0 0 19 abandoned village~
.So long dead that none but a few remember its name, a fishing village

lies abandoned far north on the Elhanni.  Its people lived on the fringe

of starvation, never having enough to eat except what they took from the

river.  Then, one day, they were gone.  Few who have investigated the

matter have returned, though it is said an old fisherman knows the tale...



0 0 8 Abilities~
.@IThere are four types of abilities: weapon, language, spell, and physical.

You may see what abilities you possess and your current skill in them by

typing @Eabil <w|l|s|p>@n, where <w|l|s|p> stand for weapon, language,

spell, and physical respectively; eg, "abil s" will list all the spells

available to whatever class you belong.  @ITo show them for another class,

the syntax is @Eabil <w|l|s|p> <class>@n; eg, "abil s cl" will list all

the spells of a cleric to anyone of any class.

@ITo practice an ability you need to find a trainer.  There are several

in most towns - just type prac when in a room with a mob to see if it is

a trainer.  Practicing uses up practice points.  You receive a certain

amount of practice points every time you level.  The amount depends on

your intelligence and wisdom.

@IAbilities have prerequistes - skills you need to know to acquire them. 

For example before you can learn second attack you must learn kick and

punch.  The number next to the prerequiste is the level at which you must

have the prerequiste before getting the next skill.  @IMin levels for

skills will be taken out once we have sufficient skills to fill out the




131072 0 25 AC~
.                                 level cost per ac

                  0  5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

                 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

UnderLayer        2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  7  8  8  9  9 10 10

Mage/Monk         3  4  5  5  6  7  8  8  9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 16

Cleric/Thief      5  6  7  8  8  9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19

Ranger            7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Warrior/Paladin  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27



16777216 0 0 accounts~

account <player>      : shows all players created from a particular account

account -s <sitename> : shows all accounts created from a particular site


s : searches for accounts by site

d : searches for accounts which have donated

p : searches based on player name only

P : displays all characters with same password as entered character.


This command is used to show all of the players that have been created

from the account in question.  Using the -s flag will show all of the

accounts from a particular site and -d will show all accounts which have

donated.  Having the same account and being logged on at the same time

does not necessarily mean the player is multiplaying, but is a good

start when attempting to catch a player doing so.

example: account -s .sg

See also: user



0 0 1 acid blast~

This spell enables a mage to send a spray of burning acid directly at

their victim.  Although far from a low-level spell, it is the most basic

of the acid damage chain.



0 0 1 acid storm~
.This high-level mage spell enables the caster to shoot a storm of acid

directly at their victim, showering them with thousands of acid drops. 

Victims with low resistance to acid will find themselves dissolved very




0 0 3 Acnt_Bad_Pwd~

Account password does not match entered text.  If you have forgotten your

password choose option 1 of the main menu and then option 4 to request

the account password is emailed to you.

[ Press return for main menu ]



0 0 3 Acnt_Cancel~

Confirmation not received.  Cancelling account request.  Please reenter

the information if you wish to start an account with TFE.

[ Press return for main menu ]



0 0 3 Acnt_Check~

Please verify that the following information is correct.  You are only

allowed to start one account per email address so make sure to write your

password down or remember it.  If you do not enter yes you will be

returned to the main menu and the account will be canceled.



0 0 3 Acnt_Check_Pwd~

Please enter the account's password.



0 0 3 Acnt_Done~

An account has been created and email has been set to the address given. 

The message will include a confirmation code.  Once you have received

this message, please create a new character using option 2 of the main

menu.  At this point, you will be prompted for your account name and

confirmation code.  After this, the confirmation code will never be

needed again.

[Press enter to continue]



0 0 3 Acnt_Email~

Please enter the email address where you wish the confirmation code to be

sent.  This will occur immediately, so once done you should be able to

read it momentarily.  Once you have recieved the message and learned your

code, you may use it to create a character.  If you enter an invalid

email address the message will just bounce and you will not be able to

create a new character due to lack of confirmation code.



0 0 3 Acnt_Menu~

                            -- ACCOUNT MENU --

                     [1] Create a new account

                     [2] Change an account's email address

                     [3] Verify a change of email address.

                     [4] Request character list



0 0 3 Acnt_No_Email~
.There is no account listed for that email address.  You need to either

create one using option 1 of the previous menu or reenter the email

address - this time correctly.

[ Press return to continue to main menu ]



0 0 3 Acnt_Pwd~

Please enter a password for the account.  This will be the default for

all characters created under this account.



0 0 0 Acnt_Request~

This option is used to request that characters on an account and the

passwords associated with them are emailed to the account address.



0 0 0 Acnt_Sent~
.Email was sent to the address given listing the associated account name,

passwords and players on the account.

[ Press return to continue to main menu ]



4194304 0 16 Acode~

acode( room, anum )


room - pointer to room structure

anum - integer action number to trigger


Triggers the action in the room specified.


acode( find_room( 10 ), 1 );   // Triggers action #1 in room #10



16 0 2 Act_area~
.See "help act_functions".



16 0 2 Act_functions(~

act_func( string, char1, object, char2 )


string - Text to display (can be literal string or reference to data string)

char1  - Pointer to char, primary target of text display

object - Pointer to object, needed if string contains $p referrence

char2  - Pointer to char, needed if referrence to another char is used


The act_func() functions display text to various targets.  Unlike the

send_to_() functions, these can evaluate color_codes and variables.  

act_area    - All chars in same area as char1

act_room    - All chars in same room as char1 includeing char1

act_notchar - All chars in same room as char1 except char1

act_notvict - All chars in same room as char1 except victim of char1

act_tochar  - Only to char1, no matter what room they currently are in

act_neither - All chars in same room as char1 except victim of char1 & char1




act_area( "You hear thunder crashing", ch );

act_room( #text, ch );

act_notchar( "$n opens $p in the presence of $N", ch, obj, mob );



16 0 2 Act_neither~
.See "help act_functions".



16 0 2 Act_notchar~
.See "help act_functions".



16 0 2 Act_notvict~
.See "help act_functions".



16 0 2 Act_room~
.See "help act_functions".



16 0 2 Act_tochar~
.See "help act_functions".



0 0 8 Actions~

@bActions@n are the handy things that allow us to do things like 'open

gate' or 'push stone'. 



4194304 0 16 adata~

adata            : lists the adatas associated with the current action

adata new <word> : creates a new adata

adata # <word>   : renames an adata

adata #          : sets adata to editting that text

adata exit       : reverts adata to acting on the list of adatas


See also: aedit, aflag, acode, redit



16 0 0 Advance~

advance <player> <level>


Immortals with this skill change the <players> level to <level>.  It

doesn't raise it.  Just changes it to the target <level>.  Only an Imp

can raise a player to immortal status.  



0 0 18 Advertisement~
.Forest's Edge is a medieval/magic based mud.  It has existed for several

years now and has 20-40 players on most of the time.  A valid email

address is required by the automated login sequence and the mud has a

policy of no swearing or abusive language.  Through the use of code we

try to encourage role playing as much as possible.  The address is 23.

Some of the features ...

* Introduction code where you remember who you have been introed to.

* Reagent based magic systems where spells take a few turns to cast and

    spells can be leeched.

* Automated auction.

* Shop customs which allow keepers to create items from ingredients.

* Skinnable mob corpses.

* Body-part based combat system.

* Chat/Gtell/etc have a scrollback ability.

* Sized equipment.

* Get 2*loaf treated correctly - i.e. you get two loaves of bread.

* Objects appear differently before/after identification.

    a brown cloak -> a cloak of protection +2

* Complex internal scripting language allowing levers that open gates,

    gravesites you can dig, etc.

* All areas are completely from scratch.



4194304 0 16 Aedit~

aedit          : lists actions in room

aedit new      : creates a new action in room

aedit #        : edits an action

aedit delete # : deletes an action


This is the command to specify what action you are editting.  An action

is a mud script associated with a room.

See also: adata, acode, aflag, aset



16 0 4 Affect Flags~
.Armor - armor spell.



16 0 25 Affect Summary~
.This file contains the basic costs for affects, check help position

affects to see if an item can carry the affects you want to put on the


                                   level cost per ac

                  0  5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

                 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

UnderLayer        2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  7  8  8  9  9 10 10

Mage/Monk         3  4  5  5  6  7  8  8  9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 16

Cleric/Thief      5  6  7  8  8  9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19

Ranger            7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Warrior/Paladin  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Stat    +1      +2      Modifiers for +2 based on class


hit      5      20          --

dam     15      45          --

str     15      45   -5 War, Mon, Thi

int     20      60   -5 Cle, Mag

wis     20      60   -5 Cle, Mag, Pal

dex     25      60   -5 Mon, Thi, Ran

con     25      60   -5 War, Pal, Ran

Category    levels per +1     maxes        additional costs

--------    -------------     -----        ----------------

Hp               1             30          +5 levels > 20

Ep               1             30          +5 levels > 20

Mv               1             30          +5 levels > 20

Hp Reg           2             30          +5 levels > 20

Ep Reg           2       30 c/m 20 other   +5 levels > 20

Mv Reg           1             30          +5 levels > 20

Resist           2             20          +5 levels > 10

Poison Res       1             30          +5 levels > 20

Negative Modifers:

Any negatives you have can count for 1/2 their posative value towards the

item.  Negative values should be used with some common sense, only values

which are meaningful to the player likely to use the item should count as

negatives.  Resistences are often good to use as negative values, however

you should not get any offset value from the use of negative resistences. 

You may also reduce the item by 5 levels if it's good or evil only.


Oflags may be put in items to relieve the caster of the leech.  It

should be valued at half the leech of knowing the spell to 1.  If

only those who can cast it can use it.  It also must be as high a

level as the skill.

Oflags may also be used on affects that can be cast on other players.

If a spell can be cast on another player, it should add about 10

levels + the spell level.  Detection spells may also be put on items

at the same expense.

Oflags may only be placed on Neck (base, top), finger (Base), and body




0 0 11 Affects~

affects : lists the affects which currently are in effect


This command will give you a list of effects, both magical and mundane,

which are presently exerting their influence upon you.



Affect -l will list the duration and level of non-permanent affects on

your character.


4194304 0 16 Aflag~

aflag <direction>



This is used in conjunction with entering/leaving triggers in acode, etc. 

You flag the direction which you want it to kick in.  For example, you

create an action with a leaving trigger, and you flag the 'north' option. 

When someone leaves the room via the north exit, that action will be

triggered.  Leaving via other exits will not trigger the action.



0 0 7 Algesa~
.@IThe goddess of lawfulness, @EAlgesa@n, is represented most often as a

tall, strong warrioress.  She wears shining armor made of polished

platinum, and wields a slim sword of the purest gold.  She is a neutral

god, favoring good nor evil, rather she favors order over chaos.  Her

judgement is not unlike the thunderbolt; swift, sure, and powerful.



0 0 8 Alias~

alias                  : lists your aliases

alias <abbrev> <subst> : create a new alias

alias <abbrev>         : deletes the alias


This command allows you to replace a commonly used phrase by a shortened

version.  Anywhere you type the abbreviation it replaces it with the

substitution.  If the first letter of the abbreviation is a * then the

alias only takes affect if the first word on the line.  


alias df drink fountain  : to drink from a fountain, type df.

alias df                 : deletes df alias.

Preceding an alias with an * makes the alias only take effect if it is

the first thing typed on a line.


alias *ef eat food : to eat food, type ef, and it will only occur if

typed at the beginning of the line.



0 0 20 align2~
.The following is a listing of the nine alignments.  Definitions and

examples are contained therein.

@bLawful Good@n - Characters of this alignment believe that when people

respect society's laws and try to help one another, society as a whole

prospers.  Player's of this alignment believe that by following the Law, 

they will do the most Good, and will follow rules and laws even if 

they may personally feel that a particular law or rule is wrong. 

(An extreme example of this conflict might be a samurai, who follows 

his Lord's command, EVEN if he thinks its wrong, then commits 

seppuku afterwards to display his personal protest.) Lawful good 

players would most likely gravitate to clans of like mind, believing 

them to be first and best (perhaps only) way to do the most good.

@bLawful Neutral@n - As long as there are laws and rules, this character 

will follow them with no hesitation.  The people that the Law has put 

in charge of the character know better than the character what is right 

or wrong. The player 'knows' this, because the Law put those people in 

charge, and the Law is always right. Therefore, such a player will 

follow all orders without question, and believe themselves to be doing 

the right thing, because following the rules will eventually make 

everything work out.

@bLawful Evil@n - This character believes in using laws and rules for his

own gain.  Even if the character is on the bottom rung of the ladder,

they will follow the rules, and learn to use the rules to benefit

themselves and 'get ahead'.  A lawful evil being would be an iron-fisted

tyrant (like Hitler), part of the tyrants regime (a Nazi) or a devious

individual who uses the rules to get what they want (perhaps a lawyer

working for the mob, or someone willfully using laws to protect their own

unethical behavior.) Lawful evil character's would join a clan whose

rigid structure could be used to benefit themselves, or whose iron

control of resources would make him or her powerful by association.

@bNeutral Good@n - This character sees the need for good.  He or she uses

laws and rules when they will do good, and ignores them when they seem to

be causing harm.  They do what they think is right at the time.  A lord

who violates orders from his king to destroy something he sees as evil

would be considered neutral good.  A player of this alignment might join

a good clan if it seems that clan might allow them to accomplish the most

good (or might _not_ join a clan for the same reason), but unlike a

lawful good character, the NG character might still go against certain

decisions of the clan (covertly or overtly), if they thought the decision

or rule was wrong.

@bTrue Neutral@n - True neutral characters dont much care for good or

evil, prefering to stay on the sidelines.  As long as the law doesnt

intrude upon their goals, they abide by it -- when it doesn't, they

ignore it.  A mercenary who fights only for the coin, caring nothing for

either side, would be truly neutral.  They might join a clan if they

stood a good chance of gain without becoming entangled in 'causes'.

@bNeutral Evil@n - The only interest of this character is getting ahead.

Whether its by means that are legal or questionable, they take advantage

of it.  They don't have the every-man-for-himself quality of a chaotic

evil, but they have been known to betray friends to the authorities for

personal gain.  They might join a clan if that would benefit them the

most, but would leave if the benefits they perceived faded or did not

develop as planned.

@bChaotic Good@n - Strongly independent, these individuals have no use

for any law or rule.  Their own moral code guides their actions and doing

good is a personal thing.  Any means justifies the end result if that

result is goodness.  A vigilante is an example of chaotic good.  Chaotic

good characters usually think that rules and laws hurt more than they

help...  they may agree with everything the laws stand for, but they

think setting down laws is the first step toward ruining the cause.  Laws

are part of the problem, not the solution, and as such, this character

would rarely join an order or organization, though they might if the the

clan represented a very loose alliance or shared philosophy.  A group of

characters who acted independantly of each other most of the time and

follow their own individual sets of morals, but who do work towards a

common goal and share information and support when possible, without a

strict set of rules might be a good example of a clan a chaotic good

player would join, as would a clan dedicated simply to 'acquiring and

protecting knowledge'.

@bChaotic Neutral@n - These people tend to follow whatever whim strikes

them at the moment.  There is no order or reason to their actions, as

laws and rules mean nothing to them -- many change their mind on a whim.

Good and evil do not affect their decisions.  If they cant decide on 

a course of action, they might flip a coin -- heads, give the child a 

toy; tails, burn the child's house down for sport. Chaotic neutrals 

almost never join a clan, as they don't commit to any cause for more 

than a few days before becoming bored.

@bChaotic Evil@n - Chaotic evil characters see nothing wrong with taking

whatever they want how ever they can.  Laws and rules are for the weak. 

The strong have the right to take what they want.  Bloodthirsty bandits

or a rampaging monster would be chaotic evil. Chaotic evils might form

temporary groups (perhaps to destroy and loot a small town), but would 

never join a long term clan.



0 0 20 Align3~

@ICreatures of a good alignment work to maximize the good of society

as a whole, benevolently putting the interests of others above, or equal

to, their own.


@IThose of a neutral alignment are not overly concerned with the

interests of others, preferring to work toward their own goals.  However,

harming others in the process is not acceptable to them.


@IConcerned solely with themselves, evil beings will do whatever is

necessary to acheive their goals, regardless of the harm done to those who

get in their way.

@IThe following categories are personal beliefs.  They reflect how you

live your life within your alignment and society.  There is no right or

wrong, only the way your character feels is the best way to acheive the

goals they desire.


@ILawful characters follow the laws of their society and try to uphold

them.  Order and organization are his two favorite things.


@IA neutral person will abide by the laws of his society but he makes

no effort to uphold or encourage them.


@IChaotic people care nothing for the laws and happily flaunt them

every chance they get.

@bNote:@n  A lawful evil character is one who cheerfully backstabs his

fellows if this seems an advantageous action but who believes the best

method of gaining personal happiness is through being in an organization

with his fellows.  He respects the increase in plunder and pillage from

being with other plunderers and pillagers.



16 0 2 align_values~
.These values are to be used in the find_stat( ch, align ) function:

lawful good = 0

lawful neutral = 1

lawful evil = 2

neutral good = 3

pure neutral = 4

neutral evil = 5

chaotic good = 6

chaotic neutral = 7

chaotic evil = 8

See also: class_values, find_stat



0 2 7 Alignment~
.This is a help area designed to give builders a better general

understanding of the religions and the alignments construed therein.


The two first tier gods, Algesa and Ulthi, are very dissimilar, which has

already been stated, but here is a simple attempt to clarify these two

religious figures.  Algesa, the goddess of order, has an alignment I call

lawful-neutral.  This means that she actively seeks order in the

universe, but cares not for the stsruggle between good and evil.  Ulthi

is without a doubt chaotic-evil, meaning he takes the side of disorder

and favors evil over good.


The second-tier gods, Taranth, Kerog, and Meriada have more subtle lines

of alignment.  Taranth is somewhat clear, being definately lawful,

seeking order, and good rather than evil.  Meriada's alignment is true

neutral, favoring neither good nor evil, order or disorder.  Meriada

furthermore actively seeks to maintain the balance between the forces. 

Kerog's alignment could also be construed as true neutral, but he leans

to both the sides of lawful and evil, seeking the justice that comes with

revenge, and also the atrocities of bloody war.


The third-tier gods, Cynnis, Kantos, and Osse, are even more obscure in

their direction.  Cynnis, goddess of nature, is for the most part

neutral, but leans ever-so-slightly toward the good, as her true

creatures are never evil at heart.  Kantos also is mainly neutral, and

yet just as the cold turning of the earth stops for no mortal, Kantos'

alignment swings slightly toward evil, and also lawful.  Osse is also a

neutral god, but just as the sea is whimsical and without order, Osse's

alignment swings slightly toward chaotic.


Morr and Temohpab are currently very debateable figures.  Morr, the god

of death and keeper of the dead has no emotion, no swing from neutral. 

Temohpab, whose realm is not yet known, has an order all his own, and is

also most definately in the favor of evil.



0 0 0 alignment_change~
.So, you want an alignment change.  Well..... NO!!!

All kidding aside, the truth of the matter is you probably aren't going

to get one.  I'll lay down the basics for you so you'll understand where

matters lie.

@bRule #1@n: NO ONE gets to change alignment between Good - Neutral - Evil.

This may have happened in the past, but it is unequivocally not going to

happen now.  Policy stands.

That means no good to neutral, no neutral to good.  No neutral to evil,

and no evil to neutral, and absolutely no good to evil or vice-versa.

Let me clarify good, neutral and evil.  They are the 3 base alignments.

Good = lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good.

Neutral = lawful neutral, pure neutral, chaotic neutral.

Evil = lawful evil, neutral evil, chaotic evil.

In other words... Neutral Good means you are of "good" alignment, NOT "neutral".

In any alignment where neutral is the first word, it means neutrality of

law and chaos, not neutrality of good and evil alignment.

Ok, hopefully we have that little bit of confusion straightened out.  The

last part seems to confuse so many people, and a thorough understanding

of it can save both your and our lives a great deal of mental sparring

over a pointless debate.

@bRule #2@n: You can not change from lawful to chaotic or chaotic to lawful.

Pretty straightforward I think.

@bRule #3@n: Even if you manage the nearly impossible feat of earning an

alignment change once, it will NOT happen again.  For example, if you

start as chaotic good, the best you can ever hope for is neutral good. 

In truth, you probably won't even get that.

Its not that we don't think people can change, we even used to do them

occassionally, but the problem is almost all the time it is for reasons

that are not realistic (realistic being used with some artisic license,

as it means real within the little fantasy realm we have created here). 

In the end, it wasn't worth altering 100 people because 1 person in the

group had a good reason and bothered to follow role playing restrictions

anyhow.  Most people who want one haven't bothered role playing their

alignment in the first place.  The only reason they're asking is to join

a clan or use equipment they can't currently.

So, how can you get one of these rare alterations of your personna?

My suggestions are as follows...

First, ask an imm if they'll even consider doing it.

(After all the hassle, and policy stating we wont we still have the same

100 people trying to argue to change because "they're reason should be

allowed, even though they understand why no one else's should.") 

If they say no, don't argue about it.  This is about the only time asking

another imm might work.  Asking an imm after one has told you no we won't

allow you only gets you in trouble because we post such things.  If they

said no because they are tired of the whining (and most of it is whining)

then they'll probably just say no and hope you leave them alone.  Arguing

will only make them mad and work against you.

Second, be prepared to make a commitment.

I tell them to role play their current alignment for about a month.

post notes showing that they are playing that alignment, at least 1

well-written, well-role-played note on stories a week.

Then, over the next month role play the gradual change of character and

post notes on how that's going too.  At the end, if you've impressed me

suitably that you are, in fact, role playing and have some concept about

what the alignment you are and are changing to entails, I'll probably

change you.

A little side-note about the posted notes.  A well-written note may be

short, but more often then not you aren't going to be able to write out

all you need to place (atmosphere, setting, drama, what have you) in a

single paragraph.  Such a note should be posted on stories board, as this

is the story of your character's current life.

(The only exception to these rules may be characters under level 3 who

are just learning mudding and role playing for the first time.  After

that, all rules stand.  If it really means that much to your character,

its more often a better show of devotion to just delete and start over as

a sign of your true change of heart as well as comitment to the change. 

Otherwise, it probably wasn't that important to you.  The last stands for

a level 80 as much as it does for a level 10 character.) 



0 0 21 Allegiance~

allegiance <person> : swears allegiance to a clan

allegiance none     : revokes allegiance


See also: clans



0 0 1 Amnesia~
.This spell causes the player to forget all skills learned.  The practice

points used to gain those skills will be returned so that you can relearn

new ones.  



16 0 2 and~
.and( integer && integer );


adds the two integers.


if( and( find_stat( ch, str) && find_stat( ch, con ) ) > 30 )

returns 1 if ch's str+con is greater than 30.

phnote: don't work



0 0 1 Animate Clay~
.An extremely potent spell, Animate Clay allows a cleric to call upon the

powers of his or her deity to create a spirit to assist the cleric in his

or her worldly duties.  A cleric may have but one such servant at a time,

and the casting of such a spell is a difficult and costly cast. 

Nevertheless, Clay Golems are tireless followers and fearsome opponents. 

Indeed, certain clerics have been known to use them as bodyguards and

guardians of sacred shrines or treasures.



0 0 1 Animate Dead~
.With their intimate knowledge of the spells which restore life, clerics

can call on the power of their gods to reanimate a corpse to the caster's

will.  This corpse will remain under the caster's will only so long as

the caster's power is infused into it.  It is fearless of its wounds,

though it lacks the ability to recover from them.  This is an evil spell,

favored generally by those to whom involvement with the dead is no great

moral quandry.


All undead created in this fashion are chaotic evil.  Infer what you will.



0 0 19 Anthills~
.The grasslands east of Chiiron have long had a problem with a colony of

giant ants.  These ants, which are rumored to often be the size of large

dogs, have a series of tunnels which several adventurers have reported

lead deep beneath the earth.  Somewhere in there must live the ant queen

as the colony shows no signs of dying.



0 0 14 Appearance~

@Gappearance@n <text> : sets your appearance


@I Characters that you have never met before are described by their

physical appearance.  Only after a player @Eintroduces@n themselves to

you will you see their name.  This appearance can be set by the player. 

The commands to do so are appearance and @Ekeywords@n.

@e*@nAppearances do not need to start with "a"/"an."  The game does this

for you.  You do not need a "." at the end.

@I Your appearance should show those physical characteristics that

another person would first notice when looking at you.  It should not

show emotion or how someone might react to your appearance.  Avoid words

that would be assumed for your race already (i.e.  short, stocky dwarf or

tall, thin vyan).  Appearances should also not include actions such as

hiding (a thief skill) or things that assume how you are clothed.  @eDO

NOT PUT YOUR CLASS IN YOUR APPEARANCE!@n Your race *should* be included (

disguses do not, as such, exist right now, so appearances such as

'mysterious figure cloaked in darkest samite' are not acceptable.)

References to your race should not be capitalized.  And if you wish to

use a number in your appearance, please spell it out.

Your keywords should include every word from your appearance, including

race, separated by spaces, not commas.

Slang such as "buff, ripped, butch, cool, etc" is not acceptable and will

not be approved.

Lastly.  you need to set a description.  This is done with the command

@Edescription@n.  After you have set appearance, keywords and description

ask politely over the OOC channel for any avatar or god to approve you. 

It is mandatory that you be approved to gain any level past 5th.

There are a great many players these days, and it is a good idea to try

to come up with keywords, and a part of your appearance that are unique.

An example of an unacceptable appearance or two:

@I a Jedi Knight

@I a mysterious figure

@I a two-headed Chaos Troll, crackling with eldrich energy

@I a tall, dark, thin vyan

@I a tall elf radiating a bright aura of goodness

@I a short, stock dwarf with a beard

@I a short green guy

@I a 15 foot tall Ogre picking his teeth

Some examples of acceptable appearances:

@I a red-bearded dwarf with an axe-shaped tattoo

@I a silver-eyed, graceful elven maiden

@I a warty, slack-jawed troll covered in tribal scars

@I a bandy-legged goblin with crooked teeth

@I a balding orc with bright-red tufts of hair

@I a lice-infested, one-eyed ogre

@e @e



0 0 0 appearance2~

@Gappearance@n <text> : sets your appearance


@I Characters that you have never met before are described by their

physical appearance.  Only after a player @Eintroduces@n themselves to

you will you see their name.  This appearance can be set by the player. 

The commands to do so are appearance and @Ekeywords@n.

Appearances ALWAYS start with "a"/"an" and do NOT need a "." at the end.

@I Your appearance should show those physical characteristics that

another person would first notice when looking at you.  It should not

show emotion or how someone might react to your appearance.  Avoid words

that would be assumed for your race already (i.e.  short, stocky dwarf or

tall, thin vyan).  Appearances should also not include actions such as

hiding( a thief skill) or things that assume how you are clothed.



@I@IDo not include your class

@I@IDo not include clothing

@I@IDo not include actions (hiding, sneaking, thinking)

@I@IDo not include auras

@I@IDo not include glowing eyes

@I@IDo not include states of being (un/holy, good/evil)

@I@IDo not tell people what they think/conclude.

@I@IDo not say average/normal, describe to us average and normal

@I@IDo not include disguises

@I@I@I(So a mysteriously cloaked figure is unnacceptable)

@I@IDo not include emotions

@I@IDo not include positions of carriage (striding, standing, sitting)

@I@INo half-breeds.  If we had half-breeds, they'd be a race option at creation

@I@IDo not use the appearance/description of a mob that exists already




@G@I@IDo include your race.

@I@I@I(races are NOT capitalized)

@I@IIf you use a number, spell it out


Your keywords should include every word from your appearance, including

race, separated by spaces, not commas.

Lastly.  you need to set a description.  This is done with the command

@Edescription@n.  After you have set appearance, keywords and description

ask politely over the OOC channel for any avatar or god to approve you. 

It is mandatory that you be approved to gain any level past 5th.

There are a great many players these days, and it is a good idea to try

to come up with keywords, and a part of your appearance that are unique.

An example of an unacceptable appearance or two:

@I A Jedi Knight

@I A two headed Chaos Troll, crackling with eldrich energy

@I a tall, dark, thin vyan

@I a tall elf radiating a bright aura of goodness

@I a short, stock dwarf with a beard

@I a short green guy

@I a 15 foot tall Ogre picking his teeth

Some examples of acceptable appearances:

@I a red-bearded dwarf with an axe-shaped tattoo

@I a silver-eyed, graceful elven maiden with flaxen hair

@I a warty, slack-jawed troll covered in tribal scars

@I a bandy-legged goblin with crooked teeth

@I a balding orc with bright-red tufts of hair

@I a lice-infested, one-eyed ogre

@e @e



0 0 6 Appraise~

@Gappraise@n <item>  : assesses the value of an item


@I This skill used mostly by thieves allows you to assess the value of an

item.  The higher your skill, the more expensive items you can




0 0 20 Approvals~
.To be approve by an Immortal or an Avatar, you need to complete @b@Eall@n

of the following: 

An appearance - see help @b@BAppearance@n.

A list of keywords - see help @b@BKeywords@n.

A description - see help @b@BDescription@n.

(The identity command, with its verification fields, might prove helpful

in crafting your appearance).

All three need to be done at the same time, and before level @E5@n.  You are

responsible for reading @b@Eall@n these help files and following their

directions before asking and Immortal or Avatar to approve you. 

Approvals are very time consuming and we ask for your cooperation.

When you are ready for approval, try @Grequest ava approval@n for

requesting an avatar's assistance in helping you get approved.  You can

type "who" and see AV next to the Avatars currently online.  If no

Avatars are online, use @Grequest imm <approval>@n for an immortal's



Finally, your appearance and descripion should save, so take you time,

read the help files that govern how appearances and descriptions should

look, and come up with one that knocks people's woolen socks off.



8 0 0 approve~

@Gapprove <player>@n     : displays the appearance of a player

@Gapprove -p <player>@n  : allows you to edit player's description

@Gapprove -s <player>@n  : sets the appearance/keywords as approved

@Gapprove -f <player>@n  : checks the "approved" flag so they can level

@Gapprove -r <player>@n  : revokes approval of a player

@Gapprove -l @n          : lists unapproved players


Approve is used to set a characters appearance as approved.  Character

appearances should desribe what they look like . Before approving a

character you should make sure they have an appearance, keywords and a

description and that everything is spelled correctly.

@b@RPlease@n read "help appearance" and "help keywords" for guidelines

regarding what is acceptable.  If a player is being difficult or not

understanding what you want, contact an Immortal so they can assist you.


@eNOTE:@n Approve -f is not to be used for regular approvals.  In the

event that this command needs to be used, you will be notified.

Last revised: 5.23.98



1024 0 16 Area help files~
.Please refer to help @chedit@n, @rhset@n, @mhdesc@n, and @brset@n files

for additional help.

Here are the steps that you should follow when creating a help file for

an area: 

I.  Type hedit new <area help file name> to create a new help file.

II.  Type hset cat areas to set the help file under the areas category.

III.  Using hdesc, edit the area help file.

IV.  Type write help to save the help file when done.

V.  Goto the area that the area help file refers.

VI.  Type rset help <area help file name> to connect the area to the area

      help file.

VII.  Make sure that you rset an approximate level for the area.

The area help file will only be shown under the areas command once the

area is rset to 'open'.



0 0 9 areas~

areas        : lists areas

areas <area> : displays description of area


@I This command lists some of the open areas along with a description of

the area which often includes hints to its location.  Not all areas are

listed by any means and the level is only a guideline which may very well

be wrong.



@I Command 'areas summary' lists all areas by status and room number. 

The status of an area may be changed with rset area.  An entry in areas

may be created by making a help file with the areas name.  Hsetting its

category to areas and then from within the area typing rset help

<helpfile>.  The level/creator shown are also set with rset.

*note that the area must be set to open as well.


0 0 1 Armor~
.This spell calls upon the gods to protect the target.  An unseen aura of

sorts englobes the target, and for the duration of the spell, the

target's armor class is lowered, blunting some of the damage taken from

attacks.  Of course, the gods have many followers and cannot mollycoddle

every one of them, so this spell, while useful, will not make the

beneficiary of the spell invulnerable.



0 0 14 Ask~

ask <mob> <topic> : askes the mob about the topic


ask <mob> about <topic>


Ask is used if you want to ask a mob about a subject.  For example, in

Chiiron you would ask the bartender about the boulder to the east of

town, by typing 'ask barkeep boulder'.  



0 0 24 Assassinate~

The tool of the master thief, the @Massassinate@n skill inflicts terrible

damage upon an unsuspecting victim.  It is more difficult to perform with

success than its lesser sibling, @Mbackstab@n, and demands, like

backstab, that the thief be proficient in hiding and sneaking.  Noisy

items, metal armor, or a burdened status will also negatively affect

success rates.

More skills of this variety are planned.

[ Note : This skill is a recent addition and is still under development. ]



524288 0 2 Assign_quest~
.See "help quest_functions".



0 0 1 astral gate~
.This spell enables a mid-level mage to create an astral portal from their

current location to one of several specific locations spread around the

globe.  Any number of players as well as their pets can enter either end

of the portal and travel to the other side during the door's brief life.



0 0 14 atalk~

@Gatalk@n         : displays atalk channel history.

@Gatalk@n @cmessage@n : sends message to global atalk channel.


This global channel, which costs 10 gossip points, is to be used

exclusively for auction related chat.  It isn't a forum to give out stats

on items but rather a place to ask for items to be auctioned and such. 

Persons who @edo@n decide to give out object stats on this channel can

reasonably expect to have their gossip points reduced.

See also: auction, bid, option, iflag



16 0 2 Attack~

attack( char1, char2, dam, dam_text )


char1    - Pointer to character doing attack

char2    - Pointer to character recieving attack (victim)

dam      - Integer amount of damage to do (can be die roll value)

dam_text - String to display as doing damage


Causes a single attack to be done by char1 to char2.  If char1 is not

currently fighting char2, an attack will be initiated.  


0 if attack failed

1 if attack succeded


attack( mob, ch, 4d4+10, "giant claw" );

NOTE: If mob is a lizard, character ch will see the string:

"the lizard's giant claw decimates you"



16 0 2 Attack_room~

attack_room( char, dam, string )


char   - Pointer to character attacking

dam    - Integer amount of damage to do (can be die roll value)

string - String to display as doing damage


Causes a single attack to be done to all char's in the room.  Great for

huge tail swings and the like.




attack_room( mob, 8d8+10, "swinging tail" );



48 0 2 attack_weapon~

attack_weapon( char1, char2, dam, dam_text )


char1    - Pointer to character doing attack

char2    - Pointer to character recieving attack (victim)

dam      - Integer amount of damage to do (can be die roll value)

dam_text - String to display as doing damage


Causes a single attack to be done by char1 to char2.  If char1 is not

currently fighting char2, an attack will be initiated.  If char1 is

holding a weapon, damage will be determined by the weapon, but if they

are disarmed or not holding a weapon, the dam value will be used.  Make

sure you use dam values that are significantly lower than thier weapon so

that the disarm skill has use.  If you make it higher, the mob will

become tougher once disarmed and that is unreasonable.  


attack_weapon( mob, victim, 2d4+0, "punch" );



16 0 4 Attacks~
.An outline of the various classes, the number of attacks available to

them, and at what level each skill may be acquired: 

Warrior: 2nd at 10, 3rd at 25, 4th at 50, 5th at 70, Off at 40, 2nd Off

at 80.

Paladin: 2nd at 15, 3rd at 45, 4th at 70.

Ranger: 2nd at 15, 3rd at 35, 4th at 60, Off at 45.

Cleric: 2nd at 20, 3rd at 60.

Monk: 2nd at 15, 3rd at 35, 4th at 60.

Mage: 2nd at 45.

Psionic: 2nd at 45.

Thief: 2nd at 20, 3rd at 50.

Bard: 2nd at 20, 3rd at 50, Off at 40.



0 0 20 attributes~
.STRENGTH :: This stat reflects how strong your characters is.  How much

he can carry, how hard he can swing a weapon, and how heavy a weapon he

can wield are all factors determined by strength.


INTELLIGENCE :: This stat affects how much you can learn, and how much

energy your mind has.  Essentially, it is the 'smarts' of your character.


WISDOM :: Wisdom here represents your ability to learn from past mistakes. 

It is a factor in the range of your success in many skills.

DEXTERITY :: Dexterity is essentially the agility and speed of your

character.  Your skill at avoiding attacks, how many times you can swing

your weapon in a round, and your movement are dependent on this attribute.

CONSTITUTION :: Your character's toughness depends on this stats.  Your

hitpoints, how fast you heal, and essentially everything about your

health is controlled by this attribute.



0 0 14 Auction~

@Gauction@n                  : lists items for sale

@Gauction@n <item> <min_bid> : places an item on the @Gauction@n block

@Gauction@n undo [slot]      : removes an item placed on the auction block


@I Auction places an item on the @Gauction@n block.  At this point a

timer is started.  Players may bid on an item using the bid command.  To

place a bid you must have sufficent funds in your bank account.  At the

end of the time whoever has placed the highest bid receives the item.  If

noone has bid on the item it is returned to the seller.  If either seller

or buyer has quit the game the transaction still occurs with the player

file being modified as appropriate.  Gold is only transfered between bank

accounts so if an item is sold the seller's bank account will be credited

with the bid price (minus the daemon'e fee) and the buyer's debited.  The

auction undo command removes an item from the block assuming it is issued

shortly after the item is auctioned.

@I You may set how much information you receive over the info channel

about auction with iflag auction.  Level 1 means you only receive a

message when an item is placed on the block.  Level 2 adds messages for

the selling of items.  Level 3 is all messages including bids on items.

The abbreviations listed under condition are described below:

wls = worthless

dmg = damaged

vwn = very worn

wrn = worn

vsc = very scratch

scr = scratched

rea = reasonable

goo = good

vgo = very good

exc = excellent

See also: bid, iflag, atalk



0 0 1 augury~
.Augury is a special spell used to identify the rightful owner of an




0 0 0 Avatar~
.An avatar is a mortal with the ability to approve descriptions.  The

reason for their existence is to reduce the workload on the immortals and

to have people that newbies can turn to when confused.  Clan leaders will

not be considered for becoming avatars as selecting them could be seen as

showing bias to their clan.



8 0 0 Avatar_Guidelines~
.This is a list of a few guidelines all avatars should follow.

@I@C*@nAll names must be consistent with the midieval fantasy atmosphere

of this mud.  Do not approve any person with a name that does not fit this

requirement.  (See help names, and help names2 when in doubt.)

@I@C*@nAll appearances must contain the race of the character.  The race

should NOT be capitalized.  The character's class must NOT be in the

character's appearance.

@I@C*@nKeywords must contain all the words in a character's appearance,

except conjunctions and prepositions.  Unique keywords must be from the

character's desc, or an IC characteristic.  Anachronistic words should not

be approved.  The character's class does not need to be in the keywords.

@I@C*@nAll descriptions must be formatted using desc 1-100.  They must be

at least five lines long.  They may contain no removable items, with the

exceptions of earrings, noserings, items braided into hair, etc.



0 0 24 Backstab~

backstab <target>


   A skill associated with thieves and thugs.  With their skills at

sneaking and hiding, they get behind a target, and useing a piercing type

weapon, stab it into very damaging parts of the body.  You don't actually

have to try and sneak and hide to use the skill, but be aware it takes

you a few moments to recover from the attack.  

Damage depends on several factors - these include: level, dex, if victim

can see you, and how noisy your armor is.  You have a very good chance to

hit a sleeping or unconcious victim, but an alert victim who can see you

is very difficult to successfully backstab.  



0 0 3 Bad_Confirm~

That does not match the code that was sent to the email address entered. 

Please try again, and remember that passwords are case-sensitive.



0 0 0 Bad_Name~

For one of several reasons, the name you have chosen has been deemed

inappropriate.  The administrators of The Forest's Edge ask that player

names not be offensive or anachronistic.  Neither should the name be

mythological or religious in background, nor the name of a well-known

literary character or historical figure.




0 0 1 balm~
.This is the most basic of the ranger's healing skills.  The ranger is

able to gather the herbs from their natural habitat, and apply them to

ailing members of their party as well as themselves.  The ranger requires

peace and quiet for the herbs to work effectively.



512 0 0 Bamfin~

bamfin <text>


This sets the message other players and NPCs will read when you use the

command @b"goto"@n to enter a room.  Your name is automatically tacked on

to the front, so don't bother putting your name anywhere in there at all.



512 0 0 Bamfout~

bamfout <text>


This sets the message other players and NPCs will read when you use the

command @b"goto"@n to leave a room.



16777216 0 0 Ban~

ban           : lists banned accounts

ban -s        : lists banned sites

ban -s <site> : bans a site

ban -n        : lists disallowed names

ban -n <name> : bans a name from being used

ban <player> <time>: bans a player for a set amount of time


r : reverses the affect of ban


This command bans a site, stopping a site from making new characters.  It

DOES NOT stop already created characters from connecting from a site.  To

get the address of a player use the command users.  Only the last letters

of a site need to match an entry in the ban list for new character

connection to be refused.  For example banning .edu would stop anyone

connecting from a site ending in .edu.

Durations are:  ban <player> 1 day

                ban <player> forever

                ban <player> 1 minute

See also: Freeze, Imprison, Users, Deny



0 0 17 Bandage~

bandage <victim> :


This skill allows you to bandage the wounds of someone who is mortally

wounded so that they do not die.  It requires the possession of a bandage

or tourniquet.  These can be bought at most provision shops.



0 0 1 Banishment~

This cleric spell is an improved version of the @b@YTurn Undead@n spell.

[ This spell is still under development. ]



0 0 8 Bank~

deposit <amount>


withdraw <amount>


The banking system provides a convenient mechanism for storing and

retireving money.  The bank performs all transactions in units of copper

pieces, and returns to you the correct distribution between all coin


Your money in the bank is not insured.  While there is currently no

mechanism in place to rob a bank, there will likely be a way in the

future. Additionally, the bank does not provide interest to its account


@IOther help files that may be useful include help @Gmoney@n.



0 0 3 Banned_Acnt~

That account has been banned.  This is probably due to one of the

characters under this account misbehaving.  If you feel the banning is

unjust, you may send email explaining the situation to



0 0 0 Banned_Connection~




0 0 0 Banned_Site~




0 0 19 Barbarian Camp~
.For many ages past, a nomadic tribe of human barbarians have roamed the

northern regions of the realm, hunting reindeer and other game.  They

survived many global weather catastrophes and bitter wars with dwarves

and elves.  Many ancient elves and dwarves can attest to their deft

hunting skills and fighting prowess.  Recently, a small band of dwarven

explorers have uncovered their current settlement, somewhere to the

northwest of Kha-da beyond an old mage tower.  Generally hostile to

outsiders, the barbarians should be regarded as a possible threat to

civilizations around the area, warn the explorers.



0 0 15 Bard~
.Bards are master musicians and adventurers.  The are able to create

mystical effects with their music that no-one can explain.  Bards are

able to learn an odd assortment of skills.  They know some thief skills,

warrior skills, as well some useful mage spells.

[At the moment we are working on music so i would not play a bard.]



0 0 1 Barkskin~
.This spell hardens the flesh of the caster, making it significantly more

resilient.  As a result, damage taken from a physical means is cut by

this spell by a significant margin.  The white birch bark required by

this spell makes the caster more susceptible to fire.



0 0 12 Bash~

@Gbash@n : attempts to knock a foe off their feet


This skill is dexterity and weight dependant.  If successful your victim

is knocked flying disturbing any spell they are casting.  It does minimal

damage but is very valuable vs spell-casters.  Remember, if a mob is

bigger than you, it gets much tougher to knock them over.

(Change from previous format, targeting does not work.  You can't

initiate combat with bash nor will bash <target> work, simply type bash

after combat is initated.) 



0 0 19 Beach at Sea of Stars~

East of Chiiron is a beach filled with golden sand.  The region is

teeming with wildlife, and some of the sea creatures there are highly

regarded for the tasty food they can provide.  The beach makes for both a

good hunting ground for new adventurers, as well as a pleasant place to

relax and soak in the atmosphere.



0 0 5 Bear Grasp~

A powerful throttling attack, @Mbear grasp@n is a skill available

exclusively to monks.  Upon a successful hit, a monk's grasp becomes as

ironclad as the greatest of bears; the slightest tightening around a

victim inflicts great damage through the monks' focusing of his or her

inner will and advanced training.



0 0 10 beard rings~
.@CDwarven beard rings and their signifigance@n


The diminutive race of peoples know collectively as the race of dwarves

share several common traits that mark their race as a whole.  Among these

traits are their shorter stature than that of most other races, a hearty

endurance, generally a strong work ethic, and the ever-present beard

found on both sexes.  While some races generally find facial hair to be

repugnant, the dwarves all take their beards quite seriously.  To the

dwarven peoples the loss of a beard to mishap is nearly viewed as being

more heinous to the individual than even the loss of a limb.  The dwarf

who chooses to shave off his beard risks becoming an outcast among his or

her own people who will wonder what is fundamentally wrong with the



Needless to say, that among such strong feelings about their beards,

beard fashion would tend to become a subject of interest.  An early

forerunner in the beard fashion parade was, and remains the twin braids. 

Among other schools of thought single braids, multiple braids, unbraided,

and countless cuts and styles are also popular.  One underlying precept

that took hold early on, and continues to be a highly esteemed practice

among the dwarven peoples is the fashion of the beard ring.  Having taken

a strong hold as a consistent fashion statement, the upper eschelon of

dwarves managed to orchestrate the whims of fashion to serve a practical

purpose.  Over centuries fashion became custom and the plain unmarked

rings have become symbols of ones status within dwarven society.


Though the dwarves talk little of it to outsiders, considering it

something of personal matter, outsiders have learned the following things. 

There are seven metal types used to mark the various levels of

achievement: bronze, copper, silver, gold, platinum, steel, and mithril. 

Young dwarves are not permitted to wear the rings at all until they have

proven themselves by act and deed.  Once proven experienced enough to be

a member of society, the dwarven individual is permitted to wear the

bronze rings.  As individuals earn honor and achievement they are

permitted to purchase rings that mark the gaining of prestige among their

kindred.  Most dwarves eagerly await the day when they can purchase their

first set of rings and strives to improve their standing every day of

their life.  Only a select few have ever been accorded the honor to wear

the mithril rings, and there is even a dwarven legend of one great

dwarven warrior who so embodied the dwarven ethic and achievement that he

was accorded a set of adamantite beard rings.



16777216 0 0 Beep~

beep <player>


Ring the bell on <player>'s computer to get his/her attention.  


0 0 14 Befriend~

befriend          : lists all players whom you have befriended

befriend <player> : toggles that player on/off as a "friend"


When you befriend someone, you grant them access to your corpse in the

event that you should die.  Those characters on your befriend list may

get your corpse, and remove items from it.  Those not on your befriend

list may not loot or move your corpse.  *Be careful whom you befriend.* 

Typing befriend without any arguments displays a list of characters whom

you have befriended, and typing befriend <name> where <name> is a

character on your list removes that character's 'friend' status.



0 0 20 Begin~
.@bWelcome to the Forest's Edge.@n This is a quick-start file designed to

help you get going as fast as possible.

You will start in one of two main towns.  If you are a member of the evil

races (orcs, gobins, ogres, trolls, or vyans) you will begin in the evil

town of @bVoaleth@n.  All other race types start in the good town of

@bChiiron@n.  It is probably in your best interests to stay close to town

until you get a feel for the mud.  You You may get a map of your

settlement by typing 'help Voaleth' or 'help Chiiron' respectively.  It

is a good idea to wander about town and learn your way around.  Go into

shops and type 'list' to see what each sells, 'custom' to see if the shop

offers to make any custom-made items, and 'practice' to see what skills

you may practice in a location.  It is not wise to kill shopkeepers,

start with rabbits and frogs outside of town and work your way up from

there.  There is a being in each starting town who will answer many

questions posed to it.  In Chiiron it is the weary elf, In Voaleth the

aged troll - a good way to start is by going up to it and styping @b'ask

elf advice'@n or @b'ask troll advice'@n as the case may be.  To get

@bhelp@n on a topic, type help <keyword>.  You might also want to try out

the @bindex@n, which you can begin using by simply typing @bindex@n and

following the instructions.

For starting XP in Chiiron, try killing the frogs north of town or the

rabbits outside the west and east gates near town.  If you are starting

in Voaleth seek out the tunnel worms east of town or the screech bats

north and east of town.  Remember to use the @bconsider@n command before

you attack a mob - this can tell you, very roughly, how tough a mob is to


Some mobs, such as rabbits and screech bats, may be skinned.  You may

then sell their skins to raise money.  (See help @bskin@n).

Important commands which you should learn to check frequently are

@bscore@n, @binventory@n, @bleech@n, @bidentity@n,  and@b reputation@n.

To learn how @bcustom@n items work, check out help custom.

For information on skills, type help @babilities@n.

Other useful files which you might wish to read include help @bnewbie@n

and help @bstarting@n.  If you are a member of class that casts spells,

read help @bleech@n and help @bprepare@n.

Before you reach level 5, you will need to get your character

@bapproved.@n See help @bapprovals@n and follow the directions therein

when you get the opportunity.

The global/public channels here are @bchat@n, @bgossip@n, @booc@n

(out-of-character),, and @bauction@n.  Immortals generally only listen to

gossip.  If you have a question, feel free to ask for help on chat - the

other players will be very friendly if you identify yourself as a newbie.

To learn more about mud policies, type help @bpolicies@n.

When you get a chance, type "reputation" to learn why you shouldn't

attack shopkeepers or guards - people remember you and your past deeds.



0 0 12 Berserk~

berserk : incite yourself into a furious battle rage


This is a skill, exclusively available to warriors, which increases the

amount of damage inflicted with each successful hit.  The amount of

additional damage depends upon skill, level, and while so enraged a

player is incapable of ANY type of flight, and may find himself tired

(but alive) following combat.



0 0 14 Bid~

@GBid@n <slot> <price>       : bids on an item on the auction block

@GBid@n <slot> <price> <max> : bids on item and includes a raise by proxy


This command allows you to bid on an item on the auction block.  You must

have amount you wish to bid in your bank account for the bid to be

accepted.  Once you have bid on an item the funds are locked in your

account and can not be withdrawn until someone makes a higher bid or you

buy the item.  You may not bid on your own items.  Including an amount

for max means you will automatically match any bid up to that amount.

See also: Auction



0 0 12 bite~

bite <victim> : You bite your <victim>.


Lizardmen and goblins, being two races who have extremely small but sharp

teeth are able to bite their opponents.  Though the attack does little

damage, being similar to a punch or a kick, it nonetheless is enough to

enrage their victims into combat.



0 0 8 Blank~




0 0 1 Bless~
.This cleric spell, learned very early in one's career, invokes the

blessing of the cleric's deities upon the target of the spell, whether

that target be the cleric himself or some other ally of the cleric.  The

blessing, while in effect, will increase the chance that one has to hit

one's enemies while in physical combat.



0 0 1 Blind~
.This immensely useful spell will magically blind the unfortunate victim,

thus reducing the victim's combat effectiveness.  Time, if the victim of

the blindness spell has enough, will cure the blindness, or a cleric who

has the knowledge can cure the magical affliction.



0 0 5 Blind Fighting~
.This skill allows monks to sense their opponent using more than just

their sense of sight.  The result of this is that they are able to hit

their opponents more accurately and with more power.  This skill is

automatic, and is so ingrained in the monks repertoire they are not aware

of it in action.



0 0 1 Blinding Light~
.This spell produces a very brief, but very intense, flash of light.

Anyone in the room (save the caster)

may be affected by this spell.



0 0 1 Blink~
.A powerful spell said to be the creation of a group of Vyan magi who

dabbled in arts best left untouched.  This spell, however, was one of

their more successful creations and did not bring about their ultimate

(and quite painful) demise.  When cast, Blink "teleports" the caster away

from his present position to a nearby locale.  The proficiency of the

caster determines the distance of the transfer, with the most powerful of

magi able to use this spell to move several areas away from an enemy or

potential harm.



0 0 0 board~




Right now, help board doesn't work.  Please go back and see @bhelp note@n

15 again or check @bhelp bulletin board@n.



0 0 19 bugbear~
.Bugbears, a tall humanoid race of carnivors are known to dwell in the

caves that riddle the ground between Chiiron and Kha-Da.  In past times

they would sweep out of the caves and raid the village of Chiiron,

carrying off the unwary to be placed in the soup-pots.  A hardy band of

adventurers claims to have solved the problem, stating that with some

luck the bugbears will soon die of starvation, unable to escape the

predicament the adventurers left them in.  Should you come across a

bugbear, be extremely cautious as they will be hungry and have no

compunctions about eating you.



16 0 8 Bugs~

Don't delete this first line.  

- Turn undead is a tad too strong.  Also, it's giving full exp.  20%

would be better.  Also, i would think that it would check align and not

work if they arn't good.  Also, consider a seperate skill for evil

paladins (Anti-Paladins), similar, but can subdue the undead and search

the AP.  

- If a mob is aggr, and kills a party member, he doesn't attack anyone

else after.  I think it only check when someone enters?  Feral is an

example.  He'll assassinate a member of a group, kill him/her, but then

doesn't attack someone else, when he's aggr...  

- Turn undead cannot be targeted, it goes after the 1st mob in the room,

  it does check for the 1st undead mob.

- Greyclaw, you stated you might be able to get around to fixing the

hanging of books and signing of book at entrance to castle which starts

in room 33339 

- the lock function for keys doesn't seem to be working properly, it

unlocks, but doesn't lock 

- Combat will stop if another person not in group casts web on your

target.  May restart after mob breaks out, but for something like a

rabbit, that takes a _long_ time.

- modify_mana( victim, -10 ) adds 10 to the victim each time. 

modify_mana( victim, 10 ) does nothing.

- The random trigger on objects never kicks in.

- mload() doesn't trigger a mobs reset trigger.

- A high wait like wait( 30 ); fail to ever happen.

- Modify_move() with a negative number doesn't work.



0 0 14 Bulletin Boards~

note <board_name>@I@I@I: eg, 'note bug', will shift the board that will be read

@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I to the bugs board.

note@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I : this allows you to list the notes on one type of board.

note <#>@I@I@I@I@I@I@I : this will let you read a specific note.

note <title> @I@I@I@I@I: this creates a new note with the given title, to

@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I be posted later on the board you are flagged to read.

note post @I@I@I@I@I@I : posts the note you have just completed onto the board.

note delete @I@I@I@I@I : deletes the note that you have been editing.

note delete <#> @I@I@I : if you were the writer of that posted note, you

@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I can delete it with this command.

note title <new_title> : this allows you to change the title of the note

@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I in progress.

note edit <text> @I@I@I: allows you to edit a note already posted

@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I (to exit this mode, 'note delete').


@IThere are eight boards which can be read by mortals.  They are not

located at any specific area.  Rather, you can read them at any place,

awake or asleep.  The boards are titled General, Ideas, Bugs,

Information, Code, Stories, Wanted, and Announcements.  Should you wish

to read any board, type 'note <board_name>'.  To list the notes on that

board, simply type 'note' by itself.  To read an actual note on a board,

type 'note <# of the note to be read> . To write a note, please see

@Ehelp editor@n.

@IOther help files which may be useful include help @Enoteboard@n.



0 0 19 Bumble Bees~
.In the far reaches of the Medienne Forest, a fallen tree partially covers

a large hole.  Rumors abound involving giant, flying insects which make

loud buzzing noises.



0 0 1 Burning hands~
.An offensive spell much like Shock, it is easy to cast and gets off fast. 

It uses fire to damage the foe as opposed to electricity.  Some creatures

are affected better or worse from different affects.  



0 0 6 Buy~

@Gbuy@n <object>     : purchases that object

@Gbuy@n x*<object>   : purchases x number of that object


@I If you have enough money, and you are or are above the minimum level,

then you will buy the object from the @Elist@n.  If you buy x*object, you

will buy x many of that object only if there are that many in stock. 

(also see @Esyntax@n) Buying several of the same object before the shop

has time to restock will cause an increase in that object's price, and

some objects are not useable by certain classes/races.  With the

@Ehaggle@n skill, items can be bought for significantly less money.



0 0 0 calculate~

calculate <expression> : calculates the value of the given expression




0 0 9 Calendar~
.@bThe Calander@n

--- --------

@IThis is intended to outline all things relating to the calendar.

@bDays:@n(8 total)




@bMonths:@n(8 total - by Valyrn)







@BElaryn@n - Closer of the two, appears bluish in color in the night sky.

@RValyrn@n - Reddish in color, appears smaller than @BElaryn@n.

@bStars:@n(Several of the closest stars)

@GThe Dawnstar@n - The last star visible before the sun rises in the

eastern skies.  Some rather bold and stranges sages have claimed that

this star is actually another world because of it's green color.  This

rumor is widely put down and ridiculed however.


@BTarafas@n - Visible most often near dawn in the western skies. 

Consists of a varying number of stars, it always is seen with @GThe

Dawnstar@n at the peak.



0 0 1 call lightning~
.This powerful spell of higher level clerics allows them to call down the

wrath of their deity in the form of a bolt of lightning.  This spell only

works outside, for this force cannot be tapped unless under the heavens.



0 0 1 Calm~
.This simple, utilitarian spell is actually a form of hypnosis.  By

speaking an ancient phrase in a soothing voice while holding out one's

hands in a gesture of amicability, many attacking monsters will stop

attacking.  Some monsters, though, will realize that the caster is

attempting to trick them into relaxing, and refuse to succumb to the




0 0 17 Camouflage~
.This advanced skill allows thieves and rangers to completely blend in

with their surroundings.  No mere mortals are able see those who are

camouflaged, though some magical creatures of great experience are able

to detect someone even when they are so well hidden.



16 0 2 Can_fly~

can_fly( char )


char - Pointer to character to test


Used to check if the character (only can return true on mobs) can fly.


0 if the character cannot fly

1 if the character can


if( can_fly( ch ) ) {



0 0 11 Cast~

To cast a spell, the format is:

cast <spell name> <target>

Note that there are no quotes around the spell name, or anything else

for that matter.

See also @bhelp magic@n.



16 0 2 Cast_spell~

cast_spell( spell, char1, char2 )


spell - Name of spell to cast

char1 - Pointer to character casting spell

char2 - Pointer to character who is the target of the spell


Causes char1 to cast spell on char2.




cast_spell( slay, mob, victim );  // Causes mob to cast slay spell on victim



0 0 1 Cause critical~
.A strong spell, this causes the channeled power of your god to rip open

wounds on the target.  If the victim fails a save vs magic they will take

a good amount of damage.



0 0 1 Cause light~
.A minor spell, this causes the channeled power of your god to rip open

wounds on the target.  If the victim fails a save vs magic they will take

some damage.



0 0 1 Cause Serious~
.A median spell, this causes the channeled power of your god to rip open

wounds on the target.  If the victim fails a save vs magic they will take

a fair amount damage.  



0 0 0 CE_AccountName~

Please enter the account name of the account for which you wish to change

the email address.



0 0 0 CE_code~
.Please enter the confirmation code which was sent to your email address:



0 2 21 Cedit~

@gcedit new <title>@n           : creates a new title

@gcedit # <title> <new title>@n : changes the name of an existing title

@gcedit # <+flag>@n             : sets a permission flag for that position

@gcedit # holder <name>@n       : sets the holder of a title


F : May set flags on other title holders

C : May edit the clan's charter

N : may edit the clan's noteboard

R : may recruit members




16 0 16 Cflags~
.@CList of Cflags and what they are used for@n

 0 : chiiron elf offered advice

 1 : newbie helper in vaasa greets

 3 : failed quest 11, bandaging elven cleric.

 4 : solved taranth quest and is going to the priestess

 5 : talked to bedraggled old man for Taranth quest

 6 : yet another for taranth quest

 7 : talked to witch, going to find reagents

 8 : given rabbit ear to witch

 9 : given rats intestines to witch

10 : given deer toe to witch

11 : is ok to join Cynnis

12 : spoke to the ranger(in med. forest) about the seeds of life

13 : spoke to alslaad about cynnis quest

14 : planted the valerian seed(Cynnis).

15 : finished quest 25

16 : finished quest 26

17 : starting lag quest at gardener

18 : returns amulet to old lizardman

19 : Prince of Castle Lag dilemma

20 : bested blind swordmaster

21 : has had strength drained by ghost of a monk

22 : old gwendolyn offered advice

23 : corahnin's hunt for the raiders

24 : been warned by the valley warder

25 : warned about crossing gorge

26 : witch has given red ring

27 : ruby slippers found

30 : has received sapphire diamond from sultan

31 : Tiercen's search for elven long sword ingredients

32 : has been turned invisible

33 : player has aquired some of ingredients for elven long sword

34 : player has aquired most of ingredients for elven long sword

35 : player has collected all of ingredients for elven longsword

36 : Has seen the gleam of the old battered lantern.

37 : has gotten advice from Voaleth troll

38 : has had the vaasa prisoner pit action started on him.

39 : has used weights in mangit compound

40 : Person is about to be kicked out of Shuvanaguard.

41 : One of the atonements for the quiet elf city.

42 : One of the atonements for the quiet elf city.

43 : One of the atonements for the quiet elf city.

44 : One of the atonements for the quiet elf city.

45 : Attempting to catch a tear from the weeping willow.

46 : Has been given permission to enter the secluded grove.

47 : Has seen something in the snow.

48 : Has proven themself to Brithbarad.

49 : Has not accepted Myranos' offer.

50 : Begining Prenslie's scavenger hunt.

51 : Middle of Prenslie's scavenger hunt.

52 : End of Prenslie's scavenger hunt.

53 : Has gotten the eagle feather for Prenslie scavenger hunt

54 : Has collected the parchment for Prenslie's scroll quest.

55 : Has collected the ink for Prenslie's scroll quest.

56 : Has collected the quill for Prenslie's scroll quest.

57 : Has been taught the ability to disbelieve.

58 : Has fought the alternate entrance for the Pyramid.

59 : Has spoken to Argith Axehand

60 : Has seen the Maiden at the Blackened Forest

61 : Is temporarily banned from Medienne Temple for theft.

62 : Has been offered ticket information at Theatre in Hills.

63 : Has been referred to bartender by Bennis for Theatre Quest.

64 : Has seen Garth the barkeep and received the envelope.

65 : Has accepted the Ancient Treant's quest.

66 : Able to cast the incantation to enter the Oracle.

67 : Has been given the temple key by brother thomas

68 : Player too busy to leave the room.

69 : Player too busy to sleep right now.

70 : Player is current Lord of Darkhaven.

71 - Player has currectly exhausted Bread Basket.

72 : Has received the phial of twilight from the robed man.

73 : Has seen the ghost of Darin Silveryblade and gained quest hint.

74 : Has slain the priestess of Morkith and finished part (a) of quest.

75 : Has released the spirit of Darin Silveryblade and gained item.

76 - Has sanctified the bones of the ghostly woodcutter. (Quest 48)

77 : Has received an ivory coffer

78 : Has incurred Aurelia's wrath

79 : Pillaged Tomb of Harand-Da

80 : Has eaten too many gingerbread men.

81 : Has received sword of glory/staff of valor

82 : Has fled once while possessing a ring of courage.

83 : Has had the Chiiron Bandit quest assigned

84 : Has spoken to the sage about the Age of Demons.

85 : Player is affected adversely by poison ivy.

86 : Has given Relanya, Jarin's bloody tunic.

87 : Got to the witch without killing her veggies.

88 : Has given Relanya, the crystal of Seeing.

89 : Has killed emaciated man.

90 : Has aquired exoskeleton for Tiercen.

91 : Has been blessed to recover the starwater.

92 : Has been rewarded by the Chiiron Priestess for clearing graveyard.

93 : Is a member of the Brigade of Light (Shadybrook)

94 : Has given the letter from Shadybrook to Lord Richard.

95 : Has received a letter from Pennan to Deliver to Shadybrook.


@R@b**Make sure when you use a Cflag in wont conflict with another in use. 

And add any cflags to this file that are in use and where(if possible).**@n



See also: set_cflag, remove_cflag



0 0 1 Chain lightning~
.An even more advanced spell than @b@Ylightning bolt@n, chain lightning

harnesses a greater amount of electrical energy to a more hazardous, and

even less predictable, effect.  When discharged, chain lightning looses

itself upon an area, and may strike anything or anyone present in the

immediate area, including the very caster of the spell!  Needless to say,

a weapon harnessed with care and by only the most powerful of wizards.



0 0 19 Chamber of Nordun~
.@ILong ago it is rumored that there was a kingdom in the north named

Ridania, its history a long and prosperous one.  Friends of the dwarves

that lived nearby in the mountains and powerful allies of the White Oak

Monastery, the land flourished under the strong blood of human kings. 

The ancient kings ruled for many generations until one day a powerful

sorceror named Norzan the Black arrived at the kingdom.  Disguised in the

robes of a cleric, he offered his services to the king of the day, named

Nordun.  The King refused, for he already had a cleric at his side. 

Norzan, whose plan it was to use his black arts to destroy the kingdom,

put a curse upon the King and his followers.  The King's own personal

magician, Varconel, challenged Nordun, but was feebly defeated.  However,

Varconel was able to capture that which Norzan had valued most, a

beautiful shimmering orb which greatly empowered him.  Norzan fled the

kingdom, pursued by other powerful, close kin of Nordun.  But before he

had left, he summoned ancient, dark magics and buried the land in a great

earthquake.  King Nordun himself had been changed into an evil dragon,

and many of his closest advisors were trapped within the earth with the

cursed king.  While his advisors were able to avoid the dragon, who was

buried deep in his bedchambers, they slowly died from lack of food and

water.  Some say the whistling wind on the northern mountain roads

sometimes carry the sound of their wailing voices, still buried under the




0 0 0 ChangeEmail_Sent~

A confirmation code has been sent to the given address.



0 0 0 Changes_Disclaimer~



0 0 14 Channels~

@Gauction@n : for the auctioning of equipment and services

@Gchant@n   : for speaking with fellow members of your religion

@Gchat@n    : for talking about In Character issues, divided by light/dark races.

@Ggossip@n  : for talk about In Character issues across all alignments.  Also

              used for contacting Immortals.

@Gooc@n     : out of character talk and general real life stuff

@Gatalk@n   : for asking for stuff to be auctioned.

Swearing is @b@Rnot@n allowed on @b@Rany@n global channels, so please, be

considerate.  We cannot monitor all channels so all players are

responsible for their own behavior and that of their fellows.  If someone

offends you, it is up to you to speak up or contact an imm.  We try but

cannot be everywhere at once, so be warned.

Using languages other than english on the channels will result in lost

gossip points.

@BFor more information see:@n

@ehelp@n <channel>



0 0 7 Chant~

@Gchant@n <message> : send <message> to all those of your same religion

@Gchant@n           : toggle the chant channel on/off


@IUse this channel to speak with only those of your religion.

@BSee also:@n

@Ehelp channels@n



0 0 22 Chaotic Evil~
.Chaotic evil is the manifestation of pure self interest and refusal to be

subjected to the laws of society.  Few chaotic evil people survive for

long as they tend to be loners of the nastiest sort.  Unfortunately for

them, however, they suffer several disadvantages due to their beliefs. 

There are no gods which would aid a chaotic evil player as any god of

this alignment isn't someone you would call on for aid.  This removes the

option of prayer and the classes of cleric and paladin from their options. 

No civilized town would ever let a player of this alignment pass their




16 0 2 Char_in_room~

char_in_room( char, room )


char - Pointer to char

room - Pointer to room


Checks to see if char is in room.


0 if char is NOT in room

1 if they are


if( char_in_room( ch, find_room( 10 ) ) { // Is ch in room #10?



0 0 12 Charge~
.It is only the most seasoned of warriors who are able to enter the fray

of battle with a @Rcharge@n at their foe!  Although the strong may

benefit by increasing the power of a successful blow, the clumsy or

stupid of course may completely miss their target.



0 0 14 Chat~

@Gchat@n <message> : send <message> to the mud general chatter channel

@Gchat@n <on|off>  : turn chat on or off

@Gchat@n           : display last 5 chats


@I Use this channel for idle talk about anything you want, but please

stay in character, of course.  If trying to get the attention of an

immortal use @bgossip@n.  Use of this channel requires gossip points; it

costs one gossip point per use of chat.  These points accumulate over

time, and non-use of any channel.  To see how many points your character

has accumulated, type "score"; the points are listed under Gsp_points.

See also: channels, score



0 0 9 Chiiron~
.                              @bVILLAGE OF CHIIRON@n


                                    |           |

                                    |           |

                                    |           |

                        +-----------+           +-------+---+

                        |           |           |       |   |

                        |   Bank                  Magic  Lab|

                        |             [Garnie]    Shop      |

                        |           |  [Lane]   |       |   |

+-----------+-----------+-----------+           +-------+---+-----------+

|           |           |           |           |           |           |

| Alchemist |  Leather  |  Grocery  |           |  Trading  |   Tower   |

|   Shop    |   Shop    |   Shop    |           |   Post    |   Room    |

|           |           |           |           |           |           |

+----   ----+----   ----+----   ----+           +----   ----+----===----+

|                                                                       |

|           [Trader road]              Village                          *

|                                      Square                           *

|                                                                       |

+----   ----+----   ----+----   ----+           +----   ----+-----------+

|           |           |           |           |           |

|   Empty   |  Weapon   | Fighting  |   Small   |    Fur    |

|           |   Shop    |  Ferret   |   Altar   |  Trader   |

|           |           |           |           |           |

+-----------+-----------+-----------+----   ----+-----------+

                                    |           |

                                    |  Chapel   |

                                    |           |



.@CNPCs of Chiiron include:@n

@GJac@n -GT-           @Mgrocer@n -F-             @RPeter@n -S-

@Galchemist@n -R-      @MAlslaad@n -AT-           @RTrenhm@n -WT-

@GPrenslie@n -MT-      @Mweary elf@n -I-          @Rbedraggled old man@n -I-

@Gbartender@n -BI-     @Mrobed priestess@n -T-    @RLocksmith@n -T-



@GW = weaponshop@n  @MS = fur shop@n   @GA = armorshop@n     @MF = food

@GT = trainer@n     @MI = info giver@n @GM = magic shop@n    @MB = bar


0 0 19 Chiiron Bandits~
.Like all centers of wealth and prosperity, Chiiron has attracted its

share of those that would prey upon those who have wealth and happiness. 

Bandits have taken refuge in the hills to the south of Chiiron.  The

reports of their numbers and strength vary, and the Guardsmen and Mages

are unable to devote time to tracking them down.



0 0 19 Chiiron Cemetery~
.Located to the northeast of Chiiron lies a burial ground for the citizens

of Chiiron.  It has been rumored that the site has been infected by a

powerful curse where evil has now overtaken the area.  Danger lurks in

the form of giant creatures and legions of undead.



0 0 1 chilling touch~
.The most basic of all cold attack spells, the caster holds out a hand,

palm upright, and using a few words of power forces the air between the

palm and the caster's opponent to became painfully, destructively cold. 

The victim can suffer intense pain and damage from the chilling touch if

the caster is proficient enough in the nature of the spell.



0 0 19 citadel of the black dragon~
.Near the war-ravaged city of Medienne, deep in the heart of its darkest

woods, rises a citadel of evil.  A dark mist shrouds the tower from afar,

while up close it is evident that a mighty thunderstorm rages atop the

dark granite walls of the citadel.  A great dark shape can sometimes be

seen in the sky, but if that is fact or rumor no one knows for certain. 

A small force of dark knights, clerics, and wizards guard the secrets of

the citadel.  Not many lost adventurers who find themselves within the

citadel return to see the light of day.  It is said that the guardians of

the citadel possess the power of its chief evil, as if it possesses each

of them.



0 0 21 Clans~

@Gclans@n               : lists all publicly known clans

@Gclans -f <acronym>@n  : Starts a new clan

@Gclans <name>@n        : lists charter/members of a listed clan

@Gclans -o <option>@n   : toggles clan options assuming permission

@Gclans -n <name>@n     : sets the full name of clan

@Gclans -c@n            : edits the clan charter

@Gclans -a <abbrev>@n   : changes the clan abbreviation

@Gclans expell <name>@n : expells a member from the clan


To start a clan you must recruit people to swear allegiance to you and

your cause.  @eYou must also be at least level 20.@n A starting fee of

20pp is required to begin a new clan.  Clans will require a charter that

states your clan's ideals or purpose, and at least ten members to be

approved and receive the benefits of a codified institution.  A clan may

choose its members according to its charter within a few simple


@I@b*@nClans may have good members or evil members, but not both.

Good/neutral and evil/neutral are allowed.  (In the instance of a heavily

role-played clan, this rule may be overlooked.)

@I@b*@nCertain races may not be in a clan together. (For instance,

vyans and elves would not be in the same clan.)  In the instance of a clan

that takes its members from but a single alignment, racial barriers may be


@I@b*@nThose who have chosen to follow a chaotic evil alignment may not

join a clan.  Chaotic evil characters are motivated solely by the desire

for personal gain and pleasure.  Since the interests of others are utterly

meaningless to them, they are unlikely to be attracted to the unity of

ideals found in a clan.

Clans will have the option of remaining unknown.  If you do not wish your

clan to be seen on the public clan list, you may toggle the option

Exist.Known.  If you want your charter publicly displayed without your

members showing, you may toggle the option Members.Known.

Once your options are set and your clan charter is in place, an immortal

will look it over and set your clan as approved.

Also, the minimum level for each clan must be level 10.  You may apply

for a lower level, but it is extremely unlikely it will be approved.



The command to delete a clan is clans delete <clan_name>.


0 0 21 Clans2~
.Plan A: Can be alignment based clan.  Either good or evil.  Good clans

seek to sort out the world and evil clans seek to reap as much profit as

possible.  Such a clan can accept any race.

Plan B: Cause based clan.  This takes more argument.  They can choose between good/neutral or neutral/evil but never good and evil in the same clan.


Good/Evil cannot be accepted in same clan.

If lawful is accepted you may not mix elves/dwarves/gnomes/lizards with


Chaotic evil may not be in any clan.



16 0 2 Class~

class( char )


char - Pointer to character


Retrieves the class of a character char


Class value of char (mage, cleric, ranger, thief, warrior, paladin, monk,

psionic, bard) 


if( class( ch ) == mage )

@lact_tochar( "You are a mage", ch );

See also find_stat, find_clan, race, find_skill



16 0 4 Class Damage~
.An outline of the damage dice and damage 'ceiling' per attack that will

be available to each class at various levels.

Level 1:

(Extant weapons and conditions - leave basically as is, damage ceiling

ranging around 10-15 hp/attack).

Level 10:

(Similar to level 1, but ceiling rising to about 20 points max per attack

for warrior classes).

(Monk at this level: 2x2= max 24 hp/strike).

Level 25:

Warrior: 5d5, 25 hp ceiling

Cleric: 5d4, 20 hp

Mage: 4d4, 16 hp

Thief: 4d5, 20 hp

(Monks: 2d8x2, 32)

Level 40:

Warrior: 7d5, 42

Cleric: 5d6, 30

Mage: 5d4, 20

Thief: 5d5, 25

(Monks: 2d10x3, 60)

Level 50:

Warrior: 10d5, 50

Cleric: 8d5, 40

Mage: 5d6, 30

Thief: 6d6, 36

(Monks: 3d8x3, 72)

Level 65:

Warrior: 10d8, 80

Cleric: 6d10, 60

Mage: 4d10, 40

Thief: 5d10, 50

(Monks: 6d5x4, 120)

Level 80:

Warrior: 10d10, 100

Cleric: 7d10, 70

Mage: 5d10, 50

Thief: 6d10, 60

(Monks: 7d5x4, 140)

Level 85:

Warrior 20d5, 100



16 0 0 class_standards~

lvl 5: 10 hp dam per round

lvl 15: 20-25 hp dam per round

lvl 25: 30-35 hp dam per round

lvl 25: 40-45 hp dam per round



lvl 5: 20-25 hp dam per round

lvl 15: 25-35 hp dam per round

lvl 25: 40-45 hp dam per round

lvl 35: 50-60 hp dam per round



lvl 5: 15-20 hp dam per round

lvl 15: 25-30 hp dam per round

lvl 25: 35-40 hp dam per round

lvl 35: 45-50 hp dam per round





Perhaps damage should increase more exponentially rather than simple

linear progression.



16 0 2 Class_values~
.These values are to be used in find_stat( ch, class ) function:

mage = 0

cleric = 1

thief = 2

warrior = 3

paladin = 4

ranger = 5

psionic = 6

monk = 7

bard = 8

NOTE: These values have been superceded by the class( ch ) function.



0 0 15 Classes~

There are currently the following, supported, classes in the mud at the









To see more general information about each class, type @Ehelp <class>@n. 

To find out more specific information, type @Ehelp abilities@n.



0 0 15 Cleric~
.@IClerics are devotees to a god or religion, and their piety brings them

much reward.  Channeling the power of a deity through themselves, clerics

have the ability to perform miracles of the curative and protective type.

Other powerful spells learned by these magic users do include harmful

ones, as they can bring down a god's holy wrath upon a foe with @Eharm@n

and @Eslay@n spells.

@IWith these spells alone, a cleric is a useful addition to a group,

but with the added spells of the creation type and the special

@Eprotect life@n spell, Clerics become a unique and powerful class

required by all in any successful endeavor.

@IClerics may not use weapons which shed blood due to religious vows, but

nonetheless manage to have a wide selection of weapons and armor

available to them.

@IFor a listing of the spells and abilities available to Clerics, please

see the help file on @EAbilities@n.  Other help files that may be useful

include @Espell@n, @Emagic@n, and @Eleech@n.



0 0 19 Cliff of Eagles~
.This vertical cliff is a series of nearly impossible climbs to the

perches and nests of various eagles.  Rumors of a giant gold-feathered

bird which have come from those who frequent the area around the cliff

insist it is as large as a dragon and can carry off horses with ease. 

But as with all rumors, who knows how reliable this one may be?



0 0 13 Climb~
.Climb is a skill used many places in the mud to determine whether you

successful climb an object or fail.  Failing can have nasty consequences

and being able to climb allows you to enter parts of the mud unavailable

without it.  It is very needed to traverse the Great Vaasa.  



16 0 2 Close~

close( room, dir );


Closes exit in a particular direction.


close( room, north ); // closes north exit in current room.



48 0 2 Code~
.See "help functions".



32 0 0 Code_examples~
.What follows are the <vnum>'s of a number of rooms, objects and mobs as

examples of how to write mud-programs.  They're all taken from what I've

done but please feel free to add any extra's - particulary as new code is

written by GC.  


 - Karn


#27002    - aedit 1, a gate opener, checks for clan.

          - aedit 2,3 entering and leaving room sends messages to

            another location.

#27003    - some simple levers and something to look at their current


#27005    - no action code, instead this was my first quest, check out

            qedit 5, and the objects in the room, use 'reset' to find

            what resets in the room. Note - that you can't see one of

            objects. (be carefull this can be a nightmare to edit)

            Oh, the quest is first given to a player by the mob

            Lampster - vnum 245

#27545    - This is one of my more complicated rooms. Basically the first

            two actions (stand inside, stand outside) set a 'condition'

            which the last program uses and the third action (leaving

            room) cleans up the status flags.

            The nasty program is the last one which basically either sends

            the player to a 'hell' if they've stuffed up the instructions

            or randomly gates in a Demon for the player -from which they

            need some reagents to complete the quest.

#218      - Complex use of reset0 and reset1.



16 0 2 Coin_value~

coin_value( object )


object - Pointer to object


Determines if an object is a coin or not.


0 if object is not a coin

actual coin value of object (i.e. 2*cp == 2 -or- 3*gp == 300)


if( coin_value( obj ) > 0 ) {  // If obj is any number of any coins



0 0 8 Color~

color                 : display settings and options

color <term_type>     : sets terminal type

color <item> <format> : sets color of different items

color lines <# lines> : sets size of window


So to set your terminal to ansi type 'color ansi' then to make room names

appear in bold type 'color room_name bold'.  To have a status bar type

'option status'.  Note though for any of the colors to work you need to

have your term_type set to something other than dumb.  The possible

formats for the various groups are listed by typing just 'color'.

The colors such as red/green/yellow only work in ansi mode as vt100 does

not support these colors.  



@CColor Options:@n


default : the color of your default text. : the color the room name is displayed in.

tell : the color you will receive tells in.

say : the color you will see what people say in.

gossip : the color you will receive gossips in.

players : 

mobs :

objects : 

unused : (think about it)

titles : are titles... on score, who, etc.

ctell : clan tell color.

chat : color you will see chat in.

gtell : color you will see group tells in.

auction : color you will see auction information in.

info : color info (logins/deaths/etc, see help info) is in.

to.self : color you see when mob does damage to you. : color you see when group member takes dmg.

by.self : color you see when doing dmg to a mob. : color you see dmg done to mob by group members.

mild.emphasis : for the @@e setting in help color_codes

strong.emphasis : for the @@E setting in color_codes

black : what color you will view black text as.

red : what color you will view red text as.

green : what color you will view green text as.

yellow : what color you will view yellow text as.

blue : what color you will view blue text as.

megenta : what color you will see magenta text as.

cyan : what color you will see cyan text as.

white : what color you will view white text as.


Several of the more common settings can be reviewed by viewing help




0 0 8 Color_codes~
.Color Codes for @CDESCRIPTION@ns/attacks and what not

All colors are pretty self explaintory:

@n@@R -  @Rred

@n@@r -  @rred

@n@@B -  @Bblue

@n@@b -  @bblue

@n@@W -  @Wwhite

@n@@C -  @Ccyan

@n@@c -  @ccyan

@n@@G -  @Ggreen

@n@@g -  @ggreen

@n@@M -  @Mmagenta

@n@@m -  @mmagenta

@n@@Y -  @Yyellow

@n@@y -  @yyellow


Lowercase codes are color1 in your color preferences.  Uppercase codes

are color2 in your color preferences.

Bold Highlight and Underline:

@@e - @emild emphasis@n

@@h - @hhighlight@n

@@u - @uunderline@n

@@E - @Estrong emphasis@n

Use the colors with emphasis, highlight, and underline (if it works) for

other colors/effects.

Use @@n to return the text to normal.

@I@@I will indent the text as on done this line.



0 0 8 Commands~

@Gcommands@n                      : lists all command categories

@Gcommands@n <category>           : lists all commands in the category

@Gcommands@n -p <permission_flag> : lists commands requiring that flag


This displays all commands divided by logical category or by permission

flag.  Most players only have the none permission flag so the second

option is irrelevant to most.

See also: Index



0 0 6 Compare~

compare <item1> <item2>


s : specifies that item1 is from the shop you are in

S : same as s but for item2


Compare allows you to compare two items of a similar type and give you a

reasonably accurate judgment on which of the two seems "better" to you. 

Note that for the command to work, both items must be unequipped, in your

inventory, and of the same type as one another.



0 0 20 configure~
.To configure your TFE environment for optimum playability, use the

various option systems: 


@I Message :: a list of various messages you will get for different

@I occurences.


@I Iflag :: toggles your info messages.  To turn off all messages, just

@I type info.


@I Option :: your options to configure your play.


@I Color :: you can set your terminal type with this, and associate

@I different colours for different events based on your personal

@I preference.



0 0 3 Confirm_Acnt~

To use this account, you must supply the proper confirmation code.  This

was previously mailed to the address given.



0 0 1 Conflagration~
.When a mage casts this, the culmination of their fire spells, a raging

inferno errupts and consumes those unfortunate enough to be the target. 

The speed and ferocity of this spell is unsurpassed.  Its very power

drains the mage significantly, often requiring rest after casting this




0 0 1 Confuse~
.This spell, born of the lesser hallucinating type magics, delves deeper

and affects another level of the mind.  A victim of this spell will find

himself out of control, literally frothing at the mouth.  Those nearby

should get away quickly, as what the person may do is completely




0 0 0 Conjuration and Summoning Spells~


These two categories of spells, conjuration and summoning, usually depend

upon casting a given spell over a particular reagent.  Lesser Summoning,

Find Familiar, Request Ally, Find Mount, Conjure Elemental, and Construct

Golem are such spells.  The degree to which you know the spell has a

direct determination on its rate of success.  Some reagents are more rare

than other, so pay heed and study the spell to your fullest capability

before casting one of these spells on an extremely rare reagent.




0 0 1 conjure elemental~
.Though mages deal with the intricacies of channeling the energy about

them into forces they can use, rangers are the only ones, being so close

to nature, that understand the elements enough to bring allies from the

elemental planes.  While only a seasoned ranger strong in the ways of

nature may call upon such an ally, their loyalty is oft more than a mere

animal might provide.  To conjure an elemental, a ranger must invoke the

spell over a reagent somehow linked to the elemental type they wish to


Rangers are limited by their alignment to what planes they may contact

for allies.  Rangers of neutrality may contact the elemental planes of

earth, air, fire and water while rangers of good conjure elementals from

the quasi-elemental planes.  The para-elemental planes are the only ones

open to evil rangers.

   Quasi-elementals        Elementals          Para-elementals

   ----------------        ----------          ---------------

   @YSteam Elemental       @GWater Elemental        @CIce Elemental

    @YAsh Elemental        @GFire Elemental        @CMagma Elemental

  @YVacuum Elemental       @GAir Elemental         @CSmoke Elemental

  @YDust Elemental        @GEarth Elemental        @COoze Elemental

@YLightning Elemental   @GWater Elemental Lord   @CIce Elemental Lord

 @YMineral Elemental    @GFire Elemental Lord   @CMagma Elemental Lord

  @YSalt Elemental      @GAir Elemental Lord    @CSmoke Elemental Lord

@YRadiance Elemental    @GEarth Elemental Lord  @COoze Elemental Lord

@YQuasi-elem. Guardian@n   @GElemental Guardian@n   @CPara-elem. Guardian@n

 @YQuasi-elem. Savant@n     @GElemental Savant@n     @CPara-elem. Savant@n



0 0 11 Consent~

consent <player name> : stop resisting target player's spells

consent <player name again> : remove that player from consent list

consent : to view a list of people whose spells you are not resisting


The consent command is used to allow other players to cast spells on you. 

If you don't consent to their spells, you will try to resist their

magical efforts.  Be careful whom you lower your defenses to and trust.



0 0 14 Consider~

consider <mob>


This compares you and the monster to see which would most likely win a

fight.  Use it to avoid hopeless battles.  Also, keep in mind there are

many many variables to combat here, such as special attacks, so this is a

very rough and frequently unreliable idea of an opponent's strength. 

Below is a list of the possible messages in logical order.


An unworthy opponent.

Should be an easy kill.

You shouldn't have much difficulty.

It looks like a fair fight.

It will be a tough fight.

With luck on your side you might prevail.

You'll need a lot of help.

You don't have much of a hope.

You would require divine intervention

Attacking and suicide are equivalent.



0 0 1 Construct Golem~
.By casting this spell over a prepared reagent that has been molded into

the basic shape of the golem type being sought after, a cleric is able to

infuse the molded spell component with enough energy so that it takes on

'life.' In addition, the spell forces the golem to grow in size

significantly from its sculpted, doll-like form.  Though incapable of

independant thought, the golems constructed by this spell follow the

orders of their cleric without question.  The golems known to be

constructed by this spell are: 

     @CGood Golems@n          @GNeutral Golems@n          @REvil Golems@n

     @W-----------@n          @W--------------@n          @W-----------@n

    @CCopper Golem            @GClay Golem             @RAsh Golem

    @CBrass Golem             @GSand Golem            @RStraw Golem

     @CLead Golem            @GGlass Golem           @RBamboo Golem

    @CBronze Golem          @GObsidian Golem         @RSeaweed Golem

   @CPlatinum Golem          @GStone Golem            @RVine Golem

     @CIron Golem            @GQuartz Golem           @RWood Golem

    @CSteel Golem            @GTopaz Golem            @RBone Golem

   @CMithril Golem          @GCorundum Golem          @RBlood Golem

   @CElectrum Golem         @GDiamond Golem          @RChitin Golem

  @CAdamantium Golem        @GStarite Golem           @RFlesh Golem



0 0 1 Continual light~
.This spell is used to supply power continually to balls of light created

with @bcreate light@n.  It only serves any purpose if you are holding a

ball of light otherwise the power drained by it is lost.



16 0 25 Costs~
.level range    cost range

-----------   -----------

   1-9           1-2000

  10-19        2000-5000

  20-29        5000-9000

  30-39        9000-14000

  40-49       14000-20000

  50-59       20000-27000

  60-69       27000-35000

  70-79       35000-44000

  80-89       44000-54000



0 0 17 Cover tracks~


<This skill not coded.>



0 0 19 Crabman Catacombs~
.Below the windy sands of the red desert lie a mass of catacombs, used by

the crabman people to bury their dead.  But something has been amiss

lately.  The King has not heard from the catacomb guards in several

months and worse yet, a couple of people have reported strange sightings

and even a kidnapping.



0 0 1 Create Food~
.This spell magically creates an edible object.  The standing of the

caster will also determine the quality of the food produced.  Some say

the food is not necessarily created, but moved from somewhere in the

world to you.  The 'goody' clerics vehemently deny this, so perhaps it

depends on the patron deity.  



0 0 1 Create Light~
.This quick and simple spell is taught to all tyros pursuing the magical

arts, as it is a very useful spell for adventuring.  Originally it was

developed by a mage in the northern mountains several centuries ago as a

focus exercise for his young students.  As a reward for the correct

casting of the spell, they then had a light by which to study without

wasting the time meddling with a lamp or other mundane light source.



0 0 1 Create Water~
.Create water will magically fill a drink container.  It does require a

container to do any good, as it does not create anything to hold the

water.  The level of the caster determines how large a container can be




0 0 3 Create_Account~

                     -- Welcome to Forest's Edge! --

To play here, all players are required to create an account via email

registration.  This is done in order to keep track of our growing player

base.  The belief is that it will encourage a friendly atmosphere

conducive toward our common goal - fun.

Please choose a name for your account.  Virtually anything will do, so

long as it is between 5 and 20 characters in length and contains no

spaces.  We recommend using a last name.  Despite this intimidating

introduction, the mud is free to all and new players are more than

welcome to join the game.



0 0 7 Creation~
.@bThe Beginning@n

The All is everything, everlasting, and inscrutible.  It is beyond time

or limit.

From the immeasurable ether of the All devolve the Two, the principal

components of everything, Darkness and Light.  [NOTE: Darkness and Light

are not moral entities here; they are not to be confused with "Good" and

"Evil".] The Two Are.  They exist in an exactly equal proportion with one

another, each being one half of the All.  Each defines the other's limits. 

Considered alone, both Darkness and Light are lacking, each a mere

fragment of something infinte and incomprehensible.

Yet Darkness and Light are anathema to one another.  Each is a dynamic

quantity, which seeks to become what it cannot - the all, by itself,

without its sole foil and polar opposite.  This, then, is the fundamental

conflict which undergirds the universe of The Forest's Edge.


The Two knew Time, or that which always was, always is, and always will

be.  Time is indifferent to all, being above struggle, and inscrutable

even to both Darkness and Light.


Sensing themselves, one another, and that they were not without limit,

Darkness and Light Named the ether which enveloped them, and called it

"Sky." Finding it without substance, each of the Two imparted some of

their own essences to a bit of it and gave it Substance.

This they termed "Earth."



0 0 18 Credits~


This entire world is ultimately a product of Greyclaw's hard work and

vision.  To him we owe an immeasureable debt.  Thanks also to Devlin Smit

and DigitalNation for their generosity and the fine site which they

provide for our use.  Finally, thanks to our players for their constant

patience and feedback, without which the mud would not be the same.

@bThe Immortals: @n 

Greyclaw, Object, Merior, Talis, Phule, Marek, Caer, Terek, Orb, Derna,

Void, Rue, Nivel, Florian, Fenlyn, Sign, Finius, Starshine, Olah, Slip,

Khisanth, Oculus, Phobos, Adakar.

@bPast Immortals :@n

Sprout, Amon, Tempus, Padraig, Mylar, Belroth, Ruthler, Zargon, Chaser,

Earthstone,  Cromm, Karn, Aurelian, Adder, Rodric, Ra'Kath, Dobro,

Ssstra, Nightshade, Serth, Gun, Rowf, Ashkai, Azikiar, Shatterstar,

Hragnii, Clangidan, Mithrandir, Darkstorm, Synergyn, Galen, Poe, Vulcan,

Merlin, Havoc, Becca, Sssar, Ender, K'Kard, Tarlyn, Talona,

Kalabash, kabashira, Kevona, Kreel, S'ynn, Jeril, Pandor,

Gramp, Kiian, Dragos, Athyle, Mange, Kaylen, Kaos, Ravyn.

...and to all those whose names are omitted due to nothing more than

unfortunate oversight on our part.  The value of their contributions, as

well as our immense gratitude to them for their constant time and effort

remains undiminished.



16 0 18 Crimes~
.This is a file describing some of the standard problems we encounter

(Suggestion is to create a helpfile 'offenders' where a master list of

who has been warned etc.  is kept).

The criteria need to be general enough to allow for some amount of

flexibility, as these things vary on case by case basis.

* Swearing on Public Channels *

First offense a warning and a lose of 100 gossip points.

Repeated offenses - msetting of gsp_points to -100.

* Multiplaying *

First offense - warning

Repeated - Denying of all but one of the characters

Violation of 5-minute rule will be considered multiplaying, but should be

dealt with in a somewhat more lenient manner.

* Bug exploitation *

First offense - warning and possible sanction

Second offense - severe sanction, possible purge

*Pkilling before the system is in *

First offense - warning and apology to player killed 

* Accepting inappropriate help from an immortal *

First offense - warning, 1 death and removal of help



0 0 5 Critical hit~
.@ICritical hit is a monk skill which allows them to precisely aim their

blows to do great damage.  Each time a monk scores a successful hit with

a body part he has a chance to score a critical hit.  If the monk

succeeds, the damage done by the blow is significantly greater than


A critical hit only be done using an attack or weapon with which the monk

has familiarity; in other words, a monk will never critical hit with a

sword.  @INote that this skill is automatic; there is no need to type in

any command to attempt a critical hit.



0 0 1 Cure blindness~
.This minor cantrip can prove very effective and useful to the lone cleric

or the cleric who assists allies in battle, for with this simple charm

the cleric uses the power of his deities to remove all forms of

affliction to the sight which may oppress either himself or a party




0 0 1 Cure critical~
.This penultimate healing spell channels the strength of one's gods

through the cleric and into the recipient of the spell, if the spell is

intended for another.  This is the final stage before learning the spell

of heal.



0 0 1 cure disease~
.By means of this spell, the caster is able to purge his or her target of

disease.  One of the most common diseases this spell counteracts is the



Even after the plague has been cured, 'quitting' and

're-entering the game' is the only way for its affects to reach their

maximum potential at this time.



0 0 1 Cure light~
.Cure light is the first of all the healing spells.  It will heal minor

wounds and save dying players but in most cases will not heal massive

amounts of damage.  It is taught to young clerics and paladins so that

they may heal small wounds on themselves or on their companions. 

Learning this spell is essential, though, to learning the spells which

heal more damage.



0 0 1 Cure poison~
.Attempts to remove the affects of poison from the target.



0 0 1 Cure serious~
.Cure serious, as the name implies, cures serious wounds and is rumored to

be able to cure up to four times as much damage as that cured by the

preceding spell.



0 0 1 Curse~
.An unseen globe of disfavor follows the victim.  In battle things just

don't go for them, and they find it much harder to land blows and such.  



0 0 6 Custom~

@Gcustom@n          : lists items shopkeeper can make

@Gcustom@n <item>   : hands shopkeeper ingredients and requests item


@I Some shopkeepers are able to manufacture rare, special items that

often have magical properties.  To see if this is possible in any given

@Eshop@n type "custom".  If you see an item there you want, you will need

to find the required ingredients.  Then have them in your inventory and

type "custom <item>" at the shop, and the item will be created for you.



See shcustom to edit shop customs.


0 0 19 cyclops/pixies~
.The ancient battle between good and evil exists near a mystical waterfall

hidden within the Cairn Mountains.  The cyclops have their haunt within

their dark caverns, while the pixies frolic amidst an enchanted forest. 

The small strip of forest and mountainside which separate them have been

the battlegrounds for many a struggle over the ages, with the

all-powerful shaman of the cyclops leading his hordes against the magics

of the pixie high sorceress.  While the smallest pixies might fall victim

to lesser fighters and mages, only the strongest, boldest, and most

foolhardy adventurers had best venture into the den of the cyclops.



0 0 7 Cynnis~
.@ICynnis is the goddess of the woods, often appearing as a green-eyed elf

or a sleek grey wolf, although her true nature is not known.  While not

as powerful as gods such as Taranth or Kerog, Cynnis possesses a power

over nature that she shares to a certain extent with her followers.  One

such benifit is that when someone is in a forest, especially near a

shrine to her, she extends a hedge of protection over them that includes

protection from being attacked by other players.  Also, a follower of

Cynnis can easily ask the aid of an animal during battle, or even call

upon Cynnis to lend them strength in time of need.  Only those of good or

neutral alignment may follow Cynnis, as the evil-hearted are known to be

too cruel for her gentle ways.  Any class or race is permitted, and

rangers that follow Cynnis receive a special ability to heal animals. 

She blesses each of her followers as well.  However, her followers are

forbidden to wear steel, as the production of the metal often has adverse

effects on creatures of her domain.

@IThe symbol of Cynnis depicts a wolf under a blanket of snow-covered

trees, howling at a quarter moon with a naked female llewyrr stretching

to complete its diameter.



16 0 2 Dam_message~

dam_message( char, dam, string )


char   - Pointer to character being damaged

dam    - Integer value of damage to be translated into damage string

string - String to display as cause of damage


Displays a message to the room describing damage done to char.  This

function does no actual damage, it only gives notice that damage was done

(See "help inflict(").  




dam_message( ch, i, "the crushing rock" );

Would display to ch:

"the crushing rock mauls you"

Would display to everyone else in room:

"the crushing rock mauls whomever"



16 0 8 Damage_given~
.These are the strings used for damage generated:

Value      Damage word


 0            misses

 1            scratches

 2            grazes

 3 -  4       hits

 5 -  6       injures

 7 - 10       wounds

 11 - 15      mauls

 16 - 21      decimates

 22 - 28      devastates

 29 - 34      maims

 35 - 44      SAVAGES

 45 - 56      MUTILATES

 57 - 70      DISEMBOWELS

 71 - 86      EVISCERATES

 87 - 105     * MASSACRES *  

 106 - 120    * PULVERIZES *   

 121 - 150   ** DEMOLISHES **   

 151 - 200   ** OBLITERATES **   

 201+       *** ANNIHILATES ***



0 0 8 Damage_taken~
.These are the indicators of your opponents health in order:

 perfect health

 slightly scratched

 few bruises

 some cuts

 several wounds

 badly wounded

 many nasty wounds

 bleeding freely

 covered in blood

 leaking guts

 mostly dead





16 0 19 Darken Woods~

Long ago, in times so far distant that history itself holds little memory

of it, the area now known as Darken Wood was home to a small village and

a quiet people.  For as long as anyone can remember, however, the valley

south of the haunted wizard's tower near Kha-da has been the festering,

warped reflection of a healthy forest.  There are rumors the forest is

also home to great treasures, but few have survived exploration and

returned to confirm the tales.



0 0 9 Darkhaven~
. @M                  _____

                  |     |

                  |     |

             _____|_   _|_____    

            |     |     |     |

            | @b@RTEMPLE of MORR@n @M |

            |_____|_   _|_____| 

                  |     |

                  |     |

                  |__@b@R*@n@M__|            _____  

                  |     |           |@b@GGmblr@n@M| 

                  |     |        @Y?  @M| @b@GDen @M|

 _________________|_   _|________@b@R*@M__|_   _|

|                    @b@GD@M                    |

|     @b@GS H A D O W        S T R E E T      @M| 

|_    ____________   @b@GA @M  ___________ @b@G  D@M _|_____

@M|@b@GQual.@M|     |@b@GPrem.@M|     |@b@GB.U. @M|@b@GDark@M |  @b@GA@M  |@b@GMagic@M|

|@b@GArmor@M|     |@b@Gweap    G  @b@R* @b@GTvrn  Alc.@M|@b@G  R    Shop@M|

|_____|     |_____|_   _|_____|_____|_ @b@GK@M _|_____|

                  |  @b@GG@M  |     |@b@GThves@M|     |

               @Y?  @b@R*     *     @b@G  Den@M | @b@G S@M  |                                      

 _____ _____ _____|_@b@G E @M_|_____|_____|_@b@G T@M _|_____    

|@b@GJwrly@M|@b@GPelt@M |@b@GGen.@M |     |@b@GBank@M |     |  @b@GO  @M|@b@GAlch.@M|

| @b@GShop@M| @b@GShop@M|@b@GStor.   R   @M     |     | @b@G R    Shop@M|

|_   _|_   _|_____|_   _|_____|_____|_ @b@GM@M _|_____|

|                                         |@b@GGroc.@M|

| @b@G  D A R K      S T O R M         L A N E  Shop@M|

|__________________     _     ____________|_____|

                  |     |@b@GSta- @M|

                  |     | @b@Gbles@M|

             _____|_   _|_____|

 @b@G To West@M   |@b@CU@M    |     | @b@C   U@M|   @b@GTo East

Guard Tower @M|     @b@R*     *   @M  | @b@GGuard Tower@M


                @b@GSouth Gate



0 0 20 death~
.@IWhen you are overcome in battle and you die, your soul is taken to the

paths of death.  Death, in his infinite wisdom, will grant you another

chance to achieve your life's goals at the small price of 1/4 of your

life's experience.  However, when you are returned to the realms, you are

weak, and disoriented.  This does pass after a short time, and you will

soon be at your maximum capacity once more.



0 0 5 Death strike~


With this special attack the monk uses an ancient technique that allows

the monk to tap directly into into the shadow world and channel that

energy into their attacks causing massive damage.  This technique is

extremely dangerous and only taught to the most highly skilled of monks.



0 0 19 Decrepit House~
.Strange tales of frog like creatures concealed in a new stronghold to the

south-east of Lag are being whispered by merchants and travellers alike. 

Merchants now refuse to travel near the place due to their carts being

ransacked and merchants devoured by these monsters.  Allegations of these

powerful beings having journeyed from distant lands, seeking new nations

to be conquered.  As time goes by the creatures have time to grow in

strength and number and to spread across the land like a plague.



4194304 0 16 dedit~

@Gdedit@n <direction>            : sets which exit you are editting

@Gdedit@n delete <direction>     : deletes an exit

@Gdedit@n new <direction> [vnum] : creates a new exit


1 : specifies to only delete or create one side of a door


This is the command to create, destroy and specify which door you are

editting.  Requires permission to edit the room the door goes to and from. 

If you include no vnum when creating a door a new room will be created.


  dedit -1 delete north      will delete only this side of the north exit.

  dedit -1 new west          will create a one-way exit heading west.


See also: dset, dstat, redit



0 0 8 define~

@Gdefine@N               : lists the categories available


@IThis command lists the categories of damage (and several miscellaneous

items).  By typing @Gdefine <category>@n, you are able to see the damage

spectrum of that particular category.



0 0 7 Deities~



0 0 0 delete~

delete <password> : deletes your character


This command is used to delete you character.  Use this command with

extreme caution.  Once deleted, your character CANNOT be retreived. 

NOTE: This command is only available to players under level 5.  Players

of higher levels who are unhappy with their character may seek a high

level Immortal's attention to try and get their character deleted if

absolutely necessary.  Inactive characters shall be deleted automatically

after a certain amount of time, roughly equivalent to 3(weeks)*level <

10th level.

Higher level players spamming deaths to get down to level 5 will have

their accounts banned.

See also: password, save, quit



0 0 5 Demon slash~
.This skill is coded, but as of yet, it's damage is unknown.  At the

least, it promises to be a better version of dragon strike....  At least,

one does hope so.



0 0 9 Denab-Knur~
.@GTo the Gateway@n                            



                             _ @Y|@n _ _____ _____ _____                

                            |@Gnear@n |     |     |  @GD@n  |           

                            |@Ggate@n                @GR@n  |          

                            |_   _|_____|_____|_ @GA@n _|_________     

                            | @GT@n    @GEmpty@n|     |  @GG@n   @GButcher@n  |

                            | @GU@n   |_____|     |  @GO@n  |_____|___|        

     _____ _____            |_@GN@n  _|_____      |_ @GT@n _| ____             

    |     |@GSanc-@n|           | @GN U@n |@GEmpty@n|     |  @GH@n  ||    |    

    |      @Gtuary@n|           | @GE N@n  _____|     |@GW@n    ||_  _|        

    |_   _|_____|      ____ |_@GL D@n_|___________|_ @GA@n _|__||_______    _____  

    |     | ____      |    ||   @GE@n |     |     |    @GY@n|     |@GScav.@n|  |     |    

    |     ||_  _|     |_  _|| @GR R@n |      @GDenab-Knur Sqaure@n @GShop@n_|  |_   _|    

  __|_   _|__||_ _____ _||__|_@GU@n  _|_____|_   _|_   _|_   _|________ _| |_  

 |  |     |     |     |     | @GI@n   |     |     |     |     |  |  |  |     @R*@n

 |   @GT E M P L E@n              @GN@n  @GRuined Ave.@n  @BFount.@n   @GRuined Ave        @R*@n 

 |__|_   _|__  _|_____|_____|_@GS@n  _|_____|_   _|_   _|_   _|__|__|__|_____@R*@n   

    |     | _||_  |   |    @CU@n|     || @GBar@n|     |     |     |_____      @Gto@n      

    |     ||____| |    @GFoyer@n      ||_  _|@GDenab-Knur Square@n @GHrax.@n|      @Y--->@n

    |_   _|_____  |___|_____|_   _|__||_|_   _|_   _|_   _|_____| @GGreat North@n

    |     |     |           |     |    @CU@n|    ||  @GD@n  |@GGork.@n|           @GPass@n

    |      @GCell@n |           |     @R*@n          ||  @GR@n  |@GSlav.@n|

    |_____|_____|      _____|_   _|_____|____||_ @GA@n _|_____|

                      |     |     |     | ____|  @GG@n  |____             

                      |    @GA R E N A@n    ||@GAlgo.  @GO@n   @GArm-@n|

                      |_   _|_@GO F@n_|_   _||@GArms@n|_ @GT@n _|@Gorer@n| 

                      |     |     |     ||____|  @GH@n  |____|

                      |    @GH O N O R@n    |     | @GWAY@n |

                      |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|



0 0 14 Description~

@I This command uses the standard editor - see @Ehelp editor@n for a list

and description of how to write a description for yourself.  NOTE:

@EDescription@n does not use many of the commands that are unique to

@Enote@n and @Email@n, such as send, post, and delete.


@I Description allows you to write a message of who your character is. 

It is displayed either when someone looks at you, or uses the @Eqlook@n

command.  Your description should include what your character looks like

as well as any other information you feel someone could gather from your

appearance.  It does not include emotions or anything which another

player could not realistically gather from merely looking at you.  Please

note that a description is generally at least one paragraph of at least a

half-dozen or so sentences in length.  Writing your description,

@Eappearance@n and @Ekeywords@n is @bmandatory@n for advancing beyond the

fifth level of experience.



* Should be at least five complete sentences.

* The same rules as to what doesn't go for @Eappearance@n applies here as

    well. (no auras, abnormal things like two-heads, etc)

* Do not include your name or class in your description.

* Do not force the judgement of the viewer; i.e., "You become afraid,"

    "you get hungry just looking at...," you want to beat his head in."

* Do not include actions; i.e., "As you watch, his hair turns pink," "He

    grabs a tree and uproots it."

* Do not include clothing or other removeable objects.  Tattoos, items

    braided into hair/beard, and scars are fine, though.

* Do not capitalize race in your description or appearance.

* @EDo@n include things such as eyecolor, hair color, height,

    race (flaunt those elf ears and troll warts), and other physical




0 0 19 Desert of the Four Sands~
.Endurus, a gnomen geomancer, recently returned from the far west.  While

looking for his father, an adventurer who disappeared over two hundred

years ago, Endurus was trapped in a landslide.  Once he freed himself, he

soon discovered a path which led through a twisting canyon into a vast

desert.  Excited that he had finally found the Desert of the Four Sands,

Endurus, like his father before him, struck out on a mission of

exploration, leaving his magical studies behind for a time.

Sadly, when Endurus returned from the desert, he returned with little

additional knowledge about his father's disappearance.  However, Endurus

did discover that what his father called the 'Desert of the Four Sands'

was truly the Naraki Desert.  Apparently a minor earthquake had sealed it

off from the rest of the main continent.

Endurus also learned why his father's journals spoke of the Naraki as

having four sands.  For indeed, within the Naraki Desert, a barren land

caught within a series of twisted canyons, Endurus found that the desert

soils were of four different colors.

Each, Endurus discovered, had its own secrets and mysteries that need be

unearthed.  But the most spectacular thing about his visit, he has been

heard to remark, was the giant stone structure situated in the middle of

the desert.  Though he could find no way into the structure, Endurus has

vowed one day to return.  Perhaps, within it, lie clues to his father's




0 0 19 Desert Ogre Caves~
.Centuries ago when the land of Tarik Nor was being invaded by the demons

of the Abyss, several bands of ogres fled into underground caverns to

escape their wrath.  To the ogres surprise the demons found them;

however, before the demons had a chance to slay them, the band of desert

ogres stepped forth and offered them a deal.  It is said that in exchange

for god-like powers and their lives the desert ogres would seek out

anything that was good left in the land and slay them.  Legends tell that

the demons accepted the deal and granted the ogres incredible strength,

agility and weapons of great power to further their cause.  Recently a

band of adventurers surveying the Black Wastes came across a cave in

which they found the legendary ogres.  Very few escaped with their lives

but those who did tell of the horrors found within the caves.  They also

spoke of the riches which the ogres accumulated over the years.



0 0 19 Desert Scarabs~

@IBuried under the sand in the heart of the Naraki desert, a colony of

desert scarabs lives in their sandy tunnels.  Led by their crystalline

queen, the beetles work and dig, doing what busy beetles do.  However,

these busy beetles are the size of a halfling, or a gnome.  Generally

oblivious to the intrusions of adventurers, the beetles will defend their

lair if challenged... or if someone looks like they would be a tasty




0 0 1 Detect evil~
.As long as this spell is working, you will be able to see if any person

or creature is aligned as evil.



0 0 1 Detect good~
.As long as this spell is working, you will be able to see if any person

or creature is aligned as good.



0 0 1 Detect hidden~
.There are magics to defeat other people using magic to hide themselves

but, sometimes an opponent is using just good old fashioned-skill.  This

can be troublesome, and so this spell was developed.  It allows the user

to 'see' vibrations of anything moving near you.  You can't tell exactly

what it is sometimes, but you will at least see that it is there.  



0 0 1 detect invisible~
.This spell enables the caster to see, or at least sense, things that are

invisible to the unaided eye.



0 0 1 Detect Magic~

This spell, a fundamental part of any mage's repetoire, heightens his or

her senses to the point where the mage may detect whether a magical aura

exists around a particular item or [soon] location.



4194304 0 16 Dflag~

dflag        : displays the flags for a door
dflag <flag> : toggles the specified flag


This is used to set a door to secret, locked and similar.  No_show can
not be found by searching while secret will sometimes be noticed by the
player.  To specify door for dflag to act on use dedit.


16 0 2 Dice~

dice( numdie, diesides, extra )


numdie   - Integer number of die to roll

diesides - Integer number of sides each die has

extra    - Integer number to be added to final roll value


This function performs a standard AD&D dice roll (This function has

been replaced by the ability to use dice roll strings as parameters

that require integers).


Number generated by roll


i = dice( 3, 5, 10 );  // Returns roll total of 3 5-sided die +10

i = 3d5+10;            // New format, replaces dice() function



0 0 3 Digitalnation_1~

                      --* DIGITALNATION *--

digitalNATION is a rapidly growing widely recognized online service which

is provided free of charge to its almost fifteen thousand users from

across the country and around the world.  digitalNATION users can access

more than three hundred thousand files online at a speed of up to 28,800

bps.  Additionally, Internet mail privileges and Internet newsgroups are

offered to all users.

digitalNATION offers a state-of-the-art graphical interface for Macintosh

and Windows callers, and it supports calls from any VT100-compatible

telecommunications software.  This flexibility allows users of any

computer to access digitalNATION with no compatibility issues.

digitalNATION's graphical interface is extremely fast.  Using the

digitalNATION Client application (currently available for Macintosh and

Windows), users can multi-task while on-line.  Uploading, downloading,

composing messages, reading messages and chatting - activities which used

to take up all of a modem's time - can be done simultaneously with no

noticeable speed degradation.

[Please press return for next page]



0 0 3 Digitalnation_2~

o Full 28,800 bps access with no surcharge 

o No connect-time charges! 

o Full graphical interface for both Macintosh and PC Windows users 

o File libraries: Macintosh, Windows, DOS, OS/2, Silicon Graphics, Apple

    II and more!

o Internet email and newsgroups

o digitalNATION news and information services 

If you are interested in digitalNATION, call Lori Waldack at 703.642.2800

(9:00am - 5:00pm EST), fax to 703.642.3747, or leave e-mail for Lori

Waldack. (


digitalNATION is kind enough to donate the site that this mud runs on. 

They supply modem lines in the Baltimore and Miami areas.  Since the mud

is located on one of their machines using their service would give you

the quickest possible connection.  The rate for 80 hours/month is

$150/year or $24.95/month.  If you live in one of these areas please

consider using them.  Their WWW address is

[Please press return for title screen]



16 0 16 Directions~
.The direction codes that a few commands use are as follows.

       north :  0                  up   :  4
       east  :  1                  down :  5
       south :  2                  any  : -1  
       west  :  3


0 0 12 Disarm~

disarm <victim>


Knocks your enemies weapon out of it's hand.  The weapon will not fall to

the ground, but stay on the mob.  



16777216 0 0 Disconnect~

disconnect <player>


disconnect <player> - Disconnect <player> from the game.



0 0 8 Diseases~

Poison - drains hp until time is up or player is dead

Plague - Drains 1 con until player is dead at con of 3 or cured with

spell - small chance of player giving it to anyone else when in same room

Tomb Rot - eats away the flesh draining hp until death or cured with spell

Ly?? - difficult to code well 



0 0 13 Dismount~

dismount : get off your mount


This command is used to get down from the back of your mount (mule,

horse, whatever).  To get back up, use the @bmount@n command.



0 0 1 Displace~
.The target of this spell has his 'lines' blurred and smeared, with the

effect that it's difficult to see him or her precisely.  As the person

moves, there is an afterimage, and this combined with the confusing

outlines can cause opponents to strike at wispy afterimages.



16 0 2 Do_spell~

do_spell( spell, char1, char2 )


spell - Name of spell to cast

char1 - Pointer to character casting spell

char2 - Pointer to character who is the target of spell


Places a spell on a character (Is like cast_spell() however the ritual of

casting is eliminated).  It is instantaneous and will always succeed. 

The source of the cast is only used internally (mainly for exp

calculation in the case of a mob attack program).  




do_spell( confuse, mob, ch );  // Causes ch to become confused



0 0 12 Dodge~
.This skill is very useful for nimble characters.  It allows you to dodge

enemy blows.  The chance of success is dependant upon dex and your

comparative level to your opponents.  

This is a passive skill, in that there is no need to type in any command

for an attempt at dodging.



16 0 2 Doing_quest~
.See "help quest_functions".



0 0 0 Donate~
.A lot of time and effort have gone into creating this mud.  Although

donations are not required to play the mud, they do show that a player

appreciates the work that is done on the game.  It is difficult to put

many hours of work (some of it not particularly enjoyable) into a project

without getting compensated for it.  The request is $20 per student and

$30 per non-students per year.  Any character you create will be flagged

as having donated, which will let immortals know that you do care about

the mud surviving and will help cover expenses.  The method of payment is

to mail a check to the following address.  US currency is preferred.

Alan Button

1630 Nottingham Dr

Hummelstown, PA 17036


I do not make a profit off this mud and right now expenses are way above

donations so complaints about this request will be forwarded to /dev/null.



16 0 2 Done_quest~
.See "help quest_functions".



0 0 5 Dragon strike~
.Dragon strike is a monk ability very similar to tiger paw but more

powerful.  A monk will use this skill automatically when in battle and

unarmed.  The damage by a dragon strike is equivalent to the best of




0 0 19 Dragonspire Glacier~
.Deep in the Dragonspires lies an ancient and forgotten glacier.  Myths

and legends tell of a race of ice warriors that dwell in the glacier but

no reports have confirmed this.  Many travellers have attempted to

venture into the glacier and have never been heard from again.  Some who

have returned from the glacier to tell of a marvelous city of ice and

also the beasts that protect it.  For those brave enough to venture to

the glacier will find many challenges and the possibility of unheard

fortunes.  All those that do attempt the trek are warned to proceed with

caution as no one knows what truly lies along the path.



0 0 1 Drain life~
.This spell harnesses dangerous forces and it is rumored strange things

have occurred to clerics who cast it.  The spell steals some of the life

from the victim reducing their vitality and thus their hit points.  It is

a very useful spell when used by an experienced cleric.



16 0 2 Drain_exp~

drain_exp( char, value )


char  - Pointer to character to drain

value - Integer amount of exp to drain


Permanently remove experience points from a character.




drain_exp( ch, 30 );

drain_exp( ch, 2d10+30 );



16 0 2 Drain_stat~
.Topic:  drain_stat


drain_stat( char, stat, time, int )

char - Pointer to character to drain

stat - Stat to drain (str,int,wis,dex,con)

time - Integer number of minutes effect lasts

int  - Integer either -1 or 1 for ammount to drain.


Despite the name, this can now be used to both drain a stat and add to a

stat.  The affect is temporary and determined by the time integer.

(Please note that drain_stat does not affect Immortals)


drain_stat( ch, wis, 2, -1 )  // Drains ch's wis by a point for 2 minutes.

drain_stat( ch, str, 3, 1 )  // Raises ch's str by 1 for 3 minutes.



4194304 0 16 Dset~

dset                 : display exit statistics

dset <field> <value> : sets the field to the given value

Allowed Fields = { name, keywords, strength, key, strength, size }


1 : Currently does nothing


@I This is the command to set the various values on an exit.  The name

field should be obvious.  The keywords are additional words that can be

used to reference the exit.  The direction of the door and the name of

the door are by default checked.  The key is key used to unlock the door. 

The strength is a number from 1 to 10 describing how resistant to being

broken down the door is.  Ten implies the door is completely impossible

to batter down.  A value of 3 would be a flimsy wooden door and a value

of 7 would be a very sturdy wooden door.

See also: dflag, dedit, dstat



4194304 0 16 Dstat~

dstat <direction> : displays stats for exit


This should be self-evident.



0 0 19 Dump~

A wonderous collection of trash is piled up in the Terr'kaa's Dump south

of Medienne.  Some say that while walking through the piles you can hear

the faint crazed mumblings of the caretaker of the dump, Terr'kaa himself. 

But beware of the horrors that sit waiting behind the iron barred gates,

for it has eaten its share of daring adventurers.



131088 0 25 Durabilities~
.What follows are suggested max values for mundane items made from various

metals and materials.  Durabilities on any item over the suggested max

for its material type should increase the base cost of the item by 1% per

point of durability over the suggested max.

Glass/Cryst. :  100-300

Light Cloth  :  300

Heavy Cloth  :  400

Soft Leather :  500

Obsid. Armor :  550

Hard Leather :  600

Wood Weapons :  650

Leath/Metal  :  650-700   *studded to ringmail*bone items here*

G/S/C/P      :  700-750   *non-solid to solid*

Bronze/Elec  :  750-800   *non-solid to solid*

Iron         :  850-900   *non-solid to solid*

Steel/Kryn.  :  950-1000  *non-solid to solid*

Mithril      : 1050-1100  *non-solid to solid*

Adamantine   : 1150-1200  *non-solid to solid*



0 0 10 dwarves~
.@GAverage Statistics for Dwarves@n

Height: male and female about 3'6" - 4'6"

Hair: primarily black to dark brown, lighter brown

      and blond are rare.  Gray in old age.

      ALL DWARVES (male and female) HAVE BEARDS.

Eyes: Black, brown, gray, green, and rarely blue iris.

      White around the iris, though the iris is large.

Affiliation: Dwarves are a light race.

Appearance: Dwarves are noted primarily for two traits.

First, dwarves are shorter than humans and have broad shoulders.

Second, all dwarves have beards.  While you could possibly shave every

day, every other dwarf is encouraged to shun, taunt and torment beardless

dwarves at every given opportunity.

Dwarves tend to have hearty, strong appearances and are generally adapted

to living in the harsh conditions of the northern Cairn mountains.  They

frequently have dusky, leathery looking skin that protects them from both

chill wind, glaring sun and rugged terrain.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing a Dwarf@n

Dwarves come from a culture that cherishes two things above all others. 

Family and work.  Most dwarves will place family and clan above friends. 

Sure, a human makes a good aquaintence, but if it came to a choice of

friends of family, family will win hands down every time.

Since family is rarely threatened, except maybe by orc or goblin raids in

the mountains, outsiders more often see the dwarven work ethic come into

play.  A pride in work done, most often with the hands.  In many cases

this means well cared for equipment, fine smithing (one of major exports

of the main dwarven citadel, Kha-da) and a belief that a job worth doing

is worth doing right.

Most other races will see dwarves as obstinate and gruff.  These are more

realisticly just the visual appearance of their ethics.  If something

falls into a category their ethics already cover, it takes little thought

and there is almost no chance of changing a dwarf's mind once its made up

on such a basis.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Dwarves prize other dwarves above all else, making for a pretty gruff

appearance at best to outsiders they do like, let alone ones they don't.

Dwarves have an undying hatred for several races - among them goblins,

orcs, trolls and ogres.  Of these all, dwarves can not stand goblins who

are, to them, less than worthless theives who should be burried under the

next collapsed tunnel.

Vyans are perceived as a particularly sinister threat due to their

obvious intelligence and particularly vile brand of evil.

Elves are viewed with a measure of skepticism, at times bordering on

contempt.  Severe differences in dwarven and elven attitude make elves

seem capricious and frivolous, something no self-respecting dwarf would

find desirable (see notes on dwarven work ethic).

Humans, on the whole, are seen as unnecessarily volatile and a race which

really hasn't finished its adolesence, grown up, or figured out what it

wants to do with itself.

Lizardmen are considered somewhat of a boggle for dwarves, sharing no

common territories of cultural ideologies that would bring them closer

together or further apart.

Gnomes are considered to be most agreeable, sensible folks closest to

dwarves in attitude and demeaner.

Halflings are considered somewhat reliable if a bit too care-free and are

viewed somewhere between gnomes and humans.  While they can be sensible

folk when it comes to settling down and tilling the earth or working, and

they don't just rush into things, they are just so darned merry all the

time even when there's no good reason to be.



0 0 5 Eagle Claw~
.A monk strikes out with speed and great damage when they use @Geagle

claw@n.  Their fingers become talon-like, and cause great harm to those

against whom they fight.



0 0 1 Eagle eye~
.A spell that uses many of the same principles that See Invisible uses, it

is different in that it quickly bypasses the space/time dimension.  No

physical object is required for this spell, merely the name of the

creature that you seek information about.  It continues to prove that

there is much power that lies in a name.  Once the spell is complete, the

caster receives a vision of the area where the target is located.



128 0 0 Echo~

echo <text>


echo <text> - <text> is sent to each char on the mud (players and mobs,

though this doesn't normally affect mobs) exactly as if it were a

message from the server.  



0 0 8 Editor~

<subj>                   : displays subject being editted

<subj> #                 : delete the specified line number

<subj> <text>            : writes text at bottom of note/letter/desc

<subj> <even #>          : inserts blank line here

<subj> <even #> <text>   : inserts text between lines here

<subj> #-#               : formats lines in the specified range

<subj> ? <word1> <word2> : searches and replaces word1 with word2

<subj> ? '<phr1>' <phr2> : searches and replaces phrase1 with phrase2 (be

                           careful with search and replaces...editor

                           will replace ALL cases it finds)

<subj> undo              : copies the last editted text into the current




@I It is often simplest to write your message one sentence at a time etc.. 

This is so that you can insert lines of text between what you have

already written (use even line numbers for this) and format it

afterwards, using <subj> #-#, which will make your sentences into

organized paragraphs.


@I <subj> is any one of the following: note, mail, or desc.  There are

some editor functions that only work for a specific subject, so make sure

to read the help on @Enote@n, @Email@n, and @Edesc@n before going much

further, if you haven't already.

Example :

Typing "Desc 1 This is a test" would add "This is a test" as the first

line of your description.



16 0 19 Eerie Caverns~
.The trails around Kha-da have become much more dangerous to travel

recently.  While the dwarves have always had skirmishes with the goblins

around the area, something far more sinister seems to be hunting the high

mountain tracks.

While larger groups have been left unmolested, smaller groups have

disappeared entirely, often without a trace as if they had been snatched

from the ground.  Rumors abound about what could be happening, and even

ancient myths of a dragon that once prowled the icy peaks are being

dicussed hushedly by the concerned folk of Kha-da.

Perhaps because of this, goblin activity in the area has increased.

The goblins have taken advantage of the dwarves attention being focused

elsewhere, and have begun to multiply and grow stronger.  Some goblins

have been seen by patrols wearing dwarf armor, and once or twice have

even dared to attack the dwarves.

With the kobolds, goblins, and whatever is causing these mysterious

disappearances, Kha-da is under considerable stress.  Perhaps a brave

band of adventurers can discover and crush whoever or whatever is behind

the problems plaguing the beleagered dwarves of Kha-da.



0 0 9 Eleint~
.See help @bElves@n.



0 0 10 elves~
.@GAverage Statistics for Elves@n

Height: males about 4'8"-5'8"

        females about 4'6"-5'6"

Hair: typically straight.  Light colors (white/blond) to a darkish brown.

      Very rarely black.  Elves have no facial hair.

Eyes: Almond-shaped / up-slanted eyes in colors of primarily

      brown or blue, though other colors such as amber, lavender

      or other light colors are not wholely uncommon.

Affiliation: Elves are a light race.

Appearance: Elves look much like humans though they generally have a

smaller, slenderer build than humans.  Elves tend to have smooth,

unblemished skin ranging in all normal human skin tones and what humans

would refer to as an ethereal beauty.  Their skin tone is almost always

touched by the healthy glow of sunlight or the silver sheen akin of

moonlight.  Their appearance often gives them an air of regal grace and

their stoic appearance gives them a haughty, uncaring appearance.

Elves age extremely slowly.  You probably won't see wrinkles before they

reach at least a good 500-600 years old, and even then it would be very

faint and hard to notice them for a few hundred more years.  Elven hair

typically does not turn gray or white from age until they reach about a

thousand years of age, if at all.

Elves have ears that are upswept and pointed.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing an Elf@n

Elves refer to themselves not as elves, but as llewyrr; elf being a term

humans devised.  All elves on ForestsEdge originated from the Vaasa,

whether that means they were born there, their parent were, or at the

most their grandparents were.  The elves of the Vaasa share a very strong

sense of cohesiveness, primarily due to their status as an elder race in

tune with all the forces of nature.  For this reason the elves of the

Vaasa consider any elf kindred, even if that elf was born outside the

Vaasa and knows nothing of it.

Elves tend to hold themselves aloof from all races save other elves and

occasionally ents.  Long years of dealing with dark races followed by

long years of miscommunication between humans and elves (resulting in

several wars, the most recent of which nearly destroyed Medienne and only

ended a scant few decades ago) has caused the elves as a race to become

withdrawn from other races.

Elves tend to prefer nature colors of green and brown that helps them

blend in to the surrounding forest.  Many elves born outside the Vaasa

prefer to wear other colors chosen to display their ethereal beauty to

its best advantage, another trait Vaasa born elves tend to eschew as much

as calling themselves elves.

@yRacial Relations:@n

After centuries of dealing with the hostile invasions of outsides elves

are quite withdrawn.  They view only elves and ents as trusted insiders.

Elves consider halflings a joy of the world and view them as one might a

cute child, though they offer them the respect due their age.

After losing the whole of the Medienne wood, once a part of the Vaasa, to

the humans and years of warfare humans and elves have only recently begun

to trust one another again.  Elves consider humans a goodly race, though

once betrayed are quite willing to hunt down humans on an individual


Elves treat lizardfolk, dwarves and gnomes with caution having little

understanding of what drives them nor reason to distrust them.  As they

serve the light they make good allies in a pinch and, at the least, they

are less mercurial than humans.

Elves hate all races that serve the dark (goblins, orcs, ogres, and

trolls) but they especially loathe their close kin the Vyans.  Vyans are

quite obviously related to elves though a distant schism between the two

races has caused an enmity that has become the typical embodiment of

light versus dark.



0 0 0 Email_changed~
.Your email address has been changed.



0 0 14 Emote~

emote <text> 


@ISometimes the socials available (see @Ehelp socials@n) do not contain

that very special action you wish to perform in front of others.  To

tailor your expressive feelings, you can use the emote command.  An

example: typing 'emote wails like a banshee', will have other players in

the room see <your name> wails like a banshee.


Emote is NOT to be used as a means of circumventing language barriers.



0 0 19 Enchanted Garden~
.It is said that many years ago, a young woman fled the horrors of the war

ravaged Medienne.  After travelling through the forest, she found a quiet

spot and began living a life of solitude.  Loneliness eventually began

to affect her mind, and rather then turn outwards for companionship, she

decided to create them.

A brave traveller exploring Medienne Forest has told a tale of meeting an

old woman who dwells near a wondrous garden.  Whether she is the woman of

legend remains to be seen.



0 0 3 Enter_Acnt~

Please enter the name of the account you have created on this server.  If

you have not created one, relogin and choose option 1 of the main menu to

get the account menu and then option 1 to create an account.  If you have

an account but have forgotten the name/password, use option 4 of the

account menu to request that information be emailed to you.



0 0 10 Ents~
.@GAverage Statistics for Ents@n

Height: males about 6'6" - 7'6"

        females about 6'10" - 8' tall.

Hair: Bristly or "twiggy" in earthy tones

      Primarily dark to light browns, red-brown, sandy-blond and

      shades of gray and sometimes black.

      Most ents, but not all, including females have bristly/twiggy beards.

Eyes: Also in earthy colors.  Blacks, grays, browns and greens

      predominate though silver and gold are not unheard of.

      Their iris extends to the edge of the eye (no white exposed).

Affiliation: Ents are a light race.

Appearance: Ents have craggy, tough skin that is usually a dark brown and

looks surprisingly like troll skin (only without the warts, bristly hair,

or slime).  Ents have wide feet with seven toes on each foot but ents

still only have 5 fingers on each hand.  Ents tend to have bulky physical

forms (unless you've given your character a very low strength and

constitution).  Ents are not treants and do not have bark, sap or leaves.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing an Ent@n

The ent is the largest of the humanoids that tends towards the side of

light and goodness and, as such, most are slow to anger realizing their

great size and strength can cause great devastation and they would not

want to cause undue harm to innocents by mistake.  Somewhere in the

time-shrouded past ents became the primary caretakers of the plants of

the ancient forests, primarily the Vaasa, and they usually live

peacefully among the elves of the wood.  Most ents are slow to speak or

act as they have long life-spans and have lived so long tending the great

and ancient plants of the Vaasa that they have become accustomed to the

slow pace of life, having time to consider without rash action.

@yRacial Relations:@n

After long association with the elves of the Vaasa, ents consider them

good friends.

Somewhere in the past ents and halfling met and each seem to share

stories about the other race and consider each other good folk.  Ents

find great amusement in watching the apparantly hasty, but good-natured

doings of halflings.

Ents deal fairly with gnomes and dwarves as they are usually known to

serve the forces of light and goodness, though ents tend to readily admit

they do not understand these ground-dwelling races.

Ents deal with humans and lizardfolk fairly as well and more frequently

than gnomes and dwarves.  Most often humans and lizardfolk are dealt with

on a case by case basis as both races seem to fall squarely in the middle

of the matter of light versus dark.

Being a race that so whole-heartedly accepted the tenets of light, ents

typically abhor any race that serves the dark (goblins, orcs, ogres,

trolls and vyans) and would be hard-pressed to come to simple terms with

one who professed to have a goodly nature.  In time, perhaps, a member of

the dark races could prove themselves to an ent, but far too frequently

such tactics have been little more than ploys to wreak more havoc upon

ents or elves.



0 0 19 Ethereal Efreets~
.A poor lost soul has stumbled across a powerful item, an artifact which

was never meant to be touched by human hands.  The power of magick of the

artifact, the ethergem, drove the man to madness, and he began using the

power of the gem to create a portal to the ethereal plane from out own

world.  Once He had found his way across the dimensional barrier, his

madness only grew worse.  Coming to another great barrier, that of the

ends of the ethereal plane itself, he summoned hordes of terrible efreets

to guard him as he worked on a way to break down the final barrier.


In the five hundred years since his sanity left him, he has not found a

way to cross the final threshhold into the unknown beyond.


Nor has he given up his mad quest.


In the end, should he succeed, the poor madman could possibly destroy the

material plane as we know it.


It is said that the gateway can be found across a hidden stream on a

hidden trail in the southeast.



0 0 3 Existing_Acnt~

An account with that or a similar name already exists.  Please try again

using a different account name.



0 0 3 Existing_Email~

An account has already been registered for this email address.  Since

their is no advantage to having more than one account per email address

other than deception this is forbidden.

[ Press return to contine ]



0 0 24 Eye Gouge~
.The most nimble and dexterous of thieves, after years of experience

stabbing their opponents, have perfected their aim, and are able to gouge

out their foe's eyes, rendering them blind for the duration of their

lives.  Of course, even the most practiced can miss, and will be punished

for their clumsiness.  In order to perform this correctly, the thief need

only type 'gouge' followed by the name of their foe.



0 0 8 Faction~


recruit <person>

expell <person>

fcreate <faction name>


The faction system here provides a means for players to band together in

a semi-permanent group for any number of purposes.  




0 0 0 Factions~
.Factions will work as follows:

Player is born into a @bClan@n.  This is based on the character's assume

place of origin/nationality.



0 0 1 Faerie fire~
.Faerie fire surrounds the victim with a glowing aura which makes them

easier to hit.  



0 0 0 fame~

identity :: one of several categories listed is your character's fame.


Fame is determined by the experience you gain per kill.  To see the fame

spectrum, type define fame.


The following is a list of the orders of fame: unknown, obscure,

marginal, familiar, known, famous, renowned, legendary.



0 0 11 Familiars~
.Familiars are magical pets which are available only to mages.  Through

the use of the spell @EFind Familiar@n, a wizard magically bonds himself

with a creature in a symbiotic relationship.  A mage may only have one

familiar per level.

While generally not very strong fighters, familiars offer other

advantages to their masters.  Through the use of the @Eswitch@n command,

a mage may 'see' Through the eyes of his or her familiar.  [In playing

terms, you can operate the familiar, moving about and such as if you

actually were the familiar.] This can make familiars excellent scouts, or

guards for a wounded mage, and some familiars have special abilities or

resistances.  See also the @EPet@n command on naming your familiar, and

Option @EPet Assist@n for information on whether or not you wish your

familiar to assist you in battle.



0 0 1 fear~
.Powerful magicians are able to instill fear in their opponents, despite

their relatively unintimidating appearance.  This spell, when successful,

causes their foe to cringe in fear and lose an attack, when unsuccessful,

an ordinarily peaceful creature will attack.



0 0 3 Features_1~

                   *** Welcome to The Forest's Edge ***

Forest's Edge is a medieval/magic based multi-user dungeon.  In it you

will find elves, goblins, dragons and many other mysterious beasts.  For

players who are accustomed to muds a list of features is given below to

aid in determining if entering the game is of interest to them.

* All areas are unique to this mud.

* Settable aliases.

* Automated auction.

* All items/pets save and there is no rent.

* Introduction/Befriend Commands with no internal limits to how many

    people you can know.

* Mail System.

* Reagent based magic system with spells that can be leeched.

* Shops can customize items given the correct ingredients.

* Hierarchy based skill system where skills improve with use.

* Multiple items treated correctly, i.e. 2*loaf = two loaves of bread.

* Races which make a difference - trolls can eat corpses, etc.

* Banks which can store gold as well as equipment.

[Enter a return for next page]



0 0 3 Features_2~
.-- This page is still under construction. --

[Press enter to continue]



16 0 18 Felons~
.A list of players who have incurred the wrath of an imm, and why:

Phule - general miscreant and all-around goodfernothing.  should be

ignored at all costs.


Have banned site -- same person (juen fie

highest ranked, at least two different accounts) was trading equipment

with himself, etc.) has been banned for multiple problems, including

multiplaying.  Existing players have been warned not to multiplay again

at risk of account purge.  Also included are other .sg sites and, which are the same players' alternate sites.  As of

10/21/96 I personally (Kaos) have had three of these players admit to me

that they were doubleplaying when caught.  Please keep a good eye on

these people.


Goldust and Kelly seem to be multying.  They have same address but

different accounts.


Lu bu ( spams deaths =) His site was banned

already, so I've also banned him and froze him in jail just to be safe. 



banned delmair and all his other names for being caught multi-ing

and killing mobs for his other self


Banned Feilong (yet another player) for logging on as

Sasani, dropping all of his equipment on Swiftie (a friend), then logging

on as Feilong and getting the equipment from Swiftie.  I asked him if he

realized that was against the rules and he began arguing.  He said he

know doing it from character to character was wrong but didn't understand

that THAT is what he did.  He said he's been warned by an Imm before, so

I saw no reason to refrain from banning him.


--Addendum: Lifted the ban temporarily.  If he attempts this again, I'm

all for account deletion :P 

Martcan/Gabool/Gandolf/ad nauseum -- Has been warned about 5 minute rule

re: multiplaying.  He's a known multiplayer with mucho attitudo.  Will

ban him next time he fails to observe time limits b/c I'm not sure at all

he's not dropping eq in out-of-the-way places.  <<Caer>> 

CAUGHT HIM 2/1/97 *dance* -- merior


Banned Dragonball/Wufan/Wukong for multiplaying.  Told him to knock it

off, and after a lot of wrangling Wufan finally logged out.  Logged on a

couple of minutes later when he thought no one was looking.  Logged out

again when I showed up.  When he came back the third time, I banned the

account.  2-14-97. <Kreel>


Banned Siphus moore for assigning his familiar to follow people and steal

skins from new kills.  Have had multiple problems with him/his account

since he first logged on, as GC can attest.  Friend of Siphus came on and

claimed he got no warning, etc, which is - of course - false. 


Banned account of Author-Ax.  Renamed him twice in 5 minutes and returned

to waste yet more of my and Kreel's time.  Kaos 

Celar had problem with pkill, was evil and killed.  Was informed I would

be right there, when I was not quick enough, Celar promptly gossiped a

quite inappropriate statement.  I deducted half Celar's gsp_points and

warned them not to do it again.  Set Celar to alignment neutral so he'd

leave off about pkill.  Please don't switch him to anything else now 


Requem/Lorst is from Chebutco banned sight.  Ban was lifted so he can

make an accountm, was oked.  If he asks for password to Lorst, or wants

to the character, tell him no.  If he begins causing trouble, he was

warned..  if he gets banned, he gets no more chances.


Watch out for Goldust and Feilong.  Feilong asked Terek a question, then

went link dead.  He logged on a moment later, then Goldust told Terek

"This is Feilong.  Can I ask you a question?" Made *me* laugh.


Banned account of porno.  If that isn't reason enough, he told me to fuck

off when I asked him to change the name of his character PUNKER.  <Kreel>

Banned Karuz.  Caught him trading eq between Karuz and Adventus.  Warned

him and made him return eq.  He then gave all the Adventus eq to Randy,

who later gave it all to Karuz.

Warned Assamit in Caer's presence about auctioning eq for one of his

other chars who logged in and bid on it.  He has been warned and knows he

will be banned if it should happen again.  *Fen* 



0 0 12 Fifth Attack~
.This skill gives another chance to attack in a round.  Only monks and

warriors are able to achieve this level of fighting skill.



0 0 8 Fill~

fill <container> <source>


Fill is used to top off half-empty waterskins, or in the transferral of a

liquid from If you have a half-empty waterskin, or wish to transfer a

liquid from one one container to another.  Some examples: 

fill waterskin fountain : fills your waterskin from the local fountain

fill cup waterskin : would fill a cup with the contents of a waterskin



0 0 14 Filter~

filter <name> : start/stop filtering a person

filter        : display list of people whom you are filtering


Filter blocks both tells and messages on the global channels by a person

from being seen.



0 0 1 Find familiar~
.Find familiar is the mid-level spell which allows a mage to find just the

perfect beast to meld with.  It can be successfully cast once per the

mage's level and a mage can only have one familiar at any given time. 

The familiar must be attracted by a specific type of reagent, and vary

based upon the mage's alignment.


Familiars are not always as strong as many pets, but the mage has the

ability to view and act through it's eyes, making them good scouts.

can also be used to get into small areas.  Also, some familiars are

highly magical, and bestow magical abilities upon their master, when with



To switch into your famliar, the command is @Gswitch@n.  To return to

your body, the command is @Greturn@n.


Possible familiars for good-aligned mages are: ulannu jays, giant white

rabbits, white cats, fades, white riding horses, woodworm adults, war

dogs, mother eagles, white stags, and motes.  Neutral mages may bond with

moose, giant brown rabbits, tabby cats, brown bears, grey wolves, riding

horses, psuedo-dragons, giant preying mantises, adult white-tailed

eagles, and stags.  Evil-aligned mages may choose from twisted foxes,

wasps, bone bears, twisted wolves, black riding horses, screech owls,

mountain lions, giant bats, rabid dogs, or ornacs.  By the time a mage

reaches the level of being able to find their perfect familiar, they

should know these beasts well enough to know what is likely to attract




0 0 1 Find Mount~
.Paladins are long accustomed to fighting with the aid of a mount.  After

many, many years of buying and training these special companions, a very

skilled paladin is able to use their bond with their god to summon just

the right mount.  Although a number of different reagents can be used to

summon their ideal mount, a wise paladin selects the correct one without

error.  From ancient lore kept by bards, the following mounts have been

known to serve paladins when called upon: 

           Good Mounts                              Evil Mounts

           -----------                              -----------

           @YHippocampus                              @RThundermare

       @YTrained War Stallion                      @RStallion of Flame

           @YBattle Lion                            @RShadow Stallion

            @YMistmare                                @RRed Wyvern

          @YCopper Dragon                            @RBattle Panther

           @YAndrosphinx                              @RHydrosphinx

            @YPegacorn                                @RBlue Dragon

          @YSpirit Horse                           @RVampiric Erguroth

        @YSilvery @YPegasus                              @RNightmare

        @YGolden Griffon                             @RBlack Griffon



16 0 2 Find_clan~

find_clan( char )


char - Pointer to character


Retrieves the clan of character char.


clan value of char (secomber,eleint,stahl,outcasts,elemental,monk,etc)


if( find_clan( ch ) == Immortal )

  send_to_char( "You are a god", ch );



16 0 2 Find_room~

find_room( rnum )


rnum - Integer number of room


Retrieves a pointer to a room.  Remember that any functions requiring a

room value needs a pointer, not a room number.  Thus, you will have to use

find_room() to get the pointer for the room you indend to act on.  


Pointer to room


send_to_room( "Hello", find_room( 10 ) );   // sends message to room #10

room = find_room( 101 );

open( room, east );                         // opens east exit in room #101



16 0 2 Find_skill~

find_skill( char, skill )


char  - Pointer to character to get skill value

skill - Name of skill (This includes any skill on abil p, w, l, or s.)


Retrieves the skill level a character has in specified skill.


integer skill level of character's specified skill


if( find_skill( ch, climb ) > random( 13, 18 ) ) {

if( find_skill( ch, sneak ) < 15 ) {



16 0 2 Find_stat~

find_stat( char, stat )


char - Pointer to character to get skill value

stat - Name of stat (str, wis, int, dex, con, level, align )

[ to find class was changed to class( ch ), race is race( ch ) ]


Retrieves char's stat value for the specified stat.

For alignment, 0 == lawful good, 8 == chaotic evil. (see align_values)


integer value of specified stat


if( find_stat( ch, dex ) > 13 )

  send_to_char( "Your pretty quick", ch );

@bSee also: class_values, align_values@n



0 0 19 Fire Newts~
.Brithbarad has been abustle about rumors of an underground cavern located

somewhere north of the city.  Several orcs have come home with fiery

lacerations on their bodies, but they are silent about it and only curse

their luck at not finding the treasures believed to have been there. 

Reports of strange, red lizards have been the talk of the town as well,

and many believe these creatures responsible for an orc chieftain who was

found dead from burning scars just outside the rumoured area.



0 0 1 Fire shield~
.A potent spell, recently arrived to the continent from distant lands. 

The target of this enchantment becomes engulfed in leaping flames of

burning blue and white-hot amethyst.  While he himself cannot feel the

raging heat give off by this globe of crackling flame, those which try to

do damage to his person must penetrate the flames in order to reach him.



0 0 1 Fireball~
.A potent spell which harnesses the unpredictable energies of magical fire. 

Some flint is used as a trigger for the spell.  The spell creates a

very small sphere of oscillating yellow-white which drifts almost lazily

from the caster's fingertip.  At a completing word of power, the sphere

explodes.  Some of the more powerful magi have been known to channel

enough energy through the gate, that things are actually blown out of the




0 0 1 flame strike~
.More than just a more powerful version of fireball, this high level mage

spell unleashes elemental fire upon its target.  The mage draws in the

power of his or her surroundings and unleashes that power in the form of

a streak of white-hot flame which engulfs the victim.



0 0 12 Flee~

flee : attempts to make you flee from current battle

flee <direction> : attempts to flee from battle in a specified direction


This command is very useful when you find that you are in a losing battle

situation.  You lose some experience points for fleeing with amount loss

dependent on how powerful and badly hurt the foe is.  However, the amount

loss is usually minimal compared to the amount loss from death.  So

sometimes it may be better to flee to live to fight another day, rather

than be brave and die today.

NOTE: This command is not fail proof, and you may sometimes not be able

to flee due to lack of movement points, being bashed, bad luck, or


See also help wimpy and help pray.



0 0 1 float~
.This spell gives one the power to float an inch or two above the ground,

often costing them less moves then ordinarily required.  It is still

possible to trip or fall over obstacles that are well above the surface.



16 0 0 Force~

force <char> <command>


force <char> <command> - Forces <char> to execute <command>, just as if

they had typed it.  



0 0 19 Forgotten Tombs~
.Long before cities were established, the races were barbaric and

scattered across the realm.  Some met and traded basic goods, but others

were not even this advanced.  Nearly all of these peoples lived in tribes

and clans.

One such clan was the Clan of the Wolf, who took shelter in caverns and

hunted for their food.  What is known about this clan of primitive humans

has only recently been discovered.  By sheer chance, the caverns they

resided in have been discovered and partly explored.  Found just north of

the present day city of Chiiron, the secrets remaining within the Wolf

Clan's caverns and tombs are currently unknown.



0 0 12 Fourth Attack~
.Only Rangers, Paladins, Monks, and Warriors can reach this level of skill. 

It allows for the possibility of another attack per round.  Finding a

teacher for this skill is difficult.



16 0 1 Freeze~

The older sibling of the @b@Bchilling touch@n spell, freeze acts upon but

a single target.  It does, however, inflict a great deal of bitterly-cold

damage upon the unfortunate victim.



16 0 0 freeze_cmd~

@gfreeze@n <char>   : Disables/enables a character's ability to play.


Using the freeze command disables any input from the player's keyboard. 

This is a command used for primarily bad little mortals who go psycho,

but it can also be used when people don't stop emoting during weddings. 

Caer was very fond of this.

Use this command very sparingly.



0 0 12 Frenzy~
.It is not uncommon in the heat of a battle, when a warrior has

voluntarily gone berserk, to suddenly go into an additional moment of

frenzy, doing even more damage to their foe.



0 0 7 Freylia~
.@WName:@n @YFreylia Lightfoot@n

@WAlignment:@n @YNeutral Good@n

@WSymbol:@n @YWhite rose etched into a blood-red shield.@n

@WWorshippers:@n @YHalflings and those who enjoy festivals.@n

@WAppearance:@n @YA muscular female halfling with braided snow-white hair and

          a red rose tattoo on her brow.@n


Freylia is the the patron diety of halflings and when she visits them she

appears in the form of a muscular female with braided snow-white hair.

Her domain is that of festivals and parties which halflings enjoy more than

than any other race in the realms.  Although being the goddess of festivals

Freylia is also the halfling diety of battle and courage.  Many a foe

has made the mistake of thinking Freylia is a frail being and paid the

ultimate price, for when she is angered, her wrath is devastating.

Most of the time though Freylia enjoys frolicking amidst her people and

has been known to make her presence known by throwing wild parties which

tend to last several days long.  Those who worship the goddess are known

to pay tribute in her home temple in Shadybrook by offering large quantities

of tarts and other fine pastries.  Those whom come to her for battle prayers

bring their weapons and many a halfling has said to have left with

a masterfully crafted shield bearing her mark.  Although Freylia is the patron

to halflings she welcomes all races with open arms except for those whom walk

the path of evil, who she views as nothing more than destructive peons

whom will eventually fight themselves to extinction.



16 0 2 Functions~
.The functions command displays a list of all functions available.  Help

on individual functions can be gotten as well.  If you are unable to get

help on a function due to a name conflict with other help files, tack a

'(' character on the end of the function name, for example to get help on

the attack function type "help attack(".  


To automatically indent code, type '<code> indent' where code is the type

of coding you are working on.  For example, 'acode indent', 'mpcode

indent', etc.  NOTE: Indenting will not work unless the code is spaced

correctly, and all {}'s are in the proper place.  Loops and if statements

are particularly choosy about this.


Statements not found with the function command:


  Stops execution of code and allows parser to continue evaluating

  the command line.  Note that by default, an action over-rides the

  command processor, so if you want (for instance) a leaving trigger

  to allow the triggerer to leave, you must use continue;, otherwise

  they will stay put.


  Stops execution of code.

@b@Wif( expression ) { < statment(s) > }@n

@b@Welse { <statment(s) > }@n

  If expression evaluates to TRUE (non-zero), the statement (no {}'s) or

  statements (needs {}'s) are executed.

  Else statment (no {}'s) or statements (needs {}'s) are executed.


  The ! symbol can be used to invert the expression (i.e. 0 becomes 1 or

  non-zero becomes 0 as in if( !rflag( reset0, room ) )).

@b@W==@n is equal to

@b@W!=@n is NOT equal to

@b@W>@n  is greater than

@b@W>=@n is greater than or equal to

@b@W<@n  is less than

@b@W<=@n is less than or equal to

@b@Wloop( macro ) { < statement(s) > }@n

  See "help loop(".


@CAlso see help AND, OR.



0 0 8 fyi~
.As a player, you are responsible for your own actions and your own

account.  If you give your password out or share your account with

someone else and they cuase trouble and get your account banned, then it

is as much your fault as theirs.  You will be held just as accountable as

they are.


You are responsible for following the @Cpolicies@n.


You are also responsible for keeping up with the changes of the mud. 

Look before you leap.  All major/important changes are posted on either

the @Cmotd@n, which you see on log in or can read through help, or on the

@Cannouncements noteboard@n.


If you charge into combat, only to find some command vital to your

success has changed, odds are it was posted and there will be no

reimbursements of death for it.  The exception to this rule is mobs. 

Sometimes (rarely) a mob may change a little.  If it is found that a mob

is extremely susceptable to some new skill, they may be granted something

to compensate.  It is always a good idea to @Cconsider@n a mob before

attacking it.  Look before you leap.


See also: help policies.



0 0 0 Game_Wizlocked~

>>>   TFE closed to players.




0 0 3 Gamedesc_1~
.                             W E L C O M E


This game is a role-playing adventure.  In it, you will experience many

joys, adventures, perils, and quite possibly face death.  We have worked

hard to convey to you our image of this world, and ask that in your

decision to join it you take a few things into consideration.  

First, in this world, it behooves you to chose a character style and 

follow it throughout your lifespan - people do not recognize you by name,

and must therefore become familiar with your style of speech and manner of

of actions. The setting of this game is a parallel universe to ours in a

time equivalent to our Dark Ages.

Second, we emphasize realism in this game.  This means that times are

quite tough for all players.  There are thieves and murderers, corrupt

guards and officials, and demonic cults.  By the same token, however,

there are an equal number of valiant knights and their vassals, holy

clerics, and wise mages.  Beware to treat all in such a manner that you

wish to be treated, and do not be gracious with trust - trust should be

earned, not given.  



0 0 3 Gamedesc_2~
.Third, we have a policy which states that the immortals of this mud shall

not interfere in player disputes. Should you and a fellow player find

yourselves at odds, then find an appropriate means to deal with it. Ask

a passerby to moderate your discussion, ignore each other, have it out in

battle, start a war between your clans, etc. Perhaps you may even wish to

pray to your chosen deity for guidance.

Fourth, much adventure lies in the completion of campaigns. You will be

required to complete numerous campaigns throughout your lifespan here. It

is our policy that players not share information regarding campaigns with

other players. We actively enforce this by modifying campaigns on a per-

character basis, so that no two campaigns are ever exactly the same.

Additionally, we are working on an extensive faction system, whereby

players are brought into the game belonging to no faction, and may be

recruited into a faction once playing.  The factions will have a loosely

defined power structure which will will be as volatile as the members of

the faction.  It is not uncommon for a faction leader to be unseated by a

an underling, nor is it unheard of to find that two factions have merged

to become more powerful.  Factions are both tools of strategic importance

and means of safety for their members.  Take great care in your




0 0 8 gates~

pull lever - Will usually open a city gate for you from the inside.

knock gate - Will usually open a city gate for you from the outside.


Some city entrances may vary.  When in doubt, read the room descriptions,

or examine the items in the room to figure out the syntax for opening

doors, gates, items, hidden entrances and etc.



16 0 2 get_size~

get_size( character )


character - pointer to person whose size is being checked



returns a value for the character's size.  Useful for making small holes

and such, that allow only sprites or rats through, etc.

size values are as follows:

     Ant - 0     Rat - 1     Dog - 2

   Gnome - 3   Human - 4    Ogre - 5

   Horse - 6   Giant - 7 Elephant - 8

Dinosaur - 9




if( get_size( ch ) < 6 )    // checks to see if character is smaller than

                               a horse.  If so, procede with plans.



0 0 1 gift of tongues~
.This spell enables the person it is cast upon to understand and speak in

all the languages used by mortals who populate this realm.  High-level

clerics are able to cast it upon themselves in order to better spread the

word of their god amongst their followers; others may occasionally find

an item to help them temporarily communicate with others.



0 0 19 Glory Hole Mine~
.@I Stories are often told of a great mine that yielded vast quantities of

gems and other wealth to the gnomes.  The mine was called the Glory Hole,

and for centuries it brought great wealth to the gnomes of Orlumber.  The

gnomes delved deep into the earth in search of wealth, and it seemed to

some that the Glory Hole would never run out of riches.  A steady stream

of gems and precious metals came from the mine.

@I Some tales say that something sinister happened in the mine, that the

gnomes came upon and loosed a great evil deep within the bowels of the

earth.  Others merely say that the mine stopped producing and was

abandoned.  The truth may never be known.



0 0 10 gnomes~
.@GAverage Statistics for Gnomes@n

Height: males about 3'6" - 4'6"

        females about 3'4" - 4'4"

Hair: most commonly darker shades of black or brown though

      shades of blond and grey are not unheard of.

      A dusky red is, at best, quite rare.

Eyes: Brown, Blue, Green, Grey (usually dark) and black.

      large pupils centered in large irises surrounded by white.

Affiliation: gnomes are a light race.

Appearance: Gnomes are shorter than humans, typically more slender than

halflings, and less broad than a dwarf.  Though gnomish skin tones run

through all normal human ranges, they tend more frequently toward duskier


Gnomes frequently have large facial features that stand out by human

standards.  Large noses or ears and, of course, their big eyes, making

them look a bit unusual by human standards.  Gnomes are typically not

what a human would term cute, though there are plenty of gnomes that do

look very much like simple, short humans.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing a Gnome@n

Gnomes are considered to be small, industrious workers and are known to

produce excellent spell-casters.  In temperament they are indeed

industrious as well as curious.  They tend to have an innate curiosity

about how things work and want to disassemble, study and reassemble

anything that can be taken apart, fixed or improved.  It is this

curiosity, coupled with their tendency to study the most minute details

to death, that has lead to the fame of many a gnome wizard or inventor.

Gnomes are most comfortable living in an underground city or burrow, or in

a small home on a rolling hill in some bucolic country setting.  In the

past, most gnomes lived around their great underground city of Orlumber

and conducted trade with humans in both Pennan and Narak and the dwarves

of Kha-da.  Since the destruction of Orlumber by vyans the gnomes have

moved to wherever the manage to feel comfortable.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Sharing a number of traits with them, gnomes tend to get along best with

dwarves and mix well in settings suited to both races, though not without the occasional misunderstanding or cross-cultural problem.

To gnomes, the elves are a complete mystery.  Elven behavior is

considered inexplicable, mystifying and frustrating to most gnomes. 

Their most redeeming quality is the fact that they typically serve the

light, and thus, oppose those races that most often like to prey on


Gnomes have an even less positive contact with vyans, the dark elves, who

in past times have appeared out of nowhere to ravage and destroy the

works of the gnomes (including Orlumber).

Orcs, ogres, trolls and goblins come just behind vyans on the gnomes'

list of least favorite peoples.  Gnomes have a particular distaste for

goblins and categorically deny all claims that there is any similarity

between the two races.

Much like elves, gnomes are hard-pressed to understand the motives of

lizardfolk thus the dealings between the two races are infrequent and


Having insinuated themselves into human culture, gnomes have managed to

come to an easy peace with most humans and deal well with them.  After

all, humans travel wide and far and often manage to bring back

information and interesting things that gnomes just love to study.



0 0 19 Gnomish Picnic~
.A family of peaceful gnomes is out for for a nice picnic.  They've

brought their blanket and everything.  It's a beautiful day.  But the

children have started to wander out of control...



0 0 10 Goblins~
.@GAverage Statistics for Goblins@n

Height: males and females about 3'6" - 4'4"

Hair: Not all goblins have hair, in fact, many have none at all.

      When they do have hair it is usually black or brown and is

      usually caked in muck and filth.  Goblins have no facial hair.

Eyes: Like most of the dark races, goblins have eyes that are usually

      black and beady, though some have turned up with shades of

      dark brown, reddish brown, or a muddy-amber color.  The iris 

      extends to the edge of the eye with a pupil that dilates between

      a pinprick in size to large circle as lighting permits.

Affiliation: goblins are a dark race.

Appearance: goblins have wrinkled, carggy skin or smooth, greasy skin in

colors of greens and browns or patchy/mottled earth tone mixes.  Though

they have fewer warts and protuberances than orcs, ogres and trolls, they

are not completely free of them as a race.  Goblins tend to have sharp

teeth, though they are small and would not be called fangs by any

stretch of the imagination.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing a Goblin@n

Goblins are a tough and wily breed known for their extreme tolerance of

situations that would drive out most other races.  Their resistance to

disease and infection as well as their tendency to reproduce in great

numbers make them about as impossible to be rid of as cockroaches.  Most

often the truth of the matter is that the larger races goblins hang

around are better at digging out tunnels and caves and cast off more than

ample resources to provide goblins with all they need to survive. 

Unfortunately for the larger races this means that the goblins also have

free time to explore and be a general nuisance.

Goblins really could care less about wasting time on hygiene and actually

enjoy the feel of cool, slimy muck squishing between toes, fingers and

any other joint.  Their greatest joys in life are exploring everywhere,

everything, and gathering as many things as they can.  To most other

races this comes across as intrusion and theft, however, the goblins seem

to be one of the few peoples who truly understand and are happy with the

rule stating that possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Though goblins have pervaded everywhere there are generally only two

varieties to be found.  The more common is the typical small, smelly

green goblin.  The rarer white goblin is found only in the northern Cairn

mountains and have a tendency to be a bit larger and more organized than

their smaller cousins.  Though more organized, the white goblins seem to

be more like small orcs and tend to make poor spell casters.  Of the two

varieties, green goblins tend to make the better thieves and explorers

while white goblins tend to make better warriors and know how to dig in

and occupy an area.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Goblins are a very communal people and love to chatter away at each

other, though much of the conversation usually consists of "mine, mine,


Trolls and ogres are considered dangerous and insufferable because they

tend to use their superior size and strength to boss around the goblins. 

The only thing that makes being near them tolerable is the sheer amount

of useful goods they leave just lying around or cast off.

Orcs as bad as ogres and trolls, only what they lack in comparative

strength they make up for in organization and intellect.  Fortunately any

goblin can point out just why goblins are still the superior intelligence

of the four races.

Goblins will avoid dwarves when possible due to a long-standing dwarven

crusade to destroy all goblins.  Unfortunately they are all too good at

that task as goblins have learned.  Dwarves are the goblins most hated of

all races and any jab they can inflict on the race is worth getting in.

Elves are almost as bad as dwarves, though if it has been amply

demonstrated that if you leave them alone they will usually leave you


Vyans are an odd lot and, for those interested in attempting to wheedle

it out of them, are an excellent source one can learn magic from. 

Everything an elf could be is brought forth in what the vyans are. 

Unfortunately it also comes at the price of more insufferably bullying,

and with their swords and magic the vyans are quick to back up any

threats.  Still, they make excellent allies.

Gnomes, strangely, are a puzzle to goblins who figure that somehow the

races must be related, with gnomes the lesser relation in need of goblin

help, of course.  Why gnomes can't seem to learn to take orders and

continue to associate with races like dwarves is a source of constant

frustration to the goblins who would desperately like a new ally (or,

better yet, someone they could actually bully around).

Humans are a source of never-ending amazement, so long as you don't hang

out with the goody-goody ones that just want to kill you.  They build

dwellings almost everywhere, travel more than any other race and return

with so many neat things for goblins to appropriate.  Not to mention they

make the most amusing faces when they are forced to deal with goblins.

Halflings, as far as goblins are concerned, are just another race of

humans only shorter and more likely to be easier to boss around. 

Unfortunately they aren't quite as productive when it comes to

travelling and acquiring new things for goblins to appropriate.

Ents are a bit of a mystery.  They may look a bit like trolls but they

are neither as blatantly hostile nor as pleasing to the eye.  No slime,

no warts, and their skin almost looks more like bark than the nice

texture common to trolls.  Fortunately they do have the most interesting

responses when you uproot small plants or set larger ones on fire.



0 0 14 Gossip~

@Ggossip@n <message> : send <message> to the global gossip chat channel

@Ggossip@n           : toggle the gossip channel on/off


@IUse this channel for talking about mud related topics @bin character@n. 

Use of this channel also requires gossip points.  It costs ten gossip

points to gossip once.  The points accumulate over time, and unuse of the

gossip channel.  To see how many gossip points your character has

accumulated, type "score" (see @Ehelp score@n); the points are listed

under Gsp_points . 

@BSee also@N: @Ehelp channels@n



512 0 0 Goto~

goto <location>


goto <location> - Go to <location>.  <location> can be a room name, a

room number, a player name or a mob name.  (See `bamfin' and `bamfout'

for more information.) 



0 0 19 Graveyard of Castle Lag~
.(Isn't fully open butwill be)



262144 0 19 Great Ice Plain~
.Located deep within the bowels of the Dragonspires, it is rumored that

great winged ice demons reside, led by a powerful ice priestess and an

ice lord unmatched in battle prowess.



0 0 19 Great Snowy Plain~
.Located deep within the bowels of the Dragonspires, in an icy cavern

riddled with frost, it is believed that powerful ice demons reside there. 

While only legend, many tell a strange tale of a dwarven army that

attempted to destroy the foul beasts but failed; only one such dwarf is

rumored to have survived.  These demons, supposedly led by a powerful duo

of sorcerors, have been recently 'sighted,' with some even venturing to

believing the sightings as a warning of the prophecied 'Age of Frost.' 



0 0 1 greater animation~
.Calling upon the casters greater understanding of life and death and the

means by which corpses can be reanimated, this spell can be used to

reanimate a corpse with even greater power.  The corpses flesh will rot

away leaving behind a grisly skeleton that will be harder to hit and more

dangerous than its zombie counterpart.  Like its lesser zombie form, it

is slave to the caster's will, remains under the casters control only so

long as his or her power infuses it, and it is unable to heal from its

wounds.  This is an evil spell, favored generally by those to whom

involvement with the dead is no great moral quandary.


All undead created in this fashion are chaotic evil.  Infer what you will.



0 0 3 Greeting~


                             Thanks to

     Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Strfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.

    For many ideas and starting us down this twisting road of imagination.


 _____ _            _____                   _   _       _____    _            

|_   _| |__   ___  |  ___|__  _ __ ___  ___| |_( )___  | ____|__| | __ _  ___ 

  | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_ / _ \| '__/ _ \/ __| __|// __| |  _| / _` |/ _` |/ _ \

  | | | | | |  __/ |  _| (_) | | |  __/\__ \ |_  \__ \ | |__| (_| | (_| |  __/

  |_| |_| |_|\___| |_|  \___/|_|  \___||___/\__| |___/ |_____\__,_|\__, |\___|


                     [1] Account Menu

                     [2] Start a new character

                     [3] See feature list

                     [4] Read Policies

                     [5] DigitalNation

                     [6] Help with Connection Problems

        --* Or enter the name of an already existing character. *--



0 0 8 Group~

@Ggroup@n <player> : add/remove <player> to current group

@Ggroup@n all      : groups everyone following you

@Ggroup@n          : display the group you are in


@ITo add a player to your group have them @bfollow@n you then @bgroup@n

<player>.  When in a group you share xp with the other members of the

group, also when you have the @bauto_assist option@n on you will

automaticly assist those in your group in battle.



0 0 1 group serious~
.After many years of healing the hurt, clerics and paladins become more

proficient at their task, and find themselves able to heal more then one

person at a time.  Please note that the same restrictions regarding

healing those of other alignments apply to this as for one-on-one healing




0 0 0 Gsp_points~
.Gossip points are a method to limit the amount a player uses the global

channels.  The desire for this is due to some players having a tendency

to be rather loquacious if not somehow muffled.  A player begins the game

with a small amount which slowly increases to a maximum of 1000 with time.

Using chat or OOC costs 1 gossip point, gossip requires 10 and shout

requires 500.  Minor swearing invokes a penalty of 50 gossip points.  The

number of gossip points your character has is displayed on score.

See also: chat, gossip, shout, ooc



0 0 14 Gtell~

gtell <message> : tell <message> to all members of your group

gtell : list last five gtells you have received


Gtell, or "group tell", functions much the same as the conventional

@btell@n command, with the general exception that the message is shared

with everyone in your group.



0 0 12 Guard~

This skill lets those with advanced fighting skills prevent damage from

attacks by 'guarding' themselves.  Much like parry, this skill is




16 0 4 Guidelines~
.A list of basic guidelines and proper form for building:

@bRoom Names@n - Are similar to titles and should be capitalized as such.

@bRbugs@n - Use these.  If you no_mob a room, make it safe, or set an

unusual rflag, add a permanent rbug.  It saves time later in case of


@bMob treasure/items@n - Mobs should have logical eq and treasure.  A

rabid dog, or a shambling mound should not reset with coins, for example. 

Think of what a mob would logically use, and not just what would be a

'neat' item, when doing resets.  Helps the realism angle.

@bArea Layout@n - Long and unrealistic strings of rooms are *bad*. 

Ideally, players ought to be able to move in all directions at all times. 

If you don't want to build something to the north, come up with a

legitimate (or semi-legitimate, at least) reason why they cannot move in

a direction - a rushing river, a steep cliff, a thick wall of brambles,

*something*.  In any case, avoid long awkward paths - these will become

deathtraps once pkill is in.

@bAnachronisms@n - Anything which undermines the illusion of this world

should be avoided.  Cutsey jokes may be funny the first time, but after a

while they lose their humor and just detract from the roleplaying

environment.  Jokes that are in-character are better than good, but

comments about real life are out of place and time and therefore


@bItem Resets@n - Do not reset items of any significant value on the 

floor of rooms.  Even if guarded, eventually someone will be able to kill

the mob, quit, wait for repop, and repeat the process over and over to

get multiples of the item.

@bOriginality@n - No ripping off others' ideas.  Period.  We want all

original ideas, and while we're operating within a genre which owes a lot

to certain sources, let's not parrot back what's already been done.  Be

inspired by something, but take it somewhere new.  'Nuff said.

@bShopkeepers@n - These should be HIGH level, and have a summon function

with at least a 50% chance of summon each turn.  They should be able to

see invisible, detect hidden, and be resistant to poison and sleep in

order to foil players' constant attempts at larceny.  Armor shops should

not reset  above studded leather, with the exception of banded armor

in Kha-Da, and weapons shops' stocks should be comprised of bronze

weapons, with a few bits of iron and NO steel or + weapons.  This is an

adventure game, not an excursion to the mall.  Good items should be rare

and found in out-of-the way places, thereby giving incentive for players

to explore and take risks to get them.

@bProprietary Items@n - Certain items can only be found in certain places

in certain areas, and players have to go on a mini-search for them.  Be

careful not to reset such items elsewhere.  Before you reset an item,

make sure you know where else it is found, and whether your reset would

undercut a previously designed area.  When in doubt, post on the imm


@bRepair levels@n - set these on items.  Make them > 3 unless you want

players repairing the item once the repair skill is implemented.



0 0 8 Guilds~
.The Forest's Edge has no guilds per se.  Instead any mob can be a teacher

of any skill.  Most skills are taught by shopkeepers and a few dedicated

trainers.  To see if any mob in the room can teach any skills to you type

@hprac@n.  If there is a trainer in the room you will be told there is

nothing they can teach you or will be given a list of what they can teach

you and how much everything costs.  

See also: @hhelp prac@n @hhelp abil@n



0 0 6 Haggle~
.The art of buying and trading.  With this skill you can talk item prices

down in shops, or get more for items you bring in to sell.  A must-have

for any thief worth his coin.  This skill is automatic.  



0 0 10 Halflings~
.@GAverage Statistics for Halflings@n

Height: males about 3'2" - 4'

        females about 3'2" - 3'10"

Hair: Mostly shades of brown, some blond or red, rarely black.

      Facial hair is rare at best.

Eyes: Tending towards all natural human shades.

Affiliation: Halflings are a light race.

Appearance: Halflings look quite like human children until they reach

maturity.  They do develop wrinkles, graying hair and other human

attributes, only they retain their shorter stature.  Halflings most often

develop a stout build, some say due to the minimum of 5 meals a day they

tend to enjoy as opposed to the 3 a day most other races attend.  For

those with prior role playing experience; halflings are not hobbits.  We

aren't going to ban you for having hairy feet, but realize, it is not the


@GOptional Advice on Role Playing a Halfling@n

Halflings are typically good natured, care-free folk who are more

interested in settling down and enjoying life rather than adventuring. 

Since the idea of the game is to adventure, this means you are most

probably playing a halfling that is not quite that normal.  A normal

"adventuring" halfling is one who still values the good things in life:

good meals, good company, and cheerful surroundings.  Halflings are so

steeped in the realm of light and goodness (they can be no alignment but

good) that they tend to brighten any place they can go with a desire to

bring simple goodness with them.

The ideal adventure for your typical non-adventuring halfling would be

settingling down with friends in a nice tavern to tell tales and discuss

adventures while sharing food and drink.  Your average adventuring

halfling, while finding the same pursuit equally exciting, tends to want

to go see these places for themselves as well as talk about them.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Halflings, though typically shy around non-halflings, are found quite

frequently among dwarven and human settlements having insinuated

themselves quite merrily into both cultures.

Halflings tend to view elves with some awe, seeing in them their goodness

and ethereal beauty.  The fact that elves treat halflings as cheerful

little icons of goodness doesn't hurt either.

Gnomes are viewed as distant cousins as many of the same living

environments have been shared over time and few quarrels have resulted

over it.

Halflings detest goblins and orcs, the former race being nothing more

than a disruptive nuisance and the latter treating them no better than

they tend to treat goblin slaves.  Confrontations between these races

tends to be short and bloody.

Ogres tend to avoid halflings as the small race tends to annoy the large,

slow ogres.

Halflings tend to avoid trolls, as they look like a nice feast to most


Lizardfolk are viewed with as a curiosity, halflings having rare contact

with them and no basis for understanding the culture at all.



0 0 1 Hallucinate~
.Quite the nasty spell to use on your enemies.  The victim of such spell

sees things with an aura of life different from one moment to the next. 

One second he'll think you're an elf, and the next he'll be thinking

you're a treant, and the like.  Things get very confusing very fast.  



0 0 19 Hark's Finger~
.A solitary rock finger reaches high into the sky, piercing the rolling

green skyline of the Vaasa.  This ancient place of power, know as Hark's

Finger to the Llewyrr, has become the home of a band of stone giants who

occasionally roam the woods nearby capturing the unwary.  The stench of

death and the carnage of slaughter, both animal and sentient beings,

litters the ground near the home of these vicious giants.  Should you

happen upon their lair alone, you would be wise to retreat as fast as

possible lest they add you to their stew pots.



0 0 1 Harm~
.This damaging spell is a more powerful version of the cause spells,

but less powerful then the slay spell.



16 0 2 Has_obj~

has_obj( onum, char )


onum - Integer vnum of object to test for

char - Pointer to character to test


Checks character to see if they are holding/wearing object.


Pointer to object, if they have it

NULL if they dont


if( has_obj( 23, ch ) ) {   // TRUE if they have object #23

junk_obj( has_obj( 47, ch ) );  // removes obj #47 from char if has it



16 0 2 Has_quest~
.See "help quest_functions".



0 0 1 haste~
.Haste is a very powerful mage spell which causes the mage to complete

actions more quickly then normal.  A mage can only cast this spell on 

themself; they will be able to cast spells more quickly in battle as well

as hit their opponent.



0 0 1 hawks view~
.After spending much time in the wilderness, rangers oft become accustomed

to the ways of the animals and beasts within.  By means of this spell,

rangers are able to unite their consciousness for the briefest of moments

with a hawk to search the land for a person while the hawk searches for

its prey.



1024 0 16 Hdesc~

This command uses the standard editor - type help @Eeditor@n for more



@I Hdesc is the command to edit help files.  When editting you should

follow the standard format - see help appearance or help custom for


See also: hedit, hset, index



0 0 1 Heal~
.Pinnacle of a cleric's early career, this spell heals great amounts of

damage.  By calling of the power of the cleric's god or gods, the cleric

can, with the aid of water blessed by a deity, channel the power of those

deity or deities through himself, healing himself or an ally.



16 0 2 Heal_function~

heal( char, amount )


char   - Pointer to character to heal

amount - Integer number of hit points to restore


Restores amount hit points to character char.  Will never increase their

total to more than their max.  




heal( ch, 20 );           // restores 20 hp's to ch

heal( ch, 3d3+2 );        // restores 3d3+2 hp's to ch



1024 0 16 Hedit~


hedit delete #

hedit new <subject>

hedit <subject>


This is the command to create and delete help subjects.  It also allows

you to specify which help hdesc acts on.  To set level on a help catagory

see help hset.  

See also: hbug, hdesc, hset, index



0 0 8 Help~

help <topic_name>


help <topic_name> - This will print out an information file for the given


The following is some information which will help you understand the

format the help files are written in: 

When you see the "#" symbol, insert a number in its place.

When you see an item in "<>", do not type the characters "<>", but insert

a word or item in its plce.  i.e.  <topic_name> is asking you type in a

word like language or race.  

Anything not in "<>" or the "#" should be typed literally.  i.e. "#-#"

should be typed as 1-3.  

PC is short for player character

NPC is short for non-player character

The "|" symbol represents the word "or" i.e.  <object|PC|mob> is asking

you to insert the name of an object, a PC or a mob.  



0 0 0 Herbal reagents~
.This information is free for all Imms to use when working on charms

and/or spells.  Everything contained here is based upon traditional uses

of these reagents.



amaranth (cockscomb) - repair a broken heart

apples - healing and love

basil - love, wealth, protection

bay - wisdom, protection, psychic powers

birch - cleansing

carnation - protection and healing

catnip - cat magic =)

cedar - purification and healing

cinnamon - spirituality, healing, cleansing

clove - money, protection, cleansing

clover - money, love, luck

cornflower - psychism

garlic - protection and healing

ginger - money, success, power

holly - dream magick and balance

iris - wisdom

ivy - protection and healing

lilac - protection, beauty, love

margold - dreams, business or legal affairs

marjoram - protection, love, healing

mint - money, luck, travel

mistletoe - protection, fertility, healing, psychism

orris root - divination

rose - love, psychic, power, divination

rosemary - love, power, healing, sleep

sage - protection and wisdom

thyme - healing and psychic powers

willow - love and divination



0 0 17 Hide~
.You have to actively try to hide.  If you succeed, you will remain hidden

from normal visual senses.  Even if you leave the room, ppl will only be

able to hear you leave. You need to type it again to stop doing it.



0 0 8 high score~

high : displays the high score list

high # : displays the high score list starting with that #

high <class> : sorts by class

high <race> : sorts by race

high <class> <race> : sorts by class and race


The high score list allows you to compare your level of experience with

other players.  The command displays two columns of lists.  On the left,

the top ten characters in the entire mud will be listed, while the right

column displays your current position and the players nearest your level

of experience.

Entering "high #" will have the list start at that number.  It will

display that number and the next 19 characters in order of experience.

Any players who have the @bincognito@n option set appear as ???  in the

lists, thereby preserving their anonymity.



0 0 19 Hill Giants Cave~

@IThe folks of Kha-da and its out lying settlements have lately been

troubled by marauding giants.  Huge, brown-haired hill giants, dressed

only in loincloths, ambush caravans, plunder small villages and generally

destroy things.  The dwarves are massing to destroy them, though, so far,

their efforts have had minimal affect;  the giants simply retreat to their

lair and close the massive boulder behind them.  Many treasure-hunting

thieves have ventured into the lair after the spoils of the raiding

giants, though none has ever returned to tell the tale.



0 0 19 Hills of Pennan~
.Around the Greened Way west of Pennan lies many hills that overlook the

verdant valley of Pennan.  Rich with wildlife, this area also provides

fertile ground for domesticated animals to feed upon.  The region is also

famous for legendary monsters as well as wandering thieves and cutthroats.

Hobgoblin Outpost (Level 15):

Somewhere off the end of the Greened Way lies a once abandoned guard

outpost, now taken over by a fiercely xenophobic tribe of hobgoblins. 

Larger than their cousins, the goblins, these creatures are about similar

in height to humans but are considerably heavier.  Not known to raid

towns, the hobgoblins are, however, famous for their cruelty and torture

of those unfortunate enough to stumble into their lair.  Those who

consider venturing into the outpost are advised to proceed with caution

as the hobgoblins boast very capable warriors, as well as magical aid

from their incantrix.

The Silent Pines (Level 15):

South of the Greened Way lies a thick cluster of pine trees.  Tales of

great danger and mystery surround this area, which some say is draped

with gauze-like webs.  Those who have explored this region swear that the

pines themselves are sentient and resentful towards intruders.

The Chamber of the Aspects (Level 40):

Deep within the northern parts of the Pennan hills lies a place of great

mystery and secrets.  Tales from adventurous wanderers claim that great

powers roam beyond a dark and sinister cavern.  They also claim that some

devout followers of a strange religion reside within, fiercely guarding

those powers.



0 0 1 Holy wrath~
.Holy wrath incites a character into a righteous rage increasing their

ability to inflict damage on their enemies.  The caster can only

successfully incite someone who is of the same alignment.  The skill

level of the caster determines the duration, and might later determine

the strength.



16 0 0 Holylight~



holylight - This toggles on and off holylight mode.  Holylight lets you

see invisible and hidden objects.



0 0 8 Homepage~

homepage <url>


The homepage command is used to change the URL of your homepage as

displayed using the WHOIS command.

Example:   homepage

To clear the homepage field from whois, you can type "homepage none."



1024 0 16 hset~

hset level <flag> : sets perm flags to allow reading of file

hset name <name>  : changes name of help file 

hset cat <cat>    : sets category for index command


See also: hbug, hdesc, hedit, index



0 0 10 Humans~
.@GAverage Statistics for Humans@n (on ForestsEdge)

Humans are the benchmark by which all other races are measured so that

we, the players, might have a means of comprehending the fantasy cultures

that should be so alien to us.

Height: males about 5'2"-6'

        females about 5'-5'10"

Hair: Ranging in colors primarily of blond, brown, black and red.

      (rarely white or gray unless elderly)

Eyes: Brown, Blue, Green or (rarely) Gray iris

      White around the iris.

Affiliation: light or dark based on alignment / how you role-play it.

Appearance: Humans on TFE look and act just like you and I would if we

lived in a fantasy realm wherein also lived fantastic creatures, magic,

and danger all wrapped in the cocoon of a more-or-less medieval setting.

@GOptional Advice for Role Playing a Human@n

This is basically the essence of role playing in a nutshell.  You created

your character, gave them form with statistics (the numbers that define

your strength and wisdom, dexterity and heartiness), and determined what

your occupation in this life will be.  Now it is time to breathe life

into this character.  Not just by stepping forth and killing anything

that gets in your way (though if you choose to do this is certainly

your choice), but by figuring out what this persona you've created is


Are they exactly like you?  Or are they braver or more timid than you? 

What is their favorite food?  What do they like to do when they aren't

saving the world from the invading forces of darkness (or wreaking havoc

upon the weak-minded fools if you are evil).  Think of all these things

and what your character would be like if you met them.  Now try and

portray these things by your actions and words.

Want to impress someone with your role playing savvy?  Don't just walk up

and say "lets go kill some ants", unless of course you already know them

and are in a hurry, rather consider what you might really do.  If you ran

into a total stranger in the real world dressed as a priest, would you

greet him/her the same way you would greet a total stranger wearing a

full military outfit?  Would you just walk up to a complete stranger in a

nun's habit and say "Hey, want to go shoot some hoops at the local gym"? 

(If you answered yes to either of these, you might wish to seek

counseling).  In most cases the answer should be no.  Neither would most

characters do that.  How would you're character handle the situation? 

That's the basic essence of role playing.

Create not just a character, but a personality to go with it.  Then take

that personality and play it.  Do it consistently and you'll find

situations begin to arise that you have to muddle through and you'll see

your character evolving.

Now, if you're just looking for a good hack-and-slash environment we can

offer that too.  Just head right out and find the nearest things to kill. 

I'd advise using the consider command frequently in either case.  Its

also a pretty bad idea to start killing townsfolk as the guards in town

are a bit touchy about that sort of thing.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Humans have perhaps the greatest chance to meet and greet all the races

as a race for they, among all the races present on TFE have the greatest

variance of alignment and tendency to be good or evil.

Humans get along best with halflings and gnomes having shared close

living space with them for some time.

Humans get along fairly well with dwarves and lizardfolk, though do not

profess to understand them overly well as both other races are relatively

secluded from the human perspective.

Humans and elves only recently developed a stable relationship, having

been at war off and on in the past.  Many humans still distrust the elves

owing to so many years of ambushes, raids, and general mistrust that

developed throughout a war that very nearly destroyed the largest human

settlement, Medienne.  Throughout all this there have always been other

humans willing to trust the elves for their ethereal beauty and grace

that seems to set them above humans, even as others found these traits

alien and frightening.

Ents are considered a curiosity, sought by many as few are rarely seen. 

Soon after humans tend to lose interest in ents finding their slow,

deliberate ways too drawn out for their tastes.

Humans have peculiar dealings with orcs, with most contact between the

races occurring through dealing of a very mercenary nature.  Orcs aren't

the most cohesive of races and humans have had to deal with dozens of

various orc tribes whose only constant factor has been a tendency towards

brutish strength and barbaric vulgarity from a human perspective. 

Despite these social faux pas, orcs have been considered both allies and

enemies from time to time.

Likewise, humans have had similar dealings with ogres.  While ogres are

typically considered more dangerous and more predictable only because you

can only count on two things (that an ogre will be bigger than you are

and more disagreeable) humans have, on occasion, hired ogres as guards or

workers when their appetites for violence and food can be sated.

Humans tend to avoid trolls and goblins, finding the former race too

ready to eat humans regardless of how you handle them and the latter

race too capricious and filthy to be trusted.  In either case the races

are best avoided or pushed elsewhere to let others deal with them.

Vyans, primarily because they look so much like elves, are treated with

the same cautiousness if at all.  Typically only humans steeped in the

darker aspects of evil culture have any dealing at all with vyans.  Those

humans that lean towards the light not only distrust the vyans for their

elf-like appearance, but more so for the utter acts of evil purported to

be their doings.



0 0 1 ice lance~
.By using this spell, a mage is able to direct a spear of ice directly at

their foes' heart, creating a powerful weapon of damage for that attack. 

Its extreme power and swiftness to cast makes it an extremely potent

weapon against some of the realm's strongest creatures.



0 0 1 Ice Storm~

A powerful storm of freezing cold winds, snow, sleet and hail engulfs the

area designated by the caster, causing great harm to all unlucky to be




16 0 16 Ideas~


Offhand Usage





Add a mimic flag

Plague Contagious

Gems as method of storing money

No_Mob flags on doors

Have food rot



Chairs, Beds, etc you can sleep, sit in 

Sort out metals, corroding, rusting, whatever



Add method for mpcodes to use fire, electricity

Redo Resets to include tables

Throw oil at Guard


Traps and Thieves



16 0 1 Identify~
.With this spell you can divine and probe the enchantments (if there are

any), upon an object.  Many times it can accuratly define attributes of

said object.  It is not perfect though, and some ancient or very powerful

magics may block this spell, or avoid the spell altogether.  In this way,

magic can be a royal pain in the butt.  



0 0 8 identity~

identity : gives a table of information about your character.




Piety : roughly, the position of favor you hold with the gods.  A more

pious person is more likely to receive aid when in need of it.




0 0 14 Iflags~

iflag                       : displays the settings of your iflags

iflag <flag name>           : turns a info sub-channel off

iflag <flag name> <setting> : sets an iflag to a given level


@I Iflags are a method to control how much information about various

happens on the mud is conveyed to you.  Iflags can range from level 0 to

level 3 where level 0 is off and level 3 is most verbose.

See also: message, info, options



0 0 1 Ignite Weapon~
.This potent mage spell will cause the target weapon to burst into flames. 

This will increase the damage inflicted by a weapon, but may adversely

affect the weapon's condition, especially if it is made from a flammable




0 0 19 Iguana Lair~
.The villagers of Sos-Kul tell a fable of how the lizardman's town was

once overrun by a kingdom of Iguanas.  In an effort to take their village

back, the lizardmen warred for years with the Iguanas until the Iguana

monarchy was driven into the K'ssk swamp.  Rumor has it that the Iguanas

might have settled to the south of Sos-Kul where they were driven.



0 0 0 Imm Policies~
.@bCommon Sense@n

If you are reading this, you should know intuitively what you should and

should not do.  No dispensing of untoward favors, giving out items,

information, using your immortal status to help others, etc.  If you have

a question about whether you may or may not do something *ask beforehand*.

@bPlayer Assistance@n 

Player assistance is only to be give by Imms level 94 and over.  Imms

below 94 should keep player interaction at a minimum, and try to remain

invis to players.  Apprentices (level 92) should always remain invisible,

and should have no interaction save in emergency situations.  Those

qualified to do approvals may do so should no avatars be present.

Player assistance is only allowed for players at or lower than level 2. 

The types of assistance you may give are giving food or drink when they

are starving or thirsty, removing the plague, sending them to a safe town

if they have locked themselves in a very aggressive area, etc.  You may

NOT load equipment for the player or give him items other than the basic

necessities for his problem.

@bPlayer Reimbursement@n

Player reimbursement can only be given by Imms level 93 or higher.  No

reimbursments may be given to players whom an imm knows in real life. 

Player reimbursements are only given if they lost their equipment

directly due to a MUD bug.  They will only be reimbursed for equipment in

their backup files.  Backups are made every couple days, so they could

have lost equipment that they gained in the last day or two.  At the same

time, they might gain equipment that broke in battle, etc.  We do not

reimburse due to crashes or lag.  Equipment on corpses 'created'

immediately before crashes will reappear on the body when the mud returns.

@bPlayer Renaming@n

All imms and avatars may politely ask players to change their names.  If

a player insists on keeping it, only a level 93 or higher may force him

to change it.

Players are asked to pick names that fit both their character and the

medieval time period.  If the player's name does not meet these

requirements, we will politely ask them to pick a more fitting name.

If a player is below level 3, only insist that they change the name if it

is extremely offensive or inappropriate.  i.e.  Dickhead or Mickey Mouse 

Otherwise, let the player experience the mud for a couple of levels.  If

he stays to level 3, then politely ask him to change his name.

The same type of interaction applies to interactions regarding player

approvals.  Players who are not responsive to avatar requests should be

referred to a high level immortal.


Penalties for violation of policies are as follows: 

1st time:  warning, level loss, possible purge

2nd time:  automatic level loss, possible purge

3rd time:  automatic purge

Punishment is at the discretion of the senior Imms.

@bImmortal Identities@n

If you play a mortal, keep things separate.  Do @bNOT@n give out your

identity, and let players find out that character X is played by an

immortal.  Fairness is critical for the mud, and any appearance of

favoritism or impropriety is damaging.  Extremely so.  This cannot be

emphasized too much.  (Also remember that you are an imm first now and a

player second.) 

@bArea Design@n

Before an area can be created, it must be approved by Merior.  Please

send her a description of the area, why it exists, what types of mobs

will be there, etc.  If it doesn't have a rationale don't waste your time building.  Themes are important.

@bArea Opening@n

Before an area can be opened it must be checked by at least one other .

Send a request for review to Merior and Starshine.  It may not be opened

until both have given you permission.

@bPlayer Interaction@n

As previously stated, apprentices (level 92's) do not exist as far as

players are concerned.  All other imms may be visible at their own

discretion.  They are expected to be courteous to all mortals, but should

provide no assistance other then that described above.  Immortals should

not load ANY items for mortals, no matter how innocuous, except during bug

reimbursements as described above.  Immortals obviously should not join

clans or participate in other mortal activities.  Participation in OOC

activities should be limited to keep immortals from seeming too mortal. 

This type of interaction, of course, may be done by mortal alternates.

@bImmortal Knowledge@n

Immortals are expected not to use their powers to gain knowledge

useful in day-to-day playing.  Area authors are expected not to take

leadership roles in groups in their own areas, so as not to reveal any

secrets.  Those immortals who, through the course of routine work, become

privy to information not available to players, are required to keep this

to themselves.  Those abusing their powers will be dealt with by Greyclaw

and/or Merior.



16 0 0 Imm_Requests~






16 0 0 immfyi~
.A list of really odd querries that come up and their answers:

     (this'll expand over time as more come up)


When lowering people's gossip points for chating stats, do they see they lost points?

   no, nor do they see who lowered it.


Cflags 68 and 69 can be used as temporary cflags to prevent characters

from leaving or sleeping once a task is started.  Techincally, you can

use either flag or either (or both) tasks, but they are worded in help

cflag as they are for those people who need the structuring to help

understand it.




16 0 0 Immortals~
.List of Immortals and E-mail Addresses

---- -- --------- --- ------ ---------

Object -

Greyclaw -

Phule -

Talis -

Merior -

Caer -- MUDmail her for it.

Orb --

Fenlyn -- BradK@@Bayou.UH.EDU

Florian -- st5b3@@Bayou.UH.EDU

Rue --

Sign --

Terek --

Olah --

Adakar --

Nivel -

Khisanth --

Jimbalaya --



16 0 0 Immquests~

A.) A Bill of Player's Rights

Perhaps the most important point about designing quests is to think as a

player and not as a designer, the least a playerdeserves is: 

a1) Not to be killed without warning

a2)Not to be given horribly unclear hints.

a3) To be able to win without the experience of past lives

a4) To be able to win without knowledge of future events

a5) Not to have the game closed off without warning, i.e.  no one way

dead ends 

a6) Not to need to do unlikely things

a7) Not to need to do boring things for the sake of it , i.e.  lets make


a8) Not to have to type exactly the right verb

a9) To be allowed reasonable synonyms

a10) To have reasonable freedom of action

a11) Not to have to depend on luck

a12) To be able to understand a problem once it is solved

a13) Not to be given too many red herrings 

a14) To have a good reason why something is impossible

a15)  Not to need to be American to understand hints

a16) To know how the game is getting on



2048 0 0 Immtalk~

immtalk <message>




immtalk <message> - Send <message> to all immortals currently logged in. 



4194320 0 0 Imotd~

This is the only site now.  Keep on revising and fixing, and don't worry

about the mortals - shove them out of the way.  More seriously - if you

are revising old areas, please rset status to pending to keep them out.

please no reimbs in gremlins area



0 0 8 Incognito~

@Goption incognito #@n : sets your incognito level to a value between 0-3.


opt incog 0 : you are visible on whois and your race/class/level are visible

              on the who listing.

opt incog 1 : You're only visible to clan members.

opt incog 2 : You're only visible to clan members (again).

opt incog 3 : You are totally incognito.



0 0 8 Index~

index : displays the list of help file categories

index <category> : displays the list of help files within the category


This command lists the help files in a categorical basis.



16 0 2 Inflict~

inflict( char, mob, dam, string );


char   - Pointer to character recieving damage

mob    - Pointer to character or mob receiving credit

dam    - Integer number of hit points to remove from char

string - String to use in INFO display if damage kills them


Removes dam number hit points from char (damages them).  If death occurs

as a result of this damage, the string will be used to describe their

death in the info message.  




i = 6d6+10;

dam_message( ch, i, "the rockslide" );

inflict( ch, mob,  i, "falling debris" );

If the player is killed by this damage in the room "The Courtyard", the

info message would look as follows:

"Info :: Player has been killed by falling debris at The Courtyard"



0 0 0 info~

info          : displays last 5 info entries of every type

info <on|off> : turns info globally on or off

info <type>   : displays last 20 info entries for the specified type


See also: auction, iflag, messages, options



0 0 9 information~
.Many things require that you obtain knowledge from different parts of

the game.  This can be done through a variety of ways.

Using the 'to' command and asking NPCS about different things is a great

way to learn.  Usually, starting such conversations with 'hi' OR asking

them about something they might know about is the first place you can

start.  Often NPCS will make it obvious about what they want to talk


Taverns, Inns, and Bars are also a good source of information.  Everyday

travelers resting in these types of places often have a lot to say - if

you just listen in.  Traveling minstrels and bards sometimes frequent

these places.

In addition to the above, there are several depositories of knowledge

scattered about the world, from musty old libraries to abandoned mage

towers filled with old scrolls.



@GLibraries include:@n Voaleth(20073), Medienne(264), Desert(48003),

   Castle Lag(33447)

@GBars/Rumors include: @n 

Chiiron(912), Medienne(147&138), Voaleth(20028) Kha-Da(27030),

Vaasa(19021), Darkhaven(30015), Pennan(37053), Denab-Knur(30392),

Voaleth(20071), Shadybrook(76824&76825) 

@GNPC Libraries@n

minstrel(2196), hierophant(2209)


0 0 1 Infravision~
.The target of this spell has his or her eyes magically enhanced to see

not only the color spectrum, but also the infrared spectrum.  This

pertains to the visible waves given off from heat.  Most of the time, you

can make out a room, from the warmth of it's walls and furniture as

opposed to it's air.  But there is a limit, and many things will

obviously not give off any irregular heat.



0 0 0 Ingots~
.Ingots are used to make a variety of custom armors.  They are very small

rings that you must collect to construct these armors, or make by melting

down pieces of metal which you collect.



0 0 17 Inspect~

inspect <container> : checks for traps on a container


This thief skill is used to determine if a container is trapped or not. 

You are allowed to inspect containers even if you do not have the skill

but it is unlikely to do you much good.  



16 0 2 Interpret~

interpret( char, string )


char   - Pointer to character to manipulate

string - String command to make character execute


Is similar to using force to make a character do something.  It

essentially causes them to "type" the string.  




mob = mob_in_room( 444, room );

if( mob )

  interpret( mob, "close door" );   // makes mob do "close door"



0 0 14 Introduce~

intro <char>  : introduces yourself to <char>


@I This command allows you to introduce yourself to another player.  From

then on they will see you real name instead of your @Eappearance@n.  This

mud strongly encourages roleplaying.

@bYou do NOT have to introduce to a character if you do not want to.  @n

This feature is to foster a roleplaying environment, and bugging someone

who will not introduce to you is out of line.



0 0 23 Introduction~
.You are about to find yourself in the world of the Forests Edge.  If you

have chosen a 'light' race (human, elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, or ent )

you will begin in Chiiron; other races will begin in Voaleth.  Both

cities have trainers to help you learn your basic skills, and shops to

provide you with essentials.

There are many help files available to you, including help starting and

help newbie.  Please read these and other files thoroughly before asking

others for help.


While you are reading, begin to think about your character and their

history; you will need to have an appearance, keywords, and description

approved by an Avatar before you can progress past level 5.


Now, press return, and see what wonders there are awaiting you.



0 0 3 Invalid_Acnt_Name~

Accounts names must be at least 5 characters and less than 20.  No spaces

or punctuation is allowed.  The name you chose was tagged as invalid. 

Please choose one that conforms to the above restrictions.



0 0 3 Invalid_Email~

Email addresses must be of the format user@site.  Anything else is

rejected out of hand.  Please enter a valid email address.  If you

receive this message when entering a serious email address please send

mail to and the problem will be handled promptly.



16 0 0 Invis~


invis <number>


invis - Toggle invisible mode.  You are only invisible to those of lower

or equal level.  

invis <number> - Sets your invisibility level so when you go invisible,

only those of that level and higher can see you.

'invis 91' allows avatars and ip's to see you.



0 0 1 Invisibility~
.This type of invisibility is passive.  Light is actually 'bent' around

the target.  When you 'see', you are actually viewing rebounding light,

so those that see this way, see nothing.  Be warned, those creatures that

see with other means or which have other senses that are very strong,

will be able to 'see' you.  



0 0 1 invulnerability~
.Mages and clerics are generally at great risk from damage during battles

against high-level foes.  This spell allows them to protect themselves

better from area attacks by creating a sphere of invulnerability.



0 0 1 ion shield~
.This high-level spell enables a skilled mage to create a shield of

eletric sparks around themselves or another player.  The target is not

injured by the charge, but their opponent receives quite a jolt in




16 0 2 Is_fighting~
.See "help is_functions".



16 0 2 Is_follower~
.See "help is_functions".



16 0 2 Is_functions(~

is_func( char )


char - Pointer to character to test


These functions are self-explanatory tests.

is_fighting - is char in battle?

is_follower - is char following someone?

is_mounted  - is char riding a mount?

is_player   - is char a player (as opposed to a mob)?

is_resting  - is char resting?


0 if FALSE

1 if TRUE


if( is_mounted( ch ) )

  send_to_char( "You can't do that while mounted!", ch );



16 0 2 Is_mounted~
.See "help is_functions".



16 0 2 Is_name~

is_name( string1, string2 )


string1 - string to look for

string2 - string to check in


Uses the parser to check if string2 is equal to string1.


0 if not equal

1 if they are


if( is_name( arg, "chiiron" ) ) {   // arg = target string in code

is_name( "hel", "hello" ) is TRUE

is_name( "helo", "hello" ) is FALSE

is_name( "hellos", "hello" ) is FALSE



32 0 2 Is_open~

is_open( room, dir )


room - Pointer to room to check

dir  - Direction of exit to check (north, south, east, west, up, down)


Test whether of not specified exit is open.


0 if closed

1 if open


if( is_open( room, east ) ) {      // is east door in room open?

if( !is_open( room, east ) ) {     // is east door in room closed?



32 0 2 Is_player~
.See "help is_functions".



32 0 2 Is_resting~
.See "help is_functions".



0 0 0 Item Reset Rates~




16 0 0 item_values~

@GThe following is a temporary file, listing the defintions of item type

valeus, value0, value1, value2, and value3.  @n 

@BItem type@n   @CValue0        Value1      Value2      Value3@n


armor     | enchantment | armor value | bracer ac | unused |

arrow     |   unused    |   damdice   |  damside  | unused |

bandage   |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

boat      |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

body_part |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

bounty    |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

chair     |   seats     |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

container |   capacity  |contain.flags|  key vnum | unused |

corpse_nc |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

corpse_pc |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

cross     |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

drink_con |   capacity  |  contains   |   liquid  |poisn -1|

food      |  food value |   cooked?@R*@n  |   unused  |poisn -1|

     @R*@n@c( value1 -->  [-1 = not raw 1 = cooked 0 = raw] )@n

fountain  |  -1 always  |  contains   |   liquid  |poisn -1|

gem       |  hardness   |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

furniture |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

gate      |  lifetime   |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

key       |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

key_ring  |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

light_per |   unused    |   unused    | lifetime  | unused |

lock pick |pick modifier|   unused    | lifetime  | unused |

money     |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

other     |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

potion    |    spell    |    level    |  duration | unused |

reagent   |  charges    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

scroll    |    spell    |    level    |  duration | unused |

skin      |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

spellbook |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

staff     |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

trap      |  trap flags |   damdice   |  damside  | unused |

trash     |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

treasure  |   unused    |   unused    |  unused   | unused |

wands     |    spell    |    level    |  duration |charges |

weapon    | enchantment |   damdice   |  damside  |weap.cls|




0 0 8 Junk~

junk <object> : junks an object in your inventory

junk undo     : reloads what you just junked.


A junked item is utterly destroyed and gone forever.  Use this command to

remove a useless item from the game, but use it with care.


Junk core : junks an apple core in your inventory.

WARNING: If you junk something by accident we will NOT reimburse you.



16 0 2 Junk_mob~

junk_mob( char )


char - Pointer to character (mob) to remove


Removes char from existence.  If char points to a character other than a

mob, it will do nothing.  




junk_mob( mob_in_room( 2, room ) );   // removes mob #2 if in room

mob = mload( 23, room );

junk_mob( mob );                      // removes mob just loaded



32 0 2 Junk_obj~
.Topic:   junk_obj


@b@Gjunk_obj@n( object )

@Gobject@n - Pointer to object to remove

@Ginteger@n - Optional number of objects you want deleted


Removes an object from the game.  The number is optional but if not

specified it will junk all of that type whereever it is.  So normal usage

is junk_obj( obj, 1 ).



0 0 7 Kantos~
.@I @EKantos@n, the God of Mountains and Earth, is a very stoic God.  From His

mountain of power in the frigid north, He desires nothing more for His

followers than that they should find the balance and peace that He offers. 

He has only two requirements for service to Him and what He represents,

the first being one of power.  He does not care in what form this power

should manifest itself: might of sword-arm or magic matters not, but the

aspirant should have gained at least the 11th rank of power before

seeking to follow @EKantos@n.  The only other requirement is that the

aspirant should either naturally be, or come to understand and embrace,

the philosophies which mark one as part of the neutral alignment, as this

suits @EKantos@n' will and aims most aptly.  The @CSymbol@n of @EKantos@n is a brown

equilateral triangle which is situated so that only one point is

lowermost.  Halfway down the triangle's height, a line bisects the

triangle horizontally.  Followers of @EKantos@n gain the stamina of this

stolid, earthy God, and when in travelling over earthly terrain their

movement cost is halved, but when travelling in watery areas, their

movement cost is doubled.  Also, to help them discriminate between those

of different ethos, and thus know who might be a mortal foe or valiant

ally, @EKantos@n' worshippers gain permanent detect evil and detect good. 

But as @EKantos@n' philosophy is so earthly his followers lose the ability to

detect magic, or indeed, to ever gain that skill.



0 0 7 Kerog~
.Kerog is the god of fury.  He often appears as a tall half-human

half-ogre, though he has no real affinity for any race.  Due to the

disposition of dwarves many do worship Kerog.  His followers are sworn to

a life of battle.  It is unknown what can drive a person to follow Kerog

but many of them have personal vendettas that they ask his aid in.  Kerog

demands his followers to have honor in battle.  This honor forbids them

from attacking the Unaligned or the followers of Taranth.  It also makes

them pay a heavy fee for fleeing from battle.  To aid his disciple's

Kerog grants them permament holy wrath and increases their resistance to

mind attacks as their fury blocks many of these spells.  Only evil and

neutral players may follow Kerog as his untamed temper does not have the

control of good.  Mages and psionics may not follow Kerog as he despises

their weakness.  Likewise Kerog would never approve of a thief due to

their unhonorable ways of battle.  You need to be level 10 before Kerog

would ever accept you.  Due to the solitary ways of Kerog his followers

do not have a chant channel.  




0 0 14 Keywords~

keyword <list of words> : set your keywords (no commas)


@I This command is used to set the words which the player can be

referenced by.  They are only checked if the player is unrecognized and

thus should not include the player's name.  See help @Eappearance@n for

more detail.  Players should give themselves at least @bfour@n or

@bfive@n keywords to avoid confusion.  Keywords should include your

race and everything in your appearance, except prepositions and

conjunctions.  Keywords should not be separated by commas, just spaces.


@CKeyword slim elf hazel eyes@n

That would set the keywords for an elf mage whose description and

appearance describe him or her as 'a slim elf with hazel eyes.'  Pretty

straightforward, eh?

@eAny unique keywords must be taken from your description, or from an IC

characteristic of your character.  Anachronistic words will not be




0 0 9 Kha-da~
.                       CITY OF KHA-DA
[Main Square Level]                               |       |
                                                  | [Bank]|
           +------+--------+------+               |   +   |
           |Stair |Gawn's  |Hot   |               |   +   |
   +-------+-==---|General |Rocks +---------+     +--+++--+
   |Gaol |        +--: :---+-: :--+ House   |        | |
   |     |                          of Food |       ++ ++
   +--==-|                        +---------+       |   |
   |Guard                          |                |   |
   |     |       {fountain}        |          +-----+   +-+
---+-----+                         |          |           |
O  V Port-                         +----------+           |
U  V cullis                                      Temple   |
T  V                               +----------+           |
---+-----+        [anvils]         |          |           |
         +------------------+--==--+          +-----------+

[Diamond Way Level]

                |Stair |Harkin's|Glond |           
        +-----+-+-==---|Weapons |Armor +----------+ 
        | Pub |        +--: :---+-: :--+ Y.D.C.A. | 
        |     |                                   | 
        +--==-|  +------------------+  +----------+ 
        |Quzar   |                  |  | Damon    | 
        |     |  |                  |    Hill     |
 +------+-----+  |                  |  | -Jeweller|
 |Murder|Winch|  |                  |  +----------+
 |Room  +Room +  |                  |  | Bounty   |
 |               +------------------+    Office   |
 +------+-----+                        |          |
              +-------+----:  :--+--==--+---------+
                      |Cut Price +------+  
                      |Armor     |


0 0 12 Kick~

kick <victim> : attempts to kick a foe


Kick is a skill available to most classes.  It causes your character to

attempt to kick someone or something.  It does more damage than

bash or punch.



16 0 0 Known_liquid~
.If set the source produces something recognizeable by name.



0 0 19 kobolds~
.A race of small humanoids with dog-like heads, the kobolds are a major

nuisance to the dwarves.  The vile little creatures breed and grow at an

obnoxious rate, providing a nearly limitless army of adversaries for any

who try to dwell in the northern mountains.  A kobold den of significant

size exists somewhat to the west of the dwarven citidel of Kha-Da. 

Travellers in the area are advised to use caution as these kobolds are

rumored to be better equipped and trained than most.  If you plan on

touring the northern mountains, it might be wise to talk to a few dwarves

first and find out what you can about the kobolds first, just in case you

should come across them.



0 0 8 label~

label <obj> as <label> : adds a label to an object

label <obj>            : removes a label



This command adds a label to a container.  Useful when carrying multiple

bags.  An example is label bag as Reagents would make a canvas bag appear

as a canvas bag labeled Reagents.



0 0 8 Lag~

@Glag@n <command> : lists cpu usage for a command


h : displays lag in histogram format

r : displays the 20 most time consuming commands


The purpose of this command is to help implementors reduce the cpu usage

of the mud and satisfy general player curiousity.

See also: memory, ps, system



0 0 14 Languages~

langauage <language_name>

abil l


.  Languages are an integral part of the culture of each race.  Every

distinct race has its own language, and there are ten total.  In order

for a member of one race to communicate with another, both the speaker

and listener of the chosen language must have a good working knowledge of

the language.  A lack of language ability on either the speaker's or the

listener's part will make communications difficult if not impossible.  

language <language_name> - Chooses the language you will currently speak.

abil l - Lists how well you know (in percentages) the languages.



16 0 25 Large Stat Affects~
.Category    levels per +1     maxes        additional costs

--------    -------------     -----        ----------------

Hp               1             30          +5 levels > 20

Ep               1             30          +5 levels > 20

Mv               1             30          +5 levels > 20

Hp Reg           2             30          +5 levels > 20

Ep Reg           2       30 c/m 20 other   +5 levels > 20

Mv Reg           1             30          +5 levels > 20

Resist           2             20          +5 levels > 10

Poison Res       1             30          +5 levels > 20



0 0 8 Last~

last immortal : lists all immortals

last avatar   : lists all avatars

last <name>   : lists all players matching name



0 0 17 Lay hands~

hand <player>


This paladin only skill heals the target player after battle.  The amount

of energy used and hit points restored varies depending upon the level of

the skill.



131072 0 0 layer~
.(started by phule, PLEASE finish this)


@I @C HEAD @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:

@I @C NECK @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:

@I @C BODY @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:

@I @C ARMS @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:


@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:

@I @C HANDS @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:


@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:

@I @C WAIST @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:

@I @C LEGS @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:

@I @C FEET @n

@I @I top   :

@I @I over  :

@I @I base  :

@I @I under :

@I @I bottom:



0 0 0 leach~
.These aquatic parasites suck the blood of their victems to survive. 

Perhaps you were looking for help leech?



536875008 0 0 Ledit~

@Gledit@n        : displays all lists

@Gledit@n <list> : sets list for lset, lstat to operate on


See all: lset, lists, lstat



0 0 11 Leech~

leech: This shows the status of your spells.

leech #: This stops the spell from leaching power from you.




Some spells have no set duration but will continue until the spellcaster

stops them by cutting off the power going to the spell.  LEECH is the

command that allows him to do this.  Typing leech alone will bring up a

list of all the spells that the spellcaster has running.  The 'Max Mana:

xxx (yyy max)' is your maximum amount of mana the xxx part is the maximum

available and the yyy part is your total amount of mana.  the 'Regen. 

Rate: xx (yy) is how fast you will regain your energy once again the xx

is your current regen and the yy is your total.  The 'Num' column is the

spell number, this is the number that you would use to stop the spell

from drawing energy from you.  The 'Spell' column is the name of the

spell.  The 'Regen' column shows the amount that the spell is draining

from your Regen.  Rate.  The 'Max' column is the amount of mana a spell

drains from your max mana.  And the 'Character' column shows who the

spell is cast on.






leech 1



0 0 1 lesser summoning~
.This is the most basic of the mage's spells designed to help them find a

familiar suited to their disposition.  It can only be cast once per

level, and a mage, of course, can have only one familiar at a time.  The

success of all of these spells requires that the mage have a reagent

designed to attract a specific type of animal.


A mage can use their familiar as an aide in battle, but it is more

important in its use as a scout and confidant.  A mage may @Gswitch@n to

take over the body of their familiar and @Greturn@n to return to their

own body.  Exactly what each familiar can do is based upon the specific



Good-aligned Familiars/Reagent

white rabbit - carrot

chipmunk - acorn

small bird - worm

brown squirrel - walnut

brown duck - fish fillet

fawn - blade of grass

tree sprite - talonwood leaf

mouse - crumb

bear cub - lily

deer - corn


Neutral-aligned Familiars/Reagent

rabbit - carrot

pond frog - lily pad

small bird - worm

fly - crumb

dragonfly - lily

gray squirrel - acorn

robin - blade of grass

dew sprite - talonwood leaf

lobster - fish fillet

deer - corn


Evil-aligned Familiars/Reagent

harrier hawk - worm

twisted squirrel - acorn

twisted rabbit - carrot

chicken - biscuit

tan snake - blade of grass

toad - lily pad

crab - fish fillet

cockroach - crumb

deer fly - lily

quasit - chicken wing



0 0 8 Level~

level : gives you the experience needed to gain the next level.

@ENote@n: at this point, quest points are not needed to level.

Also, in order to find out how much experience you have scored already,

as opposed to how much you need to level, simply group yourself, and then

type 'group'.

Other help files that may be useful include help @Escore@n, and @Egroup@n.



0 0 1 Levitation~
.This spell allows the caster to levitate a few inches off the ground. 

Movement cost is then unaffected by terrain.  This spell does not have

any effect on battle; it only means that the caster needs to use fewer

movement points travelling over difficult terrains.



0 0 1 Lightning Bolt~
.A very potent, damaging spell useable by only the more experienced of

magi.  This spell builds upon a mage's knowledge of the electrical forces

gained through use of the @b@Yshock@n spell.  While lightning tends to be

a bit unpredictable, this potent spell is raw and known for its capacity

to inflicting incredible harm.



0 0 6 List~

@Glist@n        : lists all objects a shopkeeper has to sell 

@Glist@n <item> : lists items matching argument


@I List gives you a table of all the objects a shopkeeper has, and their

respective costs, levels, number, and condition.  The cost is always

listed in copper pieces, and is based on the @Evalue@n of the object and

how many are in stock.  The level is the minimum level needed to use the

object, and is often low, although the more powerful items tend to have

high levels.

@I The number is the amount of a particular item that the shopkeeper

currently has.  As it varies, the amount that the item is sold for varies

as well; the more items he has, the less they will cost, and the less

items he has, the more they will cost.

@I The condition tells the status of the object.  A @Eshop@n always sells

items in excellent condition, unless an item in need of @Erepair@n has

been sold to it by a player.

@I If an argument is specified it uses the same input as buy so it can be

used to verify you are buying what you think you are.  Thus to see a list

of all shields in a shop you would use list all.shield.

@I*** in the level portion of the list means that either your race,

class, or alignment forbids your use of the item.



16 0 0 Lists~
.@bLevels@n - Sets the level at which an immortal can edit a list.

@bPermissions@n - Changes the internal permissions for various tasks.

@bCreate Food@n - The spell create food loops though item =

random( 0,2*level-1 ) until it finds a real item on this list.

@bG/N/E Familiars@n - The spell find familiar uses these lists depending

on the alignment of caster.  It chooses the familiar with the formula

species = 4+level+random( -5,5 ).



0 0 10 lizardmen lizardfolk~
.@GAverage Statistics for Lizardfolk@n

Height: male and female 5'6" - 6'2"

Hair: (you're kidding right?) Lizardfolk don't grow hair.

Eyes: Reptilian eyes, vertically slit pupils surrounded by an

      all-enveloping iris in shades from red to amber to yellow.

Affiliation: more or less neutral with light tendencies.

Appearance: Lacking hair for a description, lizardfolk often employ the

description of various colors depicted by their scales.  Much the way a

snake's scales form interesting patterns, many lizardfolk also develop

patterns.  Most often patterns are recurrent in clan members and are the

primary identifying mark of a particular tribe, clan or familial group of

lizardfolk.  Lizardfolk skin/scales are typically soft and smooth like a

snakes, though wet, fish-like skin and raspy crocodile-like skin has been

noted before as well.

Lizardfolk have sharp claws that sometimes make grasping and manipulation

a little difficult, but which prove quite useful in unarmed combat. 

Lizardfolk are also lacking lips and can not whistle and must improvise

when calling pets.

Lizardfolk, as a whole, live solely in regions of swampland.  Serpentmen,

a distant relative, tend to prefer the more arid desert climates. 

Lizardmen are not serpentmen, there is a difference.

@GOption Advice for Role Playing Lizardfolk@n

Lizardfolk are typically a fierce yet contemplative people who are

withdrawn in dealings with any other race then their own.  They prefer

the solitude of their own kind whenever possible, but will work alongside

others in times of need.  Within almost every lizardperson a war is raged

at all times between the hot-headed violent nature of brute survival

against the contemplative wisdom of peace.  Most often it is the youths

who are the fighters and warriors of a tribe, their easy anger reigned in

by the wiser, older lizardfolk who act as elder guides.  It is with time

and age that true wisdom and peace are acquired, quenching the rage

within though never stilling the fierce strength that came with it.

Lizardfolk come from a tribal background where many small tribes fought

with each other over territory.  It was not until two tribes managed to

absorb many others and, after a fierce struggle, finally came to terms

with each other and joined as one large clan that their only city of

Sos-kul was built in the Kissk swamp.  Though most have formed into one

homogenized clan, the scale-markings that typically identified various

tribes and familial groups are still pretty pure and a developing caste

system indicates that they will remain distinguishing characteristics for

some time yet.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Lizardfolk are generally a reclusive race preferring to stick to their own

kind.  Despite their misgivings, however, they have come to find that

they can get along well with humans who share the same tendency towards

the balance of light and dark.

Though contact is quite sparse, nearly being on the other side of the

known world from lizardfolk, they do get along fairly well with gnomes

when contact does occur.

Lizardfolk do not get along very well with dwarves due to several

cross-cultural differences and misunderstandings despite the faith they

both place in gnomes.

Lizardfolk do not mix well with elves at all.  Some speculate that this

stems from a past misunderstanding of temporal importance while others

argue that the conflict's roots relate to religious matters.

Lizardfolk have even less tolerance of the elves dark cousins, the vyans. 

Several wars have been fought between vyans and lizardfolk in the past.

Similarly, Lizardfolk do not get along well with orcs, ogres or trolls. 

Continued raids on lizardfolk settlements by these peoples has resulted

in a strong hatred for these races by most lizardfolk.

Lizardfolk do not tolerate the presence of goblins, considering them

nothing more than useless vermin and thieves most notable for their theft

of lizardfolk eggs which they sell to vyans to be trained as slaves when

they hatch.



0 0 9 Llewyrr~
.  The Llewyrr live in the Mighty Vaasa, which lies over a range of

mountains to the northeast of Medienna.  The Vaasa is the mightiest

forest known, and dwarfs all others in its size, age, and grandeur. 

Llewyrr tend to dress in forest colors and have straight hair running

from dark browns to blonds.  Elven eyes are always striking, and come in

more shades and varieties than even those of human.

.  The Llewyrr have come to have very distinct characteristics which have

come to depict them, and them only.  Their general attitude towards life

deviates from that of many others; they believe in the sacredness that

all things: elven, human, animal, plant, rock, or soil.  Only those who

kill or destroy out of reasons other than necessity of survival are

considered lessers.  Over the years, however, there has come to be a

large generalization that all races other than elven kill needlessly and

destroy nature, and so are lessers.  Several radical factions of Llewyrr

have been known to massacare humans and other nearby races for seemingly

no reason.

.  Often it is possible to tell the specific beliefs followed by a

Llewyrr by the beads woven into his or her hair.  This is definately not

true for all though, as many simply choose their own path to follow.



0 0 0 Locations~
.fire resistance - 7



0 0 2 lock~

@b@Glock( room, dir )@n

@Groom - Pointer to room@n

@Gdir - Direction of exit to lock ( north, west, south, east, up, down )@n


This function locks an exit.


lock( room, west );         //Locks the west exit in the room



0 0 5 Locust Kick~

A more advanced and damaging version of kick, available only to monks.

[ Note : this skill is still new. ]



0 0 1 Locust swarm~
.A crushed bamboo shoot brings the insects; thousands of them...  They

swarm into the area in a great cloud of biting damage, and begin eating

all they find.  They will remain for a short while, and then will

dissipate.  Some other things may cause them to disperse earlier.



0 0 0 Login.Display~
.Forest's Edge supports the ANSI or VT52 display modes.  Ansi allows

color, while VT52 is solely black and white.  Select whatever is

appropriate to your system.



0 0 3 Login_alignment~
.There are nine possible alignments for a character.  They are lawful

good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral good, pure neutral, neutral

evil, chaotic good, chaotic neutral, and chaotic evil.



0 0 3 Login_classes~
.The following classes (professions) are available.  

  Mage:     controls the mystical elements

  Cleric:   a priest, a follower of a god and worker of "miracles"

  Thief:    steals, backstabs, and robs the blind

  Warrior:  skillful at the art of war

  Paladin:  a warrior dedicated to god

  Ranger:   an outdoorsman, skillful in hunting and tracking

  Monk:     dedicated to god, skilled in unarmed combat



0 0 3 Login_features~
.Welcome to The Forest's Edge!  This realm is unlike any you've seen.

Choose one of our many classes with thier unique abilities: RANGERS,

whose tame spell enables them to call on the help of animals in battle;

MAGES, who can see and act through their familiars; MONKS, with their

unique skills such as tiger paw, dragon strike, and demon slash;

WARRIORS, with their ability to use a weapon in their off-hand; THIEVES,

with their ability to backstab; PALADINS, whose skill of laying hands can

restore hit points up to 50% of their total energy level; CLERICS, with

their unique spells of protect life and summon.

Other unique features of The Forest's Edge include:

  a magic system that requires you to prepare reagents to cast many spells

  a skill system similar to Civilization

  pets that save

  shops that can make custom items

  trees to climb, bookcases to push, graves to dig

  many complex puzzles to solve and assigned quests to perform

  extensive religions granting special abils to adherents of the gods

Like what you see?...wait 'til ya get inside...WELCOME TO TFE!

[Enter a return to go back to options page]



0 0 3 Login_new_name~

Welcome, new adventurer!  The Forest's Edge has a highly developed,

unique fantasy role-playing environment.  Please choose a name

appropriate to such a setting.  Original names are best.  Characters

with anachronistic, well known rip-off names (like Gandalf or Bilbo), or

otherwise inappropriate names will be asked by an immortal to think of a

more apt name.  Obscene or offensive names will cause the imms to hunt

you down, rip out your heart, and feed it to our pet lag beast.  Oh, you

will also get banned.



0 0 3 Login_new_name2~

Here are some examples of what NOT to pick for a name:

Names of inanimate objects, particularly those that frequent the mud

Names of animals: (Rabbit, Deer, Two-headed flundarph)

Names of Famous people, real or fictional: (Bob Hope, Bob Barker)

Names of Comic Books heroes: (Superman, Batman)

Names that are vulgar or offensive (you get the idea).

Names which are best avoided: (Satan, Jesus, God)

Names of anachronistic (things that should not exist in this setting) items

Names with titles: (King Richard, Sir Gawain)

Anything that requires an article (a, an, the, etc):

Names based on actions: (Slasher, Mauler)

Names based on your occupation or race: (Ranger Bob)

Names that are variants of names that won't pass: (Joan d'Arc)

Names that are not names: (Bignstupid, Jackofclubs)



0 0 3 Login_password~

Please choose a password of at least five (5) characters in length.  We

recommend that you select a combination of characters which is difficult

to guess.  We also recommend that you do not give out your password, or

let others use your account, unless you are quite sure that you may trust




0 0 3 Login_races~
.elves' dark cousins following races exist in the world.

      Human:    As you or I

        Elf:    Quick, intelligent, slender and light

       Ogre:    Large, Strong, but not bright

      Gnome:    Small, devious, agile

      Dwarf:    Short, stocky, cautious

      Troll:    Regenerates quickly but slow

  Lizardman:    Strong, wise but not very bright

       Orcs:    Strong, but slow and dumb

    Goblins:    Quick and tough little squirts

      Vyans:    Evil cousins of the elves

  Halflings:    Small, smart, agile

       Ents:    Big, slow, strong



0 0 3 Login_sex~
.You will now be asked several questions about the character you wish to

create.  There are no right and no wrong answers.

As in the real world, you may be one of two sexes.  This choice does

not affect your character's abilities in any way.



0 0 3 Login_stats~
.You determine your own stats given a set number of "points." Stats can

range from 3 to 21 with higher being better.  To raise a stat type +C

where C is the first letter of the stat name.  Similarly to lower a stat

type -C.  You may also raise or lower it more than one step by typing

"-2C or +2C." When you are done (you are advised to have close to zero

points left) type "done" to continue.  

Also, wisdom here represents your ability to learn from past mistakes. 

It is a factor in the range of your success in many skills.  



0 0 14 Look~

look         : shows room description

look <thing> : shows related description


See also: glance, peek, qlook, scan



16 0 2 Loop~

loop( macro ) { < statement(s) > }


macro values are:

all_in_room    - Loops through each char/mob found in current room

followers      - Loops through each char/mob following the char


The loop() function executes statement (no {}'s) or statements (needs

{}'s) for as many times as specified by macro.  The variable rch (type

pointer to char) is set each iteration of the loop to a new character.  


loop( all_in_room )

  inflict( rch, mob, 5d8+10, "earthquake" );  // inflicts damage on all in room

loop( all_in_room ) {

  if( rch != ch ) {

    i = 4d6+0;

    dam_message( rch, i, "the fireball" );

    inflict( rch, mob, i, "fireball" );          // hurts everyone except ch





4096 0 0 Lset~

@Glset@n              : lists the values for list being editted

@Glset@n <name|#> <#> : sets the value of a list index


See also: ledit, lists, lstat



536870913 0 0 Lstat~

@Glstat@n : lists the values for list being editted


See also: lists, ledit, lset



0 0 1 maelstrom~
.This spell uses some gravel, and allows a mid-level mage to spread a rain

of magic missiles at all of their opponents.



0 0 15 Mage~
.@IA mage is an individual whose intellectual curiousity leads him to ask

questions perhaps better left unconsidered.  Mages typically possess

tremendous mental abilities, and spend a great deal of time in research

and in conducting their experiments.  This generally leaves them with

feeble physical skills.  From their magical training, they learn the

mystical nature of the world around them, and having learned how to shape

this force, they bend the physical world around them to suit their whim

and will.

@IWhile mages tend to start slowly, they are important to any group

because they have such diverse effects.  Simple spells can create water,

food, and light, while more powerful spells can harness natural forces

into bolts of lightning and sheets of fire.  Protective spells, detection

spells, and spells to enhance physical abilities are all learned by a

mage, and with the additional unique and extremely useful @Espell@n of

@Efind@n @Efamiliar@n, a mage is indeed a powerful class.  Mages' spells

are adversely affected by metal, and the more metal a mage wears the more

difficult it is to cast spells.

@ITo see a listing of the spells available to Mages, see the help file on


@IOther help files that may be useful include help @Emagic@n, @Espell@n,

@Eleech@n, and @Eprepare@n.



0 0 11 Magic~
.Magic in this realm is different from what you might be used to. 

Reagents are required for most all spells in addition to the appropriate

gestures.  To see what spells you can learn at your level, type "abil s". 

If you are a spell-caster you should have at least one spell.  The word

next to the spell describes your profiency at casting that spell.  This

will increase the more you cast the spell.

To find out more about a particular spell, type @b"spell <spell's

name>"@n.  This will give you the lowdown on the spell, listing its

reagents, description, casting time, etc.  To find reagents for a spell,

look around in the wild or visit various shops scattered across the

realms.  Some are commonplace and widely available, and some are quite

expensive and/or difficult to find.

To cast a spell, type @b"cast <spell name> <target>".@n This requires

that you have the proper reagents in your inventory, know the spell at at

least level 1, and have enough energy to cast it.  @bEnergy@n is listed

under the prompt next to the 'e'.  It slowly regenerates up to some max

that increases with level and intelligence.  To see your current max,

type "score".  When you successful cast a spell you will begin to perform

the necessary gestures.  This can take from 1-5 turns.

For mages (and eventually other delvers in the mystical arts), the amount

of metal worn on one's body affects the casting cost of spells in terms

of energy.  This is due to how metal interferes with the magical fields

and forces necessary for the proper casting of spells.  If your spells

suddenly jump in their casting costs, check your @binventory@n; you're

most likely wearing something metal that is to blame.

When spell casters are @bbashed@n (in addition to some other commands) by

mobs or other players, a spell might be disrupted.  Beware.

Some spells are @bleech@n spells, and will remain active until you stop

feeding them energy off of your max.  Type @bleech@n and @bhelp leech@n

to find out more about this.

To find out the specific spells available to a class, type help

@EAbilities@n.  Additional help files that may be useful include

@Espell@n, and @Eleech@n.



0 0 1 Magic mapping~
.Displays a map of the surrounding area.



0 0 1 Magic missile~
.This is probably the first, and certainly the most basic offensive spell

a young spellcaster learns.  With a great deal of concentration, the

caster uses the substance of a pebble to form a missile of pure energy,

which can then be hurled at an opponent to do some substantial damage. 

This spell is often used to train apprentices to focus their power, and

the experience gained from this can lead to more complex, powerful spells.



0 0 14 Mail~

@I The mail function uses the standard editor commands to write letters. 

See @C@bhelp editor@n for the list and description of these.  In addition

to the standard editor commands, mail also uses   : 

mail #           : either displays that letter (if not editting),

                    inserts/deletes that line. (See help editor)

mail <subject>   : begins editting new letter with subject <subject>

mail send <name> : sends the mail being editted to <name> 

mail delete      : erases the letter being editted

mail delete #    : erases that message

mail delete all  : deletes all mail messages

mail cc <name>   : sends a copy of mail being edited to <name>,

                    but you continue to edit it.

mail edit #      : copies the specified message to the mail buffer



@I Mail is used to send a message to a specific person.  You do not have

to be introduced to that person; only their name is required to send a


See also: note, tell



0 0 1 major enchantment~
.This spell is used to enchant a weapon, increasing the damage it does and

improving its chances of hitting the target or armor, increasing its

protective qualities.  The effect is permanent.  Unlike minor

enchantment, this spell will not destroy the object, but it can fail.



8208 0 16 map~

map : draws map of surrounding rooms


l : sets size to 120x40 characters

v : sets size to 160x60 characters


This commands draws a map of the surrounding terrain.  Is called by the

magic mapping scroll.  Rooms should not overlap.



32768 0 16 Marmor~

marmor                              : lists armor parts for mobile 

marmor # <chance> <ac> <part_name>  : assigns values for a body part


.  Marmor is used to assign armor to non-humanoid monsters.  Each mobile

can have up to 5 different body parts.  For every hit on the mobile the

fight routine rolls a number from 0 to 1000.  It starts on body part 1 -

if the chance for that part is greater or equal to the roll, the hit

occurs on that body part.  If not it then compares the roll to the chance

for the next part.  Therefore the last body part should always have a

chance of 1000.  Ac is the armor value for the body part - if a hit

occurs on the given part, 0-Ac points of damage are absorbed.  For

humanoid monsters set mflag humanoid which causes a default list of body

parts to be used.  

.  Body parts with two words looks much better than just one word. 

Example: warty leg.  Don't make the area name too long.  



0 0 9 Medienne~
.                     _____ 

@b@R*@n = door or gate    |@b@MTempl@n| 

@b@C:@n = threshold or    |@b@Maltar@n|

      entrance      |__@b@R*@n__|           

                     | @b@GN.@n|

                 ____|   |____

                |@b@MArm.@n| @b@GT@n |@b@MWeap@n|

                |    @b@C:@n @b@GE@n @n@C:@n    |  

       _@b@R*@n_      |____| @b@GM@n |____|      ____ ____ ____      _@b@R*@n_________

      |   |     |@b@Mjewl@n| @b@GP@n |@b@Mgro-@n|     |@b@MBak-@n|@b@MLux.@n|@MSpin@n|    |   @b@MGuard HQ@n|

      @b@R*@n   @b@R*@n     |@b@Mshp@n @b@C:@n @b@GL@n @b@C:@n@b@Mcery@n|     | @b@Mery@n|@b@Mshop@n|@MCoin@n|    @b@R*@n   |_______@b@R*@n

 _____|   |_____|____| @b@GE@n |____|_____|   _|   _|_   |____|   |

|@GAlley@n     @b@GMedienne          Avenue@n                         @b@R*@n

|_____     __________     _________  _  __   __   ______    |

      | @GC@n |   |@b@MCrackd@n| @b@GR@n |@b@MBlack-@n|  ||    |    |    |    |   |

      | @GE@n |   | @b@MCrown@n@b@C:@n @b@GO@n @b@C:@n @b@Msmith@n@b@C:@n__||@b@MMagc@n|@b@MTrad@n|@b@MOld@n |    |   @b@R*@n

      @b@R*@n @GL@n @b@R*@n   |______| @b@GA@n |______|   |@b@Mshop@n|@b@Mpost@n|@b@MBank@n|    |   |

      | @GE@n |          | @b@GD@n |          |____|____|____|    |   |

    __| @GM@n |       ___|   |____       ____ ____ ____     |   |

   |  @b@C:@n @GN@n |      |@b@MMer@n|   |@b@MCndy@n|     |@b@MOld@n |    |@b@MLthr@n|    |   |

   |__|   |      |@b@MShp@n@b@R*@n   @c:@n @b@MShp@n|     | @b@MInn@n|    |@b@MShop@n|    |   @b@R*@n

 _____|   |______|___|   |____|_____|   _|____|   _|____|   |____

@b@R*@n@b@GWest                                                        East@n@b@R*@n

@b@R*@n@b@GGate      M  A  I  N          S  T  R  E  E  T              Gate@n@R*@n

@n@R*@n_____     _____ ____     ____ _____     _______________     ____@b@R*@n

      |   |     |@b@MRsty@n|   |@b@MAlch@n|     |@b@MPet@n |              |   |   

      @b@R*@n   |     @b@R*@n @b@MNl@n @b@C:@n   @b@C:@n    |     |@b@MShop@n|              |   |

    __|   |__   |____|   |____|     |____|           ___|   |

   |  @b@C:@n   @b@C:@n  |       |   |@b@MBlks@n|                     |       |

   |__|___|__|       |   @b@R*@n @b@Mjwl@n|                     |_______|




262144 0 19 Medienne Cemetery/Starkadder Crypt~

The gate swings slowly open in a rusty screech of contempt.

A spectre rises up before you!

The spectre says, "Know this:"

@e   "The earth beyond this gate is sworn by blood to a dark power...

   "Mortals are not welcome here, except as sacrifice.

   "Enter at your peril."


The Medienne Cemetery has not served its original purpose in years.  Now,

with the Starkadder Crypt lying at it's center like a black heart, the

graveyard is nothing less than an armed camp.

Though a huge, sprawling area, rumors and tales of veteran adventurers

claim that the crypt beneath the Cemetery is larger and yet more deadly

as it descends into the earth, connecting to both ancient catacombs that

predate Medienne itself, and the lair of the greatest Archimage to ever

live, Croazner the Undying.



0 0 19 medienne forest~
.A large expanse of woods lies between the human city of Medienne and the

Dragonspire Mountains.  It is well known for both its capacity as a good

hunting ground and its ability to lose entire parties of hunters.  If you

plan to leave the trail, be sure to bring along someone experienced in

woodlore and exploring.  For the avid hunter, the woods have produced

everything from quaint little squirrels to ferocious grizzlies.  Among

the hunters' favorites are the agile stags that populate the forest.



0 0 19 Medienne Sewer~

The human city of Medienne has an extensive sewer system located beneath

its streets.  Parents often threaten their misbehaving children with

scary stories of strange, dangerous beasts, such as alligators and evil

humanoid rats, that inhabit the foul-smelling sewers and will creep up

and abduct them.  How much of it is fact or fiction is not known, but

some brave (or insane) adventurers who have explored the area claim that

indeed many of the tales are true.



32768 0 16 Medit~


medit new <name>        : creates a new mob with name as given

medit new <vnum> <name> : makes a new mob copying an old mob

medit <mob|char>        : specifies mob to start editting

medit #                 : specifies mob to edit by vnum

medit delete            : genocides the mob you are editting

medit replace <v1> <v2> : replaces all resets using v1 with v2


Medit specifies what character or species mstat, mset, marmor, mpedit,

mpcode, mpdata, mreset, mflag ...  act upon.  



0 0 5 Meditate~

meditate : changes your character position to meditating


Meditate allows monks to relax their bodies and, through the grace of

their gods, cure their wounds much quicker than normal.  Doing this

requires magical energy though.  To stop meditating, simply stand.

See also: trance



0 0 12 Melee~
.Melee, literally a fight between several people, is a skill brought to a

new dimension by the armed knights of the realm.  They are able, once in

battle, to engage more then one foe simultaneously, moving quickly and

furiously to damage each one during that round.



0 0 7 Meriada~
.@I Meriada, god of wisdom and time, is one of the gods from a previous

epoch, and is ageless.  Most commonly portrayed by artists around the

realm as an old man, with white hair and a beard of the same color which

hangs to his feet, Meriada is the most ancient of the gods.  He is also

most often shown as walking away from the viewer, holding a large

hourglass in the hand closet.

However, despite the calm and passive demeanor the god takes, Meriada

does, in actuality, passionately take steps to preserve the delicate

balance between order and chaos that he favors. 


There is a temple to Meriada in Narak.



0 0 14 Message~

message : lists the message flags and their settings

message <name> : toggles message flag on/off


This is used to toggle certain familiar messages on/off - removing the

max_mana message for warriors, etc.




Autosave       : lets you see when autosave occurs.

Bleeding       : alerts you when you are badly hurt and bleeding.

Damage.Mobs    : gives info when players damage mobs.

Damage.Players : gives info when mobs damage players.

Followers      : shows followers when the group leader moves.

Hungry         : alerts you when you are hungry.

Max.Hit        : alerts you when you are at maximum hit points.

Max.Energy     : alerts you when you are at maximum energy.

Max_move       : alerts you when you are at maximum moves.

Misses         : lets you see misses in combat.

Queue          : shows when things are queued.

Spell.Counter  : lets you know how many spells are prepared each time you

                 prepare a new spell.

Thirsty        : alerts you when you are thirsty.

Weather        : alerts you to changes in the weather. (not implemented)

Multiple.Items : lets you see a list of items or simply "gets several

@I@I@I@I@I@I@I@I items." 

Long.Names     : lets you see the appearance and name of players

See also @biflag@n and @boptions@n.



0 0 8 Metals~



A soft, abundant, easily mined metal, copper is cheapest coin of the




Soft and gleaming, silver is rarer and more valuable than copper.  One

piece of silver is worth ten pieces of copper.



Most of the gold of the realm comes from the mines of the industrious

Dwarves of Kha-Da.  Gold is a rare, extremely heavy metal.  One piece of

gold equal ten pieces of silver.



Earlier finders of platinum condemned it as "false silver" and threw it

into the ocean.  They came to learn the value of the hard, light metal,

however.  Platinum is silver-white, is very rare, and quite expensive. 

One platinum piece equals ten pieces of gold.



Soft, malleable, and plentiful, bronze was the first metal used by

mortals for making weapons and armor.  The practice of using bronze has

not gone out of style, however, because bronze is inexpensive and easily

replaceable.  Bronze is usually impure, thus bronze weapons and armor are

inordinately heavy.  Also, because the metal is so soft, it tends to

blunt easily.  Bronze tends to be easy to enchant.



A heavy, hard metal, iron is the most prominent material used in weapon

making.  It can be forged by even apprentice blacksmiths, and is abundant

enough to be relatively cheap.  Found deep in the earth, iron tends to be

impure, and is therefore heavy.  It does not blunt readily as bronze,

however, so consqeuently is ideal for armor and edged weapons.  Iron is

fairly easy to enchant.



Steel is iron which has been super-heated to boil out impurities. 

Extremely hard, steel is surprisingly light-weight.  Steel weapons will

keep their edges, and steel armor will not dent easily.  Because only

experienced blacksmiths can work with steel, it is quite expensive.  The

Dwarves generally claim to have discovered steel, as only their mighty

forges could have produced enough heat to draw steel from iron.  Steel is

very disruptive to mage spells, and it tends to resist enchantment.



A rare alloy consisting of gold, silver and copper, electrum is

silver-gold in color, is lighter than gold, and is quite soft. 

Therefore, it tends not to last when forged into weapons and armor. 

However, ancient mages discovered that electrum is extremely receptive to

magic, so much so that it does not hinder a mage's spell-casting ability.



The process of creating mithril is one of the most guarded secrets of the

elves, whose ancients were said to have worn suits of enchanted mithril

chainmail.  However, though no outsiders know how to create mithril, many

know how to forge it.  Several master blacksmiths claim to have learned

the secret of shaping the incredibly hard, lighweight metal.  Mithril is

a bright, almost white, glimmering silver color.  Among metals, it is

second only to adamantite in hardness.  Unlike adamantite, however,

mithril is easier to enchant, although it does hinder a mage's spell

casting ability.



Rumors abound concerning the origins of the strange, dark purple metal. 

The most popular of these rumors is that the metal came from an ancient

race of godlings, whose weapons of krynite sank into the ground of the

battlefield where they destroyed themselves in a terrifying war.

Whatever its origins, krynite is undoubtedly magic in nature.  All

krynite exudes a soft, pallid glow, which fades as the metal gets

fatigued.  However, because every pore of the metal is infused with

magic, it will always resist infusions of further energy, such as

enchantment.  Krynite will not interfere with a mage's spell casting

ability.  The metal is incredibly expensive, and so difficult to work

with that only a genius could ever hope to forge it.



Almost nothing is known about this rare, dull-gray metal.  It is said

that those who discovered and could forge the metal have all died. 

Another rumor holds that adamantite is so hard that it can be forged only

with the combination of a giant's strength and archmage's magic. 

Adamantite is second only to diamond in hardness.  A warrior's metal,

adamantite makes incalculably valuable weapons and armor.  It is

extremely difficult to enchant, and is, for mages, the most disruptive

material known.



0 0 1 meteor swarm~
.The fiery terror of this spell is unmatched in nature.  When cast,

fragments of fire rain down from the sky, hitting all opponents unlucky

enough to be caught under its onsalught.



32768 0 16 Mfind~

mfind -<flag> <word> ... : searches database for matching mobs


a : affect      c : creator     g : group

n : name        r : race        f : act flag

w : wear part   N : nation      T : trigger


@I Command is used to find matching mobs.  Any number of flag/name

sequences are allowed.  For example mfind -n ant -f can_tame would list

all mobs with the word ant in their name which are also tamable.  Using

mfind -n ant -f !can_tame would list all non-tamable ants.

See also: medit, mstat, marmor, mpedit, exp



32768 0 16 Mflag~

mflag <flag>


mflag <flag> toggles the value of <flag> for the mob or character being


Here are some of the mflag effects.

Has_skeleton means that the mob can be raised as a zombie.

Can_tame means the mob can be tamed.

Can_carry means the mob can have items in its inventory - a no for


Has_eyes means the mob can be blinded.

Sentinel means the mob will stay in the room it is loaded into.

Stay_area means the mob will stay in the area it was loaded into.

Humanoid turns the mob into a humanoid, and you no longer use marmor for

that mob.



16 0 4 Mflag_act_list~
.@bAct Mflags:@n

Sentinel: Mob does not wander from the spot of its reset.

Scavenger: Mob loots corpses.

Can_Tame: Mob can be tamed by Rangers.

Aggressive: attacks players on sight.

Stay_area: for a non-sentinel, means mob will not wander out of area of

its reset.

Wimpy: flees from combat when badly wounded. (?)

Humanoid: mob uses the default marm settings for humanoids (legs, armrms,

head, etc.) If this is not flagged an marmor (see "help marmor" MUST be

set for the mob).

Warm-blooded: is warm-blooded and there detectable via infravision.

Summonable: responds to a clan member's cry for assistance.

Assist_clan: will defend a clan_member in the same room.

Can_Fly: flies.

Can_Swim: swims.

Mount: Is a mount and can be ridden by players.

Can_climb: climbs when necessary.

Can_carry: can have items in its inventory, usually only for humanoid mobs.

Has_eeyes: able to be blinded by blind spell. (blinding light as well?)

Has_Skeleton: Is 'animate dead-able' - not that this does not just mean

that the mob leaves a skeleton behind after it dies!

Ghost: fades out of existence when killed.

Zero_Regen: doesn't regenerate (a la some golems).

Slithers : is a snake



0 0 1 Mind blade~
.The premier attack spell of the psionic.



0 0 1 Minor enchantment~
.This spell is used to enchant a weapon increasing the damage it does and

improving its chance of striking a target, or armor, increasing its

protective qualities.  The effect is permament.  There is a small chance

with this spell that something will go wrong and the object will be

destroyed in the process.



0 0 19 Mist-filled Marsh~
.Long ago, Khutek, the hedge wizard, was practicing a powerful spell

involving calming mists.  Being an inexperienced mageling at the time,

the spell failed, and disastrous environmental consequences occurred in

the marsh where he had been training.  Khutek chucked it up as a learning

experience and moved on.

The enchanted mists still envelop the region south of the Elhanni River

today.  Numerous rumors abound of mysterious creatures that now inhabit

the region, mutated by the magic that Khutek unleashed years ago.



0 0 1 Mists of sleep~
.A more complicated and draining spell than Sleep, this one is greater in

that it conjures forth mists of dizzing light and scintillating colors. 

From this the spell can insinuate itself into the minds of many more

targets in the area.  



32768 0 16 Mload~

mload( mnum, room )


mnum - Integer vnum of mob to load

room - Pointer to room to load mob in


Loads a mob into a room.


pointer to mob just loaded


mob = mload( 23, room );     // loads mob #23 into room



0 0 16 Mob_check_list~

no syntax, this is just an informal help file for newbie immortals :)

ubj = "Use Best Judgement"



Following will be a short check list of things to check as you go through

your mobs, to make sure they are complete...


level : make sure level is appropriate for area (must be determined

        first) look at similar mobs and set to same level - ubj

hitdice : should equal level (check "help standards" ), hitdice 

          is the HP on a mob or player(damage player can take)

sex : use best judgement

clan : if mob is meant to be killed unlike human shopkeepers, townfolk

       or whomever, the they should not be set to secomber...i.e.,

       (if killing mob is considered murder in RL, set to secomber)

race : check similar mobs or use best judgement

size : use best judgement

alignment : usually if aggressive, set to evil (but not always...ubj)

mvdice : you don't need to set for a regular mob (horse or such...yes)

coins : look at similar mobs, most mobs won't give much (or any) coins

stats : compare to other mobs, ubj or ask another imm.

resistances : there is a help file, but compare to other mobs (or ubj)

long desc. : use your imagination (but don't make too long)

keywords : if you see unique words in long desc. add them here

main desc. : aim for at least 3 lines long...the longer the better :)

mflag sentinel : stay in room

mflag stay_area : if not sentinel, then have this flagged

mflag summonable : makes mob capable of being summoned by a fellow clan

                   member who has "summon" in their mpcode

mflag has_skel : determines whether the corpse is 'animate dead'-able

mflag wimpy : do you want it to flee during fight?

mflag can_tame : most mobs won't be tameable, ask upper imm.

mflag humanoid : if looks like human (else, see marmor)

mflag aggressive : will this mob attack player when they enter room...ubj

mflag warm_b : if you don't know, ask another immortal

mflag all others : use best judgement (don't go overboard on affects)

marmor : see help file on it...

mpcode : look at my "help standards", mpcode is the attack

         code the mob "performs" on players


otherwise, that should be enough, if i left something out...then ask

around...if you follow this, your mob should be fine...although the first

players to kill it won't get experience points until the mob has been

killed a few times.


Hope this helps! Enjoy - Dragos



48 0 2 Mob_in_room~

mob_in_room( mnum, room )


mnum - Integer vnum of mob to test for

room - Pointer to room to check in


Looks in room to see if mob is there.


pointer to mob if there

NULL if not


if( mob_in_room( 333, room ) ) {       // TRUE if mob #333 is in room

junk_mob( mob_in_room( 333, room ) );  // removes mob #333 if in room



16 0 4 Mobs~
.Following will be an ongoing list of standards for whatever:


1) hitdice for mobs: leveld10+10*level


- i.e. for a level 2 mob........2d10+20

- i.e. for a level 15 mob......15d10+150

- Course 50d10+500 is pretty abusive to cpu.  When too many die-rolls are

wanted, 0d0+1000, or 10d25+750, for example, might be better.



#2) mpcode damage attacks for mobs: 5x for lower level mobs and 3x for

    upper level mobs(plus an additional 20% random special attack

    totaling 2x.)

This is minimal work.  The higher the mobs, the more mpcode they tend to

need.  Look at the well known high level mobs for examples.


- i.e. 2nd mob...mpcode 1 attack( mob, victim, 2d4+2, "punch" );

- where you get 5x or 5(2) = 10 and 2*4+2 = 10

- i.e. 15th mob...mpcode 1 attack( mob, victim, 2d4+2, "right hand" );

- mpcode 3 attack( mob, victim, 2d4+2, "left hand" );

- mpcode 5 attack( mob, victim, 3d5+0, "spin-kick" );

- mpcode 7 if( random( 1, 10 ) < 3 )

- mpcode 9 attack( mob, victim, 3d10+0, "sonic wail" );

- thus...3x or 3(15) + 2x or 2(15) = 75 = 2*4+2 + 2*4+2 + 3*5 + 3*10

- where the 3d10+0 equals the special attack at the 20% random for 2x in

- the formula



let me know if you think we need a standard for anything else for mobs...




0 0 8 mobs_vs_players~
.Far too often we see notes on the bugs, general, and ideas board asking

why mob skills that mimic player skills are better than player skills, or

even demanding that the mobs be better balanced as they have better

skills than the players.


This extends to things such as...  My level 10 warrior can only have 2

attacks, so why can the mob I'm obviously better than have 3 attacks? 

...Why can this mage I'm fighting cast a fireball every round yet it take

me several rounds?  ...How can this mob cast lightning bolts at me and

manage to claw me twice at the same time?  ...How can this mob is using a

sword like a fighter, spin kicking me like a monk, and casting a fireball

at me like a mage?


Trust me, the mobs ARE balanced to the players.


The experience on a mob is automatically determined by several factors,

which include how much damage the mob generally does and how long it

lives.  This leaves only a few options open to us to keep the mobs of TFE

interesting to the players.

- Either we give every mob you come across the same types of armor the

players have, meaning almost everything would have a hodgepodge of +1,

and +2 armor with every slot filled with something.  This would greatly

devalue the cost of equipment and one of the things that we strive for is

to have value placed on valuable equipment, so this is not an option.

- Or we modify their attacks.  Even here a balance must be struck.


Since there must be higher lever, more powerful mobs for the more

experienced players to fight they must be able to do enough damage to

provide a threat to people wearing the kind of armor and defensive spells

our high level players use.  To this end TFE has a set of standards to

which the builders adhere when creating mobs.  When a mob is assigned its

level, the standards determine how much life the mob has as well as how

much damage it must have the capacity to deal.  To preserve the value of

equipment, and insure everyone isn't pulling Flaming Mithril Swords of

Death +3 off of the kobolds, this means we modify them and give them

special attacks.  Sometimes this means we will give them a few extra

attacks in the round with mundane weapons, or modify the damage so they

tend to be doing more damage with a mundane weapon then it normally deals. 

For all you know, they are just better trained to use it.


Spells...  Not every spell you see a mob cast is exactly what the players

have.  The damaging effects of spells are also a part of the damage

covered under our standards.  If a mob is able to cast a fireball every

round, faster than you, it is only doing the damage it is supposed to and

its experience reward will reflect that.  Perhaps they just cast it

differently and had a better teacher or perhaps they have a better inate

ability to focus magic.  Deal with it.


We do try to keep them sensible, but we can not apply the same rules to

the mobs that apply to the players.  Otherwise there would probably only

be a handful of mobs on the mud yielding over 5000 experience.  Even if

that seems like a lot to you now, it won't later.  Later on, when you

need a million exp, or even just a few hundred thousand, and you need to

be killing mobs that yield 10,000 or more exp at a time having mobs whose

skills and equipment are the same as players that yield only a 5000 exp

tops will seem quite boring.  How fun do you think it'd be to kill a

million rabbits over several hours and still not level?  So bear with us,

play, have fun...  But most of all enjoy it.


Shade and sweet water,




16 0 2 Modify_mana~

int @b@Gmodify_mana@n( @Bchar@n, @Gvalue@n )

@Bchar@n  - Pointer to character to modify

@Gvalue@n - Integer amount to reduce/increase char's mana

@Rreturns@n - 1 if able to remove energy - 0 if player was below 0


Modifies the char's current energy level.


modify_mana( ch, -10 );   // decrease ch's energy by 10

modify_mana( ch, 10 );    // increase ch's energy by 10



0 0 2 Modify_move~

int @b@Gmodify_move( @Bchar@n, @Gvalue@n )

@Bchar@n - Pointer to character to modify

@Gvalue@n - Integer amount to reduce/increase char's move

@Rreturns@n - 1 if able to remove energy - 0 if player was below 0





0 0 8 Money~
.The money system here contains four types of coins:


Silver = 10 copper

Gold = 10 silver

Platinum = 10 gold

In order to give coins to another pc, type:

@Igive <number_of_coins>*<coin_type> <pc_name>

@I@Ieg, give 3*gold greyclaw

To drop coins, simply type:

@Idrop <number_of_coins>*<coin_type>

@I@I eg, drop 2*copper

Note: using the abbreviations: cp, sp, gp, pp, will not work.

@IOther help files that may be useful include help @EBank@n.



16 0 4 Monk~
.A working file designed to bring the Monk Class back into some sort of


Realignment of skills and their abilites as follows:

Critical Hit - level 1, damage multiplied x2

Meditate, 10

Tiger Paw - 10, 2d6

Shadow Dance, 15

Lion Claw? - 25, 2d8

Spin Kick, 30

"Nerve Twist", 40, damage multiplied by x3

Dragon Strike, 40, 2d10

Scissor Kick, 45, 10d2?

Demon Slash, 50, 3d8

Stun, 55, tone down some

Spirit Focus, 60, mobs attack others in group

"Withering Blow", 65,  damage multiplied by x4

Quivering Palm, 65, 6d5

Flip Kick, 75, spin kick but low % to knock multiple mobs in room to ground

Eye Strike, 75, % to blind opponent

Death Slash, 80, 7d5

Ki Whip, 85, Room attack (damages monk and uses mana as well)

A comparison of the monks' damage dealing capabilities will demonstrate

that a monk's average damage will be somewhat lower than warriors under

this system, but the maximum done per blow will generally be appx.  1/3

higher than a warrior of similar level.

Issues of item repair and further skill balance still must be dealt with,

but this is a start.



0 0 15 Monks~
.@IMonks are extremely deadly fighters specializing in unarmed combat.  As

The Forest's Edge is not set in an Asian-type setting monks are not

necessarily analogous to 'traditional' monks, but instead represent

experts at individual, unarmed combat.  Included in their plethora of

physical abilities are the skills of @Etiger paw@n, @Edragon strike@n,

and @Ecritical hit@n, which multiply the damage done on a strike.  Higher

level monks attain the abilities of @Edeath strike@n, and @Edemon slash@n. 

Unable to use armor better than hard leather, monks rely upon defensive

skills such as @Edodge@n, @Eparry@n, and @Eshadow dance@n to provide them

with protection.  @IWhile very weak at lower levels, monks are

indispensible to any group seeking to battle any powerful foe, because

their ability to inflict massive damage is required for victorious combat.

@IFor a listing of the skills available to Monks, please see the help

file on @EAbilities@n.



0 0 7 Morkith~
.Morkith is a major god of darkness, his power riveling that of Morr

himself.  Few have known of this god and even less practice his art of

evil as the requirements to become a dark cleric of Morkith have sent

many an evil cleric to his or her grave.  Morkith is known as the "ever

watching", as it is said that at any time in any place where a supreme

act of evil is taking place, the god himself is watching over it.  Myths

and legends claim that Morkith is the brother of Morr and although they

were quite close at one time, Morkith decided he wanted more power to

himself and challenged Morr to a battle.  The battle is said to have

lasted over thirty decades and was the source of the downfalls of many

kingdoms, plagues and the origin of the animated dead.  After the battle

had ended Morkith was at his brothers mercy but Morr is said to have

taken pity on his brother and instead of killing him, banished him to the

Abyss where he was imprisioned for over ten thousand years.  It is said

that all evil in the land is the doing of Morkith and that the spirits of

those taken by Morr are twisted and distorted by Morkith and cursed to

walk the earth again, doing his bidding.  During the age of Darkfall,

paladins and clerics of the Order of the Phoenix, a clan originating in

the far off land of Tarik Nor, are said to have started a crusade to

banish the temples erected in Morkith's honor and to slay all his

followers.  Whether they accomplished this or not, no one has yet to find

out but it is said that the god has broken free from his binds in the

Abyss and has come back to re-take what was once his.  Sages and scholars

proclaim that when the land of Tarik Nor is found, and the temple of the

Phoenix re-claimed, a new age of darkness will descend upon the land and

ignite the foulest evil beasts in the land to run amuck in the realms, to

turn the land into another Abyss in Morkith's honor.



0 0 7 Morr~
.@IMorr, the omnipresent God of Death, is a god not often spoken of in

polite company, but is whispered about rather tensely in muted voices

around the campires and hearths the realm over.  It is unclear what one

gains from an active life's service to Morr, for the god's followers all

swear an oath of secrecy on entering Morr's would presume

upon completion of a quest, although they will not even acknowldge that



There is one major misconception to the powers of Morr, however: Morr,

while his domain does include that of the dead, does not control those

who have passed on into his realm.  Rather, Morr governs the time he will

send one of his dark angels to end a mortal's life.



0 0 3 Motd~



The good news: we are open.  The bad news: we still have bugs.

Welcome back folks, in fact, there is a help file called welcome back

which summarizes major changes.  Please remember that your name,

description, etc.  must be in-theme.  Read the help file or ask a

friendly avatar for help.

Please post bugs to the bugs board, and be patient.  If you feel you

can't play, then don't.  We think mud is playable and do NOT anticipate

another pwipe.

Thieves are temporarily disabled since so many of their skills are bugged.

Objects will still be changing some, as may a few mobs.  These changes

may not be posted, please be aware.

Gossip points WILL be reduced for using wrong channels.

Read help noteboard additions.

PLEASE READ HELP MULTIPLAY.  Ignorance is not an excuse.

Please do not post spell message [BUG]s - will all be fixed soon.



0 0 13 Mount~

mount <animal>

dismount <animal>


The mount and dismount commands are used by riders to get on/off their

animals.  Some mounts may wear items, such as barding, and some pets may

wear things like saddlebags.  The syntax is put saddlebags on <mount>.



0 0 12 Mounted fighting~


<This skill not yet coded>



32768 0 16 mpdata~

-- If not editting a mpdata

mpdata            : lists existing mpdata

mpdata new <name> : creates a new mpdata

mpdata delete #   : deletes a mpdata

mpdata # <name>   : changes the name of a mpdata

mpdata #          : sets wizard to editting that mpdata

-- If editting a mpdata

mpdata exit : returns to not editting any mpdata

Mpdata uses the standard editor.  See help editor for assistance with



See also: mpcode, mpedit, mpflag



32768 0 16 mpedit~

mpedit :: shows list of mprogs on current mob.

mpc :: see help mpcode

mpd :: see help mpdata

mpset trigger :: sets trigger, shows list of triggers if null



Mop progs make the mud interesting and give a sense of awareness and life

to your mobs.

Please feel free to make interesting mob codes (all npc's should have

triggers for telling them hello, etc; shopkeepers might want to have an

entering room code).

In order to set directions on entering/leaving triggers, chg value to one

of the numbers listed in @Chelp directions.@n 



32768 0 16 Mreset~

@Gmreset@n                          : lists resets on a mob

@Gmreset delete <#>@n               : removes a reset of an item on a mob

@Gmreset <item>@n                   : resets an item on a mob

@Gmreset 1_ch <#>@n                 : sets the basic repop rate of an item

@Gmreset <#> position <position>@n  : sets the position an item resets on

@Gmreset <#> -1@n                   : removes the reroll bit


This is used to reset an object on ALL mobs of the type being editted. 

They must be wearing or holding the object you want to reset and it will

reset as they currently are using it.  Mreset 1_ch <#> allows you to set

the repop rate from 1-100%.  (See help reset for details on the dice

columns.) 1% is to be used for extremely good items, and is, as the

number implies, extremely rare.  100% is frowned upon because it creates

too much clutter.  Remember that the more mobs there are, the more often

an item pops.

@I@cMreset <#> position@n with no argument will show all the slots

equipment may be worn in.  If you wish to have two different items in the

same slot, you will have to use mreset <#> -1 to remove the reroll bit

from the second item.  Otherwise, they will both pop in the same slot at

the same time.  If you wish to set flags on an item in mreset, you must

use: mreset <#> +<flag>.

@I@eObject Flags:

        @cC)ontainer - Object is flagged as a container

        @cI)nside - Object goes in last object loaded with C flag set.@n

Anything flagged as a container *MUST* be the first item reset for the

items flagged as inside to load properly.

@eSee Also:@n reset, rmwhere



32768 0 16 Mset~

@Gmset@n                 : displays creature's stats you are editting

@Gmset@n <field>         : lists the allowed range or set of values

@Gmset@n <field> <value> : sets the specified field to the given value

Allowed Fields = { strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity,

constitution, alignment, clan, race, sex, name, keywords, long descr,

coins, level, magic res, fire res, cold res, electricity res, mind res,

maturity, adult, skeleton, zombie, group, size, movedice, hitdice, class,

religion, deaths, exp, game, gsp_points, office, piety, prac_points,

account, donate, creator, wander delay }


@I Most of the fields are self-explanatory.  Some of them are only

settable by higher level immortals.  You should not set exp on players

without being sure they deserve it.  To specify what mob you are editting

use medit <mob>.

See also: medit, marmor, mstat, mpedit



32768 0 16 Mstat~

@Gmstat@n            : displays stats on mob currently being editted

@Gmstat@n #          : stats on mob with vnum given

@Gmstat@n <mob|char> : stats of specified being


a : only displays appearance related information


Mstat is the command to show the stats of mobs and players.  Use medit to

specify what mob mstat defaults to.

See also: medit, mset, marmor, mdesc



0 0 8 Multiplaying~


@B@b*@n Multiplaying is not allowed.  It gives too much of an advantage

over those who cannot do it.  It also promotes soloing and works against

the social structure of the MUD.


@B@b*@n Players should not trade equipment between their own characters,

nor assist others in doing so.


@B@b*@n The Immortals of The Forest's Edge insist that all players wait

five minutes before logging alternate characters on.  In addition, the

immortals ask that players not log in and out frequently in order to

speed up area resets.


@B@b*@n Each account may have only one character on at a time, and

playing multiple characters via multiple accounts is also not permitted.


@R@bMultiplayers may reasonably expect themselves to be purged.



16 0 16 Mwhere~

mwhere <mob>


mwhere <mob> - List all rooms that <mob> currently occupies.



0 0 1 Mystic Shield~

This spell creates an invisible field around its target which, depending

on level, has the increasing potential to bend the physical world around

the mage.  This causes blows which would normally strike the mage to miss

their target due to this subtle 'warping' of space.



2048 0 0 myths~
.Here's a few of my favorite myths that seem to have cropped up over time... 

Brazen is a marvelous dancer.  One of the best in the realm.

(suavest assassin in the realm and she has style)

The chlorohorror's name is Charlie.  Charlie Chlorohorror.

(Why not.  Such an innocuous name for a dreaded thing that probably no

one would think to name.  Kinda cracks me up.) 

Nettle Gruefood has a daily tea-time with Death.

(Before the theft, Nettle was one of the most often dead characters

people heard about.) 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another favorite section.  Some of my favorite complaints, all said in

total seriousness...

"I haven't left this area because I don't want to explore yet...  can't

the imms do something about all the people who never leave an area? 

They're [in the way] and [ruining the fun of the area]."



0 0 3 Name_Similiar~

This mud uses name completion.  Player names which contain, or are

substrings of extant names are not permitted.  This avoids confusion

among players.  The name Malice, for example, would be forbidden if the

name Mali already existed, and vic-versa.  The name you chose conflicted

with an already existing name.  Please choose another.



0 0 4 Names~
.@CLegit Names and Otherwise@n

@IOn the subject of names there is always some problems.  Most of the

same here applies to people's appearances and descriptions.  Though there

there is less leniency because it is a physical description.

Here are examples of names that are @bnot@n acceptable:

* Most words in the dictionary except proper names.

* Main characters from reasonably well-known books.  Reasonably well

known is defined as 30% of the mud has heard of the book.  Minor

characters from major works are also unacceptable if 30% of the mud has

heard of the character.

* Names of cities.  Hershey would unacceptable.

* Famous names.  Words strongly associated with anything in particular. 

Dividing line is 30% of the mud recognizes the association.

* Modern names (Rocketman)

* Names including titles (Sir Peabody, Queen Ann)

* Major foreign words.  Major is defined as anything known to whoever is

around.  Anything French is disallowed as the French are annoying.

* Nicknames (names that depend upon the person you are now, or some

physical attribute - lightfingers, stubbytoes, one-eye)

* Bastardizations of any of the above (Frndz, Doonbuggy, Mi-lafs)

Names should be medieval sounding or otherwise similar to a fantasy

setting.  Names are meant to be just that, names.  Nicknames are well and

nice, but they can easily be added to your keywords.  Names should be

things like: Handaran, Aelrynne, Kuhrt, or even Joan.  Adjectives,

adverbs and generally descriptive words are poor substitutes for a name,

Also it is best to avoid names based on verbs like Slasher, Mauler,

Killer.  Such names will only invite a name change.


As long as the name is not offensive, Immortals and Avatars should

politely ask for a name change.  If the person refuses, please talk to or

mail a level 95+ Immortal (rank Immortal, Spirit, Angel, Demigod, God)

about the perceived problem.  Imprisoning the person, freezing them,

disconnecting them is not appropriate.

If the name is offensive, you may either ask them to change the name or

disconnect them immediately.  This decision should be based on the degree

of offensiveness and how reasonable the person is.  Some people do logon

for the sole purpose of causing trouble.

Most importantly, if an immortal asks you to do something (like change

your name) it is assumed they have a good reason and you should comply. 

Imms found abusing this will be dealt with.




0 0 4 names2~
.The other list of name no-no's.  This is just a list of examples of what

won't pass for those of you who like it spelled out a little better.

More examples of names that are @Mnot@n acceptable:@n


@GNames of inanimate objects, particularly those that frequent the mud:@n

   tree, stone, stream, door, road

@GNames of animals:@n

   lion, bird, eagle, woodworm, bear

@GNames of Famous people, real or fictional:@n

   Princess Leia, Cindy Crawford, James Bond

   John Doe, Jane Doe

@GNames of Comic Books heroes:@n

   Pitt, Maxx, Superman, Batman, Lobo, The Tick

@GNames that are vulgar or offensive (you get the idea).

@GNames which are best avoided:@n

   Satan, Jesus

@GNames of anachronistic (things that should not exist in this setting) items:@n

   Toothpaste, Shoepolish

@GNames with titles:@n

   King Richard, Sir Gawain, Brother Thomas, Sister Emily,

   Father John, Mother Teresa, Mr/Ms/Mrs anything.

   Master Thom, Mistress Jenny

@GAnything that requires an article (a, an, the, etc):@n

The Tick, Thetick, The Pope, A Killer, Akiller, Da Basher, Da Boss

@GNames based on actions:@n

   Slasher, Mauler, Killer, Basher

@GNames based on combinations of above:@n

   BearMauler, Rat Slayer

@GNames based on your occupation or race:@n

   Ranger Bob, Warrior Ted, Priest, Witch

   Joe-Orc, Ima Healer, MeGoblin, MeGobbie, BigTroll

  HolyJoe, Holy(anything) for clerics or paladins (or anyone really)

@GNames that are variants of names that won't pass:@n

   Joan d'Arc, Jone o'th'arc, Joanne Ark

   Gandalf, Ghandalf, Gandalph

@GNames that are not names:@n

   Bignstupid, Jackofclubs, noname, nobody, somebody



Changing a single letter to make a minor difference is essentially the

same as using the donor name.  Klown will essentially be treated the same

as Clown.  It is a pretty blatant and poor attempt.


Reversing a name may or may not work.  No one is going to care about

Maerts, but something like Sesuj is a quick line to getting banned.  It

implies you realize there is a problem with the name, and you are

flaunting that you are trying to get around the rules.  While creativity

is to be admired, flaunting an intentional infraction of the policies is



It is not impossible to come up with a decent and original name.

However, if you are going to steal a name from a book:@n

   1) Don't steal obvious names like Bilbo or Gandalf

      steal more obscure people, tertiary characters,  support characters. 

   2) If there's a good chance others will know you, don't contradict

      yourself by making Baba Yaga the orc thief, or Ali Baba

      the human paladin.  If you steal a name, you take with it

      certain concepts and atmosphere.  Don't offer up the concept

      of Lancelot the knight, and try to play him as a goblin mage.



0 0 10 nations~
.@MSecomber@n - a nation of primarily humans.  Towns of note include

Chiiron, Medienne, and Pennan.


@MEleint@n - a nation of primarily elves.  their towns are located deep

in the heart of the Vaasa.


@MThorstag@n - a nation of gnomes.  they have not disclosed the location

of any of their towns at this time.


@MKhedrun@n - a nation of primarily dwarves.  Scattered through the

mountains, they hold all contact with outside nations through the town of



@MStahl@n - the nation of the lizardfolk.  they hold one town, Sos-Kul,

deep in the heart of the K'ssk Swamp.


@MKarse@n - a nation of ogres, they've managed to hold off killing each

other long enough to build the town of Denab-Knur.


@MNetheril@n - a loose nation of trolls, they have not managed to pull

together the wits or resources to build a town yet.


@MAzak@n - a nation of primarily orcs.  They have constructed a town in

the hills near Pennan.


@MJezvik@n - a nation of goblins, as yet holding no towns.


@MDvyie@n - a nation of vyans.  If they hold a town, they have jealously

guarded its secret location from all not in their nation.



Voaleth --- Not a nation, but the gathering place for many of the darker

races that do not hold a town of their own.  Within the confines of the

town, several nations have been seen lurking on the dim streets and

darkened alleys, including Kharse, Netheril, Azak, Jezvik, and even a few

from Dvyie.



Halflings, Ents and Centaurs - These reclusive races are somewhat

scattered and have learned to adapt wherever they can.  Though they have

developed no strong ties of nationality, they have shown an ability to

adapt wherever they feel most comfortable.



See also: relations, reputations, and help relations



0 0 1 Neutralize~
.Neutralize is the spell to cure hallucinations.  Hallucinating will make

you unable to rely upon your senses.  Monsters, players, etc.  will

appear strange, and hallucinating players will find it difficult to do

much anything unless cured.  This spell is also very useful in aiding

players who have been unnaturally silenced.



0 0 0 New_Email~

Please enter your new email.  Once entered, if valid, a confirmation code

will be sent to this email.



0 0 20 Newbie~
.@b@RNewbie Help@n

------ ----@n

Welcome to @bThe Forest's Edge@n!

This is intended to help you get started in your adventures here.  This

MUD is different from many other MUDs around in many respects.  

@CSome of our features:

@G*@nWe strongly encourage a roleplaying environment.

@G*@nWe have actions, object programs, and mob programs; these programs

allow the builders to make anything from intelligent weapons and mobs to

gates that open when you knock or pull a lever.

@G*@nOur OLC system allows us to update, repair and build areas anytime.


Help Topics to Read:

@nType 'help <category>' to read.


@CWorld Map

@CChiiron or Voaleth (or whatever city you are starting in)




@CStarting@n - For help with starting to play

@CRoleplaying@n - For tips on beginning roleplaying

@CPolicies@n - For a list of current policies

@CProcedures@n - How to interact with Imms and AVs

@CGates@n - For information on entering/exiting through city gates

@CFYI@n - For what you, the player, are responsible for.

@CTowns@n - Lists all the villages/towns of the realm



0 0 0 none~


0 0 14 Noteboard~

@I The note fucntion uses the standard editor commands to write notes. 

See @Ehelp editor@n for the list and description of these.  In addition

to the standard editor commands, note also uses: 

note #             : either displays that letter (if not editting), or

                     inserts/deletes that line (as in help editor)

note <name>        : begins editting new note

note post          : posts the note on the note board, or saves changes

                     to a modified note

note delete        : erases the note being editted, or stops editting a

                     previously posted note without saving changes

note delete #      : if you were the writer of that posted note, it

                     will be removed from the board

note edit #        : begins editting a note you have already posted

note move <board> #  : moves a posted note to another board

note summary       : lists the number of notes posted to all

                   boards since your last mud session


The note boards are used to post information for all to read, there

are different boards for different topics which are:

general       : general info and chatter

immortal      : for immortal use only

ideas         : comments and suggestions to improve gameplay

bugs          : post any bugs or problems encountered here

announcements : a list of all recent changes to the mud

information   : useful general knowledge and the like to be shared

stories       : general role-playing saga

wanted        : place for you to post your wish lists

fixed         : where imms move bugs notes once they are dealt with

code          : imms will move bugs notes here if they apply

@RPlease post your notes on the correct board.  And please, post only

serious notes and do not post replies if the note does not require one. 

Posting frivolously will get your gossip points docked.


@IOther help files which may be useful include help @Eboard@n.



0 0 2 Num_in_room~

num_in_room( room )


room - Pointer to room to test


Counts the number of characters in a room (both pc's and mobs).


number of chars in room


i = num_in_room( room );



32 0 2 Obj_in_room~

obj_in_room( onum, room )


onum - Integer vnum of object to test for

room - Pointer to room to check in


Checks room for object.


Pointer to object if found in room

NULL if not


if( obj_in_room( 200, room ) ) {        // TRUE if object #200 is in room

junk_obj( obj_in_room( 89, room ) );    // removes object #200 if in room



32 0 2 Obj_to_char~

obj_to_char( object, char )


object - Pointer to object to load

char   - Pointer to character to load onto


Loads an object into a character's possesion.




obj_to_char( oload( 187 ), ch );    // Loads object #187 onto ch

obj = oload( 338 );

obj_to_char( obj, ch );



32 0 2 Obj_to_room~

obj_to_room( object, room )


object - Pointer to object to load

room   - Pointer to room to load into


Loads an object into a room.




obj_to_room( oload( 187 ), room );    // Loads object #187 into room

obj = oload( 338 );

obj_to_room( obj, room );



0 0 0 Object~



Curmudgeon of the deities.  Deity of obfuscation, order, technology, and

libations.  Known for ignoring requests of mortals and eating immortals'




0 0 4 Object Flags~
.Glow - glows.

Hum -

Dark - Does nothing right now.

Lock -

Evil -

Invis - Invisible.

Magic - Magical; registers as such w/detect magic

No_drop - player cannot drop item.

Sanct - Item is sanctified.

Flaming - covered with flames.

No_remove -

Inventory -

No_shield - cannot use shield in conjunction with object.

Hidden - hidden.

No_show -

No_sacrifice -

Water_proof -

Appraised -



Identified -

Rust_proof - Rustproof; items which have metal flag checked and this unset will have a chance of repopping in various rusted states.

Uses_skin - item will not be in inventory, but will have a chance of loading when mob is skinned.

Is_chair - 



131072 0 16 Oedit~

oedit new <name> : creates a new object

oedit new <vnum> <name> : copies the object with that vnum

oedit delete     : deletes he object you are editting

oedit <vnum|name> : edits an object

oedit replace <v1> <v2>   : replaces v1 by v2 in all resets


See also: odescr, oextra, oload, rowhere, ofind, ostat



131072 0 16 Oextra~

@Goextra@n            : lists extras on an object

@Goextra@n new <name> : creates a new extra

@Goextra@n #          : edits extra specified

@Goextra@n delete #   : deletes extra

@Goextra@n # <text>   : changes extra name




0 0 12 Off-hand Attack~
.This skill allows players to wield a weapon in each hand.  Doing so

eliminates the possibility of using a shield or a two-handed weapon, but

given an intelligent choice of weapons it should increase the damage a

warrior can do.  Only dagger type weapons can be wielded in the off-hand,

as two swords, for example, would be completely unmanageable.

The command to use a secondary weapon is : hold <dagger_name>

A second off-handed attack is planned to be implemented soon exclusively

for warriors.



131072 0 16 Ofind~

ofind -<flag> <word> ... : searches database for an object class


f : affects        o : object flags          s : size

i : anti           m : materials             r : restrictions

w : wear flags     b : before name           a : after name

t : type           c : creator               W : weapon class

T : oprog trigger


See also: mfind, oedit, ostat, oset, oflag, opcode



131072 0 16 Oflag~

oflag <object>

oflag <object> <flag>


oflag <object> - Print the values of the object flags for <object>.

oflag <object> <flag> - Toggle the value of <flag> for <object>.



0 0 1 Ogre Strength~
.An enchantment of substantial power, this spell harnesses the caster's

magical energies and the properties of the rare mandrake root to imbue

the caster with increased strength.  Even the meekest of mages will

suddenly find himself to be a more formidable physical specimen, so long

as the flow of magical energy which supports the spell remains unchecked.



0 0 10 Ogres~
.@GAverage Statistics for Ogres@n

Height: males about 6'6" - 7'6"

        females about 6'4" - 7'2"

Hair: Browns, black, reds and rarely gray.

      It is usually coarse, bristly or patchy.

      Facial hair is extremely rare, almost unheard of, though

      ear, nose, shoulder and back hair are quite common.

Eyes: Ogres tend to have dull, beady eyes ranging in colors that are mainly

      shades of gray.  Sometimes they have hints of red or black as well.

      The Irises are large leaving only a thin margin of the sallow to gray

      surrounding it visible.

Appearance: Ogres are most often quite muscular with odd protuberances,

large warts and cysts most frequently, as well as having frequent patches

of hair-covered warts that can confuse their bulky shape.  Most ogres

have poor postures and stoop horrendously.  Ogre skin is usually a dusky

shade of grey-brown, sandy-brown, or a ruddy red-brown but it is always

somewhat rubbery.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing an Ogre@n

As a general rule, ogres are big, mean and dumb.  They are typically

brutish and like to bash anything smaller them as much as possible.  They

particularly don't like little creatures, who tend to cause problems

and/or steal things.  The general attitude of life for an ogre is pretty

simple.  If you can eat it, do so.  If you don't plan on eating it, bully

it.  If you can't bully it, then smash it.

Ogres aren't known as great conversationalists, but they are the favored

workhorse of the dark armies being the best at what is most often called

for in any combat situation.  Smash, rend and tear into itty-bitty pieces.

Ogres have no real central governing force, nor do they care overly much

for family units.  Despite the lack of central cohesiveness, they still

managed to construct a city, Denab-Knur (The ogre words for Cave you live

in, further demonstrating their creative genius).  True to form, city

government is based on strength.  The strong rule and the weak serve.

Two varieties of ogre have evolved here.  Gray ogres tend to be the

stronger and dumber of the two.  Red Ogres, so called for the ruddy hue

of their rubbery skin, are somewhat smaller in stature and possess a

smidge more intelligence than grey ogres, they are still about as smart

as a rock by the standards of most other races.

@yRacial Relations:@n

As a rule ogres dislike anything small.  Halflings, gnomes, dwarves and

goblins are all treated with contempt and should be stomped on repeatedly. 

Goblins, at least, know how to tear things apart and can, on rare

occasion, be useful in breaking something in a small places ogres can't


Trolls, though strange and frankly, pretty dumb even by ogre standards,

make for useful allies.

Orcs are viewed with a measure of respect, as they know how to cut and

build things, though they obviously aren't as good as ogres or they

wouldn't be so puny.

Vyans make useful allies, as they make good diversions when hunting elves

and are good at dealing with elven magic.  Unfortunately they are also a

nuisance as they always seem to think they are in charge.  Fortunately

they rarely get in the way of such truly important matters as smashing

things when it comes time to do so.

Elves and lizardmen are hated simply as a matter of course.  They serve

no purpose but they do bleed exceedingly well once you get past all their

silly magic and sharp claws.

Humans are an odd lot.  While some are almost as good as orcs, many more

are often as bad as elves and lizardmen.  Though its usually just easier

to smash them the same as elves, sometimes it pays off to only smash them

a little.  Once they know who's boss, they make pretty good allies.



0 0 0 olddwarves~
.Famous for deeds other than the invention of the braided beard and the

double-bladed axe, the Dwarves of the Forest's Edge are known to make

fine warriors and adventurers.  Strong and hardy, Dwarves also possess a

certain innate resistance to magic which makes members of this race

particularly valuable allies and extremely deadly foes.  The Dwarves of

Clan Khedrun make their home in the great underground city of Kha-Da, and

although they don't much like the annoying brightness which is the sun,

in typical fashion, Dwarves have learned to make do with sunlight, even

if it still irks them.

Dwarves have, in general, an undying hatred for several races - among

them Goblins, Orcs, Trolls and Ogres.  Above all, Dwarves cannot stand

Goblins, who to them are less than worthless thieves who should be buried

alive in the next collapsed tunnel.  Needless to say, Goblins conceive of

Dwarves in similar terms.  Elves are viewed with a measure of skepticism,

at times bordering upon open contempt, and Vyans are perceived as a

particularly sinister threat.  Humans, on the whole, are seen as

unnecessarily volatile and a race which really hasn't finished

adolesence, grown up, and figured out what it wants to do with itself. 

Lizardmen are a bit of a boggle for Dwarves, while Gnomes are considered

to be the most agreeable, sensible of fellows, next to other dwarves, of




0 0 0 oldelves~

There are two main races of Elves on the Forest's Edge, the llewyrr or

Eleint, and the Vyans, or Dark Elves.  See help @bVyan@n for information

about the Dark Elves.

The Eleint (or "llewyrr") make their home in the grand wood known as the

@bVaasa@n, and seek to rid the forest of evil creatures.  Due to the wood's

great size and the many perilous areas with which it borders, this is a

constant and neverending struggle.

The Eleint are known for their unique style of dress.  They generally

favor forest colors, ranging from deep green to soft browns.  Their hair

ranges from light blond to darkish brown and, rarely, black, with their

skin tone similarly varied.  Also, full-blooded eleint have no facial

hair.  Their hair is typically straight, and the Eleint are known to be

fond of weaving beads into their coifs which represent various aspects of

that particular individual's beliefs, background, family, etc.  The

Eleint typically stand 5' in height, sometimes a bit taller or shorter,

and are slender in girth.  Eye color is varied, with browns and blues

being the most common.

The Eleint have developed a substantial sense of group identity and

cohesion among themselves; some speculate that this is due to their

status as athe children of an 'elder' race, but this is unproven and an

issue of dispute among the greatest sages of the realm.  Nonetheless, the

Eleint are known for their respect given toward the natural world, with

all natural things considered to house a sacred spirit, be they elven,

animal, plant, rock, or soil.

Over the years, however, hard lessons have taught the surface elves to

mistrust outsiders.  Beyond their unmitigated @b@Rhatred@n for all Vyans,

the Eleint possess a healthy suspicion of many races, and have become

outright hostile to others.  Dwarves and Gnomes, though overly

materialistic and concerned with trivialities, are races whose level of

pollution has not yet progressed past their being saved.  Humans, for

their part, are considered to be intemperate and immoderate, prone to

acting first and considering the consequences of their actions later, and

substantial ill-feeling exists between the Eleint and Humans due to

several pastwars and untoward actions, on both sides.

Despite their misgivings with Humanity, the expediency of survival has

forced the Eleint to cooperate - begrudgingly - with humans in the face

of a greater threat.  Posing such a threat are Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, and

Goblins, who along with Vyans are considered as unnatural, twisted

abominations who should be wiped from existence, their very presence an

oozing, infected and diseased wound threatening to destroy the realm.

The Eleint will not associate with these races under any condition, 



0 0 0 oldent~
.Ents are large, sturdy, bipedal beings often mistaken at first glance as

being part of the landscape.  However, this @Rdoes not@n mean that they

ARE trees.  Their heads are very tall, and they have hardly any necks at

all.  Their arms are covered with smooth brown skins, and their large

feet have seven toes each.  They generally have long beards which are

bushy and twiggy.  Their tree-like nature makes them slow and ponderous,

though they are not at all sedentary.  Ents are strong and have excellent

constitutions, however, they are susceptible to the forces of nature,

most especially fire.


This ancient race's native tongue is very difficult for other races to

learn; but they quite easily have learned elvish.  Besides their natural

friendship with the forest-dwelling elves, ents are also very friendly

with gnomes and lizardfolks.  They have less understanding of the

underground dwelling dwarves, but are not openly hostile.  This good race

has troubles with all of the @Ydark@n races found in the world.

@CWith regard to an ent's appearance and description, keep in mind that

ent's are not trees.  An ent's appearance should reflect the fact that

he/she IS an ent.  While it is acceptable to compare ents with or ascribe

certain traits of trees to ents, neither the description nor the

appearance of an ent should state in any fashion that he/she IS a tree.



0 0 0 oldgnomes~

Gnomes are known to be small, industrious, and excellent spell-casters. 

They are comfortable living in an underground city or burrow, or in a

small home on a rolling hill in some bucolic country setting.

In the past, the Gnomes, centered around their great underground city of

Orlumber, have conducted extensive trade with Humans in both Pennan and

Narak.  Sharing a number of traits with Dwarves, Gnomes tend to mix well

with these two races, though not without infrequent misunderstandings and

cross-cultural problems.  To Gnomes, the Eleint are an utter boggle,

their at times inexplicable behaviors utterly mystifying and frustrating

to the members of Clan Thorstag.  Needless to say, Gnomes have had even

less positive contact with the Dark Elves, who in past times have

appeared out of nowhere to ravage and destroy the works of the Gnomes. 

Gnomes tend to have their problems with other races.  Goblins, Orcs,

Ogres and Trolls are prominent on this list, as are Vyans.  Gnomes have a

particular dislike for goblins and categorically deny all goblin claims

that there is any similarity between the races.



0 0 0 oldgoblins~
.Small, tough and wily, Goblins are known for being good at a lot of

things, with the general exception of magic.  Quick and hardy, goblins

make excellent thieves due to their generally high dexterity and small

stature, though persistent individuals have managed in the past to

succeed at a wide variety of careers, including magical ones.

Goblins @b@Rdespise@n daylight, dwarves, elves, and humans, and prefer to

torture and tease any creatures which they may come across.  They also

conceive of trolls and ogres as utterly insufferable, generally because,

like orcs, these races tend to use their superior size and strength to

bully goblins into doing what they don't want to do.  Goblins will not

associate with Dwarves, due to long-standing tensions and a bloody

history between the two races, nor do they particularly like Elves (of

any type).  Dwarves are viewed with outright hatred, due to their

continued butchery of innocent goblins over countless centuries.  "The

only good part of a dwarf is his scalp" states a common Goblin proverb. 

Gnomes, strangely, are a puzzle to Goblins, who figure that somehow the

two races must be related, with Gnomes of course the lesser relation in

need of help from Goblins.  Why Gnomes cannot learn to take orders and

continue to associate with other, evil races is a source of constant

frustration to Goblins, who would desperately like a new ally (or, even

better, someone they could actually bully).

Most often green, brown or some disgusting combination of mottled earth

tone in skin color, Goblins stand about 4' in height.  They hate light,

live far underground and prefer sharp, stabbing weapons and short, thick

bladed axes which are easy to swing in confined spaces.  Spears are also

a favored weapon.


There are generally two varieties of goblins: the generally small, and

more common, green goblins, and the white goblins, a rare variety of

northern goblins which have a tendency to being larger and less chaotic

in their organization.



0 0 0 oldhalflings~


@IHalflings are a race of 'little people.'  They are small, hearty, and

generally cheerful.  Being shy, they often live in small communities

hidden deep within a forest or tunneled far into a distant hillside.

Quick and dextrious, Halflings can move all but silently through nearly

any terrain.

Most Halflings live in their own communities, though they do trade heavily

with Humans and Dwarves.  Halflings are common in the Human cities, often

in taverns discussing adventure over a hearty mug of ale.  Halflings are

fascinated by Elves.  They consider them beautiful and mysterious, though

the Elves' strange customs are an utter cipher to the down-to-earth

Halflings.  Gnomes and Halflings have amicable, if distant, relations.

Goblins and Orcs are hated with a passion by Halflings and meetings

between them are usually short and bloody.  Trolls and Halflings, while

generally at odds, sometimes partner up for mutual benefit.  Ogres

generally avoid Halflings as the small race tends to annoy the large, slow




0 0 0 oldhumans~
.The humans of The Forest's Edge are much like you or me in physical

appearance.  They are used as the benchmark for other races to measure

themselves against, and are known for being solid all-around in their

abilities and professional opportunities.

In the past, Humans have had extensive contact with Gnomes, and have

experienced generally strong relations with them, as much as any

generalization about two groups of such size.  Humans and Dwarves have

fairly strong ties on the whole, while relations between Humans and Elves

have been fairly volatile, as both sides have had trouble understanding

each others' intentions, leading to a series of misfortunes over the past


Humans and Orcs do not get along well at all.  Ogres and Trolls are seen

in a similar light, though in the past Ogres have hired themselves out to

humans as mercenaries.  Goblins are viewed as capricious little

troublemakers who are best met with force so they leave humankind alone

and go bother the Dwarves.  Vyans have had very little contact with

humans, and even as Human-Eleint relations are touch-and-go, bordering on

the negative.  To Humans, the Eleint are a strange lot whos kidnappings

and ambushes of humans in the past, together with sometime cooperative

efforts, makes them seem, at best, a schizophrenic race.  Vyans, for

their part, are viewed with extreme suspicion, and in the past those

Vyans unfortunate to be caught by humans have sometimes been burned at

the stake as demons.  As a result, most Human-Vyan meetings tend to be

short andbloody.



0 0 0 oldlizardmen~
.Lizardmen are strange specimens, being large, bipedal reptiles.  They are

strong and sturdy, but slightly lacking in intelligence and dexterity. 

When fighting bare-handed a lizardman does more damage than most due to

their sharp claws, which are large and powerful but do sometimes make

grasping and manipulation of fine objects or details a bit difficult. 

They are unable to whistle though so have to find other means to call

their pets, and sometimes have to find special gear to protect their


Lizardmen are a generally reclusive race, getting along best with those

of their own kind.  Despite their misgivings, they tend to get along well

with Gnomes and Humans, though they cannot brook Dwarves' behavior

despite the the faith placed in them by Gnomes.  Lizardmen do not mix

well with the Eleint; some speculate that this stems from a past. 

misunderstanding of temporal importance, while others argue that the

conflict's roots relate to religious matters, and the two races' loyalty

to deities with competing spheres of influence.  In any case, Lizardmen

like the Eleint's evil cousins even less, having fought a number of wars

against the Vyans in the past.  Similarly, continued raids upon Lizardman

settlements by Orcs, Ogres and Trolls have initated a hatred of these

races among Lizardmen; for their part, Goblins are despised due to their

theft and sale of lizardmen eggs to slaves, notably Vyans.


Lizardmen, as a whole, live solely in regions of swampland.  Serpentmen,

a distant relative, tend to prefer the more arid, desert climates. 

Lizardmen are _not_ serpentmen.



0 0 0 oldogres~
.As a general rule, Ogres are big, mean, and dumb.  They make wonderful

warriors but generally feeble wizards and clerics, due to their innate

tendencies towards high strength and constitution and low intelligence

and wisdom.  Their great size is often of use in combat as well, making

them excellent bashers.  Ogre mages and clerics, rare though they may be,

are not unknown to the realms.

Ogres frequently stand up to 7' in height, and weigh a great deal.  Their

skin is rubbery, and their eyes dull.  Ogres are famous for their great

appetites and fast metabolisms, their rates of regeneration being second

only to Trolls.

Ogres do not like little creatures, who tend to cause problems and/or

steal things.  If they cannot be bullied, they should be smashed.  Humans

can be a similar problem, and dwarves tend to show up at the worst times,

and also merit destruction.  Trolls, though strange and frankly, pretty

dumb, make for useful allies, as do the fragile but cunning Vyans.  Orcs

are viewed with a measure of respect, as they know how cut things,

while Elves and Lizardmen are hated as a matter of course.


There are generally two varieties of ogre: the grey ogre, and the red

ogre.  Grey ogres tend to be somewhat stronger, yet even more dim in the

brain, while red ogres are somewhat smaller, yet possess a fierce,

sinister intelligence.



0 0 0 oldorcs~
.A bit slow and a bit dumb, Orcs are nevertheless know to be tough, wily

and strong foes worthy of one's respect.  Slightly larger than a human,

Orcs prefer the dark confines of underground caverns and the hidden

realms of the underworld to the light of day, and will emerge into

sunlight on only the dimest of days, if they can help it, and only after

expressing their dismay at having to suffer from 'that accursed


Orcs are known to be none too fond of Elves, particularly the Eleint,

whom to Orcs are only valued for their skins and teeth.  Orcs begrudingly

respect Vyans, due to their continual warfare with and mutual hatred

toward the Eleint.  Dwarves and Gnomes make excellent slaves, food, or


Orcs are generally on amiable terms with Ogres as well as Goblins, whom

they frequently like to bully (with varying amounts of success).  Orcs

and Trolls tend not to get along well at all, except when hunting the

accursed Eleint (Trolls being insufferable bullies).

Not the strongest spell-casters, Orcs are known to be excellent warriors

and thieves.  They have, however, been known to succeed in whatever

profession they might choose to pursue.


There are two basic varieties of orc: the eastern orc, and the western

orc.  The eastern orcs tend to be more chaotic and tribal, while the

western orcs are somewhat larger and more intelligent.



0 0 0 oldtrolls~
.Trolls are big and slow.  Make that @bBIG@n.  Known for their prowess in

battle, their superior physical attributes, and their great size, Trolls

are known to be unsurpassed warriors.  Along with these physical traits

comes a particular dimness of mind and of senses, and Trolls able to cast

spells are rare, and often less than competent.

Trolls' metabolisms are famous as well for their speed;

they regenerate much more quickly than other races, and consequently

must eat a great deal more to satiate their great stomachs.

As a thoroughly subterranean race, Trolls are adversely affected by

therays of the sun.  They rarely venture forth to see the light of day,

only doing so at night, or on those cloudy, dim days when the sun is at

its weakest.  Trolls fear fire, for its affects harm the race to a great

extent, and slows their recuperative capacities.

As citizens of the underground world [Note: now under construction],

Trolls live in loosely-organized clan bands which meet with other bands

("nations") at regular intervals, holidays, etc.  Trolls generally get

along well with one another, and frequently associate with Ogres, as the

two races are frequently of like mind.  Trolls perceive Vyans as

untrustorthy schemers, though useful allies in dire circumstances. 

Goblins make useful servants, and Orcs often function as valueable allies

while hunting (and, they hope, skinning) the vile Eleint.

Like surface elves, Dwarves and Gnomes are intolerable and utterly

disgusting to Trolls.  Gnomes are utterly insufferable to Trolls, who

cannot understand their lack of appreciation for the fine art of mindless

destruction and cold, dark places.  Humans are a puzzle to trolls - some

make great allies and comrades in arms, while some are just as bad as the

worst Eleint.  The fact that humans have hunted trolls for body parts in

the past, along with gnomes, does nothing to improve relations.  Trolls

credit Elves with making a fine stew.


There are generally two varieties of troll: the southern, or swamp,

troll, and the northern, or ice, troll.



0 0 0 oldvyans~
.The Vyans, or Dark Elves, live underground in their shadowed realm, far

from their hated cousins, the Eleint.  Long ago, the two clans (some

might say races) were one, but even this is cloaked in legend and rumor. 

Vyans can only barely stand the light of the sun, having since time

immemorial spent their days in the dark, sunless recesses of the earth,

*miles* from the Earth's surface.

Vyans and surface Elves possess an unmitigated hatred for one another, a

conflict whose origins are clouded in myth and rumor.  Known by surface

races as "Dark Elves", the Vyans return the suspicion and intolerance

shown then by Human, Gnome and Dwarf alike.  Similarly, while Vyans have

in the past cooperated with Ogres and even Trolls in times of crisis,

this is a race which is generally reclusive and suspicious - some might

say outright hostile - to outsiders.  Lizardmen are considered to be a

less developed race by Vyans, suitable only for enslavement and

indefinite servitude.  Just as Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes have

tortured and slain those Vyan unfortunate enough to fall into their

hands, so too are the Vyan known for their merciless destruction of

prisoners of said races.  The Vyan neither asks for, nor gives, quarter.

Contrary to popular surface-dweller belief, Vyans are not all

dark-skinned and white-haired creatures.  Their skin tones do indeed

vary, from a dark midnight hue to a pale, wan color some say results from

untold ages spent beneath the earth's crust, far from the burning light

of day.  Slender in build, Vyans stand about 5-5'6" in height.  Their

eyes are most often violet or even amber in hue, but albinos, as well as

other odd colors,reputedly occur among the Darkest Folk.



8192 0 16 Oload~

oload( onum )


onum - Integer vnum to find


This function really should have been called find_obj() so it would make

more sense.  It does NOT load an object, it only returns a pointer to an

object type so that obj_to_room() or obj_to_char() can load it. 

Similarily, those functions should have been called oload_room() and

oload_char(), but since they wern't we'll have to live with it.  


pointer to object ready to be loaded


obj_to_room( oload( 144 ), room );   // loads object #144 in room

obj_to_char( oload( 151 ), ch );     // loads object #151 to ch

obj = oload( 338 );

obj_to_room( obj, room );

obj_to_char( obj, ch );



0 0 14 Ooc~

ooc           : lists last five OOC messages

ooc on|off    : turns the ooc channel on and off

ooc <message> : sends a message to all players with ooc channel on


The out of character channel is for discussing ooc concerns, and general

real life things.  It is strongly frowned upon to use the channel in

character.  Requests for items, grouping, etc are not appropriate. 

Swearing and other offensive language is unacceptable on this channel as

with the other channels despite the fact that you might be an Ogre in

real as well as in character.  The ooc channel requires one gossip point.



16 0 16 opedit~
.Oprogs can be tricky business, but here are the basics.


opset :: shows you everything about that brilliant oprog ya just wrote.

@I@I <-- also shows soem of the fields which can be used in

@I@I <-- conjuction with opset, like command, target, etc.


opcode :: adds code just like any other (mpcode, acode, etc).


opdata :: adds data calls to your code just like in adata, mpdata.



0 0 2 Open~

@b@Gopen@n( room, dir )

@Groom@n - Pointer to room

@Gdir@n  - Direction of exit ( North, South, East, West, Up, Down )


Opens the exit specified.


open( room, east );   // opens the east exit in room



0 0 8 Options~

options          : see how your various options are set

options <option> : toggle the specified option

options <option> <option level #> : sets option level for that option


The 'options' command will allow you to view and configure the options

which control your interface and affect your environment.

By typing 'options' with no arguments, you will see the options you

currently have set.

By typing 'options' followed by one of the available keywords, you

will toggle the stated option.

example : @Eopt no_summon@n will toggle that option on or off.

You will see a message stating : "No_summon set to TRUE" (or FALSE, as

the case may be).  If the message were, "No_summon set to TRUE," then you

cannot be summoned.

Note that the '*' after the flag indicates that the option is 'on'; eg,

no_summon (*) indicates that you cannot be summoned.

Options under 'Option Levels' can be set from 0 to 3 by typing option

<option> <#>, and the number is shown in parentheses.  Setting an option

level at 0 will turn off the level-settable option and be indicated with

a hyphen with the parentheses.


auto_assist  : automatically assist your group members in battle

autoexit     : Display the open exits in a room automatically.

autogold     : Automatically loots the corpse of just the coins.

autoscan     : Automatically scan each time you move.

brief        : Disables the showing of room @CDESCRIPTION@ns

chat         : Turn on or off the chat channel.

chant        : Turns the chant channel on or off.

gossip       : Turn on or off the gossip channel

idle         : If on, allows others to see how long you have been idle.

no_summon    : If on, then prohibits others from summoning you.

numeric      : Displays numbers instead of worded numbers.

prompt       : Display a prompt with your hitpoints, mana, and stamina

reverse      : Reverses order in which notes are displayed.

searching    : Search for secret doors on every move.

sneak        : Attempt to sneak on every move.

track        : Allows you to see the tracks of others

parry        : If on, will fight only defensively.

pet_assist   : Have your pet automatically assist you in battle

lang_id      : Display the language other people are speaking in

say_repeat   : Repeat what you typed in or just confirm with 'Ok.'

status_bar   : Display a status bar with info about your character

safe_kill    : Protection from killing your own clan members

munchkin     : Disables 'junk all' command.

ctell        : Toggles clan talk channel on or off.

portal       : Sends you to portal when mud crashes or reboots.

atalk        : Toggles auction talk channel on or off.

@bOptions with levels and their Meanings@n

Autoloot : Automatically loots things off a slain mob.  0 = off, 1 =

gold, 2 = gold, 3 = gold and items 

Autoscan: Automatically scans when entering rooms.  0 = off, 1 = autoscan

anywhere but towns, 2 = autoscans anywhere but towns, 3 = autoscans


Ignore : Prevents people from sending you @gtell@ns.  0 = off, 1 = ignore

all but befriended and grouped people, 2 = ignore everyone but introduced

people, 3 = ignore everyone 

Incognito : Hides your character's level and class on 'who' and 'whois'

commands.  0 = off, 1 = only befriended people can see, 2 = only

introduced people can see, 3 = no one else can see the info.

Room.Info : Reveals more details to each room.  0 = off, 1 = shows

visible exits, 2 = displayed in a box and shows lighting, exits, etc., 3

= same as 2 



0 0 2 OR_operator~
.The OR operator is represented by ||. An example of its use:

if( has_obj( 1489, ch ) || has_obj( 2723, ch ) )

(returns as true if either part of the if statement is true)



0 0 19 Orc Raider Camp~
.The citizens of Sos-Kul have been reporting strange happenings at night

near and around the city.  They speak of dark shapes entering the town at

night and people missing in the morning and supplies being raided. 

Several lizardmen have vanished in the swamp to the north of the town

while investigating these happenings.



0 0 10 Orcs~
.@GAverage Statistics for Orcs@n

Height: males about 5'2" - 6'6"

        females about 5' - 6'6"

Hair: Orcs typically don't have the greatest of manes.  What hair does grow

      tends to be black and coarse.  Occasional shades of dark brown or

      the infrequent shade of ruddy reddish-brown do occur.

Eyes: Typically dark shades of brown or black irises.  The area around the

      iris is a sallow yellowish or grey-white at best.

Affiliation: orcs are a dark race.

Appearance: Orcs frequently have dusky-hued skin tending towards shades

of brown or red.  Warts are commonplace and, in some tribes, considered

marks of great beauty.  Nothing's more pathetic than smooth, boring skin.

Orcs are not known for their great dental hygiene and often have cracked,

yellowed and missing teeth.  Fortunately for them they often grow back

missing teeth once lost.  Enlarged tusk-like canines often protrude from

the lower jaw noticeably.  Their noses are typically upturned, giving them

a pig-like or boarish appearance according to the nastier comments of the

so-called good races.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing an Orc@n

Orcs are typically slow and a bit dumb, never the less they know how to

be tough, wily and strong foes worthy of respect.  Orcs primarily dwell

underground and, though they can tolerate sunlight, prefer not to and

will assuredly whine at being made to spend time in the light.  Their

long years of growing as a society in the cramped tunnels and caves left

to them as the hand-me-downs of larger, brutish dark races or the more

cunning vyans has produced some pretty strong traits.  Most orcs are not

shy or withdrawn and prefer to take what they can get.  This makes for a

very combative society and one that has learned to take its own abuse. 

Their favorite hobby would have to be tormenting the goblins that somehow

always manage to be present wherever there are orcs.  Its considered

great sport, after all, they just keep taking the abuse and there are

always more.

After years of living this way, orcs finally came into contact with

humans.  Though brutal at first, some orcs did see the advantage to

living above ground in artificial caves (houses), particularly if you

build them without windows, thus keeping sunlight out.  When this faction

left, leaving more space in the caves, the remaining orcs rejoiced

greatly and proceeded to fight over the extra free space.  The split, over

many years, has caused orcs to evolve into two main groups.  An eastern

orc, seen most commonly around Voaleth, who tend to be more tribal,

chaotic and senselessly brutal.  And a western orc, seen most commonly

around Brithbarad, known to be somewhat larger and more cunning in their

brutal plots.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Orcs are known to to be none to fond of elves, finding their best value

to be the way they bleed so easily when cut, pounded or smashed.

Elves are also a good supply of elven teeth, which make fine keepsakes of

memorable raids on the unwary elf hunting party.

Despite their close resemblance to elves, orcs grudgingly respect vyans. 

After all, how bad can a people who slaughter elves even more than you do


Dwarves and gnomes only have value as slaves, food or both in orcish eyes.

Orcs are generally on amiable terms with Ogres, seeing them as little

more than really large orcs.

Goblins, having turned out to be poor slaves who were too weak and lazy

as workers and too inconsistent in work quality, and about as hard to get

rid of as roaches turned out to be almost adequate allies.  They make for

great fodder in a fight and are a nearly endless source of mirth as the

butt of jokes and target of cruelty.  They just keep taking it and there

are always more.  When you break one, there always seems to be two more

ready to take its place.

Orcs and trolls do not tend to get along well at all, always managing to

find something to fight over (usually involving possessions or food),

except when hunting elves.

Humans are an odd lot and are alternately tolerated and hated by orcs

depending on whatever the current leaders' whims seem to be.  Where some

humans serve the dark forces they tend to make good allies, while humans

that serve the light are bothersome nuisances and frequently go the way

of elves.  Which is to say they end up a smear on some orc's war club.

Lizardfolk remain a nearly complete enigma.  They lived in the swamps

and, as everyone knows, there aren't caves under a swamp, just more swamp. 

Worse than that, there are only two ways to get there.  Through human

lands, and the humans keep stopping orcs to fight or talk, either one is

better than walking all day.  Or through the Vaasa, and there are just so

many elves to kill there's never a good enough reason to get to the other

side of the Vaasa.  Why go through when you can stop half way and just

keep killing elves until you're ready to go home?



0 0 14 Order~

order <target> <command> : order a pet to do something


The order command is used to control your pets.  Some pets cannot perform

specific commands; these will vary according to a pet's makeup.

Some sample commands are sleep, rest, and stand.

Note: Using order as a means to get past language barriers is against the

rules we have set down.



0 0 9 Orlumber~
.Orlumber is the great city of the Gnomes, and is located somewhere in the

Black Hills far to the north of Pennan and the Rua Valley.  Once closely

tied to the humans in Pennan and the Rua Valley, and known for its crafts

and trade, Orlumber has recently lost contact with much of the outside




131072 0 16 Oset~

oset                   : displays stats of object you are editting

oset <field>           : lists allowed values for a field

oset <field> <value>   : sets the specified field to the given value

oset aff               : lists allowed affects

oset aff <aff> <value> : sets an affect on the editted object

Allowed Fields = { weight, level, value0, value1, value2, value3, limit,

repair, durability, ingots, cost, singular, plural, after, before,

long_singular, long_plural, creator, prefix_singular, prefix_plural, type



@I Oset is used to set values on the object you are editting which is

selected with oedit.  Value0-Value3 are four numbers that every object

has.  Their meaning depends on what the type field of the object is set

to and can be seen for the object editted on ostat under the line

meanings.  Unused means it is irrelevant what the value is set to.

See also: oedit, oextra, odesc, opedit, ofind, rowhere, identify



0 0 7 Osse~
.Osse, the god of the sea, is a violent and powerful god.  To those

who chose to follow him, Osse grants the ability to breathe underwater,

as well as prevents them from being pkilled by other players while in his

world.  Also, a player that is killed while underwater loses a lesser

amount of experience when he or she dies.  And as master of water, Osse

also has powers over ice and steam, and grants the ability to those

spellcasters who follow him to learn new spells special to followers of



Also known as: the Great Navigator, the Master of Waves, and the Ice Lord.


There is rumored to be a shrine to Osse near Medienne.



131072 0 16 Ostat~

ostat <object>


ostat <object> - Print stats for <object>.  Most of these can be set with




16 0 16 Owhere~

owhere <object>


owhere <object> - List all rooms that currently contain <object>.



0 0 15 Paladin~
.@IIn the beginning, temples were easy targets, so they hired warriors and

fighters to protect them.  Over time, these temple protectors not only

came to practice their arts of war, but also became devout to the

temple's god.  In this way, they became the strong arm of the church,

where their unique combination of skills were needed.  Hence, the Paladin

was born.

@IBecause of their devotion to a god, paladins gain a wide assortment of

simple spells.  Useful spells such as create light, food, water and other

curative spells are complimented by the more powerful spells of @Eremove

curse@n, and @Esanctify.  However, gaining these benefits cost these

paladins to lose some of their formidable warrior skills.  They cannot

hit quite as often as true warriors, but they learn the powerful skills

of @Eturn undead@n and @Elay hands@n.  This mixture of spells and skills

make Paladins a very powerful class, one that relies less on others for

survival in a harsh world.

@ITo see a listing of the abilities and spells available to Paladins, see

the help file on @EAbilities@n.  Other help files that may be useful

include @Ehelp spell@n.



0 0 12 Parry~
.Parry is a skill which allows you to block some of an enemy's attacks. 

It is most effective with a sword or other long weapon, though daggers

and other short weapons or fists can be effective to a lesser extent.

This is a passive skill, in that there is no need to type in any command

for an attempt at parry.

NOTE: This skill is not the same thing as the "parry" option.  See @Ehelp

options@n for more information on the parry option.

<I'm currently trying to get grey to make this skill heavily dependant

upon your Wisdom stat.>



0 0 8 Password~

password <old> <new> : changes your password


a : Changes account password instead of player


This command will change your password.  Use it every so often and be

careful not to give out your password to those whom you do not

*completely* trust.



0 0 19 Path of Destiny~
.An experienced adventurer looking to face the biggest challenge of his

life will seek the Path of Destiny.  It has been said that finding the

path is not easy as it appears to magically change locations.  Those that

have found the path and survived it have found great wealths but at great

odds.  Some report that they were unable to do some things in battle that

are commonplace.



16 0 0 pbug~

pbug <text>



You must be editing the player first.


This is the command to attach player bug notes (much like rbug for room

bug notes) to their characters.  Perfect for keeping track of bad players. 

If you come up against a problem player, check their pbug as well, see if

they are a frequent problem or if they just merit a warning.



16 0 0 Peace~



peace - Stop all fighting in the current room.



0 0 17 Peek~
.This skill allows you to peek into a victim's inventory and see what they

are carrying.  To use the skill you peek at the victim and if successful

you will see their inventory.  It is a required skill for any player who

plans to steal for a living.



0 0 9 Pennan~
.                                     @GTo Black




                                     _ @Y|@n ________ 

                                    |@GDelv.@n| @GMill@n |

                                    | @GEnd @R*@n      |

                                    |_   _|__@R*@n___|

                                    |     |old   |

                                    |      docks 

                                    |_ @GD@n _|_    _|

                                    |  @GE@n  | @Gcat-@n |

                                    |  @GL@n  | @Gtails@n|

                                    |_ @GV@n _|_    _|

                                    |  @GI@n  | @Bnear@n |

                                    |  @GN@n     @Blake@n|

                                    |_ @GG@n _|_    _|_____ _____

                                    |     |      |     |@GOld@n  |

                                    |     |            |@GGwen@n |

                                    |_ @GL@n _|_    _|_    |@R*@n____|____   

                                    |  @GA@n  |      |           |    |

                                    |  @GN@n            @GD@n             |     

                                    |_ @GE@n _|_    _|_ @GE@n _|_   _|____|

                                    |@GLow@n  |      |  @GL@n  |      _  @CU@n|

                                    |@GHill@n           @GV@n        | |__|

                                    |_____|_    _|_ @GI@n _|_____|_____

                                          |      |  @GN@n  |     |@GFal.@n |

                                          |         @GG@n         @GField@n|

                                     _____|______|_   _|_   _|_____| 

                                    |     |      |  @GL@n  |     |@GFarm@n |

                                    |               @GA@n         @GHouse@n|

                         ___________|_   _|_    _|_ @GN@n _|_   _|_____|

 _____       _____      |@Gclea-@n|     |     |      |  @GE@n  |     |@GTall@n|

|     |     |    @CU@n|     |@Gring@n                                @Ggrass@n| 

|@GBarn@n |     |@GBank@n |     |_   _|_____|_____|______|_____|_____|____|   

|_____|     |_   _|     |     |                  |     |____

 _ @R*@n _ _____ _| |_ ___  |     |                  |      _  @CD@n|

|     |     |@GCard-@n|   | |     |_____ _____ _____ |     | |__|

|      @GPorch@n  @Ginal@n@R*@n   | |     |     |     |@GSut- @n| |   |

|     |_____|_____|___| |     @R*@n     |     | @Glers@n| |   | 

|_   _|_____ _____ _____|_   _|__@R*@n__|__@R*@n__|@GShop@n_|_|   |___

@R*@n@GGate@n |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |@GArm@n|

@R*@n     @GV A L L E Y   R O A D                  VILLAGE@n    @CD@n |       @GOrchard@n@Y-->@n

@R*@n_   _|_   _|_   _|_   _|_   _|__@R*@n__|_____|_____|_   _|___|    ___ ___

|@GDecay@n|     |     |     |     ||   |||    |   @GGR@n|@GEEN@n  |_______|   |   |

| @GWall@n                        ||   |||    @R*@n            __   __     @MSign@n@Y-->@n

|_____|_   _|_   _|_   _|_   _||___|||____|_   _|_   _| _|@R*@n|_ |___| | |

      |@GCrum.@n      |     |     |@GHat-@n ||    |  @GM@n  ||   | |     |      | 

      |@GParapet@n                  @Gtier@n||    @R*@n  @GA@n  ||___| |_____|      | 

      |_____|_   _|_   _|_   _|_____||____|_ @GL@n _|___________        |

            |@GCrum.@n|     |     |     ||@CD@n   |  @GL@n  |     |     |       @Y-->@n

            |@GWall@n                   ||       @GA@n  |     @R*@n     |   @GChiiron@n

            |_____|_____|_   _|_   _||____|_ @GN@n _|_   _|_____|

                        |@GOld@n  |     |     |  @GD@n  |     |     

                        |@GWall@n                @GE@n        |



                                          |@Bford@n | 

                                          |_   _|

                                          |  @GW@n  | 

                                          |  @GA@n  |

                                          |_ @GY@n _|








0 0 19 Pennan/Rua Valley~
.Beside the Pennan hills is the lush green valley which they overlook. 

Rich with wildlife, this area also provides fertile ground for

domesticated animals to feed upon.  The region is also famous for

legendary monsters as well as wandering thieves and cutthroats.

Mercenary Cave (level 12)

Far north of the Greened Way lies a hidden and well-guarded limestone

cave.  A small band of goblin mercenaries currently resides there. 

Although not usually very bright, these mercenaries are known to be

stubborn, vicious fighters.



0 0 4 pet_rules~
.Pets can be a lot of fun and good helpers in the realm.  However, they

can also be horribly abused.  Pets are any mob following you that you

have control over that is not you.  Familiars, mounts, animals/living

things bought at pet stores, and animals/living things tamed by ranger

pet spells, and created/owned undead are all considered pets. 

Unfortunately there's also room for abuse where pets are concerned, so

here's a little lit of what not to do 

(some of these things can get you banned).


You are not allowed to aquire pets with the intent to release them later

to kill them.

  @C-This means no wounding pets, making them sleep, releasing them, killing them.

  @C-This mean no taming a pet to remove it from the safety of its guardians.

    @C(ie taming sheep to remove them from Pennan to kill them elsewhere)

 @C-This also means no taming the white timber wolf to remove her from her mate

   with intent to release/kill her so you can tame her mate.

   @C(a hint, there IS a legal way to achieve taming the male)

You are not allowed to send them into battles you are not a part of.

  @C-In particular this means no sending hords of pets in to kill shop keepers

   while you stand idly by and watch them get killed by the keeper and guards.

   Honestly, what keeper/guard wouldn't notice you give the orders and attack

   you?  The code just can't handle that yet, so its not allowed.


The imms can see when you aquired pets, when they are released and when they die.

It looks awfully suspicious to check your player log and find you die

once to every 20 pet deaths.  It looks equally suspicious to see you

tamed a dozen animals and released them shortly thereafter.  In fact,

that looks more like you're moving them elsewhere to be killed or killing

them yourselves.

Granted, pets will die, but there's a difference between reasonable

chance of death and abusing the options given you.  In particular this

occurs with rangers.  A ranger's communion with nature allows them to

tame the pets.  I would hate to see tame end up like familiars, only one

tame per level, becuase rangers are abusing it.  -Talis 



0 0 8 Pets~

pets           : lists your pets

pets abandon # : disbands the pets with the given number


One may buy pets in pet shops, which are located in various towns.  Only

two pets are allowed at the same time, which explains the need for the

abandon option.



See also: group, order, whistle



Pets <victim> will list pets for the specified character.  Useful when

dealing with munchkins.


0 0 8 Phule's Laws~
.TOPIC: This helpfile is intended to help those new to The Forest's Edge

get their feet wet.  Just read Phule's Phive Laws of MUDding before you

start your adventures, and don't forget: have fun!


@I Law 1: Self-Preservation.  Set your @bwimpy@n.  What "wimpy" does is

engage a sense of self-preservation in your character.  Typing "wimpy

flee 8" will get your character to try to start running away whenever he

(or she, of course) is beaten down to 8 hit points.  Setting your wimpy

has Phule's personal guarantee to save your life at least once, but

remember, don't simply rely on wimpy to get you out of a tight spot. 

@bFlee@ning (typing "flee") will also get you to protect your tender hide.


@I Law 2: Con before kill, look before you leap.  Before you even *think*

about attacking a mob, always try to guage your chances against it.  To

do this type "con monster_name" -- perhaps "con goat" -- and hit enter. 

This will make your character "consider" his/her chance of success

against that monster in a fight.  To start a fight with a monster you

come accross, type "kill monster_name." Also, before you wander into

unknown territory, type "scan." This will get your character to look

around the general area and see if there are any monsters lurking about. 

If scan shows that there is an evil newbie-eater to the east, don't go



@I Law 3: Sustenance.  You may have received a message that you were

feeling hungry or thirsty.  Here at TFE you must eat and drink to be

merry.  Water is readily available from city fountains, and many rivers

and brooks also carry cool, refreshing water for your parched lips.  Food

can be a recently fallen apple, or a loaf of bread you can pick up from a

table.  Just type "eat bread" or "drink fountain" to eat and drink.


@I Law 4: Clean up your messes.  After you've successfully killed a

monster, you may get more use out if than the simple experience points

you received.  Many corpses, such as those left by rabbits or foxes, can

be skinned to produce valuable pelts or meat.  Just type "skin corpse"

after the fight has ended.


@I Law 5: Practice before you preach.  To achieve the best success here

at TFE, you need to @bpractice@n and hone your skills.  For instance,

you'll have to learn to use that shiny new sword before it will do you

much good.  Many shopkeepers and special NPC's (non-player characters)

have been around and might teach you a thing or two.  Just type "prac" in

a room where you think one of these trainers is.  If you can be taught

there, a list of skills will appear.  Type "prac skill_name" to train

inthat skill.  Type "abil" to see a list of your abilites which can be




I hope this helpfile will be of assistance to those of you who need it. 

Remember, if all else fails and you find yourself killed until dead,

Death might give you a second chance to gain revenge on the

slavering-fanged monster which sent you packing to the netherworld. 

Chances are your corpse will sill be laying around with your equipment in

it.  Happy MUDding!!



RELATED HELPFILES: @bnewbie@n, @Bstarting@n.



0 0 24 Pick Lock~

pick <door_name>

pick <direction>


You need a lockpick to preform this skill.  Some are better than others. 

With this skill, most doors and portals with locks, can be unlocked

without your having to get the key.  Lockpicks can be found in the

shadier types of shops.  



0 0 2 Plague~

@b@Gplague@n( char )

char : character to inflict plague on


If the player fails a save vs disease they have contracted the plague.



0 0 2 Players_area~

int @b@Gplayers_area@n( room )

@Rreturns@n - number of players in area

@Groom@n    - any room in area





0 0 2 Poison~

poison( char )


char - Pointer to character to poison


Poisons a character.  Whether or not they are poisoned and how long the

poison lasts is dependant on the character's constitution.  




poison( ch );   // poisons ch



0 0 1 Poison cloud~
.The caster conjures forth a billowing cloud of venomous smoke that fills

the area.  It is advised that the caster leave quickly as they have no

'immunities'.  The cloud currently does not poison creatures, though it

has no qualms about players.  Magi are currently working on this problem. 

Nonetheless, the cloud damages all that continue to stay in it, and will

remain in existance for a substantial time.



0 0 4 Polearms~
.As there has been some confusion as to exactly what polearms are, this

should help to clear it up a bit.  Polearms, historically, were long

(6-15 feet) weapons used by ground troops to take care of knights on

horses.  However, since we haven't quite gotten mounted combat ready yet,

you aren't going to see too much of this.  Polearms had a lot of variety. 

Some types were built for bashing, other has piercing tips, and some were

just giant cleavers on sticks.  A few polearms incorporated two or three

of these into one weapon.  Again, sad to say, we haven't quite got that

worked out yet either, and right now, all polearms will be of the

slashing variety.  Give us time...  we'll figure something out.



0 0 8 Policies~
.@bPlayer Names@n - Players should choose a name that fits their character

and the medieval time period.  Immortals are encouraged to be lenient in

enforcing this, but characters with blatantly unacceptable names will be

asked to change them.  Examples of unacceptable names are Television,

GoBlue and IamGreat.

@bImmortal Help@n - minor help is allowed for players lower than level 3

such as giving food when starving, giving clues when lost or finding

corpse in deadly places.  This is to stop the mud from being too

frustrating.  After level 2 no help is allowed unless in cases of bugs. 

Both players and immortals will be disciplined for this.

@bAbusing Bugs@n - If you find a bug please report it.  Abusing a bugs can

ruin the game for everyone and therefore players will be punished for

such abuse.  If it is too good to be true, it probably is, and you'd

better report it.

@bReimbs@n - Reimbursements may be given in some cases for losses due to

major bugs.  The normal reimbursement is the equipment you had as of the

last backup of the player files.  This may not be all that you lost but

eliminates the problem of lying so no other equipment reimbursement will

be given.  Deaths or losses due to lag are not eligible for

reimbursements.  Items lost in a crash are not eligible for reimbursement

unless they were lost on a corpse.

@bMulti Playing@n - Multi Playing is not allowed.  It gives too much of

an advantage over those who cannot do it.  It also promotes solo'ing and

works against the social structure of the mud.  Similarly, players should

not trade equipment between their own characters, or assist others in

doing so.  Each account may have only one character on at a time, and

playing multiple characters via multiple accounts is also not permitted. 

Multiplayers may reasonably expect themselves to be purged.

@b5-Minute Rule@n - A corollary to the rule against multiplaying.  This

rule applies to those players with more than one character.  To switch

playing one character for another, you must wait AT LEAST five minutes

before connecting as the new or 'second' character.

@bDeath Traps@n - Death traps ruin the fun of exploring and make life

frustrating.  Areas will not contain 'automatic death' traps.

@bLanguage@n - We ask that players not curse or use offensive language. 

While it is impossible for Immortals to monitor all channels all the

time, we ask that you police yourselves and that you please be sensitive

to your company, both those in the room with you, in the area, and on the

mud as a whole.  Players have complained about this in the past, and

minors do log on here.  Please be considerate to others during your stay

at The Forest's Edge.

@b"Bots"@n - An integral aspect of mudding is its social dimension. 

Bots, or automated scripts, undermine this through the removal of the

human element from the game.  The reduction of the game to a repetitive

series of scripted actions undercuts the roleplaying environment which we

seek to foster at The Forest's Edge.  As a result, players are not

permitted to run or use bots.



0 0 3 Policy_1~

Player Names - Players should choose a name that fits their character. 

Immortals are encouraged to be leniant in enforcing this, but characters

with blanantly unacceptable names will be askd to change them.  Examples

of unacceptable names are Television, GoBlue and IamGreat.

Immortal Help - minor help is allowed for players lower than level 3

such as giving food when starving, giving clues when lost or finding

corpse in deadly places.  This is to stop the mud from being too

frustrating.  After level 2 no help is allowed unless in cases of bugs. 

Players will be punished minorly for excepting help and immortals will be


Abusing Bugs - If you find a bug please report it.  Abusing a bugs can

ruin the game for everyone and therefore players will be punished for

excessive abuse.  

[ Press return for next page ]



0 0 3 Policy_2~

Reimbs - Reimbusements will be given for loses due to bugs.  The

normal reimbursement is the equipment you had as of the last backup of

the player files.  This may not be all that you lost but eliminates the

problem of lying so no other equipment reimbursement will be given.

Multi Playing - Multi Playing is not allowed.  It gives too much of an

advantage over those who cannot do it.  It also promotes solo'ing and

works against the social structure of the mud.  

Personal Rooms - Immortals are not allowed to add personal to rooms

to areas.  Once level 95 or above you can get one in the god area.

Immortal Players - Immortals are allowed to play mortals so long as

they do not pkill or give out excessive amounts of equipment.  Immortals

should also keep the identity of their mortals secret from other players.

Also immortal players SHOULD NOT have modified stats or be aided by the

immortal in anyway.

Death Traps - Death traps ruin the fun of exploring and make life

very frustrating.  There should be no death traps in any area.

"Bots" - An integral aspect of mudding is its social demension.

Bots, or automated scripts, undermine this through the removal of the

human element from the game.  The reduction of the game to a repetitive

series of scripted actions undercuts the roleplaying environment which we

seek to foster at The Forest's Edge.  As a result, players are not

permitted to run or use bots.


[ Press return to continue to main menu ]



16 0 25 Position Affects~
.This file shows which layer positions are allowed and which stats

they can have.

Notes - Hp, Ep, Mv, mean you can add those stats or regen to them.

      - (x2) means double the cost of normal table use

      - Anything that can have Dam, may also have Hitroll

Position           Str Int Wis Dex Con Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist Other


Feet (base)        Str         Dex     Dam  Hp      Mv  Resist

Feet (under)                                    Ep

Legs (base)                                                    Ac Only

Legs (Under/Over)                                              Ac Only

Waist (base)       Str         Dex Con Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Waist (Under/Over)                                             Containers

Body (base)            Int Wis              Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Body (over)        Str Int Wis Dex     Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

body (under)                                                   Ac Only

Arms (base)                                                    Ac Only

Arms (under)                                                   Ac Only

Arms (top)                                                     Containers

Wrist (over)                           Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Wrist (base)       Str         Dex          Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Hands (base)       Str                 Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Finger (Base)          Int Wis Dex Con Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Neck (base)        Str     Wis Dex          Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Neck (top)             Int         Con      Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Neck (bottom)                                                  Containers

Head (base)            Int Wis     Con Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Head (under)           Int Wis     Con      Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist

Shield/Hold        Str Inr Wis     Con Dam  Hp  Ep  Mv  Resist



0 0 1 Poultice~
.Rangers are often requested to perform battle-field first aid, binding

the wounds of their comrades.  When they apply a poultice after battle,

it provides a significant amount of relief from wounds and helps the

injured get back onto the field more quickly.



0 0 12 Power Strike~

Power Strike is similar to critical hit in that it increases the damage

done to enemies in some attacks, but this version is warrior-only and

does not trigger as often.  Power Strike is an automatic skill and

requires no command from the skilled.



0 0 8 Powers~
.These are the old powers, as now we have flags that circumvent having/not

having powers, but they still apply for the most part.

@b92 - Apprentice:@n

Apprentice builder.

Most rdesc and aedit commands within a small starting area.

@b93 - Builder:@n

Standard builder's level.

Stat most everything in the game, but only able to modify rooms, mob,

objects and scripts of their own creating.


@b94 - Architect:@n

A more experienced builder.

Edit shops though only in areas where they have write permission.

@b95 - Immortal:@n

Experienced builder position.

Edit all rooms and mobs.  Can edit help files.

@b96 - Spirit:@n

The senior builder level.

Edit all objects.  Can mstat, mset, imprison mortals.  This is the lowest

level immortal which has permission to interfere with mortals and deal

with problems associated with them except in extreme cases.  Has the

ban/allow command though this should only be used in cases of intentional


@b97 - Angel:@n

Lowest level immortal permitted to reimburse players.

Can edit some tables.

Can rename players.

Has permission to reimburse players when the backup files fail.

@b98 - Demigod:@n

Can advance immortals to level 97, can view login addresses.

Permission to approve others' areas for opening, supervise builders.

@b99 - God:@n

Able to change what they can do.  This implies you should stay away from

Object when he has modified the no mloading wabbits rule.



0 0 8 Practice~

practice         : sees what you can learn where you are

practice <skill> : practices specified skill


Practice is the command used to pay a trainer to improve you in a skill. 

Practicing costs gold and experience points.  In most towns there are

trainers who can teach you the basic skills, but it may not be obvious

who they are.  An example is Prenslie in Chiiron can train some spells. 

Skills and spells above level 15 generally must be sought after outside

of towns.

@R**See 'help practices'(with the 's' for info on the change).**



0 0 8 Practices~
.@bPractice Points: @n

Practice points may be gained according to the following criteria:

@Ias "bonus" practices, gained while leveling;

@Ior when a skill is used successfully;

@Ithey are not determined by XP gain;

@Ievery so often, one has a chance to gain a prac if he or she uses a

@I   skill successfully;

@Ione's chance to gain practice points is modified by INT and WIS.

INT and WIS also affect the maximum number of pracs which your character

may possess at any one time.  ("The Grey Matter Quotient", also affected

by level.) 

@bFor example@n:

Bob "Genghis" Khan goes about fighting critters, in his battles he uses

skills he already knows.  Bob "Genghis" Khan then gains a practices point

because he is using his skills and has a high wis and intelligence.  Then

after a while again he gets another, becuase his situation met the above

criteria.  Bob "Genghis" Khan can then use those practices once he has

found a teacher and practice any skill which is available.



0 0 7 Pray~

pray : calls on the gods to assist you


If you are in dire need you can try praying for assistance.  The gods of

the game might intervene on your behalf if you have been leading a pious

lifestyle and have not been calling on them too often.  This command does

not contact player gods but instead the god of your religion.  Some

sample needs are light, food, water, and hit points which the gods may

give you in response to your prayers.  The command takes no argument and

your god determines what you are in need of.

Currently, players of Chaotic Evil alignment are forbidden from praying.



0 0 11 Prepare~


prepare              : Lists all the spells you have prepared for use.

prepare <spell name> : prepares the reagents you have in your inventory

                        for future use.

prepare clear        : Causes you to forget all prepared spells


Before you can prepare a spell, it is necessary that you have the

"reagents" for the spell prior to preparing.  The reagents for a spell

can be determined by typing "spell <spell name>."

See also: magic, spells, leech, cast



0 0 1 prismic missile~
.Unrivaled perhaps in its raw destructive power, the prismic missile is a

multi-dimensional bolt of pure energy which unleashes great harm upon its




0 0 17 Probe~

probe <character>


Probe is a Psionic only skill that uses their great mental powers to gain

information about a character like hit points, energy, potential

experience from a kill, and alignment.  



0 0 8 Problems~

Game Freezes at Password Prompt

---- ------- -- -------- ------

This is due to your terminal being unable to handle the echo_off telnet

sequence.  When entering your name precede it by a minus sign.

Backspace Works Incorrectly in Game

--------- ----- ----------- -- ----

There are several causes of this but the most common one is you having

telnet in character mode instead of line mode.  First thing to attempt is

to telnet to port 23 instead of not including a port number.  If this

fails try hitting ctrl-] while connected.  If you get a telnet> prompt

type "mode line".

Connection is Slow

---------- -- ----

This is probably due to the network.  To find out where precisely type

traceroute from within whatever OS you are using.  If

local to you then a remedy is to switch providers.  If not local to you

there isn't much that can be done except wait it out.

[Please press return for next page]



0 0 8 procedures~
.Any good policies help file is always followed up by a good procedures

help file.


@CIf you need an immortal@n,, ask on gossip first.  If they do not respond it

is because they are busy.  Asking through tell first, or after they do

not respons on gossip is both bad form and likely to make the imm irate

(remember, they're already busy or they would've answered your gossip).


@CIf you need approval of your appearance, keywords, and description@n, ask on

OOC.  The Avatars (noted by the AV next to their name on the who list)

handle that.  Asking on gossip is a waste of time, as no one will know

who you are on gossip and the AVs are listening to the OOC channel in the

first place.


@CIf you have a disagreement with an immortal@n on policies or anything

else of importance, don't argue, it only makes things worse (and remember

they can ban you, not the other way around).  If you feel you have been

unfairly treated, wait until you can get in contact with a higher level

imm and @bexplain@n your situation to them (don't whine or complain,

think before you speak).


@CHow Immortals deal with people@n:

  -Generally you will get a warning for the first offense

  (unless what you did was truly bad in which case you may just get banned).

  -If you have been warned about something before, and you are caught

   breaking the rules again, this does not mean you will get a warning

   before being banned.  Getting caught a second time is cause

   enough for immediate banning.


@CIf you ask an imm something and they say no@n, do not bother going from

imm to imm until one says yes.  If you honestly feel the imm is wrong,

see 'If you have a disagreement with an imm' above.  Otherwise, you are

only setting yourself up for failure.  Each player has a player file on

which the imms put little notes (player was caught stealing, name was

changed, etc) If we catch you playing, "If mommy says no, I'll go ask

daddy and maybe he'll say yes", then it gets noted on your player file as

well, and any arguments on your point will probably be viewed as somewhat

surreptitious by imms from that point on.


@CIf you need help doing something@n:

  -If it is in-game, ask another player through say, gossip or chat.

   In-game includes things like:

      I am hungry, where can I get food?

      How can I earn money?

      What are the best things to kill for experience?

      How do I get more practice points?


  -If it is out-of-game and game related, ask on ooc or gossip.

   If it requires an imm, see 'contacting an imm' above.

   Out-of-game includes things like:

      What temperature do I cook pizza at? (on ooc)

      How about that local sports team? (on ooc)

      What exactly does our Dexterity do for our characters? (ooc)

      Is there an imm free? When I logged on all my stuff was missing.

          (this asked on gossip, await response from an imm if available)



16 0 0 Projects~
Current Projects

------- --------

- Graveyard (Medienne)



- Lizardman Village (Is there a name?)



- Sadis Temple



- Hedge Maze/Darkforest/Castle





- Vaasa/Hark's Finger/Wormwood (can open, near done)



- Warlock Tunnels (near done?)


- Dragon Spires (near done)


Next Projects (not in order)


- Object's City

- Gnome Warren

- Troll Fens

- High Desert NE of dwarfs and before troll fens.

- Vyan Rift Forest (already started a little)

** Notes **


Ssstra is not active.  Sssar has too much of a load.  Two more ppl could

be assigned here.  

Graveyard needs a third helper as it's a big place.

Warlock area needs someone, with experience hopefully. Almost done.



0 0 8 prompt~

prompt          : lists your current prompt

prompt <text>   : sets your prompt to given text

prompt <name>   : sets your prompt to a standard prompt


Below is a list of standard prompts which may be selected by typing

prompt <name>.

Default, Immortal, Cleric, Warrior, Simple, Complex, Color

The following are if statements.  The letter after the expression or the

phrase surrounded by single quotes is evaluated if the statement is true. 

For if not, use an exclamation mark instead of a question mark.

?p - has page info

?m - is mounted

?f - has flags set

?b - is in battle

?l - is following someone

The next set of variables allows the inclusion of various quanties in

your prompt.  Some of them can be capitalized to get maximum values for

that statistic.

%h  - hitmarks

%e  - energy

%v  - movement points

%m  - mounts moves

%x  - experience points

%f  - flags

%t  - mud time

%T  - real time (use time -z to set zone)

%\  - carriage return

%c  - enemies condition

%C  - leader's condition

%s  - condition of self

%d  - seen exits

%g  - lowest moves of any group member

%G  - gossip points

As an example the default prompt is:

?p'-- MORE -- '<%f?f|%hhp %ee ?m'[%mmv]'!m'%vmv' ?b'%c'!b'%d'>

Various option flags appear in your prompt when applicable.  See @Bprompt

flags@n for more information.



0 0 8 prompt flags~

Several options and room status information are displayed in player

prompts.  The following is a short summary of these bits of information:

c - camouflaged

h - hidden

i - invisible

P - Player killing ok

p - parry on

S - sanctuary

s - Sneaking

t - tracking

x - searching



0 0 1 Protect life~
.This spell attempts to transfer the subject out of danger the instance

before they die.  It takes a large toll on the caster in mana and

regeneration, but is very useful when entering unknown areas.  Due to its

nature and the uncertainty of death this spell is difficult to get right

and is often known to fail, especially when cast at lower levels.  In

contrast objects will the same affect have a much lower failure rate. 

There is one other warning that should accompany this spell, when the

victim suffers a death delivering blow and the spell successfully saves

them, the energy drain from the caster can cause massive injuries.



0 0 1 Protection Plants~

This ranger spell enables the caster to call upon their special link with

the out-of-doors and further protect themselves from damage when fighting

monsters from the world of plants.  Although limited in the types of

monsters it works against, this spell is very effective against leafy




0 0 1 protection/evil~
.Devout souls who worship good gods are able to learn to protect

themselves better from evil foes.  This spell may also be cast upon

others of good alignments to shield them from the blows of evil opponents. 

Those of neutral or evil alignments will receive no benefit from this




0 0 1 protection/good~
.Devout souls who worship evil gods are able to learn to protect

themselves better from good foes.  This spell may also be cast upon

others of evil alignments to shield them from the blows of good opponents. 

Those of neutral or good alignments will receive no benefit from this




16 0 0 ps~

ps : displays scripts currently running


See also: bugs, functions, memory, aedit, mpedit, opedit



0 0 12 Punch~

punch <victim> : you punch the victim


Punching is much like a brawling skill.  It increases the amount of

damage that you inflict in unarmed combat with punching attacks.  This

skill, however, does not increase the damage inflicted by monk special

attacks.  Nevertheless, it is a very important skill for monks, as even

the most powerful of monks will sometimes use this skill in combat.



16 0 0 Purge~



Utterly and irrevocably destroy all objects and mobs in the current




0 0 1 Purify~
.Those who have been cursed, or magically slept have been long forced to

wait for nature to cure these evil magicks.  A skilled cleric can,

however, invoke their god and remove this affects from those inflicted.



0 0 0 pwipe~
.Yes, there has been a player wipe.  This was done for several reasons. 

The two most prominent and pressing reasons were a great deal of new code

(evidenced by all the bugs) and a desire on the part of all the imms to

better balance equipment and classes.  Although it is possible the first

could have been compatible with an existing playerbase, the second really

could not have been done.  Restarting also affords us the opportunity to

stress role-playing here, something that was lost along the way before.

This was done suddenly, yes.  It surprised all the imms as well as the

players.  I don't doubt there may have been more 'pleasant' ways for this

to have been accomplished, but it is done.  We hope that when we are all

finished our work, you find the new TFE an even more enjoyable place.

For the short term, code is buggy and changing.  All characters are

temporary, and will be wiped when we are ready to go.  Greyclaw has

kindly left the mud up so you all don't suffer from withdrawal.  Your

first death is also your last.  Play, chat, have fun, and please, don't

whine.  Post NEW bugs to the bugs board, and find things you can do. 

Experiment with classes and races and stats.  Decide what you want to be

in your next life.  When we are officially back, old players who want to

use their old names (assuming they conform with stricter standards) will

be given back their names.

All the imms are working very hard to make the game playable, and a bit

different then before.  Please don't disturb them, it only will delay our

grand re-opening.



524288 0 16 Qedit~

qedit               : lists the current quests

qedit <quest #>     : sets the quest you will be editting

qedit new <quest #> : creates a new quest

qedit delete <#>    : deletes a quest from the quest list


Qedit is used to create a quest and assign a certain number of quest

points to it.  Players can be in one of three states regarding each quest

on the quest list; 

1. They have had nothing to do with the quest yet.

2. They have been 'assigned' the quest but have not yet completed it.

3. They have completed the quest and recieved the points for it.


To change a player's state from one state to another, action, mob and

object programs are used.  Assign_quest, and Update_quest within the code

commands will change the player's states, and has_quest and done_quest

can be used to test the state of the player regarding that quest.  (See

help code, help if) 




0 0 0 Qlook~

@Gqlook@n <name> : look at only <name>'s description.


@IThis is for looking at player's desriptions without the long scroll of

their equipment.



16 0 16 Qremove~

qremove           : removes any quest flags from your immortal character



This will clear ALL quests flags from your character, meaning you will be

as a newbie.  i.e.  The weary elf in Chiiron will babble his welcome to

forest's edge greeting at you, etc.



524288 0 16 Qset~

qset                : displays the settings of the quest

qset message <text> : sets the message that appears in the list of quests

qset points #       : sets the number of points the quest is worth



Qset is used to display and change the settings of a single quest.



0 0 8 Quest Points~

At this point, quest points have no effect upon the game.  In the near

future, they will be valuable to those who have managed to collect them -

so start exploring...



0 0 2 Quest_functions(~

func_quest( char, qnum )


char - Pointer to character

qnum - Integer number of quest


Checks a characters current quest status for any given quest.

assign_quest gives a quest to char and update_quest completes it.


 doing_quest - returns 1 if character has quest, but is not done

   has_quest - returns 1 if character has quest or is done

  done_quest - returns 1 if character has finished quest

assign_quest - none

update_quest - none


if( doing_quest( ch, 4 ) )

  send_to_char( "You're still not done!?", ch );

if( !has_quest( ch, 1 ) )

  assign_quest( ch, 1 );

if( done_quest( ch, 3 ) )

  send_to_char( "Thank you for slaying that horrible dragon", ch );

if( doing_quest( ch, 5 ) )

  update_quest( ch, 5 );



0 0 0 quests~

quests : displays a quests you have been assigned


d : lists completed quests rather than assigned


@I This needs something written.

See also: ask, score



@I To create a quest the commands qedit, qset and qstat are used.  To

assign a quest to a player the assign_quest function is placed in any

script.  Similiarly a player is tagged as having completed a quest using

the update_quest function.  To check the status of a quest on a player

the functions has_quest, done_quest and doing_quest are used.


0 0 19 Quiet Elf Village~
.Deep in the heart of the Vaasa, near a forgotten stream, a few families

of elves have built a small village to live their lives in peace and

harmony with nature.  Three generations of families live together,

hunting, fishing, and enjoying a simple, quiet life.  While the stone

giants of Hark's Finger loom nearby, the elves have thus far been able to

leave in peace.



0 0 0 Quit~

quit : saves your position and ends your session


Use this command when you are finished playing.  It will save all of your

items, pets, location, and mail.  (There is no rent at the Forest's Edge). 

You may quit virtually anywhere, with a few exceptions (such as being

unable to quit in a town where you are wanted by the clan in control, or

during combat).

Be careful where you quit; you might come back later to find an

aggressive mob waiting for you if you choose to end your session in an

unsafe location.



524288 0 16 qwhere~

qwhere <quest #> : shows where a quest is mentioned


This command locates and gives you the location of where a quest is

referred to.  It will show whether a quest is mentioned in a room's

acode and/or on a mob's program.

See also help qedit and help qstat.



0 0 0 qwho~

qwho : displays a shorter list of all players on


i : only lists those you recognize

b : only lists those you have befriended


Command lists a shorter version of who - skips the titles and puts 3

characters per line.  For those using ansi - players you have been

introduced to are in yellow and those you have befriended are in green.

For those curious, qwho stands for quick who.

See also: who



0 0 19 Rabbit Warren~
.Rumor has it that some mysterious force is affecting normal rabbits, and

has made them grow large and aggressive.  Some have sighted the giant

beasts not far from the Black Hills Valley, and have taken shelter high

up in some tall trees nearby.



0 0 10 racial traits~
.To help people figure out what things are required to be in or left out

of their appearance and desc, based on their race I came up with a

compendium of information for the races.  Unfortunately, it gets a bit

long.  To help facilitate the two, I've divided the list into @bracial_dark@n

and @bracial_light@n.

these are not necessarily mandatory, but they should give you an idea

what the normal is.  Where something is mandatory it should be somewhat

notable (ie elves don't grow facial hair, ents are not trees, all dwarves

grow facial hair (notice I said grow, not have) ).

(light races begin the game in the human/light town of Chiiron)

(dark races begin the game in the dak town of Voaleth)

Shade and sweet water,




0 0 10 racial_dark~
.The listing of racial traits for those races that serve the darkness:

@g- - - - -@n


The basic race type, we should all be familiar with this one.

Height: Male about 5 feet 2 inches - 6 feet tall on average

        Female about 5 feet- 5 feet 10 inches on average

Hair: Ranging in colors primarily of blond, brown, black, red

      (rarely white or gray unless advanced years)

Eyes: Brown, Blue, Green or Gray (rare) iris

      White around the iris unless very sick.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: male about 4'8"-5'8"     (' means feet)

        female about 4'6"-5'6"   (" means inches)

Hair: typically stright. Pale (white/gray/silver) to Black.

      brown or blond (extremely rare).  NO FACIAL HAIR.

Eyes: Almond-shaped / up-slanted eyes in colors of primarily

      violet or amber.  Though other colors such as brilliant blues

      or grays to black are not uncommon.

Note: Skin tones range primarily from midnight black to pale, wan colors. 

The vyan with the healthy glow of sun burnished skin is almost completely

unheard of.

Note: Vyans age very slowly.  You probaby won't see wrinkles before they

reach at least a good 500-600 years old, and even then it would be very

faint and hard to notice them for another few hundred years.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: males about 5'2" - 6'6"

        females about 5' - 6'6"

Hair: Orcs typically don't have the greates of manes. What hair does grow

      tends to be black and coarse.  Ocassional shade of dark brown

      or the infrequent shade of ruddy redish-brown do occur.

Eyes: Typically dark shades of brown or black irises. The area around the

      iris is a sallow yellowish or grey-white at best.

Note: Orcs frequently have dusky-hues skin tending towards shades of

browns and reds.  Warts are commonplace and, in some tribes, considered

marks of great beauty.  Nothing's worse than plain smooth, boring skin.

Note: Orcs have poor dental hiegene but also have hearty teeth that often

grow in once lost.  Enlarged, tusk-like canines often protrude from the

lower jaw noticably.  Noses are often upturned, giving them a pig-like or

boarish appearance according to the nastier comments of so-called good


@g- - - - -@n


Height: males about 6'6" - 7'6"

        females about 6'4" - 7'2"

Hair: Ogres have hair most frequently in browns, blacks, and reds

      and rarely gray.  It is usually coarse, bristly or patchy.

      Facial hair is extremely rare, almost unheard of, though

      ear and nose hair as well as shoulder and back hair are common.

Eyes: Ogres tend to have dull, beady eyes ranging in colors of mainly

      greys.  Sometimes hints of red or black have appeared though rarely.

      Irises are large leaving only a little of the sallow to gray

      surrounding the eyes visible.

Note: Ogres are often muscular, but odd protuberances as well as frequent

patches of hair-covered warts can confuse the bulky shape.  Most ogres

have poor posture.  Ogre skin is usually a dusky shade of grey-brown,

sandy brown, or ruddy red-brown and is always somewhat rubbery.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: males about 6'4" - 7'4"

        females about 6'6" - 7' 6"

Hair: Swamp trolls tend to black hair, not always on their

      head.  Where hair grows it is either greasy or coarse.

      Ice trolls tend to have white hair, with at least

      some on their head more so than elsewhere.

Eyes: All trolls have beady little black or red eyes with very small pupils.

      Essentially there is no iris, just the red or black around the pupil.

Note: Trolls have green skin in varying hues (though none are what would

be termed bright, neon, or electric green), They are often warty or have

cancerous appearing growths though these do not seem to affect their

health negatively in any way, rather it appears to be an excess of their

ability to regenerate.  Trolls almost never have scars, as they heal so

incredibly well.  For a race that is typically foul, corupt and evil they

have the incongruous gift of incredible regeneration at the cost of a

never-ending hunger.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: males and females about 3'6" - 4'4"

Hair: Not all goblins have hair, in fact, many have none at all.

      What hair they do grow is usually black or brown and often

      caked in muck and fiflth.  Goblins have no facial hair.

Eyes: Like most of the dark races, goblins have eyes that are primarily

      black and beady, though some have turned up with shades of

      dark brown or reddish-brown.  The iris extends to the edge

      of the eye with only a pupil which dilates between a pinprick

      in size to a large circle as lighting permits.

Note: Goblins have craggy skin in colors of earthy greens and browns or

patchy/mottled earthtone mixes.  Though they have warts and protuberances

less frequently than orcs, ogres, and trolls they are not completely

infrequent in some clans.  Goblins tend to have sharp teeth, though they

are small and wouldn't ordinarily be called fangs.



0 0 10 racial_light~
.The listing of racial traits for those races that serve the light:

@g- - - - -@n


The basic race type.  We should all be familiar with this one.

Height: Male about 5 feet 2 inches - 6 feet tall on average

        Female about 5 feet - 5 feet 10 inches on average

Hair: Ranging in colors primarily of blond, brown, black, red

      (rarely white or gray unless advanced years)

Eyes: Brown, Blue, Green or Gray (rare) iris

      White around the iris unless very sick.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: male about 4'8"-5'8"    (' means feet)

       female about 4'6"-5'6"   (" means inches)

Hair: typically straight.  Light colors (white / blond ) to darkish brown.

      black (very rare).  NO FACIAL HAIR.

Eyes: Almond-shaped / up-slanted eyes in colors of primarily

      brown or blue.  Though other colors such as amber

      lavender, or other light colors are not uncommon.

Note: Elves have skin tones that range in most human ranges but almost

always touched with a healthy glow from sunlight.  Elves almost never

have pale or sickly looking skin.

Note:Elves age very slowly.  You probably wont see wrinkles Before they

reach at least a good 500-600 years old, and even then it would be very

faint and hard to notice them for another few hundred years.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: male and female about 3'6"-4'6"

Hair: primarily black to dark brown, lighter brown and

      blond are rare.

      ALL DWARVES (male and female) HAVE BEARDS.

      (they 'could' be shaved odd daily, but such dwarves

       should be ostracized by imms/players at every given

       chance.  freaks. :P )

Eyes: Black, brown, gray, green, and blue (rare) iris.

      White around iris, though iris is large.

Note: All dwarves grow facial hair.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: males about 6'6" - 7'6"

        females about 6'10" - 8 feet tall.

Hair: Bristly or "twiggy" in earth tones.

      Dark-light browns, grays, blacks, ruddy reds,

      sandy-blonds.  Most ents also have "twiggy" beards.

Eyes: also earthy colors. blacks, grays, browns and green

      predominate though silver and green are not unheard

      of.  Iris extends to edge of eye, no whites.

notes: ENTS ARE NOT TREES.  Imagine a troll with brownish, craggy skin

though not slimy or warty.  That's an ent.  They don't have leaves, they

don't bleed sap.  Ents have 7 toes on each foot, though this need not be

put in description.  Most ents have beards.  Ents have big heads.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: male about 3'6" - 4'6"

        female about 3'4" - 4'4"

Hair: most commonly darker shades of black or brown though

      shades of blonde and grey are not unheard of.

      A dusky red is, at best, quite rare.

Eyes: Brown, Blue, Green, Grey (usually dark) and black

      large irises surrounded by white.  As the irises are

      large, so are the pupils from years of time underground.

Note: Skin tones run through all normal human ranges, though tend more

ferquently to duskier hues.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: males about 3'2" - 4'

        females about 3'2" - 3'10"

Hair: Mostly shades of brown, some blonde or reds.  Black (rare)

      Facial hair is rare at best.

Eyes: Tending towards all natural human shades.

Note: Halflings appear much like human children though they do develop

wrinkles, graying hair and other adult attributes.  Halflings often

develop a stout build, some say due to the 5 regulated meals a day they

tend to enjoy as opposed to the 3 a day most other races attend. 

Halflings are not hobbits.  We aren't going to ban you for having hairy

feet, but realize, it is not the norm.

@g- - - - -@n


Height: male and female 5'6" - 6'2"

Hair: (you're kidding, right?)  They don't grow hair.

Eyes: Reptillian eyes, vertically slit pupils surrounded by an

      all-enveloping iris in shades from red to amber to yellow.

Notes: Lizardfolk, lacking hair for descriptions, often employ the

descriptions of the various colors depicted by their scales.  Much the

way a snake's scales form interesting patterns, the lizardfolk develop

patterns in many tones.  Included are clans with anywhere from subdued,

earthy tones to ones with vibrant hues of red, orange and yellow. 

Lizardfolk skin is typically soft and smooth like a snakes, though wet,

fish-like skin and raspy crocodile-like skin has been noted before as


@g- - - - -@n


Note: Considered a light race, but exempted from this list until such

time as it may be reintroduced as a player-base option.



0 0 2 Rand_char~

rand_char( room )


room - Pointer to room


Randomly picks a mob or player from the room.


pointer to picked char

NULL if no chars found in room


ch = rand_char( room );    // Picks a random char

if( !rand_char( room ) )   // checks if any chars are in room, can also

                           // be done with num_in_room()



0 0 2 Rand_player~

rand_player( room )


room - Pointer to room


Randomly picks a player (doesn't check for mobs) from the room.


pointer to picked char

NULL if no players found in room


ch = rand_player( room );    // Picks a random player

if( !rand_player( room ) )   // checks if any players are in room



0 0 16 Random~

random( from, to )


from - Integer minimum number

to   - Integer maximum number


Generates a random number between (and including) from and to.


random number generated


i = random( 1, 10 );           // random number between 1 and 10

if( random( 1, 2 ) == 1 ) {    // true if random() returns 1 (50% chance)

if( find_skill( ch, climb ) > random( 5, 8 ) ) {  // nice way to check skills



0 0 15 Ranger~
.@IRangers are outdoorsmen and wandering types who operate beyond the

boundaries of society.  They feel at home with nature, and do not remain

for long in civilized parts, preferring instead to spend their days

surrounded by nature.

Due to this self-reliant streak, Rangers have a wide variety of skills

available to them, including a number of useful spells and several unique

abilities which relate to their experience with and knowledge of the

natural world.  Among these are the skills @ETrack@n and an improved

version of @EScan@n, which makes a ranger an invaluable scout and ally of

any group, and the spell @ETame@n, through which a ranger may befriend an

animal encountered in the wild.

Rangers make strong fighters, and while they do not have as wide a

selection of armor and weapons as fighters and paladins, they can deal

damage extremely well and stand in the front rank as a substitute when


@I For a listing of spells and spells available to Rangers, please see

@Ehelp Abilities@n.  Other help files that may be useful include





0 0 0 Ranks~
.This is a list of the ranks of current active immortals:

@cGod:@n Greyclaw, Object

@cDemigod:@n Merior

@cAngel:@n Talis

@cSpirit:@n Caer, Florian, Terek

@cImmortal:@n Fenlyn, Olah, Orb, Rue

@cArchitect:@n Starshine

@cBuilder:@n Jimbalaya, Nivel, Rhen

@cApprentice:@n Adakar, Bandolin, Calliope, Khisanth, Nereus, Oculus, Phobos



16 0 16 Rbug~

rbug <line #> <text> : adds an rbug

rbug ? <field 1> <field2> : uses search-and-replace for rbug

rbug <line #> : deletes a line of rbugs


Rbug stands for room bugs.  This is information which appears below a

room's rdesc but is invisibile to players, and thus may be used by imms

to leave notes, messages, comments, etc.  for one another.



4194304 0 16 Rdesc~

rdesc            : displays parapraph currently being editted

rdesc #          : deletes line or inserts a blank line

rdesc #-#        : formats lines # through #

rdesc # <text>   : inserts text at line number #


This is very similar to hdesc which has a mor complete help.



16 0 4 Rdesc_Standards~
.Room descriptions are just that: @bdescription@n.  They are not

narration, they do not tell stories, give players history, gossip, or any

information which they could not obtain from standing in a spot and

examining their surroundings.  It is the players' job to make inferences,

even the most basic, and put together the raw data.  Rdescs assume


Rdescs define rooms; they are the firmament of The Forest's Edge, and

should only include the @bpermanent@n traits of the room.  Referring to

an ogre's breath in the next room is not appropriate in an rdesc; if the

ogre is killed or out at the local sports bar, this descriptive detail

would not make sense.  [This example would be more appropriately handled

as an action which used the mob_in_room function to check if the ogre was

present in his lair.] Similarly, things like weather conditions, time of

day, etc. are equally inappropriate.

Rextras should be provided for prominent items in the rdesc.

Room descriptions should not have players @bdo@n anything.  This rule can

be violated in extreme cases (perhaps sensing some trepidation entering a

cavern full of bones) but generally you should never write "You feel

happy as you walk through the beautiful woos." Why?  Have the real

person, in real life, become happy from your prose; show them that their

character should be happy, and they will be, tell them to be happy and

the rdesc rings false and sounds awkward and canned.  Similarly, rdescs

describe - having a player *do* anything in one is no good.  This is

where actions come in; use them.  If you don't know how to code

something, ask for help.

@bCover the basics@n.  Always remember that your first job is to give the

player a handle of his or her situation and his/her immediate

surroundings.  Where is the player?  What does he see?  Where may he go? 

This is the job of the rdesc, first and foremost.

Any questions or suggestions for improvement on this rough, please let me

know.  Thanks.




0 0 1 Recall~
.This spell "recalls" you to your town of origin.



128 0 14 Recho~

recho <text>


recho <text> - <text> is sent to each char in the current room (players

and mobs, though this doesn't normally affect mobs) exactly as if it were

a message from the server.  



0 0 11 Recite~


recite <scroll_name> <target> 


@ISome spells are written down on scrolls, and to access those spells,

one must recite the scroll.  Not all scrolls have targets; reciting a

scroll of magic mapping does not requre a target.

Note : recall scrolls have an additional, optional argument which can be

used -

recite recall <town_name> <player>

The effect is having the player recalled to the specific town; no town

name is required, though, and in that case, the default town will be the

town of that player's race.



4194304 0 16 Redit~

redit                  : lists the extras in a room

redit <extra #> <name> : changes the name of an extra 

redit delete <extra #> : deletes the specified extra 

redit new <name>       : creates a new extra

redit room             : returns rdesc to editting room

redit copy <room #>    : copies description of given room to current

redit delete room      : deletes the room you are in


This is used to create descriptions that players can reference by

typing look <name>.  Name may be a list of words that will work and before

each name a optional number is allowed specifying required number of 

characters that must match.  For example if you want look e to reference

an extra called east you would set name to "1 east".  Rdesc is the command

used to edit the text of the extra you are currently editting.

See also : areas, rdesc, rflag, roomlist, rset



0 0 17 regeneration~
.A paladin, after many years of laying hands to help those in need, may be

able help the injured heal even faster after the battle is over. 

Regeneration is the name of this skill, one which can even help

dismembered limbs to be reattached and gain their original functionality.



536870928 0 18 Reimburse~

@GReimb@n <player> : creates the objects in a player's backup file


d : death

e : equipment

l : locker


@I This command reads the backup file of a player and creates all the

objects they had and drops them in the room.



0 0 10 Relations~
.The political relations between and among clans here are volatile and

dynamic, and are shaped by two key times: a natural proclivity toward peace

or war between two clans, and the actions of members of each of the clans

toward members of others. For example, Khedrun and Eleint are inclined to

ally, but continuous pejorative actions between the two will ultimately

plunge them into war.

The relations table show the following values, in descending order from

harmony to abhorrence:

        "+++"    Harmony     \

        "++-"    Accord       -  Peace

        "+--"    Ease        /

        "???"    Tense

        "-++"    Strife      \

        "--+"    Discord      - War

        "---"    Abhorrence  /



See also: relations, reputation, and help nations



0 0 7 Religions~


@I Religion is the main social and political force of this world.  The

religions are based on the various gods in existance.  There are two

classes of conflict in our world: the struggle between @border@n and

@bchaos@n, and the struggle between @bgood@n and @bevil@n.  Not all

deities involve themselves in any one of these struggles, but most

concern at least one.  Some gods are only concerned with their own greed

for power, others strive for a balance in the grand conflicts.


The most powerful god is @EAlgesa@n, goddess of lawfulness.  Opposing her

is @EUlthi@n, god of chaos.

There is a second tier of gods whose power is not so broad as either

Ulthi or Algesa, but nonetheless have great power.

@ETaranth@n, goddess of charity.

@EKerog@n, god of fury.

@EMeriada@n, god of time and knowledge.

@EMorkith@n, god of the undead and demons.

@EFreylia@n, Halfling goddess of festivals and battle.

There also is a third tier of gods whose influence is

weak beyond their regions of control.

@ECynnis@n, goddess of the forest.

@EKantos@n, god of mountains and earth.

@EOsse@n, god of sea.

@I Outside the pale of these stands @EMorr@n, lord of death.  There is some

debate among scholars of the realm as to whether or not @EMorr@n is

really a god as he never recognizes his followers in life.  But his power

is great over the realm of the dead and so there are many who worship him.

@I In addition to these fairly encompassing deities, there are myriad

smaller ones, from half-demons worshipped by remote orc tribes, to the

elven goddess Dawnstar.  Other than Dawnstar, a few other lesser deities

of note: Lonil, god of valor; Slen, god of luck; Anor, goddess of love.


@I A few other deities of note: Orlumbin, Durgoroth.



0 0 1 Remove curse~
.This spell will destroy cursed (non-removable) objects on the target's

person.  Those who are but initiates in the spell find a single curse

almost more than they can handle while the well-practiced can easily

handle two curses at once.  Only those who have truly mastered the spell

can bring the focus of their deity's power upon more than two curses at




16 0 2 remove_cflag~

remove_cflag( integer, char )


integer - The number of the corresponding cflag to be removed (see @b@Ccflag@n@b).

char - Points to the character type having the cflag removed.


Removes a cflag from a character.



0 0 2 Remove_rflag~
.See "help rflag".



24 0 18 Rename~

@Grename@n <player> <name> - rename@ns a player


@I This deletes a player's file and changes their name to whatever you

specify.  It checks that the new name is not already used but does not

verify that it is an acceptable name.



0 0 19 renegade dwarves~
.Spelunkers have reported seeing the furtive movements of diminutive

figures in the cave-riddled cliffs north of Chiiron.  The description of

the beings seen in the caves matches the description of a band of dwarves

cast out from their clans in the mountains of the north.  Adventuring

souls exploring the region claim that the dwarves have already dug in,

and are well prepared for any attacks.  There seems to be only one real

entrance into the caves they have claimed as their own, and it seems to

be guarded at all times.  Adventurers are advised to use caution when

approaching the aggressive outcasts.



0 0 19 Renegade Gnome Lair~
.The long-suffering citizens of Pennan have been weary of raids and

surprise attacks from ferocious invaders for many years.  Among the worst

culprits are a wild bunch of renegade gnomes.  These rogues and

cutthroats are skilled and dangerous, combining stealth, spellcraft, and

special equipment.  Rumors have been circulating that their secret lair

exists somewhere north of Pennan.  Those who wish to help rid Pennan of

these vile scoundrels had best be fully alert, for these gnomes are

well-trained in battle and dirty fighting tactics.



0 0 8 Rent~
.There is no @brent@n at the Forest's Edge.

You do not need to go to an inn to quit, or to continue playing to earn

money so you may safely rent.  Instead, merely use the @bQuit@n command. 

You may quit wherever you may wish, with a few restrictions (ie not while

during fighting, or in a town where you are wanted), and when you do so

your position is saved.  Any pets which you may have are saved where they

may be, your items, whether carried by you, in the bank, or on your pets,

are also saved, and all of your mail is likewise kept.

A word of caution - consider well where you quit, and are usually safe. 

A wandering aggressive mob might be waiting for you when you return if

you choose a dangerous spot.  Towns are popular places to quit, and are

usually safe.



0 0 6 Repair~

@Grepair@n <object>   : has the shopkeeper repair the object


@I At the moment, the repair function is incomplete.  Eventually, players

will be able to preview the cost of the repair, and not all stores will

repair the weapon to perfect condition.

@I The cost of a repair depends upon several factors: the skill of the

shop performing the repair, the value of the item being repaired, the

complexity or rarity of such an item, and the condition of the item.

The abbreviations listed under condition are described below:

wls = worthless

dmg = damaged

vwn = very worn

wrn = worn

vsc = very scratch

scr = scratched

rea = reasonable

goo = good

vgo = very good

exc = excellent



@I Objects have repair numbers which determine which shops can repair

them.  The higher the repair level the harder the item is to repair, 10

is impossible, 9 would only be by the greatest of craftsmen and 0-2 imply

a player with the appropriate skill (being worked on) can repair the item. 

To set a repair level on an item use oset repair while to set it on a

shop the command is shedit repair.  You should keep in mind that the

level should be for that type of item.  So a wooden artifact might be 9

even though it is much less difficult to repair than a magical sword of

the same repair level.


16 0 6 Repair values~


A working list of repair values for items :

Impossible to repair item - 10

Sages - 8-9

Master Craftsmen - 7

Normal Shops (Journeyman to Highly Skilled) - 3-6

Player Max ( Once Repair skill is coded ) - 2

Please consider the type of material the item is when you set the repair

level.  (i.e.  No Electrum Helm of Wonder with Repair level 2.  ) 



0 0 1 Replicate~
.A spell of no insignificant power, replicate allows the mage to harness

the mystical elements of the world to create an exact duplicate of a

specific item in his or her possession.  Through great effort and

concentration, the mage is able to bring forth matter where previously

there was none, and to bend unseen forces to his will.  The item copied

needs to be of a simple, nonmagical nature, and failure is always

possible.  A utility spell for experienced magi.

[ Note : this spell is new and still being worked on. ]



0 0 14 Reply~

@Greply@n        : replies to the last person to tell to you

@Greply@n lock   : locks reply onto whoever last told to you

@Greply@n unlock : unlocks reply


This command is a method to tell to people whom you can not see or a

shorthand while carrying on a conversation with someone.  Should be wary

of using it unlocked for private conversations as if someone tells to you

just before you send your reply, the message may very well go to an

unintended recipient.

See also: tell



0 0 10 Reputation~
.This world of this mud is divided into several races which have a

propensity to war.  You have a reputation for each race.  If you attack

members of that race your reputation will drop.  Members include player

characters, guards, citizens, and shop keepers.  But races at war with

the race you attacked will approve of your action and your reputation with

them will go up.  To see your reputations type "reputation".  To see the

relations between the different races type "relations".  You should

becareful of attacking town guards as they will summon help if given the

oppurtunity.  A list of characters who are wanted by clan can be

shown under the command "wanted".  If you kill one of them and bring the

corpse back to your town you can collect a bounty from the local


@bSee also:@n  define reputation; help dwarf, help vyan, help elf, etc;



0 0 0 reputation_values~
.These are the values for reputation:

       < -1000   abhorred

-1000 to -599    despised

 -600 to -399    hated

 -400 to -199    wanted

 -200 to -1      suspect

    0 to 49      dubious

   50 to 199     accepted

  200 to 399     credible

  400 to 599     reputable

  600+           esteemed



0 0 0 request~

@Grequest@n              : lists pending requests

@Grequest@n imm <reason> : requests an imm

@Grequest@n ava [reason] : requests an avatar

@Grequest@n cancel       : cancel all requests by you


This command is for mortals to request the attention of an avatar or

immortal.  Please make your reasons as precise as possible.  In simple

cases hopefully removing any need for conversation.

@RWhen an immortal has helped you please type request cancel to clear it.@n

When using this command, asking the question in the request is a good

idea.  i.e.  request imm the goblin spearman is blinding himself is far

better than: request imm problem with mob 



0 0 1 Request Ally~
.Through the ages, a mage has found his or her familiar to be more than

just a useful companion.  Often a mage's familiar has become an extension

of the mage.  Yet, limited by their small size, most were viewed as

nothing more than trained pets.  Such is no longer the case.  An

archmage, by tapping into planer magics, has been able to come up with a

spell designed to summon powerful allies that are more than just mere

familiars.  In order for this spell to be successful, it must be cast on

an item likely to have some special meaning or semblance to the desired

ally being requested.

These allies are said to aid only those of similar alignments.  Rumors

speak of the following allies having previously been summoned: 

        Good                   Neutral                   Evil

        ----                   -------                   ----

    @CSilver Dragon@n          @MCrystal Dragon@n            @RBlack Dragon@n

  @CYoung Gold Dragon@n     @MYoung Amethyst Dragon@n      @RYoung Red Dragon@n

        @CSatyr@n               @MDune Stalker@n              @RWerepanther@n

   @CMarble Gargoyle@n          @MIce Gargoyle@n           @RObsidian Gargoyle@n

   @CAerial Servant@n                @MDao@n                     @RHarpy@n

     @CHamadryad@n                  @MDjinn@n                @RVampiric Mist@n

     @CHamadaryd@n                  @MMarid@n              @RGiant Cave Spider@n

     @CWeretiger@n                 @MWerefox@n              @RSpectral Minion@n

 @CCrystal Simulcrum@n       @MLightning Simulcrum@n@n        @RFlesh Simulcrum@n

   @CWinged Savant@n                @MEfreet@n               @RShadow Demon@n



0 0 12 Rescue~

rescue <pc_name> : attempts to rescue another player


Using this command, you try and jump in front of the target, making the

mob switch its attack to you instead.  This is very useful when trying

to protect a weaker or seriously wounded group member.



4194320 0 16 Reset~

reset                       : displays resets in room

reset delete <num>          : deletes a reset

reset table <table>         : adds a reset for a table

reset <mob>                 : adds a reset for the mob to room

reset <object>              : adds an object reset

reset <num> <field> <value> : sets various columns of the reset

reset <num> +<flags>        : sets the flags for a reset

reset <num> -<flags>        : removes a flag

reset <num> <num>           : moves a reset within list

reset room                  : resets the room you are in

reset area                  : resets the area

Allowed Fields = { 1_chance, 2_chance, 3_chance, rust, vnum, position,

liquid } 


The resets have 3 chance fields.  When an area or mob is being reset, 3

dice are thrown.  If the first chance is accepted it checks on the second

and the same for the third.  If a chance is 0% it passes if the previous

roll passed.  A dice is rerolled whenever the reroll flag for that column

is set.  This is indicated by a * in the Rrl column.  The reroll flags

are set using a 1, 2 or 3 for the flag.

( The following is a brief explaination of how resets work.  Every reset

has a mob/object identifier, 3 chances and a set of flags associated with

it.  When an area resets, all rooms without players in it are cleared of

all objects except mob/player corpses.  The mud then runs through the

resets for the room.  Each reset has 3 "chances".  These are the numbers

switch for each chance saying whether the roll for this chance should be

rerolled when this reset is hit.

This implies that the first reset should have all 3 reroll stars set.)_

Object Flags:

  C)ontainer - Object is flaged as a container

  I)nside - Object goes in last object loaded with C flag set.

Mob Flags:

  L)eader - Mob is set as a leader

  F)ollower - Mob follows last mob loaded with L flag set.

  S)entinel - Mob is sentinel, this over-rides the species flag.

  A)ggressive - Mob attacks characters with no provocation.

See also: rmwhere, rowhere, rtable



0 0 1 resist acid~
.When this spell is cast, the person calls upon their deity to protect

them from the element of acid.  As a result, the damage taken from this

type of attack is reduced by a significant amount.



0 0 1 resist cold~
.When this spell is cast, the person calls upon their deity to protect

them from the element of cold.  As a result, the damage taken from this

type of attack is significantly reduced.



0 0 1 resist fire~
.When this spell is cast, the person calls upon their deity to protect

them from the element of fire.  As a result, the damage taken from this

type of attack is reduced by a significant amount.



0 0 1 resist shock~
.When this spell is cast, the person calls upon their deity to protect

them from the element of electricity.  As a result, the damage taken from

this type of attack is reduced by a significant amount.



0 0 1 restoration~
.This is the culmination of all the cleric's healing spells.  It enables a

high-level cleric to do massive amounts of healing to themselves or

comrades during battle.



8192 0 0 Restore~

restore <char>


restore <char> - Restore <char>'s hitpoints, energy and move to maximum values.



0 0 4 Restrict. Flags~
.The following is a brief explanation of the various restriction flags

that exist on objects.

Bladed - This means the object has a sharp blade and therefore is

forbidden to clerics due to this reason.



16 0 0 revised~
.This is the help file Rue and Talis are using to keep track of the

revisions they've made as per request.

Kobolds - one thing waiting for bug fix - Rue rbugged byty caer and

calliope and fixed.

Crystal Ring repop and Bag of Holding repop - revised (Talis)

 Pennan Orchard Complete (Rue) rbugs done by Derna and fixed by Rue

Anthill complete (Talis)

Finished Chiiron Waterfall area (Rue) rbugged by Nereus and fixed by Rue

I think I'm finished with Chiiron Graveyard (Talis)

insane pruner ring reset changed to rtable for variance.

set up rtables for custom bits good and evil (cord/ribbon)

swineherd and egor set to rtable for custom bit variance.


Peace, but the Medienne sewers are done at last! (Talis)

Goblin Caves desc done - ( Rue ) adding extras now

byty by

Complete hobgoblins (Talis)

Begining Ent Socials (revise to not be trees) (Talis)



0 0 1 Revitalize~
.Revitalize will rejuvenate a person, filling them with the energy of your

god.  The maximum number of points depends on the proficiency of the

caster.  This is a useful spell for long journeys, as it requires little

mana and saves quite a bit of time.



4194304 0 2 Rflag~

func_rflag( rflag, room )


rflag - Name of room flag

room  - Pointer to room flag is in


The rflag functions fetch, remove, or set room flags.  Flags are reset0,

reset1, reset2, status0, status1, and status2.  The reset flags are all

cleared each time the area is reset, and the status flags are never


remove_rflag - clears the specified flag

   set_rflag - sets the specified flag

       rflag - fetches the setting of the specified flag


rflag() returns the value (0 or 1) of the specified flag


if( rflag( reset0, room ) )    // is reset0 set?

if( !rflag( reset0, room ) )   // is reset0 clear?

set_rflag( status1, room );    // set status1 flag

remove_rflag( reset2, room );  // clear reset2 flag



4194304 0 16 rflag~

@Grflag@n        : displays room flags

@Grflag@n <flag> : toggles a rflag


a : sets flag for whole area


This is used to view and set room flags.  Most are self explanatory

The status flags are only set at reboot and the reset flags are set every

reset.  Both types are used for creating scripts with memory.

See also: rset, rstat, rname



0 0 13 Riding ride~

This skill allows you to ride certain mobs (like the pack mule).  You

mount up using the @bmount@n command and dismount with the @bdismount@n




0 0 8 Rights~
.This may seem like a strange catagory to have on a mud, but in dealing

with immortals TFE has some standard policies of what is allowable. 

Realize that the immortals on the mud are donating their time and effort

to improve this mud.  And with the number of complaints, requests for

help that any immortal gets it is difficult not to become abrupt and

ignore many of them.

* You should always know which immortal you are dealing with.  An

immortal should not punish someone without going visible for at least a

brief instance.

* Immortals should not switch to mobs in an attempt to kill a player or

harass them.  Switching to a mob to amuse/confuse anmortal is fine, but

should be done in the spirit of fun.  If a player has found a bug to kill

a mob which they should not be able to kill, switching to the mob and

killing the player is not an acceptable solution.  Asking the player to

stay away from the mob and then fixing it is recommended.

* Email Addresses - entering this catagory is optional.  We request that

you do so but no immortal should "require" you to enter one.



32768 0 16 Rmwhere~

rmwhere <mob>


rmwhere <mob> - List all rooms where <mob> shows up.  Very useful in

finding the room number of a spcific mob you wish to @b@Ygoto@n to.  

rmwhere -p <mob> - Lists where a mob shows up if it shows up via mload in

an acode.



4194304 0 16 Rname~

rname <name> : sets the name of the room


The name of a room should be capitalized as if it were the title of a

book.  Prepositions and conjunctions should not be capitalized unless the

first word in the name, but all other words should be.

See also: rdesc, redit, rset, roomlist



0 0 8 Roleplaying~
.@BRole Playing@n

@b---- -------@n

.  Role playing(@bRP@n) is when you act like your character you are

playing.  For example, if you play a troll warrior you act like a dumb

troll, you talk like one, fight like one, and do everything like one.  Or

if you are a rich noble you act like a snobby rich bastard, if you are

one.  RPing makes the game take on a whole new dimension you are no

longer just hacking and slashing you are truely living the game and it's

far more enjoyable than just hack'n slash.

.  To RP though you need to have a background for your character and a

detailed @h@CDESCRIPTION@n.  This will allow you to play a consistant

character and not confuse everyone.  Its a little tough in the beginning

as you round off the ruff edges, but once you get it going, you'll love

it.  Also, keep in mind, there is a difference between being a jerk, and

playing an evil character.  

So @RROLE PLAY!!@n :)



4 0 16 Room_check_list~

no syntax, this is just an informal help file for newbie immortals :)

ubj = "Use Best Judgement"



This will be a step-by-step training tool to walk you through the basic

rules for making room will walk through the help dedit

and help redit files more clearly.  Refer to those respective help files

for further reference.  As you follow these directions, please follow

them exactly (letter for letter), because my spelling errors will be

intentional.  It would be best not to skip ahead.










4 0 4 Room_names~
.The name of a room is a title and as such all important words in it ought

to be capitalized.  Room names should be a few words wrong, giving a

rough idea to the player where he or she is, and additional details may

be tacked on after a dash.

For example:

In the Tall Grass - By a Brook

Ant Tunnels

Dusty Trail

Trail Intersection - Foot of a Cliff

Please follow this suggested form when building your areas.



4194304 0 16 roomlist~

roomlist : lists all rooms in area by vnum and name


See also: areas, rname, rstat, rset, redit



131072 0 16 Rowhere~

@Growhere@n <object> : searches for reset/loading of an object

@Growhere@n <vnum>   : searches for object with given vnum


p : searches scripts as well as the default resets


This command is used to find place where an object resets or loads. 

Searching scripts is optional as it requires significant cpu and lags the

mud.  When using the p option specify one vnum to minimize this.

See also: owhere, rmwhere



4194304 0 16 Rset~

rset                 : displays the room statistics

rset <field>         : displays the range of values for a field

rset <field> <value> : sets a room or area field

Allowed Fields = { area, creator, help, level, reset time, status,

terrain, size }


a : used with either size or terrain to set on area


This is used to set values associated with a room or area.  The reset

time is how often the area resets with lower numbers being more often. 

To add a help file for an area create a help file and then type rset help

<helpfile> when in the area.

See also: rflag, rname, rstat



4194304 0 16 Rstat~



rstat - An easy way to show most of the stats for the room you stand in. 

There are some rflags @b@Wnot@n shown with this.  



4194304 0 0 rtable~

While not editing an rtable.

rtable new <name> : creates a new table

rtable #          : edits a table

rtable # #        : changes the position of a table

rtable # <name>   : changes the name of table

rtable delete #   : deletes an rtable

When editing a rtable the command works the same as reset except that

'rtable exit' or 'rtable ..' stops you editting that rtable.


See also: reset, rowhere, rmwhere, rtwhere



0 0 19 Ruined Mansion~
.Once upon a time, a very rich banker built a lovely mansion.  This grand

house, overlooking the duck pond, now stands deserted, and is rumored to

be haunted by the banker's ghost.



0 0 7 Sacrifice~

sacrifice <item>


Sometimes an item will cling to you, and you just can't find a way to get

rid of it.  Going to a holy, or unholy altar, and using this command to

directly request the power of your diety sometimes works in destroying

the item.  



0 0 1 Sanctify~
.Sanctify is used to imbue a weapon or armor with the power of a deity. 

The effect is to cause the object to degrade more slowly - it

approximately doubles its lifetime.  The level of the caster determines

how good of a weapon or armor he/she can sanctify.  The scrolls of

sanctify are of fairly low level and are thus unable to sanctify the

better weapon or armors.



0 0 0 save~

save : saves your character, position, and belongings


This command will save your character file and things such as items,

pets, location, and mail.  (There is no rent at the Forest's Edge).  Your

character will automatically be saved about every ten minutes.  Also note

that if you attempt to save too frequently, your requests will be denied

for a period of time.

See also @rquit@n.



0 0 8 Saving Throws~
.Your "saving throws", or @bresistances@n, are listed when you use the

@bscore@n command.  They are displayed as a percentage value, with 0%

being the hypothetical "average" human's resistance versus a particular

element.  Negative values imply an increased susceptiblity to that type

of damage, while a positive number indicates that you will take that

percent less damage.

The resistances and their abbreviations displayed on score include:

Mag: General magic

Fir: Fire

Col: Cold

Ele: Electricity

Min: Mind

Aci: Acid

Pos: Poison



0 0 14 Say~

say : lists the previous says that you have heard

say <message> : say something to everyone in the room


@rSay@n is an 'in character' form of communication which uses the

language you are currently speaking and can only be understood by those

people in the room who understand that language well.  It uses no gossip

points and is useful for communicating with others in the room that

aren't in your group, but do understand your language.

See also: to, tell, whisper, yell, gtell, languages



0 0 17 Scan~

scan : shows you the mobs in the neighboring rooms


Scan allows all classes to see mobs one square away in all directions. 

Rangers, thieves, and warriors gain the ability to see 2 squares away at

higher levels.



0 0 8 Score~

score :  gives a table of all relevant information about your character.


Mag/Fir/Col/Ele/Min: show your resistance to various magics.  In order,

magic, fire, cold, electricity, and mind.

@IOther help files that may be useful include help @Elevel@N and help




0 0 1 Scry~
.Clerics often receive requests from their comrades to provide information

about the future.  Although everyone's future in this dangerous world is

difficult, at best, to predict, a skilled cleric often wishes to placate

their supplicants.  Scrying allows them to locate a specific opponent who

they perceive to be of importance to them, thus providing some

information useful in planning their next actions.



0 0 19 Sea Cave/Skeleton Ship~
.Many ages ago, the Sea of Stars was a watery hunting field for a ruthless

crew of pirates.  Led by their foul-mouthed captain, the pirates would

terrorize passing merchant ships and loot whatever they could come across. 

Little is known about what has become of them.  Some say they drowned in

the ocean one day due to their greed -- their ship being unable to carry

so much loot.  Others say that their ship is buried deep beneath the

southwestern part of the Sea of Stars, while their decayed bodies still

haunt the area.



0 0 19 Sea Sprite Colony~
.@IAs a fisherman from Chiiron trooped down to the beach one fine morning,

he found a very peculiar prize.  A tiny sprite, no more than two feet

tall, with bluish skin and bright green hair was caught in a long tangle

of fishing line, and a hook was imbedded in one of her little arms.  The

kind fisherman bent down to untangle the sobbing little creature and took

her to the temple of Taranth for healing.

@IThe wise priestess of Taranth healed the sprite's wounds and comforted

her.  The little elf-like sprite told how she had become lost in the

darkness while hunting for her missing school of angel fish.  After being

caught in a strong current, she ended up tangled in the fishing twine and

the hook had become lodged in her arm.

@ITo get her back to her colony, the priestess took the sprite to the

beach near Chiiron and pointed her in a south-westerly direction.  As the

sprite disappeared beneath the waves, her green hair was still visible and

the priestess could see her head south-west toward the barrier reef of the

Sea of Stars.



0 0 17 Searching~

search        : searches the room

search on|off : toggles continual searching on and off


When you are actively searching, you spend a few more points of movement,

but you are more likely to find traps and secret doors.  NOTE: Finding a

trap will only work if you are a Thief, Ranger, or Bard.  And the ease of

finding said trap is descending in that order.  So Thieves are the best

at finding them.  They are also the ONLY class that gains the ability to

try and disarm them.

NOTE: Searching takes extra movement.  Please also see help file on

@boptions.  @nAlso see help file: @buntrap.



0 0 12 Second Attack~
.Allows you to possibly attack up to twice a round.  Most classes can

attain this level of combat skill.  

This skill is automatic, but note that learning second attack even to

level 10 does not mean you will have two attacks all the time, every

round.  It merely gives you a higher chance of getting in an extra attack.



0 0 12 Second Off-hand~

This skill is not yet implemented.  It will be exclusively for warriors.



0 0 1 See~
.This spell allows you to view the room another character or monster is

in.  The normal use for this spell is to local a monster quickly or find

out what a character is up to.  



0 0 1 See invisible~
.Some things are capable of bending light around themselves.  Some reach

into your mind, and intercept what your eyes are saying.  Whatever the

method, this spell was designed to counter these types of things, and

help allow you to see the types of things not normally seen.  



0 0 6 Sell~

@Gsell@n <object>     : sells that object to the shopkeeper

@Gsell@n x*<object>   : sells x number of objects to the shopkeeper


@I If you are selling an object to the appropriate store, and the

shopkeeper does already have too many of the object, then the shopkeeper

will pay a set amount of money in exchange for the object.  If you ask

the shopkeeper to @Evalue@n this object before you sell it, you can find

if the shopkeeper will @Ebuy@n it, and if so, how much he will pay.  If

you are skilled in the @Ehaggle@n skill, then this amount can be raised




4 0 2 Send_to_area~

send_to_area( string, room )


string - Text to display (can be literal string or reference to data string)

room   - Pointer to room in area


Displays string to all characters in the area.

@b@RNOTE: Does not evaluate color_codes or variables.@n




send_to_area( "The ground trembles slightly", find_room( 2100 ) );

send_to_area( #area, room );



4 0 2 Send_to_char~

send_to_char( string, char )


string - Text to display (can be literal string or reference to data string)

char   - Pointer to character


Displays string to character, regardless of what room they are in.

@b@RNOTE: Does not evaluate variables.@n




send_to_char( "You can't do that!", ch );

send_to_char( #char, ch );



4 0 2 Send_to_room~

send_to_room( string, room )


string - Text to display (can be literal string or reference to data string)

room   - Pointer to room


Displays string to all characters in room.

@b@RNOTE: Does not evaluate color_codes or variables.@n




send_to_room( "The porcullis rumbles open", room );

send_to_room( #room, find_room( 31000 ) );



0 0 1 sense life~
.This spell grants the caster the ability to see those that are hidden. 

It unveils the cloak of shadows from all creatures, enabling the cleric

clear sight of all creatures around them.



16 0 2 set_cflag~

set_cflag( integer, char )


integer - The number corresponding to the cflag to be set (see @b@Ccflags@n@b).

char - The character type.



This command sets a cflag on a character.



0 0 2 Set_rflag~
.See "help rflag".



0 0 5 Shadow dance~
.Shadow Dance is a monk skill allowing them to focus their mental energies

during battle to become part of the shadow plane for a very brief

instant avoiding damage from an attack.  The skill is not without dangers

though as there are rumors of monks stepping too far and getting trapped

in the shadow plane.  

This skill is automatic; in other words, there is no need to type in any




0 0 19 Shadowy Forest~
.Resting above a cliff near the beach close to Chiiron is a large shadowy

forest that overlooks the expansive Sea of Stars.  This vast forest was

once home to several forest gnomes who enjoyed a peaceful trade with the

neighboring sea sprites and humans of Chiiron.  Several years ago,

though, the gnomes were seen fleeing the forest, battered and bloodied by

a large battle with a clan of evil dark faeries.  These faeries claimed

the forest their own as part of their new kingdom.  Upon finding out

about the neighboring sea sprites, the faeries quickly began building an

army because, in their eyes, these sprites were nothing more than a

nuisance.  Soon began the great faerie/sprite war which has raged for

several years now.  The faeries view all other races as weak and

insignificant and do not hesitate to attack any intruders in their forest.



0 0 19 Shattered Keep~
.Deep within the heart of the Dragonspire Mountains lies a crumbled,

shattered keep.  Within the bowels of this once might keep lies a

sleeping evil, a cold evil native to the icy reaches of the Dragonspires. 

The keep itself was ripped from its true home centuries ago and placed

here by the beast, and now is inhabited by strange goblins with white

skin, as large as men.  The road to the keep is long and treacherous, as

the legendary yeti await the unwary trespasser, and tales of giant,

flesh-devouring worms which burrow in the snow abound from the few

adventurers who return from a journey to the keep.  Fragile ice bridges

and caves inhabited by fearsome, giant bats abound, and the snow is

endless.  Let adventurers beware the wrath of the creatures which make

their fell homes near the Shattered Keep in the Dragonspires.



4 0 16 Shcustom~

When not editing a custom ...


shcustom #        : edits a custom

shcustom # <object>  : changes item custom creates

shcustom <object>       : creates a new custom

When editing a custom ...

shcustom exit     : stops you editing the custom

shcustom cost #   : sets the cost

shcustom <ingredient>  : adds a new ingredient

shcustom #              : deletes an ingredient

shcustom delete #

shcustom #*(ingredient)    :adds multiple #'s of the same ingred.

(Note: if adding multiple #'s of same ingred, ALL must be in inventory)


A custom is an item an item a PC may have specially made for himself or

herself.  i.e.  a "cap of feelers" requires the PC to provide a leather

cap and the feelers from the ant queen.  The PC brings the items to the

armourer, and for a price, the armourer will make the cap of feelers. 

shcustom - This lists all customs available in the room.  This command

may only be used in rooms where customs can be made.  i.e.  armourer,

magic shop.  

shcustom <object> - This creates a custom in the room.  Please note that

a custom can only be an existing object.  If the object does not exist,

you must first use ocreate to make it.

shcustom <object> cost # - This sets the cost to make the custom.

shcustom <object> <object_ingredient> - This adds an ingredient to make

the custom.  In the above example, the ingredients are a leather cap and

the ant feelers.  

shcustom <object> # - This deletes an ingredient with the given number

from the custom.  

shcustom delete # - This deletes the custom with the given number.



4 0 16 Shedit~

@Gshedit@n            : lists the object types of what the shop buys

@Gshflag@n <flag>     : changes the object types which the shop buys

@Gshedit@n new        : creates a new shop, note no mob reference

@Gshedit@n keep <mob> : sets the shopp keeper of the new shop to <mob>

@Gshedit@n repair #   : sets the repair level of the shop




This is used to set up a mob as a shop and set the types of things that

the mob will buy.  To 'build' a shop follow these steps.  


1.  mload the mob you want to be the shopkeeper.  A mob doesn't have to

    be a completely new type of mob - it can be one already used as a 


2. reset mob  - to make it keep comming back 

3. shed new   - creates the shop

4. shed keep <mob>    - sets the shop keeper to the mob

5.  set the types of items for the shopkeeper to sell/buy: shed <flag>

    for each item type.

7. reset the items in the room: reset <item>

   Make sure you use @breset@n and not @bmreset@n.

And make sure you set the item's position to inventory 'reset # posi inv'.

8.  if you want the shopkeeper to be able to repair items: shed repair

<level> - where <level> is a number 1 to 10(10 being the most skill) 


Mobs gain and lose items as follows. Each reset every item that the mob

curently holds has a 10% chance of being removed.  So if a mob has 10

bells and 10 whistles chances are it will lose two items though it

doesn't have to, and they don't have to be one bell and one whistle. 

Every reset the mob will go through its mreset list and add an item if

the right 'roll' comes up.  So on average if you give a mob a 800 (mill)

chance of gaining an item it will roughly have 7 to 9 items at any one

time.  Note you can make a mob hold more than 10 (roughly) items by

giving it more than one 1000 (mill) reset.  

9.  Pet shops: Set rflag pet_shop.  Add shopkeeper as normal.  Reset pets

to be sold (must have a price AND must be tameable) in the room that is

ONE higher up from the shop keeper.  (Meaning that if your shop keeper is

in room 386, a "pen" or holding area for pet resets must be in room 387. 




4 0 16 Shflag~

shflag : lists a shop's shflags


Use this to set the types of items which a shop deals in.



0 0 12 Shield~
.This skill improves a warrior's ability to block attacks with a shield. 

Without the skill a shield will have some defensive value, but being

adept at the use of a shield increases this drastically.

This is a passive skill, in that there is no need to type in any command

for an attempt at shield blocking.



0 0 1 Shock~
.@b@YShock@n generates arcs of power which jump very quickly from your

outstretched fingers, to the victim.  It is a very quick spell to cast so

it is useful for finishing fleeing mobs or opponents who bash.



0 0 6 Shops~
.@I In every town can be found a variety of shops, selling and buying

everything from armor to magical regeants.  While in a shop, typing

@Clist@n will display a table of what is for sale, and their prices as

well as minimum level and condition.  Most of the time, you can @Cbuy@n

items from the store by typing @Cbuy@n <object>, assuming you have enough

money to pay for it.  If you want to sell an item, the @Cvalue@n command

has the shopkeeper appraise the object, and then tell you how much he

will pay for it, and the cost to @Crepair@n it if it is damaged.  Then,

you can sell the item from your inventory by typing @Csell@n <object>.

@I Sometimes, shopkeepers have the ability to make rare, special, often

magical items, given the correct ingredients.  By typing @Ccustom@n, you

can see if a shopkeeper produces any special item.  Once you have

collected all the necessary ingredients and can pay forthe item, then you

can purchase it by typing @Ccustom@n <object>.

@I Although the primary function of the shopkeepers is to maintain their

business, often they act as trainers as well.  They can teach you skills

and spells, which you spend by using @Cpractice@n points.

@I To buy or sell multiple objects at one time, it is posssible to use an

extended description for objects, which are detailed under @Csyntax@n.



0 0 3 Short_Acnt_Pwd~

Your password is too short.  Please try again and enter another password

of at least five (5) characters in length.



0 0 14 Shout~

shout <string> : sends a string to all areas of mud


Use shout when you @breally@n need help - it costs 500 gossip points to

use, and may be heard in all areas of the mud.  If you wish to send

something to only your area, use the @EYell@n command.



8388608 0 0 Shutdown~



shutdown - This will shutdown the mud.  If you use this command, the mud

will not reboot itself, so you must do a manual reboot.  



0 0 1 Silence~

This spell will silence your opponents, preventing them from casting

spells or harming you by other noisy means.



0 0 4 Size Flags~
.All objects have size flags which are used in determining what races can

use an object.  The anti-flags should be set if the object has some

magical hatred for the race.  The size flags should be used if the object

is not appropriate for a race for a more mundane reason.

Race_Specific - This implies any given object can only be used by one

race.  If the object type has more than one race flag checked the mud

will randomly choose a race for any item it loads.  This should be used

for items that need to fit well.  Chainmail suits, boots, etc.




32 0 19 Sjerdil's Tower~

The elder gnomes of Orlumber have many fond memories of their childhoods. 

They remember sunny, playful picnics in the Rua Valley and many cute,

finely-crafted toys made by the renowned toymaker, Sjerdil.



0 0 8 Skin~

skin [corpse] <mob name>


Using skin you may get items such as: skins, furs, meat, and other

bodyparts from the corpse of a mob.  This, however, does *not* mean that

all mobs will produce items when skinned.  Using skin you can retrieve

any useful items from the corpse of a creature.  This is most useful on

creatures with fur, such as rabbits, foxes, and deer.  



16 0 1 Slay~
.This is the most powerful attack spell known to clerics.



0 0 1 Sleep~
.A very insinuous spell with many possible defensive and devious

possibilities.  Some hermits and psy masters of the mind have developed

this spell to usable levels.  Targets get a chance to resist, but it is

effective more often than not.  



0 0 1 Slow~
.This spell drapes a heavy blanket on the victims mind.  The affect is

said to feel like your limbs are having to move through water, and that

everything you do seems in slow motion.  Creatures strong of will have

been known to throw the effects of this spell off.  The snail shell is

used as a focus point more than anything else, but needed nonetheless.  



16 0 25 Small Stat Affects~
.Stat    +1      +2      Modifiers for +2 based on class


hit      5      20          --

dam     15      45          --

str     15      45   -5 War, Mon, Thi

int     20      60   -5 Cle, Mag

wis     20      60   -5 Cle, Mag, Pal

dex     25      60   -5 Mon, Thi, Ran

con     25      60   -5 War, Pal, Ran



0 0 17 Sneak~

sneak :  toggles sneak on or off.


You toggle this skill off or on.  When on, you use up more movement

points, but no one will notice you enter or leave a room.  Even mobs are

susceptible to this.  This can help you get past aggresive monsters, and

can sometimes help getting past guards that would normally keep others

out.  Please see help file on @Eoptions@n.



134234112 0 0 Social Editors Primer~
.Please refer to help @ctedit@n, @btset@n, @mvariables@n, @ytstat@n, and

@gsocial fields@n files for additional help.

Here are the basic steps to writing a social:

I.  Type 'tedit new <social table name> <social name>'

     Example:  tedit new soc.elf laugh

II.  Type 'tset <social field> <social entry>'

      Example:  tset ch.self You laugh quietly at what $N did.

      Example:  tset position resting

NOTE: Typing tstat will keep you updated on the various entries of the

current social that you are editting.

Typing just tset position, tset aggressive, tset disrupt, or tset reveal

will show the various possible entries for those social fields.  Also,

read help @mvariables@n for the particular variable to use and help

@gsocial fields@n for a description of what each field does or shows.

III.  Continue to add as many entries to the social table as you can

think up.

IV.  When you are done with all the entries to the socials, type 'tedit

sort <social table name>' which is important for the social to take


V.  Type 'write tables' to save the social to disk in case the mud crashes

or something else unexpected occurs.

Feel free to look at other examples of socials for hints, ideas, or more

help by typing 'tedit <social table name> <social name>' and then typing


Furthermore, please avoid writing socials that are considered too

obscene, such as 'fart', 'pee', etc.



134234112 0 0 Social Fields~

This help file describes what each social field does:

@cposition:@n  Determines when the social can be done.

For instance, typing 'tset position resting' means you can do the social

when resting, standing, fighting, etc., but not when sleeping.

@caggressive:@n  Setting this field to 'true' makes it so that if you do

the social to a mob, it will attack you.  

(This feature has been currently disabled.)

@cdisrupt:@n  Setting this field to 'true' causes someone doing the social

to have the spell he or she is preparing or casting to be disrupted.

@creveal:@n  Setting this field to 'true' will cause the person who does

the social while hiding to stop hiding and be seen by everyone in the


@cno_arg.self:@n  What the person doing the social will see if he or she

only typed the social without any target, such as only typing in 'laugh'.

@cno_arg.others:@n  What others will see if the person doing the social

types the social without a target.

@cch.self:@n  What the person doing the social will see if he or she does

the social to a target player or mob, such as 'laugh Olah'.

@cch.others:@n  What everyone else but the person doing the social or the

person that is the target of the social will see.

@cch.victim:@n  What the target of the social will see.

@cch.sleep:@n  What the target of the social will see if he or she is


@cself.self:@n  What the person doing the social will see if he or she

targets the social to him or herself.

@cself.others:@n  What others will see when the person doing the social

targets him or herself.

@cobj.self:@n  What the person doing the social will see if he or she

targets the social with an object, such as 'laugh corpse'.

@cobj.others:@n  What others will see if the person doing the social

targets the social with an object.

@cdir.self:@n  What the person doing the social will see if he or she

targets the social with a direction, such as 'laugh west'.

@cdir.others:@n  What others will see if the person doing the social

targets the social with a direction.

@cch/obj.self:@n  What the person doing the social will see if he or she

targets a player or mob with an object, such as 'spank Olah whip'. 

@cch/obj.victim:@n  What the target player will see if the person doing

the social targets him or her with an object.

@cch/obj.others:@n  What the others will see if the person doing the

social targets a player or mob with an object.

@cch/obj.sleep:@n  What the target player will see if he or she is

sleeping when the person doing the social targets him or her with an


@cself/obj.self:@n  What the person doing the social will see if he or she

targets him or herself with an object.

@cself/obj.others:@n  What others will see if the person doing the social

targets him or herself with an object.

Other related and useful help files: @mtedit@n, @gtstat@n, @ysocial

editors primer@n, @bvariables@n, and @rtset@n.



0 0 14 Socials~

Please type "socials" for a listing of all socials available.  In

addition to generic socials, each race has its own list of socials that

are distinct.  In order to get a list of racial socials, please type

"social <race>." Typing social lizardman, for example, will show you a

list of lizardman socials.


.@bImmortal Notes@n

@I Socials can be editted via tedit socials.  If a message is prefixed by

! that indicates the social can be "seen" by someone who is blind. 

Please do not add offensive socials such as spit, fart, grope as the

players do not need encouragement to be annoying.


0 0 9 Sos-kul~
.                                        @b@G____@n 

@C:@n Threshold or doorway                 @b@G|@n@b@CHoly@n@b@G|  

@b@R*@n Door or gate                     @b@G    |@b@BTmpl@n@b@G|    

@Y?@n Unknown                        @b@G      |_  _|____ ____ ____ ____ 

                                       |@n @b@CH@n @b@G |@n@b@CPath@n@b@G|    |@n@b@MDirt@n@b@G|    |

                                       |@n @b@CO@b@G  |@n @b@CEnd@b       @b@MTrl@n     @b@G|                                                                          ___                

                    ___                |@n @b@CL@n@b@G  |____|_   |_    |___|

                   |@n @Y?@n@b@G |               | @b@CY@n @b@G |    |    ||@b@MHer-@b@b@G|

                   |   |               |    |@b@CDirt path@n@b@G|| @b@Mmit@n@b@G|

 ___      ____     |_@b@R*@n@b@G_|      ____ ____|  @b@CP@b@G |_  _|____||____|

|@b@MGrd@n@b@G|    |@b@MAnml@b@b@G|    |@b@MWar@n@b@G|     |    |    |  @b@CA@n @b@G|    |@b@MHov-@n@b@G|@b@MSha-@n@b@G|

|@b@MHse@n@b@G|    |@b@MSpkr@b@b@G|    |@b@MLdr@n@b@G|     |    |@b@BSqr.@b   @b@CT@n  @b@BSqr.@n@b@G|  @b@Mel@n@b@G| @b@Mnty@n@b@G|

|_@b@R*@n@b@G_|____|_   |____|   |_____|_   |_  _|  @b@CH@n @b@G|_   |_  _|_  _|_____

@b@R*@n                                                           @b@MMuddy@n@b@G|

@b@R*@n @b@C    S   O   S - K   U   L                  R  O  A  D@b     @b@MShore@n@b@G|

@b@R*@n@b@G    _  _ _  _ _  _     _     _    _  _      _  _ _  _ _  _______|

@b@G|   |@b@MWeap@n@b@G|@b@MArm@b @b@G|@b@MLiz@n @b@G|   |     |    |    |    |    |@b@MOrp.@b@G|@b@MHov-@n@b@G| 

|   |@b@Mshop@n@b@G|@b@Mshop@n@b@G|@b@MHome@n@b@G|   |@b@MHouse@n@b@G|@b@MHome@n@b@G| @b@BSqr.@n     @b@BSqr.@n@b@G|@b@MHut@n@b@G |  @b@Mel@n@b@G|

@b@G|   |____|____|____|   |_____|____|____|    |____|____|____|

|                                                          |

|@b@C          W    I    D    E          P    A    T    H@b   @b@G   |

|___|_   |_   |_   |___|_   _|_   |_   |_   |____|_   _____|

@b@G    |@b@MLthr@n@b@G|    |    |___ |@GFi-@n@b@G||@b@MHunt@n@b@G|@b@MBone@n@b@G|    |@b@MGrd@n@b@G ||@b@MMud@n@b@G |

    |@b@MWrkr@n@b@G|@b@MBank@n@b@G|@b@MVisions@n@b@G ||@Geld@n@b@G||@b@MMstr@n@b@G|@b@MShpr@n@b@G|    @C:@n @b@MHse@n@b@G||@b@MTent@n@b@G|

  @b@G  |____|____|____|___||___||____|____|@b@R****@n@b@G|____||____|@n



                                    @b@CSouth Gates@n



16 0 19 Southern Cairn Mountains~

Near the northern entrance to the tunnel system that leads completely

under the southern Cairn Mountains lies the beginning of an above-ground

pass over the mountains that has remained unused for nearly a generation. 

Rumors of an abandoned dwarven mine are often associated with the pass,

as well as many other stories most intelligent people disregard.



0 0 17 Spear~

This skill represents formal instruction in the proper use of spears in

hand-to-hand combat.



0 0 11 Spell~

spell <spell_name> : eg, "spell create food", or "spell ogre strength"


This command will give you background information on the particular spell

you are looking up.  Information in the file should include energy cost,

number of turns to cast, a brief description on the effects, and a

listing of any reagents needed to complete the spell.

@ITo see a listing of the spells available to any class, look in help

@EAbilities@n.  Other useful help files pertaining to magic include

@Eleech@n and @Emagic@n.



0 0 5 Spin kick~

spin : character does a spin kick


This skill allows a monk to damage foes currently fighting him.  It does

significantly more damage than kick and can hit more than one opponent. 

It is a tiring skill though.



16 0 8 Sset~

sset <char>                 : shows all skills player has

sset <char> <skill> <level> : sets player skill level

sset <char> all <level>     : sets all skills on player to level


This command sets the level of a skill/level/language, etc.  For skills

of more than word, enclose the skill in single quotes.


sset Object 'cause light' 0



16 0 0 standards~
. @CHelp files that have been verified as accurate:@n


 help weapon_table  ----- weapon damage limiters / level min.

 help armors_table  ----- base values for normal armors.

 help armor_effects  ----- effects attributable to armor wear locations.

 help object_affects ----- level-to-affect guidelines

 help mobs  ----- for mob standard hit points and damage

 help undead ----- basic settings/flags for zombies and skeletons

                   (alternatively oload 1517)

 help costs ----- just what it sounds like

 help durabilities ----- base durabilties for object types

@CWhat follows are files that are not necessarily correct.@n These are

just the files I was able to find and collate into an organized list. 

Hopefully we will be able to weed out the useless ones and form a set of

standards that we will all conform to for the sake of consistency.

Since the "standards" are already spread over several different help

files, this should be used to direct imms to the appropriate help files. 


(outdated) help a s  ----- an armor standards help file.

(outdated) help armor system  ----- standards for armor type base ac.

(outdated) help weapon_damage  -- weapon damage / level mininum for use.

help objects  ----- object modifiers (ie what size shields should affect dex)

                         (not to be confused with help object (#405) ).

(outdated) help items  ----- modifiers to item min level by specials. <<see help object_affects>>

help class damage  ----- damage done by character class.

help class_standards  ----- another damage done by class file.

help monk  ----- a standards for monk damage / level.

help crimes  ----- how imms should deal with players breaking rules.

help guidelines  ----- general builder guideline standards.

help rdesc_standards  ----- general builder guidelines for rdescs.

help resistances  ----- resistances tables (fire, cold, etc) (incomplete).

help size flags  ----- has useful info on how to use size / race / anti flags.

help variables  ----- ok, so its not a standard, buts very useful for imms to know.


Things we could still use standards for:

move points, damage for mobs when disarmed.



0 0 20 Starting~
.@b@BGetting Started@n 

@b------- -------@n

@b@RMake sure your name is suitable for the theme of this game!  If you

are unsure ask a god.@n  

@B1.@nCreate a description@n for your character telling as much as you can

about them; what they look like and how they act are good starters.(See

@b@Whelp description@n for how to write your description.) 

@B2.@nExplore your starting town, look for shopkeepers and trainers. 

    @b@RAttacking members of your clan will get you kicked out of your clan

@n    @b@R*Don't attack shopkeepers or other townspeople, they are often clan

@n    @b@Rmembers.@n

@n@B3.@nGo to the local shops and equip yourself with armor and a weapon. 

Be sure to save some copper for practicing your skills.

@B4.@nFind some trainers and practice the skills you want.

@n@B5.@nAdventure to a very low level area and kill for xp, be sure to

@b@Wconsider@n everything before killing it.  For characters in clan

@bSecomber@n north of Chiiron is good and the beach a ways to the east of

Chiiron is also good.  

@B6.@nAfter gaining level two, return to town and practice more skills

with your newly gained practice points.  Also be sure to sell any skins

you aquire. 

@B7.@nRepeat the process until you are ready to adventure and @b@RRole

Play@n.  And most of all...@b@RHave Fun!!!@n 

@B8.@nBe sure to find an use the banking system.  It's very nice to have

funds in the bank if you die and are unable to retrieve your stuff. 

Banks can be found in all major towns and are linked via the fastest

carrier pidgeon service in the know world.  

@bNote:@n Be sure to set your @b@Woptions@n, @b@Wiflags@n(info flags), and

@b@Wcolor@n options.  


@b@WNote:@n Also set your appearance and keywords.



0 0 0 Stat~

stat: gives you hit point, energy and movement statistics.


The stat command gives you a variety of information pertaining to your

character's hit points, energy, and movement, including whether or not

they are being modified by anything.



0 0 0 Station~
.A proposed new statistic for players which would be randomly determined

during character creation.  The number would range from 0-10 and reflect

a character's social status within his clan.  (Outsiders can be assumed

to react to all Eleint, for example, in a similar way, being unaware of

the subtle differences among members of a single clan).

Would be useful to determine how NPCs react to characters, help players

role-play their character's background, and to a lesser extent 

@bRough list of values:@n

10 - Bluest of blue bloods, Over-kings, Emperors

9 - Royalty

8 - Major Nobility

7 - Minor/Petty Nobility, Knights etc.

6 - Commercial interests, influential non-nobles

5 - Upper classes etc

4 - Merchants, bougeois, shopkeepers, etc

3 - Lower middling classes

2 - The poor, marginalized classes

1 - Untouchables, scorned castes

0 - { See below }

The vast majority of players would have stations ranging from 2-4 (a

reflection of society).  Monks, whose vows place them outside the reach

of such temporal concerns, would automatically have a status of 0 (null).



16 0 8 Statistics~



This command gives some statistics about your player for the purpose of

aiding immortals in debugging and balancing the mud.

Mana_Abs: Is percent increase in mana costs for a mage wearing your armor

due to the absorption of magical energy by metal.  Note that a percent is

shown for any class but is only relevant to mages.



536870912 0 12 Steal~

steal <object> from <character>


Attempts to steal object from character.



0 0 24 steal_skill~

steal <item> from <mob>


This skill allows a thief to steal a specific item from a killable mob. 

You cannot steal from players or shopkeepers at this point in time, since

they cannot defend themselves.  Steal will not work with parry on.



4 0 0 Stone and herb reagents~
.This list is based upon traditional uses of stones and herbs in various

magic disciplines.  This format reads Plant/Stone/Intention, and is

divided into seven elemental categories.







Cedar/Quartz crystal/Goals

Beech or oak/Red agate/Personal finances



Night flowers/Moonstone/Psychic pursuits

Willow or orris root/Aquamarine/Psychology

Birch/Pearl/Dreams and astral travel

Motherwort/Quartz crystal/Imagination

Vervain/Flourite/Women's mysteries

White rose or iris/Geodes/Reincarnation



Red rose/Carnelian/Passion

Cock's comb/Bloodstone/Partnerships


Thyme or daisy/Garnet/Swift movement

Pepper/Pink tourmaline/Energy






Cherry/Moss agate/Intelligence

Periwinkle/Sodalite/Memory and education



Cinnamon/Sugilite/Business and logic


Buttercup/Turquoise/Social matters

Coltsfoot/Lapis lazuli/Political power

Oak/Sapphire/Material wealth



Pink rose/Rose quartz/Romantic love


Birch or heather/Pink tourmaline/Beauty


Sage or violet/Emerald/Artistic ability

Water lily/Jade/Harmony



Myrrh or moss/Jet/Binding

Hemlock/Smokey quartz/Protection


Coltsfoot/Black onyx/Karma

Nightshade/Snowflake obsidian/Death

Fir/Lava or pumice/Manifestation



0 0 21 Strongholds~
.@IDue to recent negotiations with the Dwarven Labour Union, a new

pricelist has been compiled for the building of Clan Strongholds.

@b*@nThe basic clan stronghold has been adjusted to three rooms, your clan

insignia, and a clan bank account (forthcoming).  Flat rate for this is


@b*@nA basic locked door and key comes complimentary with your clan house. 

However for those of you who would like a little more secrecy, you can

add a secret entrance to your clan house.  The price of this added

feature will be between @b15k@n and @b50k@n depending on how elaborate

you want to get.

@b*@nFor those of you who would like a @bfountain@n built in

your Stronghold, the charge is @b50k@n for materials and labour.

@b*@nExtra room descriptions, such as pictures on the wall you can look

at, will cost you @b10k@n per description.

@b*@nExtra rooms leading up to a Stronghold will be priced at @b25k@n

for the first two rooms, then @b100k@n for each room after that.

@b*@nA bottomless kettle of soup in your stronghold will be @b30k@n for

stocking, labour, having the kettle fashioned, etc.

@b*@nActions, such as 'You smell a delicious aroma waft up from the kettle

of soup,' will cost @b15k@n per action.

@b*@nSecret rooms will not be part of the basic three rooms.  To

create a secret room, you will be charged @b100k@n for an extra room as

well as an additional @b50k@n for the concealment of the door and hidden


@b*@nWhen youre relaxing in your new Stronghold or having an important

meeting, you may want to have a few tables, chairs or couches for you and

your guests.  The price for a basic piece of furniture will be @b5k@n, but

if you want some exotic custom item, its going to be charged at a custom

price.  (Such as a throne or a dragon leather couch.)

@e*@nStorage rooms are available for your stronghold at the cost of

@e200k@n for the flag, with an additional purchase cost of 100k for the

room itself.  These rooms save over crashes/reboots, and do not reset. 

Items will stay indefinitely either on the ground or in chests, should

you choose to purchase them.

If there is something you would like for your clan house that is not

listed here, please ask about it and it can be submitted to the Union for

consideration.  However, Dwarves being the practical creatures they are,

try to keep it within the boundaries of realism.



0 0 5 Stun~


This skill allows the monk to temporarily stun the opponent for one

round, rendering it unable to attack.  It is automatic, so that there is

a chance on every hit to succeed in stunning the opponent.



0 0 8 Summary~
.     --------------- @bWelcome to The Forest's Edge@n --------------- 

          Index       : List help categories

          Help <cat>  : get help on a subject

          Options     : see the various flags you can set

          Color       : set your terminal type and colors

          Score       : see your stats

          Commands    : see a list of command categories

          Comm <cat>  : see the commands in category specified

                        with a brief description

          Abil        : shows what skills you can learn

          Inv         : displays what you are carrying

          Custom      : lists what a shop can make

The above commands should give you enough knowledge to get started

playing.  Though I would also advise reading @hhelp pray@n and @hhelp

syntax@n before delving too deeply into the game.  @n @nNewbies read

@hhelp newbie@n.  



0 0 1 Summon~
.This spell is a potent magic which transports the target to the location

of the caster.  It is not infallible, but is fairly reliable, especially

at higher levels.  Eventually this spell will only function upon players

of a similar alignment to that of the caster.



16 0 2 Summon_Function~

summon( char1, char2 )


char1 - Pointer to character requesting aid

char2 - Pointer to character who should be attacked on sight (may be left



Causes any mobs in the area of clan clan, to come to the aid of the

specified character.  No text is displayed to the room, so you will wanna

alert the room that a summons is being requested.  


act_room( "The chief cries out for assistance!", mob );

summon( mob, victim);



0 0 1 surcease~
.Surcease is a mid-level ranger's healing spell.  It provides a large

amount of healing to the ranger and their comrades after the heat of

battle is over.



0 0 0 surtitles~
.List of surtitles which you might see and what they might mean:

AV - Avatar

CL - Clan Leader

IP - Immortal Powers



16 0 17 Sweep~



Sweep is a Psionic only command that uses their great mental ability to

detect all warm-blooded creatures in the area they are in.



0 0 13 Swimming~
.Swimming is a useful skill that all players should acquire at some point. 

It allows you to move underwater with a reasonable cost in movement

points.  Without it you flail uselessly getting nowhere and using all

your movements points.  Since drowning is quite possible, some skill in

swimming is necessary to enter any water region.  This skill is automatic.



0 0 11 Switch~

switch <familiar> : switch into your familiar's body


Switch is the command used by mages to operate their familiars.  While in

their familiars bodies, mages will 'see' things from the familiar's

viewpoint, and will or will not have infravision, detect hidden, etc. 

according to the familiar's senses.  To return from a familiar to one's

body, the command is, logically enough, @breturn@n.



0 0 8 Syntax~
.@I This mud expects a syntax of input slightly different than most muds,

which can be confusing at first.  There are special characters that must

be used in conjunction with certain commands to either distinguish

between items with similar names, or do an action to multiple items.

@I There are many objects in the mud that have almost identical names. 

For example, if you have a short sword and a long sword in your

inventory, typing 'look sword' might not look at the correct sword.  To

look specifically at the long sword, you would put a period in between

the words of the object's name.  So, 'look long.sword' would look at the

long sword.  If you wanted to @Ebuy@n a soft leather jacket and not a hard

leather jacket, you would type 'buy soft.leather.jacket'.

@I Often, you will want to do something with many of the same type of

item.  To get, give, drop, @Esell@n, or @Ebuy@n many of the same type of

item, you would use the '*' character in front of the object's name, in

the form x*<object>, x being the number of that object.  For example, to

drop 10 copper pieces, you would type 'drop 10*copper'.  To buy 3 wooden

shields, you would type 'buy 3*wooden.shield'.

@I The prefix 'all' is also used.  To sell all the skins in your

inventory, you would type 'sell'.  HOWEVER, 'all' can be used in

two ways.  To get all the objects from your bag, you would type 'get all

bag'.  But, to get all the bags in the room, you would type 'get all.bag'.



0 0 0 System~

@Gsystem@n : display system usage and info


See above.



2048 0 0 talis~
.@GList of Useful Room Numbers@n


Places Death transfers people / useful town numbers to transfer players

Chiiron - 903

Medienne - 107

Kha-da - 27008

Vaasa - 19040

Voaleth - 20083

Pennan - 37013

Sos-kul - 30776

Denab-knur - 30340

Darkhaven - 30009 (generally closed though)





@GList of my special places I like to go to, or bring people to@n


Inside a Geode - 38652

Waterfall - 49346






Chiiron - 912 - Fighting Ferret

Medienne - 138 - Cracked Crown

         - 147 - The Rusty Nail

Kha-Da - 27030 - Dragon-Slayer

Vaasa - 19021 - The Glade

Dark Haven - 30015 - The Black Unicorn

Pennan - 37053 - The Cardinal

Denab-Knur - 30392 - The Hanging Human

Voaleth - 20071 - Ingblad's Bar and Grille




@GPaths to High Druid, Vaasa@n: 19066, 19381, 19161, 19108, 19247



0 0 19 talonwood~
.Long ago the Llewyrr of the Vaasa took pity on a band of goblinoids less

evolved than their cousins and harboured them deep in the Vaasa. 

Unfortunately for the elves, the goblinoids learned all too quickly that

they enjoyed the taste of elves and had a curious penchant for

destruction.  Although the elves tried many times to usher the goblins

from the forest and even resulted to violence to kill them off, they

never quite managed to rid themselves of these pests, now called the

tasloi.  Just when it seemed they were gone for good, they would seem to

have a population exposion and things would start all over.


Things had been quite for a while, however, it seems the tasloi are back. 

A few battered and bruised travellers have reported losing whole groups

to strange beasts hidden in the mists of the malformed talonwood forest

southeast of the Vaasa.  Among the strange beasts, travellers have given

descriptions of little goblinoid creatures that perfectly match the

description of the tasloi.  Be careful, as they seem to have learned the

benefit of ambushes now and are becoming quite proficient at taking down

unwary travellers.


Most sages agree, the talonwood is not a safe place for the more fragile

folk.  They recomend you be at least level 15 before you try to survive a

jaunt through the misty woods.



0 0 19 talonwood~
.Long ago the Llewyrr of the Vaasa came upon a lesser developed tribe of

goblinoids.  The tribe of goblinoids were very primitive and were

persecuted, even by other goblins.  The Llewyrr took pity on them and

gave them refuge in the vastness of the Vaasa.  The Llewyrr called them

tasloi, an ancient elven word meaning "wood goblin", and began to teach

them how to survive in the woods.


Things went well for a few brief years, then the tasloi turned on the

Llewyrr.  What started as spiteful pranks by the tasloi grew until it

came to all out war.  In the end, the Llewyrr hunted down most of the

tasloi and managed to chase the rest out of the Vaasa.  Enough of the

tasloi survived to form small bands, and every few decades a population

explosion seems to occur and the Llewyrr are plagued by tasloi hungry for

elf flesh.  Recently they tasloi seem to have learned to hide from even

the vigilant Llewyrr scouts and rangers and have taken to using ambush

tactics.  This time, they have made it further back into the Vaasa then

ever before and the Llewyrr are becoming concerned.


The tasloi live primarily in the Talonwood to the southeast of the Vaasa. 

Both the tasloi and many of the other denizens of the Talonwood are quite

dangerous.  Most scribes agree you should not attempt to enter before

level 15, the ones that didn't agree thought you should wait even longer,

but who ever listens to scribes these days.



0 0 1 Tame~
.Tame is a ranger spell allowing the caster to tame a wild animal.  A tame

animal will become the pet of the caster.  The profiency of the caster

determines chance of success.  Also only certain types of monsters can be

tamed.  A frog, skeleton or insect is impossible to tame, but a rabbit or

bear or other animal is possible.

You can only tame a number of animals whose total levels are less than or

equal to your level of experience.

Remember, implicit in the tame spell is the idea that the ranger is, in a

sense, befriending the creature.  Rangers cannot, nor would they, gain

the trust of a creature only to betray it, sell it, or otherwise abuse

the spirit of such a creature.

Remeber, also, that not all pets are welcome in all towns.  Some citizens

of certain towns loathe certain animals and will attack them on sight.



0 0 7 Taranth~
.@I Taranth is the goddess of Charity.  Anyone entering her service swears

a vow of poverity and to aid the poor and desolute.  Only those of good

@Ealignment@n can follow Taranth, though any race is allowed.  The

minimum level for joining is 5 and thieves may not join.  In return for

devoting their lives to charity players who follow Taranth are protected

from all players, gain +1 damage vs evil monsters, and Taranth aids her

disiplines in need more than any other goddess.  The disadvantages are

being unable to wear anything made of gold or silver, and due to the vows

of poverity storing money in a bank is unallowed.  The main temple to

Taranth is located in Chiiron.



134234112 0 0 tedit~

tedit                          : lists all tables

tedit <table_name>             : lists all entries in a table

tedit <table_name> <entry>     : edits that entry of the table

tedit new <table_name> <entry> : creates a new entry

tedit sort <table_name>        : sorts that table (socials)

tedit delete <table_name> <entry> : deletes the entry in the table


Tedit is the command to edit various data tables of the mud.  To look at

a table entry the command is tstat.  To set any field in an entry the

command tset is used.



0 0 14 Tell~

tell                    : list the most recent tells you have received

tell <player> <message> : send a private message to a specific player

tell <mob> <message>    : interact with a mob/npc


The 'tell' command allows private communication between players.  Unlike

@hchat@n, @hgossip@n, and @hauction@n, which are all public channels, and

even @hgrouptell@n, tell is a private channel which only includes

yourself and your 'target.' Use of tell thus enables you to have secure

conversations and helps reduce spam on the public channels.

To list the most recent 'tells' which you have received, type 'tell' with

no arguments.  Tell is used for out of character (ooc) discussions.

Frequently you will need to share some information or respond to a mob's

query.  For this, see help @hto@n and help @hask@n.



0 0 7 Temohpab~
.Temohpab, a god of mysterious ways and powers, has an agenda all his

own, but it not based on anger, wrath, or hatred; rather, it is

Temohpab's pure evil which fascinates some and sickens others.  His

vision is that of a dark arm of shadow, his, spreading over the entire

Realms, leaving him the master of a black world of evil.

His followers can be of only evil alignment, but those who follow him

have many enemies indeed.

Meriada, a god that favors balance, fears the growth of his scale-tipping


Cynnis, the god of nature, despises the perversions that Temohpab

permits, especially the black unicorn which often is used as Temohpab's


Appears as a mighty dracholich, a black unicorn, and a strange (human)

figure called the Peacock King.




0 0 19 Temple of Ri'lahl~
.@IAmong the wild lands south of Medienne, a massive, forbidding fortress

looms above the swamps, looking out over the nearby Northern Sea.  Flying

from the highest parapet of the fortress, a black banner stirs in the

wind; the battle standard of Ri'lahl, God of War.  A silver octagon

inscribed upon the midnight silk of the standard embraces an argent

falcon, positioned to strike.  The embroidered raptor's eyes seem to

watch the land around it, wary of any potential enemy.



0 0 19 The Black Wastes~
.Legends tell of a great land known as Tarik Nor and until recently they

were just rumors until a band of adventurers found a barren tunnel

leading to a desert terrain which they believe is Tarik Nor.  The land is

described as a vast wasteland, completely void of all wildlife, plants

and water, being nothing more then a flat desert.  Reports from several

other bands of adventurers tell of a forest which lies deep inside the

waste but further exploration was blocked as unseen forces seemed to push

them away.  Scholars and sages have researched the land deeply and have

found that it was once part of a major trade route that linked Pennan,

Medienne and Chiiron with exotic supplies and crafts.  The last

expedition to travel into the wastes was never heard from again.  What

truly lies inside the land of Tarik Nor is unknown but legends speak of a

marvelous city from which riches of unbelievable magnitude were bought

and sold daily.  Those wishing to travel into the land are told to seek

the north-eastern most section of the Dragonspire mountain range but many

sages warn that the path is dangerous and death lurks around every corner

in this forbidden land.



0 0 7 The Book of Strife~
.The annals of creation as put down by L'Tor:

Darkness and Light together make all,

but by their nature each strives to overcome the other.



0 0 19 The Dragon Hatchery~
.A recent gnomish scouting party to the southern reaches of Sos-Kul is

reported missing by the council of Thorstag.  Due back weeks ago, the

party's last report states that they were entering a large clearing in

the forest.  The party never made it to Sos-Kul: they were apparently

killed by some unseen foe.


The Gnomish Government has released this exert from the final report

received from the scouting party: 


Day 1

We have found an entrance into the strange clearing yesterday and have

spent the night just inside the vast opening.  We will rest for the night

after an altercation with a strange group of frog men.  We plan on

sending a small group deeper in tomorrow.  If this group is successful we

will map the area and continue on to Sos-Kul.


Day 2

The small party we sent into the clearing has not returned.  The clearing

is completely free from the elements.  The canopy that covers it provides

us shelter from the brutal weather of the swamp.  We plan on going in

after the initial party this afternoon and then continue on to Sos-Kul.




0 0 19 The Great Icalah Tree~
.Explorers tell of the discovery of a very giant, old tree in a forest of

prickly porcupines.  The tree is of a type never before seen in the

realms by these intrepid travelers.  After much discussion, all of it

sober, of course, they called it the icalah.  Each discoverer took gifts

of fruit and cuttings from the tree, before dispersing and vowing never

to speak of the strange, flying creatures in the tree.



0 0 19 The Rift~
.An innocent was slain, and as her life's blood poured onto the stones on

which she lay, a terrible curse was cast, and a rift opened linking this

world to the underworld.  Hordes of evil ghosts and wraiths press

forward, sensing the passage, hungering to escape into the living world. 

The spirit of the innocent herself guards the rift, but who knows when

she must fall?



0 0 19 The Vaasa~
.A place of great beauty and mystery, the ancient forest known as the

Vaasa is home to some unique and magical creatures.  With its towering

Shuvana trees and being rife with forest life, anyone who ventures around

would fall in awe of its splendor.  Rumors insist that the Llewyrr, make

their home around the area.

The Woodworms (level 8-20)


The woodworms are a well-known and much feared menace of the Vaasa. 

Their depredations are responsible for the death of several venerable

shuvana trees.  Though feared for the swathe of destruction they can

cause, slowly devouring tree after tree, many elves have taken it upon

themselves to champion the cause of the woodworm's downfall.  With

vigilance and constant hard work, the elves have managed to keep the

depredations of the woodworms at a standstill.  Should you seek to join

these noble guardians of the woods in defending the Vaasa, then ask any

Llewyrr in that vast woods, and they will probably be able to lead you to

the very spot where this battle against this foe is waged.



0 0 19 Theatre in the Hills~
.Once thought to be deserted, the Theatre in the Hills near the towns of

Medienne and Chiiron is under new management.  Back before the theatre

was closed by a lack of funding, several performers from around the world

would perform there.

The new manager, thought to be a rich businessman from Pennan, reportedly

has thrown several hundred platinum pieces into remodeling the Theatre in

the Hills from its dilapidated state into a prospering theatre house. 

Unfortunately, rumor has it that the theatre was so badly out of shape

that his restoration fund was barely enough to open the theatre and pay

for some cheap actors.



0 0 15 Thief~
.@IThieves are the dregs of society, never having learned how to make an

honest living.  They have a complete disregard of personal property,

sneaking around, peeking here and there, picking locks to break in and

enter, and stealing anything that may be of any use or worth.  The

ability to spot traps and disarm them, coupled with their ability to

@Esneak@n, and @Ehide@n, make thieves notoriously difficult to find or

detect.  Should the opportunity arise, or should the situation require, a

thief will never hesitate to plunge a dagger into a foe's back.  After

all, as one famous thief was heard to say, "It does not matter how subtle

the wizard, a dagger in the back will cramp his style." 

@IFor a listing of the skills available to Thieves, please see the help

file on @EAbilities@n.



0 0 12 Third Attack~
.Only the classes influenced by the arts of physical combat get this high

in skill.  This skill allows you to have up to three attacks per round. 

Clerics can achieve this level of weapons skill, also, after much

experience has been gained.



0 0 1 thorn shield~
.Mid-level rangers are able to protect themselves or other members of

their party with a shield of thorns.  These thorns are quite wicked, and

do acid damage to those unfortunate enough to get too close.



0 0 5 Tiger Paw~
.Tiger paw is a monk skill allowing them to do significantly more damage

with their bare hands.  At high levels a monk will be able to do much

more damage with their hands than with a weapon.  You do not need to type

anything to use this skill; it will automatically 'kick in' when it

succeeds during combat.



0 0 14 Time~

time : gives you the current [mud] time


This command is temporary but will give you the correct mud time.



0 0 8 tips~
.TOPIC: This helpfile is intended to help those new to The Forest's Edge

get their feet wet.  Just read Phule's Phive Laws of MUDding before you

start your adventures, and don't forget: have fun!


@I Law 1: Self-Preservation.  Set your @bwimpy@n.  What "wimpy" does is

engage character to try to start running away whenever he (or she, of

course) is beaten down to 8 hit points.  Setting your wimpy has Phule's

personal guarantee to save your life at least once, but remember, don't

simply rely on wimpy to get you out of a tight spot.  @bFlee@ning (typing

"flee") will also get you to protect your tender hide.


@I Law 2: Con before kill.  Before you even *think* about attacking a

mob, always try to guage your chances against it.  To do this type "con

monster_name" -- perhaps "con goat" -- and hit enter.  This will make

your character "consider" his/her chance of success against that monster

in a fight.  To start a fight with a monster you come accross, type "kill



@I Law 3: Sustenance.  You may have received a message that you were

feeling hungry or thirsty.  Here at TFE you must eat and drink to be

merry.  Water is readily available from city fountains, and many rivers

and brooks also carry cool, refreshing water for your parched lips.  Food

can be a recently fallen apple, or a loaf of bread you can pick up from a

table.  Just type "eat bread" or "drink fountain" to eat and drink.


@I Law 4: Clean up your messes.  After you've successfully killed a

monster, you may get more use out if than the simple experience points

you received.  Many corpses, such as those left by rabbits or foxes, can

be skinned to produce valuable pelts or meat.  Just type "skin corpse"

after the fight has ended.


@I Law 5: Practice before you preach.  To achieve the best success here

at TFE, you need to @bpractice@n and hone your skills.  For instance,

you'll have to learn to use that shiny new sword before it will do you

much good.  Many shopkeepers and special NPC's (non-player characters)

have been around and might teach you a thing or two.  Just type "prac" in

a room where you think one of these trainers is.  If you can be taught

there, a list of skills will appear.  Type "prac skill_name" to train in

that skill.  Type "abil" to see a list of your abilites which can be




I hope this helpfile will be of assistance to those of you who need it. 

Happy MUDding!!



0 0 19 Tireth's swamp~
.A great evil has begun to make its presence known in the area just north

of Sos-Kul.  The harbinger of this news is the wife of a young sage. 

Relanya has been seen around Medienne spreading news of the death of her

husband, Tireth.  Rumors of a dark infernalist summoning armies of demons

to act as the forward attack on all of the races of the world have begun

to circulate through the cliques of those that practice the dark arts. 

Combined with these rumors are the reports of a young lizardman hunter,

the fierce and dreaded k'sskians, which have been thought extinct for

gernerations, have returned to the world.



0 0 8 Title~

title <what you want your title to be> : sets your title


Once you reach level 10, you may set your own title.  Common sense,

decorum, courtesy and all mud rules apply to what you may put in your

title, but other than that, feel free to use it to as another way to

role-play, or further personalize your character.



The command title -l <text> sets the level title on who.


0 0 14 To~

to <person in same room with you> <message> : sends a player an 'in

character' tell 

to <mob> <message> : sends a mob a tell


This command is used to speak to others 'in character' and is in the

language which you are currently speaking.  Often times, you can talk to

various NPC's in the game which often starts with to <mob> <message>

where the message is often 'hi' or 'hello'.  It is also used when you're

in the portal room or Death to get transported to a city.  This is done

by typing 'to <portal> <city>' or 'to <death> <city>'.

See also: tell, say, ask



0 0 19 tomb of harand-da~
.In an age long forgotten, hordes of orcs roamed the great fields of the

west, where now small human villages have come to flourish.  The orcs

pillaged where they pleased, took what they wished, and grew strong and

powerful as the elves roamed their forests far to the east, and the

dwarves lay resting in the cold stone mountains of the north.  But the

orcs grew restless, and came together in a great army intent on

overthrowing the dwarven fortresses of the Cairn Mountains, even unto

Kha-Da itself.  Harand-Da the One-Handed, a mighty hero of the dwarves of

the line of Khedrus, First King and founder of the Khedrun clan, rallied

his dwarven clansmen and met this great dark horde in the fields just

west of the Bridge of Tears.  The battle was long, and bloody, and many

pages are filled with tales and songs of the heros and villains who made

their names with axe, hammer, and scimitar.  Finally the orcs made a

final charge, breaking the ranks of the seasoned dwarves and smashing the

armies of Harand-Da against the stones.  But Harand-Da would not

surrender.  He too led a final charge, rallying the scattered dwarves and

meeting the orc advance upon the Bridge of Tears itself.  The charge

destroyed the orcs utterly, sending the few survivors that could run

fleeing back across the great fields of the west and into the deserts and

barrens beyond.  But the day was not without its losses.  Scores and

scores of dwarves, both old and young, fell in the victory.  Harand-Da

himself took an orc spear in the heart as he stepped over a clansman who

had fallen.

Harand-Da was laid to rest in a place of honor in the heart of the Cairn

Mountains, above the tomb of Khedrus himself.  Others who had fallen in

the battle were lain as honor guards, left to rest in peace for all


It is said they will only awaken when the ancient evil of the lost race

of Western Orcs, the Durgoroth, returns to endanger the mighty halls of

Kha-Da once again.



0 0 19 Tower of Zarander~
.Just north of the dwarven town of Kha-da, down in a secluded valley,

rises the tower of the Wizard Zarander.  Though renown in his youth as a

strong conjurer and an adventuring mage, of late no one has seen him. 

Some say he has simply become a hermit while other rumors would have you

believe he was murdered by his assistant, whom people have not seen for

quite some time either.  The only possible clues, if any remain, must lie

within the Tower itself.



0 0 9 Towns~

A list of the towns of @b@CThe Forest's Edge@n, and the clan(s) and

race(s), if any, which dominate each: 

Chiiron (starting town ) - Human/Secomber

Medienne - Human/Secomber

Pennan - Human/Secomber (village/valley)

Vaasa - Elf/Eleint

Kha-Da - Dwarf/Khedrun

Sos-Kul - Lizardman/Stahl

Monestary - Monk order

Darkhaven - All Races/Outcasts

Tower of Cardinal Magics - Cardinatic (under construction )

(Dark Elven) - (Vyan)/Vyan (under construction ) 

Orlumber - Gnomes/Thorstag (under construction )

Denab-Knur - Ogre/Karse (under construction )


Brithbarad - Orcs/Azak




0 0 0 Towns~

A list of towns and their general racial/clan affiliations:

Chiiron - Human/Secomber

Medienne - Human/Secomber

Pennan (valley) - Human/Secomber

The Vaasa - Elf/Eleint

Kha-Da - Dwarf/Khedrun

Denab-Knur - Ogre/Karse

Orlumber - Gnome/Thorstag (under construction)

Sos-Kul - Lizardman/Stahl 

(Unnamed Vyan) - Vyan/Vyan (under construction)

Narak - Under Construction

Voaleth - Dark races: Ogre/Karse, Troll/Nethril, Goblin/Jezvik, Orc/Azak,


Brithbarad - Orc Fort, tolerates other dark races



0 0 0 Towns2~
.This is a current list of towns, their current status, and which race

dwells in each.  This list is under construction constantly so be aware

things do move.


@W[Humans: Secomber]@n

The city of Chiiron lies a few miles west of the Sea of Stars.  This city

is the primary home of the humans in this region of the realms.  Although

it started out as a trading post Chiiron quickly grew to be a thriving

community and welcomes all light races.  Chiiron is also the starting

point for many new and brave adventurers.


@W[Humans: Secomber]@N

Medienne was once a thriving merchant community until a long and deadly

war with the neighboring elves ravaged the city.  The city has slowly began

to rebuild itself to the former glory but is also in constant danger due to

the nearby forest and graveyard filled with many dangerous monsters.

Despite its hazardous locale many adventurers call Medienne home due to its

tolerance for both light and dark races.


@W[Dark Races]@n

Darkhaven is a small underground city which is home to the evil beings of

the realms.  Many humans, vyans, ogres, trolls and the like call this city

home due to its hidden location.  No light race has ever ventured into

the city and returned to tell what lies inside it.


@W[Humans: Secomber]@n

Pennan is a very large farming community a few miles west of Chiiron.  Surrounding

the city are lush, green hills which the farmers of the town allow their

herds to graze.  Pennan is under constant attack by the many monsters which live

dangerous close to its walls.  Pennan is known for their superior armorsmiths

which have setup shops and make finely crafted armors.


@W[Dwarves: Khedrun]@n

Nestled deep inside the Cairn Mountains lies the dwarven stronghold known

as Kha-Da.  The city is home to superior dwarven armorsmiths and weaponsmiths.

A few dwarves call this city home as is it so isolated that it rarely

has any trouble from the nearby monsters.


@W[Orcs: Azak]@n

Brithbarad is a large orcish outpost several miles north of the Black Hills.

The outpost is surrounded by grassy plain regions home to several varieties

of dangerous animals.  Many dark races as well as orcs call this home due to

the tolerance the orcs have for other races which someday may be

needed as allies.


@W[Ogres: Karse]@n

Located in the side of the Dragonspire Mountains, this ruined town was once

a thriving human settlement.  After several brutal battles the ogres of the

land slaughtered all the townsfolk and claimed it as their own.  Since than it

has become more decrepit and ruined.  The main home for ogres, the town also

holds a tolerance for other dark races.


@W[Elves: Eleint]@n

Little is known about this elven city for only a selected few of non-elven heritage

have ventured into it.  Those that have seen it have come back to tell about

its beautiful view overlooking the Vaasa and its marvelous construction.

Hidden among the trees only elves seem to be able to find its extremely well

hidden locale.


@W[Lizardmen: Stahl]@n

Most would call the Kss'sk swamp a dark, damp creation where only monsters

and leeches dwell, but to the lizardmen, the swamp is known as home.  Nestled

within the swamp is the lizardman city of Sos-Kul.  Although not as advanced

as other races, the lizardmen pride themselves upon being able to live

in such an unforgiving enivorment.  The city lies far to the south and the path

is dangerous to all but the most experienced adventurer.



0 0 17 Track~

track : toggles tracking on and off


Tracking is a skill which allows you to see what creatures have passed

through the area recently.  Tracking takes time though as you have to

carefully watch for signs, thus it takes more movement points.

Please see the help file on @Eoptions@n.



1 0 8 Train~
.@IIn order to gain in proficiency in a skill, one must be trained in that

skill by the appropriate teacher.  Teachers are found, usually, in a

town, and each teacher teaches a subset of skills or spells available to

your class.  Trainers for higher level skills, generally anything above

15th level, are often located elsewhere and will usually require some

exploration and thinking to locate them.  Don't be afraid to ask NPCs

(non-player characters) about skills you want to learn.  Please note that

a teacher for a particular skill of one class may not teach that same

skill to another class, and that one can be trained in a skill only up to

level 7.  Further increases in skill level will depend upon successful

use and your characters intelligence and wisdom.

@IOther help files which may be useful include @Ehelp practice@n, and

help @Eabilities@n.



16 0 0 Trainer_placement~
.@GRules for Trainer Placement@n

In an effort to make trainers and the skills they teach on par with the

difficulty it is to reach them, the following rules should apply toward

assigning trainers.

*City trainers should not teach skills about 15th level, (+/- 5).

*It is not necessary for trainers to teach all the prereqs along with

their skills.

*Skills above 15th level should have minimun # of trainers, in most

cases, 1 or 2.  Accessible by all.

*Low level Trainers should teach no more than 10 skills.

*Mid level Trainers should teach no more than 3-4 mid skills.

*High level Trainers should teach no more than 2-3 high skills.



1 0 16 trainers~

train <mob> new       : creates new trainer

train <mob> delete    : deletes a trainer

train <mob>           : lists trainer on m

train <mob> #         : removes skill

train <mob> # <skill> : adds skill to trainer




0 0 0 Training_check_list~

no syntax, this is just an informal help file for newbie immortals :)



This help file should be one of the first help files you read.  It shall

walk you through many of the immortal commands you are going to need to

get started.  You may either use this as a step-by-step program or as a

reference.  Many of the commands shall be left until later, since you

won't able to do some of them, and some will get you in trouble if used

unwisely.  My personal opinion is that a newbie immortal does not need to

know how to load or make armor/equipment/or weapons, because you DON'T

need them, and it will deter you from "cheating." Granted, you could

probably go through "comm" and "index" to determine other commands (and

you probably should), but this file is just to show you some of the basic

commands you'll need to get under your belt.  Now, let the big ol' battle

cartoon begin.


You should read the following help files before getting started: poli,

policies, room_check_list, mob_check_list,















: channel








0 0 5 trance~

meditate : changes your character position to meditating, trance

automatically augments meditate.



Trance, a higher level of meditate, allows monks to relax their bodies,

curing their wounds much more quickly than normal.  When a monk has

mastered meditate, and reached his 25th level, trance can be learned to

augment meditation.  It allows an even higher rate of regeneration when

one meditates.



48 0 2 Transfer~

transfer( char, room )


char - Pointer to character to transfer

room - Pointer to room to transfer char to


Transfers a character to the specified room.




transfer( ch, find_room( 27101 ) );  // sends ch to room #27101

room = find_room( 1782 );

transfer( ch, room );                // sends ch to room #1782

@b@R*Note* Please do not move this file to transfer permission - this is

the transfer FUNCTION and not the transfer command.  @b@N 



I'm gonna beat the next person who changes the permission of this file

back to transfer.  It is a basic permission and has NOTHING to do with

transfer command.


0 0 5 Transfer energy~
.As monks become more proficient in their ability to master their minds

and their bodies, they slowly learn to focus their excess energy so that

it can be shared with others.  This ability, called @Benergize@n,

increases another's energy while reducing their own.  The ratio is

dependent upon their expertise at this skill.



16 0 2 Transfer_all~

transfer_all( room1, room2 )


room1 - Pointer to source room

room2 - Pointer to destination room


Transfers all non-mob characters in room1 to room2.




transfer_all( room, find_room( 27101 ) );  // sends all in current to #27101

room = find_room( 1782 );

transfer_all( room, find_room( 201 ) );    // sends all in #1782 to #1782

transfer_all( find_room( 10 ), find_room( 12 ) );



4358144 0 16 triggers~



0 0 24 trip~
.Skilled thieves are able to trip some of their opponents even when

wielding weapons.  This skill, once learned, is automatic.



0 0 19 troglodytes~
.Long, long ago an ancient race dwelled in the Vaasa.  What became of

them, no one is certain, but they did leave behind ancient ruins.  Recent

excavations of these ruins by the local Llewyrr have led to the discovery

of an ancient cavern inhabbited by a feral troglodytic people.  Though

the troglodytes seem to have no real tendancy towards good or evil, they

are cerainly a nuisance.  Several troglodytes have managed to make it to

the surface, only to pray upon animal and sentient being alike with a

sheer, bestial brutatilty.  If the safety of the Vaasa is to be

preserved, the noble guardians of the Vaasa will have to turn their

attentions within and prevent a full uprising of these strange creatures.


The few Llewyrr that have ventured into the dark, dank layers come back

with odd tales of strange sites.  After much consultation between the

noble guardians, they ventured the comment that they felt the troglodyte

menace could be controlled.  They felt the troglodytes served about the

same threat that the woodworms posed to the denizens of the forest.



0 0 19 Troll Warrens~
.Hidden away underground for many years, the cave troll clan of Nethr'arak

has long prospered in the soft limestone caves they called home.  Raids

upon the surface were not uncommon, yet they were not frequent by any


At least until recently.

Travellers from Medienne to Denab-Khur have found bloodstains upon the

Great North Road and have found some few personal effects of an ill-fated

merchant caravan.  The Watchers of Voaleth have also reported some

missing persons and scenes of combat without any bodies.

Rumors abound about a new chieftess that has given the clan a new

purpose, about a new breed of troll that breathes fire, and also that

they are taller than frost giants.

Be wary, traveller, for there are worse things in the night than

pickpockets, and yet beware of rumors that could play you false and

separate the fool from his money.



0 0 10 Trolls~
.@GAverage Statistics for Trolls@n

Height: males about 6'4" - 7'4"

        females: about 6'6" - 7'6"

Hair: Swamp trolls tend to have black hair, not always on their

      head.  What hair grows on them is either greasy or coarse.

      Ice trolls of the north have white hair, with at least

      more on their head than elsewhere.

Eyes: All trolls have beady little black or red eyes with very small pupils.

      Essentially there is no iris, just the red or black around the pupil.

Affiliation: trolls are a dark race.

Appearance: Trolls have green skin in a variety of hues (though none are

what would be called vibrant, verdant, bright, neon, or electric green). 

They are often warty or have cancerous appearing growths, though these do

not seem to affect their health negatively in any way, rather it appears

to be an excess product of their ability to regenerate.  Trolls almost

never have any scars, as they heal so incredibly well.  For a race that

is typically foul, corrupt and evil they have incongruous gift of

incredible regeneration but it comes at the cost of a never-ending hunger.

Ice trolls tend to have duller, paler skin that is typically dry.  Their

hair is coarse and bushy.  Swamp trolls tend to have darker shades of

skin and greasy, sparse hair.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing a Troll@n

Trolls are known to be big, slow lumbering behemoths whose sole goal in

life is to feed their never-ending appetite.  Fortunately for them, just

about anything short of stone is considered edible and their metabolisms

are quite happy to oblige in that regard.  While an uprooted shrub or

forgotten bit of clothing makes an adequate snack, the best food is

something you just killed yourself.  While some trolls have finally

managed to figure out that skinning an animal might provide fur you can

sell for even better tasting meat, most still prefer to just eat the

corpse outright.  After all, not much tastes better than a fresh kill

whose blood is still warm.  The fact that you just killed it yourself,

somewhat sating an almost equal appetite for destruction is just spice for

the flavoring.

Two varieties of troll have developed in the realm, though both races

share a few common characteristics.  Hunger, the ability to heal, and a

complete loathing for sunlight.  All trolls prefer the dark of a nice

cave to the painful light of day.  They also all share a deep-rooted fear

of fire as it has the ability to harm them and is about the only thing

likely to scar a troll.

Swamp trolls are the more common variety when seen at all, tending

towards solitary life.  They are fairly anti-social, even among their own

kind and like to live under the exposed roots of large swamp trees or

under bridges.  They are quick to anger, quick to kill things, and

insufferably monotonous.  They are poor conversationalists with

communication skills often extending at best to grunts and simple


Ice trolls, also called northern trolls, are found primarily in the upper

Cairn mountains and, infrequently, in the Dragonspire mountains.  Unlike

their swampland cousins, they share a common social structure and tend to

live in small familial groups in the mountain caves.  Though they still

share a fairly low level of communication, they are at least known to

have a limited vocabulary making them seem leaps and bounds ahead of

their swampland cousins.  Ice trolls tend to be more intellectually

advanced, which still isn't saying much, heartier in survival, but

smaller, weaker and less brutal in comparison to their cousins.

@yRacial Relations:@n

Trolls are typically a solitary breed, though they rarely fight with

other trolls when they do meet.

Vyans are considered untrustworthy schemers, though useful allies in dire


Goblins are only useful as lackeys and servants.

Orcs make useful allies and fair-to-middling hunting partners

particularly when the quarry is elves.

Short of other trolls, ogres make the best companions as they share the

trolls' lack of love for conversation and their love of carnage.

Elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings are despised as legions of light

and order as much as their tendency to get in the way of a good meal. 

Fortunately they, themselves make excellent meals.  Provided they didn't

bring fire, one meal is as good as another.

The best thing about ents is provoking them.  After all, they look so

much like trolls that they must be related.  Trolls just can't figure out

what's wrong with them that they serve light and goodness.  As they are

typically slow to anger, trolls get great mirth out of trying to convert

ents.  A lack of vocabulary simply means this usually take the form of

offering ents ample bloody meals, which they invariable refuse.  The look

of tormented sadness in their eyes as they consider the harm you caused

to living beings in obtaining the meat is about as much fun to see as it

is getting the meat in the first place.

The best thing about humans is the fact that they keep building bridge to

hide under and most of them are too weak to harm a troll.  The end result

is that they build trolls fabulous homes then pay them to walk over them

and if they refuse to pay they try to cross anyway making a never-ending

supply of meals that come to your very own front door.  The occasional

human turns to the dark side and makes for an interesting hunting

companion as they can be quite inventive in their destructiveness.



0 0 1 true sight~
.This spell enables the cleric to see creatures as they really are.  Foes

are no longer invisible to them, and their true alignment (if good or

evil) is revealed.



134234112 0 0 tset~

tset <table field> : lists the possible entries in the field if any

tset <table field> <entry> : sets the table field


This command is used to set values in a table.

See also tedit and tstat.



134234128 0 0 tstat~




Tstat shows the stats on a given table file you are editting. 

Information such as the messages on socials to the spell requirements on

spells can be quickly viewed in this manner.



0 0 24 Tumble~
.Thieves, after many years of dodging the blows of their opponents, become

so adept, they are able to learn the more advanced skill of @gtumble@n. 

These dextrous players often find themselves evading much of a battle,

watching their more clumsy compatriots receive most of the blows.



0 0 1 Turn Undead~
.Clerics and paladins may cast this spell in order to call upon the power

of their patron to destroy the unliving.  This spell only affects the

undead, and the damage inflicted depends upon the caster's skill

and the power of the targeted mob.

[ This spell is still under development. ]



0 0 0 typo~

typo <message>


This command is used to link a message to a specific room and is used for

noting typos in descriptions or errors in that rooms specific actions. 

It can only be seen while in the room you post the message and only by

immortals, so it is of no use if you post it ten rooms after you notice

the mistake or if you notice a mistake on a wandering creature.

In the case of rooms in out of the way places, where an immortals is

unlikely to visit, and thus correct, any time soon or in the case of

mobile creatures and items it is best to post a note on the @bbugs@n

board.  If you do not know about the bugs board check under @bhelp

@bnoteboard@n.  If it is a note related to a specific room, its a good idea

to still post a typo message as there are often a score of rooms with the

same or similar names and the typo posting will let us know exactly when

we hit the room you mentioned.  (Of course, also take into consideration,

is it imperative that we have to correct this right away before you post

something on the bugs board) 



0 0 7 Ulthi~
.@I Ulthi, god of chaos, is one of the weaker gods but his power to cause

trouble is great, as the true nature of the world is to stray from

perfect order.  He often takes the form of a gargoyle or demon, and

travels the earth starting conflicts and destroying lives.

@I Very few humans, elves or dwarves follow Ulthi, but he has a

significant following among the trolls, orcs and goblins of the realm. 

Only evil characters can follow Ulthi, though there is no restriction on

race, class or level.  Ulthi grants his follower no powers and rarely

comes to their aid.  It is rumored he does not have many of the powers of

the other gods.

@I In balance though, he places no restrictions on his followers 

and even encourages them to wreak what havoc they can.



16 0 25 Unarmed Creation~
.Unarmed Weapons:

Any unarmed weapon over level 20 should be set to monk only.

Max damage, is for the damage dice.  Damroll represents the dam

roll modifer for the weapon.  For every damroll you take away from

a monk weapon from the table you made add a 5% hit special.  (thus

a level 80 monk weapon with 0 damroll modifer could have a 20% hit


level        0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

-----       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

max damage   4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12

damroll      0  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4



0 0 8 Unconverted~
.This is a list of rooms that are yet unconverted and why.  I only

converted areas that are "finished".  

 1777 - &&



17 0 0 Undead~
.@b Undead should all have the following attributes: @n 

Sleep_resist on, Poison resistance 100% and poison resist on,

Has eyes off - can't blind undead, Mind resistance set to 100%.  Zero

regen on for lower level undead mobs, on (allows players the chance to

reraise undead by investing more energy in trade for the fact that undead

don't heal), wimpy off (they don't fear damage, won't flee).  include

Undead in keywords.  Marmor should be according to logic.


@CZombies@n:  fill zombie slot with their own mnum (can be reraised)

          fill skeleton slot with a skeleton (you can always rot the flesh off)

For zombies attached to mobs, set their level = 1/2 donor mob, however,

set the stas of said zombie to those of a mob = 1/3 the donor mob.

Set to slow (unless donor mob was fast), has_eyes on (they have them),

Infravision on (low_level sense life).  They are the lowest level of

undead and not immune to much, so low level fire / cold resist, slightly

better electrical resist.

     Damage done by zombie should follow standard mob damage for a mob

of its level.  The form the damage takes should roughly follow that of

the donor mob.  (If donor mob had 2 claw attacks and a bite, downsize to

less damage or maybe just two claw attacks, etc.  Use your best judgment).

Often it is easiest to start by just dropping any special attack the

donor mob had.


@CSkeletons@n:  dont fill zombie slot, no flesh/muscle parts left.

            fill skeleton slot with their own mnum (can be reraised)

For skeletons attached to mobs, level = level of donor mob, however, the

stats of said skeleton should = 2/3 stats of the donor mob.

don't set to fast unless donor mob was fast to begin with.  Has_eyes off,

Infravision / See_invisible on (effectively sense life).  Slightly better

defense of fire/cold/elec then similar zombie type.

     Damage done by skeleton should follow standard mob damage for a mob

of its level.  The form the damage takes should roughly follow that of

the donor mob. (If the donor mob had 2 claw attacks and a bite, downsize to

less damage or maybe just two claw atttacks, etc.  Use your best judgement).

Those with immaterial or ethereal forms (ghosts, banshees, etc)

should have the mflag ghost and mflag no_bash set.



0 0 3 Unfound_Acnt~

No account by this name was found in the database.  If you do not have an

account please hit return at the account prompt and choose option 1 of

the main menu to create a new account.  Otherwise correctly enter your

account name.



0 0 3 Unfound_Char~

No character was found matching that name.  If you had a character with

that name, then the file has been deleted.  This is done automatically

for any character idle for more than 2 weeks times level.  To create a

new character you must first create an account which is done through

option 1 of the main menu.  After having done that and received email

containing the confirmation code go to option 2 and being the process of

creating a character.

[ Press return for main menu ]



0 0 2 unlock~

@b@Gunlock( room, dir )@n

@Groom - Pointer to room@n

@Gdir - Direction of exit to unlock( north, west, south, east, up, down )@n


This function unlocks an exit.


unlock( room, west );       //Unlocks the west exit in the room.



0 0 24 Untrap~

untrap <trap/object>


This skill is needed to render a trap harmless.  If you think a trap may

lie within something like a chest, this skill will try and find and

disarm it.



0 0 2 Update_quest~
.See "help quest_functions".



553648128 0 0 users~

users          : displays users playing

users <abbrev> : displays players with name matching given text


a : lists appearances

i : lists various interesting numbers

w : shows what players are up to


See also: last, who, whois



0 0 6 Value~

@Gvalue@n <object> : askes a shopkeeper to appraise the value of an object


@I The shopkeeper will give you the cost of fixing a piece of damage

equipment, and an offer for the item based on how many others he already

has in @Eshop@n.  Under most circumstances, the offered price is only a

fraction the object's worth, but the price can be negotiated up with the

@Ehaggle@n skill.



134217760 0 16 Variables~
.@b@WVariables to be used in strings:@n

$n - name of char

$m - him or her

$s - his or her

$e - he or she

@b@R* All the above are for players, use capital letters for mobs.@n

$p - object

$t - direction

@b@WVariables to be used in programs:@n

@G-type pointer to char-@n

ch     - assigned to char who triggers code (usually)

mob    - assigned to mobile in mob programs

rch    - assigned by the loop command

victim - assigned to char who is victim during an attack

@G-type pointer to room-@n

room   - assigned as the current room

@G-type integer-@n

i      - generic integer

@G-type pointer to object-@n

obj    - assigned for object progs



0 0 1 Vitality~
.This spell increases the maximum hit points of the caster by a number

dependent upon their skill using the spell.  It can be left on

indefinitely with leech.  For a frail magician it can be an invaluable

addition to his/her repertoire.



0 0 9 Voaleth~
.                   _____ _   _ _____

                  |     |North|     |

                  |       Gate      |

             _____|_____|*****|_____|_____ _____

            |     |     |     |     |     |     |

            |         V R E G O T H             |

            |_ U _|_   _|_____|_ J _|_   _|_   _|

            |     |    U|     |  E  |     |     |

            |  L  |Templ|Milita  S  | Pet |     |

       _____|_   _|D____|_____|_ B _|_____|_   _|

      |     |     |     |     |  E  |     |     |

      |        F   Armor|        K    Bank|  G    Caves

      |_____|_   _|_____|_   _|_____|_____|_   _|

      |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |

      |        G  | Lib *     F R N U T H    R  |

 _____|_____|_   _|_____|_____|_ M _|_   _|_   _|

|     |     |     |     |     |  A  |Bar N|     |

|      Alley   A   Weapn|Magic   R  |Grill|  E  |

|_____|_____|_   _|_____|_____|_ G _|_____|_   _|

|     |Black|     |     |     |Bar N|Suppl|     |

|Stable        R  |     |      Grill|        L  |

|_____|_____|_____|_____|_   _|_____|_____|_   _|

                  |FoodN|     |D    |     |     |

                  |Furs       |     |Jewel   K  |

             _____|_____|_   _|_   _|_____|_   _|

            |     |     |     |     |     |     |

            |Gypsy          G R E L K           |

            |_____|_   _|_   _|_____|__*__|_____|

                  |     |South|     | Nice|

                  |     | Gate|     |House|

                  |_____|*****|     |_____|




0 0 19 Voaleth Palace~
.The ruler of Voaleth lives in this grand palace just past the southern

city gate.  This great residence is now inhabited by the tyrant who rules

the city and its environs, making it a place where guests are no longer

very welcome.  Those brave enough to visit may find great rewards, or

great danger.



0 0 19 Voaleth Tunnel~
.Although the Watchers and town guards now keep Voaleth streets relatively

safe, this has not always been the case.  Citizens have often had to flee

for their lives, heading into the caverns for safety.  It is possible to

find some of these ancient escape routes with diligent searching.



0 0 8 Vote~

@Gvote@n <#> <name>

@Gvote@n results <#>


Immortals will periodically request votes for specific players, i.e.,

allow voting to take place for best role-player, avatar, etc.  The

Announcements board will contain the position(s) being voted for and

their corresponding number.

@Yvote results <#>@n will show current standings for the selected slot.

System reboots will delete all votes; it will be necessary to vote again

should this happen during an on-going poll.



0 0 19 Vyan Tombs~

@IIn an old, abandoned mine shaft near Voaleth, explorers have found a

cavern with a huge door set into the north wall.  Finely wrought of

mithril and steel, the door was unable to be opened.  Upon hearing of

this find, Tsarith, Master Sage of Voaleth, sent word to Etrahnin of

Pennan.  A codex Tsarith had translated only days before told of an

entombed force of guards protecting the tomb of their nobles.  Perhaps

this door is the entrance to the tomb... Only the Sages know what lies




0 0 10 Vyans~
.@GAverage Statistics for Vyans@n (aka Dark Elves)

Height: males about 4'8" - 5'8"

        females about 4'6" - 5'6"

Hair: typically straight.  Pale (white/gray/silver) to Black.

      Extremely rarely brown or blond.  Vyans have no facial hair.

Eyes: Almond-shaped / up-slanted eyes in colors of primarily

      violet or amber.  Other colors, such as brilliant blues or

      anything from gray to black are also not uncommon.

Affiliation: vyans are a dark race.

Appearance: Vyans look much like humans though they generlaly have a

smaller, slenderer build than humans.  Vyans tend to have smooth

unblemished skin ranging from midnight black to pale, wan colors and

ashen castes.  The vyan with the healthy glow of sun burnished skin is

almost completely unheard of.  Despite their apperance as a result of

living primarily underground for countless centuries, vyans tend to

possess a beauty to equal that of elves.  There dark beauty has drawn in

many an unwary victim who later fell pray to whatever schemes the vyans

were planning.  You probably won't see wrinkles on a vyan before they

reach at least a good 500-600 years old, and even then it would be very

faint and hrd to notice for a few hundred more years.  Vyan hair

typically does not turn gray or white from age until they reach about a

thousand years of age, if at all.

Like elves, vyans have upswept, pointed ears.

@GOptional Advice on Role Playing a Vyan@n

Vyans are a haughty race, indeed perhaps the most haughty of all races. 

They will refer to themselves as vyans or simple The People, as they view

any other race as chattel to be used or destroyed at a whim and with no

more remorse than if they were objects.  They believe it is their

divinely given right to rule and they very nearly manage to succeed.

If playing a normal vyan, it might be suggested that you imply that you,

or another vyan, is the undisputed leader of any group you are in.  If

anyone disputes this you should probably follow them into the nearest

playerkilling zone and kill them or have a loyal minion kill them in your

name.  After all, it is divine will that ordains your rulership.  Just

don't confuse leadership with tanking (being the one who takes all the

hits in a group).  That's what sturdy minions are for, preferably ogres

and trolls, who are just big dumb brutes adapted to taking such beatings.

Vyans hate to be called dark elves.  Once, long ago the elves and the

vyans may have shared common ancestors, but the elves have proven to be

weak fool relying on the good will of life where they should accept their

role as an elder race along with the vyans and rule through power.  Long

wars have developed due to the rift in elven and vyan philosophies and

there is no hope of a peace ever developing now.  To call a vyan an elf,

even a dark elf, is to imply that they are weak and foolish.  Ideally

only other vyans should be permited to even speak to you, however, on

those occasions when a minion must speak with you they should refer to

you as master.

@yRacial Relations:@n

As the only true people, vyans view every other race with some measure of

contempt, though some more than others.

Trolls, Ogres and Orcs make good minions and cannon fodder in a fight.

Goblins are a nuisance best destroyed unless you have raised them from

birth to be subserviant slaves.

Humans, while occasionally producing a few dark-minded folk who can serve

as good as ogres, trolls and orcs, are primarily still pretty useless and

are better destroyed than ignored before they get lucky and find some way

to cause trouble.

Dwarves, halflings, and gnomes typically serve the force of light and

should be destroyed outright as they are meddlesome nuisances.

Elves have become the bane of vyan existence.  These close cousins embody

all the week, pathetic ideas that the vyan nation finally overcame and

cast off.  An unending war has raged for countless centuries between

these two races that emobody the paths of light and dark.

Ents, as servants of the light and close allies of elves are hated, but

only about as much as one could be said to hate a dangerous animal.  They

are dangerous, but they aren't really people.  If not for the fact they

aid the elves much in the same way ogres and trolls are of use to the

vyans, ents would be a concern that could be left off for a later, more

convenient date.



32 0 2 Wait~

wait( time )


time - Integer number of ticks to delay


Pauses execution of the code.

@b@RNOTE: at this time the wait() function does not operate correctly within

if/else blocks, you will have to structure your code so that the wait

statement falls outside of any blocks.  

@G// This code wont work properly..@n

if( is_open( room, east ) ) {

  wait( 2 );

  act_tochar( #char, ch );


@G// This code will..@n

if( !is_open( room, east ) )


wait( 2 );

act_tochar( #char, ch );




wait( 1 );   // pauses for 1 tick



0 0 20 walkthrough~
.Welcome to the walk through for people playing a mud for the very first

time.  For the purposes of this walk through we're going to assume you

are using a human warrior of non-evil alignment.  If not go ahead and

create a one to practice with until you get the hang of this.  Here's

of 10), how much it cost per increase, how many practices it will take per level increase, and what prerequisites there are (if any).

 Quit this character.

 Wait 5 minutes (policies require this) and reconnect.

 When you reconnect select option 2, start new character.

  (for this you will need your account name and account password)

 Follow the prompting and create a new character, one that is:

  a Human Warrior   of Neutral Good alignment.

 Come back to this help file and read the next section.


@G- - - - - - - - - -@n


First, type sleep and hit enter.  For now, all the things you need to do

and learn can be done asleep and it will prevent some of the excess

chatter while you learn.


If you start getting messages stating you are hungry or thirsty, type

wake and hit enter, type pray and hit enter, type sleep and hit enter. 

Then resume with this lesson.  Typically you will need to eat food and

drink water, but pray will work in a bind.  Don't use it to often later,

as it takes time to build up and you may need it later.  For now though,

it should suffice as we don't know how long it will take you to get

through the learning process.  :) 


@G- - - - - - - - - -@n


@CWhat you're looking at@n


The sreen should be showing you the room's name, a description of it,

possibly the exits, and at the bottom of the screen you will have some

numbers and letters in <> brackets.  The title and room description

should be fairly easy to figure out.  The @cprompt@n at the bottom (in <>

brackets) are statistics about you and the room that will be quite useful

to you quite often.

  @Yhp@n means Hit Points.  Its a measure of how much life you have.

     (at 0 you are unconscious and dieing.  at -10 you are dead)

  @Ye@n  means Energy.  Spell casters use this to cast spells.

     (as a warrior ignore this for now.)

  @Ymv@n means Movement.  Its a measure of vigor and vim.

     (when its at 0 you can not leave the room or move and must rest)


You should also have a list of letters after it.  These are the room

exists visible to you at this time.  @YN@north @YE@nast @YS@nouth

@YW@nest @YU@np or @YD@nown.  There are sometimes other exits, but you

must read the room description and find the hidden commands to open them. 

Example: perhaps a boulder blocks an exit to the east.  Typing move

boulder might move it far enough to reveal an exit if you are strong



@G- - - - - - - - - -@n


@CEnhancing your character@n


Starting out you'll have a few skills.  Some weapon proficiencies, some

non-weapon skills, and the ability to understand primal language (what

imms use so everyone can understand them) and to speak and understand

humanic (the human language).  You can see what skills you have already

and what you can currently learn by using the @CAbility@n command. 

Typing @Cabil weapon@n will show you what weapon skills you can learn at

this level, which ones you already know (to what proficiency level, max

of 10) and how much it costs per increase in level.

Typing @Cabil@n alone will show you what other ability types you can

check for.  In this case: @Cabil weapon@n, @Cabil language@n, and @Cabil

physical@n.  We can skip spells for now as warriors do not have access to

spells.  Only spell casters like clerics and mages or specialized

warriors like paladins and rangers can learn spells.


As a starting warrior you know a little bit about using daggers.  You

could wield a sword right now, but it wouldn't be very effective.  We can

see, by checking abil weapon, that to learn to use a sword (typically

much more efficient for killing things than a dagger) you would need to

learn the prerequisite of dagger to level 5.  We can do this in one of

two ways.

First, you can use @Cpractice points@n to have someone train you to use a

dagger better.  Once your dagger skill reaches level 5, you can then

begin learning sword skill.

Second, you can learn through experience.  By wielding a dagger in

combat, there is a random chance you will either improve in dagger skill

or learn something from it and gain a practice point for future use.  For

some skills (primarily spells) the check is made whenever the skill or

spell is used.  For things in almost constant use, like weapon skills or

searching or hiding, the check is made periodically.  If you used the

skill since last check, then a check is made to see if you randomly

improve or not.  What determines success?  Intelligence and Wisdom both

contribute in some ways to how easily you improve.  Having a low

intelligence or wisdom will decrease your abilities in the long run. 

Having a high intelligence and wisdom will earn you more practices and

improvements over time, but it will come at the cost of other skills like

strength, endurance and dexterity.  the skill primarily used for fighting.



0 0 8 Wanted~

wanted <name of clan> : lists those people wanted by a particular clan


When you kill something in a clan, it adversely affects your reputation. 

If you kill enough members of a clan, or friends of a clan, you could be

either kicked out of your own clan or become wanted by a particular clan. 

Once pkill is re-implemented, players will be able to collect bounties on

other players, but presently that is not supported.  Once kicked out of a

clan, you become clanless, and as such are naturally suspect in the eyes

of more 'reputable' members of society (the various clans).  Clanless

members will soon be able to join the Outcasts, who have their own hidden

city and system of support.  Their city, Darkhaven, is a perilous place,

so be warned.



0 0 19 Warlock Coven Mines~

An enormous, abandoned dwarven mine lies just north of the war-torn city

of Medienne, near the wide expanse of rolling hills.  It has been said

that a coven of powerful warlocks of pure evil and wanton destruction now

occupy the mine, having defeated and enslaved the dwarves who had first

discovered the site.  A tired old dwarf known as Gimnod currently resides

outside the mine, and if asked politely, would graciously offer to answer

any questions regarding this mysterious place.



0 0 15 Warrior~
.@IWarriors are skilled in the art of war.  Usually having dismal mental

abilities, warriors cannot cast spells of any type, and hence believe

almost solely in brute force.  At a young age, they learn how to

@Ekick@n, @Ebash@n, @Eparry@n, and use a @Eshield@n more effectively. 

@IFrom there, warriors gain the important skills of @Erescue@n,

@Eguard@n, and multiple attacks up to five, as well as the unique skill

of using another weapon in their @Eoff-hand@n.  Warriors are the only

class  able to learn @ESecond-Off Handed Attack@N, and due to their

superior combat abilities are one of the underpinnings of ANY successful


@I To see a listing of the abilities available to Warriors, see the help

file on @EAbilities@n. 



0 0 1 Water Breathing~
.The ability to breathe underwater without the aid of magical equipment is

something which rangers are able to learn as they become intimate with

the powers of nature.  In fact, some learn this magical spell so well

they are able to imbue others with this ability for a short period of




32 0 4 Weap Classes~

Formatting weapon class in a new object.

oset value3 [weapon_class]



  0     unarmed     punch

  1     dagger      pierce

  2     sword       slash

  3     club        bash

  4     staff       swing

  5     polearm     slashing

  6     mace        pound

  7     whip        whip

  8     axe         chop

  9     bow         missile weapon



16 0 25 Weapon Creation~
.Topic: weapon_table

First pick your weapon type, each weapon type has varying rules about how

it uses the classes and weights.  Note o in class allowed means offhand,

t means two-handed.  Note unarmed weapons must be monk only, and creation

rules are found under help unarmed creation.

Type         Classes Allowed      Base Weight    Weight Increase

------       ---------------      -----------    ---------------

Dagger              1o                2.0               -

Staff             1-2 4t              3.0              1.0

Whip               1-2                2.0              1.0

Club               1-3                3.0              1.5

Mace               1-4                3.0              1.0

Sword          1-2o 3-5 6t            2.0              1.25

Axe            1-2o 3-5 6t            2.0              1.25

Spear              1-3                3.0              1.0

Polearm             6t                7.0               -

Class                Base Level/Max Damage

            0  5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

--------   -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

class 1:    6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

class 2:    8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42

class 3:   10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44

class 4:   12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

class 5:   14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 48 50

class 6:   16 19 21 24 26 29 31 34 36 39 41 44 47 50 52 55 57 60

* Damroll costs 5 levels for +1, 10 levels for +2 on weapons

Oprog Modification

1) Find the max dam of the oprog (include damroll for extra swings)

2) Multiply this value by the chance of the oprog occuring.

3) Add this to the weapon table

Average Damage Modification

Add 2.5 levels per die used over 3.



0 0 0 Weapon_types~
.This is a list of the various types of weapons that correspond with the

value3 numbers for objects.


Value of 0 = unarmed (punch attack)

Value of 1 = dagger (pierce attack)

Value of 2 = sword (slash attack)

Value of 3 = club (bash attack)

Value of 4 = staff (swing attack)

Value of 5 = polearm (slash attack)

Value of 6 = mace (pound attack)

Value of 7 = whip (whip attack)

Value of 8 = axe (chop attack)

Value of 9 = bow (missile weapon attack)

Value of 10 = spear (pierce attack)



0 0 1 Web~
.Web creates a sticky mass which covers the victim eliminating their

ability to leave the room and to dodge attacks.  Given time the victim

will be able to break out of the web.  Versus strong monsters such as

dragons or giants the spell is useless but versus weak nimble oppenents

it can be very useful.  



0 0 8 web_pages~
.Listing of unofficial pages pertaining to TFE.

(TFE does not take responsibility for these pages, these are player

created and maintained and placed here solely as a reference for

interested players seeking what others know.) 

Seltha's page: 

Conner's page:

Sedennial's page:



0 0 4 weight~
.This helpfile is made to be a GENERAL, LOOSE-FITTING reference for object



The medieval longsword was steel, about 7 lbs or so (weight of 70 here). 

Two-handers, such as claymores, etc, were around 10-12 lbs, unless you

had REAL monster of a sword.  That's weight 100-120 here.  Short swords

should be about oh 4-5 lbs, save the speical ones that might push 6.



An axe looks mostly wood, but it's weight is nearly all in its metal.

Axes weigh about on the same order as swords, if not a tad heavier.



Mostly just wood, so appx.  3 lbs or so.  The more intricate spear heads

could add a pound I suppose.



Light.  Light, light, light.  A 3 lb dagger is HEAVY.  probably pseudo 2

pounds for your heavy duty daggers at most.



Just use your best judgement.  Try to think, would this object weight

more or less than a big ole two-hander?  Remember two-handers go for

about 120 weight here, big weapons like giant claymore i suppose could

push 150.



0 0 2 weight_funct~

weight( thing )




0 0 0 Welcome Back~
.Welcome back to The Forests Edge.  Many of you have been active during

our period of revision, and are aware of the changes, however, they may

be more widespread then you realize.  Rather then try to squeeze them all

into the MOTD or annoucments, this file summarizes them.  If you are a

new player, please read all the introductory help files - this is just a

brief summary of differences designed for experienced players.

@BAtmosphere and related code@n: Our desire is to support a role-playing

environment in which ogres and ents are enemies, not companions. 

Ideally, reputations would take care of much of this, but as a perhaps

interim measure, Greyclaw has provided code which prohibits introductions

and groupings between 'light' and 'dark' races.  As of the time of this

document, options for lizards and humans are still undetermined.

Although this is primarily NOT a PK (player killing) mud, a few areas

have been marked as allowing such actions.  At the present time, this is

restricted to the elven village and gnomish picnic, both areas which

'good' players would only enter to role play and/or destroy those trying

to harm their friends.  Any other areas added will be of the same nature.

@BNames, appearances, etc.@n: Although this is actually part of the first

topic, it is being separated to avoid being lost or ignored.  All names

must follow our stated policies of being in keeping with a medieval

european theme, and not being a rip-off of a well-known fantasy character. 

Appearances, keywords, and descriptions must also follow our documented

standards.  Not every Avatar may recognize there is a problem, so initial

approval does NOT necessarily mean everything is acceptable.  Old

characters with 'good' names do have the option of keeping their names:

imposters will be renamed without warning.

OOC is to be used for OUT of character conversations, gossip and chat for

in-character ones.  We will reduce gossip points as we feel fit.

@BChanges to areas, equipment, stats, etc.@n: Yes, these have happened. 

We have purposely modified many of the old 'newbie' areas both to upgrade

the text as well as to give old players some surprises.  We have

implemented a tougher set of equipment standards, though this will not be

as obvious until players get into the 'better' stuff.  Some changes to

player races and classes have been made in our continuing attempt to make

them separate but equal.  Trainers have been moved around quite a bit as

well, and will require some thinking/questing to find at times.  No

specifics are being given regarding the above topics - assume everything

is different and act accordingly.

@BBugs@n: There are bound to be a bunch of these.  Our long-time policy

on bug abuse will be enforced - if you find one, and don't report it,

beware the wrath of the gods.  And no, this does not mean a typo in a

room, but rather something that actually affects game play.  Minor ones

should be posted to the bugs board, major items (like mobs that don't

fight back, bags of holding repopping in Chiiron bank) should be reported

directly to an imm.  We are working on getting all bugs out: if they have

been posted to a board, please do not continually re-post.

@BWhines@n: Please wait.  We are, as always, a work in progress. 

Suggestions via the ideas board are always considered.  We are trying

very hard right now to make the mud playable, incorporating many new

things.  Whines do NOT help, and serve primarily to annoy everyone.



0 0 19 Western Plains~
.Not for the faint of heart, these plains are populated by savage beasts. 

Lions await to make you their prey, while rhinos and elephants guard

their territory.  In this untamed wild, it is survival of the fittest.

The plains lie to the distant northwest, almost unto the great deserts.



0 0 14 Whisper~

whisper : lists previous whispers

whisper <player in room> <message> : whispers something to another player

in the same room 


Whisper is used to communicate to another player in the same room as you

are and uses the language you are currently speaking.  Only the person

you whispered to will see what you just said, but others in the room will

see that you just whispered something to that person.

See also: languages, to, tell, say, yell



0 0 14 Whistle~

whistle : whistle


Whistling is how you attract your pets.  If they are within a certain

range, they will hear your summons and respond, moving toward you to the

best of their abilities and movement.  Due to their unique racial

characteristics, Lizardmen are unable to whistle and must therefore find

some other means of communicating with their pets.

See also: pets



0 0 8 who~

@Gwho@n    : lists all visible players on


The who list will list all players who are visible and online.  Each

player is placed in a category according to how well you know them.  The

first category is self-explanatory: @cImmortal@n.  The @cbefriended@n category

will list all people who are on that are @cbefriended@n to you.  The @cknown@n

category lists people who you are introduced to but not @cbefriended@n.  The

@cunknown@n category lists people who you have not been introduced to.  Each

player can only appear once on the who list, so someone who is @cbefriended@n

will not appear in the @cknown@n category.

See also: last, whois



0 0 12 Wimpy~

wimpy : list current wimpy settings

wimpy <field> <value> : sets your wimpy to kick in at a value

wimpy <field> 0 : turns off that field


Wimpy causes you to flee when your hit points go below your wimpy value. 

You will attempt to flee automatically, so remember to turn it offat the

appropriate times or it could get you into more trouble than the good it

may do.  Your maximum wimpy value depends upon level and your maximum hit

points.  Note that wimpy is @bNOT@n failsafe, and comes with no ironclad

guarantees, but it's usually better than nothing.

The available fields are Flee, Blink and Recall.  When your hit points go

below the value of a field, you will attempt to either flee, recite a

scroll of recall if you have one, or cast the spell 'blink' if you are a

mage.  Again, this is not failsafe, so be warned.



0 0 1 Wither~
.Those well in tune with nature are able, at times, to call upon it to

cause their mortal enemies to wither and die.  This high-level spell does

two things simultaneously: it causes the target to lose some of their

life force (constitution) as well as immediate damage due to the magical

strength of the spell.



16 0 0 Wizlist~
.The list below is a reference for the spheres that various immortal

control.  It is by no means a complete list of immortals, but instead a

guideline of who to mail ideas to.  This person has permission to edit

the relevant help files and enforce standards in that field.

Object - Liquids 

Merior - Final approval of areas, Objects, Policies

Caer - Socials, Appearances/Approval

Talis - Vaasa, Training new Imms, Undead

Kreel - Object weights, Metal properties

Orb - Clans, Strongholds

S'ynn - Bears

Phule - general phulishness and overall miscreantism

The below players are responsible for editing the socials unique to

their race and the help file describing the race.

JghantmnGkr - Lizards

Smokey - Gnomes

Syd Wartnose - Trolls

Scorn - ogres

Blorn - orcs



0 0 9 World Map~

This is by no means an accurate or to scale representation of this

world. This map is merely provided as a tool to aid you in your 

conceptualization of the geopolitical layout of this world.

The biggest misrepresentation this map gives is the illusion that Human

region (Chiiron and Medienne) is both central and considerably larger

than the other regions. This is simply not the case - we simply have not

completed the other regions and cannot provide a similar level of detail.

D =3D=3D Dwarves           * =3D=3D Trees

G =3D=3D Gnomes           ^^ =3D=3D Crag Steep Hills

O =3D=3D Orcs              ^ =3D=3D Hills

T =3D=3D Trolls            w =3D=3D Grasslands

C =3D=3D Contrast Drow     s =3D=3D Swampy

E =3D=3D Woodland Elves   /\ =3D=3D Mountains

K =3D=3D K'ssk             % =3D=3D Marsh

H =3D=3D Human             _ =3D=3D Desert


___                                     / \

   \                                   / /\\      /\

    \_____                          __/     |(T)

          |       Ocean             |  ^^  /|    /\

       /\ \__/\                     /  /\   | /\

     /\  /\ ^^ ----\             --- /\  /\/\\/\^^/\

    ^   *^^^ /\^^   ------- --  //\/\ ^^^ /\/\\\ /\/\

     ^^******^^  /\/\ ^^/\^V^^\/^^/\^^/\ /\ /\^|^^

     /\(*(C)***/\ ^^   /\  Kha-da \/\/\^/\/\/\ /| **********

    /\ \/****^^ ^/\^/\ /\/\/\(D)/\^/\/\/\   ***|*(E)**^*****

      ^ --- /\%/\/\%%/\/\/\/\/\/\^^ ^/\  ***^**|****/\****

      ^/\    ^%%%% /\%/\ ^^ /\/\ /\  /\  *****/**********

         ^^ %%%%%^^%% %%/\/\^^ /\ ^^/\ ^  **//****^******

           %% ^%%%% % ^^/\ /\ /\/\/\  /\ ^   |*******^

             ^ ^^  ^^/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\ /\^/\ |/\/\

            /\ /\ /\/\/\/-\ _^/----\/\/\ /\ /  /\

           /\ /\/\/\/\/    V   ^    \/\/\/\ |\

            /\ /\ /\ <              / ****/\|

            /\ /\ //\ \  Northern  //\****/\| ^  ^^

             ^^ /\ /\ |     Sea    | ****/\/\

           /\ /\ /\/\^ \         Medienne /  \

   ***** /\ /\ /\/\^ \        Medienne  /   \

     **  * /\ /\ /\/\^ \       Medienne  /  \

  Pennan ------ Chiiron \         /  (H)  /   \  

          /\  ^/\  (H)^^ |       \ /\/\//  ^   \

           /\ /\ ^ ^^ ^/\<        |/\/\/  ^     \

            /\^^ /\/\/\/\\\_    _/ /\ //\      ^ \

             /\/\ /\^^/\/\/\\_ / /\/\/^/\  ^  ^^  \

                  /\ /\ ^/\/\ ^ /\ // /\ ^ ^^   ^  \

                ^  ^  ^/\ /\/\ ^ /\/ ^ ^^__^_ ____ ^\           **

                        ^  /\ /\ ^/  ^__ _ __ ___^_  \ ^      ss  ss

                  ^ ^  ^ ^       /   _ __ __ ____ __  \ w^  ***s  * **

               ^     ^     ^ ^  /  ____ _ _  ^___^__^ w\__s  s  s s*s

                    ^  (G)   __|^  __ __ _^___ ^^____    w\ w **(K) ss

                     ^   ___/       ^__^______^^w ^  w     \w ss *** s

                ^       ^ ^   ^  ^        ^   ^         w ^  sw ss *s

                      ^     ^   ^    ^  ^ w    w (O)  w     ww s* s*

                          ^    ^   ^    w   ^   w   w    w    * ss   **

                                              w   w   ^  w         * s

                        ^         ^        w   w     ^

                                                 w www  w

                                            w             w

                                       ^       w   w   w

                                          ^           w



0 0 0 Wrath Wyrms~
.There have been reports of odd tremors in the surface near Kha-Da.  A

dwarven corpse was found lying on the snow just west of the city, half

its body eaten away and covered in a thick layer of green slime.  Other

dwarves have witnessed large snakelike creatures burrowing around in the

snow near the site of the dead corpse, and strange holes have been dug

through the snow into the earth.



134218768 0 0 Write~

write <field> : writes the file specified by field

Allowed Fields = { areas, mobs, objects, help, trainers, shops, tables,

all, notes, quest, rtable }


Saves the various files to disk.  Becareful with write all as it produces

a decent amount of lag.  If no field is specified the default is the area

you are in.

See also: lag, save



0 0 3 Wrong_Password~
.-- Wrong Password --

If you have forgotten your password choose option 1 and then option 4

from the main menu to have your passwords emailed to you.



0 0 0 Wyrm Lair~


0 0 14 Yell~

yell <string> : sends a string to all rooms in your area


Use yell to send a message to everyone in your present area.  It costs no

gossip points, and can be useful if, for instance, you become separated

from your group in a perilous place (and you like to roleplay).  It is

also of use when communicating with others not in your group, but still

nearby.  If you wish to send a string to the entire mud, see the

@EShout@n command.

Note that like @EChat@n, @EGossip@n, @EAuction@n, and even @EShout@n, this

is a channel in which profanity is @bnot@n acceptable.



0 0 11 Zap~

zap <wand> <target> : zap someone with a wand


You use the Zap command to use one of your wands upon a target.  Wands

generally have charges and the use of Zap will expend a charge.  When

depleted of all of their charges, wands make excellent kindling.  You

need to be holding a wand in order to be able to zap with it.



-1 -1 -1 $~