# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1024369007;

Area {
Name	"Immortal Help Area";
Plane	"Limbo";
Builders	"";
Security	5;
Flags	(hidden);

Help {
Level	-1;
Text	"Immortal Rules/Guidelines\n
We, as immortals, are here to insure that our world runs with a minimal amount\n
of distress and anarchy. To those ends here is a list of _Do's_and_Dont's_.\n\n
    Do's                                                       Dont's\n
Cast a few spells on newbies ( =< 5 )   ||   Load dangerous mobs where mortals\n
Can give up to 500 coins to newbies     ||     frequent and/or could die\n
May restring eq for a minimal fee       ||   Fight/tank for mortals till a mob\n
Be helpful..and use your best judgement ||     is near death then flee/goto\n
                                        ||     some other location\n
  Have Fun                              ||   Meddle in the affairs of mortals\n
                                        ||     unless harrassment is going on\n
                                        ||   Be anal\n
                                        ||   Have your Mortal && immortal chars\n
\t\t\t                ||     on at the same time\n
The above may be changed/added to so check this entry often review it sometime\n\n
Failure to adhere to the rules will result in the following:\n
- temporary revocation of your imm powers  /* first offense\n
- permanent demotion to level 1           /* you blew your second chance\n
 - and/or removal of your char           /* rm <charname> [enter] :) so sorry\n\n
Brought to you by the Directors of DalekenMud.\n
And we reserve the right to modify these guidlines at any point in time\n
or to render them null and void.\n";
Help {
Level	300;
Name	"IMOTD";
Text	"New commands for immortals are here, \"info\" toggles extra game info (you\n
will soon see what it shows) and \"dupefind\" checks the objects in the game\n
for duplication.  Note that items all have a unique key number which you can\n
see on \"ostat\" or see when info is on.\n
The big conquest is now going for balance in classes, as you know the\n
skills given to the additional classes are a little inbalanced, so we\n
want to find some more interesting ideas and maybe a way to shift the\n
balance away from particular classes.\n\n
Builders see help NEW AREAS and AREA IDEAS\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"As far as new areas go there are only a few things we ask of you:\n
- All your other area must be finished (including descriptions).\n
- Always ask an Imm (especially Kaz) before you start a new area. If\n
you've got your area worked out, tell Kaz the details. Eg. \"It's a\n
level 13-22 city in the the hills named The Kobold Village which will\n
be full of Kobolds.\" This will help me put your area on the map. If\n
you've got no idea what to build, try help 'AREA IDEAS'.\n
- Once you've got your new area, go into Aedit and change the Name,\n
Filename and Buildername. The plane must stay as \"unfinished\".\n
- Once you have FULLY completed your area, tell Kaz, and your area will\n
be checked for spelling, grammar, and the mob and eq stats. Once your\n
area is checked, any changes you try to make will not save.\n";
Help {
Level	-400;
Text	"Format:\n
Name - terrain of surrounds. max level range (+/-20). enter directions.\n
       other notes.\n\n
The Volcano - mountain. 50-100 or 100-200. any.\n
              caves within a volcano's peak.\n
Voordmar Keep - swamp or mountain. 50-100. N, E, or W.\n
                big castle.\n
Ocean Areas - water. any. N, E (0-50);S, E (50-100);any (100-200/200+).\n
              few islands, plus sunken cities etc.\n
Wraith King's Barrow - field or hill. 50-100 or 100-200. any.\n
                       wraith king, wraith and wight mobs etc.\n
Race Areas - appropriate to race. any. any.\n
             We got Corwyddon, Nargis, Faerie Hollow etc. how bout more?\n
Icy Areas - mountain, field or hill. 100-200. any.\n
            2nd continent will hopefully have a few of these.\n
Viking Village - hills, forest or field. 100-200. any.\n
                 one side on the beach?\n
Triffid Forest - forest. 50-100. any.\n
                 mobs are plants.\n\n
These stats are just meant to be a general guide, you can change em if\n
ya want. Any level range within whats given is good, but keep the area\n
inside that please.\n";
Help {
Level	-800;
Text	"A list of races we don't got, some may be\n
redundant, but some may be cool. A few things\n
you might not recognize, and a few you might\n
know, but I just had to write a few things\n
for, so check out:\n
help 0.nri, or help 'nri (racename)'\n\n
mutant            manticore           zombie\n
avian             scarecrow           skeleton\n
griffon           imp                 ghoul\n
satyr             cockatrice          ghast\n
skaven/ratmen     chimera             wight\n
wyvern            gorgon              ghost\n
bat               sphinx              mummy\n
titan             shapeshifter        spirit\n
ent               cartoon/toon        pixie\n
beholder          burrowing horror    sprite\n
basilisk          lloigor             unicorn\n
medusa            nightgaunt          blinkdog\n
hellhound         shadow              pegasus\n
Help {
Level	-800;
Text	"Horned, winged, tailed thing.\n
perm. spell breathing. not much int.\n";
Help {
Level	-800;
Text	"Dragon type thing. No wings. Big.\n
New spell Vortex (damage spell)\n";
Help {
Level	-800;
Text	"Big-ass worm type thing, with new spell\n
burrow:- like invis, but CANNOT be seen\n
under any circumstances.\n
They have perm. breathing\n";
Help {
Level	-800;
Text	"Just because it sounds cool.\n";
Help {
Level	-800;
Text	"With new spell:- shapeshift (polymorph self)\n";
Help {
Level	-800;
Name	"'NRI TITAN'";
Text	"Sorta like a god, but less powerful\n";
Help {
Level	-800;
Name	"'NRI MUTANT'";
Text	"Possibly our version of Asgaard's golem?\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"Syntax: advance <character> <level>\n\n
ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the\n
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE\n
may also be used to demote characters.\n\n
Be careful when a player is multiclassing, at the moment they can only\n
increase in sublevel.\n";
Help {
Level	850;
Name	"TRUST";
Text	"Syntax: trust <character> <level>\n\n
TRUST sets a character's trust to the specified level.  This is similar to\n
advancing the character for accessing immortal commands, but has no effect\n
on combat strength, et cetera.  You can give more trust to mortal (or\n
immortal) characters to give them access to more power without messing up\n
the character.  You can also restrict a player's trust to less than their\n
natural level.\n\n
A trust of 0 means to use the character's natural level again.\n";
Help {
Level	700;
Text	"Syntax: masscast <spellname>\n\n
MASSCAST let's you cast a single spell on every single character in the\n
entire game, so you can cast things like combat mind or sanctuary to\n
reward or something similar.  Please don't use this for strange spells.\n\n
See also CAST.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: allow       <site>\n
Syntax: siteban     <site>\n
Syntax: siteban\n\n
BAN <site> prohibits players from that site from logging in.  BAN with\n
no arguments lists the banned sites.  ALLOW <site> removes a site from\n
the ban list.\n\n
The site ban test works by suffix comparison, so if you ban 'foo.edu',\n
all sites within 'foo.edu' are banned as well.\n\n
Site bans are not saved; every time the server is rebooted, the site\n
ban list is cleared.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: reboot\n
Syntax: shutdown\n
Syntax: wizlock\n
Syntax: numlock <number>\n
Syntax: newlock\n\n
REBOOT shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used\n
to control the server, a delay of sixty seconds will ensue (to allow\n
old connections to die), followed by a reboot.\n\n
SHUTDOWN shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script\n
from restarting it.\n\n
WIZLOCK is a toggle command.  When the server is WIZLOCKed, players\n
below level immortal without a special bit set may not log in.  Players who\n
lose their links, however, may reconnect.\n\n
NUMLOCK shows at which character level and below may not log in.\n\n
NUMLOCK <number> sets which character level and below MAY NOT log in.\n
Players level immortal and above with a special bit set MAY log in.\n
Players who lose their links, however, may reconnect.\n\n
NEWLOCK is a shortcut to NUMLOCK 1.  NEWLOCK will turn on numlock but\n
not turn off if currently set.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: deny       <character>\n
Syntax: disconnect <character>\n
Syntax: freeze     <character>\n\n
DENY denies access to a particular player and throws them out of the game.\n
DENY is permanent (persists across reboots) and is not undoable from within the\n
game.  Only someone with access to the player files directory may repeal a\n
DENY by editing the appropriate player file.\n\n
DISCONNECT <character> immediately disconnects that character.\n\n
FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any\n
commands at all.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Name	"FORCE";
Text	"Syntax: force <character> <command>\n
Syntax: force all <command>\n\n
FORCE forces one character to execute a command.\n\n
FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.\n
This is typically used for 'force all save'.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: log   <character>\n
Syntax: log   all\n
Syntax: snoop <character>\n\n
LOG <character> causes all of a character's commands to be logged into\n
the server's log file.  Like FREEZE, it is a permanent character toggle.\n\n
Certain commands (PASSWORD) are protected against LOG.  Conversely, certain\n
commands (especially immortal commands) are always logged.\n\n
LOG ALL logs all character commands.  It is a server-wide toggle; it does not\n
persist across reboots.\n\n
SNOOP shows you a copy of all the input and output going to a character.\n
The character must have an open channel.  You may snoop more than one\n
character at a time.\n\n
SNOOP yourself to cancel all outstanding snoops.\n";
Help {
Level	1000;
Text	"Syntax: imtlset <character> + <skill>\n
Syntax: imtlset <character> -\n
Syntax: imtlset <character>\n\n
IMTLSET sets the immortal skills for an immortal.  IMTLSET <character>\n
+ adds to the immortal's skills one at a time.  IMTLSET <character> -\n
removes all of the immortal's skills.  IMTLSET <character> shows you\n
all the immortal skills the immortal has available.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: mset <character> <field> <value>\n
Syntax: oset <object>    <field> <value>\n
Syntax: rset <location>  <field> <value>\n
Syntax: sset <character> <skill> <value>\n
Syntax: sset <character> all     <value>\n\n
MSET, OSET, and RSET set the properties of mobiles, objects, and rooms,\n
respectively.  SSET sets a skill or spell level on a PC.\n\n
There is currently no way to enter more than one line of text for a\n
string-valued option.  In this case, MSET <character> description is\n
not supported.\n\n
See also 'ATOI FUNCTIONS'\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: noemote <character>\n
Syntax: notell  <character>\n
Syntax: silence <character>\n\n
NOEMOTE, NOTELL, and SILENCE are used to muffle other characters, by\n
preventing them from emoting, telling, and using channels, respectively.\n
Characters who are no'telled will also not receive those forms of\n
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: mload <vnum>\n
Syntax: oload <vnum>\n\n
MLOAD loads a mobile given its vnum (virtual number).  The vnum's are just\n
the #NNNN numbers that appear in world.obj.\n\n
OLOAD loads an object given its vnum.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Name	"PARDON";
Text	"Syntax: pardon <character> killer\n
Syntax: pardon <character> thief\n\n
PARDON pardons a player for their crimes.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"PURGE";
Text	"Syntax: purge\n
Syntax: purge <character>\n\n
PURGE is used to clean up the world.  PURGE with no arguments removes all the\n
NPC's and objects in the current room.  PURGE with an argument purges one\n
character from anywhere in the world.\n\n
PURGE will not get rid of PC's.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: restore <character>\n
Syntax: restore all\n
Syntax: restore all mesg <message>\n\n
RESTORE restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points to the\n
target character.\n\n
RESTORE ALL restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points\n
to all players and mobiles.\n\n
The extra options MOBS and PARTS restore all mobs and replace missing\n
limbs respectively.\n\n
RESTORE MESSAGE <message> or RESTORE MESG <message> send the message you\n
give instead of your name, just for fun.\n";
Help {
Level	900;
Name	"SSTIME";
Text	"Syntax: sstime\n
Syntax: sstime <value>/reboot\n\n
This Directorship command sets the time of shutdown or reboot\n
with accompanying warnings.\n\n
Value is the number of minutes till reboot or shutdown.  (1440\n
Reboot will toggle between reboot or shutdown.\n\n
SSTIME without an argument shows the time at which the mud will reboot\n
or shutdown.\n";
Help {
Level	500;
Name	"SLAY";
Text	"Syntax: slay <character> [action]\n\n
SLAY kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.\n\n
SLAY bypasses auto actions such as AUTOLOOT and AUTOSAC.\n\n
Use slay on its own to get a list of actions, these are just neat\n
messages that you can use instead of the normal one.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: transfer <character>\n
Syntax: transfer all\n
Syntax: transfer <character> <location>\n
Syntax: transfer all         <location>\n\n
TRANSFER transfers the target character, or ALL player characters,\n
to your current location (default) or to a specified location.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Name	"USERS";
Text	"Syntax: users\n\n
USERS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including users\n
in the process of logging in.  The two numbers inside brackets are the channel\n
number and the 'connected' state.  The 'connected' states are listed in merc.h:\n
0 is CON_PLAYING; non-zero values are various states of logging in.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Name	"WIZIFY";
Text	"Syntax: wizify <character>\n\n
WIZIFY toggles the wizbit flag of a character.  This enables the wizified\n
character to enter the game despite a WIZLOCK.\n";
Help {
Level	700;
Text	"Syntax: echo  <message>\n
Syntax: recho <message>\n
Syntax: send <character> <message>\n\n
ECHO sends a message to all players in the game, without any prefix\n
indicating who sent it.\n\n
RECHO sends a message to all players in your room, without any prefix\n
indicating who sent it.\n\n
SEND is similar to the others but specifies a single character.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Name	"MEMORY";
Text	"Syntax: memory\n\n
MEMORY reports the size of your mud.\n\n
The 'Mobs' and 'Objs' lines report the number of types of mobiles and objects,\n
not the number of instances currently in the game.\n\n
The 'Strings' line shows memory used by area-file strings.  These strings have\n
a maximum limit, which is also shown.\n\n
The 'Perms' line shows permanently allocated memory blocks.  There is no limit\n
on the number and size of these blocks.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Text	"Syntax: mfind <name>\n
Syntax: ofind <name>\n\n
MFIND finds all mobile types with a particular name.\n\n
OFIND finds all object types with a particular name.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Text	"Syntax: mstat <character>\n
Syntax: ostat <object>\n
Syntax: rstat <location>\n
Syntax: rstat\n\n
MSTAT shows you statistics on a character.\n\n
OSTAT shows you statistics on an object.\n\n
RSTAT shows you statistics on a location. The location may be specified as\n
a vnum, as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Name	"OWHERE";
Text	"Syntax: owhere <object>\n\n
OWHERE shows you the locations of all objects numbering 100 or less with a\n
perticular name.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Name	"MWHERE";
Text	"Syntax: mwhere <name>\n\n
MWHERE shows you the locations of all mobiles with a particular name.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Name	"PEACE";
Text	"Syntax: peace\n\n
PEACE causes all characters and mobiles in a room to stop fighting.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Text	"Syntax: slookup <sn>\n
Syntax: slookup <skill-or-spell>\n
Syntax: slookup all\n\n
SLOOKUP shows you the internal 'sn' and skill or spell name for the given\n
skill, spell, or 'sn'.  The 'sn' is used for OSET and OSTAT.  'sn' is not\n
used for player files; these operate with the actual skill and spell names.\n\n
SLOOKUP ALL shows this information for all skills and spells.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Text	"Syntax: switch <character>\n
Syntax: return\n\n
SWITCH switches you into the body of another character (who must not\n
already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC).\n\n
RETURN returns you to your original body.\n";
Help {
Level	500;
Name	"AT";
Text	"Syntax: at <location> <command>\n\n
AT executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given\n
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of\n
a mobile, or as the name of an object.\n\n
AT works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the\n
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your\n
location).  Thus, AT will not work to private locations.\n";
Help {
Level	500;
Text	"Syntax: bamfin\n
Syntax: bamfin  <message>\n
Syntax: bamfout\n
Syntax: bamfout <message>\n\n
The standard messages for GOTO are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and\n
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of\n
your own choosing using the BAMFIN and BAMFOUT commands.  Without arguments,\n
these reset the messages to their defaults.\n";
Help {
Level	500;
Name	"GOTO";
Text	"Syntax: goto <location>\n\n
GOTO takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,\n
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.\n\n
You may not GOTO a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters\n
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters\n
already present.\n";
Help {
Level	500;
Text	"Syntax: holylight\n
Syntax: wizinvis\n\n
HOLYLIGHT is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and\n
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more\n
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.\n\n
WIZINVIS is a toggle which makes you completely invisible to all player\n
characters of lower level than you, and to all mobiles.\n\n
HOLYLIGHT will not allow you to see immortal WIZINVIS characters who are\n
higher level than you.\n";
Help {
Level	300;
Name	"IMMTALK :";
Text	"Syntax: immtalk <message>\n\n
IMMTALK sends a message to all immortals.  ':' is a synonym for IMMTALK.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"MOBprogram quick reference to triggers/variables/ifchecks/mobcommands\n
These helps include the following:\n
\tTRIGGERS\t-Description of what the triggers are\n
\tVARIABLES\t-Description of the variables used\n
\tIFCHECKS\t-All the \"if\" checks available\n
\tMOBCOMMANDS\t-Commands available to mobs\n\n
These helps can also be referenced by 1.mobprogs, 2.mobprogs etc...\t\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"trigger         argument and what must happen to activate trigger\n
act_prog        WORDLIST or P WORD_PHRASE to match from act() to mobile\n
bribe_prog      INTEGER amount of miminum gold amount given to mobile\n
entry_prog      PERCENT chance to check when mobile moves to a new room\n
give_prog       FULL OBJECT NAME or ALL to match when obj given to mobile\n
greet_prog      PERCENT chance to check if visable char enters mobile's room\n
all_greet_prog  PERCENT chance to check when any char enters mobile's room\n
fight_prog      PERCENT chance to check at fight_pulse if mobile is fighting\n
hitprcnt_prog   PERCENT lower than mobiles hit/max_hit if mobile is fighting\n
death_prog      PERCENT chance to check after mobile has been slain\n
rand_prog       PERCENT chance to check whenever a PC is in the mobiles zone\n
speech_prog     WORDLIST or P WORD_PHRASE to match in dialogue to mobile\n
attack_prog     PERCENT chance when the mobile gets attacked by a PC\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"variable         mobile actor victim random     object 2nd_object\n
  name             $i    $n     $t     $r         $o       $p\n
shrt_desc/title    $I    $N     $T     $R         $O       $P\n
he/she/it          $j    $e     $E     $J         --       --    '$'symbol=$$\n
him/her/it         $l    $m     $M     $L         --       --\n
his/hers/its       $k    $s     $S     $K         --       --\n
a/an               --    --     --     --         $a       $A\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"ifcheck       argument?        meaning\n
rand(num)                   Is a random percentage less than or equal to num\n
exist($*)                   Is this $* code usable\n
isnpc($*)                   Is $* an NPC\n
ispc($*)                    Is $* a PC\n
isgood($*) / isevil($*)     Does $* have a good/evil alignment\n
isfight($*)                 Is $* fighting\n
isimmort($*)                Is the level of $* greater than max_mortal\n
ischarmed($*)               Is $* affected by charm\n
isfollow($*)                Is $* a follower with their master in the room\n
isaffected($*) && integer    Is ($*->affected_by & integer) true (person only)\n
hitprcnt($*)  == percent    Is the hit/max_hit of $* equal to percent\n
inroom($*)    == integer    Is the room of $* equal to integer (person only)\n
sex($*)       == integer    Is the sex of $* equal to integer\n
position($*)  == integer    Is the position of $* equal to integer\n
level($*)     == integer    Is the level of $* equal to integer\n
class($*)     == integer    Is the class of $* equal to integer\n
goldamt($*)   == integer    Does $* have a gold total equal to integer\n
objtype($*)   == integer    Is the type of $* equal to integer (armor,boat,etc)\n
objval#($*)   == integer    Is $*->value[#] equal to integer (# from 0-3)\n
number($*)    == integer    Is the vnum of $* equal to integer\n
name($*)      == string     Is the name of $* equal to string\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"MOBcommand\targument_list\t\tMOBcommand\targument_list\n
MPMLOAD\t\t<mobile>\t\tMPECHOAT\t<victim> <text_string>\n
MPOLOAD\t\t<object> <level>\tMPECHOAROUND\t<victim> <text_string>\n
MPGOTO\t\t<dest>\t\t\tMPAT\t\t<dest> <command>\n
MPTRANSFER\t<dest> [location]\tMPFORCE\t\t<victim> <command>\n
MPOSETVAL       <level>                 MPOSETVAL       <value#> <number>\n";
Help {
Level	-1;
Name	"OLC";
Text	"Syntax: AEDIT [create/reset]            - Area Creation and Repoping.\n
Syntax: REDIT [create/reset] [vnum]     - Room Creation and Editing.\n
Syntax: OEDIT   [create] <vnum>         - Object Creation and Editing.\n
Syntax: MEDIT   [create] <vnum>         - Mobile Creation and Editing.\n\n
Syntax: ASAVE  <world/area/changed/list>\t- Save Editing to Disk.\n
Syntax: ALIST                                   - Listing of Areas.\n
Syntax: RESET  See Help Resets.\t\t\t- Set Game Resets.\n\n
Definition: [optional]  <required>\n\n
     The above commands are used to expand the game world.  The original code\n
it is based on was written by Surreality and installed in The Isles by Locke.\n
It was then converted to work with Envy by Jason Dinkel.\n\n
     Inside an editor, typing COMMANDS lists working commands and ? gives\n
help. AEDIT and REDIT default to the current area or room. EDIT ROOM RESET\n
resets the current room.  Most commands with no arguments display syntax.\n
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"ALIST";
Text	"Syntax: ALIST\n\n
This command gives you a listing of all the areas along with their\n
vnum assignments and the builder(s) assigned to editing them.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"AEDIT";
Text	"Syntax: aedit\t\t-Enters the editor for the current area.\n
Syntax: aedit <vnum>\t-Enters the editor for the selected area.\n\n
The follow commands are available from within the AEDITOR:\n\n
age <number>        - set the age of the area\n
builder <player>    - toggle that builder's access\n
commands            - prints a list of possible commands\n
create              - create a brand new area and switch to it\n
done                - exits the area editor and returns to normal play\n
filename <filename> - change the file name for the area. '.are' is appended.\n
hedit <...>         - edit a help (multiple arguments).\n
name <name>         - change the 'AREAS' name of this area\n
newhelp <level> <keywords> - adds a new help to the area\n
recall <room vnum>  - set the room to recall to\n
reset               - resets the current area\n
security <rating>   - set the security rating for this area\n
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the area stats\n
vnum <lower> <upper>- set the lower and upper vnum's\n
lvnum <lower>       - set the lower vnum\n
uvnum <upper>       - set the upper vnum\n
<flags>             - area flags, type ? AREA for a list\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"REDIT";
Text	"Syntax: redit\t\t\t-Enters the editor for the current room.\n\n
The following commands are available from within the REDITOR:\n\n
commands            - prints a list of possible commands\n
create <vnum>       - creates a room with a certain vnum\n
desc                - edit description of room\n
done                - exists the room editor and returns to normal play\n
ed                  - type this command for additonal extra-description help\n
format              - format(word-wrap) the room description\n
name <room title>   - changes the room title\n
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the room stats\n
oshow <vnum>        - shows an object with given vnum\n
olist               - lists objects in this area.\n
mshow <vnum>        - shows a mobile with given vnum\n
mlist               - lists mobiles in this area.\n
<room-flags>        - room attributes, type ? ROOM for a list\n
<sector>            - terrain of room, type ? SECTOR for a list\n
<direction>         - see help EXIT, or type <dir> ?\n
walk <direction>    - use the walk command to move in a direction\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"Syntax: <dir> <command> <argument(s)>\n
For exits, type the direction (north/s/e/w) followed by:\n\n
dig <vnum>         - creates the room and makes a two way link\n
link <room vnum>   - make a two way link\n
room <room vnum>   - make a one way link (use with caution)\n
key <object vnum>  - makes specified object the vnum of the key required\n
name <door name>   - makes the door's name/keywords = to the given name\n
desc               - edit the description of the exit\n
remove <arg>       - used to remove keys, names, and descriptions\n
delete             - delete this exit\n
<exit-flags>       - type ? EXIT for a list(door, locked etc.)\n\n
The exit flags are presented in the following manner.  The capitalized\n
flags are ones not included in the reset info.  i.e. closed is due to\n
a player closing the door and not due to the door being set to be closed.\n\n
-South to [ 3744] Key: [   -1] Exit flags: [door CLOSED pickproof]\n\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"OEDIT";
Text	"Syntax: oedit <vnum>\t\t-Enters the editor for the selected object.\n\n
The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:\n\n
addaffect           - applies an affect to an object, no args for help\n
delaffect           - removes an affect to an object, no args for help\n
commands            - prints a list of possible commands\n
cost <gold>         - sets the gold value of the object\n
create <vnum>       - creates object with specified vnum\n
done                - exits the object editor and returns to normal play\n
ed                  - type this for info on adding/editing extended descripts\n
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)\n
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an object\n
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an object (a sword, a fish etc)\n
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the object stats\n
v0 <num>            - sets the value '0' on the object\n
v1 <num>            - sets the value '1' on the object\n
v2 <num>            - sets the value '2' on the object\n
v3 <num>            - sets the value '3' on the object\n
weight <num>        - sets the weight of the object\n
required <skill>    - sets the skill required to use this\n
<obj-type>          - type of object, type ? TYPE for a list\n
<extra-flags>       - attributes of object, type ? EXTRA for a list\n
<wear-flags>        - where object is worn, type ? WEAR for a list\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"MEDIT";
Text	"Syntax: medit <vnum>\t\t-Enters the editor for the selected mobile.\n\n
The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:\n\n
alignment <value>   - set the mobile's alignment\n
commands            - prints a list of possible commands\n
create <vnum>       - creates mobile with specified vnum\n
desc                - edit the mobile's description (when looked at)\n
done                - exits the mobile editor and returns to normal play\n
level <level>       - set the mobile's level\n
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)\n
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an mobile\n
shop                - type this command for further information\n
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an mobile (a sword, a fish etc)\n
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the mobile stats\n
spec                - sets a mobiles spec proc, type ? SPEC for a list\n
<sex>               - set the mobile's sex, type ? SEX for a list\n
<act>               - mobiles actions, type ? ACT for a list\n
<affected-by>       - mobile affects, type ? AFFECT for a list\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"RESETS";
Text	"Syntax: RESET <number> OBJ <vnum> <location on body>    - equips last mobile\n
        RESET <number> OBJ <vnum> inside <obj vnum>     - store in container\n
        RESET <number> OBJ <vnum> room                  - store in room\n
        RESET <number> MOB <vnum> [<max #>]             - load a mobile\n
        RESET <number> DELETE                           - delete a reset\n\n
RESET alone will display the resets in the current room.  The <number> will\n
be displayed with this list.  Typing ? WEAR-LOC will list possible locations\n
that an object can be loaded to.  The [<max #>] is the maximum number of\n
mobiles allowed in this room and will default to 1 if no number is entered.\n\n
For resets to be successful make sure that you add them in a logical order.\n
For example, if you are equipping a mobile, don't load a container in the\n
room and fill it with some objects and then continue equipping the mobile.\n
It is likely that resets will backfire if they are not carefully entered.\n\n
If you wish to reset the room use REDIT RESET.\n\n
EXTRA NOTE: negative numbers for maximum number of mobs enables you to\n
set the maximum number of mobiles in the room.\n
(i.e. -1 means one mobile in this room, ignoring all else)\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    race of corpse\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    unused\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    base armour class - calculated from level\n
   value 1    armour size (-1 fits all)\n
   value 2    unused\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    unused\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    hours of light available, 0 is dead, -1 is infinite\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    level\n
   value 1    max charges\n
   value 2    current charges\n
   value 3    spell name\n\n
An up-to-date list of spells can be obtained by typing:\n
? SPELLS [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all]\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    level\n
   value 1    spell name 1\n
   value 2    spell name 2\n
   value 3    spell name 3\n\n
An up-to-date list of spells can be obtained by typing:\n
? SPELLS [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all]\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    offensive spell cast after hit\n
   value 1    min damage - automatically calculated from level\n
   value 2    max damage - automatically calculated from level\n
   value 3    weapon type: hit, slice, stab, slash, whip, claw, blast,\n
                           pound, crush, grep, bite, pierce, suction, chop\n\n
An up-to-date list of weapon types can be obtained by typing\n
? WEAPON\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    unused\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    fluid that flows from it\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    Flags specifying stand/sit/rest/sleep on/at/in\n
              i.e. stand-at sit-on sleep-in etc...\n
                    value 1    maximum number of people on/at/in it at a time.\n
   value 2    bonus to hitpoint regen as a percentage\n
   value 3    bonus to mana regen as a percentage\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    weight capacity\n
   value 1    flags: closeable, pickproof, closed, locked\n
   value 2    key vnum\n
   value 3    unused\n\n
An up-to-date list of flags can be obtained by typing\n
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value0    capacity\n
   value1    current quantity\n
   value2    liquid type: water, beer, wine, ale, dark-ale, whisky, lemonade,\n
                          firebreather, local-specialty, slime-mold-juice,\n
                          milk, tea, coffee, blood, salt-water, cola...\n
   value3    poisoned?\n\n
An up-to-date list of liquids can be obtained by typing\n
? LIQUID\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    hours of food value\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    unused\n
   value 3    poisoned?\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    value in gold pieces\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    unused\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    room destination when you enter\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    unused\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    level at which the item explodes\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    unused\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".   value 0    flags for which limbs this represents\n
   value 1    unused\n
   value 2    unused\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	".    value 0    spell or skill that the book can teach\n
    value 1    percentage that the book gives the person studying it\n
    value 2    percentage above normal adept level the book can give ***\n
    value 3    unused\n\n
*** Note that if you can normally practice a skill the book can increase\n
the percentage in that skill (value 2) above the normal adept %age.\n
If you can't practice the skill, value 2 is simply the maximum level\n
the skill can be raised to.\n
e.g. if value 2 is 25% for magic missile, then a mage can get a level of\n
115% by studying the book, but anyone who couldn't get the spell anyway\n
will only be able to get the spell to 25%.\n\n
Note also that books automatically cost 100 times the set value.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Name	"ITEM_GEM";
Text	".   value 0    magic sphere of mana contained (? magic)\n
   value 1    maximum mana capacity\n
   value 2    current mana held\n
   value 3    unused\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"New socials are added in an area file with the rest of the sections\n
under a new heading #SOCIALS this means that you can add them to your\n
own area files.\n\n
They are of the following format:\n
NAME: <name:string>~\n
Left hand side is the target:\n
char- who is doing the social\n
others- everyone else\n
vict- who 'char' is doing it to\n\n
Right hand side is the case:\n
no_arg- when the social isn't followed by anything\n
found- when the social is directed at someone\n
auto- when 'char' does it to themselves\n\n
Stack them in one on top of another, it makes no difference to me\n
how you do it, and finish with a \"END\"\n";
Help {
Level	500;
Text	"This allows you to create a social, I would suggest going to a room in\n
the area in which you want to put the social and make sure you can edit that\n
area as it uses the room you are in to assign the social's area.\n
name           - changes the name of the social\n
create         - creates a new social\n
delete         - deletes the social\n
char_no_arg    - what the char gets when he/she types it in with no target\n
others_no_arg  - what others get for the above\n
char_found     - what the char gets when they do it on someone\n
others_found   - what others get when the char does it on someone\n
vict_found     - what the victim gets\n
char_auto      - what the char gets when they do it on themselves\n
others_auto    - what others get for the above case\n\n
Note: the commands for changing things can be abbreviated to their initials\n
      for simplicity (e.g. char_no_arg becomes simply \"cna\").\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"The clan editor is pretty straightforward, ask another imm to tell you\n
how it works, remember how to use the 'commands' command and you should be\n
Please, please don't create a clan without consulting the clan creation guide\n
'newclan.txt' that exists in the doc directory.  If you don't have access to\n
this file, ask someone who does.\n";
Help {
Level	1000;
Text	"These are used in commands like mset and oset where the value, which must\n
be a number can be looked up by the system and you simply type the function\n
which should be used.\n\n
    e.g. to make a staff cast 'bless':\n
\toset 'staff' v3 slookup(bless)\n
--Here the \"slookup(bless)\" looks for the spell name bless and transfers\n
the spell into the appropriate number.\n\n
Here are some of the functions you can use:\n
STRLEN(string)\t\tSPECLOOKUP(spec_fun)    SLOOKUP(skill)\n
Note also that the flags used in OLC are accessible from this, i.e. the\n
things you get when you type '?' in OLC.  These include WEAR() ACT()\n
This system of interpreting strings has special application in mob-progs\n
and it allows the variables used there to be interpreted as numbers.\n
Note also that as skill numbers are always changing, this can avoid the\n
problem of a changing number.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: immname <character> <title>\n\n
This is a toy to change the immortal name of a character, as seen on who.\n
This means that you can change the title of immortals even though they\n
might be same level.\n\n
Note that leaving the <title> clear, resets the character's immname.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"Especially in creating socials a working knowledge of the function \"act\"\n
is useful.  This is the function used for most communication with players\n
in the game.\n\n
Most importantly the format string is important.  It determines the\n
message that will be sent.  To allow flexibility, these are substituted\n
for each person and depend on the variables passed to the function.\n
$n, $N   - name of the first ($n) and second ($N) player targets\n
$e, $E   - he, she or it depending on first or second player targets\n
$m, $M   - him, her or its as above\n
$s, $S   - his, hers or its as above\n
$r, $R   - sir, madam or buddy as above\n
$p, $P   - name of the first ($p) or second ($P) object targets\n\n
Please note that this help isn't definitive and extra consideration\n
may be necessary in particular circumstances.  Those who intend to code\n
should look at the \"act.txt\" document.\n";
Help {
Level	600;
Name	"NOLAG";
Text	"Syntax: nolag\n
Syntax: nolag <target> <on|off>\n\n
Toggles lagging for a character.  This means that with nolag set, you\n
will not get the regular lag for spell casting and other commands with\n
wait times on them.\n";
Help {
Level	250;
Text	"These are the immortal levels and their significance, rank means\n
something with immortals and some commands are restricted to the higher\n
Overlord  (1000) - This is the BIG boss, you will obey them because they\n
                   hold the power to do ANYTHING, so be very afraid.\n
Master     (900) - These guys are so close to the top there is no difference,\n
                   treat these people with the utmost respect, there is\n
                   little they cannot do.\n
Architect  (850) - An architect is a master builder, responsible for the\n
                   overseeing of the creation of the world.\n
Deity      (800) - A senior immortal with a large range of powers, fear them.\n
Acolyte    (700) - A junior immortal has little access to the commands with\n
                   the most sting, however they have sufficient power to hunt\n
                   down problems.\n
Archangel  (650) - Head of the angels these immortals are who you will turn\n
                   to for help, they also administer the angels.\n
Apprentice (500) - The lowest true immortal, apprentices have few powers\n
                   aside from the observational.\n
Builder    (400) - Not strictly a true imm, builders create the world(s).\n
Angel      (300) - Who to turn to for help with corpses etc...\n\n
If you aren't already an immortal you might consider asking an immortal\n
of architect level or above for a builder or angel...\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: seniortalk <message>\n
Syntax: ]<message>\n\n
SENIORTALK is the communication channel for the higher immortals where they\n
can avoid being overheard in particular by builders and angels.  There is\n
no real difference in this channel from all the other channels.\n";
Help {
Level	850;
Text	"Syntax: builder <character>\n
Syntax: builder <character> newarea <lvnum> <uvnum>\n\n
This command sets all the builder skills for a character, sets their trust\n
and so on...\n\n
The \"newarea\" flag makes an area for the builder to edit.\n";
Help {
Level	900;
Text	"Syntax: scriptsave <type> area|<area num> [shift <amount>]\n\n
This command allows you to save an area in a format suitable for sending\n
to a MUD which has OLC.\n\n
<type> is the target MUD, \"daleken\" or \"asgaard\" at the moment.\n
The second argument is either the word \"area\" or the area vnum to save.\n
The optional shift argument sets a number to add to the vnums to shift\n
them to a suitable range.\n\n
Note: the file created is the same as the .are file with a .olc extension.\n";
Help {
Level	900;
Text	"Syntax: pload <player-name> [nosave]\n
Syntax: punload <character>\n\n
These commands allow you to load a character that isn't currently logged\n
in.  This means loading a player like a mob so you can test things on them\n
or preform security checks, maybe change gear or attributes.  You can't\n
pload a character already logged on, be careful that they don't log on\n
unexpectedly or problems could occur if you aren't careful.  Punload quits\n
the character and saves the info to file.\n\n
The [nosave] option on pload allows you to load a character purely for\n
examination, the character wont be saved, they can of course save when\n
they log back in later, but you must unload them first.\n\n
!WARNING! if you pload with the nosave option, make sure the player does\n
not log in, if they do force them to quit immediately, otherwise they will\n
not be able to save until the next time they log in.\n";
Help {
Level	1000;
Text	"Syntax: fileoutput <filename> <command>\n\n
This command sends the output of a command to a file on the system, this\n
is only intended for system administrators and so it should be used\n
sparingly.  Also be aware that there are security risks and possible crash\n
problems associated with such a command.\n\n
You can use < as a shortcut for FILEOUTPUT.\n\n
Note that colour codes are stripped from the output and you will get a copy\n
of the same output to your screen too (this too has no colour).\n
Note that if you use wiznet's \"log\" you will get that message in the file.\n";
Help {
Level	900;
Name	"TOAD";
Text	"Syntax: toad <character> <mob-vnum>\n\n
TOAD turns a player into whatever creature you specify.  They are\n
effectively SWITCHed into a mobile (which is created for them specially) and\n
since they don't have sufficient trust they can't return to their mortal\n
body.  Saving and quitting is also banned for them and they can't even kill\n
things (hehehe).  This command is mainly for fun, but players will hate you\n
for it *snicker*.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"Syntax: badname <name>\n
Syntax: badname remove <name>\n\n
This command allows you to add and remove names from the list of names\n
that players are stopped from having when they create characters.  You can\n
also remove names from the list, but this isn't recommended for some of the\n
names which are critical for the running of the game.\n";
Help {
Level	900;
Text	"Syntax: poseset show table\n
Syntax: poseset show <class> <number> [number]\n
Syntax: poseset edit <class> <number>\n
Syntax: poseset create <class>\n\n
This command shows and edits poses.  Show on it's own shows a list of the\n
number of poses for all classes.  With a class and number (or range of\n
numers) is shows the messages for the specified poses.\n\n
POSESET EDIT enters an editor that allows editing of the named pose.\n
CREATE makes a new pose for a class and puts you in the editor.\n";
Help {
Level	300;
Text	"Syntax: wizhelp\n\n
This command simply shows a list of all the immortal commands available to\n
Help {
Level	800;
Name	"MPCOMM";
Text	"Syntax: mpcomm <command...>\n
This command allows entry to the commands that were designed to go with mud\n
programs.  It can only be used in a mud program or when the character doesn't\n
have a descriptor (i.e. any mob can use the command or a character who has\n
been temporarily disconnected).\n";
Help {
Level	900;
Text	"Syntax: mestat <mob/character>\n
Syntax: oestat <object>\n
Syntax: restat [location]\n
Syntax: aestat [area number]\n
Syntax: pestat [plane]\n\n
These commands display a list of all the current events on an object.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"Syntax: ? [fieldname]\n\n
This command allows you to see all the possible options that are available\n
for setting in any one of the OLC fields.  On its own the command will show\n
you a list of the possible fieldnames with a brief description of each.\n\n
e.g. ? wear-loc    shows a list of the possible locations that objects can\n
                   be worn on.\n";
Help {
Level	900;
Text	"This command starts the search for duplicated items in the mud.  This is an\n
EXTREMELY slow thing, so don't do it unless there is good reason (i.e. some\n
players are acting suspisciously and you think there are some duped items).\n";
Help {
Level	500;
Name	"WIZNET";
Text	"Wiznet is a system of logging that is visible to immortals online.  Using\n
wiznet you can see all sorts of activity through a simple structure, much\n
like the channel system.\n\n
In order to see what logs you are viewing, type wiznet with no arguments.\n
In order to change what logs you see, use 'wiznet +log' or 'wiznet -log'\n
where 'log' is the log you wish to change.  Wiznet +/-all allows you to\n
turn all logs on or off (except ticks, because ticks is annoying and very\n
Help {
Level	800;
Text	"This command searches for item duplication by matching unique keys.  Note\n
that this is an extremely slow process that is run automatically every now\n
and again, so you should try not to use it very often.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"A global mud program is one that exists independantly of any one mobile,\n
object or room.  This allows it to be attached to a number of different\n
things for convenience or logical reasons.\n\n
TYPE    - Type the mudprog type of this program (? mudprog)\n
ALLOWED - Mobile, Object, Room or combination of these\n
ARGLIST - As per the mud program type, what triggers it.\n
SCRIPT  - The body of the script.\n\n
Note: The default value of global_prog should not be used.\n\n
In order to attach a global program to a mobile, object or room add a\n
program on that thing with the type 'global_prog' and set the\n
argument to the vnum of the global program.\n";
Help {
Level	400;
Text	"Syntax: gmpedit <vnum>\n
Syntax: gmpedit create <vnum>\n\n
This command edits a \"global\" definition of a mob program.  This program\n
is assigned a vnum and can be bound, using the \"global_prog\" program\n
type.  This way, you can create a program for several mobiles, objects or\n
rooms that is the same for each.\n";
Help {
Level	800;
Name	"SSTAT";
Text	"Syntax: sstat <character>\n\n
This command provides a list of the skills for a particular character.\n
The output is similar to that of the practice command.\n";
