# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1024369007;

Area {
Name	"&yDune Desert";
Plane	"unfinished";
Builders	"Nanobot";
LVnum	5400;
UVnum	5499;
Security	1;
Temp	40;
Economy	1587009;

Mobile {
Vnum	5400;
Name	"sandworm shai-hulud shaihulud";
Short	"Shai-Hulud";
Long	"The mighty Sandworm towers above you, it's milky-white teeth flashing in the sunlight.\n";
Desc	"What an awesome sight!  This mighty sandworm is several hundred meters\n
long and is armed with huge white teeth that circle it's spherical mouth.\n
Sensing vibrations through the sand, it rears up in front of you and\n
Level	200;
Align	300;
Act	(npc sentinel aggressive stay_area assist buried);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared);
Race	(Ooze);
Parts	(torso head eyes tail lungs);
Specfun	"spec_breath_gas";
Mobile {
Vnum	5401;
Name	"Fremen";
Short	"A Fremen Warrior";
Long	"Here stands a fearsome Fremen warrior. Wielding a wickedly sharp Crysknife and moisture-reclaiming stillsuit, he is quite at home in the desert.\n";
Level	150;
Act	(npc buried);
Affected	(detect-hidden infrared hide);
Sex	(male);
Mobile {
Vnum	5402;
Name	"vulture";
Short	"a vulture";
Long	"A vulture circles above you.\n";
Desc	"Circling above you is a vulture, a scavenger of the desert. It has only eyes for your\n
water-rich flesh so be wary!\n";
Level	150;
Align	-500;
Act	(npc scavenger stay_area buried);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared);
Race	(Bird);

Object {
Vnum	5400;
Name	"the water of life";
Short	"the water of life";
Long	"This is the liquid produced by the death of the sandworm";
Level	150;
Cost	1000;
Weight	5;
Type	(potion);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(glass);
Values	[1, (fire breath), (fire breath), (fire breath)];

Room {
Vnum	5400;
Name	"Entry";
Desc	"You stand on the steps of the frigate which has transported you to the\n
edge of the Arrakeen desert.  To enter this world move south.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"Here lies the entry to \"The Friendly Desert\", the barren world of Arrakis.\n";
ToRoom	5405;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5401;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5402;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5416;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5402;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5403;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5415;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5401;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5403;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5404;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5414;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5402;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5404;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5405;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5413;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5403;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5405;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"Exit the world of Dune.";
ToRoom	5400;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5406;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5412;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5404;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5406;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5407;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5411;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5405;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5407;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5408;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5410;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5406;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5408;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5401;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5409;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5407;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5409;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5408;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5416;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5424;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5410;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5410;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5407;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5409;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5423;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5411;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5411;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5406;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5410;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5422;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5412;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5412;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5405;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5411;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5421;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5413;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5413;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5404;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5412;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5420;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5413;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5414;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5403;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5415;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5402;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5414;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5418;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5416;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 10;
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 10;
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 10;
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 10;
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5416;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5401;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5415;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	5417;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5409;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5417;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5416;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5418;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5424;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5418;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5415;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5419;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5417;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5419;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5414;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5420;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5418;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5420;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5413;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5421;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5419;
} ];
Resets	{
# Shai-Hulud to room.
  M 5400 -1;
Room {
Vnum	5421;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5412;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5422;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5420;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5422;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5411;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5423;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5421;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5423;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5410;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5424;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5422;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	5424;
Name	"desert";
Desc	"You walk even deeper into the dry, featureless desert.  Be wary of the\n
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	5409;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	5417;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	5423;
} ];
