Keywords:	piano
Name:	a beautiful piano
^nA beautiful, ^Wwhite^n piano sits here in the sand.^G~
The materials of this piano are constructed from something you have never
encountered before.  The smoothness repels everything, including dust.  You
also notice several wires plugged directly into the sand.
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	0
ExtraFlags:	101
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	1.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1000000
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Keywords:	key
Like the rest of the piano, the keys are perfectly smooth and show no signs
of wear.~
	Keywords:	wires
The wires run from the piano into the sand.  They look too dangerous to touch
though (besides the fact you might anger Flynn).~
Keywords:	dermal plating
Name:	a dermal plating I
A set of dermal plating made from plastisteel is here.~
You see an uncreative object.~
Type:	Cyberware
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	6000
	AvailTN:	4
	AvailDay:	12.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val0:	16
	Val1:	1
	Val4:	50
	Location:	Body
	Modifier:	3
Keywords:	wired reflexes
Name:	a wired reflexes I
A set of prototype wired reflexes lie here.~
You see an uncreative object.~
Type:	Cyberware
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	electronics
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	4
	Cost:	55000
	AvailTN:	4
	AvailDay:	8.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val0:	21
	Val1:	1
	Val4:	200
Keywords:	laser cannon flynns
Name:	Flynn's Laser Cannon
Flynn's giant laser cannon is sitting here waiting to hand out death.~
This piece of modern technology is huge!  The barrel is about a foot in 
diameter and stretches around 4 feet long.~
Type:	Weapon
WearFlags:	110000000000001
ExtraFlags:	100000000010
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	40.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1000000000
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val0:	50
	Val1:	4
	Val2:	1
	Val3:	323
	Val4:	18
Keywords:	derringer flyguys
Name:	FlyGuy's Derringer
FlyGuy's steel derringer has been dropped here.~
This a tiny but, for some reason, incredibly deadly weapon.
Type:	Weapon
WearFlags:	110000000000001
ExtraFlags:	100000000010
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	40.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val0:	50
	Val1:	4
	Val2:	1
	Val3:	324
	Val4:	11
Keywords:	laser sight
Name:	a laser sight
A laser sight lies here.~
It appears to be just a standard laser sight.
Type:	Gun Accessory
WearFlags:	100000000000001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	100000000000000
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	500
	AvailTN:	6
	AvailDay:	1.50
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val1:	-1
Keywords:	terminal computer
Name:	a terminal
A terminal displaying a screen saver sits here on the table.~
This is your standard terminal designed for communications between groups
of people.
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	0
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	1.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1000000
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	terminal kthx
Name:	a terminal
A small terminal rests here.~
It's a small terminal used primarily for note keeping.
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	0
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	roomflag scroll
Name:	a roomflag scroll
A roomflag scroll sits here.~
(DARK)             - if no light sources, only infravision can see in here
(DEATH)            - players die when they enter this room
(!MOB)             - no npcs can enter this room
(INDOORS)          - no weather messages get sent to these rooms, not outdoors
(PEACEFUL)         - players cannot perform offensive actions (kill, cast,
etc) (SOUNDPROOF)       - no gossip, auc, gratz, or tells are heard in this
(!TRACK)           - players can't track through these rooms
(!MAGIC)           - players can't cast magic in these rooms
(TUNNEL)           - only one player fits in this room at a time
(PRIVATE)          - if 2 people are in the room, imms cannot 'goto' it
(MGRROOM)          - only level 3+ can 'goto' these rooms
(HOUSE)            - DO NOT USE - used by mud internally
(HOUSE CRASH)      - DO NOT USE - used by mud internally
(ATRIUM)           - DO NOT USE - used by mud internally
(OLC)              - DO NOT USE - used by mud internally
(*)                - DO NOT USE - used by mud internally
(LOW_LIGHT)        - if no light, only low-light and infravision can see here
(MATRIX)           - required if this is a matrix room
(CRIME_OK)         - DO NOT USE - will become useless soon
(LIBRARY)          - room is a hermetic library (mages can create spells)
(LODGE)            - room is a medicine lodge (shamans can create spells)
(FALL)             - players fall when they enter
(CEOROOM)          - only 4+ can 'got' these rooms
(COIMPROOM)        - only 5+ can 'goto' these rooms
(IMPROOM)          - only 6s can 'goto' these rooms
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	sector type scroll
Name:	a sector type scroll
A sector type scroll is sitting here.~
INSIDE                 - not outside in the open
CITY                   - in the city
FIELD                  - in a field
FOREST                 - in the forest
HILLS                  - in the hills
MOUNTAIN               - in the mountains
WATER (swim)           - players can enter if they can swim
WATER (noswim)         - players need a boat or to fly to enter this room
UNDERWATER             - underwater, need an underwater vehicle
FLYING                 - need to be flying to enter this room
BLUE                   - blue matrix node (no security)
GREEN                  - green matrix node (small security)
ORANGE                 - orange matrix node (medium security)
RED                    - red matrix node (high security)
BLACK                  - black matrix node (ultra security)
Notes: Sector types outside the matrix affect many things including what
       type of light there is during the night.  Sector types in the 
       matrix MUST be from BLUE to BLACK.  Matrix sector types are always
       universal in the system, so that a system with blue sectors will
       have blue sectors throughout it.  Remember that high security costs
       money, and lots of it, so generally, unless its a big corp, it won't
       be able to afford much more than GREEN.
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	itemtype scroll
Name:	an itemtype scroll
An itemtype scroll is sitting here.~
LIGHT             - item is a light source
SCROLL            - item is a scroll
WAND              - item is a wand
STAFF             - item is a (magical) staff
WEAPON            - item is a weapon
FIREWEAPON        - item is a bow/crossbow
MISSILE           - item is an arrow/bolt
TREASURE          - item is a treasure, not a credstick
ARMOR             - item is armor
POTION            - item is a potion
WORN              - item is worn (not armor)
OTHER             - misc object
TRASH             - shopkeepers won't buy
DOCWAGON          - item is a DocWagon contract
CONTAINER         - item is a container
RADIO             - item is a radio (lets mortals see gossip/etc)
DRINKCON          - item is a drink container
KEY               - item is a keycard
FOOD              - item is food
MONEY             - item is a credstick
PHONE             - item is a phone (lets mortals use tell)
BIOWARE           - !!DO NOT USE!!
FOUNTAIN          - item is a fountain
CYBERWARE         - !!DO NOT USE!!
CYBERDECK         - item is a cyberdeck
PROGRAM           - item is a cyberdeck program
GUN_CLIP          - item is a clip
GUN_ACCESSORY     - item is a gun attachment
SPELL_FORMULA     - item is a spell formula
WORKING_GEER      - item is a kit
FOCUS             - item is a magical focus/spell lock
PATCH             - item is a stim/trauma/antidote/tranq patch
CLIMBING          - item is climbing gear
QUIVER            - item holds projectile or throwing weapons
DECK_ACCESSORY    - item is a cyberdeck accessory
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	extras item scroll
Name:	an item extras scroll
An item extras scroll lies here.~
  NB!!: DNS = Do Not Set
(GLOW)              - item is glowing
(HUM)               - item is humming
(!RENT)             - player cannot leave game with item
(!DONATE)           - item cannot be donated
(!INVIS)            - item cannot be made invisible
(INVISIBLE)         - item is invisible
(MAGIC)             - item is magical
(!DROP)             - item cannot be dropped
(BLESS)             - item is blessed
(!SELL)             - item cannot be sold
(CORPSE)            - DNS
(GOD_ONLY)          - only immortals can wear object
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	affect flag scroll
Name:	a mob affect scroll
An mob affect scroll lies here.~
  NB!!: DNS = Do Not Set
BLIND               - mob is blind
INVIS               - mob is invis
DET-ALIGN           - mob can detect align (DNS, no use)
DET-INVIS           - mob can detect invis
DET-MAGIC           - mob can detect magic (DNS, no use)
SENSE-LIFE          - mob can sense hidden chars (DNS, no use)
WATWALK             - mob can walk on water
SANCT               - DNS, there is no sanctuary
GROUP               - DNS, serves no purpose
CURSE               - mob is cursed
INFRA               - mob has infravision
POISON              - mob is poisoned
PROT-EVIL           - DNS, has no use
PROT-GOOD           - DNS, has no use
SLEEP               - mob has been slept
LL-EYES             - mob has low-light eyes
SNEAK               - mob is sneaking
HIDE                - mob is hiding
VISION x1           - mob can see 2 rooms away
CHARM               - DNS
ACTION              - DNS
VISION              - mob can see 3 rooms away
VISION x3           - mob can see 4 rooms away
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	mobflags scroll
Name:	a mobflags scroll
A mobflags scroll lies here.~
 NB!!!:  DNS = Do Not Set
(SPEC)                       - DNS - mob has a special procedure
(SENTINEL)                   - mob does not move
(SCAVENGER)                  - mob picks up objects in room
(ISNPC)                      - do not remove
(AWARE)                      - DNS - mob cannot be backstabbed (useless)
(AGGR)                       - mob is aggressive to all players
(STAY_ZONE)                  - mob will not leave its current zone
(WIMPY)                      - mob will flee if phys drops too low
(AGGR_ORK)                   - mob attacks orkish players
(AGGR_ELF)                   - mob attacks elvish players
(AGGR_DWARF)                 - mob attacks dwarvish players
(MEMORY)                     - mob will remember who attacked it
(HELPER)                     - mob will assist mobs fighting players
(!CHARM)                     - mob cannot be charmed (influence spell)
(DUAL)                       - mob is dual-natured
(!EXPLODE)                   - explosions don't hurt mob
(AGGR_TROLL)                 - mob attacks trollish players
(!BLIND)                     - equiv. of flare compensation
(ASTRAL)                     - mob exists on astral plane only
(GUARD)                      - mob follows ZSP (zone security protocol)
(AGGR_HUMAN)                 - mob attacks human players
(SNIPER)                     - mob can attack PCs outside if its room
(PRIVATE)                    - mob cannot be statted
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	mob notes set
Name:	a set of mob notes
A set of mob notes lies here.~
Notes on creating mobs:
There are many things which will determine values to be used on a mob.
The important thing to remember is that the mud treats the mobs JUST LIKE
PLAYERS.  What this means is that they have skills, attributes, and eq,
and those things determine how well the mob will perform in any
situation.  To determine things such as attributes for the mob, consider
this.  The highest number any human can have in any attribute (without
cyber modification) is 6.  What does this mean?  It means if you have a
mob, that is human sized, and it has strength 6, you are telling the mud
it's as strong as, say, Conan the Barbarian.  That's strong!  6 is the
strongest a human can be naturally!  Obviously something like a bear on
the other hand would have a strength of 9 to 12.  Perhaps the best way to
let you all see what sort of values exist, I'll put the maximum values
for the different races and an animal or three.
               Human   Elf    Dwarf   Ork    Troll   Bear  Dragon   Bat
Body:            6      6       7      9      11       9     15      1
Quickness:       6      7       5      6       5       4      7      5
Strength:        6      6       8      8      10       9     40      0
Charisma:        6      8       6      5       4       -      4      -
Intelligence:    6      6       6      5       4       2      4      1
Willpower:       6      6       7      6       5       2      8      1
Essence:         6      6       6      6       6       6      8      6
Magic:           6      6       6      6       6       -      -      -
Reaction:        6      6       5      5       4       5      5      6
Another quick note is that a creature should NOT have a magic attribute
above 0 unless you want it to cast spells!
As far as skills are concerend, use your judgement.  They don't all have
to have skills but it's good if they have skills related to what they
do.  If it's a secretary, give it corporate etiquette of 4 or 5.  Here's
a list of how good the values really are.
Skill level:
     0         unlearned
     1         knows a little
     2         practiced
     3         average
     4         above average
     5         good
     6         excellent
     7         great
     8         superb
     9         expert
For a character to know something at level 9, they are basically an
expert if not THE expert in what they do.  However, certain mobs, say a
doctor for example, would HAVE to have biotech of at least 8 or more
(unless you want them to be a shoddy doctor!).
As far as mob flags and such are concerned, if you're not sure if it
needs it, don't put it!  Though this is a fantasy world, we want it to be
logical.  Characters shouldn't just be running around with 'magical'
abilities granted by the mud.  Alot of flags were created to give the
mobs a fighting chance, but this was needed for the old system.  Trust
me, mobs are deadly enough without extra protection (=.
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	1
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	equation
Name:	an unfinished equation
A piece of a mathematical equation is here.~
It looks pretty much like an unfinished object~
Type:	Key
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	brick
	Weight:	1.00
	Barrier:	3
	Cost:	10
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	underoos shazam
Name:	Shazam underoos
A set of Shazam underoos have been left here!~
You see a set of red briefs with a gold lightning bolt running across the top.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	100000000001
ExtraFlags:	100000000000
AffFlags:	0
Material:	orichalcum
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	32
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	aquatic flippers
Name:	a set of aquatic flippers
There's a set of aquatic flippers lying here.~
They're blue, trapezoid, and webbed.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	1000001
ExtraFlags:	100000000000
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	0
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	chain mail hauberk
Name:	a chainmail hauberk
What the hell's a chainmail hauberk doing here?~
You see a medieval armored chainlink shirt.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	1001
ExtraFlags:	100000000000
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	0
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	gold chains
Name:	gold chains
Damn, there's some gold chains here!~
These are some nice gold chains...real pretty.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	101
ExtraFlags:	100000000000
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	0
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	pinky brain shirt
Name:	a Pinky & the Brain t-shirt
YES! Someone has left a Pinky & the Brain t-shirt here!~
On the front, the Brain has Pinky strapped to a chair. On the back, Pinky
is electrocuted by the Brain. No, it doesn't make sense.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	1001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	fabric
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	0
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	paper note
Name:	a note
A note lies here.~
You see an uncreative object.~
Type:	Radio
WearFlags:	100000000000001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	2
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	shorts jeans
Name:	a pair of faded jean shorts
A comfortable pair of jean shorts lie here.~
They look well worn and comfortable.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	100001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	fabric
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	2
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	shirt t-shirt
Name:	a baggy t-shirt
A baggy t-shirt lies here.~
With soft, comfortable cotton, this baggy t-shirt seems is an obvious
favorite for warm weather.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	1001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	fabric
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	2
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	shoes tennis k-swiss
Name:	a pair of K-Swiss
A nice looking pair of K-Swiss lie here.~
Almost all white, except the K-Swiss logo, these shoes look comfortable,
stylish, and durable.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	1000001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	fabric
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	2
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	bouquet white roses
Name:	a bouquet of white roses
A bouquet of white roses is here.~
You see a dozen white roses in a beautiful arrangement.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	100000000000001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	wood
	Weight:	1.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	100
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	note
Name:	a note
A note is here.~
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	dress
Name:	a flowery summer dress
A summer dress in a soft floral print lies here.~
A soft cotton summer dress smelling faintly of coconut suntan lotion 
lies draped in your arms.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	1001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	hat
Name:	a wide-brimmed straw hat
A wide-brimmed straw hat has been casually tossed here.~
This hat is perfect for shading Aerial's eyes from the harsh Texas
sun. (you know how sensitive northerners eyes can be)
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	10001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	sandals
Name:	a pair of strappy sandals
A pair of strappy sandals lie here.~
These sandals go perfectly with Aerial's summer dress.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	1000001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	collar
Name:	a red collar
Sebastian has left his red collar here.~
A sturdy, leather collar, just big enough to fit around Sebastian's neck.
A small locator chip is implanted in it so that Aerial can always locate
her beloved cat.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	101
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	leather
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	6
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	combat sense spell formula
Name:	a combat sense spell formula
A spell formula is lying here.~
It is titled: Combat Sense Spell Formula
Type:	Spell Formula
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	1500
	AvailTN:	3
	AvailDay:	4.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val0:	3
	Val1:	11
Keywords:	shades foster grants
Name:	FlyGuy's Foster Grants
FlyGuy's Foster Grants have been dropped here.~
These are cool, if admittedly retro, shades.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	10001
ExtraFlags:	100000000000
AffFlags:	10000000000000
Material:	orichalcum
	Weight:	400.00
	Barrier:	24
	Cost:	75000
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Location:	Weight
	Modifier:	30
Keywords:	wine
Name:	a bottle of chilled wine
A bottle of chilled wine sits here, ready to open.~
This bottle of palate-tempting semi-sweet wine is made from the grapes of the
Washington Cascade Valley. 
Type:	Liq Container
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	glass
	Weight:	2.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	500
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val0:	24
	Val1:	24
	Val2:	26
Keywords:	bread
Name:	a crusty loaf of french bread
A crusty loaf of french bread sits here, ready for you to break into.~
The bread is still warm from the oven, the delicious smells of it
causing your stomache to quietly rumble.
Type:	Food
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	terminal computer
Name:	a terminal
A computer terminal rests here on the hill.~
It has a screen saver of scenes from Star Wars.
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	0
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	computers
	Weight:	10000.00
	Barrier:	32
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	display schematic
Name:	Ship Schematic
A ship's schematic is displayed here~
This terminal displays a schematic of the ship. It appears that by touching an
item or area of the ship's diagram, you will be shown details of that area.
The areas available are:
Page 1   (Room 1000) Bridge of the Starship Enterprise (General Topics Board)
Page 2   (Room 1001) Administration Centre (Unused Board)
Page 3   (Room 1002) Deep Thought  (Mortal OOC Board)
Page 4   (Room 1003) Holodeck  (Senate Quest/RP Board)
Page 5   (Room 1004) Ten Forward ( Builders Board)
Page 6   (Room 1005) A Postal Substation
Page 7   (Room 1006) Shuttle Bay of the Starship Enterprise (Unused Board)
Page 8   (Room 1007) Bug Heaven  (Coders Board)
Page 9   (Room 1010) Captain's Ready Room (linked to Pook's Mortal IC Board)
Page 10  (Room 1011) The War Room ( Senate Proposal/Bill/Amendment Board)
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	0
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	computers
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	32
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	cap goat horn
Name:	a goat-horn cap
A goat-horn cap sits on the floor.~
A simple black cotton cap, with great, curling goat horns attached to
either side.  It seems typical for an Enchanter's costume.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	10001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	organic
	Weight:	3.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	robe tattered black
Name:	a tattered black robe
A tattered black robe lies in a heap.~
It might have been a great garment, once, but since its fabrication it
has undergone many trials of thorns and fire, leaving it a bundle of
tattered rags.
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	10000000001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	fabric
	Weight:	1.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	staff wooden thin
Name:	a thin wooden staff
A thin wooden staff leans against a wall.~
A straight stick of wood, possibly made of oak.  It has burn marks on
either end.
Type:	Weapon
WearFlags:	10000000000001
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	2.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val1:	2
	Val2:	2
	Val3:	305
	Val4:	4
	Val5:	-1
	Val6:	2
	Val7:	-1
	Val8:	-1
	Val9:	-1
Keywords:	scarf silk magenta
Name:	a magenta scarf
A magenta scarf is lying here.~
This is a designer Anne Klein IV scarf. It probably cost a month's rent. 
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	101
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	fabric
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	1000
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	computer terminal board
Name:	a computer terminal
A terminal is here connected to the warp core.~
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	0
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	computers
	Weight:	2147483648.00
	Barrier:	32
	Cost:	2147483647
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	computer terminal board kthx
Name:	a computer terminal
A computer terminal is setting on a desk here.~
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	0
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	computers
	Weight:	2147483648.00
	Barrier:	32
	Cost:	2147483647
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	test map
Name:	A Test Map
A test map is lying here.~
^n      -----
^n     |     |
^n     |     |
^n     o-----o
^n     |     |
^n     |     |
^n     o-----o-----o
^n     |     |     |
^n     |     |     |
^n     o-----o-----o
^n           |     |
^n           |     |
^n           o-----o---^BX^n
Type:	Other
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	ignore mavricks cheatlog his trigger went off
Name:	ignore mavricks cheatlog his trigger went off
An unfinished object is lying here.~
It looks pretty much like an unfinished object~
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	0
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	Character fixer
Name:	a character fixer
A character fixer is lying here.~
It fixes characters. 
Type:	Worn
WearFlags:	111
ExtraFlags:	10
AffFlags:	1111111111111111111110
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	0
	AvailTN:	0
	AvailDay:	0.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
Keywords:	clairvoyance spell formula scroll
Name:	a clairvoyance spell forumla
A scroll is lying here.~
It's a spell formula for 'clairvoyance.' 
Type:	Spell Formula
WearFlags:	1
ExtraFlags:	101001000001
AffFlags:	0
Material:	paper
	Weight:	0.00
	Barrier:	1
	Cost:	600
	AvailTN:	6
	AvailDay:	2.00
	LegalNum:	0
	LegalCode:	0
	LegalPermit:	0
	Val0:	6
	Val1:	10