# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1024369007;

Area {
Name	"Limbo";
Plane	"Limbo";
Builders	"";
Repop	"You hear screams of pain in the distance.&n\n";
LVnum	1;
UVnum	99;
Security	5;
Flags	(hidden);
Economy	4014776;

Mobile {
Vnum	1;
Name	"dancing sword";
Short	"the dancing sword";
Long	"A short sword stands here, ready to get into a spin.\n";
Desc	"A short SHARP sword is just waiting for a fight.\n";
Level	500;
Align	1000;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(infrared);
Sex	(female);
Race	(Object);
Mobile {
Vnum	2;
Name	"peacekeeper saint fred";
Short	"Saint Fred";
Long	"Saint Fred the peacekeeper is righting wrongs everywhere.\n";
Desc	"A kindly looking old man with a slightly insane look about him, Saint\n
Fred is wearing white robes and carries only a single weapon, the Colt\n
Peacemaker '45, a huge instrument of destruction.  You can see that this guy\n
takes the business of peace as one where sissies don't live too long.  I\n
think that the UN wouldn't be too happy to hear about this guy.\n";
Level	135;
Align	1000;
Class	(Cleric);
Act	(npc sentinel wimpy);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared breathing);
Sex	(male);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Specfun	"spec_peacemaker";
MudProg	{
Type	(speech_prog);
Args	"p transport me to the bazaar";
Comlist	"say Very well, $n\n
echoaround $n $i claps his hands and $n disappears in a flash.\n
trans $n 9900\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(speech_prog);
Args	"bazaar bizarre";
Comlist	"say If it is your wish to go to the Bizarre Bazaar,\n
say simply say the words \"transport me to the bazaar\".\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	3;
Name	"supermob";
Short	"supermob";
Long	"A mob stands here with a proud expression on his face.\n";
Desc	"This mob has a great big 'S' emblazoned across his chest.  He is wearing\n
his underpants on the outside of his tights and he swirls his cape\n
Level	1000;
Affected	(detect-evil detect-invis detect-hidden infrared aura-sight);
Mobile {
Vnum	10;
Name	"demon";
Short	"A Demon-Summon";
Long	"A demon summoned from hell to do his master's bidding.\n";
Desc	"Come on! This thing is the stuff nightmares are made from, a real\n
wet-your-bed-with-terror kinda guy he doesn't look friendly.\n";
Level	10;
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared aura-sight);
Race	(Demon);
Mobile {
Vnum	11;
Name	"%s zombie";
Short	"A %s zombie";
Long	"A %s zombie risen from the grave to serve his master.\n";
Desc	"Wowee!  It's got bits on!  The decay has really set in with this one and\n
it looks like this zombie is the thing to turn you off your food, it really\n
is sickening.\n";
Align	-500;
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared aura-sight);
Race	(Undead);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	12;
Name	"%s skeleton";
Short	"a %s skeleton";
Long	"A skeleton made from the bones of some dead %s.\n";
Desc	"I wonder what holds the bones together?  This guy has been on a diet for\n
WAY too long now and he looks a little emancipated, perhaps the strict\n
master he follows has something to do with that.\n";
Level	3;
Align	-400;
Affected	(detect-hidden);
Race	(Undead);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	13;
Name	"%s mummy";
Short	"a %s mummy";
Long	"A mummy, covered in cloth looks to be shaped like a %s.\n";
Desc	"Well preserved this undead creature looks to be strong enough to rips\n
your arms off, that shambling walk and vacant stare from empty eye sockets\n
makes you tremble slightly as you look at this unheavenly sight.\n";
Level	11;
Align	-700;
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden pass-door);
Race	(Undead);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	14;
Name	"%s lich";
Short	"a %s lich";
Long	"The %s lich drives fear into your heart as it gazes at you.\n";
Desc	"Cold black eyes and a deathly chill emnating from this creature are the\n
only signs of it's condition, the power exudes from it and you shiver with\n
Level	12;
Align	-1000;
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden sanctuary infrared flying pass-door);
Race	(Undead);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	15;
Name	"earthy elemental";
Short	"an earth elemental";
Long	"A great earthy shape rises up from the ground and attacks!\n";
Level	10;
Align	-510;
Act	(npc aggressive stay_area assist buried racist);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared sneak hide);
Parts	(torso eyes left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);

Object {
Vnum	1;
Name	"pile trash";
Short	"a pile of trash";
Long	"A pile of trash lies here.";
Level	0;
Wear	(take);
Material	(mucus);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	2;
Name	"coin gold";
Short	"a gold coin";
Long	"One miserable gold coin.";
Level	0;
Type	(money);
Wear	(take);
Material	(gold);
Values	[1, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3;
Name	"coins gold";
Short	"some gold coins";
Long	"A pile of gold coins.";
Level	0;
Type	(money);
Wear	(take);
Material	(gold);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4;
Name	"generic potion";
Short	"a generic potion";
Long	"A bland generic potion is lying here.";
Level	26;
Cost	150;
Weight	2;
Type	(potion);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(glass);
Values	[12, (.), (.), (.)];
Object {
Vnum	5;
Name	"colt peacemaker 45 pistol";
Short	"&Ka &wcolt &Kpeacemaker '45";
Long	"A heavy pistol made from heavy black steel.";
Level	135;
Weight	16;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield double);
Extra	(dark no-cast fragile);
Material	(steel);
Required	(fear);
Values	[(high explosive), 0, 0, (<weapon> blast)];
Affect	{
Location	(speed);
Modifier	20;
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	100;
Object {
Vnum	10;
Name	"corpse";
Short	"corpse of %s";
Long	"The corpse of %s&x is lying here.";
Level	0;
Weight	100;
Type	("npc corpse");
Wear	(take);
Extra	(fragile);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<race> Human), 0, 0, 1];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"corpse";
Text	"You see the remains of some poor soul who encountered someone far\n
stronger and vicious than themselves, the corpse lies here mouldering and\n
you can see worms at work doing the decomposition business they do so well.\n";
Object {
Vnum	11;
Name	"corpse";
Short	"corpse of %s";
Long	"The corpse of %s&x is lying here.";
Level	0;
Weight	100;
Type	("pc corpse");
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<race> Human), 0, 0, 1];
Object {
Vnum	12;
Name	"head food";
Short	"head of %s";
Long	"The severed head of %s&x is lying here.";
Action	"You crack the hard skull and the squishy brains ooze into your mouth.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> head), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	13;
Name	"heart food";
Short	"heart of %s";
Long	"The torn-out heart of %s&x is lying here.";
Action	"You feel the heart beat weakly in your grasp as you bite into it.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	2;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[16, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	14;
Name	"guts entrails food pile slimy";
Short	"%s&x's slimy guts";
Long	"A slimy pile of %s&x's spilled entrails lies here.";
Action	"Cold slippery coils slide down your throat making you shiver.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[16, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	15;
Name	"teeth loosened ivory pieces";
Short	"%s&x's loosened teeth";
Long	"Small pieces of ivory, once from %s&x's mouth lie scattered about.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Wear	(take);
Material	(ivory);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	16;
Name	"turd";
Short	"steaming turd";
Long	"The steaming turds of %s&x assail your nostrils.";
Level	0;
Material	(organic);
Values	[5, 0, 0, 1];
Object {
Vnum	20;
Name	"mushroom food";
Short	"a Magic Mushroom";
Long	"A delicious magic mushroom is here.";
Level	0;
Cost	10;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[5, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	21;
Name	"ball light";
Short	"a bright ball of light";
Long	"A bright ball of light shimmers in the air.";
Level	0;
Type	(light);
Wear	(take float);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(glass);
Values	[0, 0, -1, 0];
Object {
Vnum	22;
Name	"magical spring";
Short	"a magical spring";
Long	"A magical spring flows from the ground here.";
Level	0;
Cost	10;
Weight	5000;
Type	(fountain);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[100000, 100000, (<liquid> water), 0];
Object {
Vnum	23;
Name	"portal";
Short	"a portal to %s";
Long	"A magical portal that bends reality to %s.";
Level	0;
Cost	10;
Weight	5000;
Type	(portal);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(glass);
Values	[100000, 100000, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	24;
Name	"nexus";
Short	"a nexus to %s";
Long	"A gaping hole in reality that we call a nexus leads to %s.";
Level	0;
Cost	10;
Weight	5000;
Type	(portal);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(mucus);
Values	[100000, 100000, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	25;
Name	"blank scroll";
Short	"a blank scroll";
Long	"A scroll with no writing is lying here.";
Level	24;
Cost	375;
Weight	2;
Type	(scroll);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(paper);
Required	(scrolls);
Values	[20, (.), (.), (.)];
Object {
Vnum	26;
Name	"food steak";
Short	"a small steak";
Long	"A small steak is here on the ground.";
Action	"The steak is a little old a leathery, but tasty enough.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	27;
Name	"food stew";
Short	"some stew";
Long	"Some stew in a wooden bowl is here on the ground.";
Action	"The stew is tasteless and not really satisfying.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	28;
Name	"food rabbit haunch";
Short	"a haunch of rabbit";
Long	"A haunch from a rabbit is here on the ground.";
Action	"The rabbit haunch is succulent and tender.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	29;
Name	"food berries berry";
Short	"some forest berries";
Long	"A variety of forest berries lie here on the ground.";
Action	"&mPurple juice runs down your chin as you eat the delicious fruits.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	30;
Name	"food tuber root";
Short	"a small tuber";
Long	"A root or tuber of some description is here on the ground.";
Action	"The tuber is bland yet surprisingly filling.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	31;
Name	"food goat";
Short	"a leg of goat";
Long	"A goat lost this leg, I wonder if it wants it back?";
Action	"The meat is tough but it is a decent meal.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	32;
Name	"food fish tuna dolphin-safe";
Short	"dolphin-Safe Tuna";
Long	"A tin with the words \"Dolphin-Safe Tuna\" is here on the ground.";
Action	"The tuna tastes a little fishy.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	33;
Name	"food trout fine";
Short	"a fine trout";
Long	"A fine trout, looks tasty, is here on the ground.";
Action	"A fine fish, you find the trout to be good eating.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	34;
Name	"food prawns";
Short	"some prawns";
Long	"A handfull of prawns lies here on the ground.";
Action	"These prawns are delicious, a real delicacy.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	35;
Name	"food pigeon";
Short	"a dead pigeon";
Long	"Standard fare for the aviator races, a plump pigeon.";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[10, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	36;
Name	"food dead lizard";
Short	"a dead lizard";
Long	"This dead lizard has been so for quite some time.";
Action	"The lizard tastes horrible, you find it hard to force it down.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[1, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	37;
Name	"whetstone oilstone stone";
Short	"a whetstone";
Long	"This is a small smooth stone well oiled, used for sharpening things.";
Level	0;
Cost	250;
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	38;
Name	"blood stain";
Short	"a large stain of blood";
Long	"The ground is splattered with &rblood&x.";
Level	0;
Weight	1000;
Type	(fountain);
Material	(organic);
Values	[0, 0, (<liquid> water), 0];
Object {
Vnum	39;
Name	"magic herbs pill";
Short	"magic herbs";
Long	"A bunch of magic herbs lies here.";
Level	0;
Type	(pill);
Wear	(take);
Material	(leather);
Values	[10, (.), (.), (.)];
Object {
Vnum	40;
Name	"builder token portal";
Short	"a builder's token";
Long	"A small runed token lies here.";
Level	0;
Cost	10000;
Weight	2;
Type	(portal);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(bless owner runed no-id);
Material	(diamond);
Values	[9900, 0, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> detect hidden);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> detect invis);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> infravision);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> ghoul form);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> fly);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> breathing);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> aura sight);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> boost);
Object {
Vnum	42;
Name	"seeds herbs";
Short	"a few seeds";
Long	"A few seeds lies here, ready for planting.";
Level	25;
Cost	1000;
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(no-id);
Material	(organic);
Required	(herbalism);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	43;
Name	"bandages linen soft roll";
Short	"some soft linen bandages";
Long	"A small roll of bandages lie on the ground.";
Level	5;
Cost	50;
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(no-id);
Material	(linen);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	44;
Name	"dimension door gateway light";
Short	"a dimensional doorway leading to the %s plane of existance";
Long	"A massive gateway of light stands here, leading to the %s plane of existance.";
Level	100;
Weight	200;
Type	(portal);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(glass);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	45;
Name	"spiritual hammer %s";
Short	"%s's &Ys&Wp&Yr&Wi&Yt&Wu&Ya&Wl&Y h&Wa&Ym&Wm&Ye&Wr";
Long	"A small hammer lies here, ready to battle evil.";
Level	1004;
Cost	1;
Weight	4;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(bless holy owner);
Material	(crystal);
Values	[(.), 0, 0, (<weapon> pound)];
Object {
Vnum	46;
Name	"angel wings";
Short	"angel's wings";
Long	"A set of angels wings, lines here.";
Level	1;
Cost	1;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take shoulders);
Extra	(owner);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[0, -10, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(mana-water);
Modifier	1000;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-spirit);
Modifier	1000;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-fire);
Modifier	1000;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-earth);
Modifier	1000;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-air);
Modifier	1000;
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> ghoul form);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> fly);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> heighten senses);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> breathing);
Affect	{
Name	(permanent spell);
Location	(<skill> phase shift);
Object {
Vnum	50;
Name	"severed head limb";
Short	"the severed head of %s";
Long	"Someone's head has been seperated from their body.";
Action	"You crack the hard skull and the squishy brains ooze into your mouth.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	2;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(leather);
Values	[(<limb> head), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	51;
Name	"gooey eyeball eyes limb";
Short	"%s's gooey eyeball";
Long	"A gruesome pair of eyeballs roll around on the ground.";
Action	"You pop the smooth eyeballs into your mouth and swallow.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> eyes), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	52;
Name	"severed arm limb";
Short	"the severed arm of %s";
Long	"Someone has obviously been estranged from their arm.";
Action	"The meat in the arm is tender and juicy, blood runs down your chin.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	2;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	53;
Name	"severed hand limb";
Short	"the severed hand of %s";
Long	"What appears to be a dummy hand is pretty realistic.";
Action	"The hand is blue and cold but you manage to force it down.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	54;
Name	"fingers limb";
Short	"%s's chopped-off fingers";
Long	"A small pile of fingers lie here.";
Action	"Each finger crunches between your teeth as you chew it.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	55;
Name	"severed leg limb";
Short	"%s's severed leg";
Long	"Whoever owns this will be hopping mad (bad pun).";
Action	"The meat is hard and tough and you have a hard time chewing.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	2;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	56;
Name	"severed foot limb";
Short	"%s's missing foot";
Long	"A foot lies here, no not a boot, a foot.";
Action	"The toes curl up as you bite into the foot.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	57;
Name	"severed tail limb";
Short	"the tail of %s";
Long	"This tail used to be attached to someone.";
Action	"As you bite into the tail you feel it wriggle, maybe it's still alive.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	58;
Name	"horns limb";
Short	"%s's horns";
Long	"A pair of horns lie here in a pool of blood.";
Action	"The hard bone is barely edible but the inside flows with yummy juice.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	59;
Name	"wings limb";
Short	"the wings of %s";
Long	"A pool a blood surrounds these wings, there were taken forcibly.";
Action	"Tough and leathery the wings are surprisingly tasty.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	2;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	60;
Name	"lungs limb";
Short	"%s's old set of lungs";
Long	"A pair of lungs has been ripped from some poor soul.";
Action	"With a consistency like marshmallow, these lungs squelch as you chew.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> lungs), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	61;
Name	"gills limb";
Short	"%s's old gills";
Long	"These gills were obviously removed without the owner's consent.";
Action	"These small organs have a strange salty taste.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	62;
Name	"ear hacked limb";
Short	"%s's hacked off ear";
Long	"When Marc Antony said \"Lend me your ears\", someone took him literally.";
Action	"The tough cartilage in these ears means you don't get much eating.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	63;
Name	"nose chopped limb";
Short	"%s's chopped off nose";
Long	"This nose is starting to smell.";
Action	"The nose only has a small amount of tender meat.&n\n";
Level	0;
Type	(limb);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<limb> ), 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	70;
Name	"pure random gem %a";
Short	"a %zpure %A %zgem";
Long	"A deeply %a&x coloured gem lies on the ground.";
Level	1004;
Cost	1000000;
Type	(gem);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(crystal);
Values	[(<magic> water), 1000, 1000, 0];

Room {
Vnum	1;
Name	"The Void";
Desc	"You are floating in nothing.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Sector	(city);
Resets	{
# Saint Fred to room.
  M 2 1;
#	equip a colt peacemaker '45 rwielded.
  E 5 ("rwielded");
Room {
Vnum	2;
Name	"Limbo";
Desc	"You are floating in a formless void, detached from all sensation of physical\n
matter, surrounded by swirling glowing light, which fades into the relative\n
darkness around you without any trace of edges or shadow.\n
   There is a \"No Tipping\" notice pinned to the darkness.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Sector	(city);
Resets	{
# the dancing sword to room.
  M 1 1;
Room {
Vnum	3;
Name	"The Arena";
Desc	"A huge cleared area is made from hard packed dirt covered liberally\n
with sand.  It is surrounded by high walls above which rise hundreds of\n
wooden benches.  It is here that you will fight to the death.\n
Flags	(no_mob indoors arena);
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"rec reca recal recall /";
Comlist	"transfer $n 3001\n
at 3001 force $n look\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"fl fle flee";
Comlist	"echoat $n &rYou are in the arena, you have no wish to flee!&n\n";
Room {
Vnum	4;
Name	"The Preparation Room";
Desc	"A small room is comfortably furnished, however you wont be staying here\n
for very long, this room is where you prepare for BATTLE!\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors safe);
Room {
Vnum	69;
Name	"Frag's Hovel";
Desc	"You are in a small, miserable, dwelling (for those of you nincompoops who\n
don't know what a HOVEL is).  It's dark, dank, and cold.  At one end of the\n
room, you see a sorry excuse of a rusty, squeaky bunkbed.  Obviously, neither\n
of the beds are made.  A dirty, ragtorn teddy bear sleeps heavily on the\n
lower bunk.  You see, to your dismay, TWO clock radios, both of which are\n
ringing, which shows that this room was made for TWO people to sleep in,\n
although it's barely 10 X 12 feet.  Papers, books, and laundry are thrown\n
everywhere, with two computers astrally linked to the world of Envy.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors safe);
Sector	(city);
