<title>Commands and Socials</title>
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DalekenMUD 1.12 documentation.
<br>Updated 7 June 2000.
<br>Based on original Envy 2.2 documentation.

<tr><th class="heading">
<h1>Commands and Socials</h1>

<p>This document describes how to add and modify commands and socials within

<tr><th class="heading">

<p>The central organizing table for skills is <code>cmd_table</code>, an
array of type <code>struct cmd_type</code>, and is defined in
<code>interp.c</code>.  This table is ordered firstly by how commonly used a
command is, and secondly within groups of equally used commands the commands
are sorted alphabetically.  Immortal commands are placed at the bottom of the

<p>The fields of <code>cmd_table</code> are:</p>

<dt><code>char *name;</code></dt>
The name of the command.  Command lookup is by partial matching on the name;
the first match (which also meets level restrictions) is used.
<dt><code>DO_FUN *do_fun;</code></dt>
The function for this command.  A <code>do_fun</code> takes two arguments:
the character who is issuing the command and the rest of the argument string
after the command name.  There are a list of these functions declared in
<code>function.h</code> and you can find these functions throughout a
majority of the source.
<dt><code>int position;</code></dt>
The minimum position for using this command.
<dt><code>int level;</code></dt>
The minimum level for using this command.  This is usually used for
restricting certain commands to immortals.
<dt><code>int log;</code></dt>
The type of logging to perform.  <code>LOG_NORMAL</code> commands are logged
just when the player is logged.  <code>LOG_ALWAYS</code> commands are always
logged.  <code>LOG_NEVER</code> commands are never logged, even if the player
is logged.

<tr><th class="heading">
<h2>How to Add a Command</h2>

<li>Add a line for the command in <code>cmd_table</code> in
<li>Add a <code>DECLARE_DO_FUN</code> line for the command function to
<li> Write the function and put it into an appropriate file (usually an
    <code>act_****.c</code> file).

<li>Write a help section for the function.  See <code>help.are</code> for the
    format of help entries.  We suggest you start your own file of customized
    help rather than adding into <code>help.are</code>.  This will make it
    easier for you to upgrade to future releases of Daleken (which will have
    upgraded <code>help.are</code> files).  The area file format allows you
    to have helps in any area file.</li>

<p>That's ALL there is to it!</p>

<tr><th class="heading">
<h2>Social Commands</h2>

<p>Socials have the following fields.</p>
<dt><code>char *name;</dt></code>
The name of the social command.
<dt><code>char *char_no_arg;</dt></code>
The message sent to the character when no argument is given.
<dt><code>char *others_no_arg;</dt></code>
The message sent to others when no argument is given.
<dt><code>char *char_found;</dt></code>
The message sent to the character when a victim is found.
<dt><code>char *others_found;</dt></code>
The message sent to others when a victim is found.
<dt><code>char *vict_found;</dt></code>
The message sent to the victim when a victim is found.
<dt><code>char *char_auto;</dt></code>
The message sent to the character when the victim IS the character.
<dt><code>char *others_auto;</dt></code>
The message sent to others when the victim IS the character.

<p>All of these messages are <a href="act.html">act</a> messages and may use
any <code>$</code> sequences (the <code>act</code> function is documented in
<a href="act.html">act.html</a>).  If the command is not found in the regular
command table, the function <code>check_social</code> looks for a social that
matches.  This is the last stop before rejecting the command.</p>

<tr><th class="heading">
<h2>How to Add a Social Command</h2>

Write a new section into social.are or any area you like 
(<a href="darea.html">darea.html</a>). The sections need not be alphabetized.
Use the online social creation system, <code>sedit create</code>. (Read the
online documentation on sedit.)  