# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1024369007;

Area {
Name	"The Highways of Daleken";
Plane	"Koronin";
Builders	"Kaz";
Repop	"The crickets begin to chirp again.&n\n";
LVnum	800;
UVnum	2800;
Security	5;
Temp	5;
Economy	999;

Mobile {
Vnum	800;
Name	"traveller man";
Short	"a traveller";
Long	"A traveller walks along the dusty road.\n";
Desc	"This man's dusty clothing shows that he has been walking for years\n
without end, yet the look in his eyes and the carefree gait of his step\n
proves beyond a doubt that he has been happy with his life.\n";
Level	5;
Act	(npc stay_area);
Sex	(male);

Object {
Vnum	800;
Name	"staff travellers well-worn";
Short	"a traveller's staff";
Long	"The well-worn staff of a travelling man sits here.\n";
Level	5;
Weight	4;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take double);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(.), 0, 0, (<weapon> pound)];
Object {
Vnum	801;
Name	"large sign";
Short	"a sign";
Long	"A large sign stands here, pointing the way.";
Level	1;
Cost	1;
Weight	10000;
Type	(furniture);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(<furniture> stand-on stand-at rest-on rest-in sleep-in sleep-at), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	802;
Name	"sign rotten wooden";
Short	"a rotten wooden sign";
Long	"A rotten wooden sign leans over the road.\n";
Level	1;
Cost	1;
Weight	10000;
Type	(furniture);
Extra	(fragile);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(<furniture> stand-on stand-at rest-on rest-in sleep-in sleep-at), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	803;
Name	"signpost";
Short	"a signpost";
Long	"A signpost stands here in the middle of the intersection.";
Level	1;
Cost	1;
Weight	10000;
Type	(furniture);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(<furniture> stand-on stand-at rest-on rest-in sleep-in sleep-at), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	804;
Name	"wooden sign";
Short	"a wooden sign";
Long	"A wooden sign hangs from the wall.";
Level	1;
Cost	1;
Weight	10000;
Type	(furniture);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(<furniture> stand-on stand-at rest-on rest-in sleep-in sleep-at), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	805;
Name	"sign pole";
Short	"a sign";
Long	"A tall post with a sign hanging from it stands here.";
Level	1;
Cost	1;
Weight	10000;
Type	(furniture);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(<furniture> stand-on stand-at rest-on rest-in sleep-in sleep-at), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	806;
Name	"sign wooden old";
Short	"an old wooden sign";
Long	"An old wooden sign hangs from a boulder.";
Level	1;
Cost	1;
Weight	100000;
Type	(furniture);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(<furniture> stand-on stand-at rest-on rest-in sleep-in sleep-at), 0, 0, 0];

Room {
Vnum	800;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The bright green trees are alive with birds and small animals.  A small\n
cat runs across your path in it's desperate chase to catch a bird.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	920;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	801;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4119;
} ];
Resets	{
# a traveller to room.
  M 800 10;
Room {
Vnum	801;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You are standing on a rough dirt road just outside of Daleken City.  The\n
path continues north into the trees of a forest, and south across a field\n
running wild with untended wheat.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	800;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3003;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	802;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	802;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The road here splits apart a pair of wild fields, both full of untended\n
wheat.  You can see a T-intersection to the south, and to the north lies the\n
gate of Daleken City, and beyond that, the darkness of a forest.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	801;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	803;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	803;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You are standing at a dusty T-intersection where the Great Eastern Road\n
continues north and south, and branches to the west. The Wheat field on\n
the eastern side of the road stops here, and you can now see the ocean\n
far to the east, and a number of fine looking stallions running through\n
the low brush as the lad dips towards the water.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	802;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	804;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	814;
} ];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"signpost sign";
Text	"&/                  &2      &x    &2       &x\n
           &2                               &x\n
      &2                                      &x\n
   &2                                            &x\n
    &2                                          &x\n
       &2     &3  &x    &2       &3   &x   &2           &x\n
           &3     &x     &3      &x        &2   &x\n
      &3  &x    &3     &x  &3      &x                    &3  &x\n
      &3  &k&7  North -- Daleken City              &3  &x\n
      &3  &k&7  West  -- Jurassic Park, Nargis     &3  &x\n
      &3  &k&7            Old McDonald's Farm      &3  &x\n
      &3  &k&7  South -- Redwall                   &3  &x\n
      &3  &x     &3           &x                     &3  &x\n
      &3  &x     &3           &x                     &3  &x\n
      &3  &x     &3           &x                     &3  &x\n
      &3  &x    &3             &x                    &3  &x\n
      &3  &x                                     &3  &x\n
      &3  &x                                     &3  &x\n";
Resets	{
# a sign to room.
  O 801;
Room {
Vnum	804;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The road here is bordered on both sides by fences, the one to the west blocking\n
access to the southern end of a large field of wheat, while the one\n
to the east blocks your way into a field of wild brush in which a\n
herd of wild horses run.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	803;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	805;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	805;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You now stand a T-intersection, with branches to the north, east and west.\n
To the north the Great Eastern Road leads into large fields of wheat.\n
To the east it winds it's way lazily to the sandy shoreline, while to\n
west it enters a set of stony hills that carry on as far as you can see.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	804;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	806;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3100;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	806;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The road here is more just a path cut through the rockier higher shore of the\n
beach to the east. To the west lie the first of many hills that stretch\n
towards the horizon, and further south along the beach you can see the\n
jutting headland as the land curves east again.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	807;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	805;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	807;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"All along the rocky beach scavenging birds scour the shoreline for fish\n
and other seafood that may have been caught in a tidal pool.  To both the\n
north and south is more of the same rocky beach.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	806;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	808;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	808;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The rocky beach slowly smooths into a coarse sand, making it much easier\n
to walk along.  The beach continues north and south.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	807;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	809;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	809;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The road splits away from the beach here as the shore becomes much more\n
rocky and looks almost impassable.  Through the rocks to the south you can\n
see a farmhouse nestled on a hill where the land spreads to the east in a\n
jutting point of rock.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	808;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	810;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	810;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The grass gets shorter as you walk back into the hills, and soon is\n
little more than ankle-height.  A few rabbits run around off to the north,\n
while to the south you can see a quaint farmhouse surrounded by a large\n
blooming orchard.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	809;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	811;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	811;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You can't help but feel a sense of well-being and complete calm as you\n
wander along here, and you realize you are in no hurry to reach your\n
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	810;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	812;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	812;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The swaying grass seems to be calling you to lie down and sleep amongst\n
it's soft, comfortable blades.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	811;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	813;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	813;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The road here continues to the north into swaying grass, while to the\n
south you can see the road as it turns west, whiel a small farmhouse has\n
been built near the corner, just away from the road.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	812;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	814;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The rough road passes between two large fields, the one to the south full\n
of wheat, while the field to the north is full of  miscellaneous\n
farm animals. both fences are made of huge oak beams, and you\n
don't feel up to climbing over just here.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	803;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	815;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	815;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The two fields continue here, but both have gates set into the huge\n
fences.  The gate to the south is small, and is currently open, while the\n
north gate is closed so none of the animals wandering near it can escape.  A\n
large sign above the gate proclaims this to be Old Macdonald's Farm.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	814;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	13012;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	816;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	816;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The field on the north side of the road finishes at a large wooden fence,\n
and from there trees begin to thicken into a light forest that the\n
road seems to follow quite closely for some way.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	815;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	817;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	817;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"A narrow path branches off to the north here, delving into the lightly\n
wooded forest. Tarok Road continues to the south as it borders both\n
this forest and a field of wheat.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	818;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	816;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	827;
} ];
Resets	{
# a sign to room.
  O 805;
Room {
Vnum	818;
Name	"A Wooden Bridge";
Desc	"A broad river cuts across the path here, and the main feature is a huge,\n
old wooden bridge.  It is in need of immediate repairs, although it is still\n
quite useable.  To the north a huge tower juts from the trees.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4300;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	817;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	819;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	819;
Name	"A Rocky Path Through The Trees";
Desc	"Small stones skip out from under your feet as you walk along here, flying\n
into the sparse trees to either side of you, ocassionally disturbing\n
a small animal.  In the distance to your west you can see that the\n
forest thickens somewhat.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	818;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	820;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	820;
Name	"A Rocky Path Through The Trees";
Desc	"The trees here begin to thicken slightly, but are still fairly sparse. To\n
the north the trees continue endlessly, while to the south you can\n
see an overgrown field in the distance.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	819;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	821;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	821;
Name	"A Rocky Path Through The Trees";
Desc	"The path turns abruptly here, continuing to the north while narrowing slightly.\n
From here on in you can see that the forest thickens quite a bit.\n";
Flags	(forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	822;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	820;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	822;
Name	"The Edge Of The Forest";
Desc	"The forest looms up in front of you, blocking your way except for a small\n
trail through the brush.  A strange shadow flits out of sight to your left,\n
and then another to your right. A narrow path also strikes off to the north.\n";
Flags	(no_mob forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	6201;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	821;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	823;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	823;
Name	"The Edge Of The Forest";
Desc	"The sharp brambles tug at your clothes and scratch your bare skin.  You\n
battle your way through, and finally seeing a break in the trees you\n
scramble towards it.\n";
Flags	(dark solitary no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	822;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	824;
} ];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"signpost sign";
Text	"&/      &3  &x\n
      &3  &k&7  North -- Zoth           &x\n
      &3  &k&7  East  -- Daleken City   &x\n
      &3  &k&7  South -- Faerie Hollow  &x\n
      &3  &x\n
      &3  &x\n
      &3  &x\n
      &3  &x\n
      &3  &x\n
      &3  &x\n
      &3  &x\n
      &3  &x\n";
Room {
Vnum	824;
Name	"A Forest Path";
Desc	"The trees break open into a narrow path, which continues on to your west\n
further into the forest.  A loud howl from your left makes you\n
glance from the corner of your eye just in time to see a flitting\n
shadow fly over your head, then disappear.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	823;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	825;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	825;
Name	"A Forest Path";
Desc	"The path widens here to about the width of two men, but still the dark\n
shadows twist and dance to either side of the path, making you glance warily\n
every now and again.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	824;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	826;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	826;
Name	"A Forest Path";
Desc	"The trees close in on the path once again, tugging at your loose\n
clothing, trying to hold you back.  Another howl splits the air, and you\n
start to think that the attempts of the trees is a warning best taken.\n";
Flags	(no_mob no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	9800;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	825;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	827;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The wide road winds slowly around the edge of the forest, weaving it's\n
way in and out of various small trees.  The loose earth of the\n
track flies up around your legs with every step as you stamp along,\n
eventually reaching your nose and making you sneeze.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	817;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	828;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	828;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The road finally takes it's leave from the fields of Wheat, and now begins\n
to wind through low hills.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	827;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	829;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	829;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The wide road winds slowly through the farthest reaches of the Tanarian\n
Hills, weaving it's way in and out of the crests and troughs.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	828;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	830;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	830;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"Small animals run amongst the gently rolling hills, ocassionally running\n
across your path, before seeing you, then run away even faster. The road\n
continues north towards the forest, east into the hills, and west towards\n
an open field.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	829;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3186;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	831;
} ];
Resets	{
# a traveller to room.
  M 800 10;
Room {
Vnum	831;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The hills slowly even out, reaching flatness again as the green plants also\n
disappear as you walk farther into a large unending field of dried\n
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	830;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	832;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	832;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The flat ground seems to continue endlessly except for the now distant forest\n
far to the north and the sight of tall mountains on the horizon to\n
the west and south.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	831;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	833;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	833;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The loose earth here spins and blows in a wild dance as you walking along\n
disturbing it.  Small animals play just off to each side of the road,\n
squealing now and again as they frollick together.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	832;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	834;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	834;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The road seems to be becoming much sandier, and noticing the increasing\n
temperature and the lack of physical features to the south, you think\n
that Tarok Road may border on the impassably dry Kordia Desert.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	833;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	835;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	835;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The small amount of brown vegetation seems to be clinging wildly to it's\n
hard existence amongst this sandy soil. Far to the west you can see\n
that the a small amount of green clings to the fields.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	834;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	836;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	836;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"A warm wind blows from the southeast, and you realize that the road comes\n
close to the Kordia desert, but does not actually enter it. To the\n
west the ground seems to become firm again, and a lot more grass\n
clings to the side of the road.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	835;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	837;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	837;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"Brown grasses grow wildly here, for some reason growing closer to the road\n
than you think they might normally.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	836;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	838;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	838;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"A small path branching to the north continues until it meets a thickly\n
wooded forest and the grass around you grows slightly greener here due to\n
it's closeness.  The grass to the south however seems to be growing in much\n
thinner soil.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	839;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	837;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	843;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	839;
Name	"A Path Into The Trees";
Desc	"The grass and small trees slowly give way to larger trees as you make\n
your way into the forest.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	840;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	838;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	840;
Name	"A Path Through The Trees";
Desc	"The trees here grow thicker, occasionally bending in towards the path.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	839;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	841;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	841;
Name	"A Dark Forest Path";
Desc	"The thickening trees close in on the path, making you crouch a little to\n
get passed some of the branches.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	842;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	840;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	842;
Name	"A Dark Forest Path";
Desc	"The path is now covered in a canopy of trees that grow over the wide\n
path.  The dark, moist earth compacts slightly as you walk, leaving definite\n
footprints in the soft soil.  Up ahead you can see that the path opens out,\n
and a huge pair of gates blocks the way.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	500;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	841;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	843;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The clumps of brown grass seem to outnumber the greener patches as the\n
ground becomes much drier.  A few small shrubs have somehow been able to\n
take root here.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	838;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	844;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	844;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"Tarok Road starts to angle slowly up towards the nearing Thakkrad Range,\n
within which lies the huge Mount Nargis, the largest peak in all of Koronin\n
and Farthin.  A small hill currently blocks your view of most of the nearby\n
foothills, although you can clearly see the vast mountain range beyond.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	843;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	845;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	845;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"Here, Tarok Road starts to twist slightly, weaving in and out of the huge\n
boulders strewn about the foothills of Thakkrad Range by the Great Rending.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	844;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	846;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	846;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"You are now climbing through the densely rocky foothills ascending into\n
the Tharkkad Range, the mountains that split the habitated lands that\n
surround Daleken City from the Badlands many miles to the west.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	845;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	847;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	847;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"Looking up and to your west you can see that you still have quite a hike\n
before you reach Nargis Pass, the ancient gate to the Dwarven Principality\n
of Nargis.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	846;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	848;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	848;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"Tarok Road now leaves the foothills, climbing along the edge of a low\n
cliff that soon ascends into the mountainous heights, climbing steeper and\n
steeper into the Tharkkad Range.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	847;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	849;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	849;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	850;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	848;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	850;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"Huge peaks now loom up above you, monstrous towers of rock grown from the\n
land during the Great Rending.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	849;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	851;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	851;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"A sign has been hugn on a boulder that almost blocks any further passage\n
into the mountains. The writing is old, but still readable.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	850;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	852;
} ];
Resets	{
# an old wooden sign to room.
  O 806;
Room {
Vnum	852;
Name	"Tarok Road";
Desc	"The huge granite gates that lead to the Dwarven Principality of Nargis\n
tower high above you to the west.  A narrow ledge leading around the\n
mountain to your south curves around to a dark cave that descends into the\n
bowels of the peak, and loud hammering echoes from the tunnel entrance.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	854;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	851;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	853;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	853;
Name	"A Narrow Ledge";
Desc	"The ledge you are on is so narrow that you have to inch your way around,\n
watching your step so as not to fall down into the shadowy abyss below.  The\n
rocks crumble from under your feet, but you luckily keep your footing.\n";
Flags	(private);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	852;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	8200;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	854;
Name	"The Miner's Dump";
Desc	"Tons of rubble has been dumped off the side of the mountain here, a sign\n
of just how much work has been done in the nearby Dwarven Mine.  The rubble\n
has piled up, creating a slightly unstable addition to the side of the\n
mountain slightly to your north.  It doesn't look too safe either, so it\n
might not be a good idea to venture any closer to the edge.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	855;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	852;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	855;
Name	"The Miner's Dump";
Desc	"The unsteady rubble shifts and slides under your weight as you walk along\n
the precariously piled miner's waste.  At any second you feel the rocks\n
could give way under you and send you plummeting into the chasm below.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	854;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	858;
} ];
MudProg	{
Type	(rand_prog);
Args	"50";
Comlist	"echo The rubble shifts dangerously beneath your feet.\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(rand_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if exist($r)\n
if isflying($r)\n
echoat $r A small avalanche folds over you, dragging you down!\n
trans $r 858\n
echo The unsteady rubble shifts and gives way!\n
echoat $r You can't stop yourself from falling!\n
trans $r 856\n
Room {
Vnum	856;
Name	"Amidst the Rubble";
Flags	(no_mob no_portal fall forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	857;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	857;
Name	"Amidst the Rubble";
Flags	(no_portal fall forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	858;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	858;
Name	"The Bottom of the Miner's Dump";
Desc	"You now stand at the bottom of the Dwarven miner's dump, buried knee-deep\n
in ancient shale, basalt and sandstone.  Amongst the rocks you can see the\n
ocassional glimmer of a semi-precious gem, but not much other than that.\n";
Flags	(no_mob no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Room {
Vnum	860;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The rough road continues north towards the sea, while to the west the\n
road becomes much sandier.  To your east is a small gate allowing access to\n
the yard surrounding a small farmhouse.\n";
Flags	(no_mob no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Room {
Vnum	861;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The dust at your feet is mingled her with sand.  To the east you can see\n
a small farmhouse at a corner in the road, while to the west you can see the\n
rolling hills turning into windswept sand-dunes.\n";
Flags	(no_mob no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Room {
Vnum	869;
Name	"In A Garden";
Desc	"You are standing in the garden surrounding an expansive farmhouse. To the\n
east the garden melts away into a blossoming orchard that stretches\n
into the distance.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	870;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	870;
Name	"A Blossoming Orchard";
Desc	"The blossoming fruit trees have laced the air with a multitude of mingling\n
scents. Fallen petals have carpeted the ground in a pink and yellow\n
flurry of colour, softening your footfalls into silence.\n";
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	8600;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	869;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	900;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	901;
} ];
Resets	{
# a traveller to room.
  M 800 10;
Room {
Vnum	901;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	902;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	900;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	902;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	903;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	901;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	903;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	902;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	904;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	904;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	905;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	903;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	912;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	905;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	906;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	904;
} ];
Resets	{
# a traveller to room.
  M 800 10;
Room {
Vnum	906;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	907;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	905;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	907;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	908;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	906;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	908;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	909;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	907;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	909;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	910;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	908;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	910;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	911;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	909;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	911;
Name	"A Rocky Path";
Desc	"The gentle grasses give way to hardier plants as the drying ground\n
becomes almost uninhabitable in it's transition from dirt to sand.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	910;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	912;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(hot);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	904;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	913;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	913;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	912;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	914;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	914;
Name	"The Kordia Desert";
Flags	(no_portal hot forage);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	913;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4800;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	920;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The forest opens up slightly to the east to allow you a glimpse of the\n
nearby shoreline, waves crashing mightily against the rocky beach.\n
To the south you can see the path branching off, and to the north\n
it turns towards the west.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	921;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	800;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	921;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"A few small birds fly about this small clearing, chasing a multitude of\n
butterflies that have been attracted by the flowers that line the path.\n
The road abruptly turns here. Far to the west you can see a signpost,\n
while to the south you can barely make out a branch in the road.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	920;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	922;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	922;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The canopy of trees closes over you once again, blocking most of the suns\n
rays from entering. To the west is an old signpost and a branch\n
in the path, while to the west the path turns to the south.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	921;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	923;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	923;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The road you have been travelling on stops at this intersection of paths.\n
The main road continues to the north and east, while a trail\n
leads into a wood to the south.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	924;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	922;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5326;
} ];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"signpost sign";
Text	"signpost\n";
Resets	{
# a signpost to room.
  O 803;
Room {
Vnum	924;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"Passing a large tree to your left, you can now see the road in both directions.\n
To the west the trees clear into a wooded field, while to the south\n
you can see a signpost where the road branches off.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	923;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	925;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	925;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"To the north you can see the road meets with the shore of the Bay of Zorthen,\n
and in the mist-shrouded distance across the bay you can see a large\n
ferry making a journey across the vast waters.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	926;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	924;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	926;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"Now walking along the shore of Bay of Zorthen, you can see the huge expanse of\n
water spread out before you. To the south you can see the road\n
disappeears into a thick screen of trees. To the west you can see\n
a small hut next to a wharf where the Zorthen Ferry docks.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	925;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	927;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	927;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The hugeness of the bay of Zorthen awes you to silence here, as the sun's\n
image shimmers lazily on the surface of the water. To the west lies\n
a small hut and a wharf.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	926;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	928;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	928;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You are now standing at the landward side of the a small wharf. A small hut\n
stands next to it, and beside the door stands a man waiting to take\n
your fare.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	929;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	927;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	930;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	929;
Name	"A Small Wharf";
Desc	"You are standing on a rickety old wharf out above the waters of the Bay of\n
Zorthen. A man stands here ready to take your money, and the ferry is\n
docked here in front of you, waiting for passengers.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	928;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	930;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The road here follows the shore of the Bay of Zorthen, closely hugging the\n
shimmering waters. To the east you can see the wharf where the\n
Zorthen ferry docks, while to the east you can see the northern\n
side of a forest where the road rejoins it.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	928;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	931;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	931;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	930;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	932;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	932;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	931;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	933;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	933;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	932;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	934;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	934;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	933;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	935;
} ];
Resets	{
# a traveller to room.
  M 800 10;
Room {
Vnum	935;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	934;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	936;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	936;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	935;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	937;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	937;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	938;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	936;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	938;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	937;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	939;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	939;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	938;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	940;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	940;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	939;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	941;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	942;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	941;
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	940;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	942;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The Great Eastern Road is temporarily closed beyond this point for\n
necessary repairs due to major flood damage. We apologize for any\n
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	943;
Flags	(door closed locked bashproof pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	940;
} ];
Resets	{
# a traveller to room.
  M 800 10;
Room {
Vnum	943;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	942;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	944;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	944;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	945;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	943;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	945;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	944;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	946;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	946;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	945;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	947;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	947;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	946;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	948;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	948;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	949;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	947;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	949;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	950;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	948;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	950;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	951;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	949;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	951;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You are climbing a mountain range that splits the continent of Kadath\n
from east to west, straight across it's centre. On the other side lies\n
Farthin, and in the centre of this Province lies Zoth, a city rumoured\n
to contain innumerable wonders to amaze the eye. On this side however\n
lies Daleken City, which you have already been to, so it doesn't hold\n
much wonder anymore.\n";
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	952;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	950;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	952;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The thinning air starts to trouble your breathing, and with every few\n
feet you walk you gasp harder for air.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	953;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	951;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	953;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"A narrow ledge along the side of this mountain is now your only path,\n
but you can see that in the past it has been well used.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	952;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	954;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	954;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The ledge hugs closely to the side ofthe mountain, occasionally dipping\n
out of sight around the mountain's twisting side.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	953;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	955;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	955;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"Echoing to your ears from many miles away through the desolate stony range\n
comes the sound of metal on stone. Most probably coming from a mining\n
party from Zoth, you still think that you should keep an eye out for\n
any danger.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	954;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	956;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	956;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"the ledge here widens enough to take about two carts side-by-side. Just\n
to your west you can see the road branches, one path taking you along\n
the mountain range, while another takes you further in by way of a\n
man-made pass.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	955;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	957;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	957;
Name	"The Entrance To Kurgen Pass";
Desc	"You now stand at a T-intersection in the road. The east and west branches\n
continue to follow the curve of the mountains, the east leading back\n
to more fertile parts, while the west towards the western extremes\n
of the mountains. To the north the path enters a man-made pass through\n
the range.\n";
Flags	(no_portal forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	958;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	956;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	978;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	958;
Name	"Kurgen Pass";
Desc	"The tall peaks loom over the pass, blocking the sun from reaching you. The\n
wide pass was cleared many years ago, and only a few large boulders\n
and a multitude of smaller rocks that must have been dislodged from\n
the rocky heights now remain.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	959;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	957;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	959;
Name	"Kurgen Pass";
Desc	"Hidden from the sun's warming rays, the pass is freezing cold, even during\n
the day. Suddenly the sound of huge wings flapping catches your\n
attention, but looking up you cannot see the source of this sound.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	960;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	958;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	960;
Name	"Kurgen Pass";
Desc	"The sound of flapping wings still beats in your ears, but still you cannot\n
see the source of this sound. One of the taller mountains to the\n
west looks climbable, and possibly will lead to the source of\n
the flapping wings.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	961;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	959;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	961;
Name	"Kurgen Pass";
Desc	"The Pass has been cut into the side of a mountain, and here part of the\n
mountain roofs over the Pass, forming an area protected from both\n
the sun and the weather. There is still enough light to see by\n
from the entrance to this cave.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	962;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	960;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	962;
Name	"Kurgen Pass";
Desc	"The natural roof formed by the mountain that this part of the Pass has been\n
cut from slopes down low towards you where the miners could not be\n
bothered cutting away more rock.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	963;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	961;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	963;
Name	"The Entrance To Kurgen Pass";
Desc	"The Pass ends here in the shadow of the largest mountain you've ever seen.\n
You can see for miles to the north and west, while to the east a\n
mountain juts out from the rest, blocking your view. Far to the north,\n
nestled amongst huge fields lies Zoth, the largest city in Farthin.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	962;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	964;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	964;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You are climbing a mountain range banded on this side by a strip of\n
desert-like terrain that precedes the fertile lands that surround\n
Zoth. The coarse sandy earth cannot support any plant life, and so\n
no animals live near this part of the mountain range.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	963;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	965;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	965;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"Following the road on it's twisting journey, you are now aware of the echoing\n
sound of beating wings, brought to you on a gentle wind from the south.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	964;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	966;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	966;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"Only slightly above the level of the flatlands to the north, your view\n
of Zoth is eclipsed by a small rocky hill that juts from the\n
foothills along the mountain range.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	965;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	967;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	967;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	966;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	968;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	968;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	967;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	969;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	969;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The lowlands surrounding Zoth now stretch out ahead of you. Just to the\n
north is a small band of sandy terrain before entering the fertile\n
farmland around Zoth, while further up the mountain the road swings\n
out of view.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	970;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	968;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	970;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"This band of infertile sand supposedly runs the length of this mountain range,\n
ever seperating the fertile lowlands from the rocky mountains. To the\n
north you can see the sand fading into dry but healthy soil, while to\n
south the tall mountains tower above you.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	971;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	969;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	971;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The dry soil along the southern side of Zoth merges here with the sandy\n
earth of the mountain range still towering above the rest of the landscape.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(desert);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	972;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	970;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	972;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You are now walking parallel with a huge field that juts from the southeastern\n
wall of Zoth. Huge stalks of wheat grow to the height of your shoulder,\n
although most of the workers now in the fields are easily dwarfed by the\n
huge stalks.\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	971;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	973;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	973;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"A huge irrigation ditch lines the side of road, branching off at regular\n
intervals to snake through the tall green wheat stalks in the field.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	972;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	974;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	974;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"You are now standing at the corner of a wheat field to the east and a\n
field of corn to the west. The road leading east follows the wheat\n
field's long side, while north follows the shorter sides of both fields.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	975;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	973;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	975;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The field-workers along the road greet you as you pass, all wishing you a\n
happy day.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	976;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	974;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	976;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The walls of the city spread out before you, reaching far to the east and west.\n
Atop the battlement you can see the cityguard changing watch, signalled\n
by a loud trumpet call from the western wall.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	977;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	975;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	977;
Name	"The Great Eastern Road";
Desc	"The gates of Zoth stretch high into the air above you, they must be at\n
least three times your own height. A wide moat used more for irrigation\n
than protection is spanned by a drawbridge that is currently down.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	12750;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	976;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	978;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	957;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	979;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	979;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	978;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	980;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	980;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	979;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	981;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	981;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	980;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	982;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	982;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	981;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	983;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	983;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	982;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	984;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	984;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	983;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	985;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	985;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	984;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	986;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	986;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	985;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	987;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	987;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	986;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	988;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	988;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	987;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	989;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	989;
Name	"A Mountain Trail";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	10100;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	988;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1000;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1001;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	12721;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1001;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1002;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1000;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1002;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1003;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1001;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1003;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1004;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1002;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1004;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	1005;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1003;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1005;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	1006;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	1004;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1006;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1007;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	1005;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1007;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1008;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1006;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1008;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1009;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1007;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1009;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1010;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1008;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1010;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1011;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1009;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1011;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	1012;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1010;
} ];
Resets	{
# a traveller to room.
  M 800 10;
Room {
Vnum	1012;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1013;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	1011;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1013;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1014;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1012;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1014;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1015;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1013;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1015;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	1016;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1014;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1016;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	1017;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	1015;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	1017;
Name	"The East Farthin Highway";
Desc	".\n";
Flags	(no_portal cold forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	1016;
} ];
