Version     11
FromMUD     Dawn 1.69r Development Site~
*parent_codebase 1.69r-ReleaseCandiate1
Name        Dzagari City~
ShortName   Dzagari City~
Builders    None~
Credits     Reave Ylerin Tibault Siobhan Zophiel Cadoren~
build_restricts 'all' Reave Tibault Siobhan Hiel Minyae Zophiel ~
build_restricts 'rooms' Farheen ~
VNUMs       27000 27199
LComment    [  ALL  ]
AFlags  use_buildrestricts~
Security    9
Colour      G~
colourcode  `
MapScale    5
MapLevel    1
Vnum_offset 0
Continent   valarin~
*LastSaved  Sat Jan 31 23:48:10 2004~

Name large orc shopkeeper~
ShortD a large orc shopkeeper~
LongD A large orc shopkeeper is here, munching on a hunk of meat.~
Desc This orc is pretty large as far as orcs go.  He is sitting on a large rock 
and munching on a hunk of raw meat.
Race orc~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name smelly kobold~
ShortD a smelly kobold shopkeeper~
LongD A smelly kobold shopkeeper is standing behind the counter.~
Desc This kobold is pretty large and looks like he's seen his share of fights.  He 
appears to be the shopkeeper here.  
Race kobold~
Align -1 -1
XPMod 5
Level 102
Hitroll 2
HitDice 10d99+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d11+46
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Off    dirt_kick~
Res    magic weapon bash pierce poison~
Vuln   magic energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue eyestalks claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name huge ogre shopkeeper~
ShortD a huge ogre shopkeeper~
LongD A huge ogre shopkeeper sharpens a blade here.~
Desc This ogre is huge, like all ogres, but this one is different in that there is 
a gleam of intelligence in his eyes.  
Race orc~
Align 0 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 3
HitDice 9d99+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 5d5+100
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared~
Off    bash dodge fast parry~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name mangy gnoll~
ShortD a mangy gnoll shopkeeper~
LongD A mangy gnoll seems to be the shopkeeper here.~
Desc This gnoll is quite large and ugly.  He is covered with short brown hair that 
looks like it hasnt seen water in years.
Race kobold~
Align 0 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 3
HitDice 9d9+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d6+150
DamType bite
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Off    dodge fast kick parry~
Res    magic weapon bash pierce poison~
Vuln   magic energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name tall human shopkeeper jeweler~
ShortD a tall human jeweler~
LongD A tall human jeweler is here, nervously watching the customers.~
Desc This tall human seems rather concerned over the things he has for sale here. 
 Perhaps he's had some crime problems in the past.
Race human~
Align 1 -1
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d20+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d20+90
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name chaos priest~
ShortD a priest~
LongD A priest is here, worshipping chaos.~
Desc This orc is dressed in torn black robes and seems to be the one in charge 
here.  He is at one moment screaming nonsensically and the next whispering to 
Race orc~
Align -3 -1
Level 60
Hitroll 2
HitDice 6d9+320
ManaDice 6d9+330
DamDice 8d6+26
DamType punch
AC -300 -300 -300 -252
Wealth 300
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area cleric nopurge healer~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good infrared protect_good~
Off    parry trip~
Imm    summon charm magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name chaos worshipper orc~
ShortD a chaos worshipper~
LongD A chaos worshipper is here, flailing about wildly.~
Desc This orc is caught up in the frenzy of his worship.  He is wearing torn black 
robes, and you notice that his arms are scarred many time from ritual 
bleeding.  He is currently screaming nonsense to no one in particular.
Race orc~
Align -3 -1
Level 12
Hitroll 0
HitDice 3d5+67
ManaDice 3d5+175
DamDice 2d6+4
DamType punch
AC -20 -20 -20 10
Wealth 80
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  infrared protect_good berserk~
Off    berserk~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name bartender human~
ShortD a bartender~
LongD The bartender is here, wearily cleaning up after another brawl.~
Desc This male human is big and tough, and he needs to be to keep order in this 
rowdy place.  He is at the moment cleaning up broken glass left from the last 
bar brawl.
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 58
Hitroll 2
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType punch
AC -300 -300 -300 -200
Wealth 580
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg SPEECH 27006 cloak~
MProg SPEECH 27006 shadow~

Name serving wench~
ShortD a serving wench~
LongD A serving wench is here, taking and delivering orders.~
Desc This human girl doesn't look like she enjoys working here, and it fact might 
be doing so against her will.  She is dressed shabbily and her dress is torn 
from being grabbed by just about every patron she walks by.
Race human~
Align 1 1
Level 3
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d5+3
ManaDice 1d5+110
DamDice 1d6+0
DamType punch
AC 70 70 70 90
Wealth 30
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material unknown

Name filthy rat~
ShortD a filthy rat~
LongD A filthy rat is looking for food here.~
Desc This rat is at least two feet long and is covered by oozing scabs.  It is 
nosing around on the floor, looking for food.
Race rabbit~
Align 0 0
Level 1
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+1
ManaDice 1d4+100
DamDice 1d4+0
DamType none
AC 90 90 90 90
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden~
Off    dodge fast~
Form   edible poison animal mountable mammal~
Part   head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name Touran mage drow frazzled guild master~
ShortD a frazzled looking drow mage~
LongD A frazzled looking drow mage in long dusty robes.~
Desc This still-young drow is obviously new at his task.  He is running around 
from shelf to shelf looking for potions and scrolls.  His robes are dusty 
from his efforts and his long black hair continually falls over his too-thin 
face.  Despite his youth however, he is amazingly adept at his task and 
clearly knowledgeable in the ways of magic.  Confidence shines in his dark 
eyes and a slight sneer mars his face.  It is the sneer of someone who knows 
he is in charge and feels slightly superior.  
Race drow~
Align 1 -2
Level 100
Hitroll 2
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType drain
AC -700 -700 -700 -500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area train practice mage nopurge gain~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good infrared protect_good dark_vision~
Res    magic weapon poison disease~
Vuln   drowning light~
Form   edible instant_decay sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name armored half-orc~
ShortD an armored half-orc~
LongD An armored half-orc stands here, overseeing the combat.~
Desc This half-orc is huge, and from his features seems more orc than human.  He 
looks to be in charge here, and is overseeing the fighting and training.  
Race orc~
Align 1 -3
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType punch
AC -700 -700 -700 -500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area train practice warrior nopurge gain~
AffBy  infrared berserk~
Off    bash berserk disarm dodge parry~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name dark robed human priest~
ShortD a dark robed priest~
LongD A dark robed human priest is here.~
Desc This human is a priest of some type, judging from the holy symbol and robes 
he wears, and the black mace at his side.  He is sitting by himself deep in 

Race human~
Align 1 -3
Level 100
Hitroll 2
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType punch
AC -700 -700 -700 -500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area train practice cleric nopurge gain~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good~
Off    bash dodge parry~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue eyestalks~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name mysterious cloaked figure~
ShortD a mysterious cloaked figure~
LongD A mysterious cloaked figure stands in the shadows here.~
Desc You can't tell much about this mysterious cloaked figure at all.  It is quite 
tall and thin, but that's about it.
Race drow~
Align 0 -3
Level 98
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType punch
AC -700 -700 -700 -500
Wealth 980
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area train practice thief nopurge gain~
AffBy  detect_magic detect_hidden infrared dark_vision~
Off    backstab dodge parry~
Imm    iron~
Res    magic weapon~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name giant alaghi shopkeeper~
ShortD a giant alaghi shopkeeper~
LongD A giant alaghi is here tanning fur pelts.~
Desc This alaghi stands almost as tall as a giant.  His thick fur is faded gold 
in colour, and matted together.  He is tanning hides and preparing to sell 
Race alaghi~
Align 0 -1
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType punch
AC -700 -700 -700 -500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area train practice mage nopurge gain~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden infrared dark_vision~
Off    dodge parry~
Res    magic weapon cold~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name orc patrol guard~
ShortD an orc patrol guard~
LongD An orc patrol guard is walking around, looking for someone to pick on.~
Desc This ugly orc guard is big, strong, and well equipped.  He is walking around 
looking for someone weaker than him to pick on.

Race orc~
Align -1 -2
Level 33
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d6+210
ManaDice 5d6+270
DamDice 4d7+11
DamType punch
AC -110 -110 -110 -70
Wealth 330
Act    npc no_tame stay_area warrior~
AffBy  infrared~
Off    dodge dirt_kick parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name orc patrol leader~
ShortD an orc patrol leader~
LongD An orc patrol leader is here, yelling at anyone who comes near him.~
Desc This is one mean looking orc.  He is big, strong and well equipped.  At the 
moment he is screaming at some poor fool who accidentally got in his way.  
Race orc~
Align 0 -3
Level 51
Hitroll 1
HitDice 5d9+300
ManaDice 5d9+370
DamDice 10d4+23
DamType punch
AC -250 -250 -250 -170
Wealth 510
Act    npc no_tame stay_area warrior~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared berserk~
Off    bash berserk disarm dodge parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name feral dog~
ShortD a feral dog~
LongD A feral dog is sniffing around in the garbage here.~
Desc This dog has definitely seen better days.  It has black mangy hair,
matted with mud.  At the moment it is busy searching through the garbage for
something to eat.  
Race dog~
Align 0 0
Level 4
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 2d4+115
DamDice 1d5+1
DamType bite
AC 60 60 60 80
Wealth 0
Act    npc stay_area outdoors~
AffBy  detect_hidden~
Off    fast~
Form   edible animal mountable mammal~
Part   head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name drooling kobold~
ShortD a kobold~
LongD A small kobold is here, drooling all over itself.~
Desc This doglike humanoid is covered with short fur, and although small, he looks 
rather tough.  He is wide-eyed and at the moment drooling all over himself 
and eyeing you hungrily.
Race kobold~
Align -1 -2
Level 8
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+8
ManaDice 2d5+135
DamDice 1d7+2
DamType chomp
AC 30 30 30 50
Wealth 80
Act    npc no_tame stay_area thief~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Off    dirt_kick~
Res    bash pierce poison~
Vuln   magic energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name dark cloaked figure~
ShortD a dark cloaked figure~
LongD A dark cloaked figure is skulking in the shadows.~
Desc You can't tell much about this figure, both because of the shadows 
in which it hides as well as the dark cloak which it wears.  You can 
tell that it moves very gracefully and quick, and see the flash of metal 
from within the cloak.
Race human~
Align 0 -2
Level 8
Hitroll 0
HitDice 3d5+67
ManaDice 3d5+175
DamDice 2d6+4
DamType punch
AC -20 -20 -20 10
Wealth 80
Act    npc no_tame stay_area thief~
Off    backstab dirt_kick parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name angry gnoll~
ShortD a gnoll~
LongD An angry gnoll is here, growling at anyone who comes near.~
Desc This large and powerful creature is obviosly not in a very good mood.  He is 
growling and lashing out at anyone who comes near him.  
Race kobold~
Align -1 -3
Level 12
Hitroll 0
HitDice 4d5+105
ManaDice 4d5+215
DamDice 2d10+6
DamType pound
AC -60 -60 -60 -20
Wealth 120
Act    npc no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Off    bash dirt_kick parry~
Res    bash pierce poison~
Vuln   magic energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name grey dwarf~
ShortD a duergar~
LongD A grey-skinned dwarf is here, staring with contempt at those passing by.~
Desc This duergar is wearing only light armor, but looks pretty tough.  He has 
light grey skin and black hair, and is wearing drab clothing.  Unlike most 
normal dwarves, this one seems to be wearing some magical items.
Race dwarf~
Align 0 -3
XPMod 110
Level 21
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d5+130
ManaDice 5d5+240
DamDice 2d12+8
DamType none
AC -90 -90 -90 -60
Wealth 210
Act    npc no_tame stay_area mage~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden infrared protect_good~
Off    dodge parry~
Res    poison disease~
Vuln   drowning~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name tall human bulging cloak~
ShortD a tall human~
LongD A tall human with a bulging cloak is greedily eyeing those who pass by.~
Desc This tough looking human is quite disheveled and red-eyed.  He is 
wearing a dark cloak with some strange bulges, wonder what could
be causing them?
Race human~
Align -2 -2
Level 111
Hitroll 6
HitDice 5d10+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d16+128
DamType punch
AC -1700 -1700 -1700 -1500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc no_tame stay_area outdoors~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name one eye half-orc orc shopkeeper~
ShortD a one-eyed half-orc shopkeeper~
LongD A one-eyed half-orc is here, selling boats.~
Desc This half-orc has lost an eye somewhere.  He is very dirty, and doesn't seem 
to be bothered by his missing eye as he hasn't put a patch over it, and if 
you were to look closely you'd see the deformed eye socket where an eye once 
used to be.  
Race half-orc~
Align 0 -2
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType punch
AC -700 -700 -700 -500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared~
Off    bash~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name beggars_terror~
ShortD beggars_terror~
LongD `#`cbeggars_terror mprog (mnum 27024)`^~
Desc ~
Race unique~
Align 0 0
Level 1
Hitroll 1
HitDice 1d6+1
ManaDice 5d7+650
DamDice 1d10+1
DamType punch
AC 10 10 10 10
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area unseen~
Form   instant_decay~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg GRALL 27000 100~
MProg DELAY 27001 100~

Name lizardman~
ShortD a lizardman~
LongD A lizardman hisses softly as it watches others pass by.~
Desc This large humanoid has a medium sized tail, and is covered with
mottled green and black scales.  It hisses softly as others pass by.
Race lizardman~
Align -1 -3
Level 11
Hitroll 0
HitDice 4d5+90
ManaDice 4d5+215
DamDice 4d4+5
DamType pound
AC -40 -40 -40 -20
Wealth 110
Act    npc no_tame stay_area~
Off    bash dirt_kick parry~
Res    bash disease~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name darkly cloaked figure~
ShortD a darkly cloaked figure~
LongD A darkly cloaked figure stands in the shadows here.~
Desc You can't tell much about this mysterious cloaked figure at all.  It is quite 
tall and thin, but that's about it.
Race elf~
Align 0 -3
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d10+375
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 8d6+28
DamType punch
AC -700 -700 -700 -500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area train practice thief nopurge gain~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared~
Off    backstab dodge parry~
Res    charm magic weapon~
Vuln   iron~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name dirty little human shopkeeper~
ShortD a dirty little human shopkeeper~
LongD A dirty little human is selling mules here.~
Desc This dirty little human male seems to be running this poor excuse for a
stable.  He is mostly just sloshing around in the mud rather than doing
anything useful.  
Race human~
Align -1 -2
Level 100
Hitroll 3
HitDice 19d200+500
ManaDice 19d200+500
DamDice 10d30+250
DamType punch
AC -130 -130 -130 -110
Wealth 345
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name smelly old mule~
ShortD a smelly old mule~
LongD A smelly old mule is here.~
Desc This old mule doesn't look so well fed, and it is absolutely filthy.
Race horse~
Align 0 0
Level 5
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+1
ManaDice 2d5+1
DamDice 1d6+1
DamType chomp
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc docile stay_area~
Off    fast kick~
Form   edible animal mountable mammal~
Part   head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye tail claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    random~
Material flesh

Name underfed gray horse~
ShortD an underfed grey horse~
LongD An underfed grey horse is here.~
Desc This horse has seen better days.  It is thin and has a tangled coat and mane.
Race horse~
Align 0 0
Level 10
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+18
ManaDice 2d5+18
DamDice 2d4+2
DamType chomp
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc docile stay_area~
Off    fast kick~
Form   edible animal mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye tail claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    random~
Material flesh

Name huge black stallion~
ShortD a huge black stallion~
LongD A huge black stallion is here.~
Desc This huge horse looks quite powerful.  It is pitch black in color.
Race dog~
Align 0 0
Level 15
Hitroll 0
HitDice 3d5+60
ManaDice 3d5+60
DamDice 2d6+3
DamType chomp
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc docile stay_area~
Off    fast~
Form   edible animal mountable mammal~
Part   head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   huge~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name scruffy looking human shopkeeper~
ShortD a scruffy human shopkeeper~
LongD A scruffy looking human is minding the shop.~
Desc This human is dressed in shabby clothes, and his general appearance is very 
scruffy.  His hair is knotted and dull, his skin brown with dirt, and his 
clothes torn and dirty.  He is selling clothes, but perhaps they'd be better 
as rags.  
Race human~
Align -1 -1
Level 110
Hitroll 1
HitDice 4d99+999
ManaDice 4d99+100
DamDice 4d20+150
DamType none
AC -200 -200 -200 -180
Wealth 123
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
Off    dodge trip~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name dirty half-orc butcher~
ShortD a dirty half-orc butcher~
LongD A dirty half-orc is here, chopping meat and ...other things.~
Desc This half-orc is filthy and is dressed on old torn clothes.  He appears
the be the local butcher, and seems to be quite handy with his butcher's
Race half-orc~
Align -1 -1
Level 110
Hitroll 1
HitDice 4d99+999
ManaDice 4d99+99
DamDice 4d20+50
DamType none
AC -200 -200 -200 -190
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge~
AffBy  infrared~
Off    disarm dodge parry~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name zogo dirty smelly human petshop owner~
ShortD a dirty human petshop owner~
LongD A dirty smelly human is here, feeding the caged animals.~
Desc This filthy little man must be the store owner.  He is moving from cage
to cage, feeding the animals and shoveling shit.  
Race human~
Align -1 -1
Level 110
Hitroll 1
HitDice 9d50+999
ManaDice 9d50+999
DamDice 5d10+75
DamType punch
AC -200 -200 -200 -180
Wealth 454
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
Off    dodge parry~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name asp~
ShortD an asp~
LongD An asp peers at you menacingly.~
Desc This long snake looks quite dangerous.
Race snake~
Align 0 0
Level 2
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+2
ManaDice 1d4+2
DamDice 1d5+0
DamType bite
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Res    poison~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible animal sentient biped mountable mammal reptile snake cold_blood~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail fangs scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name large cobra~
ShortD a large cobra~
LongD A large cobra is swaying here.~
Desc This smake looks quite deadly.
Race snake~
Align 0 0
Level 4
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 2d4+1
DamDice 1d5+1
DamType bite
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Res    poison~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible animal sentient biped mountable mammal reptile snake cold_blood~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail fangs scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name boa contrictor~
ShortD a boa constrictor~
LongD A boa contrictor lies coiled here.~
Desc This huge snake looks dangerous.
Race snake~
Align 0 0
Level 6
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+4
ManaDice 2d5+4
DamDice 1d7+1
DamType crush
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Res    poison~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible animal sentient biped mountable mammal reptile snake cold_blood~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail fangs scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name giant toad~
ShortD a giant toad~
LongD A giant toad sits here.~
Desc What an ugly creature!  A big toad covered with green mottled skin.
Race lizardman~
Align 0 0
Level 2
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+2
ManaDice 1d4+2
DamDice 1d5+0
DamType grep
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Res    bash disease~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible biped mountable mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   small~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name crocodile~
ShortD a crocodile~
LongD A crocodile is here, eyeing you hungrily.~
Desc This big reptile looks pretty tough.
Race lizardman~
Align 0 0
Level 8
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+8
ManaDice 2d5+8
DamDice 1d7+2
DamType chomp
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Res    bash disease~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible biped mountable mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name alligator~
ShortD an alligator~
LongD An alligator is here, eyeing you hungrily.~
Desc This alligator is trying to act tough, but will probably end up as as
someone's boots soon.  
Race lizardman~
Align 0 0
Level 7
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+5
ManaDice 2d5+5
DamDice 1d8+1
DamType chomp
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Res    bash disease~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible biped mountable mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name pack rats~
ShortD a pack of rats~
LongD A pack of rats scurry around here.~
Desc This group of rats is smelly and looks diseased.
Race cat~
Align 0 0
Level 2
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+2
ManaDice 1d4+2
DamDice 1d5+0
DamType bite
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
AffBy  dark_vision~
Off    dodge fast~
Res    disease~
Form   edible animal biped mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye tail claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name small bat~
ShortD a small bat~
LongD A small bat hangs here.~
Desc This small bat has tiny wings which fold up against its body.  It is
quite tiny.  
Race bat~
Align 0 0
Level 1
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+1
ManaDice 1d4+1
DamDice 1d4+0
DamType bite
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
AffBy  flying dark_vision~
Off    dodge fast~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible animal biped mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye wings~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   tiny~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name black cat~
ShortD a black cat~
LongD A black cat is crossing your path here.~
Desc This black cat has an intelligent gleam in it's eyes.
Race cat~
Align 0 0
Level 2
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+2
ManaDice 1d4+2
DamDice 1d5+0
DamType claw
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
AffBy  dark_vision~
Off    dodge fast~
Form   edible animal biped mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye tail claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name war dog~
ShortD a war dog~
LongD A war dog is here, with an evil look in its eyes.~
Desc This large dog looks dangerous.  It is drooling and has a mad look in its eyes.
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 8
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+8
ManaDice 2d5+8
DamDice 1d7+2
DamType bite
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Form   edible biped mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name stirge~
ShortD a stirge~
LongD A stirge hovers here.~
Desc This small bloodsucking bird-like thing has stubby wings and is quite
Race song bird~
Align -3 -1
Level 3
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d5+3
ManaDice 1d5+3
DamDice 1d6+0
DamType bite
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area~
AffBy  flying~
Off    dodge fast~
Form   edible animal sentient biped mountable mammal bird~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye wings~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name Blacksmith black skinned orc Barin~
ShortD a huge, black skinned orc~
LongD A huge, black skinned orc is here, hammering away at some metal.~
Desc This huge black skinned orc has the arms the size of tree trunks and the 
stomach of a rock.  He stands near eight feet tall and looks like he could 
demolish a building with his bare hands.  He looks to be around his middle 
ages, and has a thin head full of black and silver hair.  
Race orc~
Align -2 -1
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d1+999
ManaDice 1d1+100
DamDice 10d50+50
DamType punch
AC -700 -700 -700 -700
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area warrior nopurge~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden infrared~
Off    bash dodge kick parry crush~
Imm    summon charm magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name brown horse~
ShortD a dark brown horse~
LongD A dark brown horse is here, munching on some hay.~
Desc This finely bred horse is dark brown, and has a long black mane.  It looks
well-fed and brushed.  It is munching on some hay right now.
Race horse~
Align 0 0
Level 4
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 2d4+1
DamDice 1d5+1
DamType charge
AC 70 50 60 80
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander docile stay_area~
Off    fast kick~
Form   edible animal mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye tail fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name A fat human shopkeeper ticket seller~
ShortD a fat human~
LongD A fat human ticket seller is here.~
Desc This fat human seems more concerned over the chicken leg he's eating than 
his customers.  He has long black hair, and beads of sweat pour down his 
forehead.  A rather disgusting looking human, who seems to not keep himself 
in good shape, his stomach hangs out of his clothes and his body reeks with 
sweat and odour.  
Race human~
Align 1 -1
Level 108
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d20+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d20+90
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg GRALL 27016 100~

Name A large burly male human~
ShortD a large, burly male human~
LongD A large, burly male human leans against the stalls here.~
Desc This male human looks to be at least six feet tall, and has the arms the 
size of tree trunks!  He has short black hair, and sweat beads roll down his 
face, his body smells of months old unwashed body and he has a look of 
distress about him.  
Race human~
Align 1 -1
Level 108
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d20+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d20+90
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg GIVE 27015 yellow ticket~
MProg DELAY 27068 100~

Name unseen mob of look windows~
ShortD unseen mob of look windows~
LongD Unseen mob of look window~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 1
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden infrared~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg ACT 27062 plops down on a velvet seat~
MProg DELAY 27063 100~

Name little gremlin~
ShortD a little gremlin~
LongD A little gremlin is here, leering evilly at you.~
Desc This little fellow is quite evil looking.  He is shaped like a tiny
human, except for large pointy ears and clawed hands.  His skin is dark
Race human~
Align -2 -2
Level 7
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+5
ManaDice 2d5+5
DamDice 1d8+1
DamType claw
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area~
Off    dodge fast parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name small imp~
ShortD a small imp~
LongD An small imp is here, cackling evilly.~
Desc This nasty little creature has sharp claws, long fangs, and a completely
evil disposition.  
Race human~
Align 0 -3
Level 8
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+8
ManaDice 2d5+8
DamDice 1d7+2
DamType claw
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area~
Off    dodge fast parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name baby ankheg~
ShortD a baby ankheg~
LongD A baby ankheg is here.~
Desc This bizarre creature seems to be the offspring of several species and
looks kind of like a huge insect.  
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 9
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+12
ManaDice 2d5+12
DamDice 1d8+2
DamType chomp
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Off    parry~
Form   edible biped mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name carrion crawler~
ShortD a carrion crawler~
LongD A carrion crawler is searching for something to eat.~
Desc This wormlike creature resembles a huge centipede, but is much nastier. 
It has long slimy tentacles.  
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 6
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+4
ManaDice 2d5+4
DamDice 1d7+1
DamType slime
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
Off    parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name small behir~
ShortD a small behir~
LongD A small behir's gaze is darting about.~
Desc The behir resembles a giant snake.  Six pairs of legs protrude from its 
sides.  Its body is covered with deep blue scales, with bands of grey 
running through them.  
Race snake~
Align 0 -1
Level 10
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+18
ManaDice 2d5+18
DamDice 2d4+2
DamType chomp
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area~
Off    fast parry~
Res    poison~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible animal sentient biped mountable mammal reptile snake cold_blood~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail fangs scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name displacer beast~
ShortD a displacer beast~
LongD A displacer beast is prowling here.~
Desc This large creatue looks sort of like a cat, except it has tentacles
protruding from its back.  It is black in color.  
Race cat~
Align 0 0
Level 7
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+5
ManaDice 2d5+5
DamDice 1d8+1
DamType claw
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
AffBy  dark_vision~
Off    dodge fade fast~
Form   edible animal sentient biped mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye tail claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name runty kobold~
ShortD a runty kobold~
LongD A runty kobold cowers in fear.~
Desc This small dogman cowers in fear anytime anyone looks at him.  He looks
like he needs a good beating.  
Race kobold~
Align -1 -1
Level 3
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d5+3
ManaDice 1d5+3
DamDice 1d6+0
DamType scratch
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Res    bash pierce poison~
Vuln   magic energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name retarded goblin~
ShortD a retarded goblin~
LongD A retarded goblin is standing here looking...well, retarded.~
Desc Goblins are pretty stupid to start with, but this one looks really dumb. 
There is a confused look on its face.  
Race goblin~
Align 0 0
Level 4
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 2d4+1
DamDice 1d5+1
DamType beating
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
AffBy  dark_vision~
Imm    poison disease~
Res    negative~
Vuln   magic fire negative mental drowning light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name undead thing~
ShortD an undead thing~
LongD An undead...thing...is here~
Desc This thing is hard to describe, really.  A pile of body parts meshed 
together and animated it looks.  
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 5
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+1
ManaDice 2d5+1
DamDice 1d6+1
DamType drain
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area undead noalign~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name A large burly male human carriage caretaker~
ShortD a large, burly male human~
LongD A large, burly male human is sitting on a velvet seat here.~
Desc This male human looks to be at least six feet tall, and has the arms the 
size of tree trunks!  He has short black hair, and sweat beads roll down his 
face, his body smells of months old unwashed body and he has a look of 
distress about him.  
Race human~
Align 1 -1
Level 108
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d20+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d20+90
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg DELAY 27060 100~
MProg ACT 27061 climbs into the carriage~

Name dzagari fighter guildguard butch orc~
ShortD a butch-looking orc~
LongD A butch-looking orc stands here snarling at anyone who passes.~
Desc Standing about 8 feet tall and with heavy set shoulders, this orc looks
quite daunting. His set of standard leather armour shows off the rippling
muscles that lie beneath them. For some reason he seems to be snarling at
everyone that he sees. Perhaps he's just in a bad mood?
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d13+475
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 11d11+56
DamType punch
AC -710 -710 -600 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27022 south~
MProg DEATH 27021 100~

Name dzagari fighter guildguard butch orc~
ShortD a butch-looking orc~
LongD A butch-looking orc stands here snarling at anyone who passes.~
Desc Standing about 8 feet tall and with heavy set shoulders, this orc looks
quite daunting. His set of standard leather armour shows off the rippling
muscles that lie beneath them. For some reason he seems to be snarling at
everyone that he sees. Perhaps he's just in a bad mood?
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 110
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d15+600
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d16+70
DamType punch
AC -810 -810 -810 -700
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27022 south~
MProg DEATH 27021 100~

Name dzagari fighter guildguard butch orc~
ShortD a butch-looking orc~
LongD A butch-looking orc stands here snarling at anyone who passes.~
Desc Standing about 8 feet tall and with heavy set shoulders, this orc looks
quite daunting. His set of standard leather armour shows off the rippling
muscles that lie beneath them. For some reason he seems to be snarling at
everyone that he sees. Perhaps he's just in a bad mood?
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 120
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d17+700
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d17+75
DamType punch
AC -900 -900 -900 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27022 south~
MProg DEATH 27021 100~

Name unseen_fighterD_guildguard_loader~
ShortD unseen_fighterD_guildguard_loader~
LongD Unseen_fighterD_guildguard_loader~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg REPOP 27020 100~

Name Mage Madame Illadra~
ShortD a tall woman with flowing black robes~
LongD A tall woman with flowing black robes watches you with a shrewd expression.~
Desc Though clearly a mage, this tall woman looks more like a fortune teller.  
The black robes around her are long and flowing and she has tied crimson 
silk scarves around her neck and waist.  Long bangled silver bracelets 
jangle from bony wrists.  Her hair is a silvery white and her face is lined 
with wrinkles.  An oversized wart protrudes from an beaked nose.  Though her 
once tall back is stooped with age her eyes shine with both great power and 
hidden malevolence.  
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d13+475
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 11d11+56
DamType punch
AC -710 -710 -710 -600
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack dodge~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    female~
Material unknown
MProg BRIBE 27031 70~
MProg BRIBE 27027 150~
MProg EXALL 27025 north~
MProg DEATH 27024 100~

Name Mage Madame Illadra ~
ShortD a tall woman with flowing black robes~
LongD A tall woman with flowing black robes watches you with a shrewd expression.~
Desc Though clearly a mage, this tall woman looks more like a fortune teller.  
The black robes around her are long and flowing and she has tied crimson 
silk scarves around her neck and waist.  Long bangled silver bracelets 
jangle from bony wrists.  Her hair is a silvery white and her face is lined 
with wrinkles.  An oversized wart protrudes from an beaked nose.  Though her 
once tall back is stooped with age her eyes shine with both great power and 
hidden malevolence.  
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 110
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d15+600
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d16+70
DamType punch
AC -810 -810 -810 -700
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack dodge~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    female~
Material unknown
MProg BRIBE 27031 70~
MProg BRIBE 27027 150~
MProg EXALL 27025 north~
MProg DEATH 27024 100~

Name Mage Madama Illadra~
ShortD a tall woman with flowing black robes~
LongD A tall woman with flowing black robes watches you with a shrewd expression.~
Desc Though clearly a mage, this tall woman looks more like a fortune teller.  
The black robes around her are long and flowing and she has tied crimson 
silk scarves around her neck and waist.  Long bangled silver bracelets 
jangle from bony wrists.  Her hair is a silvery white and her face is lined 
with wrinkles.  An oversized wart protrudes from an beaked nose.  Though her 
once tall back is stooped with age her eyes shine with both great power and 
hidden malevolence.  
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 120
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d17+700
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d17+75
DamType punch
AC -900 -900 -900 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack dodge~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    female~
Material unknown
MProg BRIBE 27031 70~
MProg BRIBE 27027 150~
MProg EXALL 27025 north~
MProg DEATH 27024 100~
MProg GRALL 27026 100~

Name unseen_mageD_guildguard_loader~
ShortD unseen_mageD_guildguard_loader~
LongD Unseen_mageD_guildguard_loader~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg REPOP 27023 100~

Name Unseen_Bonfire_Guarder~
ShortD unseen_Bonfire_Guarder~
LongD Unseen_Bonfire_Guarder~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg ACT 27072 from a huge bonfire.~
MProg DELAY 27070 100~
MProg GRALL 27071 100~

Name highway bandit~
ShortD a highway bandit~
LongD A highway bandit is here.~
Desc This human dressed in rags has shifty eyes and constantly scrutinises his 
surroundings, looking for an opportunity to fill his pockets.  
Race human~
Align -1 -1
Level 15
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+50
ManaDice 2d5+50
DamDice 1d12+3
DamType pierce
AC -10 -10 -10 0
Wealth 150
Act    npc scavenger no_tame wimpy thief outdoors~
AffBy  sneak hide~
Off    dirt_kick trip~
Vuln   magic~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name unseen2 getting off carriage mob~
ShortD unseen2 getting off carriage mob~
LongD Unseen2 getting off carriage mob~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 1
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden infrared~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg ACT 27065 leans back against the wall~
MProg DELAY 27066 100~

Name dzagari thief guildguard seedy kobold~
ShortD a grey-skinned kobold~
LongD A grey-skinned kobold peers at you intently from behind the counter.~
Desc This diminutive, grey-skinned kobold peers at you from behind the counter. 
His eyes are remarkably tiny, and dart around the room constantly. The 
greyness of his skin is probably the natural colour, but it could just be a 
layer of grime hiding the true shade. 
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d13+475
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 11d11+56
DamType punch
AC -710 -710 -600 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27033 south~
MProg DEATH 27034 100~

Name dzagari thief guildguard seedy kobold~
ShortD a grey-skinned kobold~
LongD A grey-skinned kobold peers at you intently from behind the counter.~
Desc This diminutive, grey-skinned kobold peers at you from behind the counter. 
His eyes are remarkably tiny, and dart around the room constantly. The 
greyness of his skin is probably the natural colour, but it could just be a 
layer of grime hiding the true shade. 
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 110
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d15+600
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d16+70
DamType punch
AC -810 -810 -810 -700
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27033 south~
MProg DEATH 27034 100~

Name dzagari thief guildguard seedy kobold~
ShortD a grey-skinned kobold~
LongD A grey-skinned kobold peers at you intently from behind the counter.~
Desc This diminutive, grey-skinned kobold peers at you from behind the counter. 
His eyes are remarkably tiny, and dart around the room constantly. The 
greyness of his skin is probably the natural colour, but it could just be a 
layer of grime hiding the true shade. 
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 120
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d17+700
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d17+75
DamType punch
AC -900 -900 -900 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27033 south~
MProg DEATH 27034 100~

Name unseen_thief_guildguard_loader~
ShortD unseen_thief_guildguard_loader~
LongD Unseen_thief_guildguard_loader~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg REPOP 27032 100~

Name dzagari cleric guildguard shadowed drow~
ShortD a humbly robed drowish woman~
LongD A humbly robed drowish woman stands here almost obscured by the shadows.~
Desc Standing almost obscured by the shadows, this drowish woman is perhaps five 
and a half feet in height. She does not meet your gaze, but you cannot help 
but feel that she observes you constantly, recording each of your actions 
and remembering all of your words for some future time. 
Race drow~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d13+475
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 11d11+56
DamType punch
AC -710 -710 -600 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sanctuary infrared dark_vision~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    female~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27036 north~
MProg DEATH 27037 100~

Name dzagari cleric guildguard shadowed drow~
ShortD a humbly robed drowish woman~
LongD A humbly robed drowish woman stands here almost obscured by the shadows.~
Desc Standing almost obscured by the shadows, this drowish woman is perhaps five 
and a half feet in height. She does not meet your gaze, but you cannot help 
but feel that she observes you constantly, recording each of your actions 
and remembering all of your words for some future time. 
Race drow~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 110
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d15+600
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d16+70
DamType punch
AC -810 -810 -810 -700
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sanctuary infrared dark_vision~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    female~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27036 north~
MProg DEATH 27037 100~

Name dzagari cleric guildguard shadowed drow~
ShortD a humbly robed drowish woman~
LongD A humbly robed drowish woman stands here almost obscured by the shadows.~
Desc Standing almost obscured by the shadows, this drowish woman is perhaps five 
and a half feet in height. She does not meet your gaze, but you cannot help 
but feel that she observes you constantly, recording each of your actions 
and remembering all of your words for some future time. 
Race human~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 120
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d17+700
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d17+75
DamType punch
AC -900 -900 -900 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    weapon~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    female~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27036 north~
MProg DEATH 27037 100~

Name unseen_cleric_guildguard_loader~
ShortD unseen_cleric_guildguard_loader~
LongD Unseen_cleric_guildguard_loader~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg REPOP 27035 100~

Name dzagari spellfilcher guildguard pasty halfling~
ShortD a pasty-faced halfling~
LongD A pasty-faced halfling crouches on the lowest step.~
Desc Crouched on the lowest step of the wagon, this halfling male's cape conceals 
whatever other clothing he wears or weaponry he wields. His eyes are sunken, 
mere shadows in his florid face. His complexion is a pasty white, smudged 
with streaks of filth. 
Race halfling~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d13+475
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 11d11+56
DamType punch
AC -710 -710 -600 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sanctuary infrared dark_vision~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon poison disease~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27039 south~
MProg DEATH 27040 100~

Name dzagari spellfilcher guildguard pasty halfling~
ShortD a pasty-faced halfling~
LongD A pasty-faced halfling crouches on the lowest step.~
Desc Crouched on the lowest step of the wagon, this halfling male's cape conceals 
whatever other clothing he wears or weaponry he wields. His eyes are sunken, 
mere shadows in his florid face. His complexion is a pasty white, smudged 
with streaks of filth. 
Race halfling~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 110
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d15+600
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d16+70
DamType punch
AC -810 -810 -810 -700
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sanctuary infrared dark_vision~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon poison disease~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27039 south~
MProg DEATH 27040 100~

Name dzagari spellfilcher guildguard pasty halfling~
ShortD a pasty-faced halfling~
LongD A pasty-faced halfling crouches on the lowest step.~
Desc Crouched on the lowest step of the wagon, this halfling male's cape conceals 
whatever other clothing he wears or weaponry he wields. His eyes are sunken, 
mere shadows in his florid face. His complexion is a pasty white, smudged 
with streaks of filth. 
Race halfling~
Align 3 1
XPMod 0
Level 120
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d17+700
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d17+75
DamType punch
AC -900 -900 -900 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary infrared~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic weapon poison disease~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg EXALL 27039 south~
MProg DEATH 27040 100~

Name unseen_spellfilcher_guildguard_loader~
ShortD unseen_spellfilcher_guildguard_loader~
LongD Unseen_spellfilcher_guildguard_loader~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg REPOP 27038 100~

Name unseen_paladin_dza_guildhouse_loader~
ShortD unseen_paladin_dza_guildhouse_loader~
LongD Unseen_paladin_dza_guildhouse_loader~
Desc ~
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 0d0+1
ManaDice 0d0+1
DamDice 0d0+1
DamType none
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area unseen~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown
MProg REPOP 27044 100~

Name a humanoid figure in pitch black full plate armour alkan~
ShortD a humanoid figure in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate armour~
LongD A humanoid figure in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate armour stands here alertly.~
Desc You see a humanoid figure here, clad totally in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate 
armour.  You try to peer at the face, but it is fully covered with a 
full-face helmet.  The figure is unmoving and lifeless, moving slightly only 
to shift and look at intruders into this Dark Chapel.  The figure stands at 
a corner, fully armoured hands resting on the pommel of a large sword, 
crafted of some black metal.  
Race drow~
Align 3 -3
XPMod 0
Level 100
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d13+475
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d11+46
DamType punch
AC -710 -710 -710 -600
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sanctuary infrared haste dark_vision~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast kick parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic~
Vuln   bash light sound~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material flesh
MProg DEATH 27046 100~
MProg EXALL 27045 west~

Name a humanoid figure in pitch black full plate armour alkan~
ShortD a humanoid figure in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate armour~
LongD A humanoid figure in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate armour stands here alertly.~
Desc You see a humanoid figure here, clad totally in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate 
armour.  You try to peer at the face, but it is fully covered with a 
full-face helmet.  The figure is unmoving and lifeless, moving slightly only 
to shift and look at intruders into this Dark Chapel.  The figure stands at 
a corner, fully armoured hands resting on the pommel of a large sword, 
crafted of some `#`sblack`^ metal.
Race drow~
Align 3 -3
XPMod 0
Level 110
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d15+600
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d16+70
DamType punch
AC -810 -810 -810 -700
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sanctuary infrared dark_vision~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast kick parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic~
Vuln   bash light sound~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material flesh
MProg DEATH 27046 100~
MProg EXALL 27045 west~

Name a humanoid figure in pitch black full plate armour alkan~
ShortD a humanoid figure in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate armour~
LongD A humanoid figure in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate armour stands here alertly.~
Desc You see a humanoid figure here, clad totally in pitch `#`sblack`^ full plate 
armour.  You try to peer at the face, but it is fully covered with a 
full-face helmet.  The figure is unmoving and lifeless, moving slightly only 
to shift and look at intruders into this Dark Chapel.  The figure stands at 
a corner, fully armoured hands resting on the pommel of a large sword, 
crafted of some `#`sblack`^ metal.
Race drow~
Align 3 -3
XPMod 0
Level 120
Hitroll 0
HitDice 10d17+700
ManaDice 10d13+475
DamDice 10d17+75
DamType punch
AC -900 -900 -900 -800
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sanctuary infrared dark_vision~
Off    area_attack disarm dodge fast kick parry~
Imm    summon charm sleep~
Res    magic~
Vuln   bash light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material flesh
MProg EXALL 27045 west~
MProg DEATH 27046 100~

Name humanoid figure in onyx encrusted armour lyith~
ShortD a humanoid figure in `#`sonyx`^ encrusted armour~
LongD A humanoid figure in `#`sonyx`^ encrusted armour is here, ready to impart knowledge.~
Desc This dark humanoid figure stands unmoving in the middle of the battle arena. 
 The full plate armour gleams darkly, blue light dancing off the polished 
onyx that decorates it.  The face is fully covered with a full-face helmet.  
If not for slight movements from this figure, you would have mistaken it for 
a statue, in the darkness of the room.  The humanoid figure looks ready to 
impart knowledge, should you request it.  
Race drow~
Align 3 -3
XPMod 110
Level 100
Hitroll 1
HitDice 5d10+999
ManaDice 5d10+999
DamDice 8d6+100
DamType pierce
AC -500 -500 -500 -500
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area train practice warrior nopurge gain~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good sanctuary infrared haste dark_vision~
Off    disarm dodge dirt_kick parry~
Res    magic weapon~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material flesh

Name fat troll drinks tavern~
ShortD a fat troll~
LongD A fat troll, is serving the drinks here.~
Desc This troll is fat with hairy ears.  He has a pudgy nose and big round eyes.  
He is serving the drinks in this tavern.  
Race troll~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash~
Vuln   fire acid~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws fangs~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name lanky lizardman shopkeeper~
ShortD a lizardman coppersmith~
LongD A lanky lizardman is here, hammering a piece of copper.~
Desc The coppersmith of Dzagari is a lanky lizardman with oily green skin.  He is 
hammering away on a piece of copper, which will be formed into something 
he'll sell later.  
Race lizardman~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash disease~
Vuln   fire cold acid~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name drooling troll shopkeeper~
ShortD a troll shopkeeper~
LongD A drooling troll is here, selling delicacies.~
Desc This troll can barely contain himself, he is drooling all over the place, as 
he eyes the interesting delicacies he has on sale.  
Race troll~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash disease~
Vuln   fire cold acid~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name runty kobold shopkeeper cartographer~
ShortD a runty kobold cartographer~
LongD A runty kobold is here, selling maps.~
Desc This kobold is a runty fellow, probably the runt of his siblings.  He is 
selling maps and dirty pieces of parchment.  
Race kobold~
Align -1 -1
XPMod 5
Level 102
Hitroll 2
HitDice 10d99+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d11+46
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Off    dirt_kick~
Res    magic weapon bash pierce poison~
Vuln   magic energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue eyestalks claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name robed drow shopkeeper~
ShortD a drow shopkeeper~
LongD A robed drow is selling magic items here.~
Desc This drow wears a long robe, with a hood which hangs slightly over his eyes. 
 When you look at him, you only see his mouth move, not the look in his 
eyes.  He is selling various magical items in this shop.  
Race drow~
Align -1 -1
XPMod 5
Level 102
Hitroll 2
HitDice 10d99+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d11+46
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  detect_magic infrared dark_vision~
Off    dirt_kick~
Res    magic weapon bash pierce poison~
Vuln   magic energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue eyestalks claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name goblin shopkeeper beady-eyed hussat~
ShortD a goblin shopkeeper~
LongD A beady-eyed goblin is mixing potions here.~
Desc This male goblin has beady eyes which seem to watch your every move.  His 
hair is greasy and his hands stained, as he mixes various elements into 
potions and ointments.  
Race goblin~
Align -1 -1
XPMod 5
Level 102
Hitroll 2
HitDice 10d99+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d11+46
DamType punch
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Off    dirt_kick~
Imm    poison disease~
Res    magic weapon bash pierce poison negative~
Vuln   magic fire energy mental drowning light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue eyestalks claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name draconian silver-winged carpenter shopkeeper ~
ShortD a draconian carpenter~
LongD A silver-winged draconian is building something out of wood here.~
Desc This draconian has sly look in his eyes, and his movements are furtive and 
he seems on edge.  He carries a weapon by his side, and his hand moves to 
touch it whenever a customer comes into the shop.  
Race troll~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash~
Vuln   fire acid~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws fangs~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name gnoll shopkeeper plump male todak tabacconist~
ShortD a gnoll tabacconist~
LongD A plump male gnoll is smoking a pipe here.~
Desc This gnoll is quite large and plump.  He has musty brown hair, covering his 
fat body.  A pipe is resting in his hand, inbetween taking puffs.  
Race gnoll~
Align 0 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 3
HitDice 9d9+999
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 10d6+150
DamType bite
AC -990 -990 -990 -990
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision~
Off    dodge fast kick parry~
Res    magic weapon bash pierce cold poison disease~
Vuln   magic fire energy mental light~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye tail claws~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name stocky dwarf dwarven shopkeeper~
ShortD a stocky dwarven shopkeeper~
LongD A stocky dwarf is here, scaling a fish.~
Desc This dwarf, like most of his race, is short and stocky.  An odour of fish 
hangs about him, and stains of blood cover his rough hands.  He is busy 
scaling a fish to sell in his shop.  
Race dwarf~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash poison disease~
Vuln   fire cold acid drowning~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name duergar shopkeeper unshaven~
ShortD a duergar shopkeeper~
LongD An unshaven duergar is here, selling rugs and carpets.~
Desc This duergar is unshaven, taking little care over his appearance.  His 
clothes are filthy and reek of odour.  He is trying to make a business here 
selling rugs.  
Race duergar~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash poison mental disease~
Vuln   fire cold acid drowning light~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail claws fangs horns scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    female~
Material unknown

Name waitress anatolle pretty~
ShortD a pretty waitress~
LongD A waitress in a short black uniform and a white apron is here taking your orders.~
Desc A pretty waitress in a short black uniform and a starched white apron stands 
here taking your orders.  Her orders seem quite exotic, and would be worth a 
Race human~
Align -2 0
XPMod 0
Level 23
Hitroll 0
HitDice 100d1+0
ManaDice 1d100+550
DamDice 2d10+7
DamType punch
AC -70 -70 -70 -50
Wealth 50
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge noautosocial~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden dark_vision~
Imm    summon charm~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material flesh
MProg GRALL 27053 100~
MProg SPEECH 27054 yes~
MProg SPEECH 27054 reservation~
MProg SPEECH 27055 no~
MProg TICK 27056 20~

Name plump darkskinned male minotaur pianist sam~
ShortD a minotaur pianist~
LongD A slightly plump, dark skinned male minotaur sits at a grand piano.~
Desc A slightly plump, dark skinned male minotaur dressed in a black suit, a 
white shirt and a black bow tie sits at a grand piano, tickling the ivories. 
 He breaks into song once in a while in his deep husky voice.  
Race minotaur~
Align 1 -1
XPMod 0
Level 23
Hitroll 0
HitDice 100d1+0
ManaDice 1d1+200
DamDice 2d10+7
DamType punch
AC -70 -70 -70 -50
Wealth 50
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area nopurge~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared~
Imm    summon charm magic~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail horns scales~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material flesh
MProg TICK 27047 10~
MProg DEATH 27052 100~

Name dark cloaked figure~
ShortD a dark cloaked figure~
LongD A dark cloaked figure is skulking in the shadows.~
Desc You can't tell much about this figure, both because of the shadows 
in which it hides as well as the dark cloak which it wears.  You can 
tell that it moves very gracefully and quick, and see the flash of metal 
from within the cloak.
Race human~
Align 0 -2
Level 8
Hitroll 0
HitDice 3d5+67
ManaDice 3d5+175
DamDice 2d6+4
DamType punch
AC -20 -20 -20 10
Wealth 80
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area thief~
Off    backstab dirt_kick parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name butch orc scars shopkeeper~
ShortD a butch orc~
LongD A butch orc with scars on his face, pushes the half-elf about.~
Desc This orc is a nasty looking creature, with broad shoulders and a mouth full 
of vicious teeth.  He is leaning back in his chair, making the servant do 
all the work.  
Race orc~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash disease~
Vuln   fire cold acid~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name whimpering half-elf~
ShortD a whimpering half-elf~
LongD A whimpering half-elf scurries about, selling items to the customers.~
Desc This whimpering creature, a half-elf, scurries quickly to and fro, trying to 
keep himself busy for fear of his master's whip.  He has many bruises on his 
frail arms and legs, and a sad look in his eyes.  
Race half-elf~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared regeneration~
Res    charm magic weapon bash poison disease~
Vuln   fire cold acid iron~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name sly-looking kobold shopkeeper~
ShortD a sly-looking kobold~
LongD A sly-looking kobold is here, selling cheap and nasty items to unsuspecting customers.~
Desc This small, but muscly, kobold has a sly grin on his face.  He is trying to 
sell his items, probably made by slave labour, to any unsuspecting 
Race kobold~
Align -2 -2
Level 110
Hitroll 4
HitDice 10d30+1500
ManaDice 5d10+400
DamDice 1d20+200
DamType punch
AC -1800 -1800 -1800 -1800
Wealth 1000
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area nopurge changer~
AffBy  infrared dark_vision regeneration~
Res    magic weapon bash pierce poison disease~
Vuln   fire cold acid energy mental light~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown


Name old pants~
Short some old pants~
Desc Some old pants have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 12
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material cotton~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~
ExtraDesc old pants~
A pair of old brown pants.

Name old grey shirt~
Short an old `#`Sgrey`^ shirt~
Desc An old `#`Sgrey`^ shirt has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 13
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material cotton~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~
ExtraDesc old grey shirt~
An old grey shirt.  It is rather threadbare.

Name arm~
Short an arm~
Desc The arm of some poor human or elf is lying here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 16
Asize 4
Rsize 50
Values 20 30 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc arm~
The arm of some poor elf or human.

Name leg~
Short a leg~
Desc The leg of some poor elf or human is lying here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 22
Asize 15
Rsize 50
Values 20 30 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc leg~
The leg of some poor elf or human.

Name bloody hunk meat~
Short a bloody hunk of meat~
Desc A bloody hunk of meat has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 26
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 25 35 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc bloody hunk meat~
A hunk of bloody, raw meat.  Yummy!

Name dead cat~
Short a dead cat~
Desc A dead cat is lying here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 31
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 30 40 0 0 0
Weight 14
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc dead cat~
The corpse of a black and white striped alley cat.   Looks tasty, eh?

Name fine black robes~
Short some fine `#`Sblack`^ robes~
Desc Some fine `#`Sblack`^ robes have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 79
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material cotton~
Extra    evil nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take about~
ExtraDesc fine black robes~
Thes black robes are finely made from soft cloth.

Name torn black robes~
Short some torn `#`Sblack`^ robes~
Desc Some torn `#`Sblack`^ robes lie here.~
Level 15
ItemType armor~
Cost 311
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 4 3 0
Weight 10
Material cotton~
Extra    antigood nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
Affect modifier -1 15 -1 selfdiscipline 1 0
ExtraDesc torn black robes~
These black robes are finely made, but are ripped and torn.

Name ceremonial dagger~
Short a ceremonial dagger~
Desc A ceremonial dagger is here.~
Level 15
ItemType weapon~
Cost 322
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values dagger 1 11 pierce 0
Weight 12
Material steel~
Extra    evil antigood nodegrade burnproof nouncurse~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances mage thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 15 -1 quickness 1 0
ExtraDesc ceremonial dagger~
This steel dagger is highly ornate, probably made for some evil ritual.

Name flagon grog~
Short a flagon of grog~
Desc A flagon of grog has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 20
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 'dark ale' 0 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc flagon grog~
This drink is quite strong.

Name bowl mystery soup~
Short a bowl of mystery soup~
Desc A bowl of soup has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 19
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 17 20 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc bowl mystery soup~
This soup smells rather bad and has some unidentifiable chunks floating in it.

Name juicy steak~
Short a juicy steak~
Desc A juicy steak has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 26
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 22 26 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc juicy steak~
A juicy steak.  It is cooked, but a little underdone.

Name torn dress~
Short a torn dress~
Desc A torn dress has been left here~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 13
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material cotton~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
ExtraDesc torn dres~
This pretty dress has been torn at the seam.  Perhaps it could be repaired and worn again.

Name black robes~
Short some `#`Sblack`^ robes~
Desc Some `#`Sblack`^ robes are lying here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 60
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 12
Material cotton~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~

Name fine black robe~
Short a fine `#`Sblack`^ robe~
Desc A fine `#`Sblack`^ robe lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 90
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material cotton~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~

Name thick leather armor~
Short some thick leather armor~
Desc Some thick leather armor has been left here.~
Level 35
ItemType armor~
Cost 700
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 12 12 12 9 0
Weight 10
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc leather armor thick~
This leather armor is very thick, but not made so well.

Name dull longsword sword~
Short a dull longsword~
Desc A dull longsword has been left here.~
Level 35
ItemType weapon~
Cost 722
Asize 45
Rsize 50
Values sword 2 19 slash 0
Weight 40
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc dull longsword~
A dull longsword, made form steel.  Pretty uninterestersting as swords go.

Name nasty longsword sword~
Short a nasty longsword~
Desc A nasty longsword has been left here.~
Level 55
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1111
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values sword 2 29 slash 0
Weight 36
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc nasty longsword~
This longsword has a very sharp edge and is weighted perfectly.

Name heavy ringmail~
Short a heavy ringmail~
Desc A heavy ringmail has been left here.~
Level 55
ItemType armor~
Cost 1100
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 18 18 18 13 0
Weight 10
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc heavy ringmail~
This ringmail is quite thick and heavy, and made well.

Name rock sharp~
Short a sharp rock~
Desc A sharp rock has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType weapon~
Cost 5
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values mace 1 6 crush 0
Weight 30
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ExtraDesc sharp rock~
A sharp rock.  Might serve as a weapon in an emergency.

Name long stiletto~
Short a long stiletto~
Desc A long stiletto has been left here.~
Level 17
ItemType weapon~
Cost 345
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values dagger 3 4 pierce 0
Weight 15
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances mage thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc long stiletto~
This long dagger is quite sharp and deadly.

Name long black cloak~
Short a long black cloak~
Desc A long black cloak has been left here.~
Level 15
ItemType armor~
Cost 319
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 4 3 0
Weight 4
Material cotton~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
Affect modifier -1 15 -1 quickness 1 0
ExtraDesc long black cloak~
A nice black cloak, made of some thick material.

Name heavy club mace~
Short a heavy club~
Desc A heavy club has been left here.~
Level 24
ItemType weapon~
Cost 484
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values mace 3 9 pound 0
Weight 90
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc heavy club~
A huge heavy wooden club.

Name double-bladed axe~
Short a double-bladed axe~
Desc A double-bladed axe has been left here.~
Level 29
ItemType weapon~
Cost 590
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values axe 2 18 slice 0
Weight 50
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc double axe~
This axe is forged from steel, and has a double blade.

Name light scalemail~
Short a light scalemail~
Desc A light scalemail has been left here.~
Level 29
ItemType armor~
Cost 600
Asize 40
Rsize 50
Values 11 10 9 8 0
Weight 60
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin barbarian~
ExtraDesc light scalemail~
A light steel scalemail, fairly well made.

Name floating avian head~
Short a floating head~
Desc The floating head of an avian.~
Level 51
ItemType trash~
Cost 1120
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 80
Material flesh~
Extra    hum dark nodrop noremove rotdeath nonmetal nodegrade chaos~
Wear     take head~
ClassAllowances mage warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc floating head avian~
A head floats here.  Its face is set in an evil grin, never 
before have you felt such evil come from an object.

Name nicked longsword sword~
Short a nicked longsword~
Desc A dull longsword with a nicked blade has been left here.~
Level 21
ItemType weapon~
Cost 421
Asize 45
Rsize 50
Values sword 3 8 slash 0
Weight 40
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc nicked longsword~
A longsword, made from steel.  The blade is badly nicked in several places.

Name tall wooden chair~
Short a tall wooden chair~
Desc A tall wooden chair.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 25
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 1 99999 EHKN 115 120
Weight 30
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc tall wooden chair~
This wooden chair is finely made. The back is very tall.

Name anvil steel~
Short a dull steel anvil~
Desc A dull steel anvil lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 5000
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values 2 10000 ADM -25 -25
Weight 2000
Material steel~
Extra    glow nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc anvil~
This anvil glows with a red radiance, it's very hot.

Name furnace~
Short a large furnace~
Desc A large steel furnace lies near the wall.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 5000
Asize 100
Rsize 50
Values 1 100000 ADM -50 -50
Weight 2000
Material steel~
Extra    glow evil antigood nolocate nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc furnace~
You can see a blue flame inside the furnace, you can feel the heat
coming from there.

Name token27031 scimitar-quest~
Short token27031 scimitar-quest~
Desc Token27031 scimitar-quest~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material paper~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name token27032 scimitar-quest2~
Short token27032 scimitar-quest2~
Desc Token27032 scimitar-quest2~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material paper~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name token27033 scimitar-quest3~
Short token27033 scimitar-quest3~
Desc Token27033 scimitar-quest3~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material paper~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name token27034 scimitar-quest4~
Short token27034 scimitar-quest4~
Desc Token27034 scimitar-quest4~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material paper~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name token27035 scimitar-quest5~
Short token27035 scimitar-quest5~
Desc Token27035 scimitar-quest5~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material paper~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name scimitar dancing flames~
Short `#a scimitar of `Rdancing flames`^~
Desc `#a scimitar of `Rdancing flames`^ lies here.~
Level 65
ItemType weapon~
Cost 3500
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values sword 15 3 slash AE
Weight 50
Material steel~
Extra    nolocate nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 65 -1 strength 2 0
Affect modifier -1 65 -1 damroll 6 0
Affect modifier -1 65 -1 hitroll 6 0
ExtraDesc scimitar dancing flames~
This scimitar curves slightly from the blade, and the metal has the 
appearance of some sort of obsidian glass-like metal.  The extraordinary 
thing about the blade is the fact that it is engulfed in flames, yet the 
fire on the blade seems nothing more than an illusion.  The hilt of the 
sword is wrapped in black leather and a reddish gem glimmers on the bottom 
of the hilt.  

Name wooden chair~
Short a wooden chair~
Desc A wooden chair.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 15
Asize 75
Rsize 50
Values 1 9999 BEHK 100 100
Weight 200
Material wood~
Extra    nodegrade~
ExtraDesc wooden chair~
A wooden chair with some cushioning.  Looks quite comfortable.

Name small wooden desk~
Short a small wooden desk~
Desc A small wooden desk is here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 2
Condition 25
Asize 100
Rsize 50
Values 0 ACD 0 5 100
Weight 50
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~

Name A large wooden carriage~
Short a large wooden carriage~
Desc A large wooden carriage is here.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 100000 FI 100 100
Weight 10000
Material wood~
Extra    nodegrade~

Name small yellow ticket ~
Short a small yellow ticket~
Desc A small yellow ticket lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 1000
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material paper~
Extra    inventory nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name soft velvet seats~
Short some soft velvet seats~
Desc Some soft velvet seats lie against the walls.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 1000
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 10000 BEHK 100 100
Weight 1
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~

Name huge marble sign~
Short a `#`Wmarble`^ sign~
Desc A `#`Wmarble`^ sign is hanging against a building here.~
Level 0
ItemType trash~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Extra    nodegrade~
ExtraDesc huge wooden sign~
`#`B|                                                      |`^  
`#`B|`^                     `#`WThe Trellis`^                      `#`B|`^
`#`B|                                                      |`^
`#`B|`^   `#`wA place of civility in Dzagari..`^                   `#`B|`^
`#`B|`^                 `#`w....Fine dining under the vines.`^     `#`B|`^
`#`B|                                                      |`^

Name long cast-iron bench~
Short a large, cast-iron bench~
Desc A large, cast-iron bench stands here.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 1
Asize 2000
Rsize 50
Values 4 10000 EHKN 110 110
Weight 2000
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc long wooden bench~
Cold black iron has been wrought into the shape of a bench. Shapes of wild 
beasts and monsters have found their way into the seat and the backrest of 
this bench. Two gargolyes perch on either side and function as armrests. 

Name no name~
Short a large study table~
Desc A massive oak table teeming with half written parchments and empty ink pots stands in the center of the room.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
ExtraDesc table ~
Dominating the dusty attic is a massive study table made of thick oak.  A 
dark mahogany in colour it must have once been beautiful but now the 
burnished sheen of the wood has faded and it is mottled with ink stains and 
sulpher burns.  Crumpled bits of parchment paper are crumpled around the 
table obviously remnants of whatever work was done on the table itself, also 
filled almost to its brim with parchment, bottles of ink, used quills and 
various books.  

Name huge bonfire fire~
Short a huge bonfire~
Desc A huge bonfire burns here.~
Level 1
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10000 0 0 10000 10
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Extra    glow nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~

Name sparkling energy shield~
Short a sparkling energy shield~
Desc A sparkling energy shield has been left here.~
Level 26
ItemType armor~
Cost 499
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 8 8 8 7 0
Weight 1
Material energy~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take shield~
ClassAllowances mage cleric druid spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 26 -1 ac -6 0
ExtraDesc sparkling energy shield~
A magical energy field.  

Name elf eyeballs stick~
Short elf eyeballs on a stick~
Desc Elf eyeballs on a stick have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 66
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 19 23 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc elf eyeballs stick~
A tender delicacy in some parts, this pair of elf eyeballs has been lightly 
cooked in a zesty butter and tomato sauce and are toasted to a perfect light 
brown colour.  Not a meal for the squeamish to be sure, but very delicious 
when prepared properly like this.  

Name dwarfburger burger~
Short a dwarfburger~
Desc A burger made of some mystery meat has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 32
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 18 21 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc dwarfburger burger~
A thin slice of meat rests between two cuts of crusty bread.  The meat 
doesn't look like chicken or anything else you recognize, and is tough and 
charred pretty thoroughly.  

Name 27050 token_quest_unicorn_treasure~
Short token_quest_unicorn_treasure_mp27005~
Desc Token_quest_unicorn_treasure_mp27005~
Level 0
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name pile coins~
Short a pile of coins~
Desc A pile coins is here.~
Level 0
ItemType money~
Cost 500
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 50 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material gold~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc pile coins~
A pile of gold coins.

Name small hand axe~
Short a small hand axe~
Desc A small hand axe is lying here.~
Level 1
ItemType weapon~
Cost 62
Asize 30
Rsize 50
Values axe 1 6 slice 0
Weight 40
Material steel~
Extra    inventory nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior druid paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc small hand axe~
This small axe looks like it would be good for various woodcrafts but not so 
effective for fighting with.  

Name token27060 token_fighterD_guild_warned_before~
Short token27060 token_fighterD_guild_warned_before~
Desc Token27060 token_fighterD_guild_warned_before~
Level 0
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~

Name token27061 token_mageD_guild_warned_before~
Short token27061 token_mageD_guild_warned_before~
Desc Token27061 token_mageD_guild_warned_before~
Level 0
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~

Name 27062 token_evil_align_1~
Short 27062 token_evil_align_1~
Desc 27062 token_evil_align_1~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take hold~

Name 27063 token_good_align_1~
Short 27063 token_good_align_1~
Desc 27063 token_good_align_1~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take hold~

Name 27064 token_neutral_align_1~
Short 27064 token_neutral_align_1~
Desc 27064 token_neutral_align_1~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take hold~

Name token27065 token_thief_guild_warned_before~
Short token27065 token_thief_guild_warned_before~
Desc Token27065 token_thief_guild_warned_before~
Level 0
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~

Name token27066 token_cleric_guild_warned_before~
Short token27066 token_cleric_guild_warned_before~
Desc Token27066 token_cleric_guild_warned_before~
Level 0
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~

Name token27067 token_spf_guild_warned_before~
Short token27067 token_spf_guild_warned_before~
Desc Token27067 token_spf_guild_warned_before~
Level 0
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~

Name token27068 token_paladin_guild_dza_warned_before~
Short token27068 token_paladin_guild_dza_warned_before~
Desc Token27068 token_paladin_guild_dza_warned_before~
Level 0
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~

Name cask port wine~
Short a cask of port wine~
Desc A cask of port wine has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 390
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 100 100 'rose wine' 0 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name jug ale~
Short a jug of ale~
Desc A jug of ale is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 23
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 ale 0 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name glass wine mulled~
Short a glass of mulled wine~
Desc A glass of wine is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 29
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 'mulled wine' 0 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name bottle bloodwine~
Short a bottle of `#`rbloodwine`^~
Desc A bottle of `#`rbloodwine`^ is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 250
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 10 bloodwine 0 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name iron battleaxe~
Short an iron battleaxe~
Desc An iron battleaxe lies here.~
Level 30
ItemType weapon~
Cost 330
Asize 70
Rsize 50
Values axe 2 22 slice F
Weight 120
Material iron~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 hitroll 2 0

Name iron candlestick holder~
Short an `#`Siron`^ candlestick holder~
Desc An `#`Siron`^ candlestick holder is here.~
Level 1
ItemType treasure~
Cost 35
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material iron~
Extra    inventory nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take~

Name belt iron buckle~
Short a belt with an `#`Siron`^ buckle~
Desc A belt with an `#`Siron`^ buckle is here.~
Level 12
ItemType armor~
Cost 125
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 2 2 2 1 0
Weight 15
Material iron~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take waist~
Affect modifier -1 12 -1 ac -5 0

Name copper pick-axe pick axe~
Short a `#`ycopper`^ pick-axe~
Desc A `#`ycopper`^ pick-axe is here.~
Level 25
ItemType weapon~
Cost 270
Asize 14
Rsize 50
Values axe 2 13 cleave D
Weight 18
Material copper~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 25 -1 hp 2 0

Name copper weathervane~
Short a `#`ycopper`^ weathervane~
Desc A `#`ycopper`^ weathervane is here.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 64
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material copper~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~

Name copper-framed mirror~
Short a `#`ycopper-framed`^ mirror~
Desc A `#`ycopper-framed`^ mirror lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 99
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material copper~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~

Name portion fried elf fingers~
Short a portion of fried elf fingers~
Desc A portion of fried elf fingers are waiting to be eaten here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 389
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 8 4 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material elf~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name roasted bat wings~
Short some roasted bat wings~
Desc Some roasted bat wings are here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 77
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 8 4 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material bat~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name serving crunchy human ribs~
Short a serving of crunchy human ribs~
Desc A serving of crunchy human ribs is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 4900
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 12 4 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material human~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name mrem paw~
Short a mrem paw~
Desc A mrem paw lies here, waiting to be eaten.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 1080
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 12 4 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material human~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name white meat chunk alligator meat slice slime sauce~
Short a slice of alligator meat with slime sauce~
Desc A chunk of white meat lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 320
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 20 20 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material human~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name hunk dripping red meat~
Short a hunk of dripping red meat~
Desc A hunk of dripping red meat is attracting flies here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 20
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 25 35 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name cutting wild boar's meat~
Short some wild boar's meat~
Desc Some wild boar's meat attracts flies here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 27
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 20 20 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name rack ribs~
Short a rack of ribs~
Desc A rack of ribs has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 49
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 20 20 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name carved wooden shield~
Short a carved wooden shield~
Desc A carved wooden shield lies here.~
Level 22
ItemType armor~
Cost 235
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 7 7 7 5 0
Weight 12
Material wood~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take shield~
Affect modifier -1 22 -1 ac -10 0

Name smooth ashwood staff~
Short a smooth ashwood staff~
Desc An ashwood staff lies here.~
Level 35
ItemType staff~
Cost 384
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 35 10 10 'energy drain' 0
Weight 20
Material wood~
Extra    bless nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric druid ranger~
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 mana 40 0

Name rosewood chest~
Short a `#`rrosewood`^ chest~
Desc A `#`rrosewood`^ chest is here.~
Level 1
ItemType container~
Cost 588
Asize 100
Rsize 50
Values 70 A 0 70 100
Weight 30
Material wood~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name small briarwood pipe~
Short a small briarwood pipe~
Desc A small briarwood pipe has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 135
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material wood~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~

Name long straight wooden pipe~
Short a straight wooden pipe~
Desc A straight, wooden pipe lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 120
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material wood~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~

Name bag rich blend pipeweed~
Short a bag of rich blend pipeweed~
Desc A bag of pipeweed lays here.~
Level 1
ItemType pill~
Cost 108
Condition 90
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 1 'induce sleep' '' '' ''
Weight 1
Material plant~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name bag piquant-flavoured pipeweed~
Short a bag of piquant-flavoured pipeweed~
Desc A bag of pipeweed lays here.~
Level 1
ItemType pill~
Cost 105
Condition 90
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 1 disorientation '' '' ''
Weight 1
Material plant~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name bag aromatic pipeweed~
Short a bag of aromatic pipeweed~
Desc A bag of pipeweed lays here.~
Level 1
ItemType pill~
Cost 100
Condition 90
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 1 weaken '' '' ''
Weight 1
Material plant~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name smoked fish~
Short a `#`Ssmoked`^ fish~
Desc A `#`Ssmoked`^ fish is smelling bad here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 20
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 5 0 0 0 0
Weight 4
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name handful oysters~
Short a handful of `#`Woysters`^~
Desc A handful of `#`Woysters`^ have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 25
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 5 0 0 0 0
Weight 4
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name battered piece snapper~
Short a piece of `#`ybattered`^ snapper~
Desc A `#`ybattered`^ piece of snapper has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 30
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 5 0 0 0 0
Weight 4
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name musty brown robes~
Short some `#`ymusty brown`^ robes~
Desc Some `#`ymusty brown`^ robes have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 51
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material cotton~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~

Name shirt billowy sleeves~
Short a shirt with billowy sleeves~
Desc A shirt with billowy sleeves lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 36
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material cotton~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~

Name stripy cotton pants~
Short some `#`Ws`Bt`Yr`Bi`Wp`Yy`^ cotton pants~
Desc Some `#`Ws`Bt`Yr`Bi`Wp`Yy`^ pants have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 30
Asize 4
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 4
Material cotton~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~

Name tunic ruffles~
Short a tunic with ruffles~
Desc A tunic with ruffles has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 62
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material cotton~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~

Name live crayfish~
Short a live `#`Rcrayfish`^~
Desc A live `#`Rcrayfish`^ snaps its claws here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 41
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 5 0 0 0 0
Weight 4
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name bag wriggling worms~
Short a bag of wriggling `#`Mworms`^~
Desc A bag of wriggling `#`Mworms`^ has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 5 5 0 A 0
Weight 5
Material worm~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~

Name book essential magicks~
Short a book of essential magicks~
Desc A book of essential magicks is here.~
Level 10
ItemType scroll~
Cost 970
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 armour identify infravision ''
Weight 20
Material paper~
Extra    magic~
Wear     take~
ClassAllowances mage spellfilcher~

Name tome light magicks~
Short a tome of `#`Wlight`^ magicks~
Desc A tome of `#`Wlight`^ magicks has been left here.~
Level 10
ItemType scroll~
Cost 925
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 light 'light bonding' 'light withering' ''
Weight 20
Material paper~
Extra    magic~
Wear     take~
ClassAllowances druid ranger~

Name yellowy-blue pill~
Short a `#`Yyel`ylow`gy-b`blu`Be`^ pill~
Desc A `#`Yyel`ylow`gy-b`blu`Be`^ pill is here.~
Level 10
ItemType pill~
Cost 350
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 poison '' '' ''
Weight 10
Material poison~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~

Name pulsating violet pill~
Short a pulsating `#`mv`Mi`mo`Mle`mt`^ pill~
Desc A pulsating `#`mv`Mi`mo`Mle`mt`^ pill lies here.~
Level 20
ItemType pill~
Cost 500
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 poison weaken '' ''
Weight 10
Material poison~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~

Name small bottle off-white liquid~
Short a small bottle of `#`Soff-white`^ liquid~
Desc A small bottle of `#`Soff-white`^ liquid lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 295
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 20 15 absinthe 1 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    inventory nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~

Name potion deception~
Short a potion of deception~
Desc A potion of deception lies here.~
Level 30
ItemType potion~
Cost 1250
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 15 'chaotic poison' weaken '' ''
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    inventory nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~

Name warm mink fur cloak~
Short a warm `#`Smink fur`^ cloak~
Desc A warm `#`Smink fur`^ cloak has been left here.~
Level 21
ItemType armor~
Cost 420
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 5 5 5 4 0
Weight 20
Material fur~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take about~
Affect modifier -1 21 -1 ac -10 0

Name pair red fox fur gloves~
Short a pair of `#`Rred fox`^ fur gloves~
Desc A pair of `#`Rred fox`^ fur gloves have been left here.~
Level 34
ItemType armor~
Cost 680
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 7 7 7 5 0
Weight 20
Material fur~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hands~
ClassAllowances warrior druid paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 34 -1 ac -10 0
Affect modifier -1 34 -1 hp 2 0

Name pair silver-furred boots~
Short a pair of `#`Ssilver-furred`^ boots~
Desc A pair of `#`Ssilver-furred`^ boots have been left here.~
Level 49
ItemType armor~
Cost 990
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 10 10 8 0
Weight 20
Material fur~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take feet~
ClassAllowances cleric paladin ranger~
Affect modifier -1 49 -1 hp 8 0

Name plush ocean-green carpet~
Short a plush, `#`cocean-green`^ carpet~
Desc A plush, `#`cocean-green`^ carpet looks very comfortable here.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 400
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 2 999999 BEHK 105 105
Weight 30
Material fur~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name thick bear's fur rug~
Short a thick `#`ybear's fur`^ rug~
Desc A thick `#`ybear's fur`^ rug looks very comfortable here.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 800
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 2 999999 BEHK 105 105
Weight 30
Material fur~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name cheap spotted carpet~
Short a cheap, `#`Rs`yp`Ro`yt`Rt`ye`Rd`^ carpet~
Desc A cheap, `#`Rs`yp`Ro`yt`Rt`ye`Rd`^ carpet has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 20
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 1 999999 BEHK 105 105
Weight 30
Material fur~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name tiny muslin bag blueberries~
Short a tiny muslin bag of `#`Bblueberries`^~
Desc A tiny muslin bag of `#`Bblueberries`^ is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 35
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 24 24 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material fruit~
Extra    inventory nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name dish sliced peaches~
Short a glass dish of sliced peaches~
Desc A glass dish of sliced peaches is here, looking delicious.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 25
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 11 11 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material food~
Extra    inventory~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc glass dish sliced peaches~
A glass dish of sliced peaches is here. The juicy slices of peach is piled 
high on a dainty glass plate. 

Name delicate creme brulee~
Short a delicate creme brulee~
Desc A delicate creme brulee is here, looking sweet.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 28
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 12 12 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material food~
Extra    inventory nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc delicate creme brulee~
A delicate creme brulee is here, looking sweet. The small ramkin is filled 
with a sweet custard with a thin layer of caramelized sugar is on the top. 

Name caviar bed ice~
Short some `#`scaviar`^ on a bed of `#`Wice`^~
Desc Some `#`scaviar`^ on a bed of `#`Wice`^ is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name fresh croissant~
Short a fresh croissant~
Desc A fresh croissant is here, smelling buttery and sweet.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 23
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 15 20 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name porterhouse steak~
Short a porterhouse steak~
Desc A porterhouse steak cooked to a perfect medium-rare is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 36
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 22 26 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name small basket strawberries~
Short a small basket of `#`Rstrawberries`^~
Desc A small basket of `#`Rstrawberries`^ is here looking delicious.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 35
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 24 24 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material strawberry~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name a venison fillet~
Short a juicy venison fillet~
Desc A juicy venison fillet is here, smelling delicious.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 38
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 22 26 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name oyster half-shell~
Short a fresh plump `#`soyster`^ on a half-shell~
Desc A fresh plump `#`soyster`^ on a half-shell is here looking inviting.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 24
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 2 2 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name creamy lobster bisque~
Short a creamy lobster bisque~
Desc A creamy lobster bisque is here, smelling heavenly.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 25
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 17 17 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name glass red wine~
Short a glass of `#`rred`^ wine~
Desc A glass of `#`rred`^ wine from The Trellis' own vineyards is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 30
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 10 'red wine' 0 0
Weight 1
Material glass~
Extra    inventory nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~

Name glass white wine~
Short a glass of `#`Wwhite`^ wine~
Desc A glass of `#`Wwhite`^ wine from The Trellis' own vineyards is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 30
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 10 'white wine' 0 0
Weight 1
Material glass~
Extra    inventory nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~

Name restaurant table~
Short some beautifully set tables~
Desc Some beautifully set tables are here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 1500
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10000 0 0 200 100
Weight 150
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc table ~
A table with a long white tablecloth is here.  It is set with gleaming 
silverware, snowy white chinaware, crystal goblets and in the middle of the 
table, a small silver vase with a single `#`Rred`^ rose.  A tiny ball of continual 
light hovers above the rose, bathing the table with a slight flickering 
ExtraDesc ball ~
The small golden orb hovers and flickers a bit.  It makes long shadows on 
the walls, and its heat warms the room.  

Name Beautifully designed wooden chairs ~
Short beautifully designed wooden chairs~
Desc Beautifully designed wooden chairs surround the table here.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 100
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 50 50000 EH 100 100
Weight 200
Material wood~
Extra    nodegrade~

Name huge bowl fruit~
Short a huge bowl of fruit~
Desc A huge bowl of fruit lies on the table here.~
Level 3
ItemType container~
Cost 10
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 1000 0 0 1000 0
Weight 7
Material ceramic~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~

Name collection creation magicks~
Short a collection of creation magicks~
Desc A collection of creation magicks has been left here.~
Level 10
ItemType scroll~
Cost 965
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 'create water' 'create food' 'create spring' ''
Weight 20
Material paper~
Extra    magic~
Wear     take~
ClassAllowances cleric paladin~

Name elegant black silk gown~
Short an elegant `#`Sblack silk`^ gown~
Desc An elegant `#`Sblack silk`^ gown has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 1200
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material silk~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~

Name white satin bridal gown~
Short a `#`Wwhite satin`^ bridal gown~
Desc A `#`Wwhite satin`^ bridal gown has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 5000
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material silk~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~

Name cotton pinafore~
Short a cotton pinafore~
Desc A cotton pinafore has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material silk~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~

Name blue velvet dress puffed sleeves~
Short a `#`Bblue velvet`^ dress with puffed sleeves~
Desc A `#`Bblue velvet`^ dress with puffed sleeves has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 750
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material silk~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~

Name cotton twill bodice~
Short a cotton twill bodice~
Desc A cotton twill bodice has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 45
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material silk~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~

Name long flowing twill skirt~
Short a long flowing twill skirt~
Desc A long flowing twill skirt has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 75
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~

Name pair cotton twill breeches~
Short a pair of cotton twill breeches~
Desc A pair of cotton twill breeches have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~

Name white groom's shirt~
Short a `#`Wwhite groom's`^ shirt~
Desc A `#`Wwhite groom's`^ shirt has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 950
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~

Name groom's doublet~
Short a `#`Sgroom's`^ doublet~
Desc A `#`Sgroom's`^ doublet has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 1250
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~

Name pair groom's trousers~
Short a pair of `#`Sgroom's`^ trousers~
Desc A pair of `#`Sgroom's`^ trousers have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 1200
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~

Name pair matching groom's sleeves~
Short a pair of matching `#`Sgroom's`^ sleeves~
Desc A pair of matching `#`Sgroom's`^ sleeves have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 875
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take arms~

Name white satin matching sleeves~
Short a pair of `#`Wwhite satin`^ matching sleeves~
Desc A pair of `#`Wwhite satin`^ matching sleeves have been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 1050
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material silk~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take arms~

Name servant's apron~
Short a servant's apron~
Desc A servant's apron lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 15
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take waist~

Name pair slave's breeches~
Short a pair of slave's breeches~
Desc A pair of slave's breeches lie here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 12
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material twill~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~

Name feather duster~
Short a feather duster~
Desc A feather duster sits here in the dirt.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 5
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material feather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name loincloth~
Short a loincloth~
Desc A loincloth has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 7
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 3
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~
ExtraDesc dirty leather loincloth~
This old scrap of leather has been fashioned into a small loincloth.  

Name mining pick~
Short a mining pick~
Desc A mining pick has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType weapon~
Cost 12
Asize 40
Rsize 50
Values mace 1 6 beating 0
Weight 60
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ExtraDesc mining pick~
A steel and wood mining pick.  Might make a decent weapon 
in a pinch.

Name wooden bucket~
Short a wooden bucket~
Desc A wooden bucket has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType container~
Cost 15
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 20
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc old bucket~
An old wooden bucket.

Name high-quality steel axe~
Short a high-quality steel axe~
Desc A high-quality steel axe lies here.~
Level 29
ItemType weapon~
Cost 59
Condition 1
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values axe 2 18 slice 0
Weight 50
Material steel~
Extra    burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc double axe~
This axe is forged from steel, and has a double blade.

Name buckled scalemail~
Short a buckled scalemail~
Desc A buckled scalemail lies here.~
Level 29
ItemType armor~
Cost 45
Condition 1
Asize 40
Rsize 50
Values 11 10 9 8 0
Weight 60
Material steel~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin barbarian~
ExtraDesc light scalemail~
A light steel scalemail, fairly well made.

Name valuable looking armor~
Short some valuable looking armor~
Desc Some valuable looking armor lies here.~
Level 35
ItemType armor~
Cost 99
Condition 1
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 12 12 12 9 0
Weight 10
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc leather armor thick~
This leather armor is very thick, but not made so well.

Name expensive looking ring~
Short an expensive looking ring~
Desc An expensive looking ring has been left here.~
Level 45
ItemType jewelry~
Cost 33
Condition 1
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material gold~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take finger~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~

Name token_quest_cloak_speech_shadows~
Short token_quest_cloak_speech_shadows_mp3026~
Desc Token_quest_cloak_speech_shadows_mp3026~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_cloak_speech_shadows~
Short token_quest_cloak_speech_shadows_mp23522~
Desc Token_quest_cloak_speech_shadows_mp23522~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_cloak_speech_malache~
Short token_quest_cloak_speech_malache_mp30500~
Desc Token_quest_cloak_speech_malache_mp30500~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_speech_copy~
Short token_quest_ronar_speech_copy_mp3007~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_speech_copy_mp3007~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_speech_password~
Short token_quest_ronar_speech_password_mp3009~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_speech_password_mp3009~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_speech_khuzad~
Short token_quest_ronar_speech_khuzad_mp28001~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_speech_khuzad_mp28001~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_speech_map~
Short token_quest_ronar_speech_map_mp10000~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_speech_map_mp10000~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_speech_price~
Short token_quest_ronar_speech_price_mp10001~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_speech_price_mp10001~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_give_eye~
Short token_quest_ronar_give_eye_mp10003~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_give_eye_mp10003~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_give_rack~
Short token_quest_ronar_give_rack_mp10004~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_give_rack_mp10004~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_give_diamond~
Short token_quest_ronar_give_diamond_mp10005~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_give_diamond_mp10005~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name pile coins~
Short a pile of coins~
Desc A pile of coins lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType money~
Cost 550
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 450 1 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material steel~
Wear     take~

Name crack wall~
Short a crack in the wall~
Desc ~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 10 0 0 10 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Extra    nodegrade~
ExtraDesc crack wall~
You see a gaping crack in the wall.

Name ash-covered shirt remains~
Short an `#`Sash-covered`^ shirt~
Desc The remains of a shirt, covered in ashes lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 13
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material cotton~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~
ExtraDesc old grey shirt~
An old grey shirt.  It is rather threadbare.

Name candle light~
Short a candle~
Desc A candle casts a glow of soft candlelight here.~
Level 1
ItemType light~
Cost 25
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 20 0 0
Weight 5
Material wax~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name picnic hamper~
Short a `#`ypicnic`^ hamper~
Desc A `#`ypicnic`^ hamper is here.~
Level 1
ItemType container~
Cost 250
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 50 AC 0 50 0
Weight 10
Material cane~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name single red rose~
Short a single `#`Rred`^ rose~
Desc A single `#`Rred`^ rose lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 14
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material plant~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc red rose~
A nice red rose.

Name bottle red wine~
Short a bottle of `#`Rred`^ wine~
Desc A bottle of `#`Rred`^ wine lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 112
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 'red wine' 0 0
Weight 60
Material glass~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name bottle white wine~
Short a bottle of `#`Wwhite`^ wine~
Desc A bottle of `#`Wwhite`^ wine lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 112
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 'white wine' 0 0
Weight 60
Material glass~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name wedge cheese~
Short a wedge of `#`Ycheese`^~
Desc A wedge of `#`Ycheese`^ is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 25
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 5 5 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material food~
Wear     take~

Name picnic rug~
Short a picnic rug~
Desc A picnic rug is spread out here.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 220
Asize 100
Rsize 50
Values 6 9999 BEKNR 105 105
Weight 100
Material wool~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name severed elf hand~
Short a severed elf hand~
Desc A severed elf hand lies here, attracting flies.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 88
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 20 20 0 A 0
Weight 10
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nolocate nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name severed elf foot~
Short a severed elf foot~
Desc A severed elf foot is here, attracting flies.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 92
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 20 20 0 A 0
Weight 10
Material flesh~
Extra    nonmetal nolocate nodegrade~
Wear     take~

Name mithril axe~
Short a `#`Smithril axe`^~
Desc A `#`Smithril axe`^ is here.~
Level 10
ItemType weapon~
Cost 55
Condition 90
Asize 35
Rsize 50
Values axe 2 7 slice 0
Weight 55
Material mithril~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~


Name Intersection of Carket Street and Bashem Road~
Desc You are on a trash-covered street just before the north gates of a large 
city.  The street runs south into the center of the city and small alleys 
run east and west.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc muddy wasteland~
Through the gates lies a muddy wasteland.  There is a blackened
tree stump sticking up here and there.
ExtraDesc gates~
The gates are standing wide open, and appear to be frozen that
way by heavy rust.  Through them you can see the wasteland beyond.
Exit north 27104
Exit east 27100
Exit south 27001
EDesc The street runs south into the city.
Exit west 27095

Name Carket Street North~
Desc The street continues north and south here.  It is covered with trash, and is 
not very smooth.  You can see the city gates a short way to the north.  
Another wooden structure has been erected just to the west.  A small 
building stands east, and there are signs posted in front.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc wooden structure~
There is a sign on it, identifying it as "Zogo's Beastiary"
ExtraDesc trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc group buildings~
Some oddly shaped buildings.  Go east and get a closer look.
ExtraDesc gates~
The city gates stand open to the north.
ExtraDesc small building~
It has a sign reading 'Dzagari Courier Services, LTD.'
ExtraDesc sign ~
To the east:
           |      |
 |   Dzagari Courier Service   |
To the west:
           |      |
  |    Zogo's Beastiary     |
Exit north 27000
EDesc The street continues to the city gates.
Exit east 3500
Exit south 27002
EDesc The street continues south into the city.
Exit west 27048

Name Carket Street North~
Desc You are on an uneven, trash-covered street heading north from a wide
square.  The street continues north from here, and there are
sturdy looking buildings to the east and west.  There are signs
hanging from both.
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc sturdy buildings~
Sturdy looking buildings lie to the east and west.  There are
signs hangins on both.
ExtraDesc sign signs~
To the west:

       |           |
  [  <> Gems n stuff <>  ]

To the east:

       |           |
  [    Bank of Dzagari    ]

Exit north 27001
EDesc The street runs north through the city.
Exit east 27024
EDesc Looks like a shop of some type.  There is a sign hanging on the front.
Exit south 27064
Exit west 27023
EDesc Looks like a shop of some type.  There is a sign hanging on the front.

Name Blasted Main Square~
Desc A massive hole is in the center of this square.  It is completely black, and 
evil seems to flow from its dark depths.  The entire square is blasted, 
uneven and dirty, and cracked stone is everywhere.  There are piles of trash 
all over the ground and against the nearby buildings.  The walls are 
scorched black, but from what you cannot tell.  Streets lead in all four 
major directions from here, and you can see shops and buildings lining those 
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc trash street~
The ground is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc walls graffiti~
All sorts of crude graffiti is scrawled on the walls with paint 
and some other dark red material that suspiciosly resembles
blood.  Not much of it is legible.
Exit north 27064
Exit east 27010
EDesc The street runs east through the city.
Exit south 27065
Exit west 27009
EDesc The street runs west through the city.

Name Carket Street South~
Desc The street here runs south through the city, or north into a 
wide square.  There are large buildings to the east and west,
each with a signpost in front.  There is quite a lot of trash
littering the street.
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc building buildings~
The building to the east looks like an inn of some sort.  It 
does not look like a very classy place, if the broken windows
are any indication.  The building to the west is made of large
stone blocks and looks like a temple of sorts.
ExtraDesc sign signpost~
To the west:
       |          |
    [    CHAOTICA    ]
To the east:
       |           |
  [  The Drunken Stupor  ]
Exit north 27065
Exit east 27072
Exit south 27005
EDesc The street continued south.
Exit west 27025
EDesc A large building is to the west.  There is a sign in front.

Name Carket Street South~
Desc The street here has been cleaned up considerably.  A tall office structure 
towers over its neighbours to the west here, with its marble exterior 
finishes boasting its opulence.  A small balcony from the structure can be 
seen overlooking the street from here.  A small, less significant building 
is to the east.  The street continues to run north-south.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc heaps trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc ruts potholes~
The street is very uneven and poorly maintained.
ExtraDesc hovel run down~
A small shack really.  Doesn't look too safe.
ExtraDesc gates~
The city gates.  Head south for a closer look.
Exit north 27004
EDesc The street runs north through the city.
Exit east 27038
Exit south 27006
EDesc The gates are this way.
Exit west 27073

Name Intersection of Carket Street and Bodeebag Road~
Desc You are on a dirty street intersecting Carket Street and Fhue Road.  To the 
south you see some large gates.  Heading north, takes you towards the city 
square, and east and west you see small alleys with shops placed randomly 
alongside the road.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc gates~
The gates are standing wide open, and appear to be frozen that
way by heavy rust.  Through them you can see the wasteland beyond.
ExtraDesc trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
Exit north 27005
EDesc The street heads toward the center of town.
Exit east 27084
Exit south 27057
Exit west 27080

Name Inside Gates~
Desc You are on a filthy street inside the west gates of a city.  A street heads 
east through the buildings, while the gates themselves stand wide open, 
allowing a good view of a barren, muddy wasteland beyond.  You notice some 
sort of horse station with carriages to the north.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc gates~
The gates are standing wide open, and appear to be frozen that
way by heavy rust.  Through them you can see the wasteland beyond.
ExtraDesc trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
Exit north 27089
Exit east 27008
EDesc The street heads toward the center of town.
Exit south 27074
Exit west 30453
EDesc The city gates lead to a barren wasteland.

Name Whortz Street West~
Desc The street here runs east and west.  There are heaps of trash piled
around on it, and many potholes and ruts.  You can see the city gates to the
west, and a half-fallen structure to the north.  A run-down hovel is barely
standing to the south.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc heaps trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc ruts potholes~
The street is very uneven and poorly maintained.
ExtraDesc hovel run down~
A small shack really.  Doesn't look too safe.
ExtraDesc gates~
The city gates.  Head west for a closer look.
Exit north 27043
Exit east 27066
Exit south 27039
EDesc A run down hovel is this way.
Exit west 27007
EDesc The gates are this way.

Name Whortz Street West~
Desc You are on a dirty street just to the west of a wide square.
There are bits of trash heaped on the ground and against the
small buildings to the north and south.  There are small signs
dangling from the front of each building.
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc bits trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc building buildings~
These small buildings appear to be shops of some type.  There are
signs on each of them.
ExtraDesc sign signpost~
To the north:

         |          |
    [  Elf Kabob's r Us  ]

To the south:

     |            |
  [  Grok's Garbage  ]
Exit north 27021
EDesc A small building is this way.  It appears to be a shop of some sort.
Exit east 27003
EDesc A wide square.
Exit south 27022
EDesc A small building is this way.  It looks like a shop.
Exit west 27066

Name Whortz Street East~
Desc You are just east of a wide square, on a garbage-covered, uneven street.
There are large stone buildings to your north and south, apparently
shops from the signs and items displayed in the windows.  The street
itself runs west to the square, or east through the city.
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc garbage bits trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc building shop buildings~
These small buildings appear to be shops of some type.  There are
signs on each of them.
ExtraDesc sign signpost~
To the north:

              |          |
    [  Dag's Instruments of Death  ]
    [         -[---------          ]

To the south:

     |            |
  [  Hobag's Gear Shop  ]

Exit north 27019
EDesc A weapon shop is this way.
Exit east 27011
EDesc The street runs east.
Exit south 27020
EDesc An armour shop is this way.
Exit west 27003
EDesc A wide square is this way.

Name Whortz Street East~
Desc The street runs east and west from here, and is very dirty and covered with 
garbage.  There is a round black building to the north, from which you see 
occasional flashes of light, and a sturdy square one to the south, from 
which comes the sounds of combat and yelling.  There are signs on both.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc garbage bits trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc building shop buildings~
These small buildings appear to be shops of some type.  There are
signs on each of them.
ExtraDesc sign signpost~
To the north:

        |     |
    [   Arcanum   ]

To the south:

      |           |
  [   Warrior's Pit   ]

Exit north 27056
Exit east 27068
Exit south 27055
Exit west 27010
EDesc The street runs west.

Name Intersection of Whortz Street and Muhkck Road~
Desc You are at the intersection of two streets, one running north-south
and the other east-west.  The streets themselves are very uneven and
full of ruts, and are quite dirty.  Buildings line them in all four
directions.  There is graffiti scrawled on just about every wall.
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc graffiti~
Lots of nasty graffiti in various languages, and crude pictures are
drawn on the wall.
ExtraDesc dirty garbage bits trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc building shop buildings~
These small buildings appear to be shops or guild halls of some 
type.  There are signs on each of them.
Exit north 27016
EDesc A street runs north.
Exit east 27013
EDesc A street runs east.
Exit south 27017
EDesc A street runs south.
Exit west 27068

Name Whortz Street East~
Desc You are on an east-west street running through the city.  
The ground is quite dirty and trash-covered.  There are 
small structures north and south of here, and to the east
you can see some sort of fortress rising above the rest 
of the buildings.  There are signposts just off the street
in front of the buildings.
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc garbage bits trash street~
The street is covered with trash of all sorts, including old
scraps of armour, weapons, cloth and food.
ExtraDesc structure building shop buildings~
These small buildings appear to be shops or guild halls of some 
type.  There are signs on each of them.
ExtraDesc sign signpost~
To the north:

         |        |
    [    Necromicon    ]

To the south:

     |           |
  [  Thieves Union  ]

Exit north 27059
Exit east 27014
EDesc The street goes east toward a fortress.
Exit south 27062
Exit west 27012
EDesc The street runs west into an intersection.

Name Whortz Street East, Outside a Fortress~
Desc You stand just outside the west gates of a small fortress.  The 
street runs west into the city from here, and that seems to be the
only way to go, as the heavy wooden doors to the east appear to be 
closed and barred.  From beyond them you can hear guttural voices 
and the sounds of metal clanging.
RoomFlags no_mob law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc street~
A dirty uneven street.
ExtraDesc heavy wooden doors~
The doors are thick and reinforced with iron.  They look pretty 
much invulnerable to attack.
ExtraDesc guttural voices clanging~
You hear lots of noises from inside.  Sounds like weapons training.
Exit east 3300
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords wooden door~
Exit west 27013
EDesc The dirty uneven street runs west.

Name Muhkck Road ~
Desc The alley heads to the north, or proceeds south into the city.  There is a 
small shack to the west and a large stone structure to the north which looks 
very inviting.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc street~
Garbage covered and generally poorly maintained.
ExtraDesc shack~
A large run-down shack.  There are screams and laughing coming from it.
Exit north 27096
Exit south 27016
EDesc The street runs south.
Exit west 27071

Name Muhkck Road ~
Desc The street runs north and south here.  It comes to an intersection to the 
south.  There is a building up ahead to the east of the road that is made of 
stone and is a bit nicer than the surrounding structures.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc street~
Not very well maintained, and covered with garbage.
ExtraDesc building stone~
A building to the west that is made of light grey stone and isn't
quite as run-down as the rest.
Exit north 27015
EDesc The street goes north towards a dead end.
Exit south 27012
EDesc The street runs into an intersection to the south.

Name Muhkck Road ~
Desc You are on a dirty street which runs south towards a back alley, and north 
into an intersection.  There are not any buildings along this section, just 
huge piles of rubble where they once stood.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc dirty street~
The street is uneven and has a lot of ruts.
ExtraDesc piles rubble~
A huge pile of rubble conceals a hidden entrance to the west!!
Exit north 27012
EDesc The street runs north into an intersection.
Exit south 27018
EDesc The street runs south towards a dead end.

Name Muhkck Road ~
Desc This dirty street runs north and south through the city.  To the west 
someone has left an old shabby wagon which looks like it is unstable on its 
wheels.  Along the southward direction the road seems to descend slightly.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc dirty street~
The street is uneven and has a lot of ruts.
ExtraDesc hovel~
This small shack is very poorly built and maintained.  It doesn't
look very safe.
Exit north 27017
Exit south 27053
Exit west 27060

Name Dag's Instruments of Death~
Desc This shop is very tightly packed and it is difficult to move around.
Every spare space on the wall or racks is taken up by a weapon of
some sort for sale.  The weapons range from tiny knives to huge two-
handed axes, and there seems to be something for just about everyone.
The exit to the street is south.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc weapon~
All types and sizes of weapons are for sale here.
Exit south 27010
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name Hobag's Gear Shop~
Desc This shop sells armour and protective items of all sorts, from the look
of it.  There is just about everything you could imagine for sale, from
giant sized platemails to tiny rings and bracelets.  The exit to the
street is north.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc armour protective items platemails rings bracelets~
All sorts of armour is for sale.
Exit north 27010
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name Elf Kabob's R Us~
Desc This little shop is filthy and disgusting, and it is hard to tell the
items for sale from the garbage on the floor.  It appears that they 
sell food here, if you want to call it that.  The only exit is south.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc items garbage food~
Type 'list' for a menu.
Exit south 27009
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name Grok's Garbage Shop~
Desc This appears to be a general store of sorts.  Most of the items for sale 
appear to be garbage, but there are a few which might be useful.  There is 
an exit north to the street.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc garbage items~
Type 'list' to see what's for sale today.
Exit north 27009
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name Gems n Stuff~
Desc This shop is not too badly appointed when compared to the rest of the
dumps surrounding it.  There are some tapestries on the wall, and even a few
showcases.  The cases are locked with huge padlocks, and have extremely
thick glass, maybe this is a high crime area.  There are also a few shelves
loaded with books and scrolls.  The only exit is east.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc tapestries~
After closer examination, you see that the tapestries depict various
sexual themes, most quite unnatural and perverted.
ExtraDesc cases padlock~
Thick glass cases, in which gems and jewelry are displayed.  They are
locked with huge padlocks and look quite secure.
Exit east 27002
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name Bank of Dzagari~
Desc This place is built with security in mind, from the looks of it.  There
is only one exit to the west, and along the east wall a counter, which
is protected by thick steel bars.  Behind the bars are the bank tellers,
who will help you store your money and hopefully only embezzle a small
amount of each deposit if you're lucky.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc counter thick steel bars~
The counter stretches across the east side of the room, and is protected
by unbendable steel bars.
ExtraDesc bank tellers~
Seedy looking humans who grab the money quickly as soon as it's set down
on the table.
Exit west 27002
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name Chaotica~
Desc This small temple appears to be dedicated not to any god, but to chaos 
itself.  The walls are covered with arcane writings, as well as murals and 
drawings of orcs, gnolls, kobolds, and humans engaging in bizarre rituals in 
which they sacrifice their own blood and body parts.  There is a black altar 
in the front of the room, upon which stands several bowls of blood, ready 
for some evil ceremony.  The only exit is to the east.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc black altar~
A black stone altar, which appears to suck the light out of the room.
ExtraDesc bowls blood~
Several bowls, each filled with blood.  Most of the blood is red, but
some is green and black, and definitely not from a human.
Exit east 27004
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name The Pestilence Pit Inn~
Desc The common room of this inn is a mess.  All the furniture and tables seem to 
have been been broken and cobbled back together many times, undoubtedly from 
drunken bar brawls.  The floor is very sticky from spilled drinks and food, 
and there are some glass shards here and there that no one has bothered to 
clean up.  The bar itself is along the south wall, and looks at least like 
someone has wiped it off some time in the near past.  There is a doorway to 
common room to the north, a narrow staircase leading down, and a hallway 
goes north to some guest rooms.  The exit to the street is south.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Mana 115
Heal 115
ExtraDesc furniture tables~
Pretty shoddy workmanship, and broken many times over.
ExtraDesc glass shards~
Glass shards from broken glasses and bottles.
ExtraDesc bar~
A long wooden bar, behinh which you see some barrels and bottles.
ExtraDesc staircase~
A narrow staircase leading down, probably to the storage cellar.
Exit north 27027
Exit west 27096
Exit down 27028
EDesc A narrow stairway down.

Name Common Room~
Desc This small back room has a stone fireplace, and some furniture that seems to 
be a bit nicer and in better condition than that in the common room.  It has 
its own small bar, and seems to be a more private place where some of the 
more wealthy patrons can come to gamble, play games, or hold important or 
secret meetings.  A staircase leads up to the guest rooms, and the inn 
entrance is to the south.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc stone fireplace~
A nice little stone fireplace to keep the place warm.
ExtraDesc bar~
A small bar, behind which you see some barrels and bottles.
ExtraDesc furniture~
Some sturdy wooden chairs with padding, and two nice tables.
Exit south 27026
Exit up 27029

Name Storage Cellar~
Desc This large cellar appears to be used for storage of food, barrels, 
and various other things an inn might need.  Everything is piled
around haphazardly, and some of the food seems to be rotting.  It
would explain the nauseating small, anyway.  The only exit is a 
narrow staircase leading up.
RoomFlags dark indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc food barrel things~
Various foodstuffs and barrels are stacked here.
ExtraDesc staircase~
A narrow wooden staircase leads up.
Exit up 27026
EDesc A staircase leads up.

Name Hallway~
Desc This hallway is very short, and connects the common room to the south with 
the guest rooms to the east, west, and north.  A stairway leads down to the 
common room.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27032
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords door~
Exit east 27031
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords door~
EDesc A guest room.
Exit west 27030
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords door~
Exit down 27027

Name Guest room~
Desc This guest room is rather small and poorly furnished when compared 
to others you've seen.  There is a lumpy mattress lying along one
wall, and a small dented basin of dirty water.  A filthy window 
looks out to the west, and the only exit is east.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc lumpy mattress~
A lumpy old mattress, made of cloth and straw.
ExtraDesc basin~
A small dented metal basin, filled with dirty water.
ExtraDesc window~
So dirty that you can barely see the street beyond throuh it.
Exit east 27029
EFlags door closed~

Name Guest room~
Desc This guest room is rather small and poorly furnished when compared 
to others you've seen.  There is a lumpy mattress lying along one
wall, and a small dented basin of dirty water.  A filthy window 
looks out to the east, and the only exit is west.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc lumpy mattress~
A lumpy old mattress, made of cloth and straw.
ExtraDesc basin~
A small dented metal basin, filled with dirty water.
ExtraDesc window~
So dirty that you can barely see the street beyond throuh it.
Exit west 27029
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords door~
EDesc The hallway is this way.

Name Guest room~
Desc This guest room is rather small and poorly furnished when compared 
to others you've seen.  There is a lumpy mattress lying along one
wall, and a small dented basin of dirty water.  A filthy window 
looks out to the north, and the only exit is south.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc lumpy mattress~
A lumpy old mattress, made of cloth and straw.
ExtraDesc basin~
A small dented metal basin, filled with dirty water.
ExtraDesc window~
So dirty that you can barely see the street beyond through it.
Exit south 27029
EFlags door closed~

Name Arcanum~
Desc This building is a chaotic mess.  Magic-users of all races are scattered
around the place practicing spells on themselves and on each other, often
with spectacular results.  You can even see a few piles of ashes lying
on charred spots on the floor where a few have backfired.  This certainly
seems to be the center for magic in this town.  There even appear to be a
few things for sale.  The only exit is south.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc ashes charred spots~
Oops.  Some mage made a little mistake.
ExtraDesc magic users~
A lot of mages, of all races, are here practicing their spells.
Exit south 27056

Name Fighter's Pit~
Desc Here is a small arena type area where local warriors train.  You see
some using wooden swords to spar but from the many bloody spots on the
ground it is obvious that it often gets a lot rougher.  The only exit
is to the north.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc bloody spots~
Spots on the grousn where someone obviously lost a lot of blood.  Not all
or it is red blood either.  As you take a closer look you notice several
limbs and fingers lying around also!
Exit north 27055

Name Cleric's Guild~
Desc This building is a small temple of sorts, but what is odd is that it doesn't
seem to be for just one god.  There are a number of different holy symbols
displayed around the room, and clerics talking amongst themselves or more
commonly bickering with each other.  The only exit is south.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc holy symbols~
All sorts of strange holy symbols are displayed around the room.
Exit south 27059

Name Thieves Union~
Desc This must be a lawless town indeed, for here is the main guild of thieves, 
right here in the open in the middle of the city.  There are several shadowy 
figures talking softly among themselves, or comparing daggers and other 
items.  The only visible exit is to the west.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit west 27058

Name Tohakrah's Works of Wood~
Desc This building is generally well lit and clean compared to the rest of the 
city.  The smell of woodshavings fills the place, and they crunch softly 
beneath your feet as you enter the shop.  A draconian is building something 
out of wood at the far end of the shop.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc tables chairs~
Well crafted wooden tables and chairs.
ExtraDesc stone fireplace~
A nice fireplace build from light grey stone.
Exit north 27080

Name Barin's Metal Works~
Desc A huge furnace burns with an intense fire in this forgery.  Weapons and 
armour of all sorts and manner lie scattered about all around the place.  An 
anvil and a tub full of water lies in the middle of this forgery.  The heat 
in this building is so hot, that sweat trickles down your forehead.  
RoomFlags no_mob indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc ceiling wall rubble~
The ceiling and wall are in the process of slowly collapsing because of
lack of maintenance and poor construction in the first place.
Exit west 27005

Name A Run-Down Postoffice~
Desc This run down postoffice has deteriorated to the point where it is ready
to collapse into rubble.  Already a section of the ceiling and one wall
have caved in.  The exit to the street is north.  To the south are a 
number of postboxes available for hire.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
LockerQuant 40
LockerInitRent 20
LockerOngoRent 100
LockerWeight 30
LockerCapacity 30
LockerPickProof 2
ExtraDesc ceiling wall rubble~
The ceiling and wall are in the process of slowly collapsing because of
lack of maintenance and poor construction in the first place.
Exit north 27008
EDesc The exit to the street.

Name Run-down Hovel~
Desc This run down hovel is has deteriorated to the point where it is ready
to collapse into rubble.  Already a section of the ceiling and one wall
have caved in.  There appears to be some wood under one small pile of
stones.  The exit to the back alley is north.
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27085
Exit down 33450
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords trapdoor~

Name Russuth's Furry Items~
Desc This big shack is home to furs, strung on lines over the ceiling.  Cloaks 
are attached to the walls, as a display.  There is a large alaghi tanning 
hides, and skinning the furs off animals at the back of the shack.  To the 
north is a small alley-way.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc iron maidens~
Large body-shaped cases with spikes inside.
ExtraDesc rack~
A large table-like device with rope, meant for stretching a victim until
they are pulled apart rather messily.
ExtraDesc thumbscrews~
Small devices that inflict great pain through the hands of the victim.
ExtraDesc manacles chains~
The look pretty strong.
Exit north 27084

Name Megrak's Mules~
Desc This disgusting half-building is more of an open mud pit than a real
enclosed area.  Some of the less wet parts have been roped off into stalls
of sorts, and the place appears to be used as a rough stable.  There is some
old moldy straw lying here and there, and a few buckets of rotten smelling
RoomFlags pet_shop law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc stall~
Crude stalls outlines by old ropes.
ExtraDesc straw~
Old, moldy straw.  Very disgusting.
ExtraDesc buckets~
Buckets full of some old rotten food.
ExtraDesc food~
Buckets full of rooten food.
Exit south 27008

Name Dzagari Stable Storage Room~
Desc ~
RoomFlags no_mob imm_only law~
Sector inside~

Name Inside a Shabby Wagon~
Desc The interior walls of this wagon are made of roughly hewn, unfinished wooden 
planks. Some wooden boxes have been arranged around a larger wooden crate 
making a table of sorts. Two small windows border the door to the north, 
both of them covered with rags that serve to keep out prying eyes but still 
allow a bit of light to filter inside. 
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc window ~
There is a small window on both sides of the door. The glass has long ago 
been smashed from the frames. Curtains, or more accurately rags, are affixed 
on the interior, blocking your view outside the wagon. 
Exit north 27060
EFlags door closed nopass~
EKeywords door~

Name Dzagari Rags~
Desc This small room is absolutely stuffed full of clothing on crude racks.  
There are all types and qualities.  Whoever designed these garments, lacks 
good taste however, as the items seems to be a little out of the ordinary.  
The only exit is east.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc clothing racks~
All types of clothing is hangin on the crude wooden racks.
Exit north 27066

Name Slaughterhouse~
Desc Bloody meats of all types are hanging on hooks in this roughly built shack.  
Blood stains mark the floor, and the shopkeeper has made no attempt to keep 
the place clean.  A half-orc, as blood-stained as the rest of the shop, is 
hacking into a carcus with a large saw at the back of the shack.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27086

Name Zogo's Beastiary~
Desc This place is absolutely stuffed with wood and metal cages, all
containing various animals.  Most of them are shrieking, howling, crying, or
making some sort of noise, making it quite loud and chaotic in here.  The
only exit is to the east.  <Type 'list' to see what pets are available> 
RoomFlags indoors pet_shop law~
Sector inside~
Exit east 27001

Name Dzagari Pet Storage Room~
Desc ~
RoomFlags no_mob imm_only law noscry~
Sector inside~

Name Carriage Station~
Desc Stables filled with horses surround this area, as well as carriages lying 
around in rows.  The smell of unkept stables fill the area, with its horrid 
smell, its repulsing scent acrid in the air.  To the north lies a small 
wooden building and a sign hangs off of it beside its entrance.  
RoomFlags no_mob law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign ~
Tickets sold inside.
Exit north 27051

Name Small Dirty Office~
Desc Bookshelves line all across the walls, the air is filled with a dust, and 
body odor.  At the northern end of the office, there's a small wooden desk 
and a few chairs sitting around it.  You can hear horses neighing in the 
distance and the sounds of carriages returning from their trips out.  
RoomFlags no_mob indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27094
Exit south 27050

Name Inside A Wooden Carriage~
Desc You are inside a small wooden carriage, velvet seats line all four corners 
of it and its small wooden door sits clamped shut on its left side.  One 
small window is to the right, where you can look out as the carriage moves 
RoomFlags indoors law noscry~
Sector inside~

Name Muhkck Road ~
Desc The road takes a sharp turn to the south of here.  Clumps of dirt lie 
scattered across the road that have deep cuts where carts have ridden.  To 
the east you notice a crudely constructed shack with a small sign posted out 
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign ~
      |       |
 | Mysteries of Magick |
Exit north 27018
Exit east 27083
Exit south 27087

Name Boats and Bait~
Desc Strewn about this large shack are several boats and canoes, and a few 
roughly-built rafts constructed from logs and sticks.  On the counter are 
jars of squirming worms.  A half-orc peers at you with one eye, and every so 
often shakes a jar of worms, just for fun.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27078

Name A Darkened Barracks~
Desc Old, wooden bunkbeds line the stark walls of this darkened room. Several low 
burning torches provide what little light there is. In one corner near the 
exit to the busy street, some gnoll soldiers sit at a table playing a game 
of cards. Now and again they break up the game and start argueing with one 
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27011
Exit south 27034

Name The Seer's Chamber~
Desc The room is cramped and dimly lit, almost shabby in appearance.  Tattered 
blue curtains sway to the gusty wind and from the tassles on the front 
entrance you can see the bustling crowd and busy street.  Scented candles 
hand on tiny holders on the walls and the strong smell of incense fills the 
room.  To the far end of the room a heavy velvet curtain of midnight blue 
covers what seems like a tiny entrance.  Bright yellow stars and half moons 
are roughly sewn on the cloth, an almost gaudy tribute to the world of 
magic.  A large handcrafted wooden `#`ysign`^ hangs on one wall.  It is surrounded 
by candles and looks a bit singed from the dripping wax.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc sign ~
`#`y@@                                 @@
`#`y@@   `#`MMADAME ILLADRA KNOWS ALL!     `#`y@@
@@   `#`BFOR A `#`SHUNDRED SILVER `#`BYOUR     `#`y@@
@@                                 @@
Exit north 27033
Exit south 27011

Name Inside Gates~
Desc You are on a dirty street just inside the south gates of a city.  The street 
heads north through the buildings, while the gates themselves stand wide 
open, allowing a good view of the barren, muddy wasteland beyond.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc tome ~
`yThe tome is filled with delicate yellowed paper. The pages are crumpled and burned as if wet by rain and burned by a great fire. The ink has run through and the words that are left are a mere jumble of letters. A title is embossed in ancient elven script on the stained leather cover. Though the tome is so old it seems about to fall apart the words still glow with enchantment:
                       `CTHE ESSENCE OF MAGIC
`yOnly a single page has been saved of this once magnificent tome. Perhaps if you read the `Spage `yyou may make some sense of the words.`^
Exit north 27006
Exit south 30449

Name Honest Nick's Pawn Shop~
Desc This small shop is crowded with wares, all of them behind glass or metal. A 
small window, too dirty to actually see through, lets just enough light in 
so that you can see how remarkably dusty this shop is. A counter, placed 
about half way into the shop, has either been put there to serve customers 
or to prevent you from going deeper into the shop. Or both. 
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit east 27036
Exit west 27075

Name A Shadowed Corridor~
Desc Bathed in shadows, this narrow corridor opens to the street its southern 
exit and leads deeper into shadows to the north. The air is quiet and all 
sounds are strangely muted. In width, it spans perhaps four or five feet but 
the shadows deepen against the walls making it difficult for you to be sure. 

RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27035
Exit south 27013

Name A Shabby Wagon~
Desc Climbing a set of rickety stairs, you find yourself at the back door of a 
shabby wagon. At one time it was painting with gaudy colours of red, gold 
and silver, but the paint and words have long since faded leaving only the 
barest suggestions of their original design. On each side of the door is a 
window, the glass long since smashed from the frames. 
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc window ~
There is a small window on both sides of the door. The glass has long ago 
been smashed from the frames. Curtains, or more accurately rags, are affixed 
on the interior, blocking your view inside the wagon. 
Exit east 27018
Exit south 27045
EFlags door closed nopass~

Name Inside a Shabby Wagon~
Desc The interior walls of this wagon are made of a roughly hewn, unfinished 
wooden planks. Some wooden boxes have been arranged around a larger wooden 
crate making a table of sorts. Two small windows border the door to the 
north, both of them covered with rags that serve to keep out prying eyes but 
still allow a bit of light to filter inside. 
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27079

Name A Dark Chapel~
Desc This large hall has is dark and unaturally cold.  Long black velvet curtains 
line the four sides of the hall, not letting in a single light from outside. 
 Looking up at the high domed ceiling, you notice a single glowing dark red 
orb, bathing the large hall in an eerie red glow.  There are four large 
circular columns at each corner of the hall.  The floor is deep blood red 
marbled and polished to a mirror finish.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27013
Exit south 27063

Name Paladins' Guild~
Desc This large room is dark.  Long pitch black heavy curtains line the walls, 
giving the hall a dark, claustophobic air.  Some heavy wrought iron chairs 
are pushed against a round table on the left side of the hall.  A large 
bookshelf filled with tomes and books of religious and theoretical manuals 
line the south wall of the room.  A large black marble `#`ssign`^ hangs 
prominantly on the west wall.  A large blue orb hovers above, lighting the 
room with a dark gloomy blue light.  The floor tiled with polished black 
marble slabs.  
RoomFlags indoors law~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc sign ~
The neatly carved black marble sign gleams in the blue light, the letterings etched neatly.
       |                             |
       | `#`WMy Honour and Life are One,`^ `#`s|
       |    `#`WTake Honour from Me,`^     `#`s|
       |       `#`WAnd I am Done.`^        `#`s|
       |                             |
Exit north 27062

Name Carket Street North~
Desc You are on an uneven, trash-covered street, just north of a wide square.  
The street continues north from here, and there are sturdy looking buildings 
up ahead to the east and west.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27002
Exit south 27003

Name Carket Street South~
Desc The street here runs south through the city, or north into a wide square.  
There are large buildings further to the south.  There is quite a lot of 
trash littering the street.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27003
Exit south 27004

Name Whortz Street West~
Desc You are on a dirty street heading west of the main square.  There are bits 
of trash heaped on the ground and against the small buildings to the north 
and south.  There are small signs dangling from the front of each building.  

RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign ~
To the north:
            |    |
   |    Something Fishy   |
To the south:
           |      |
   |     Dzagari Rags     |
Exit north 27067
Exit east 27009
Exit south 27046
Exit west 27008

Name Something Fishy~
Desc The undeniably fishy odour of this shop overwhelms you before you even step 
inside the shop.  You notice a display of fish placed on wilting leaves near 
the counter.  Behind the counter, is a bench where a dwarven fellow is 
removing the scales from a fish.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit south 27066

Name Whortz Street East~
Desc The street runs east and west from here, and is very dirty and covered with 
garbage.  There is a stone structure to the north, from which you see a 
stream of black smoke filtering out of a chimney on the roof.  To the south 
is a structure with a mixture of unfamiliar smells drifting out of it.  
There are signs on both buildings.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
RoomEcho  0 23   3 A confectionery of exotic aromas float out of the shop to the south.~
RoomEcho  9 23   5 The clang of metal being hammered into shape drifts out of the shop to the north.~
ExtraDesc sign ~
To the north:
              |   |
   |   Kigor the Coppersmith  |
To the south:
             |     |
   |   Foreign Delicacies    |
Exit north 27069
Exit east 27012
Exit south 27070
Exit west 27011

Name Kigor the Coppersmith~
Desc The sounds of metal being banged into shape fills this small shack.  A 
furnace burns along one side, puffing clouds of grey smoke through a chimney 
to the sky above.  A lanky lizardman is the coppersmith here, and noticing 
you, he stops for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow, before 
continuing to hammer.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit south 27068

Name Foreign Delicacies~
Desc A mingle of unfamiliar smells greets you as you enter this makeshift 
building.  There are several glass counters in the room displaying what seem 
to be delicacies, and foreign ones at that since there seem to be no 
recognisable foods from the local area.  A drooling troll stands at the 
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit north 27068

Name Maps and Parchments~
Desc This small shack, seems dimly lit, making it difficult to read the labels on 
the maps and parchments available for sale.  A runty kobold is shuffling 
through maps, and mumbling to himself as he works.  There is an exit to the 
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit east 27015

Name The Drunken Stupor~
Desc Brawling drinkers sit around the bar, spilling their drinks and harassing 
the troll serving at the bar.  The smell of smoke wafts through the air.  
The troll grunts a nod in your direction, then continues to wipe down the 
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit west 27004

Name The Trellis~
Desc This restaurant is in a vineyard.  A latticed overhead trellis covers the 
whole area, with grape vines creeping all around it.  In a corner of the 
vineyard, a beautiful elven bard sings to the tinkling of a grand piano and 
the sad sounds of a violin.  A slight breeze wafts through the vineyard, 
making the luscious grapes hanging from the overhead trellis to sway 
slightly, almost in time with the song.  The restaurant holds about 10 
tables, and it is about half filled now with diners.  Waitresses dressed in 
a black uniform and a frilly apron moves unobstructively amongst the tables, 
taking orders and refilling wine glasses.  A waitress walks towards you and 
shows you to an empty table.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit east 27005

Name Sculkc Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley just south of the west gates.  There seem to 
be fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their 
eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  There looks to be a 
small chapel to the south of here.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27007
Exit south 27075

Name Sculkc Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley at the western end of town.  There seem to be 
fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes 
and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  A building, perhaps a 
chapel is to the east of here.  A cold wind brushes past you.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27074
Exit east 27058
Exit south 27076

Name Sculkc Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley at the outer edges of town.  There seem to be 
fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes 
and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  There looks to be a 
small chapel to the north of here.  The road turns a corner to the south.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27075
Exit south 27077

Name Corner of Bodeebag Road and Sculkc Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley on the edge of town.  There seem to be fewer 
travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and 
scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  Fhue Road and Sculkc Alley 
meet at this corner.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27076
Exit east 27078

Name Bodeebag Road~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley along the southern end of town.  There seem 
to be fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert 
their eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  A small shack 
has been constructed to the north, and another to the south.  Signs have 
been posted outside.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
RoomEcho  0 23  10 Thick smoke, smelling of spice, drifts out of the shop to the north.~
ExtraDesc sign ~
To the north:
         |    |
 | Yardoli's Tabacco Supplies |
To the south:
          |    |
  |   Boats and Bait    |
Exit north 27082
Exit east 27079
Exit south 27054
Exit west 27077

Name Bodeebag Road~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley along the southern end of town.  There seem 
to be fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert 
their eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  A small shack 
has been constructed to the north and a shabby wagon has been left at the 
side of the road to the south.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27081
Exit east 27080
Exit south 27061
Exit west 27078

Name Bodeebag Road~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley along the southern end of town.  There seem 
to be fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert 
their eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  A small shack 
has been constructed to the south, and there is a sign posted out front.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign ~
       |    |
 | Tohakrah's Works of Wood |
Exit east 27006
Exit south 27037
Exit west 27079

Name Gambling Den~
Desc Thick curtains cover the entrance way to this room, and as you enter, all 
eyes turn to you suspiciously.  The room is dimly lit, and tables and chairs 
have been set up in the darkest corners of the room.  Around them sit some 
of the locals, disguised in heavy cloaks, all speaking in hushed voices.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
RoomEcho  6 23   5 A hooded figure pulls his winnings closer, as he casts a glance about the room suspiciously.~
RoomEcho  7  6   5 A figure in dark clothing slinks in and pulls up a chair at one of the tables, placing a pouch of coins on the table for bidding.~
Exit south 27079

Name Yardoli's Tabacco Supplies~
Desc You enter a smoke-filled building, and see racks of many types of pipes and 
pipeweed.  Some pipes have been delicately carved, others crudely shaped 
into something that barely resembles a pipe.  A gnollish man is serving 
customers, inbetween taking a puff of his pipe.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit south 27078

Name Mysteries of Magic~
Desc Inside this crudely constructed shack, you see shelves displaying dusty old 
books, and scrolls rolled up tightly and sealed with wax.  A mysterious drow 
moves in and out of the shadows as customers peruse the shop.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
Exit west 27053

Name Bodeebag Road~
Desc This garbage covered street is a small back alley, barely wide enough for 
two people to walk side by side.  A small, roughly put together building has 
been constructed to the south, and there is sign hanging over the doorway.  
The alley continues to the east and west.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign ~
       |         |
 |  Russuth's Furry Items  |
Exit east 27085
Exit south 27041
Exit west 27006

Name Bodeebag Road~
Desc This garbage covered street is a small back alley, barely wide enough for 
two people to walk side by side.  A small, roughly put together building has 
been constructed to the south and another to the north.  The alley continues 
to the east and west.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27088
Exit east 27086
Exit south 27040
Exit west 27084

Name Bodeebag Road~
Desc This garbage covered street is a small back alley, barely wide enough for 
two people to walk side by side.  A small, roughly put together building has 
been constructed to the south, and there is sign hanging over the doorway.  
The alley continues to the east and west.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign ~
         |    |
 |  Slaughterhouse Meats |
Exit east 27087
Exit south 27047
Exit west 27085

Name Corner of Muhkck and Bodeebag Roads~
Desc This garbage covered street is a small back alley, barely wide enough for 
two people to walk side by side.  At this corner, Muhck Road and Fhue Road 
merge.  To the north, the alley leads into a wider road, and to the west, it 
heads along a back alley.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector city~
Exit north 27053
Exit west 27086

Name Hussat's Poisons and Potions~
Desc This small, roughly constructed shack is dark, and the odours within almost 
make one's eyes water, they smell so bad.  There are no displays, and you 
wouldn't know what was for sale here, unless you asked the goblin eyeing 
your every move.  
RoomFlags law~
Sector inside~
RoomEcho  7 23   5 A bubbling potion of sickly yellow liquid gives off a repulsive odour, as it brews.~
Exit south 27085

Name Gar'bag Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley just north of the west gates.  There seem to 
be fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their 
eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  
Sector city~
Exit north 27090
Exit south 27007

Name Gar'bag Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this 
path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling 
their cloaks around them.  Suspicious looking folks seem to be wandering in 
an out of a run-down hovel to the east.  
Sector city~
Exit north 27091
Exit east 27102
Exit south 27089

Name Gar'bag Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this 
path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling 
their cloaks around them.  You hear the whimpers of a creature coming from 
the east.  
Sector city~
Exit north 27092
Exit east 27101
Exit south 27090

Name Corner of Bashem Road and Gar'bag Alley~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this 
path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling 
their cloaks around them.  Two alleys converge here, heading east and south. 
Sector city~
Exit east 27093
Exit south 27091

Name Bashem Road~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this 
path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling 
their cloaks around them.  
Sector city~
Exit east 27094
Exit west 27092

Name Bashem Road~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this 
path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling 
their cloaks around them.  You hear the sounds of horses neighing to the 
south, and see a few carriages waiting to be used.  
Sector city~
Exit east 27095
Exit south 27051
Exit west 27093

Name Bashem Road~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley just west of the north gates.  There seem to 
be fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their 
eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  
Sector city~
Exit east 27000
Exit west 27094

Name Muhkck Road~
Desc You are on a dirty street which runs north towards a back alley, and south 
into an intersection.  There is a stone structure to the east which looks 
very inviting.  Up the ahead, the alley turns a corner.  The street is 
covered with trash.  
Sector city~
Exit north 27097
Exit east 27026
Exit south 27015

Name Corner of Bashem and Muhkck Roads~
Desc Two alleys converge here, heading south and west.  The path is covered with 
trash, and is not very smooth.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this 
path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling 
their cloaks around them.  
Sector city~
Exit south 27096
Exit west 27098

Name Bashem Road~
Desc The alley continues east and west here.  It is covered with trash, and is 
not very smooth.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this path, and the 
ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks 
around them.  A wooden structure stands to the south and their is a rickety 
sign out front.  
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign ~
           |       | 
      |  Cheap Bargains |
Exit east 27097
Exit south 27103
Exit west 27099

Name Bashem Road~
Desc The alley continues east and west here.  It is covered with trash, and is 
not very smooth.  There seem to be fewer travellers on this path, and the 
ones who do pass by, avert their eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks 
around them.  
Sector city~
Exit east 27098
Exit south 27105
Exit west 27100

Name Bashem Road~
Desc You are on a narrow back alley just west of the north gates.  There seem to 
be fewer travellers on this path, and the ones who do pass by, avert their 
eyes and scurry past, pulling their cloaks around them.  
Sector city~
Exit east 27099
Exit west 27000

Name Cap in Hand ~
Desc This cluttered shack has several crude displays of cheap cotton garments, 
and implements for cleaning and mining.  There is a large orc bossing a 
whimpering half-elf about, as he sits back and watches him do all the work.  
In coarse script, painted across the wall, are the words:`1`1 `#`S"Get that slave working - cheap mining picks for sale here!"  `^ 
Sector inside~
Exit west 27091

Name Black Market~
Desc Just off the road, a make-shift structure has been built from planks of 
unused wood and scraps of iron, blocking it off from surrounding buildings.  
This shady part of the town seems to be where the townfolk sell their 
"acquired" goods on the black market, for prices to steal for.  
Sector inside~
RoomEcho  5 23   5 A large orc wanders into the market, ready to sell some blades he has acquired, for a high price.~
RoomEcho  5 23   5 A malnourished kobold carrying a bag of equipment, which seems to be heavier than himself, walks into the market, looking for someone to buy his "acquired" goods.~
Exit west 27090

Name Cheap'n'Nasty~
Desc This crowded, junk-strewn shop sells a variety of items, all looking 
suspiciously cheap, as though there must be some flaw with them.  A short 
kobold eyes you up when you enter, ascertaining whether or not to approach 
you with some fine jewellery or shiny armor.  
Sector inside~
Exit north 27098

Name Inside North Gate~
Desc You are on a trash-covered street just inside the north gates of a large 
city.  The gates themselves stand wide open, and through them you can see a 
muddy wasteland.  The street runs south into the center of the city.  
Sector city~
Exit north 30441
EFlags door~
Exit south 27000

Name A Burnt-Out Shop~
Desc Cracked windows, and grey-smoked walls are what's left of this shop.  
Vandals have looted most of what was left after the shop was set on fire, 
and there lie only piles of ashes with an occasional scrap of cloth peering 
through.  The wind blows through where the back wall used to be, where only 
a few bricks remain standing.  In the eastern wall, there is a large crack, 
perhaps where the shop safe once was.  
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc crack ~
On closer inspection, you see something shiny, within the crack.
Exit north 27099


M 27005 spec_cast_adept
M 27010 spec_cast_mage
M 27012 spec_cast_cleric
M 27018 spec_thief
M 27021 spec_cast_mage
M 27058 spec_cast_undead
M 27064 spec_cast_mage
M 27065 spec_cast_mage
M 27066 spec_cast_mage
M 27070 spec_thief
M 27076 spec_cast_cleric
M 27077 spec_cast_cleric
M 27078 spec_cast_cleric
M 27085 spec_cast_cleric
M 27086 spec_cast_cleric
M 27087 spec_cast_cleric
M 27088 spec_cast_cleric

M 0 27015 12 27000 2
E 0 27015 100 torso~
E 0 27016 100 wielded~
M 0 27025 4 27001 1
E 0 27026 100 wielded~
M 0 27018 6 27002 1
E 0 27019 100 wielded~
M 0 27015 12 27003 2
E 0 27015 100 torso~
E 0 27016 100 wielded~
M 0 27016 1 27003 1
E 0 27018 100 torso~
E 0 27017 100 wielded~
M 0 27020 4 27003 1
E 0 27022 100 wielded~
M 0 27022 1 27003 1
E 0 27021 100 about~
G 0 3032 -1
G 0 3033 -1
G 0 3034 -1
G 0 3035 -1
G 0 3062 -1
G 0 3036 -1
G 0 3037 -1
G 0 3038 -1
G 0 3039 -1
O 0 27043 -1 27003
O 0 27045 -1 27003
M 0 27069 1 27003 1
M 0 27019 6 27004 1
E 0 27020 100 wielded~
E 0 27021 100 about~
M 0 27018 6 27005 1
O 0 27042 -1 27005
M 0 27021 4 27006 1
M 0 27015 12 27006 2
E 0 27015 100 torso~
E 0 27016 100 wielded~
M 0 27015 12 27007 2
E 0 27015 100 torso~
E 0 27016 100 wielded~
M 0 27019 6 27007 1
E 0 27020 100 wielded~
E 0 27021 100 about~
M 0 27017 5 27008 1
E 0 3022 100 neck1~
M 0 27025 4 27008 1
E 0 27026 100 wielded~
M 0 27017 5 27010 1
E 0 3022 100 neck1~
M 0 27015 12 27011 2
E 0 27015 100 torso~
E 0 27016 100 wielded~
O 0 3076 0 27012
M 0 27018 6 27012 1
E 0 27019 100 wielded~
M 0 27020 4 27012 1
E 0 27022 100 wielded~
M 0 27017 5 27013 1
M 0 27015 12 27016 2
E 0 27015 100 torso~
E 0 27016 100 wielded~
M 0 27015 12 27017 2
E 0 27015 100 torso~
E 0 27016 100 wielded~
M 0 27002 1 27019 1
E 0 27000 100 legs~
E 0 27001 100 torso~
G 0 3054 -1
G 0 3055 -1
G 0 3056 -1
G 0 3057 -1
G 0 3058 -1
G 0 3059 -1
G 0 3060 -1
G 0 3061 -1
G 0 3135 -1
M 0 27003 1 27020 1
E 0 27000 100 legs~
E 0 27001 100 torso~
G 0 3046 -1
G 0 3047 -1
G 0 3048 -1
G 0 3049 -1
G 0 3050 -1
G 0 3051 -1
G 0 3052 -1
G 0 3053 -1
M 0 27000 1 27021 1
E 0 27000 100 legs~
G 0 27002 -1
G 0 27003 -1
G 0 27049 -1
G 0 27004 -1
G 0 27005 -1
G 0 27048 -1
M 0 27001 1 27022 1
E 0 27000 100 legs~
E 0 27001 100 torso~
G 0 3027 -1
G 0 3082 -1
G 0 3026 -1
G 0 3083 -1
G 0 3087 -1
G 0 3088 -1
G 0 26 -1
G 0 28 -1
G 0 3134 -1
G 0 3137 -1
G 0 3141 -1
M 0 27004 1 27023 1
E 0 3019 100 about~
G 0 3040 -1
G 0 3066 -1
G 0 3067 -1
G 0 3068 -1
G 0 3077 -1
M 0 27005 1 27025 1
E 0 27006 100 about~
M 0 27006 2 27025 2
E 0 27007 100 about~
E 0 27009 100 wielded~
M 0 27006 2 27025 2
E 0 27007 100 about~
E 0 27009 100 wielded~
O 0 19 -1 27025
O 0 3078 0 27026
O 0 3079 0 27026
O 0 3080 0 27026
O 0 3081 0 27026
M 0 27007 1 27026 1
E 0 27000 100 legs~
E 0 27001 100 torso~
G 0 3041 -1
G 0 3042 -1
G 0 3044 -1
G 0 3045 -1
G 0 27009 -1
G 0 27010 -1
G 0 3063 -1
G 0 27011 -1
G 0 3085 0
M 0 27021 4 27026 1
E 0 27023 100 wielded~
E 0 27024 100 torso~
E 0 27047 -1 shield~
M 0 27008 1 27027 1
E 0 27012 100 about~
G 0 3041 -1
G 0 3042 -1
G 0 3044 -1
G 0 3045 -1
G 0 27009 -1
G 0 27010 -1
G 0 3063 -1
G 0 27011 -1
M 0 27009 2 27028 2
M 0 27009 2 27028 2
M 0 27010 1 27033 1
E 0 27013 -1 torso~
G 0 3028 -1
G 0 3087 -1
G 0 3088 -1
G 0 3136 -1
M 0 27011 1 27034 1
E 0 3009 100 torso~
G 0 3179 -1
G 0 3141 -1
G 0 3178 -1
M 0 27025 4 27034 1
E 0 27026 -1 wielded~
M 0 27012 1 27035 1
E 0 27014 100 about~
G 0 3175 -1
G 0 3174 -1
G 0 3173 -1
M 0 27013 1 27036 1
E 0 3011 100 torso~
G 0 3082 -1
G 0 3177 -1
G 0 3176 -1
M 0 27095 1 27037 1
G 0 27087 -1
G 0 27088 -1
G 0 27089 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
O 0 27029 -1 27038
O 0 27030 -1 27038
M 0 27045 1 27038 1
G 0 27073 -1
G 0 27074 -1
G 0 27075 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
G 0 27177 -1
M 0 27019 6 27040 1
E 0 27020 100 wielded~
E 0 27021 100 about~
M 0 27014 1 27041 1
G 0 27110 -1
G 0 27111 -1
G 0 27112 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27027 1 27043 1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27028 200 27044 1
M 0 27029 200 27044 1
M 0 27030 200 27044 1
M 0 27026 1 27045 1
E 0 3011 100 torso~
G 0 3082 -1
G 0 3180 -1
G 0 3028 -1
M 0 27031 1 27046 1
G 0 27098 -1
G 0 27099 -1
G 0 27100 -1
G 0 27101 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27032 1 27047 1
G 0 27084 -1
G 0 27085 -1
G 0 27086 -1
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
G 0 27175 -1
G 0 27176 -1
M 0 27033 1 27048 1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27034 111 27049 1
M 0 27035 111 27049 1
M 0 27036 111 27049 1
M 0 27037 111 27049 1
M 0 27038 111 27049 1
M 0 27039 111 27049 1
M 0 27040 111 27049 1
M 0 27041 111 27049 1
M 0 27043 111 27049 1
M 0 27044 111 27049 1
M 0 27050 111 27049 1
M 0 27051 111 27049 1
M 0 27052 111 27049 1
M 0 27053 111 27049 1
M 0 27054 111 27049 1
M 0 27055 111 27049 1
M 0 27056 111 27049 1
M 0 27057 111 27049 1
M 0 27058 111 27049 1
M 0 27042 1 27049 1
O 0 27039 -1 27050
M 0 27046 1 27050 1
M 0 27048 1 27050 1
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
O 0 27037 -1 27051
O 0 27038 -1 27051
M 0 27047 1 27051 1
G 0 27040 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27059 1 27052 1
M 0 27049 1 27052 1
M 0 27071 1 27052 1
O 0 27041 -1 27052
M 0 27023 1 27054 1
G 0 3029 -1
G 0 3030 -1
G 0 3031 -1
G 0 27103 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
M 0 27063 1 27055 1
M 0 27067 1 27056 1
M 0 27075 1 27058 1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
M 0 27079 1 27059 1
M 0 27083 1 27060 1
M 0 27098 1 27061 1
G 0 27113 -1
G 0 27114 -1
G 0 27115 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27084 1 27062 1
M 0 27088 1 27063 1
G 0 3183 -1
G 0 3182 -1
G 0 3181 -1
M 0 27097 1 27067 1
G 0 27095 -1
G 0 27096 -1
G 0 27097 -1
G 0 27102 -1
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
M 0 27090 1 27069 1
G 0 27076 -1
G 0 27077 -1
G 0 27078 -1
O 0 27029 -1 27069
O 0 27030 -1 27069
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
M 0 27091 1 27070 1
G 0 27079 -1
G 0 27080 -1
G 0 27081 -1
G 0 27082 -1
G 0 27083 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27092 1 27071 1
G 0 28 -1
G 0 3199 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
G 0 26 -1
M 0 27089 1 27072 1
G 0 27069 -1
G 0 27070 -1
G 0 27071 -1
G 0 27072 -1
O 0 3078 -1 27072
O 0 3079 -1 27072
O 0 3080 -1 27072
O 0 3081 -1 27072
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27099 1 27073 1
G 0 27127 -1
G 0 27126 -1
G 0 27125 -1
G 0 27124 -1
G 0 27123 -1
G 0 27122 -1
G 0 27121 -1
G 0 27120 -1
G 0 27119 -1
G 0 27118 -1
G 0 27117 -1
G 0 27116 -1
M 0 27100 1 27073 1
O 0 27128 -1 27073
O 0 27129 -1 27073
O 0 27130 -1 27073
P 0 3126 10 27130 3
P 0 3128 10 27130 2
O 0 3161 -1 27081
M 0 27101 10 27081 2
M 0 27101 10 27081 2
M 0 27096 1 27082 1
G 0 27090 -1
G 0 27091 -1
G 0 27092 -1
G 0 27093 -1
G 0 27094 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
M 0 27093 1 27083 1
G 0 3088 -1
G 0 3087 -1
G 0 27104 -1
G 0 27105 -1
E 0 27013 -1 about~
G 0 27131 -1
M 0 27094 1 27088 1
G 0 27106 -1
G 0 27107 -1
G 0 27108 -1
G 0 27109 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27102 1 27101 1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
M 0 27103 1 27101 1
E 0 27145 -1 legs~
G 0 27144 -1
G 0 27145 -1
G 0 27146 -1
G 0 27147 -1
G 0 27148 -1
G 0 27149 -1
M 0 27104 1 27103 1
G 0 27150 -1
G 0 27151 -1
G 0 27152 -1
G 0 27153 -1
E 0 27000 -1 legs~
E 0 27001 -1 torso~
G 0 3187 -1
G 0 3188 -1
G 0 3189 -1
G 0 3190 -1
O 0 27166 -1 27105
P 0 27165 10 27166 1
O 0 27167 -1 27105

buy_type food~
buy_type npccorpse~
buy_type pc corpse~
buy_type pill~
profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

buy_type light~
buy_type furniture~
buy_type container~
buy_type map~
buy_type jukebox~
profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

buy_type weapon~
buy_type component~
buy_type wand~
buy_type wand~
buy_type staff~
profit_buy 150
profit_sell 40
close_hour 23

buy_type armor~
profit_buy 150
profit_sell 40
close_hour 23

buy_type treasure~
buy_type gem~
buy_type jewelry~
buy_type warpstone~
buy_type scroll~
profit_buy 150
profit_sell 40
close_hour 23

profit_buy 105
profit_sell 50
close_hour 23

profit_buy 110
profit_sell 45
close_hour 23

buy_type scroll~
buy_type wand~
buy_type staff~
buy_type potion~
profit_buy 120
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

profit_buy 120
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

profit_buy 120
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

profit_buy 120
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

buy_type potion~
profit_buy 110
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

buy_type boat~
profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

buy_type scroll~
profit_buy 120
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

profit_buy 135
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

buy_type clothing~
profit_buy 110
profit_sell 85
close_hour 23

buy_type npccorpse~
profit_buy 120
profit_sell 95
close_hour 23

profit_buy 120
profit_sell 80
close_hour 23

profit_buy 115
profit_sell 65
close_hour 23

profit_buy 100
profit_sell 100
close_hour 23

profit_buy 120
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23

profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

buy_type scroll~
buy_type pill~
buy_type wand~
profit_buy 115
profit_sell 65
close_hour 23

buy_type pill~
profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

buy_type staff~
profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

profit_buy 150
profit_sell 40
close_hour 23

profit_buy 115
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23

profit_buy 160
profit_sell 65
close_hour 23

profit_buy 100
profit_sell 100
close_hour 23

profit_buy 100
profit_sell 100
close_hour 23

profit_buy 160
profit_sell 60
close_hour 23


title burn hand if someone gets things from the bonfire~
code ** Just a basic pain thing for being silly to grab stuff from the fire.
if rand 10 
 mob seeall
 mob echoat $n You burn your hand on the hot flames of the bonfire!
 mob echoaround $n $N pulls $s hand away suddenly, screaming in agony.
 mob inflict $n 10 15
 mob echoat $n The flames `#`Rgraze`^ you.
disabled false

title someone enters.. start the loop~
code ** Don't do much more than start the loop,
** which will end as soon as the room is empty.
** This mprog will start it again with a grall **
** I thought of adding an echo here, 
** but it would give away people entering secretly.
mob delay 2
disabled false

title purge bonfire~
code ** Purge everything from the fire, 
** and call itself recursively if there are players around. **
if players > 0
 mob silent get all bonfire
 mob junk all
 if rand 33
  mob echo The fire crackles loudly.
  if rand 50
   mob echo The flames dance wildly.
   mob echo The bonfire burns brightly.
 mob delay 10
disabled false

title Return to the Station~
code mob otransfer carriage 27050
mob goto 27050
mob echo A horse and carriage arrives.
emote hops off the carriage and walks over to the stables.
emote leans against the wall.
disabled false

title Aboard Delay~
code say Alright thats all we'll be carrying for right now.
emote climbs up on the carriage and grabs a leather whip.
emote cracks the whip, and the horse and carriage leaves the station.
mob otransfer carriage 27049
mob goto 27049
disabled false

title Getting off the Carriage~
code mob echo The carriage abruptly stops and you can hear people talking about.
emote looks up.
say Well here we are.
say Enjoy your trip to Mekali.
emote opens up the carriage door.
mob force all stand
mob goto 3005
mob echo A horse and carriage arrives and people step out.
mob goto 27052
mob transfer all 3005
mob goto 3005
mob echo The horse and carriage takes off down the road.
mob goto 27052
emote closes the carriage door.
mob goto 27049
mob force burly mob call 27069
mob goto 27052
disabled false

title Getting off the carriage activation~
code mob force $q emote looks towards the window.
mob echo you hear the sounds of water flowing in the distance.
mob force caretaker mob call 27067
mob forget
disabled false

title Getting off the carriage mob remember~
code mob remember $n
mob delay 5
disabled false

title Highway Bandit Attack!~
code mob echo someone yells 'Its a Highway bandit, he's jumped on the carriage!'
mob mload 27070
mob echo A highway bandit jumps through the window!
sayto highway You'll not have these customers, buddy!
kill bandit
say That'll teach 'em, hahahaha!
disabled false

title unseen's delay~
code if rand 84
mob echo You notice trees roll past you, as the carriage travels forward.
mob force $q emote leans back against the wall.
mob forget
if rand 80
mob echo You see a large lake go by as the carriage travels onward.
mob force $q emote leans back against the wall.
mob forget
if rand 75
mob echo You notice a man yelling outside.
mob force $q emote leans back against the wall.
mob force carriage mob call 27064
mob forget
if rand 70
mob echo A large vast field goes by as the carriage moves on through the road.
mob force $q emote leans back against the wall.
mob forget
mob echo Rocky terrain passes by as the carriage moves on.
mob force $q emote leans back against the wall.
mob forget
disabled false

title Unseen triggering on Travel trip~
code mob echo The carriage begins to tremble and shake as it starts rolling.
mob echo Trees begin rolling by as the carriage travels faster through the road.
mob remember $n
mob delay 3
disabled false

title Mob reacts to climbing in carriage~
code mob remember $n
mob delay 5
disabled false

title Mob reacts to climbing in the carriage~
code say I'll be your protector on our way to Mekali.
say Anyone tries to stir any trouble in this carriage or try to break in, I'm here to kick them out.
emote rubs his chin, grining evily.
mob force $q emote plops down on a velvet seat.
mob force $q sit velvet
mob forget
disabled false

title creating a little ambiance at the trellis~
code if rand 16
mob echo The quiet ambience is broken by people at the next table laughing suddenly, but it dies down almost immediately.
if rand 20
mob echo The sharp clatter of cutlery knocking against china is heard and a young female orc looks about blushing furiously.
if rand 25
mob echo A sleek and handsome `#`Sblack`^ furred mrem walks around the restaurant, stopping once in a while at tables, playing his violin. He seems to be a hit with the younger female patrons. 
if rand 33
mob echo A pretty waitress leans over and refills a wineglass from a bottle of `#`Rred`^ wine.
if rand 50
mob echo A beautiful female elf dressed in a long `#`Rred`^ dress slinks up to the grand piano in the corner and sings.  Most diners are impressed with the entertainment and tip her generously.  The bard graciously sings another song.
mob echo A pretty waitress leans over, lights a patron's cigarette and offers an ashtray.
disabled false

title waitress leads you to your seat for no reservation~
code say Well, there just happens to be a spare table..
say This way please..
mob echo The waitress leads you to a vacant table within the restaurant, and hands you a menu.
say We hope you enjoy dining with us.
disabled false

title waitress leads you to your seat~
code smile
say Lovely.. right this way then..
mob echo She leads you to a comfortable seat at one of the tables and hands you a menu.
disabled false

title waitress greets the customers~
code sayto $n Do you have a reservation?
disabled false

title minotaur's dying breath~
code emote slumps across the piano, DEAD.
mob zecho A loud discordant chord is heard, resonating across the rooms.
disabled false

title minotaur tune 4~
code emote stands up, draws his cloak around him and peers over his arm.
mob echo A beautiful elven bard in a long `#`Rred`^ dress slinks up to the piano.
mob echo She begins to sing in a clear voice "Beneath the opera house, I know he's there."
mob echo She sings "He's with me on the stage, he's everywhere."
mob echo She sings "And when my song begins, he's always there."
mob echo $I and the elven bard sings in unison "The Phantom of the Opera is here, inside my mind..."
disabled false

title minotaur tune 3~
code emote starts to sing in a low husky voice.
emote sings "A kiss is but a kiss..."
disabled false

title minotaur tune 2~
code emote sings "I know a place where the sun is always shining,"
emote sings "And I won't forget the face,"
emote sings "The one that's gonna keep me smiling,"
emote sings "You're like candy in the sun,"
emote sings "You're my angel on the run,"
emote sings "You're like candy in the sun,"
emote sings "Hey, Hey, Hey.."
disabled false

title minotaur tune 1~
code emote starts to sing in a low husky voice.
emote sings "Oooonly youuuu....can break my heart in two....."
emote looks at $R and winks.
disabled false

title minotaur pianist plays tunes ~
code if rand 20
mob call 27048
if rand 33
mob call 27049
if rand 50
mob call 27050
mob call 27051
disabled false

title Purge the unseen guard loader `#`R[Paladin Dza]`^~
code ** Purge the unseen_loader mob so that it will load another guard on a repop **
if mobhere 27084
 mob vforce 27084 mob purge self
disabled false

title Block Entrance to the Guild `#`R[Paladin Dza]`^~
code ** Paladin guild guard **
** The basic check to see if they should be allowed in or not **
if class $n paladin
 mob letpass
 if hastoken $n 5.27068
  sayto $n You have been warned before. Now leave!
  roll $n
  pmote $n unceremoniously throws @ out of the room.
  mob transfer $n 27016
  mob at $n mob echoaround $n $N arrives, accompanied by $I.
  mob at $n sayto $n Please do not come back. Your dishonour taints our Chapel.
  sayto $n You are not enlightened enough to proceed in that direction.
  mob oload 27068 1 none
  mob tgive 27068 $n
disabled false

title load a different leveled guard `#`R[paladin dza]`^~
code ** Load a different leveld guard mob to keep the morts guessing :) **
if mobhere 27085 or 
   mobhere 27086 or
   mobhere 27087
 ** Somehow the unseen has died without the guard dying. 
 ** Strange but ehm, can't rule it out **
 if rand 33
  ** The scrawny level 100 guard **
  mob mload 27085
  if rand 50
  ** The medium level 110 guard **
   mob mload 27086
  ** The high mean ass level 120 guard **
   mob mload 27087
disabled false

title Purge the unseen guard loader `M[Spf Dza]~
code ** Purge the unseen_loader mob so that it will load another guard on a repop **
if mobwhere 27083
 mob vforce 27083 mob purge self
disabled false

title Block Entrance to the Guild `M[Spf Dza]~
code ** Spf (Dza) guild guard 1-1-00
** Check to see if they should be allowed in or not **
lang halfling
if class $n spellfilcher
 mob letpass
 if hastoken $n 5.27067
  sayto $n [his lip curled in disgust] Did you think I was joking? I've told you before to leave.
  pmote $n pushes @ from the steps.
  mob transfer $n 27017
  mob at $n mob echoaround $n $N is pushed from the stairs by $I.
  sayto $n No, [smirking,] I don't think you'll be welcome inside.
 mob oload 27067 1 none
 mob tgive 27067 $n
disabled false

title Load a different leveled guard `M[Spf Dza]~
code ** Load a different leveled guard mob to keep the morts guessing **
if mobhere 27080 or
   mobhere 27081 or
   mobhere 27082
** In case, somehow, the unseen has died without the guard dying. **
 if rand 33
 ** Baby 100 guard **
 mob mload 27080
 if rand 50
 ** Momma 110 guard **
 mob mload 27081
 ** Poppa Level 120 guard **
 mob mload 27082
disabled false

title Purge the unseen guard loader `B[Cleric Dza]~
code ** Purge the unseen_loader mob so that it will load another guard on a repop **
if mobwhere 27078
 mob vforce 27078 mob purge self
disabled false

title Block Entrance to the Guild `B[Cleric Dza]~
code ** Cleric (Dza) guild guard 1-1-00 **
** Check to see if they should be allowed in or not **
** Check to see if they should be allowed in or not **
lang drow
if class $n cleric
 mob letpass
 if hastoken $n 5.27066
  sayto $n [in a soft, yet ominous voice] The gathered do not wish to be disturbed by your presence.
  pmote $n escorts @ to the door.
  mob transfer $n 27013
  mob at $n mob echoaround $n $N is escorted out the door by $I.
  sayto $n [shaking her head] The gathered will not care for your presence.
  mob oload 27066 1 none
  mob tgive 27066 $n
disabled false

title load a different leveled guard `B[Cleric Dza]~
code ** Load a different leveled guard mob to keep the morst guessing **
if mobhere 27076 or
   mobhere 27077 or
   mobhere 27078
** In case, somehow the unseen has died without the guard dying.**
 if rand 33
 ** The itsy bitsy level 100 guard **
 mob mload 27076
 if rand 50
 ** The medium level 110 guard **
  mob mload 27077
 ** The high mean ass level 120 guard **
  mob mload 27077
disabled false

title purge the unseen guard loader `G[Thief Dza]~
code ** Purge the unseen_loader mob so that it will load another guard on a repop **
if mobhere 27075
 mob vforce 27075 mob purge self
disabled false

title Block entrace into the guild `G[Thief Dza]~
code ** Thief (Dza) guild guard 29-12-99**
** The basic check to see if they should be allowed in or not **
lang kobold
if class $n thief
 mob letpass
 if hastoken $n 5.27065
  sayto to $n [sneering] Your money is no good here. Scram!
  pmote $n pushes @ out the door.
  mob transfer $n 27013
  mob at $n mob echoaround $n $N is shoved out the door by $I.
  sayto $n You smell a little too much like a human for my taste. [looking away in disgust.]
  mob oload 27065 1 none
  mob tgive 27065 $n
disabled false

title load a different leveled guard `G[Thief Dza]`x~
code ** Load a different leveld guard mob to keep the morts guessing :) **
if mobhere 27072 or
   mobhere 27073 or
   mobhere 27074
** Somehow the unseen has died without the guard dying. 
** Strange but ehm, can't rule it out **
 if rand 33
  ** The scrawny level 100 guard **
  mob mload 27072
  if rand 50
  **The medium level 110 guard **
   mob mload 27073
  **The high mean ass level 120 guard**
   mob mload 27074
disabled false

title Dzagari Arcanum - Fortune Teller (bribe 70)~
code if hastoken $n 27064
    mob tjunk all.18144 $n 
    if rand 33
        emote sighs thoughtfully and takes a deep breath.
        sayto $n Indeed my friend, the path before you is a forked one. The first leads to great happiness and the other, to great ruin.
        sayto $n come closer friend, and hear the secret to finding the right path.
        echo $n beckons @ with a bony finger.
        whisper $n If the path be wide and easy, and seems to ask nothing more than your soul. Then the path is false, follow it not for it may lead to your doom.  But if the path be narrow and the reward is nothing you can see or touch, follow it. for that is the path to true happiness.
        emote leans back, the otherwordly look in her eyes clearing.
        sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
        mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
        mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.    
        if rand 50 
            sayto $n smiles, her gaze lost in the swirling grey mist.
            sayto $n hmm... [continuing in a dreamy voice] know it that a great decision awaits you, one that will affect the course your life will take. 
            sayto $n Be wary my friend, and be watchful. For opportunity knocks only once and if you heed it not then your life may not be what it is meant to be.
            emote leans back, the otherwordly look in her eyes clearing.
            sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
            mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
            mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.    
            emote places a tentative hand above the ball of crystal.
            sayto $n [her eyes crinkling in a smile] you you will be visiting a strange land soon my friend.
            sayto $n Well, it seems that your desire for both power and knowledge shall take you to many distant places where you will meet strange creatures you have not met before. Remember only friend, keep your head about you. Else these adventures may lead to your downfall.
            emote quietly folds her hands in her lap.
            sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
            mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
            mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.
if hastoken $n 27062
    mob tjunk all.27062 $n
    if rand 33
        sayto $n ahh.. yes.. I can see a battle field..
        sayto $n .. I can see many dead bodies.. many.. are dead..
        emote covers her mouth quickly.
        sayto $n [in almost a whisper] yes.. well.. thank you for coming.
        emote hesitates and reaches tentatively to grasp your arm.
        whisper $n let caution guide you stranger... lest the knife in your enemy's heart be the knife in your own.
        emote leans back, the otherwordly look in her eyes clearing.
        sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
        mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
        mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.
        if rand 50
            emote gazes into the crystal ball, her gaze troubled.
            sayto $n hmmmmmm.....
            sayto $n death is indeed coming to knock but not on your doorstep.
            emote looks closer into the crystal ball.
            sayto $n it seems to be someone close to you, perhaps a trusted friend.
            sayto $n guard those you value carefully friend, their lives may be harmed by your actions.
            emote leans back, the otherwordly look in her eyes clearing.
    sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
            mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
            mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.
            emote rests her hand lightly atop the crystal ball.
            sayto $n hmm.. let me see..
            emote shakes her head sadly
            sayto $n Listen to my words friend, and heed them well. Watch your back, one who you think is a close ally wishes nothing more that your downfall.
            emote gazes more deeply into the glowing crystal.
            sayto $n I see not how he will do this, perhaps through another perhaps, through his own hand. Know only, that he wishe you ill. 
            emote quietly folds her hands in her lap.
            sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
            mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
            mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.
if hastoken $n 27063
    mob tjunk all.27063 $n
    if rand 33
        if sex $n == 1
            sayto $n My my, what is this? I do believe I see a young lady in your future. 
            emote smiles a knowing smile.
    sayto $n Well, my friend. She is quite a beauty this one. Long flowing hair and a face that would light up the night sky.
            emote looks into the crystal ball again.
            sayto $n Yes, she really is quite a beauty. Watch her heart closely my friend, others want to be in your shoes and will quickly press the advantage if you are not watchful.
            emote smiles again and leans back, her gaze clearing.
    sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
            mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
    mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.
            if sex $n == 2
                sayto $n My, my this is strange fortune indeed! I see a handsome young man in your future.
                emote smiles a knowing smile
                sayto $n Yes, he is quite debonair this one. Tall, with an enchanting smile and a gaunty walk. There is not another like in the world.
                emote looks into the crystal ball again.
sayto $n Value his love my friend, [winking] an advice I do not give lightly. Men like him do not come often.
emote smiles again and leans back, her gaze clearing.
        sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
                mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
        mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.                
        if rand 50
            emote smiles as she watches the mist float within the crystal ball.
            sayto $n good fortune will indeed shine upon you my friend. You will grow strong in your righteousness, and your name shall be sung in all the land.
            emote peers closer into the ball.
            sayto $n You shall grow strong friend, and you shall battle mighty creatures to preserve the lives of those weaker and more helpless than yourself.
            emote shakes her head, amused.
        sayto $n A true hero....
            emote leans back her the otherwordly look in her eyes clearing.
        sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
        mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
        mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.    
            emote looks into the crystal ball.
            emote raises a bushy brow a little surprised.
            sayto $n I am sorry my friend, for while good fortune may smile upon you it is not good fortune alone.
            emote bows her head and her gaze returns to the glowing sphere.
            sayto $n The road that leads to happiness is a rocky one and many times you will be challenged to fight for what you believe is right. But keep to your values and eventually all shall turn out for the best.
    emote quietly folds her hands in her lap.
    sayto $n thank you for coming, I hope this knowledge proves fruitful.
    mob echoat $n waves her hand, dismissing you.
    mob echoaround $n waves her hand, dismissing $n.   
disabled false

title Dzagari Arcanum - Fortune Teller (neutral call)~
code mob echo A pearl grey mist begins to swirl within the crystal ball.
emote looks more closely at the crystal ball, her brows furrowing with concentration.
sayto $n hmmmm.... your future is rather clouded and unsure. I must look more closely.
emote nods quietly to herself.
sayto $n Many paths lie before you and you muste choose where you walk carefully, for it may bring both ruin or good fortune..
sayto $n of [her smile inviting]  but you have merely to cross my palm with 70 silver and I can ask the spirits to reveal much much more....
mob oload 27064
mob tgive 27064 $n
disabled false

title Dzagari Arcanum - Fortune Teller (good call)~
code mob echo A white mist begins to swirl within the crystal ball.
emote smiles a knowing smile at $n.
sayto $n The crystal ball shows many good things, I see love... a good life... and maybe... even marriage! 
emote smiles to herself.
sayto $n I am afraid that is all I can reveal for now. [She smiles invitingly] But you have merely to cross my palm with 70 silver and I shall reveal much much more....
mob oload 27063
mob tgive 27063 $n
disabled false

title Dzagari Arcanum - Fortune Teller (evil call)~
code mob echo A dark mist begins to swirl within the crystal ball.
mob echoat $n The old lady looks at you, her eyes strangely troubled. 
mob echoaround $n The old lady looks at $n, her eyes strangely troubled. 
sayto $n It seems the future does not bode well for you, stranger.
sayto $n The crystal ball tells of much hatred and anger in your path.
emote shakes her head and makes a disapproving sound.
sayto $n [smiling a small smile] but you have merely to cross my palm with 70 silver and I shall reveal much much more....
mob oload 27062
mob tgive 27062 $n
disabled false

title Dzagari Arcanum - Fortune Teller (bribe 150)~
code mob echoat $n The old woman accepts your money and puts it into one of her many voluminous pockets
mob echoaround $n The old woman accepts the money of $n and puts it into one of her many voluminous pockets
sayto $n A wise decision
emote turns her gaze to the shining ball of crystal in front of her.
if isevil $n
  mob call 27028 $n
  if isgood $n
  mob call 27029 $n
    if isneutral $n
    mob call 27030 $n
disabled false

title Dzagari Arcanum (grall 100)~
code if level $n <= 10
mob echoat $n The old woman looks up at you, her dark beady eyes assessing you. 
pmote $n smiles a knowing smile at @ and holds out her hand.
sayto $n [in a voice like a creaking tree branch] I see great things in your future stranger. Cross my palm with silver and I shall tell you what I see.
sayto $n surely 150 silver is pithy compared to the path of destiny....
pmote $n smiles a knowing smile at @.
disabled false

title Block entrance into the guild `#`R[Mage Dza]`^~
code ** Mage (Dza) guild guard 12-12-99 **
** The basic check to see if they should be allowed in or not **
lang human
if class $n mage
 mob letpass
 if hastoken $n 5.27061
  sayto $n Aren't you a persistant little one.[as she starts uttering some words]
  mob echoat $n You are forced out onto the street by some unseen power.
  mob echoaround $n $N is thrown out onto the street by some unseen power.
  mob transfer $n 27011
  mob at $n mob echoaround $n $N is hurtled into the street. 
  sayto $n You can't go in there dear. It would end in misery for you.
  mob oload 27061 1 none
  mob tgive 27061 $n
disabled false

title purge the unseen guard loader `#`R[Mage Dza]`^~
code ** Purge the unseen_loader mob so that it will load another guard on a repop **
if mobhere 27067
 mob vforce 27067 mob purge self
disabled false

title load a differnt leveled guard `#`R[Mage Dza]`^~
code ** Load a different leveld guard mob to keep the morts guessing :) **
if mobhere 27064 or 
   mobhere 27065 or
   mobhere 27066
 ** Somehow the unseen has died without the guard dying. 
 ** Strange but ehm, can't rule it out **
 if rand 33
  ** The scrawny level 100 guard **
  mob mload 27064
  if rand 50
  ** The medium level 110 guard **
   mob mload 27065
  ** The high mean ass level 120 guard **
   mob mload 27066
disabled false

title Block entrance into the guild `#`C[Fighter Dza]`^~
code ** Warrior (Dza) guild guard 1-12-99 **
** The basic check to see if they should be allowed in or not **
lang human
if class $n warrior
 mob letpass
 if hastoken $n 5.27060
  sayto $n [with a snarl]Get out scum. I've seen you here once too often!
  pmote $n throws @ out of the barracks.
  mob transfer $n 27011
  mob at $n mob echoaround $N is thrown into the street by $I. 
  sayto $n You're not going in there, you wimp![and spits on the ground]
  mob oload 27060 1 none
  mob tgive 27060 $n
disabled false

title purge the unseen guard loader `#`C[Fighter Dza]`^~
code ** Purge the unseen_loader mob so that it will load another guard on a repop **
if mobhere 27063
 mob vforce 27063 mob purge self
disabled false

title load a differnt leveled guard~
code ** Load a different leveld guard mob to keep the morts guessing :) **
if mobhere 27060 or 
   mobhere 27061 or
   mobhere 27062
 ** Somehow the unseen has died without the guard dying. 
 ** Strange but ehm, can't rule it out **
 if rand 33
  ** The scrawny level 100 guard **
  mob mload 27060
  if rand 50
  ** The medium level 110 guard **
   mob mload 27061
  ** The high mean ass level 120 guard **
   mob mload 27062
disabled false

title Greeting for Horse station~
code say If you're looking for a ride to Mekali, you can buy a ticket here.
say Give the ticket to the large man, south of here, and he'll take you there, traveler.
disabled false

title Give ticket to Mekali~
code sayto $n Ah, off to Mekali it is then, Aye?
emote walks over to the carriage.
emote opens the carriage's door.
pmote $n helps @ get into the carriage.
Yell All aboard thats going to Mekali!
mob transfer $n 27052
mob goto 27052
mob force $n emote climbs into the carriage.
mob goto 27050
mob junk all
disabled false

title Dancing Flames Quest Delay Trigger Barin~
code if hastoken $q 27035
emote hammers away on the scimitar.
emote cracks the globe open over the scimitar.
mob echo Fire leaps forth from the furnace!
language human
emote turns around and walks to the tub of water, placing the scimitar in it.
say Notice the fire, didn't go out when placed in the water?
say Tis a magical fire, nonetheless, here's your scimitar, traveller.
mob oload 27036 65 none
give scimitar $q
say Farewell, and safe journeys to you.
mob tremove token27035 $q
mob forget
mob junk all
mob forget
say Hmph..couldn't even wait on me to finish.
mob junk all
disabled false

title Dancing Flames Quest Bribe Barin~
code if hastoken $n 27035
language human
say Good deal, Good deal...
say The Scimitar of Dancing Flames is worth this and more, I grant you that.
say I've already started working on it since you've been collecting the things.
say All thats left is for me to forge the magical fire onto the blade.
say It'll just take a moment.
emote turns around and walks over to the forge.
mob remember $n
mob delay 2
language human
say Aren't you a generous one! thanks for the gold!
disabled false

title Dancing Flames Quest-Give Globe to barin~
code if hastoken $n 27034
language human
say Great then!  I have all the items I need to make the weapon.
mob tremove token27034 $n
mob oload 27035 1 none
mob tgive token27035 $n
say Now then, for my sevices rendered in creating the scimitar...
say I ask for a small fee of say 6500 gold.
mob junk all
language human
say A globe of fire... Thanks lad!
mob junk all
disabled false

title dancing Flames quest-give black leather to barin~
code if hastoken $n 27033
language human
say Hmm...Very good, good indeed....
say There is one more thing I need to make this scimitar.
say Its an item called the Globe of Fire.
emote grins slyly.
say You can find this somewhere around the Fire giants.
say A hermit mage sells them somewhere up there.
mob tremove token27033 $n
mob oload 27034 1 none
mob tgive token27034 $n
mob junk all
say Thanks for the leather, Pal.
mob junk all
disabled false

title dancing flames quest-give gem to Barin~
code if hastoken $n 27032
language human
say Well, well you actually found one of these gems.
say Hmm, bring me some sort of black leather next.
mob tremove token27032 $n
mob oload 27033 1 none
mob tgive token27033 $n
mob junk all
language human
say Wow, A reddish gem, thanks alot buddy!
mob junk all
disabled false

title dancing flames quest-give hammer to barin~
code if hastoken $n 27031
language human
say Ah yes, this hammer will do nicely in forging in the weapon.
say Now then, I'll be needing a reddish gem next.
say You'll have to search for one in below the dead city.
emote shivers at the thought.
say Bring that back and I'll tell you whats next.
mob tremove token27031 $n
mob oload 27032 1 none
mob tgive token27032 $n
mob junk all
language human
eye $n
say Thanks for the hammer, buddy.
mob junk all
disabled false

title dancing flames-quest give axe to Barin~
code emote examines the axe, carefully.
language human
say Yes, this will do nicely I suppose.
say I'll melt it down while you hunt for the next item I'll need.
say I'll need the hammer of Thazolis, to forge the scimitar.
say You can find Thazolis somewhere near the wastelands towards the west.
say He's not a friendly person, thats for sure.
emote turns away with the axe and walks over to the forge.
mob oload 27031 1 none
mob tgive token27031 $n
mob junk all
disabled false

title Dancing Flames Quest-Barin talks of the scimitar~
code if race $n orc
language orc
say Hmm, you want a scimitar of dancing flames, do ya?
say You'll need to get me say an iron battle axe, first off.
say Go look around blackeagle castle I hear someone in those parts likes to use weapons of the sort.
language human
say Hmm, you want a scimitar of dancing flames, do ya?
say You'll need to get me say an iron battle axe, first off.
say Go look around black eagle castle, I hear someone in those parts likes to use weapons of the sort.
disabled false

title bartender talks about cloak of shadows~
code eye $n
say Ah, the legendary fabric of shadows.
say The cloak of shadows is a valuable item indeed.
say To its whereabouts I have no idea, but I might know someone who would.
emote furrows his brows, and rubs his chin.
say Ah yes, try going to the filthy man in Mekali.
say He's the one that offers jobs, and pays poorly.
disabled false

title beggar is drunk~
code if hastarget $i
mob echoat $n You stumble from the room, the evil to much to bear.
mob force $n east
mob echoaround $n $N stumbles from the room.
mob forget
disabled false

title beggar is echoing about holy~
code if isdelay $i
mob echoat $n This place feels unholy and evil.

if isgood $n 
    mob remember $n
    mob delay 5
disabled false

