Daleken 1.10

This file contains a list of all functions/variables used in MudPrograms.

Simple Variables:
|variable	| mobile actor victim random  | object 2nd_object	    |
|  name		|   $i	  $n	 $t	$r    |	  $o	  $p		    |
|shrt_desc/title|   $I	  $N	 $T	$R    |	  $O	  $P		    |
|he/she/it	|   $j	  $e	 $E	$J    |	  --	  --   '$'symbol=$$ |
|him/her/it	|   $l	  $m	 $M	$L    |	  --	  --		    |
|his/hers/its	|   $k	  $s	 $S	$K    |	  --	  --		    |
|a/an		|   --	  --	 --	--    |	  $a	  $A		    |

Mathematical Operators:
+	- plus				-	- minus
*	- times				/	- divided by
%	- modulo			^	- exclusive OR
==	- is equal to			!=	- is not equal to
>	- is greater than		<	- is less than
>=	- is greater than or equal to	<=	- is less than or equal to
&	- binary AND			|	- binary OR
<<	- binary left shift		>>	- binary right shift
!	- logical NOT*			~	- binary NOT*

* - these operators apply to the number to the right only.

Program Types (A - all, M - mob, R - room, O - object, C - container)
Type		Arg		?   Triggered...
ACT_PROG	string		(A) any message going through act()
SPEECH_PROG	string		(A) when the words are said
RAND_PROG	percentage	(A) random occasion
GREET_PROG	percentage	(A) when character enters the room
ALL_GREET_PROG	percentage	(A) 	""
SUB_PROG	percentage	(M) by another program/mob
TIME_PROG	hours		(A) on the hours specified
REPOP_PROG	percentage	(M) when the mobile is created
LOOK_PROG	percentage	(A) when the thing is looked at
FIGHT_PROG	percentage	(M) when the mobile is fighting
DEATH_PROG	percentage	(M) just after the mob dies
HITPRCNT_PROG	percentage	(M) when the mob reaches that %age of its hps
ENTRY_PROG	percentage	(M) when the mob walks into a room
GIVE_PROG	obj name/vnum	(M) when given the specified item
BRIBE_PROG	amount		(M) when given the named amount of gold
ATTACK_PROG	percentage	(M) when attacked
DELAY_PROG	percentage	(M) when timed out of an imposed delay
WEAR_PROG	percentage	(O) being put on
REMOVE_PROG	percentage	(O) taken off
SAC_PROG	percentage	(O) before being sacrificed
EXAMINE_PROG	percentage	(C) when looked into
USE_PROG	percentage	(O?) when used, scrolls potions etc...
GET_PROG	percentage	(O) when picked up
DROP_PROG	percentage	(O) when dropped
DAMAGE_PROG	percentage	(O) damaged
REPAIR_PROG	percentage	(O) repaired
OPEN_PROG	percentage	(C) opened
CLOSE_PROG	percentage	(C) closed
SLEEP_PROG	percentage	(R) when someone sleeps
REST_PROG	percentage	(R) when someone rests
LEAVE_PROG	percentage	(R) just before someone leaves

Argument types:
character - the name or '$' code referring to a character.
pc - a player character
npc - a non-player character
object - the name or '$' code referring to an object.
string - a variable name (the value is substituted)
       - a quoted string (normal substitution applies)
       - a string function

# Function	Args		Description
exist		'$' code	true if the char/obj for that code exists
rand		-		a random number 1-100
rand		x		a random number 1-x
rand		x,y		a random number x-y
dice		x,y		X lots of a Y sided dice added
time		-		The current time
mobinarea	-		number of mobiles in the area
mobinroom	-		number of mobiles in the room
playerinarea	-		number of players in the area
playerinroom	-		number of players in the room
timeskilled	npc		number of times the npc has been killed
isexit		direction	is there is an exit in that dir
isclear		direction	if it's clear to walk in that dir
islocked	direction	if the door is locked
findchar	string		find if the named character can be found
findobj		string		if the named object can be found
findobj		char,string	if the named object can be found on named char
ispc		char		if they are a player
isgood, isevil	char		true/false if good (>350) or evil(<-350)
isimmort	char		sufficient trust (npc means false)
ischarmed	char		affected by charm
isflying	char		has wings/fly affect
hitprcnt	char		returns their hit point percentage
inroom		char		vnum of the room they are in
sex		char		integer value of their sex
position	char		integer value of their position
level		char		easy!
waitstate	char		how long until they can do something again
class,race	char		integer value for their class/race
goldamt		char		how much gold they carry
isopen		npc		if they are an open shop
isoutlaw	pc		if they have stolen/killed etc..
		char		their current or maximum stats
	        char		current/maximum stats in mana and magic
		char		current stats in strength etc...
getskill	char,skill	their skill percentage in that skill
getsuccess	char,skill	if they pass the test for the skill
isfight		char		if they are fighting
isfight		char1,char2	if char1 is fighting char2
cansee		char1,char2	if char1 can see char2
isfollow	char1,char2	if char1 follows char2
isaffected	char,affectname	if char is affected by the affect
bodypart	char,part	if char has the named bodypart
variable	char,varname	the integer value of the named variable for ch
objtype		object		the integer value for the object type
objval		object,num	the value specified
vnum		char/obj	the vnum of the char/object
isvar		varname		if the named exists as a variable
strcmp		str1,str2	if the strings are the same
strprefix	str1,str2	if the str1 is prefix to str2
strinfix	str1,str2	if str1 is contained within str2
strkey		str1,str2	if str1 is a keyword for str2
strlen		str		the length of the string
		spec/skill/race	the integer value of the named
<???>		bitvalues	using the bit.c tables, the integer value
				obtained using the mapping named
--- String functions:
name		char/obj	the name of the char/obj
table		table,int	the string name taken from a constant table
				    class, race, skill, spec or bitvalue table

Commands: (Just a listing, read other documents for details)