# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1024369007;

Area {
Name	"The Great Library";
Plane	"Farthin";
Builders	"Symposium";
LVnum	4201;
UVnum	4251;
Security	5;
Flags	(verbose);
Economy	69002;

Mobile {
Vnum	4201;
Name	"head librarian";
Short	"The Head Librarian";
Long	"The Head Librarian is looking for someone to pay fines...\n";
Desc	"The head librarian is looking at you as if you have forgotten\n
to return a book.  Simply looking at him makes you feel guilty\n
about fines and overdue books, he is making you queasy.\n";
Level	65;
Align	700;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area train practice);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden sanctuary infrared);
Sex	(male);
Race	(God);
Specfun	"spec_cast_mage";
Mobile {
Vnum	4202;
Name	"desk clerk";
Short	"The Desk Clerk";
Long	"A clerk is sitting at the desk looking bored.\n";
Desc	"A skinny looking fellow who looks like he could do with a decent meal\n
sits here contemplating his own pitiful existence.\n";
Level	39;
Align	-300;
Act	(npc sentinel wimpy);
Affected	(sanctuary infrared);
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	4203;
Name	"female clerk";
Short	"The Female Clerk";
Long	"A busty female clerk wearing a provocative dress looks at you sideways.\n";
Desc	"This woman has no scruples, there is so much of her ample cleavage showing\n
that it is a wonder that she manages to stay inside the dress, although\n
you are sure that she wouldn't mind if someone popped those buttons...\n";
Level	40;
Align	-200;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(sanctuary infrared);
Sex	(female);
Mobile {
Vnum	4204;
Name	"head clerk";
Short	"the Head Clerk";
Long	"The Head Clerk is old, VERY old, you wonder why they haven't replaced him yet.\n";
Desc	"Come to think of it this guy is already dead!\n
The rotting flesh is a bit of a giveaway, but this is no small guy, he\n
really looks mean, those teeth sharpened to points suggests that he has\n
held this job through other means than merit.\n";
Level	50;
Align	-800;
Act	(npc sentinel scavenger stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Undead);
Mobile {
Vnum	4205;
Name	"shelf filler shelver";
Short	"the shelf filler";
Long	"This person has a tag saying \"I'm a shelf filler don't annoy me\".\n";
Desc	"The ugly shelf filler has quite a number of warts and he is putting\n
a number of books back on the shelves rather slowly. He mutters to\n
himself about working standards and the pay and every now and again\n
he rolls his eyes as he picks up the next book.\n";
Level	45;
Align	-150;
Act	(npc scavenger);
Affected	(flying hide pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	4206;
Name	"egghead researcher";
Short	"the eggheaded researcher";
Long	"This egghead is researching something, he hopes to win a Nobel Prize.\n";
Desc	"Big headed very distracted looking weedy fellow who looks like a few\n
chicken dinners wouldn't go astray.  You would bet that he wouldn't even\n
notice you if you stood on his foot, he is a little distracted.\n";
Level	46;
Act	(npc stay_area);
Affected	(flying hide pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	4207;
Name	"sleeping student";
Short	"the sleepy student";
Long	"This student was doing some work but inevitably fell asleep.\n";
Desc	"You can't really see anything about this student only that he fell\n
asleep some time ago, the book he rests his head in has a large puddle\n
of drool forming in it and a faint snore can be heard.\n";
Level	47;
Align	-250;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(blind sleep);
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	4208;
Name	"eager researcher bloke";
Short	"the eager researcher";
Long	"This bloke is quite serious about his work, there will be no stopping him.\n";
Desc	"Allthough quite smal this man looks quite mean and you probably shouldn't\n
mess with him.  He hasn't found what he is looking for and he is quite\n
annoyed about it, now is not a good time to mess with him.\n";
Level	44;
Align	-300;
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	4209;
Name	"dirty student grot";
Short	"the dirty student";
Long	"This dirty little grot is leafing through a porno mag disguised as a textbook.\n";
Desc	"Evil little eyes peek up at you from behind a rather raunchy magazine. This\n
is one very unsavoury character, you can see him undressing every female in\n
sight with his eyes.\n";
Level	48;
Align	-500;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	4210;
Name	"under librarian";
Short	"the under-librarian";
Long	"The under-librarian looks around frantically for her boss.\n";
Desc	"You get the feeling that this librarian has not been on the job for very\n
long at all, she looks like she could die from shock if her boss should\n
come around the next corner.\n";
Level	57;
Act	(npc wimpy);
Sex	(female);
Mobile {
Vnum	4211;
Name	"head librarian secretary";
Short	"the head librarian's secretary";
Long	"The Head Librarian's Secretary is in a rather compromising position with a desk clerk.\n";
Desc	"This woman has very few clothes left on her body, which is most impressive\n
in it's current state. You really can't figure out what she is doing to that\n
poor man but you are sure that it wouldn't be suitable for children's\n
Level	51;
Align	-400;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(infrared);
Sex	(female);
Mobile {
Vnum	4212;
Name	"evil book monster perverse";
Short	"an evil book-monster";
Long	"A book has evolved into a perverse monster which attacks YOU!\n";
Desc	"A wierd looking thing which looks like it could have evolved from\n
a book slavers restlessly at the end of a long chain.  You wonder\n
how well teeth made from paper and cardboard cut but you aren't\n
really all that willing to test this out.\n";
Level	52;
Align	-600;
Act	(npc sentinel aggressive stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Race	(Object);
Specfun	"spec_breath_any";
Mobile {
Vnum	4213;
Name	"silly child stupid";
Short	"a silly child";
Long	"A small child has a rather stupid look on his face.\n";
Desc	"This kid is a few buns short of a bakery, it's playing with the\n
remains of a well-chewed book.  You reckon all he needs is a good\n
slap about the chops.\n";
Level	37;
Align	-350;
Act	(npc scavenger);
Affected	(flying sneak hide pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	4214;
Name	"vagrant child";
Short	"a vagrant child";
Long	"A child vagrant wanders around aimlessly looking for her parents.\n";
Desc	"This kid looks around at the shelves towering over her and all the\n
big people and she sticks her tongue out at you, she chews on her\n
nails as she contemplates whether you are good for a lollipop or not.\n";
Level	36;
Align	-50;
Act	(npc scavenger);
Affected	(flying hide pass-door);
Sex	(female);
Specfun	"spec_thief";
Mobile {
Vnum	4215;
Name	"deputy librarian";
Short	"the Deputy Librarian";
Long	"The Deputy Librarian is annoyed at your interruption.\n";
Desc	"This guy wont be happy now you have disturbed him, he looks like\n
a disgruntled public servant and from prior experience those are\n
the worst sort to interfere with, maybe that's why he is not happy.\n";
Level	55;
Align	-600;
Act	(npc sentinel aggressive);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Specfun	"spec_cast_undead";
Mobile {
Vnum	4216;
Name	"knight storybook";
Short	"a storybook knight";
Long	"This knight has escaped from a storybook and is looking for a maiden in distress.\n";
Desc	"A tall majestic knight with powerful arms he wields a mighty sword, he\n
looks like he could take on a dragon and rescue a maiden in distress all\n
before tea without working up a sweat, you feel in awe of his power.\n";
Level	57;
Align	1000;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Specfun	"spec_guard";
Mobile {
Vnum	4217;
Name	"bookworm worm";
Short	"a small bookworm";
Long	"A small bookworm is sitting on top of a half eaten book.\n";
Desc	"This worm is pale in colour with a strong set of jaws for tearing paper,\n
it looks rather fat, maybe a library is the best place for a bookworm.\n";
Level	35;
Align	-100;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Race	(Ooze);
Specfun	"spec_fido";
Mobile {
Vnum	4218;
Name	"storyteller fat woman";
Short	"the fat storyteller";
Long	"A fat woman sits here telling stories to the children.\n";
Desc	"This woman has a kindly, although slightly deranged look about her,\n
she doesn't seem to notice that the children are not listening, she\n
is totally happy doing what she is doing.\n";
Level	53;
Align	100;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(detect-hidden sanctuary flying hide pass-door);
Sex	(female);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
Mobile {
Vnum	4219;
Name	"cookbook book";
Short	"a cookbook";
Long	"This book was a cookbook and so it is glossy and well fed.\n";
Desc	"A glossy picture of a cake decorates the cover of the book, the teeth on\n
this book are well kept and sharp, true tools of chewing destruction.  It\n
wouldn't be a good idea to mess with it.\n";
Level	50;
Align	-400;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Race	(Object);
Mobile {
Vnum	4220;
Name	"mills and boon book romance";
Short	"a Mills and Boon romance";
Long	"This book has a picture of two well endowed people kissing on it.\n";
Desc	"Pink in colour this book has pictures of scantily clad men and women\n
kissing, the men who have clothing left on are wearing buccaneer or\n
doctor outfits and the women are all dressed as 18th century maidens or\n
nurses.  Cheap literature like this makes you sick, crush it before it\n
takes over the entire world!\n";
Level	51;
Align	-1000;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Race	(Object);
Mobile {
Vnum	4221;
Name	"cheap paperback book";
Short	"a cheap paperback";
Long	"This book is tatty and cheap, the back page has been torn out.\n";
Desc	"This book is cheap and nasty with a badly done drawing of a man in a\n
trenchcoat carrying a knife on the front.  This is the sort of book that\n
you would love to burn.\n";
Level	51;
Align	-600;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(detect-hidden flying hide pass-door);
Race	(Object);
Mobile {
Vnum	4222;
Name	"wheres wally book";
Short	"a Where's Wally Book";
Long	"This book is from nightmares, a big picture of Wally is in the front.\n";
Desc	"Where's Wally the dreaded book is here and it is not very nice. It carries\n
what looks like a two-dimensional camera and a silly walking cane, your\n
worst nightmare is revisited upon you.\n";
Level	53;
Align	-500;
Act	(npc sentinel aggressive);
Affected	(flying hide pass-door);
Race	(Object);
Mobile {
Vnum	4223;
Name	"atlas book";
Short	"Atlas";
Long	"Atlas is a HUGE book with powerful brass clasps, he towers above you.\n";
Desc	"As Atlas slowly opens and closes his massive cover you see pictures of\n
many faraway places flash before your eyes, somehow you wish that you were\n
there instead of here, this guy looks mean.\n";
Level	62;
Align	-500;
Act	(npc sentinel aggressive);
Affected	(sanctuary flying hide pass-door);
Race	(Object);
Specfun	"spec_cast_mage";

Object {
Vnum	4201;
Name	"heavy wire spectacles";
Short	"a pair of heavy wire spectacles";
Long	"These spectacles have dark iron frames and think lenses.";
Level	44;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take face);
Material	(glass);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-5;
Affect	{
Location	(intelligence);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(strength);
Modifier	-1;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"heavy wire spectacles";
Text	"A sturdy pair of spectacles aren't really a fashion statement they are\n
of the kind you see on dorks and nerds, they have thick glass lenses,\n
probably bullet-proof.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4202;
Name	"librarian robes";
Short	"a set of librarian's robes";
Long	"A set of robes with a book symbol embroidered on them.";
Level	61;
Weight	4;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take body);
Extra	(hum);
Material	(cotton);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-20;
Affect	{
Location	(wisdom);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-air);
Modifier	20;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-earth);
Modifier	20;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-fire);
Modifier	20;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-spirit);
Modifier	20;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-water);
Modifier	20;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"librarian robes";
Text	"A set of flowing robes as you would see worn by any librarian, these\n
are dark black and smell a little.  The embroidered book symbol has\n
the words, \"a day late means a fine\", printed on them.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4203;
Name	"book sturdy";
Short	"a sturdy looking book";
Long	"This sturdy book is yet to be put on the shelves.";
Level	44;
Weight	2;
Wear	(take);
Material	(paper);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"book sturdy";
Text	"The sturdy looking book is bound with strong steel clasps and you notice\n
a note just inside the front cover.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4204;
Name	"book dictionary";
Short	"a dictionary";
Long	"A very big book looks like a small piece of furniture.";
Level	42;
Weight	15;
Wear	(take);
Material	(vellum);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"book dictionary";
Text	"This is a BIG book, it really is the biggest dictionary you have ever seen\n
you would bet that there is a lot of knowledge in there.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4205;
Name	"book magic tome";
Short	"a magic tome";
Long	"This book has the look of magic about it, you would bet it could be useful.";
Level	61;
Weight	2;
Type	(scroll);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(vellum);
Values	[48, (identify), (recharge item), (identify)];
Affect	{
Location	(mana-air);
Modifier	5;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-earth);
Modifier	5;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-fire);
Modifier	5;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-water);
Modifier	5;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-spirit);
Modifier	25;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"book magic tome";
Text	"The runes and symbols of an ancient powerful magic are incscribed all over\n
this book, leather bound with gold chasing you beleive that it could be\n
worth a great deal of money.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4206;
Name	"paper scroll";
Short	"a small slip of paper";
Long	"A small piece of paper is tucked into a corner.";
Level	54;
Type	(scroll);
Wear	(take);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(paper);
Values	[52, (sanctuary), (.), (ultrablast)];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"paper scroll";
Text	"This has the words \"READ ME\" printed on one side and \"NO DONT!\" on the\n
reverse side, you wonder why that was done.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4207;
Name	"chewed book soggy";
Short	"a chewed book";
Long	"This book is slightly soggy as if a dog had chewed it for a week.";
Level	35;
Weight	2;
Wear	(take);
Material	(leather);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"chewed book soggy";
Text	"This book has been several hours in the mouth of a child, it's slightly\n
sticky and all the ink has run quite badly, you suppose that the cover\n
once said GRIMMS FAIRY TALES but you aren't entirely sure.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4208;
Name	"torn dress";
Short	"a very torn dress";
Long	"This dress looks like it was run through a shredder in a moment of passion.";
Level	47;
Weight	3;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take body);
Material	(silk);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-10;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"torn dress";
Text	"A very tattered dress which looks like it could have been worn by a cat\n
in a particularly savage cat fight.\n
The label is slightly torn but you can just make out the words.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4209;
Name	"helmet knight";
Short	"a storybook knight's helmet";
Long	"This helmet looks a little two dimensional.";
Level	57;
Weight	6;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take head);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	2;
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	2;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"helmet knight";
Text	"You wonder how it could come to be that such a two dimensional object\n
could possibly be worn by a three dimensional type person.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4210;
Name	"white greaves knight";
Short	"a storybook knight's greaves";
Long	"These greaves are strong enough to withstand the mightiest blow.";
Level	57;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take legs);
Extra	(glow);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(move);
Modifier	-50;
Affect	{
Location	(constitution);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-5;
Affect	{
Location	(resilience);
Modifier	-10;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"white greaves knight";
Text	"These greaves are slightly flat looking and covered in a strange white\n
coating that you find to be very tough.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4211;
Name	"magical storybook book";
Short	"a magical storybook";
Long	"This book contains stories of magic and strange happenings.";
Level	51;
Weight	2;
Type	(staff);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(vellum);
Values	[55, 5, 5, (bless)];
Affect	{
Location	(mana-air);
Modifier	25;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-earth);
Modifier	25;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-fire);
Modifier	25;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-spirit);
Modifier	25;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-water);
Modifier	25;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"magical storybook book";
Text	"The strange designs on the cover of this book make it a joy to behold.\n
The glow of magic surrounds it.\n
The back cover has a description of a story.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4212;
Name	"mighty pen";
Short	"a mighty pen";
Long	"This pen looks dangerously sharp.";
Level	0;
Weight	3;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Material	(steel);
Values	[(.), 0, 0, (<weapon> stab)];
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	8;
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	6;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"mighty pen";
Text	"Maybe there is some truth to the saying the pen is mightier than the\n
sword, this pen looks strong enough to cleave rocks in twain, the nib\n
certainly is sharp enough.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4213;
Name	"wheres wally cane";
Short	"where's Wally's cane";
Long	"This is a silly wooden walking cane, looks like Wally has a few screws lose.";
Level	50;
Weight	7;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(.), 0, 0, (<weapon> crush)];
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	8;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-earth);
Modifier	20;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"wheres wally cane";
Text	"This is what you really hate, comical characters coming to life, this is a\n
terrible reminder of those hated Where's Wally books that you hated sooo much.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4214;
Name	"brass book hinges";
Short	"some brass book hinges";
Long	"These hinges came from a very big book and are covered in studs.";
Level	59;
Weight	11;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take arms);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(brass);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-10;
Affect	{
Location	(resilience);
Modifier	-20;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"brass book hinges";
Text	"Some very heavy hinges came from a large book and they look very strong\n
and tough.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4215;
Name	"faerie bone key";
Short	"a faerie bone key";
Long	"The rib of a faerie has been fashioned into a small key.";
Level	54;
Type	(key);
Wear	(take);
Extra	(hum);
Material	(bone);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"faerie bone key";
Text	"A faerie was killed to make this key and you still see the bloodstains\n
on the small rib bone.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4216;
Name	"bookmark";
Short	"a bookmark";
Long	"This bookmark is covered in odd markings in a foreign language.";
Level	59;
Type	(wand);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(glow hum invis);
Material	(leather);
Values	[55, 4, 4, (.)];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-10;
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(magic-resist);
Modifier	3;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"bookmark";
Text	"This bookmark is covered in powerful symbols which make you look the other\n
way as if they radiate some strong light.\n";

Room {
Vnum	4201;
Name	"The Entryway to the Library";
Desc	"This room is large and spacious with a high vaulted roof this looks like\n
a very typical city library, you see off to the north an inquiries desk\n
and to the south a desk for returns of books.\n
The front doors of the library are to the west and the shelves are to\n
the east.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The inquiries desk is off this way.\n";
ToRoom	4202;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4208;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"The returns desk is where you give them back your books.\n";
ToRoom	4205;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Keyword	"front doors";
ToRoom	12718;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4202;
Name	"The Inquiries Desk";
Desc	"Here all your questions about the library are answered, or at least\n
that was the idea when they made the desk, the desk looks neglected\n
and there are very few people even looking this way.  You reckon that\n
this section of the library is a little underfunded.\n
You notice a door leading to an office to the north.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"This door leads to the office of the Head Librarian.\n";
Keyword	"oaken door";
ToRoom	4203;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"This leads to the shelves.\n";
ToRoom	4208;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"This leads back to the main entryway of the library.\n";
ToRoom	4201;
} ];
Resets	{
# The Desk Clerk to room.
  M 4202 4;
# The Female Clerk to room.
  M 4203 3;
Room {
Vnum	4203;
Name	"The Front Office";
Desc	"This room has a small desk for the secretary and a small filing cabinet.\n
It is a pretty damn small room and from the lack of ornament you get the\n
feeling that this library is run on a budget.  Not only is this room small\n
and poky but it has no window and as a result there are great big stains on\n
the cheap wallpaper from mildew and mould.  A steel reinforced door to the\n
north leads to the Head Librarian's Office.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"To the Head Librarian's Office.\n";
Keyword	"Steel Door";
ToRoom	4204;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"To the enquiries desk.\n";
Keyword	"Oaken Door";
ToRoom	4202;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
} ];
Resets	{
# The Desk Clerk to room.
  M 4202 4;
# the head librarian's secretary to room.
  M 4211 1;
#	equip a very torn dress body.
  E 4208 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4204;
Name	"The Head Librarian's Office";
Desc	"This office unlike all the rest of the library is spacious and well kept\n
it has a comfortable chair behind a large desk and large windows facing\n
north to catch the sun.  Fake plants and tacky paintings make it look like\n
the office of a moderately well paid public servant.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"To the front office.\n";
Keyword	"Steel Door";
ToRoom	4203;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
} ];
Resets	{
# The Head Librarian to room.
  M 4201 1;
#	equip a set of librarian's robes body.
  E 4202 ("body");
#	a magic tome to inventory.
  G 4205;
Room {
Vnum	4205;
Name	"The Returns Desk";
Desc	"This desk is a large imposing feature straddling the floor like an\n
obscene sumo wrestler.  The clerks here look at you suspiciously and\n
scrutinise you for evidence of an overdue book.  To the south there is a\n
small door which seems to be covered in scratches.  There is a large sign\n
hanging over the desk.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"To the main entryway of the library.\n";
ToRoom	4201;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The shelves are in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4208;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"A small, scratched door leading to some sort of office.\n";
Keyword	"Scratched Door";
ToRoom	4251;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
} ];
Resets	{
# The Desk Clerk to room.
  M 4202 4;
# The Desk Clerk to room.
  M 4202 4;
# The Female Clerk to room.
  M 4203 3;
# The Female Clerk to room.
  M 4203 3;
# the Head Clerk to room.
  M 4204 1;
Room {
Vnum	4206;
Name	"North-West Corner of Shelves";
Desc	"As the shelves here reach the corner extra books are piled against the\n
walls and all over the floor.  A tattered piece of paper suggests that this\n
section of shelves goes from A to C.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4211;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4207;
} ];
Resets	{
# the shelf filler to room.
  M 4205 5;
#	a dictionary to inventory.
  G 4204;
# the under-librarian to room.
  M 4210 2;
#	equip a set of librarian's robes body.
  E 4202 ("body");
#	a small slip of paper to inventory.
  G 4206;
#	a faerie bone key to inventory.
  G 4215;
Room {
Vnum	4207;
Name	"Western Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"The wall to the west itself is bare brick and very cold as you press\n
against it while avoiding the huge piles of books, you get the distinct\n
impression that the maintenance in this library leaves much to be desired.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4206;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4208;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small bookworm to room.
  M 4217 8;
Room {
Vnum	4208;
Name	"The Start of the Shelving";
Desc	"From here you can see shelves stretching far off to the east. To the south\n
in the distance there is the private study section of the library. Shelves\n
tower above you in all directions except back to the west where you can see\n
the vast entryway.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4207;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4209;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4201;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eager researcher to room.
  M 4208 5;
Room {
Vnum	4209;
Name	"Western Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"The wall to the west itself is bare brick and very cold as you press\n
against it while avoiding the huge piles of books, you get the distinct\n
impression that the maintenance in this library leaves much to be desired.\n
Far off to the south is a section marked \"Private Study Area\".\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4208;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4210;
} ];
Resets	{
# the shelf filler to room.
  M 4205 5;
#	a small slip of paper to inventory.
  G 4206;
# a vagrant child to room.
  M 4214 6;
Room {
Vnum	4210;
Name	"South-Western Corner of Shelving";
Desc	"Here the books and shelves have been cleared from the wall to allow a rough\n
door to be cut into the wall which leads to an open area filled with\n
small tables and chairs.  Shelving continues off to the north and the east.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4209;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4215;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"The private sudy area is in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4226;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eggheaded researcher to room.
  M 4206 5;
Room {
Vnum	4211;
Name	"Northern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"You are forced up against the wall by ever increasing piles of books\n
which all seem intent to crush you mercilessly.  There is a small\n
tattered piece of paper informing you that the books in this row\n
are from D to H.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4246;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4212;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4206;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4212;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4211;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4213;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eggheaded researcher to room.
  M 4206 6;
#	equip a pair of heavy wire spectacles nose.
  E 4201 ("nose");
Room {
Vnum	4213;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4212;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4214;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eager researcher to room.
  M 4208 5;
Room {
Vnum	4214;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4213;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4215;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small bookworm to room.
  M 4217 5;
Room {
Vnum	4215;
Name	"Southern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"You are forced up against the wall by ever increasing piles of books\n
which all seem intent to crush you mercilessly.  The ceiling is faint\n
in the dim light as many books crowd the inward-leaning shelves.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4214;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4250;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4210;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eggheaded researcher to room.
  M 4206 5;
Room {
Vnum	4216;
Name	"Northern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"You are forced up against the wall by ever increasing piles of books\n
which all seem intent to crush you mercilessly.  The torn piece of\n
paper here tells you that this row is from N to S.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4221;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4217;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4246;
} ];
Resets	{
# the under-librarian to room.
  M 4210 2;
Room {
Vnum	4217;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4216;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4218;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small bookworm to room.
  M 4217 8;
Room {
Vnum	4218;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4217;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4219;
}, @(<dir> down) {
Desc	"A small trapdoor leads down into some sort of cage.\n";
Keyword	"Trapdoor";
Key	4215;
ToRoom	4234;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# the shelf filler to room.
  M 4205 8;
#	a sturdy looking book to inventory.
  G 4203;
# the eggheaded researcher to room.
  M 4206 5;
#	equip a pair of heavy wire spectacles nose.
  E 4201 ("nose");
Room {
Vnum	4219;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4218;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4220;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4220;
Name	"Southern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"You are forced up against the wall by ever increasing piles of books\n
which all seem intent to crush you mercilessly.  The ceiling is faint\n
in the dim light as many books crowd the inward-leaning shelves.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4219;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4225;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4250;
} ];
Resets	{
# the shelf filler to room.
  M 4205 8;
#	a sturdy looking book to inventory.
  G 4203;
Room {
Vnum	4221;
Name	"North-Eastern Corner of Shelving";
Desc	"Here you can see a small tag which has fallen to the ground, you pick it:\n
\"T to Z\", obviously this row of shelving is from T to Z.  There are less\n
piles of books here as there seems to be less traffic in this section, still\n
the shelves are filled to overflowing.  Off to the east is the childrens\n
book section.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"Here is the children's library.\n";
ToRoom	4230;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4222;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4216;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small bookworm to room.
  M 4217 8;
Room {
Vnum	4222;
Name	"Eastern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"Here the walls are covered in a sort of slime which threatens to eat away\n
all the books which are piled everywhere. No longer do you care to avoid\n
the books, you simply walk right over them ignoring the tearing sound you\n
make as you walk.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4221;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4223;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4223;
Name	"Eastern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"Here the walls are covered in a sort of slime which threatens to eat away\n
all the books which are piled everywhere. No longer do you care to avoid\n
the books, you simply walk right over them ignoring the tearing sound you\n
make as you walk.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4222;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4224;
} ];
Resets	{
# the shelf filler to room.
  M 4205 8;
#	a small slip of paper to inventory.
  G 4206;
Room {
Vnum	4224;
Name	"Eastern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"Here the walls are covered in a sort of slime which threatens to eat away\n
all the books which are piled everywhere. No longer do you care to avoid\n
the books, you simply walk right over them ignoring the tearing sound you\n
make as you walk.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4223;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4225;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eggheaded researcher to room.
  M 4206 5;
#	a dictionary to inventory.
  G 4204;
Room {
Vnum	4225;
Name	"South-Eastern Corner of Shelving";
Desc	"Here is the furthest corner of the library, it seems that you are the last\n
to tread these boards (maybe \"books\" would be more apt, the floor is totally\n
covered in them) in a century or more.  It is a wonder that the books here\n
haven't evolved into some independant lifeform.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4224;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"A secret passage leads into the dark.\n";
ToRoom	4235;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4220;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4226;
Name	"The Private Study Area";
Desc	"Here there are several tables at which anyone can study on their own, not\n
that many of them are taken, it looks pretty deserted apart from a few\n
students immersed in their studies or comatose over a very boring book.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"Here the shelving starts again.\n";
ToRoom	4210;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.";
ToRoom	4227;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.";
ToRoom	4228;
} ];
Resets	{
# the dirty student to room.
  M 4209 2;
# a vagrant child to room.
  M 4214 6;
Room {
Vnum	4227;
Name	"The Private Study Area";
Desc	"Here there are several tables at which anyone can study on their own, not\n
that many of them are taken, it looks pretty deserted apart from a few\n
students immersed in their studies or comatose over a very boring book.\n
There is a large poster here.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.\n";
ToRoom	4229;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.";
ToRoom	4226;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eggheaded researcher to room.
  M 4206 5;
#	equip a pair of heavy wire spectacles nose.
  E 4201 ("nose");
Room {
Vnum	4228;
Name	"The Private Study Area";
Desc	"Here there are several tables at which anyone can study on their own, not\n
that many of them are taken, it looks pretty deserted apart from a few\n
students immersed in their studies or comatose over a very boring book.\n
There are a few dirty windows letting light in from the street on the wall\n
to the south.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.\n";
ToRoom	4226;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.";
ToRoom	4229;
} ];
Resets	{
# the sleepy student to room.
  M 4207 2;
Room {
Vnum	4229;
Name	"The Private Study Area";
Desc	"Here there are several tables at which anyone can study on their own, not\n
that many of them are taken, it looks pretty deserted apart from a few\n
students immersed in their studies or comatose over a very boring book.\n
There are a few dirty windows letting light in from the street on the wall\n
to the south.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.\n";
ToRoom	4227;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The study area is filled with tables.";
ToRoom	4228;
} ];
Resets	{
# the sleepy student to room.
  M 4207 2;
Room {
Vnum	4230;
Name	"The Children's Book Room";
Desc	"Here children play with books and small toys and over to the east you see\n
a fat woman reading to the children who don't seem too interested.  Several\n
children crawl around doing childlike things.  The shelving stretches out to\n
the west.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stories.\n";
ToRoom	4231;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stores.\n";
ToRoom	4232;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The shelves are in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4221;
} ];
Resets	{
# a silly child to room.
  M 4213 5;
Room {
Vnum	4231;
Name	"The Children's Storytelling Room";
Desc	"Here children play oblivious to the incessant nattering of the storyteller\n
who seems content with a distracted audience, several children's toys lay\n
around discarded for a better, newer toy, and there are books everywhere\n
which look well chewed.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stories.\n";
ToRoom	4233;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stories.\n";
ToRoom	4230;
} ];
Resets	{
# a silly child to room.
  M 4213 5;
#	a chewed book to inventory.
  G 4207;
# a silly child to room.
  M 4213 5;
# the fat storyteller to room.
  M 4218 1;
#	equip a magical storybook lhold.
  E 4211 ("lhold");
Room {
Vnum	4232;
Name	"The Children's Book Room";
Desc	"Here children play with books and small toys and crawl around doing\n
childlike things.  A child's imagination makes these books to be any number\n
of things although most commonly a chew-toy by the looks of most of the\n
books lying about.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stories.\n";
ToRoom	4230;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stores.\n";
ToRoom	4233;
} ];
Resets	{
# the shelf filler to room.
  M 4205 8;
#	a dictionary to inventory.
  G 4204;
# a silly child to room.
  M 4213 5;
# a storybook knight to room.
  M 4216 1;
#	equip a storybook knight's helmet head.
  E 4209 ("head");
#	equip a storybook knight's greaves legs.
  E 4210 ("legs");
Room {
Vnum	4233;
Name	"The Children's Book Room";
Desc	"Here children play with books and small toys and crawl around doing\n
childlike things.  A child's imagination makes these books to be any number\n
of things although most commonly a chew-toy by the looks of most of the\n
books lying about.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stories.\n";
ToRoom	4231;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The children play here and listen to stores.\n";
ToRoom	4232;
} ];
Resets	{
# a silly child to room.
  M 4213 5;
#	a chewed book to inventory.
  G 4207;
# a small bookworm to room.
  M 4217 5;
Room {
Vnum	4234;
Name	"A Small Cage Full of Books";
Desc	"Here there is a small cage which has been totally forgotten in past years\n
by library staff.  Here in past ages were kept the most dangerous of the\n
library's books and here the power of the pen is evident.  One of the cages\n
has all the bars on one side bent outwards.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> up) {
Desc	"The trapdoor leads back to the main section of the library.\n";
Keyword	"Trapdoor";
Key	4215;
ToRoom	4218;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# an evil book-monster to room.
  M 4212 1;
# a mighty pen to room.
  O 4212;
Room {
Vnum	4235;
Name	"A Secret Passage";
Desc	"A dark musty smelling tunnel which leads off into darkness.  You can hear\n
faint dry rustling sounds to the south and a trail of shredded paper leads\n
back to the north.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"Darkness covers the area but you can see some cages.\n";
ToRoom	4234;
Flags	(locked pickproof passproof hidden);
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"There are some cages to the south.\n";
ToRoom	4237;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4236;
Name	"A Book Pen ( Pun )";
Desc	"Here a book sits tethered to a short post by a chain, the roof is low\n
and there is an air of neglect about the place along with the powerful\n
smell of magic.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"There only way out.\n";
ToRoom	4237;
} ];
Resets	{
# a cookbook to room.
  M 4219 1;
Room {
Vnum	4237;
Name	"Row of Cages";
Desc	"Here you can see some books in cages to the east and west the air is filled\n
with magic like a powerful static and there is a slightly greasy taste in\n
your mouth.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The secret passage leads into darkness.\n";
ToRoom	4235;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The cage contains a large book.\n";
ToRoom	4238;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"There are more cages to the south.\n";
ToRoom	4240;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The cage contains a large book.\n";
ToRoom	4236;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4238;
Name	"A Book Pen ( Pun )";
Desc	"Here a book sits tethered to a short post by a chain, the roof is low\n
and there is an air of neglect about the place along with the powerful\n
smell of magic.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"There only way out.\n";
ToRoom	4237;
} ];
Resets	{
# a Mills and Boon romance to room.
  M 4220 2;
Room {
Vnum	4239;
Name	"A Book Pen ( Pun )";
Desc	"Here a book sits tethered to a short post by a chain, the roof is low\n
and there is an air of neglect about the place along with the powerful\n
smell of magic.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"There only way out.\n";
ToRoom	4240;
} ];
Resets	{
# a Mills and Boon romance to room.
  M 4220 2;
Room {
Vnum	4240;
Name	"Middle of the Book Cages";
Desc	"Here you feel strangely small and vunerable even in the confined quarters\n
all around you.  There are sounds of rustling paper and you get a strange\n
sense that the books are waiting for you.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The cages continue to the north.\n";
ToRoom	4237;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The cage contains a large book.\n";
ToRoom	4241;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"The cages continue to the south.\n";
ToRoom	4243;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The cage contains a large book.\n";
ToRoom	4239;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4241;
Name	"A Book Pen ( Pun )";
Desc	"Here a book sits tethered to a short post by a chain, the roof is low\n
and there is an air of neglect about the place along with the powerful\n
smell of magic.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"There only way out.\n";
ToRoom	4240;
} ];
Resets	{
# a cheap paperback to room.
  M 4221 2;
Room {
Vnum	4242;
Name	"A Book Pen ( Pun )";
Desc	"Here a book sits tethered to a short post by a chain, the roof is low\n
and there is an air of neglect about the place along with the powerful\n
smell of magic.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"There only way out.\n";
ToRoom	4243;
} ];
Resets	{
# a cheap paperback to room.
  M 4221 2;
Room {
Vnum	4243;
Name	"Southern End of Cages";
Desc	"To the north a row of cages stretches and to the east and west you see a\n
book chained to a post.  To the south you see the biggest book ever, it's\n
huge and you believe that not even the greatest of the encyclopaedia would\n
challenge this thing for size.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The cages continue to the north.\n";
ToRoom	4240;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The cage contains a large book.\n";
ToRoom	4244;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"There is a MASSIVE book to the south.\n";
ToRoom	4245;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"The cage contains a large book.\n";
ToRoom	4242;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4244;
Name	"A Book Pen ( Pun )";
Desc	"Here a book sits tethered to a short post by a chain, the roof is low\n
and there is an air of neglect about the place along with the powerful\n
smell of magic.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"There only way out.\n";
ToRoom	4243;
} ];
Resets	{
# a Where's Wally Book to room.
  M 4222 1;
#	equip where's Wally's cane rwielded.
  E 4213 ("rwielded");
Room {
Vnum	4245;
Name	"A Cramped Cell";
Desc	"Here the roof closes lower and you see a large Atlas chained by several\n
large chains to a deep-set steel ring in the back wall, slime and mould\n
drips everywhere and runs down the walls and you wonder how the books\n
have survived, it must be some test of Darwin's Evolution to survive\n
the horrors of this place.\n";
Flags	(underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"This would be the best way to go, out.\n";
ToRoom	4243;
} ];
Resets	{
# Atlas to room.
  M 4223 1;
#	equip some brass book hinges arms.
  E 4214 ("arms");
#	a bookmark to inventory.
  G 4216;
Room {
Vnum	4246;
Name	"Northern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"You are forced up against the wall by ever increasing piles of books\n
which all seem intent to crush you mercilessly.  There is a small\n
tattered piece of paper informing you that the books in this row\n
are from I to M.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4216;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4247;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4206;
} ];
Resets	{
# a vagrant child to room.
  M 4214 6;
#	a chewed book to inventory.
  G 4207;
Room {
Vnum	4247;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4246;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4248;
} ];
Resets	{
# the dirty student to room.
  M 4209 2;
Room {
Vnum	4248;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4247;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4249;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4249;
Name	"In the Middle of the Shelves";
Desc	"Here you feel totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of books as they\n
tower above you on row after row of shelving. It looks to be a fairly\n
neglected section of the library because the huge piles of books are\n
coated in a thick, stifling layer of dust.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4248;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4250;
} ];
Resets	{
# the shelf filler to room.
  M 4205 5;
#	a magic tome to inventory.
  G 4205;
# the eager researcher to room.
  M 4208 4;
Room {
Vnum	4250;
Name	"Southern Wall of Shelving";
Desc	"You are forced up against the wall by ever increasing piles of books\n
which all seem intent to crush you mercilessly.  The ceiling is faint\n
in the dim light as many books crowd the inward-leaning shelves.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4249;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4220;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"More shelving in this direction.\n";
ToRoom	4215;
} ];
Resets	{
# the eggheaded researcher to room.
  M 4206 6;
Room {
Vnum	4251;
Name	"The Deputy Librarian's Office";
Desc	"This office smells strongly of death and decay.  The office is dank\n
and dark with slime and the window to the south has been painted black\n
so only a very small amount of light get through scratches in the\n
paintwork. An assortment of human and animal bones cover the floor.\n";
Flags	(dark indoors no_recall);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"The small door leads back to the returns desk.\n";
Keyword	"Scratched Door";
ToRoom	4205;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# the Deputy Librarian to room.
  M 4215 1;
#	equip a set of librarian's robes body.
  E 4202 ("body");
