mobile creation and editing.

AEDIT and REDIT default to the current area or room.
REDIT RESET resets the current room.

Most commands with no arguments display syntax.


Syntax: asave world
or:     asave area
or:     asave changed
or:     asave list

This command allows you to save your editing to disk.

Syntax: alist

This command gives you a listing of all the areas along with their
vnum assignments and the builders assigned to editing them.

Syntax: aedit
or:     aedit <vnum>

Use this command to enter the area editor.

The following commands are available from within the editor:
age             builder         create          done            filename
name            recall          reset           security        show
vnum            lvnum           uvnum           flags

{oSee also: 'AEDIT TUTORIAL'{x

An area is one piece of the world.  Each area is defined in a separate file.
All of our area files have the extension '.are'.  Areas are what make the
game special, sure the gods help, but it is the areas.  Please keep your
areas original and not too far out.  Use good and proper English and try and
spell check your area before sending it in.  Hatchet and the high up gods will
debug if necessary.  Remember the world is a magical one, where technology
was not really developed.  So please keep the machine guns, grenades, lasers,
etc out.

Syntax: redit

Use this command to enter the room editor.

The following commands are available from within the editor:
create          desc            done            ed              format
name            show            oshow           mshow           flags

For exit editing use:

See 'help EXITEDIT', or type '[direction] help'

{oSee also: 'REDIT TUTORIAL'{x


Syntax: [direction] <command> <argument list>

For exits, type the direction ( north|south|east|west ) followed by:

dig  <vnum>        - creates the room and makes a two way link
link <room vnum>   - make a two way link
room <room vnum>   - make a one way link (use with caution)
key  <object vnum> - makes specified object the vnum of the key required
name <door name>   - makes the door's name/keywords = to the given name
desc               - edit the description of the exit
remove <arg>       - used to remove keys, names, and descriptions
delete             - delete this exit
<exit-flags>       - see '? exit'

The exit flags are presented in the following manner.  The capitalized
flags are ones not included in the reset info.  i.e. closed is due to
a player closing the door and not due to the door being set to be closed.

Syntax: oedit <vnum>

Use this command to enter the object editor.

The following commands are available from within the editor:
addaffect       delaffect       cost            create          done
ed              long            keywords        short           show
v0              v1              v2              v3              v4
weight          type            extra           wear

{oSee also: 'OEDIT TUTORIAL'{x

These are the items that the people who journey through you area will keep
and use, it is best to think up good descriptions for them.  Remember to
balance these items with those that already exist.

The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the object.

The 'keywords' are words which can be used in commands to identify the

The 'short-description' is the description used by the 'act' function and
other functions to identify the object.  The first character of the short-
description should be lower case, because this description is used in the
middle of sentences.  The 'short-description' is used with the
commands: 'get', 'drop', 'inventory', 'equipment', 'look', etc.

The 'long-description' is the description used when a character walks in the
room and the object is visible.  This string will display when someone
types 'look <obj>'.

The 'item-type' is the type of the item. (see '? type')

The 'extra-flags' describe more attributes of the object.  The 'wear-flags'
describe whether the item can be picked up, and if so, what bodily locations
can wear it. (see '? extra')

The 'weight' of the object is just that.

Syntax: medit <vnum>

Use this command to enter the mobile editor.

The following commands are available from within the editor:
alignment       create          desc            done            level
long            keywords        shop            game            short
show            spec            sex             act             affect

{oSee also: 'MEDIT TUTORIAL'{x

These are the mobs in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood.. oh sorry
just passed through Lenny's area.  Anyways, it is here that a lot of the
character of your area comes out.  This is the most important section to
those players who walk around with brief on.

The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the mobile.  IE) #654

The 'keywords' are words which can be used in commands to identify the
mobile.  Most mudders consider the keywords the mobile's name.
Separate each keyword you use with a space and make sure at least one
of them occurs in the description the player sees when they enter the
room for ease of reference if you intention is to have a visible mobile.

The 'short-description' is the description used by the 'act' function and
other functions to identify the mobile.  Do not use a capital letter
in the description as it is used from within sentences.

The 'long-description' is the description used when a character walks in the
room and the mobile is visible.  It is suggested to not use more than
one line for the 'long-description'.

The 'description' is the longest description.  It is used when a character
explicitly looks at the mobile.  This may contain as many lines as you
wish.  This can even include a fake listing of what it is wearing.

The 'act-flags' define how the mobile acts. (see '? act')

The 'affected-flags' define more attributes of the mobile. (see '? affect')

The 'alignment' of the mobile ranges from -1000 to +1000.  Keep in mind that
certain spells ('protection' and 'dispel evil') give characters fighting evil
monsters an advantage, and that experience earned is influenced by alignment.

The 'level' is a number from 1 to 50.

Race name consists of one of these many races built into Envy. (see '? race')

Syntax: mpedit <vnum>

Use this command to enter the mobprograms editor.

The following commands are available from within the editor:
add             copy            delete          done            program
show            trigger

{oSee also: 'MPEDIT TUTORIAL'{x

    MOBprogram quick reference to triggers/variables/ifchecks/mobcommands

trigger         argument and what must happen to activate trigger
act_prog        WORDLIST or P WORD_PHRASE to match from act() to mobile
bribe_prog      INTEGER amount of miminum gold amount given to mobile
entry_prog      PERCENT chance to check when mobile moves to a new room
give_prog       FULL OBJECT NAME or ALL to match when obj given to mobile
greet_prog      PERCENT chance to check if visable char enters mobile's room
all_greet_prog  PERCENT chance to check when any char enters mobile's room
fight_prog      PERCENT chance to check at fight_pulse if mobile is fighting
hitprcnt_prog   PERCENT lower than mobiles hit/max_hit if mobile is fighting
death_prog      PERCENT chance to check after mobile has been slain
rand_prog       PERCENT chance to check whenever a PC is in the mobiles zone
speech_prog     WORDLIST or P WORD_PHRASE to match in dialogue to mobile

variable         mobile actor victim random     object 2nd_object
  name             $i    $n     $t     $r         $o       $p      
shrt_desc/title    $I    $N     $T     $R         $O       $P          
he/she/it          $j    $e     $E     $J         --       --    '$'symbol=$$
him/her/it         $l    $m     $M     $L         --       --          
his/hers/its       $k    $s     $S     $K         --       --
a/an               --    --     --     --         $a       $A
ifcheck       argument?        meaning
rand(num)                   Is a random percentage less than or equal to num
isnpc($*)                   Is $* an NPC
ispc($*)                    Is $* a PC
isgood($*)                  Does $* have a good alignment 
isfight($*)                 Is $* fighting
isimmort($*)                Is the level of $* greater than max_mortal
ischarmed($*)               Is $* affected by charm
isfollow($*)                Is $* a follower with their master in the room
isaffected($*) & integer    Is ($*->affected_by & integer) true (person only) 
hitprcnt($*)  == percent    Is the hit/max_hit of $* equal to percent
inroom($*)    == integer    Is the room of $* equal to integer (person only)
sex($*)       == integer    Is the sex of $* equal to integer
position($*)  == integer    Is the position of $* equal to integer
level($*)     == integer    Is the level of $* equal to integer
class($*)     == integer    Is the class of $* equal to integer
goldamt($*)   == integer    Does $* have a gold total equal to integer
objtype($*)   == integer    Is the type of $* equal to integer (armor,boat,etc)
objval#($*)   == integer    Is $*->value[#] equal to integer (# from 0-4)
number($*)    == integer    Is the vnum of $* equal to integer
name($*)      == string     Is the name of $* equal to string

MOBcommand	argument_list		MOBcommand	argument_list
MPSTAT		<mobile>		MPASOUND	<text_string>
MPJUNK		<object>		MPECHO		<text_string>
MPMLOAD		<mobile>		MPECHOAT	<victim> <text_string>
MPOLOAD		<object> <level>	MPECHOAROUND	<victim> <text_string>
MPKILL		<victim>		MPPURGE		[argument]
MPGOTO		<dest>			MPAT		<dest> <command> 
MPTRANSFER	<dest> [location]	MPFORCE		<victim> <command>

Syntax: resets <number> obj <vnum> <location on body>	 - equips last mobile
or:     resets <number> obj <vnum> inside <obj vnum>	 - store in container
or:     resets <number> obj <vnum> room 		 - store in room
or:     resets <number> mob <vnum> [<max #>]		 - load a mobile
or:     resets <number> delete  			 - delete a reset

RESETS alone will display the resets in the current room.  The <number> will
be displayed with this list.  See '? wear_loc' for possible locations that
an object can be loaded to.  The [<max #>] is the maximum number of
mobiles allowed in this room and will default to 1 if no number is entered.

For resets to be successful make sure that you add them in a logical order.
For example, if you are equipping a mobile, don't load a container in the 
room and fill it with some objects and then continue equipping the mobile.
It is likely that resets will backfire if they are not carefully entered.

If you wish to reset the room then use 'REDIT RESET'.

.   value[0]    unused
   value[1]    unused
   value[2]    hours of light available, 0 is dead, -1 is infinite            
   value[3]    unused
   value[4]    unused

.   value[0]    level
   value[1]    max charges
   value[2]    current charges
   value[3]    spell name (see '? spells')
   value[4]    unused

.   value[0]    level
   value[1]    spell name 1 (see '? spells')
   value[2]    spell name 2 (see '? spells')
   value[3]    spell name 3 (see '? spells')
   value[4]    spell name 4 (see '? spells')

.   value[0]    unused
   value[1]    unused (formerly min damage)
   value[2]    unused (formerly max damage)
   value[3]    weapon type (see '? weapon')
   value[4]    unused

.   value[0]    weight capacity
   value[1]    flags (see '? container')
   value[2]    key vnum
   value[3]    unused
   value[4]    unused

.   value[0]    capacity
   value[1]    current quantity
   value[2]    liquid (see '? liquid')
   value[3]    if non-zero, drink is poisoned
   value[4]    unused

.   value[0]    hours of food value
   value[1]    unused
   value[2]    unused
   value[3]    if non-zero, food is poisoned
   value[4]    unused

.   value[0]    value in gold pieces
   value[1]    unused
   value[2]    unused
   value[3]    unused
   value[4]    unused

.   value[0]    current charges
   value[1]    flags (see '? portal')
   value[2]    key vnum
   value[3]    flags (see '? portal_door')
   value[4]    destination vnum

0 $~
