UNNOFICIAL Zen's EnvyMud patch Release 0.87j! (Ultra Envy2.2)
Wednesday, 10th December 1997

Zen             vasc@camoes.rnl.ist.utl.pt

Rakot asked for MSP support.  I haven't bothered myself much with this since
i can't test it at home - i'm coding on Linux and there is no MSP client for
Linux yet.  However i wrote some code in about 30 mins... It's in act_msp.c.
It's crap but i can't use or test it anyway.  Bellow are the MSP specs.
Got them somewhere from the homesite of the ZMud windows client at

--- MSP Draft Specification 0.2

=== !!SOUND

	!!SOUND(fname V=vol L=repeats P=priority T=type) 
	"fname" is the name of the sound file to be played 
	"vol" is the volume level to play the sound at
	"repeats" is the number of times to play the sound
	"priority" is the priority of the sound
	"type" is the sound class


	"fname" may contain relative path information and wildcards, but may not
	contain absolute path information. Any directory information should be
	specified using "/" rather than "\", since this avoids all of those
	nasty problems with escape characters. If multiple wave files match a
	wildcard, one of them should be chosen at random. Wildcards should work
	just like DOS wildcards; * should match the remainder of the file name,
	and ? should match exactly one character. If no extension is specified,
	".wav" should be assumed.

	Following are some valid fname values:
	And some invalid ones:
		weather\lightning.wav # uses \ rather than /
		*x*.wav # wildcards stop after the first *
		c:\sounds\m.wav # no absolute paths
	"vol" may range from 0 (0%, off) to 100 (100%, full). This parameter may
	be omitted, in which case it defaults to 100.
	"repeats" controls the number of times to play the sound. It may be
	omitted, in which case it defaults to 1. It may also be set to -1, which
	causes sounds to be looped until otherwise instructed.
	"priority" is the priority of the sound. If a sound is requested while
	another sound is being played, whichever sound has the higher priority
	wins. In the case of a tie, the sound that is already playing wins. This
	is to prevent combat sounds from degenerating into a mishmash of sound
	fragments. Priority may range from 0 to 100, and defaults to 50 if not
	The class of the sound. This is mud specific. Some example classes might
	be combat, zone, death, clan. This parameter may be omitted, but if a
	MUD opts to use it, it's recommended that it be used everywhere. The
	actual type is a string, and should be case insensitive. 


(1) If a wildcard pattern is requested for multiple repeats, the actual sound
    played should be picked randomly for each iteration.
(2) The sound name Off is reserved, and should cause all wave files to stop


	!!SOUND(thunder V=100 L=1 P=30 T=weather) 
	!!SOUND(weather/rain.wav V=80 P=20 T=weather) 
	!!SOUND(alarm P=100 T=utility) 

=== !!MUSIC

	!!MUSIC(fname V=vol L=repeats C=continue T=type) 
	"fname" is the name of the music file to be played 
	"vol" is the volume level to play the music at "repeats" is the number
	of times to play the music file 
	"continue" specifies whether the file should be restarted if requested
	"type" is the sound class 


	"fname" may contain relative path information and wildcards, but may not
	contain absolute path information. Any directory information should be
	specified using "/" rather than "\", since this avoids all of those
	nasty problems with escape characters. If multiple music files match a
	wildcard, one of them should be chosen at random. Wildcards should work
	just like DOS wildcards; * should match the remainder of the file name,
	and ? should match exactly one character. If no extension is specified,
	".mid" should be assumed. 

	Following are some valid fname values:
	And some invalid ones:
		tchai\1812.mid # uses \ rather than / 
		*x*.mid # wildcards stop after the first * 
		c:\midi\m.mid # no absolute paths 
	"vol" may range from 0 (0%, off) to 100 (100%, full). This parameter may
	be omitted, in which case it defaults to 100. 
	"repeats" controls the number of times to play the sound. It may be
	omitted, in which case it defaults to 1. It may also be set to -1, which
	causes the midi file to be looped continuously until otherwise
	"continue" specifies whether the file should simply continue playing if
	requested again (1), or if it should restart (0). In either case, the
	new repeat count should take precedence over the old one, and the
	"number of plays thus far" counter should be reset to 0. By way of
	illustration, assume two rooms, room 110, and room 111. Room 110 is set
	to play bach/fugue.mid 3 times, while room 111 is set to play
	bach/fugue.mid 5 times. If a character enters room 110, fugue starts
	playing; if during halfway through the second refrain the character
	moves to room 111, fugue would either continue or restart based on the
	continue setting. fugue should play either 4.5 times (if continue was 1)
	or 5 times (if continue was 0). Similarly, the volume of the most recent
	MUSIC escape should be used. If "continue" isn't specified, it defaults
	to 1. 
	The class of the sound. This is mud specific. Some example classes might
	be combat, zone, death, clan. This parameter may be omitted, but if a
	MUD opts to use it, it's recommended that it be used everywhere. The
	actual type is a string, and should be case insensitive. 


(1) If a wildcard pattern is requested for multiple repeats, the actual music
    file played should be picked randomly for each iteration.
(2) The music name Off is reserved, and should cause all midi files to stop


       !!MUSIC(fugue.mid V=100 L=1 C=1 T=music) 
       !!MUSIC(berlioz/fantas1 V=80 L=-1 C=1 T=music) 