colourcode `
security 7

level 92
category undefined~
text .   All the object must be checked by the Balance Council before entering
in the game! And from time to time the balance will take a look on player's 
items and immortal's items to be sure there is no unbalanced equipment. 
Remember that immortal equipment must be at least level 92! The balance
will check the objects that players can get using the mix command too.
   If the balance finds any overpowered item it will be removed from
the game without any warning! So, please, if you want include any obejct
in the game ask the balance to check it to avoid misunderstandings. 
   To ask the balance check your item, please, make a new line 
on the `#`Rbalance-list`^ help file, and write:
`#`Ryour name`^ (for whom we will write any note when necessary);
`#`Rvnum of the object`^;
`#`Rname of the player`^ who will receive the object;
`#`Rkind of object`^: (`#`Btrash, normal, quest `^or`#`B artfact`^)
`#`Robject's type`^;
and how hard will be the quest for the player get this object:
`#`Reasy`^ (`#`Be`^)`#`b.......`^: only solve a puzzle;
`#`Rmedium`^ `#`B(m`^)`#`b.....`^: solve a puzzle in a dangerous situation, but will 
                       not get killed, mob below player's level;
`#`Rhard`^ (`#`Bh`^)`#`b.......`^: solve a puzzle in a dangerous situation probably 
                       will get be killed, mob above player's level;
`#`Rvery hard`^ (`#`Bvh`^)`#`b.`^: solve a puzzle and will get killed to get the object.
And your request `#`Rrequest`^ on the stats.
The balance will edit this file after checking your object, so the stats will
change to:
`#`Gok`^              : means it was checked and approved
`#`Ychange`^          : means that it must be changed, you will receive a inote
                        about what is wrong with the object.
