# Player file cleaner.  See below for specifics.
# Written by Brian Moore for Rivers of MUD, Copyright 1995
# Free usage of this script and derivatives is allowed for any Merc based
# MUD provided the original Merc and Diku licenses are followed and these
# credits remain intact, excepting the use by the implementors of 
# Moosehead SLED, Sheryl Stover, and Kris Carlgren who must contact 
# me for licensing.
# This is substantially faster than standard find commands (due
# to a hell of a lot less forking: none) and is also a lot more
# flexible.

require "find.pl";

# Traverse desired filesystems

undef $/;      # so we can read the file into one string
$* = 1;        # allow the ^ and $ to act normal still

# Change the following to your player directory if its different for some
# reason.


# Below is all the selection code.  Change if your needs are different.
sub wanted
    # ensure only pfiles are checked
    if (!-r $_ || !-f $_ || !-T $_) { return; }
    if (int(-M $_) < 7)  { return; }       # give everyone a week
    open(FILE, $_);                        # open the pfile
    ($test = <FILE>);                      # read the whole file into $test

# Ugly, eh?  Search for the ^Levl line and parse of the level number
# into $level.

    ($level) = ($test =~ (/^Lvl[ ]+([0-9]{1,3})$/o));

# Now the next line could be fun: just change it to whatever level selection
# you want to use.  Yes, you could even allow for variable purge rates
# with no significant overhead.
    if ($level < 10 && int(-M $_) > ( (int($level/2) + 1) * 7))

# Do our thing: as set up below, just print.  Or switch the # down
# a line to make it delete.
#       print ("$_ is level $level.\n");      # just informational or:
	print ("Deleting player file of $_.\n");
        (unlink($_) || warn "$name: $!\n");    #   nuke-o-rama
# that's it.