
AwakeMUD began in the summer of 1994 as a pet project.  After a 
wonderful hard drive crash, it was started again in December of 1994.
It is based off of CircleMUD 3.0 (see below), and was started by 
Christopher J. Dickey until he gave up in early 1997. Since then, the mud
has advanced incredibly through the work of Pook and Rift.

Toward the end of 1998, Awake 2050 (The mud this codebase was built from),
lost its server due to situations that were beyond our power.  The codebase
just stuck on various hard drives and well, did nothing.  Awake was believed
by many to be dead for good.  Rift and Pook went to college, and got on with
their lives.

Fastjack and Dunkelzahn, two chummers from Awake 2050 were working on a 
secondary project called Beyond the Shadows: 2084. Dunkelzahn through Finn
met Jerkweed, who offered server space for Beyond the Shadows.  Fastjack and
Dunk accepted, and then Dunk got brave and asked if he could put a second
mud on the box.  (  He was most gracious.  Dunkelzahn
did some searching to find Phrodo and Rift, who both had copies of Awake's
then dusty codebase.  By February 2nd 2000, Awake was back up and running.

Coders who have worked on this codebase after Christopher Dickey (Flynn) and 
Andrew Hynek (Rift) are as follows:  Fastjack (mostly), Demise (who's work
is documented under /doc/CHANGES.demise), Terra, Washu, Jerkweed (our host
at, Shadowen, Che, and Dunkelzahn *a spec change here, an
addition to a table there... I didn't actually write any code --Dunk*, and
last but definately not least, Phrodo.  (Who was also our host at one of our
old servers, the old [Not affiliated in any way with the 
current owners of])

Also, last but not least TONS of credit goes to the wonderful people at the
FASA corporation (yeah we know its dead now) for if it weren't for their 
creativity and ideas, Awake 2050, and its codebase, AwakeMUD would not exist.


                    C  I  R  C  L  E  M  U  D     3  .  0

CircleMUD was developed from DikuMUD (Gamma 0.0) by Jeremy "Ras" Elson at
Johns Hopkins University's Department of Computer Science.  All code unique
to CircleMUD is protected under a copyright by the Trustees of the Johns
Hopkins University.

CircleMUD is available for anonymous FTP at in pub/CircleMUD.
Its author can be contacted at

Type HELP CIRCLEMUD for more information.


                   Original game idea, concept, and design:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (

Additional contributions from Michael Curran, Bill Wisner, Mads Haar, and
Stephan Dahl.

Originally developed at:
  DIKU - The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen.