Daleken 1.12 Release

This file contains scripts and it will contain the executable file for the

=== The startup scripts

start		- Is the start script for the startup script.  System errors
		  are saved in a file called errors.out in the log directory.
startup		- Is the startup script for EnvyMud using CSH
startupSH	- Is the startup script for EnvyMud using SH

On most systems, typing './start' in the src directory is adequate for you.

The startup script will create a number log file starting from 1000.log in
the log directory.  Should your game crash, and you have enabled core dumps
by setting your 'LIMIT coredumpsize unlimited' (see your system manual for
information on the command LIMIT), you will have a core file with a name
matching the appropriate log file in your src directory.

The startup script will run the executable named 'daleken'.

NOTE:  Make will create a file named 'daleken.new', the startup script will
automatically rename this for you.

These scripts allow you to compile and test your code without worrying about
touching the running mud.  When you are done testing your testmud,
rename it as daleken.new in the src directory and reboot your "real" mud.
The startup script will automatically update your running executable
and backup your old one by renaming it 'daleken.old'.  Copyover will also
allow you to copy the code over by the same method in game.

=== Cygwin Users

Please place the executable in the bin/ directory with the extension .exe.
This will ensure that you will get the program running.  In order to run
the startup scripts you will have to overwrite the start file with the file
start.CYGWIN and the startup file with the startup.CYGWIN before running
the program.  I'm not sure if this is strictly needed but you'll soon find
out if it is.

Note also that the path must include the location of Cygwin1.dll.  If it
doesn't, add this file to c:\windows\system, that is the easiest way.
(A nice side benefit is that you can run other Cygwin programs from explorer
without nasty side effects.)

=== Other files.

There are a few additional files contained in this directory.

buildupdate 	- a perl script to update the data/SYSINFO.TXT file
		  with build numbers etc...
checkconfig	- a perl script that checks for the existence of ispell
		  (aspell) and fortune and reconfigures data/SYSINFO.TXT
debug		- a dodgy little script which starts gdb with daleken loaded.
gsub		- replace $1 with $2 using perl, cheap and nasty.
tagupdate	- a script to run through .c files and update TAGS files if
		  enough of the files are changed.

This directory is also where the executable files for daleken are stored,
this makes it easy to keep track of executables.