Name:	Welcome to Awakened Worlds!
    Welcome to Awakened Worlds. This room stands on the event horizon of a great
rift, the rift connecting our world to that which lies beyond. You stand now
at the sole entrance to this realm. As you explore these hallowed halls, you
will discover everything you need to know to survive in the cruel, cold world
the Earth has become in what is our present - midway through the 21st century.
Mind you, here you will only be taught the theory of what you must do. Living
long enough to learn how to apply it is completely up to you. Welcome, and
good luck.
    Type NORTH or N to continue on your journey.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60501
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	All About Your Surroundings
   A MUD is a virtual world. To look around this world, just type 'look' or
'l' for short. This will give you the description of the area you are in and
show any objects, people, and/or monsters in the same area.  If you use the
look command right now you will see this room description again.  You can look
at objects, people, monsters, and even in directions (such as 'look south' or
'l s' for short).  In order to move around the world, you type in the name of
the direction you wish to travel, such as north, south, east, west, up, or
down.  If there is not a path in that direction, the mud will let you know.
To continue, go north (by typing 'north' or 'n').  To see who or what else is
in the rooms adjacent to your own room, type 'scan'. Sometimes doors or
objects can obstruct your view or path. In that case, try to 'open' a door by
typing 'open door (direction)'. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60502
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60500
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Getting To Know Yourself
   The next thing you need to know is how to find out information about
yourself.  There are several commands which give you information needed to
play here.  These commands are 'score', 'inventory', 'equipment', 'skills',
and 'spells'.  All commands on the mud may be abbreviated, therefore you can
type 'sc' for score, 'i' for inventory, 'eq' for equipment, and so on. The
first thing you should do is try out these commands.  To pick up an item you
see on the floor, type 'get (item)'. If the item is in a container, you can
type 'get (item) (container)' to retrieve it. If you'd like to equip the item,
simply type 'wear (item)'. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60503
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60501
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	A Steel Staircase Leading Down
   You've arrived at a metal staircase leading to the floor below. The
Neophyte Guild is designed to assist you in becoming a capable member of the
Awakened Worlds playerbase. The levels of the building will guide you through
character generation, roleplaying, and rules and policy. Proceed DOWN to
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60502
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60504
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Interacting in the Shadowrun Universe
   The Shadowrun universe is set in the year 2060, when international
corporations have a strong grasp on the power in the world, surpassing the
authority of whole nations. The long lost practices of magic have also
emerged, creating a large variety of metahuman races in addition to returning
the forces of magic to the world. Awake allows you to interact with this
fantasy world through your CHARACTER- your avatar in the Shadowrun Universe.
You control this character, and act as if you were actually in this world.
This section of the tutorial will allow you to customize your character by
assigning him skills, attributes, and careers. Proceed SOUTH to begin. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60505
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60503
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	All About Your Attributes
   Attributes determine the strengths and weaknesses of your character in the
Shadowrun Universe, and form the essential backbone to the character. If you
type SCORE, the lefthand column will display your character's attributes:
attributes, and the other values are determined from these six main stats. For
more detailed help on your statistics, type "HELP (Statistic)".
   An Attribute Trainer is also present in this room. Type TRAIN and follow
the directions to allocate attribute points.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60504
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Neophyte Skill Center
   Skills are another essential aspect to a Shadowrunner, someone who performs
illegal deeds for pay. Skills make up your character, and determine what tasks
they are capable of performing, and how well they can perform them. 
   If you type EXITS, you can see the various rooms that teach those essential 
skills to new runners. To see the skills you already possess, type SKILLS. 
When you encounter a skill trainer, type PRACTICE to see what he is capable of
teaching. To learn a new skill, simply type PRACTICE (skill name). Type it
again to become more proficient in the skill you just aquired.  Proceed into 
the skill trainer rooms to learn the abilities essential to your survival. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60505
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60507
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60508
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southeast]
	ToVnum:	60509
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60513
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60512
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60511
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northwest]
	ToVnum:	60510
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60593
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Melee Skill Training
   The skills offered in this room are all derived from your STRENGTH
attribute. Type PRACTICE to see the list of avaliable melee and strength-based
abilities with various hand held melee weapons. PROJECTILES is the skill
related to bow and crossbow-type weapons, exotic in the world of 2060.
THROWING WEAPONS is the skill that is required for those that wish to be able
to use grenades, throwing knives, or shuriken. UNARMED COMBAT is the skill
essential for those who wish to be able to fight effectively with their fists.
CYBER IMPLANTS, while similar to UNARMED COMBAT, is necessary for those who
wish to fight with cybernetically installed weapons such as hand razors, bone
lacing, and spurs. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Ranged Combat Skill Training
   Combat in 2060 is not much different from modern-day warfare: firearms are
abundant, and within reach of nearly anyone that has the money for them. This
room trains characters with the skills for operating and firing guns. Type
PRACTICE to see what firearms training is offered. Careful: legality of
firearms is still present in the world of 2060. Anything larger than a simple
pistol is very likely to attract unwanted attention from law enforcement. It
is best to keep firearms concealed unless you actually need to use them. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Vehicle Skill Training
   Vehicle skills are avaliable in this room. Type PRACTICE to see what's
avaliable. DRIVING type skills are necessary for operation of cars, trucks,
and other vehicles. BR skills, or Build and Repair skills, determines a
character's ability to repair or construct a vehicle. These skills are
essential for Rigger characters, whose specialties revolve around the
operation of vehicles and drones. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northwest]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Magical Skill Training
   Magical skills are essential for magically attuned characters, but are not
very useful for the mundane. This room allows you to home your abilities in
SORCERY and CONJURING, aswell as aura reading. SORCERY determines the 
spellcaster's capabilities with casting spells, and will determine their 
success with spellcasting. CONJURING allows mages to summon elementals to 
do their bidding, and also allows shamans to conjure spirits to do theirs. 
AURA READING helps awakened people gain extra information about a person or
items aura.
   To practice these abilities, type PRACTICE, followed by the skill name.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT southeast]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Decking and Electronics Skill Training
   Deckers are the computer hackers of 2062. Connecting their braing directly
to the matrix they risk life and limb to break into corporate systems, steal
files, and provide security overwatch for their chummers in the real world.
Type PRACTICE to see what the Trainer has to offer. Typing "HELP (Skillname)"
will provide you with more information on the skill you are trying to learn.
Skills to help with Programming are to the WEST. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60591
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Language Training
   Despite the changing territories and nation boundaries in 2060 that
incorporated members of various ethnic nationalities into a jumble of
territories, language barriers still exist in the Shadowrun Universe. While
all characters start with mastery of the English language, knowing other
languages is always a useful skill when interacting with others. Sometimes you
may not be able to understand someone else in a conversation: this is due to a
failed dice roll based on your language skill. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60592
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	A Marble Hallway
    Have you spent all your Attribute and Skill points? If not, you may want
to turn back and spend the rest of them. The next few rooms allow you to
choose an archetype for your character, to pick a specialty or specialties
that your character excels at. While the Shadowrun system does not restrict a
player on the professions they want their characters to take, it is
recommended that you stick to one profession if you are new to the Shadowrun
system. Proceed SOUTH to continue. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60514
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Career Archetype Paths
   Here the path splits off into three directions. The Mundane characters,
those who do not have magical abilities, should proceed westward, where they
can learn more about STREET SAMURAI, DECKER, and RIGGER professions. Those who
are gifted with spellcasting abilities should proceed to the EAST, where they
can learn more about HERMETIC and SHAMANIC magic. Finally, those who are
ADEPTS, people who use magic to augment their physical capabilities, should
head SOUTH to learn more about their profession. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60513
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60520
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60518
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60515
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Path of the Mundane
   So you weren't born with magical abilities. Who needs 'em? Mundanes can
augment themselves with cyberware and bioware, artificial enhancements, to
greatly increase their physical and mental capabilities. Mundanes also can
excel at tasks mages and Adepts can't- rigging vehicles and hacking into the
Matrix, the virtual reality system of computers, for example. Cyberware
detracts from the character's essence, representing the loss of humanity of a
character after installing foreign, unnatural objects into their bodies.
Cyberware and bioware may not be for everybody, as cyberware installation is a
sickening process. For those who can stomach it, however, the possibilities
are great. Continue WEST to learn more.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60514
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60516
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Street Samurai, Riggers, and Deckers
   In this room you'll learn about Street Samurai, Deckers, and Riggers.
   STREET SAMURAI- A general term that refers to any character that installs
cyberware into their bodies to augment their fighting capabilities. These
characters tend to be the most combat intensive of the Shadowrun archetypes.
   DECKERS- The futuristic hacker, DECKERS hack into the Matrix, an artificial
reality system of computers similar to the World Wide Web. DECKERS connect
their minds into the computers themselves through machines called CYBERDECKS
and DATAJACK cyberware.
   RIGGERS- The futuristic mechanic, RIGGERS can synchronize their mind with
those of vehicles, effectively controlling vehicles and drones with their
formidable with a legion of machines backing them up. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60515
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60517
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Cyberware Central
   Cyberware is one of the sixth worlds greatest achievements, it blends man
and machine, working together seemless, to bring otherwise mundane metahumans
up to levels only dreamed of by even the most power adept or mage. It is not
without its drawbacks however, along with costing alot of nuyen, it also takes
up essence. Essence is a measurement of how much your spirit binds with your
body. Everyone starts with 6 essence and it cannot be raised. If your essence
ever drops to 0, your spirit flees your body and you die. Low essence also
makes it hard for benificial spells to bind with your body. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60611
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60516
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60610
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60614
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60613
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northwest]
	ToVnum:	60612
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60615
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
	Keywords:	datajack~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A DATAJACK is necessary for a decker or a rigger to interface their mind with
a machine. 
	Keywords:	smartlink system~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The SMARTLINK system allows the user to use a smartlink accessorized firearm,
granting them greater accuracy in ranged combat. If the weapon is outfitted
with a SMARTLINK accessory and the user has a SMARTLINK system installed, the
feature is automatically used. 
	Keywords:	spurs razors retractable~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Spurs/Razors are blades attached to the hands of the user, providing them with
a handy weapon in a fist fight. When installed, the spurs/razors are
automatically used when the character enters unarmed combat, and success is
based on the CYBERIMPLANT COMBAT skill. 
	Keywords:	Vehicle control rig~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The VEHICLE CONTROL RIG and a DATAJACK is necessary for someone who wants to
be able to mentally control a vehicle. An explanation of RIGGING is provided
later in the guild. 
	Keywords:	wired reflexes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wired Reflexes, while costly to the user's essence, enhance their REACTION and
INITIATIVE, allowing them to attack more often than an unaugmented person.
Wired Reflexes are known to cause some people to be extra jumpy. 
Name:	The Path of the Adept
   Adepts, also referred to as Somatic Mages, are awakened people who focus
their magic inward, unlike hermetic and shamanic mages who focus their magic
into the world. This allows adepts to seem superhuman, like the heroes in
martial arts movies. Adept powers range from straight out killing to healing.
Like all awakened beings however, their powers are hampered by cyberware and
bioware, which should be avoided as they cause random ability loss. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60514
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60607
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Adept Power Training
   Adepts can purchase abilities here using their starting power points. All
adepts start off with their magic rating in Power points. Type TRAIN to see
what the trainer has to offer. All abilities have help files associated with
them, so if you require any extra information about then make sure to read
through them. Typing TRAIN and then the name of the ability you would like to
learn to advance that ability another level.  
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60606
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60525
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Path of the Magician
   Following the Awakening in 2019, the world experienced a surge of magical
energy. In addition to the emergence of metahuman races such as elves,
dwarves, and trolls, mankind once again became capable of manipulating magical
energy from the Earth. Two divisions of mages formed: Hermetic Mages, who view
magic as a science and approach it in a scientific manner, and Shamans, who
consider magic to be more spiritual in nature. In Shadowrun, mages are capable
of casting spells, conjuring spirits or elementals to aid them, and also
astral projection, which will be explained later in the tutorial. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60521
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60514
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	All About Hermetic Magic
   Hermetic Mages consider magic to be like a science: because they know spell
formulas and are capable of managing the complex computations in their heads,
Hermetics usually consider magic to be theirs to use and manipulate. Hermetics
are capable of conjuring elementals, if they have access to a hermetic library
and various conjuring materials. The strength of the earth, fire, wind, or
water elemental depends on the force of the library used, and the abilities of
the summoner. Hermetic mages are also capable of astral projection and
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60523
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60520
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Conjuring
   Conjuring is different for hermetic mages and shamans. Shamans can conjure
a spirit anywhere, but they will disappear at sunrise or sunset. Mages require
hermetic circles and conjuring libraries, but their elementals can wait in the
metaplanes for aslong as the mage desires and be called out at any time to
   Spirits are ordered to perform services with the ORDER command, most orders
take up a service, once a spirits services run out they will vanish never to
be seen from again. If a spirit is disrupted (IE. Killed), it will vanish to
the metaplanes and be available to be summoned back again if conjured by a
hermetic mage.
   Spirits can be CONTESTed by other mages, hermetic mages can only contest
elementals and shamans can only contest nature spirits. Contesting control of
a spirit or elemental will let you take control of it if you are succesfull.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60594
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60524
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	All About Shamanic Magic
   Totemic Shamans consdier magic to be of a spiritual nature: their Totem,
through its divine knowledge, calls upon its loyal services to carry out its
will. Shamans are capable of conjuring spirits based on the domain of their
immediate surroundings. If they were in a forest, for example, they could
conjure up a Forest spirit. Likewise, if they were in the mountains they could
conjure a Mountain Spirit, or if they were in the city streets they could
summon a Spirit-of-Man. Shamans are also capable of astral projection and
perception. All Shamans must abide by the rules set forth by  their Totem.
Failure to obey the Totem, or deviation from the Totem philosophy,  will
result in the loss of magic abilities by the Shaman.  
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60524
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60521
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Spellcasting
   The two main commands that mages of either type will use the most is
CONJURE and CAST. Take your time to read the help files now.  There are alot
of factors that affect casting success, depending on your condition and the
spell being cast. Some spells are dependant on their victims stats, set
targets, or even their essence (Most health spells follow this). There are 3
types of spells, Instant, which effects happen as soon as you cast them;
Sustaining, which will stay in affect for as long as you concentrate; and
Permanent, which require you to concentrate for a set period of time before
the affects can not be undone.
   Concentrating on a spell distracts you from other tasks, and if it's not
being sustained by a spirit or focus (explained later) it will cause you to
have a harder time doing things that require concentration.  
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60522
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60523
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Introduction to Complex Commands
   Awake has developed a large number of complex commands and features unique
to this MUD. While not all of them can be explained in this area, the basic,
essential fuctions will be described in the rooms to come. A staircase leads
back up to the Career Archetype area in case you'd like to learn more about
the archetypes. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60526
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60514
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Managing Your Bank Account: ATMs and Credsticks
   The world of 2060 is all about nuyen (the standard currency in thes world).
Managing your finances is an important aspect of running the shadows. People
who carry their life savings with them all the time tend to lose it very
   Characters can store their funds in bank accounts. At an ATM, type BALANCE
to see how much money is in the account, DEPOSIT to deposit your funds, or
WITHDRAW to make a transaction.
   Credsticks, small pen shaped credit cards, are also a safe way to store
money. Credsticks can be personalized by someone to keep their funds safe, but
can also be rigged by someone who is proficient in ELECTRONICS. To personalize
a credstick, simply ACTIVATE it. If the credstick has already been activated,
you must CRACK the security with your ELECTRONICS skill before you can access
the nuyen within. You can use credsticks to make purchases, although some
illegal street dealers will only accept rolls of nuyen.
   To move funds from a credstick to an ATM, type "TRANSFER <amount> ACCOUNT".
To transfer funds from an ATM to a credstick, type "TRANSFER <amount>
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60527
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60525
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	All About Radio Broadcasting
    The radios used by Shadowrunners in 2064 are specialized Matrix terminals
linked through the Shadowland network. This allows them heavy security from
most normal law enforcement agencies, but it is still possible to track
someone down through it.
   Radio's are an IN-CHARACTER form of communication: disregard the way you
behave and think about how your character would act.
   To operate a radio use the RADIO command. This will show you it's current
settings. To center the radio at a frequency (the most common is 8mhz), type
RADIO CENTER <frequency>. To scan through all frequencies type RADIO SCAN.
Encryption rating can be set by typing RADIO CRYPT <rating>. Only radios with
an encryption rating greater than or equal to what you have it set at can
receive them.
   To broadcast a message type BROADCAST <message>. Turning the radio off can
be accomplised with RADIO OFF. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60528
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60526
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	E.T. Phone Hoooome.
   Phones are a more private form of communation. When you aquire a phone and
wish to use it, you must first find the eight digit telephone numbers of the
people you want to call. Type PHONE to see your settings. Type CALL (########)
to start calling someone. If they answer, use TALK (message) to start talking
with them. Type HELP PHONE for more information on settings and calls. Head
NORTH to learn about channels. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60540
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60527
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Score Screen
   There are a few entries on the score sheet that may not be obvious.
   Karma is basically your experience in the world, you gain more by killing
other people and completing Shadowruns, how you go about this is up to you.
Your total karma is divided into two sections; Reputation, the karma gained
through performing Shadowruns and Immortal Awards; and Notoriety the karma
gained through killing. Reputation affects the maximums amount of PowerPoints
adepts can get, what Shadowruns you can do and other things, Notoriety affects
   Essence Index is the amount of Bioware you can handle before you start
having negative affects, like slow healing, illness, etc. It is equal to your
Essence + 3. Essence is the amount of humanity you have left, or how well
attached your spirit is to your body, cyberware will reduce it. As your
essence drops so does your magic rating, and the amount that beneficial magic
will affect you. Bioware Index is the amount of Bioware your body can take,
bioware also reduces magic like cyberware, but only at half the value you have
   Awakened Characters also have a Grade, which is how many times they have
initiated, this is explained later. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60608
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60540
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Operating Elevators
   Elevators are essential to travelling about the many, many buildings and
areas in Awake. When you are in front of an elevator, type LOOK PANEL to see
where the elevator currently is. To call the elevator, type PUSH BUTTON. The
next area of the tutorial can only be accessed through an elevator. Try
calling it now by pushing the button and walking north once the elevator doors
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60608
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Inside the Neophyte Elevator
   You're inside the Neophyte Elevator. Good job! Try looking at the elevator
panel again to see which floors this elevator is connected to. Head to a
specific floor by typing PUSH (floor number you wish to go to). To proceed to
the next area, you need to head to the lower of the two floors offered in this
Flags:	10000000000000011000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
Name:	Worlds Within our World: Facets of Reality
   In the world of Shadowrun, the physical world is just one of many facets of
reality. With the resurgance of magic and amazing advances in technological
development, whole new worlds have been opened up for the people of 2060.
Riggers can directly connect their minds with their vehicles, essentially
"becoming" their cars. Deckers can similarily connect their minds with
machines, specifically the artificial reality construct known as the Matrix.
The Matrix, a global connection of the world's computer systems, is a virtual
world that directly stimulates the senses of the Deckers enter use it through
technology called Simsense. Magically attuned characters like mages and Adepts
are also capable of interacting with the Astral Plane, a metaphysical realm
that mirrors the real world. Through the Astral Plane, mages can leave their
physical bodies and sense lifeforce and auras of all living things that they
come into contact with. Head on SOUTH to learn more about these worlds that
Awake has to offer. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60533
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Specialty Commands: Driving, Astral Projection, Decking, Rigging
   A Rigger, Decker, or Magic-type character has access to Rigging, Decking,
and the Astral Plane, respectively. Adepts are also capable of accessing the
Astral Plane, but only if they purchased the Astral Perception power, and they
are incapable of leaving their bodies through Astral Projection. Type EXITS.
The rooms in this area explain the details to interacting with these other
worlds, and will tell you the important commands that are necessary.  
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60532
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60535
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60538
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60534
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60537
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60536
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Astral Plane
   Awakened Character, Hermetic and Shamanic Mages and Adepts, have access to
the astral plane in some form. Aspected Mages and magicians can only perceive
the astral plane, while full mages can fully remove their spirit from their
bodies and explore the astral plane freely.
   PROJECT and PERCEIVE are used to perform these actions. To stop projecting
type RETURN, to stop perceiving toggle it off again with PERCEIVE. Astral
Perception makes concentrating on both the physical and astral planes
difficult and gives you penalties to any actions that involve concentration.
While projecting your essence will slowly decrease, at a rate of 1 per mud
hour. If it falls to 0 you will die. It returns at a rate of 1 every mud hour
while in your physical body however. There are various actions that can only
be undertaken while in the astral plane, these are explained to the WEST. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60533
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60609
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Decking: There is No Spoon
   Decking is a fairly complex art, almost a whole game unto itself. To
connect to the matrix, find a room that mentions a dataport and CONNECT. From
there you have a variety of options: You can LOCATE another host, then LOGON
to it. You can attempt to LOCATE files and DOWNLOAD them.
   But first you need a cyberdeck and four 'persona' programs - body, evasion,
sensors and masking. You must INSTALL these programs to access even the most
basic of hosts. Once you get started, you'll realise that a lot of operations
fail. To improve your chances of succeeding, you can add additional utilities
to your deck. Use the SOFTWARE command to get the values and names of software
you have installed.
LOGON, ANALYZE, DOWNLOAD, SOFTWARE and RUN for more information. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60533
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Rigging: Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!
   Rigging is a complex task. A rigger must aquire three things before they
can even think about rigging: a Vehicle Control Rig, and Datajack, and a
Remote Control Deck. Once those are aquired, they simply need to purchase a
vehicle or a drone. First the rigger must register the vehicle with the
SUBSCRIBE command to add it to their RC deck. When subscribed, a vehicle will
be given a control number. To start controlling a vehicle on your SUBSCRIBE
list, type CONTROL (number of the vehicle). To adjust the speed at which you
are travelling, type SPEED (idle/cruise/speeding/max). To return back to your
physical body, type RETURN. While in control of a vehicle, it is possible to
attack those who are hostile with the RAM function. Excessive ramming will
result in damage to the vehicle. If the vehicle is destroyed while the rigger
is in control of it, he will suffer extreme damage known as DUMPSHOCK, in
which his brain is wracked by the damage sustained while in control of the
vehicle. Weapons can also be attached to a drone, providing a safer method of
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60533
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Driving: Vroom vroom, dukka dukka
    Driving is not too different from rigging. To enter a vehicle, first
UNLOCK the door and ENTER it. To begin driving, type DRIVE. To adjust speed,
type SPEED (idle/cruise/speeding/max). To defend yourself from someone who's
attacking your vehicle, you can RAM him, which will result in damage to your
vehicle. If your vehicle is destroyed, all passengers will be flung out into
the street, where they will take heavy crash damage in addition to being in
the unenviable position of confronting whatever destroyed their vehicle. In
the world of 2060, the isolated city-state of Seattle is surrounded by
unfriendly nations, all of which firmly patrol their borders and shoot
intruders on sight. It is not recommended that you attempt to drive past a
border fortification.
   The man in this room also can sell a vehicle to you if you have the money
for one. He won't give you the actual car itself, but he will give you a TITLE
that you cash in for a vehicle at the end of the area. Driving isn't
essential, however, as Seattle boasts an effective cab system: simply type
HAIL when you're out on the street to flag down a cab. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60533
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	A Metal Staircase Leading Downward
   Finished learning about the special features of Awake? Head down to the
next level to continue making your character by outfitting him/her with some
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60533
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60539
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	All About Your Equipment
   Equipment is essential to survival in the harsh world of 2060. Someone will
always be better equipped than you, and if you ever come into conflict, you'll
want to make the most out of what you have. To wear a piece of equipment, type
WEAR (equipment). To start using a weapon, type WIELD (weapon). Watch out,
security forces in sensitive areas like corporate territory will attack
anything that looks like a threat: be sure you're not wearing illegal
equipment such as armor or weapons unless you like being shot at. Continue
NORTH to learn about the types of equipment in 2060. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60538
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Doors and Maglocks
   Most doors in 2064 are Maglocks, Magnetic Locks. Keys normally take the
form of a passcode, biometric scan or keycard. Tumbler locks still exist, but
they are so rare as to be considered obscure knowledge.
   Doors can be locked and unlocked using the LOCK and UNLOCK commands,
directions or door names can be used as arguments. To "pick" a lock you use
the BYPASS command. To do this you need an electronics kit however.
   It is also possible to kick or shoot doors down, using the KICK or SHOOT
commands. Also, the KNOCK command can be used to alert someone on the other
side of a closed door. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60529
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60528
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Neophyte Gear Central
   This area sells everything you could possibly need as a neophyte. The rooms
around you offer various types of equipment. Buy what you need before
continuing, you lose any money you have left once you leave the guild.
   You buy items from stores using the BUY command, and sell items back using
the SELL command. VALUE is used to give a rough estimate of how much you will
get payed for an item. INFO will show a brief explanation of what a item is,
it's ratings, etc. CHECK and RECEIVE are used along with availiblity to see
how long is remaining until an item arrives and to receive delivery of it.
   If an item has a time listed in the "Availibility" column then it is
subject to an availiblity test. The time listed is the least amount time it
will take, the better you score on the availiblity test the less time it will
   Once ordered you can go about your business as normal, even log off, it
will be availible in the amount of time the shopkeeper responds. All time
listed is MUD time. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60549
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60545
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60546
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southeast]
	ToVnum:	60547
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60539
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60544
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60543
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northwest]
	ToVnum:	60542
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60590
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Toby's Firearms and Ammunition
       Toby will provide you with firearms, provided you have enough money to
pay for his services. Remember that a weapon is only as good as its user: if
you don't have any skill in handling a weapon, it's not going to be of much
use to you. Type LIST to see what's avaliable. After you make your selection,
you can head into the storage room ABOVE to accessorize the weapon or purchase
ammunition. Be careful: ammunition will only work with your weapon if the clip
capacity is the same as the maximum ammo of your weapon, and if the clip is of
the same weapon type. To reload, type RELOAD when your weapon is out of ammo.
   Light Pistols: Fichetti Security, Colt American
   Machine Pistols: Ceska
Black Scorpion
   Heavy Pistols: Ares Predator, Colt Manhunter, Ruger Super Warhawk, Colt
   Submachine Guns: Ingram Smartgun, Uzi III
   Rifles: Remington 950
   Light Machine Guns: Ingram Valiant
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT southeast]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60548
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Erik's Forge: Melee Weapons
   Racks of various melee weapons are lined against the wall, and Erik stands
at the forge pounding a sheet of metal. Type LIST to see what he has to offer.
   EDGED WEAPONS- Combat Axe, Katana, Rapier, Survival Knife, Two Handed
   CLUBS- Stun Baton, Staff, Nightstick
   WHIPS/FLAILS- Nunchaku, Leather Whip
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Ave's Protective Gear: Armor and Clothing
   Here protective armor can be purchased to better guard yourself from
hostile attacks. Security forces frown upon armor, however, so be careful
where you wear it. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Gremlin's Gadgets: Electronics and Machines
   Gremlin sells various electronic devices that someone new to the Seattle
metroplex might need. Type LIST to see what's avaliable. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Howie's Decks: Cyberdecks and Rigging Decks
   Here a decker or rigger can purchase the equipment they need to get their
job done. Glass cases store CYBERDECKS and PROGRAMS, both of which are needed
to successfully DECK the MATRIX. Rigger equipment is also sold here, and
various electronic devices are stored in storage lockers. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60587
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60588
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Bowie's Hunting Shop: Survival Gear
   Bowie, a long, long, distant descendant of the famous Jim Bowie, stands
behind the counter selling items that someone might need to survive in a harsh
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northwest]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Gun Accessories
    Here you can purchase gun accessories to outfit your firearm. To attach an
accessorry to a gun, use the ATTACH command. Help ATTACH for more information.
   A Smartlink accesory adapts a gun to the Smartlink cyberware, allowing
someone to shoot more accurately if they have a Smartlink installed in their
   A laser sight can be attached for those who do not have a smartlink for
increased accuracy.
   Gas Vents can reduce the recoil of a weapon, reducing the target modifiers
for firing in burst fire mode.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60542
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Restrings
   All equipped? If you haven't spent all your starting funds, you may want
to, they won't follow you outside character generation.
   Any item can have it's description customized using the restring command.
This changes only the name of the item, not it's look description or it's room
description. Anyone can do this at any time for the cost of 2.5 Karma,
however, you have received 5 free restrings that are valid while you are in
character generation only. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60550
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Entrance to the Neophyte Guild Combat Simulation
   This section of the Neophyte Guild will teach basic combat. Characters who
have high QUICKNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and REACTION will tend to get more attacks
than their opponents. To initiate combat, type KILL (target). If you are using
a weapon that deals stun damage, you will only stun your opponent instead of
killing them. Killing should only be initiated on MOBs (mobiles, computer
controlled non-player characters). All your kills with gain you a fraction of 
a karma point, but also increases your NOTORIETY. And don't even think about trying
to start a fight with another player unless you both have toggled your
player-killer flags- you won't do any damage at all, wheras your opponent will
be able to hurt you. Continue SOUTH to learn more about combat.  
Flags:	0
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60551
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60549
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Melee Combat Tutorial
   This section will teach you about basic, same-room combat. When both
opponents are in the same room, you can initiate a fight with the KILL
command. If both characters are using melee weapons, they'll just duke it out.
Likewise, if both characters are using firearms, they'll take turns shooting
at each other. However, if one character is using a melee weapon and their
opponent has a firearm, they will need to "close the distance" before they can
try to attack their opponent. It is difficult to attack someone with a sword
if they happen to be spraying you with full automatic fire. Your success at
closing the distance between the attackers is dependant on your QUICKNESS
rating. As such, attrbitues like QUICKNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and WILLPOWER are
all very important for combat. BODY is also important for determining damage
resistance, and STRENGTH is useful for increasing the power of your attacks if
you're using a melee weapon.
   Combat can also be initiated in other ways: Casting a combat spell on
someone will start a fight, and casting spells in the middle of combat
requires intense concentration- the harder the spell, the longer it will take
to cast it.  
Flags:	0
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60550
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60552
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Ranged Combat Tutorial: Distance Attacks
   Tested your basic combat abilities on those training robots? Now it's time
to learn about ranged attacks. If you're using a ranged weapon like a firearm,
you can attack people from other rooms. Type SCAN now to see WEST into the
Shooting Range. You can hit people in other rooms with the SHOOT command. To
fire at someone, type SHOOT (target) (direction). Naturally, it is more
difficult to shoot someone from far away than it is if they're in the same
room: gun accessories like smartlinks, laser sights, gas vents, and scopes can
make the task easier. If a mage has a direct line of sight, they can also cast
a combat spell from a distance. Type syntax is CAST '(spell)' (target)
(direction). The same can be done from Astral Space against an Astral form.
Practice ranged combat here if you want, and head SOUTH to learn more about
Flags:	0
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60551
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60554
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60553
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	On the Shooting Range
   What are you doing out in the middle of the Shooting range? Are you crazy?
Go back east before you get shot! 
Flags:	0
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60552
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Advanced Combat Tactics: Tips for Survival
   Combat can be a difficult task. Thankfully, this section teaches you some
commands that can make survival easier. If you've gone in over your head and
started a fight with someone that you're losing, you can FLEE to try to run
away. Fleeing will attempt to move your character out of the room through a
random exit- you may escape the fight, or you may run into more opposition if
you're not careful. For a more precise, but more difficult method of escaping
combat, try to RETREAT. You can run away from a specific direction if you try
to RETREAT (direction). The WIMPY command can be used to set your character to
automatically flee once they're wounded enough. 
   What if you don't want to run away from a fight? To avoid getting hit, you
have a COMBAT POOL. Your COMBAT POOL is determined by your QUICKNESS,
INTELLIGENCE, and WILLPOWER attributes. In combat, your COMBAT POOL will add
dice to either your defense (allowing you to dodge attacks) or offense
(allowing you do deal more damage, or hit someone) dice rolls. To set your
combat pool, type DEFENSE.
   Wounds: The weapons in Shadowrun all have a set, realistic damage rating:
Light, Moderate, Serious, and Deadly. Based on the skill of your weapon
handling, you can increase the amount of damage you deal to an opponent. For
example, someone who is skilled enough with a Light weapon can make it deal
Moderate, Serious, or even Deadly damage if they're good enough. A weapon is
only as good as its user. 
Flags:	0
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60552
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60555
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	A Metal Staircase Leading Downwards
   You've essentially learned all the basic game mechanics that you'll need to
know to play here. Once you've passed the next few rooms which discuss the MUD
policy, rules, and roleplaying, you'll be ready to start playing in the
Shadowrun Universe. Head DOWN to start. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60554
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60556
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Entrance to the Awakened Worlds' Disclaimer Area
    You're about to enter the Disclaimer area. It is vital that you read
everything in the following area carefully. Awake exists for the enjoyment of
the players and the staff: when people fail to obey the rules, they ruin the
enjoyment of other players, which ruins the enjoyment of the staff, which in
turn will forcibly ruin the enjoyment of the offender with strict punishment,
and if the situation is serious enough, banning. We are not kidding around,
and we are dead serious about this. Continue NORTH. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60557
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60555
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	"Info" Help
   Type ^YINFO^n right now. Read every single bit of it. Once you are done,
continue north. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60558
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60556
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Having Fun: Most Important Feature of this MUD
   The main purpose of this MUD is to have fun, RP if you want, go around and
kill everything if you feel like it. Only time this doesn't apply is if you
are deliberatly spoiling someone elses fun. Use your common sense and don't be
an arse. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60559
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60557
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Character Descriptions
   It is recommended you create a custom description to benefit more fully
from the MUD. It is difficult to interact with others when you have no
description set at all to describe what your character looks like. To set your
descriptions, type CUSTOMIZE. Mages will have to make two descriptions: one
for their physical body and one for their Astral reflection. The same goes for
Deckers. For more detail, type HELP CUSTOMIZE and HELP DESCRIPTION.  
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60560
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60558
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Law Enforcement in 2060
   There are some automated law enforcement systems in place, these will
trigger if you attack police officers or try and raid corporate installations
(either physically or through the matrix). 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60561
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60559
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Awake's Policy and Rules
   Type ^YPOLICY^N right now. Read every single bit of it. Understand all of it.
Once you're done reading, head SOUTH. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60560
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60562
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Acknowledgement of the MUD's rules
   Have you thoroughly read each and every single sentence in this Policy
area, and do you understand and agree with ALL of it? If you haven't read it,
go back and do so. If you disagree with our rules here, you're free to leave,
and we'd prefer if you do instead of coming into conflict in the future.
   If you understand and accept this and are ready to play, simply say...
   "^YI have read the rules and policies, understand them, and agree to abide
by them during my stay here.^n"
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60561
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In the Lobby of the Neophyte Guild
   You've finally finished the Neophyte Guild! In the Lobby area of the
Neophyte Guild, there are a few people to the EAST that need some jobs done.
Maybe you should talk to them.  
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60585
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60566
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60573
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60569
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60570
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60564
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northwest]
	ToVnum:	60565
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Recap: Chute Leading Back to the Tutorial
   Miss something from the tutorial? Something needs clarification? Go UP in
this room to return to the start of the Neophyte Guild.
   This is a ONE WAY EXIT back to the start of the guild. It is HIGHLY
recommended that you store your money in an ATM, unless you want to lose it
all when you go through the guild for the second time.
   ^RNo items, cash or credit are to be exchanged within the tutorial area.^n
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60563
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60500
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Neophyte Hotel
   A receptionist stands behind the counter to this coffin motel. The
accomodations are shoddy, as can be expected from a Coffin Motel, which rents
out miniscule little rooms for the ever increasing population of Seattle. To
exit the game, you must RENT. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT southeast]
	ToVnum:	60563
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Shadowland: In-Character Message Board
   A computer terminal has been placed here and is linked to Shadowland, a
connection in the Matrix that serves at a database for all Shadowrunners. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60567
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60563
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The OOC-Board: Out-of-Character Communications
   An Out-Of-Character Board is here for your convenience, allowing you to
talk about things that should not be addressed through In-Character methods.
You can also visit the forums at if you need further
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60568
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60566
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Post Office
       The postal station is just a large computer database that helps to keep
track of all the WPS mail that goes in and out of the Neophytic Guild each
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60567
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Neophyte Guild Store
   The Neophyte Supply Store stocks items that you may need: ammunition,
flashlights, and rations. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60563
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Salvation Army
    You enter a cold concrete building lined up from wall to wall with bins,
filled with all sorts of objects, some things just useless trinkets, others
downright useful.  Signs all over the building say things such as "ALL ITEMS
SOLD AS IS" and "NO REFUNDS" and "NO WARRANTY".  The items in these bins are
various things of all types, donated by the community for the less fortunate.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60563
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60572
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60571
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Salvation Army
    You enter a cold concrete building lined up from wall to wall with bins,
filled with all sorts of objects, some things just useless trinkets, others
downright useful.  Signs all over the building say things such as "ALL ITEMS
SOLD AS IS" and "NO REFUNDS" and "NO WARRANTY".  The items in these bins are
various things of all types, donated by the community for the less fortunate.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60570
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Salvation Army
    You enter a cold concrete building lined up from wall to wall with bins,
filled with all sorts of objects, some things just useless trinkets, others
downright useful.  Signs all over the building say things such as "ALL ITEMS
SOLD AS IS" and "NO REFUNDS" and "NO WARRANTY".  The items in these bins are
various things of all types, donated by the community for the less fortunate.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60570
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Ricky's Eatery
   In the world of 2060, everyone has something that needs to be done. People
with money can hire Shadowrunners like you to do their task for them instead
of getting their own hands dirty. Ricky's Eatery, a fairly dingy fast food
joint, always has a few people around that need something done.
   In Awake, and in the Shadowrun Universe, the main source of karma and money
is from a Shadowrun. Shadowruns are jobs or missions provided by middlemen
known as Johnsons. In Awake, Shadowruns are automated by the AUTOJOHNSON
system. Type HELP SHADOWRUN for more information on jobs. The Immortal Staff
also holds Roleplaying Events on a very regular basis here: always be on the
lookout for opportunities to roleplay, and don't be surprised at all if the
MOBS respond and interact with you. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60575
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60574
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60563
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	A Small, Shadowy Booth
    A small enclosed corner of the neophyte guild, that is almost like a back
alley, with a concrete floor and a brick wall covered in graffiti. The smell
of cigarette smoke pervades this little booth. A Johnson is sitting in this
booth, maybe you should ask him for work. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60573
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Inside Ricky's Kitchen
   Participating in Immortal-held Roleplaying Events, in combination with
Autojohnson Shadowruns, a character will earn Karma. Karma can be used to
increase character attributes and skills, provided the character can find
appropriate trainers and teachers outside of the Neophyte Guild. Karma is
divided into two values: Reputation is "good" karma that you earn from jobs
and events, Notoriety is "bad" karma that you gain by killing people. To
discourage power gaming, characters with too much notoriety (more than the
repuation value) will be given a Power Gaming flag on their characters, which
will significantly reduce their ability to carry out tasks like fighting.
There are plenty of Autojohnsons out there in the Seattle Metroplex, which
means there are plently of job opportunities for characters. 
Flags:	11100
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60573
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	Keywords:	door trapdoor hatch
	ToVnum:	60576
	Flags:	1
	Material:	wood
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
   The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area. 
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60577
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60583
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	Keywords:	door trapdoor hatch
	ToVnum:	60575
	Flags:	1
	Material:	wood
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
    The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60578
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60576
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
    The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60579
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60577
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
    The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60580
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60578
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
    The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60579
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60581
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60584
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
    The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60580
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60582
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
    The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60581
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60583
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	In a Dark, Dank Basement
    The area below Ricky's Eatery is not the most pleasant place in the world.
Mildew and mold grows on the walls in abundance, and waste water drips down
from the ceiling into wet puddles on the floor. The area is barely
illuminated, and incredibly large, vicious rats scamper throughout the area.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60576
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60582
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Inside a Dusty Storeroom
   It doesn't look like anyone's been in here for ages. Crate after crate of
food has been stacked, most of them gnawed through by the ravenous rats in the
Flags:	1100
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60580
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Entrance to the Neophyte Guild
      The entrance to the guild has no door - it instead consists of a narrow
opening covered by a slightly-visible field of red light.  The building itself
is made of a greyish stone, and has no visible windows on this side of the
   Brand new characters should check out the Dantes Inferno nightclub for
quick, simple work to build their reputation in the shadows, and also to
develop contacts with other characters. To travel around the city, you can
HAIL a cab outside, get inside, and tell the driver where you want to go. 
Flags:	11100
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	32679
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60586
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60563
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Neophyte Parking Lot
      A very basic parking structure with a single level, yellow walls with
numbers by each parking space, and ugly florescent lights on the cold gray
concrete ceiling.  An exit to the east leads to the outside, but a large sign
in red block letters near the outer gate states plainly: ^R/**/ THIS IS A ONE
Flags:	110000000000000000011000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	32680
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60585
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Howie's Decks: Programs and Utilities
   Here a decker can purchase the SOFTWARE they need to interact properly in
the MATRIX with the shiny new CYBERDECK they bought downstairs.  Shelves
contain all the latest tools in shrink-wrapped boxes, but you notice that the
authenticity seals are missing.... 
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60546
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Howie's Decks: Entry-level Persona Chips
     Every decker knows that a CYBERDECK isn't complete without PERSONA chips.
These chips determine your attributes in the MATRIX, your ability to withstand
attacks, sense your surroundings, and hide yourself from the IC.  The maximum
rating of any of these chips is the MPCP of your CYBERDECK, and the combined
ratings of all the chips cannot exceed MPCP x 3. 
   Just to the east in the basement you see a much cleaner lab staffed by a
more professional man, perhaps the higher-quality chips can be had over there.
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60589
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60546
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Howie's Decks: The Good Stuff
   Just a glance inside this room you can tell that this is where the good
stuff is kept.  A young child with a datajack stands behind the counter
looking at you condescendly.  Here you see a small selection of quality
SOFTWARE for your CYBERDECK as well as some high-end PERSONA chips. 
Flags:	1000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60588
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Jarmines Talismongery
   Here mages of either shamanic or hermetic traditions can buy FOCI to help
augment their spell casting, conjuring and general magic abilities. If you
still have force points left over, you can use them now to BOND the FOCI,
otherwise it will cost you karma depending on the type, and force of the FOCI.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60541
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Programming Skills Training
   Not all deckers are primarily concerned with surfing the matrix all the
time. Some provide services to other deckers, like building a deck or
programming novahot utils. The skills here are to help with the program design
phase of program creation. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60511
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Etiquette Skills Training
   Etiquette skills are a must for anyone trying to buy items illegally. The
more you score on an etiquette test the quicker the shop keeper will get the
item in for you. Failure on the test will mean you will have to wait a MUD day
(48 real minutes) to try again. Negotiation is used seperately, and can aid
you with better prices in shops, and better rewards from johnsons. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60512
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Runner Survival Skills Training
   The skills in here are skills that didn't quite fit into other categories,
best reffered to as runners survival skills. Things that almost everyone has
atleast a couple of ranks in. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60506
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Spirit Combat
   Spirits are very dangerous in combat, especially to people without any
astral abilities. They have an immunity to physical weapons so can only be
effectively attacked in the astral plane. Mages can also BANISH spirits, any
mage can banish any spirit or elemental, even if they could not normally
control them.
   Banishing is dangerous to both parties however, as it can cause the mage to
temporarily lose magic, and if reduced to no magic, they may suffer permanent
magic loss.
   Any spirit that is banished is gone forever. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60595
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60522
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Aspected Mages
   Aspected Mages are people who have not fully awakened, they only have
access to part of the astral plane. Because of this no Aspected mage can
project, and they are very limited to what they can do with mage. Conjurers
can only conjure elementals and Sorcerers can only cast spells.
   Shamanists are a shaman only aspect, and they only have access to spells
and spirits that their totem gives them a bonus for.
   Elementalists are the most complex of the aspects, they are a purely
hermetic aspect. They can only cast spells and conjure spirits that correspond
to their element; Fire is Combat; Earth is Manipulation; Water is Illusion and
Air is Detection. No elementalist can cast Health spells.
   Aspected magicians can still astrally perceive and banish any spirit or
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60596
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60594
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Astral Projection
   Full Mages have complete access to the astral plane in the form of Astral
Projection. The mages leave their body behind and travel purely in spirit
form. This allows them to access areas they otherwise couldn't. When in astral
space, they can't interact with the physical plane in anyway, they are
completly non-corporal. Astral forms may MANIFEST though, which allows them to
be seen by people without astral vision, they can also be heard, though the
voice is purely in their head and can't be recorded.
   Only Mana based spells can be cast in astral space, and then, they can only
be cast on astral or dual beings, purely physical bodies cannot be targeted
from the astral plane. All drain taken in the astral plane causes physical
damage, regardless of force. You can also TRACK astral signatutes in the
astral plane. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60597
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60595
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Bonding Foci
   Foci are magical artifacts that help with spell casting. They can only be
used by a mage that has previously bonded them. The "HELP FOCI" file covers
them in more detail. Foci cost karma and time to bond, if you don't have
enough karma you will be told how much you need. Also, in Character Generation
you can bond Foci with Force Points.
   If you find a foci bonded by another mage, you can TRACK it back to its
owner with astral tracking or rebond it, which severes its link with its
previous owner and makes it usable by you. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60598
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60596
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Spells
   Now we come to the meat of awakened beings, spells. You have already been
awarded some Force Points based on wether you are a Full or Aspected Magician.
You can buy extra force points for the cost of 25000 nuyen by typing LEARN
FORCE. Also, mages can buy conjuring materials for the cost of 1 force point
per 1000 nuyen worth by typing LEARN CONJURING. The spells are divided into
categories. Go DOWN to continue with the tutorial. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60600
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60601
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60602
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT southeast]
	ToVnum:	60603
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60604
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60597
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60525
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	The Neophyte Guild Hotel Room
   This is the hotel room you're staying at. To return to the Neophyte Guild,
head down the stairs below. 
Flags:	10011100
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60565
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Combat Spell Training
   Combat spells are quick and dirty. They are designed specifically to
release mana in the most destructive fashion possible. They require little
concentration to cast, just the ability to channel alot of mana quickly. Mana
and stun spells only affect living targets, where as the others affect all
targets. Combat spells are represented by the Fire element. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60598
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Health Spell Training
   Health spells are designed to heal and manipulate the body. They are often
gentle spells, requiring intense concentration and physical contact with the
target of the spell. Health spells range from Healing to detoxifying the body
and increasing stats. Health spells have no elemental representitive. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT southwest]
	ToVnum:	60598
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Detection Spell Training
   Detection spells give the caster new senses, these sense are purely
magical, and operate beyond the 5 they are born with. This requires intense
concentration, as the caster is absorbing mana from the surrounding area and
analyzing it to provide the new sense. Detection spells are represented by the
Air Element. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60598
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Illusion Spell Training
   Illusion spells operate in a manner similar to manipulation spells. The
caster molds mana into specific constructs, creating intense visual
hallucinations. Most illusion spells only affect the minds of viewers, but
some also affect technological sensors, these are a lot harder to cast and are
on the border between manipulation and illusion spells. Illusion spells are
represented by the Water Elemental. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northwest]
	ToVnum:	60598
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Manipulation Spell Training
   Manipulation spells are concerned soley with creating solid constructs and
changing the laws of physics. They have the most widely varied effects of any
category of spells and even Earth Elementalists can fulfill a wide range of
rolls. Manipulation requires intense concentration and chanelling of vast
amounts of mana. Manipulation spells are represented by the Earth Element. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60598
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Combat Spell Training
You are in an unfinished room.
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
Name:	Purchasing Power Points
   To further improve their abilities adepts must gain more power points.
There are two methods for this, initiation or buying them with karma.
Powerpoints cost an adept 20 karma, and only 1 can be bought for every 50
reputation they have. To buy one, ask any Immortal, they all have the ability
to award them to you. Initiation will be covered later as it affects all
awakened characters. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60607
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60519
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Adept Commands
   Adepts have a few commands to go along with their powers. The Nerve Strike
power can be toggled on and off using the NERVESTRIKE command. While toggled
on, the adepts hand-to-hand combat will do no damage, but follow rules for
Nerve Strike. if the adept is wielding anything Nerve Strike will not be
   To use the Empathic Healing power the HEAL command is used, this requires a
target that is either lying down or unconcious. Pain relief uses the RELIEVE
command, and also requires a lying or unconcious target. Boosted attributes
are boosted by typing BOOST and then the name of the attribute that requires
boosting. Adepts with the Astral Perception power can also astrally perceiving
using the PERCEIVE command. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60518
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60606
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Armour
   There are two kinds of Armour in the world of Shadowrun; Ballistic and
Impact. Ballistic protects against bullets. Impact protects against slower
moving projectiles like arrows, fists, swords and explosions.
   Once more than one piece of armour is being worn at once a process known as
layering takes place. The highest rating piece of armour is applied in full,
then half the value of all other pieces is applied. The full total of all
pieces is used to calculate penalties though.
   If the unlayered value of your ballistic or impact armour values is greater
than your modified quickness you begin to experience penalties due to your
movement being restricted. You will move slower, lose combat pool, and have a
harder time using quickness based skills like athletics or ranged combat. Form
fitting armour is not included in the calculations for layering penalties
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60530
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60529
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Astral Actions
   Assensing is the process of carefully looking at the aura of a person,
spell or object and discerning otherwise unknown information from it. It can
be used to find out how much of a persons spirit remains in their body, the
location of any cyberware, who cast a spell and what force. Anything that is
magically active has an aura and so can be assenssed.
   ASSENSE is the command used to perform this action. People, foci, hermetic
circles, lodges, spirits and spells can all be assenssed for more information.
Infact you may wish to assense them before taking further action, so you don't
end up a big astral stain. The help file contains more information on the use
of this command.
   Astral Tracking is the process of taking a spell aura, and finding the
source. It can track anyone, anywhere in the world, aslong as you have an
astral link to them, this can be a spell they've cast, foci, a conjured
spirit, or even a shamanic lodge, anything they've left an astral signature
on. It takes time to TRACK someone, and if it takes more time than you can
stay projected due to essence loss you will have to resume again later. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60534
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60533
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Headware Cyberware
   Headware is all types of cyberware that go inside your head, but does not
include eye modifications. Help files can be found for most of the non-self
explanitory cyberware listed here. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60517
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Eye modification Cyberware
   Eye modification is a booming business in 2064, anything from cosmetic
modification to retinal duplicators to image magnification. If eye
modifications are bought in a package, essence reductions apply, so it is
usually best to do it this way. However, not always can you find your desired
modification in a package and will have to buy it seperatley. All vision
modifiers given by cyberware is treated as natural vision, and as such, mages
with electronic magnification cannot cast any spells that require line of
sight without projecting or perceiving. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60517
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Hand-based Cyberware
   Cyberware that belongs in your hands is sold here. Retractable cyberweapons
can be retracted and extended with the RETRACT command. Non-retractable
cyberweapons, and cyberweapons that are extended may arouse suspision from law
enforcement and corporate guards, so watch out. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT southeast]
	ToVnum:	60517
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Bodyware Cyberware
   The majority of cyberware is classified as bodyware, it has been seperated
into 2 categories here however so as to avoid information overload. This
section has everything that doesn't compeltly replace a system, help can be
found on most items here. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60517
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Systems Replacement Cyberware
   The cyberware here is made to replace one or more systems. From the
imposing obvious cyberskulls and torsos to the subtle dermal sheathing.
Obvious cyberware imposes serious social consequences, as even in 2064, most
people don't like dealing with someone packed full of machines. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT northeast]
	ToVnum:	60517
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Bioware Central
   Bioware aims to replace biological systems in your body with improved, man
made versions. This process is very complicated as it requires the new organs
to be matched closely to your body's existing biological makeup. While bioware
can offer great benefits, it is far more dangerous than Cyberware. Where
excessive Cyberware leads people to be very emotionally detached and
psychotic, Bioware causes intense physical problems. Lowered resistance to
diseases, longer healing periods and less resistance to deadly damage. All
characters can have a maximum of 9 Body Index points of Bioware. But once it
starts to exceed Essence Index (Essence + 3) the severe drawbacks begin to
kick in. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60618
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60617
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60619
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60616
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT up]
	ToVnum:	60517
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
[EXIT down]
	ToVnum:	60525
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Muscle Based Bioware
   Muscle based cyberware aims to replace the muscles with stronger vat grown
substitutes. The result is Muscle Augmentation and Muscle Toner. Replacements
for certain parts of muscles that either increase their strength, or increase
their speed. Enhanced Articulation makes your joints more flexible, allowing a
greater freedom of movement. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT east]
	ToVnum:	60615
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Cultured Bioware
   Cultured Bioware is protein matched to your unique DNA pattern to help
facilitate a more harmonic relationship with the body. The result is lower
Body Index cost. It does however cost a great deal more, and take a lot longer
to get ahold of as it must be individually grown to the users unique DNA. Some
bioware however has to be cultured to prevent the body from rejecting it. Any
bioware that is implanted in the brain must be Cultured, it does not however
receive the normal cultured bonuses as they are already factored in. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT west]
	ToVnum:	60615
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Health Based Bioware
   Health Based bioware replaces the functions of the lungs, kidneys and bone
marrow to help defend the body against poisons, disease and damage. Some of
them have their own drawbacks however. Nephritic Screens don't discriminate
between beneficial and non-beneficial substances in the blood stream. And
Platelet Factories can cause brain hemorrhage's and heart attacts due to
clotting of the blood. Symbiotes also require you to eat much more food to
stay healthy. 
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT south]
	ToVnum:	60615
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0
Name:	Misc. Bioware
   All the bioware that didn't fit into other sections is here. From eye
modifications to heart upgrades. There is little that Bioware can't
Flags:	11000
SecType:	Inside
MatrixExit:	0
	SpecIdx:	0
	Rating:	0
[EXIT north]
	ToVnum:	60615
	Flags:	0
	Material:	brick
	Barrier:	4
	KeyVnum:	0