Version     11
FromMUD     Dawn 1.69r Development Site~
*parent_codebase 1.69r-ReleaseCandiate1
Name        The Eastern Star Inn~
ShortName   Eastern Star~
Builders    None~
Credits     Reave~
VNUMs       28000 28099
LComment    [  ALL  ]
Security    9
Colour      Y~
colourcode  `
MapScale    5
MapLevel    1
Vnum_offset 0
Continent   valarin~
*LastSaved  Sat Jan 31 23:48:10 2004~

Name robe druid~
ShortD a druid~
LongD A robed druid rests here, meditating in silence.~
Desc This small female mrem, sits in the corner of the room on the floor, 
meditating in silence.  Her greying fur suggests she's old indeed, and her 
robes are a light green colour.  
Race elf~
Align 3 3
XPMod 110
Level 30
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d5+140
ManaDice 5d5+200
DamDice 2d12+8
DamType pound
AC -90 -90 -90 -70
Wealth 300
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area cleric~
AffBy  detect_evil sanctuary infrared~
Off    fast assist_align~
Imm    holy~
Res    charm negative mental~
Vuln   iron~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material unknown

Name young stableboy boy~
ShortD a stableboy~
LongD A young stableboy is here, waiting to lead your horse away.~
Desc This young human boy can't be more than 10 years old.  He is wearing a 
dirty tunic, and looks like he hasn't washed himself in weeks.
Race human~
Align 1 1
Level 2
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+2
ManaDice 1d4+2
DamDice 1d5+0
DamType punch
AC 80 70 80 90
Wealth 20
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area wimpy~
Off    dirt_kick~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name stablemaster master man~
ShortD a stablemaster~
LongD The stablemaster is here, tending to the horses.~
Desc This middle-aged human is rather heavy and muscular.  He has dark black hair,
and soft blue eyes.  He glances at you briefly, and turns back to his work.
Race human~
Align 1 2
Level 7
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+5
ManaDice 2d5+5
DamDice 1d8+1
DamType beating
AC 40 30 50 40
Wealth 70
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
Off    parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name brown horse~
ShortD a dark brown horse~
LongD A dark brown horse is here, munching on some hay.~
Desc This finely bred horse is dark brown, and has a long black mane.  It looks
well-fed and brushed.  It is munching on some hay right now.
Race horse~
Align 0 0
Level 4
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 2d4+1
DamDice 1d5+1
DamType charge
AC 70 50 60 80
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander docile stay_area~
Off    fast kick~
Form   edible animal mountable mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye tail fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name heavily armored dwarf~
ShortD a heavily armored dwarf~
LongD A heavily armored dwarf is here, enjoying a fine dinner.~
Desc This is one of the largest dwarves you've ever seen.  He is wearing a finely
made platemail, and a large axe hangs on his back.  From the dirt on his
armor and equipment, it looks like he is on a long trip, and has just stopped
in for a quick meal.
Race dwarf~
Align 1 0
XPMod 115
Level 35
Hitroll 1
HitDice 5d6+215
ManaDice 4d5+90
DamDice 4d7+11
DamType slice
AC -110 -110 -110 -90
Wealth 350
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area warrior~
AffBy  infrared berserk~
Off    bash berserk disarm dodge parry~
Imm    charm~
Res    poison mental disease~
Vuln   drowning~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg SPEECH 28002 markrist~
MProg SPEECH 28001 khuzud~
MProg SPEECH 28000 map~

Name serving wench young girl waitress~
ShortD a serving wench~
LongD A young girl is here, going table to table pouring drinks.~
Desc This young human girl is moving table to table, pouring drinks and taking
orders.  She has long blond hair tied back, and is wearing an old patched
Race human~
Align 1 2
Level 3
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d5+3
ManaDice 1d5+3
DamDice 1d6+0
DamType scratch
AC 70 70 70 90
Wealth 30
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area wimpy~
Off    dodge~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material unknown

Name fat merchant~
ShortD a fat merchant~
LongD A fat merchant is here, grabbing the serving wenches as they walk by.~
Desc This obese human is dressed in bright gaudy clothing of all types.  He is
sitting at a table near the fireplace, watching the serving girls intently.
Race human~
Align 1 -2
Level 12
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+45
ManaDice 2d5+45
DamDice 1d10+3
DamType punch
AC 0 0 -10 20
Wealth 120
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name old wizard~
ShortD an old wizard~
LongD An old wizard is here, intently studying a thick tome.~
Desc This old human wizard is sitting at a table in the darkest corner of the 
room, studying a thick book intently.  He has a long white beard, and 
beady black eyes.  He wears crimson robes, and carries a long oak staff.
Race human~
Align 2 3
XPMod 111
Level 32
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d6+150
ManaDice 5d6+400
DamDice 2d12+8
DamType pierce
AC -100 -100 -100 -80
Wealth 320
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area mage~
AffBy  detect_invis protect_evil~
Off    fast~
Res    charm magic mental~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name bartender~
ShortD a bartender~
LongD The bartender is here, drearily wiping off the bar.~
Desc This tall burly human stands behind the bar and serves drinks for the inn's
guests.  He is not wearing any armor or weapons, but you do notice many old
scars covering his flesh, indicating that he has seen his share of fights.
Race human~
Align 2 2
Level 130
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d1+800
ManaDice 5d5+130
DamDice 1d1+200
DamType punch
AC -1000 -1000 -1000 -820
Wealth 280
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area warrior~
AffBy  detect_hidden~
Off    bash dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm magic weapon bash pierce slash~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name obnoxious drunk~
ShortD an obnoxious drunk~
LongD An obnoxious drunk is here, raving loudly about his problems.~
Desc This middle-aged male human looks and smells like he has been drinking for
days.  His clothing is old and worn, and has a few stains.  His eyes are
glassy, and it looks like he can barely stay on his stool.  He is raving
nonsensically about how a dragon ate his village.
Race human~
Align -3 0
Level 14
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+55
ManaDice 2d5+20
DamDice 1d12+3
DamType beating
AC 0 0 -10 20
Wealth 140
Act    npc no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  slow~
Off    berserk~
Vuln   mental sound~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name cleric robed priest~
ShortD a cleric~
LongD A robed cleric sits here, enjoying a fine meal.~
Desc This old elf is here enjoying a fine meal.  He appears to be a priest of some
type, as he wears robes and a holy symbol.  His clothing is fine, but seems
worn and mud-spattered, perhaps he is on a long trip to some holy site.
Race elf~
Align 3 3
XPMod 110
Level 30
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d5+140
ManaDice 5d5+200
DamDice 2d12+8
DamType pound
AC -90 -90 -90 -70
Wealth 300
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area cleric~
AffBy  detect_evil sanctuary infrared~
Off    fast assist_align~
Imm    holy~
Res    charm negative mental~
Vuln   iron~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name cook~
ShortD a cook~
LongD The cook is here, preparing meals for the guests.~
Desc This human woman appears to be the inn's cook, from the food stains on the
apron she is wearing.  She is middle-aged, and slightly chubby.
Race human~
Align 1 1
Level 6
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+4
ManaDice 2d5+4
DamDice 1d7+1
DamType scratch
AC 40 40 30 60
Wealth 60
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material unknown

Name young human boy~
ShortD a boy~
LongD A young human boy is here, helping the cook.~
Desc This young human boy is about 15 years old, and is dressed neatly.  He is
helping with various tasks in the kitchen, and carrying food into the
common room for guests.
Race human~
Align 0 2
Level 4
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 2d4+1
DamDice 1d5+1
DamType punch
AC 60 50 60 70
Wealth 40
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area wimpy~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name dirty rat~
ShortD a dirty rat~
LongD A dirty rat is here, trying to hide in the shadows.~
Desc This dirty rat is about a foot long, and is covered with filthy hair and
Race rabbit~
Align 0 0
Level 2
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+2
ManaDice 1d4+1
DamDice 1d5+0
DamType bite
AC 80 90 70 90
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area noalign~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared dark_vision~
Off    dodge fast~
Imm    disease~
Vuln   light~
Form   edible poison animal mammal~
Part   head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   tiny~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name large draconian officer~
ShortD a large draconian officer~
LongD A large draconian is here, running a meeting.~
Desc This is one mean looking draconian.  He is covered with dark green scales
and many scars.  He is wearing some symbols on the sleeve of his armor,
which seem to indicate that he is a ranking officer of some group.
Race draconian~
Align 2 -2
Level 23
Hitroll 0
HitDice 4d5+105
ManaDice 4d5+105
DamDice 3d6+6
DamType slash
AC -50 -70 -60 -30
Wealth 230
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area warrior~
AffBy  infrared flying dark_vision~
Res    fire cold lightning acid poison disease~
Vuln   pierce~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue wings tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name green scaled draconian~
ShortD a green scaled draconian~
LongD A green scaled draconian is here.~
Desc This draconian is covered by green scales.  He is glaring at you, and does
not seem happy that you have interrupted the meeting.
Race draconian~
Align 1 -2
Level 18
Hitroll 0
HitDice 3d5+82
ManaDice 3d5+60
DamDice 2d7+4
DamType slash
AC -20 -30 -40 0
Wealth 180
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area warrior~
AffBy  infrared flying dark_vision~
Off    assist_vnum~
Res    fire cold lightning acid~
Vuln   pierce~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal reptile~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue wings tail claws fangs scales~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name innkeeper~
ShortD an innkeeper~
LongD The innkeeper is here, looking at some papers on the desk.~
Desc This male human looks to be about 50 years old.  He has black hair which 
appears to be partially greying, and soft brown eyes.  He seems preoccupied 
with the work in front of him on the desk.  
Race human~
Align 2 2
Level 26
Hitroll 0
HitDice 4d5+115
ManaDice 4d5+115
DamDice 3d7+7
DamType punch
AC -70 -70 -70 -40
Wealth 260
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
Off    assist_align~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
InnBuy   110
InnSell  90
InnOpen  0
InnClose 23
InnRoom 28001 20
Material unknown

Name dark-haired woman~
ShortD a dark-haired woman~
LongD A dark haired woman is here, hanging clothes in a cabinet.~
Desc This dark-haired woman was probably once a great beauty, but her age is now
showing.  She has streaks of grey in her hair, and a tired look in her eyes.
At the moment, she is hanging clothing in a cabinet, and looks very startled
to see you here.
Race human~
Align 0 2
Level 4
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 2d4+1
DamDice 1d5+1
DamType scratch
AC 60 50 70 90
Wealth 40
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material unknown

Name striped gray black cat~
ShortD a cat~
LongD A grey and black striped cat is here, licking itself.~
Desc This cat has somewhat long grey and black hair.  It is sitting on the floor
cleaning itself with its tongue.
Race cat~
Align 0 0
Level 2
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d4+2
ManaDice 1d4+2
DamDice 1d5+0
DamType claw
AC 80 80 80 10
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared dark_vision~
Off    dodge fast~
Form   edible animal biped mountable mammal~
Part   head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye tail claws fangs~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name cloaked figure~
ShortD a cloaked figure~
LongD A cloaked figure is here, angry at your intrusion.~
Desc This shadowy figure is surrounded by a black cloak that obscures its face
and body.  The only thing you see clearly is the flash of steel in its hand.
Race human~
Align 1 -2
Level 18
Hitroll 0
HitDice 3d5+72
ManaDice 3d5+72
DamDice 3d4+4
DamType pierce
AC -30 -20 -40 0
Wealth 180
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area thief~
AffBy  sneak hide~
Off    trip~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name robed merchant~
ShortD a merchant~
LongD A robed merchant is here, counting a pile of coins.~
Desc This robed human seems to be a merchant of some type.  He is busy counting
a pile of coins and shuffling around some papers.
Race human~
Align 1 0
Level 14
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+55
ManaDice 2d5+55
DamDice 1d12+3
DamType punch
AC -10 -10 -10 10
Wealth 140
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown


Name a wooden mace~
Short a wooden mace~
Desc A wooden mace is lying here.~
Level 30
ItemType weapon~
Cost 600
Asize 30
Rsize 50
Values mace 2 17 smash 0
Weight 90
Material steel~
Extra    bless antievil burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc wooden mace~
This small wooden mace, is rather quite common and unappealing in all 
fashions.  Thick bands of black leather wrap around its hilt and a few knots 
poke out at the head of the mace.  

Name dirty cloth tunic~
Short a dirty cloth tunic~
Desc A dirty cloth tunic is lying here.~
Level 2
ItemType armor~
Cost 40
Condition 90
Asize 10
Rsize 45
Values 0 1 2 0 0
Weight 10
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take torso~
ExtraDesc dirty cloth tunic~
This small cloth tunic has definitely seen better days.  It is torn or worn
through in several places, and is very dirty.

Name well~
Short a well~
Desc A deep well is dug in the middle of the yard.~
Level 1
ItemType fountain~
Cost 1
Condition 90
Asize 1000
Rsize 50
Values 1 1 water 0 0
Weight 1000
Material stone~
Extra    noremove otterlungs nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc well deep~
A deep well has been dug in the center of the yard.  It is surrounded by a
low wall of stones, and has a bucket and robe for drawing water.

Name board two-by-four~
Short a two-by-four board~
Desc A 4-foot long board is lying here.~
Level 6
ItemType weapon~
Cost 120
Condition 90
Asize 60
Rsize 50
Values mace 2 5 beating 0
Weight 50
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
ExtraDesc board two-by-four~
This board is two by four inches wide, and about 4 feet long.  It is very

Name old leather pants~
Short some old leather pants~
Desc A pair of old leather pants is laying here.~
Level 7
ItemType armor~
Cost 140
Condition 75
Asize 10
Rsize 55
Values 2 2 2 1 0
Weight 15
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~
ExtraDesc old leather pants~
These old pants are somewhat worn, but still look like they offer a bit of

Name fine dwarven platemail~
Short some fine dwarven platemail~
Desc A small, finely made platemail is here.~
Level 35
ItemType armor~
Cost 710
Condition 90
Asize 35
Rsize 45
Values 12 11 12 9 0
Weight 150
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 saves 4 0
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 damroll 6 0
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 hitroll 4 0
ExtraDesc fine dwarven platemail~
This small platemail appears to be of dwarven make.  It is not especially
fancy, but fits together very well, protecting most of the body.

Name mithril axe~
Short a mithril axe~
Desc A mithril axe is here.~
Level 35
ItemType weapon~
Cost 727
Condition 90
Asize 35
Rsize 50
Values axe 4 10 slice D
Weight 55
Material mithril~
Extra    bless nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc mithril axe~
This axe appears to be of dwarven make.  It is made of mithril, and is much
lighter than it looks.  The blade has been sharpened to a razor edge.

Name blood red potion~
Short a `#`Rblood red`^ potion~
Desc A `#`Rblood red`^ potion is here.~
Level 15
ItemType potion~
Cost 315
Condition 90
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 40 'giant strength' '' '' ''
Weight 2
Material water~
Extra    magic burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc blood red potion~
This blood red potion is in a short glass vial.  It has a few dwarven 
runes on it.

Name old patched dress~
Short an old patched dress~
Desc An old patched dress is here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 20
Condition 90
Asize 10
Rsize 45
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 7
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
ExtraDesc old patched dress~
This old dress is made of cotton, and has been repaired many times.  It is
various shades of blue.

Name metal water pitcher~
Short a metal water pitcher~
Desc A finely made metal water pitcher is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 25
Condition 90
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 10 10 water 0 0
Weight 20
Material steel~
Extra    burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc metal water pitcher~
This water pitcher is finely made of steel or some other hard metal.  It is
brightly polished, and has the letters 'ES' engraved on it.

Name large backpack pack~
Short a large backpack~
Desc A large backpack is here.~
Level 1
ItemType container~
Cost 75
Condition 90
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values 500 A 0 55 80
Weight 25
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take back~
ExtraDesc large backpack pack~
This backpack is huge, and looks like it could hold quite a bit.  It is made  
of leather, which appears to have been specially treated to resist fire and
other damage.

Name crimson robe~
Short a `#`mcrimson`^ robe~
Desc A `#`mcrimson`^ robe is here.~
Level 32
ItemType armor~
Cost 666
Condition 90
Asize 15
Rsize 45
Values 8 8 8 6 0
Weight 22
Material cloth~
Extra    magic bless antievil nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take about~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 32 -1 mana 60 0
ExtraDesc crimson robe~
This crimson robe is made of some unrecognizable material.  It is soft to 
the touch, yet seems far more durable than any normal cloth.  There are
golden runes sewn into the collar and sleeves.

Name rune-covered dagger~
Short a rune-covered dagger~
Desc A rune-covered dagger is here.~
Level 35
ItemType weapon~
Cost 700
Condition 90
Asize 15
Rsize 50
Values dagger 3 10 slash D
Weight 25
Material steel~
Extra    glow hum magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances mage thief warrior paladin ranger spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc rune-covered dagger~
This short dagger is finely made of hard steel.  It is completely covered
with engraved runes, and appears to be very sharp.

Name oak staff~
Short an oak staff~
Desc An oak staff is here.~
Level 5
ItemType weapon~
Cost 100
Condition 90
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values staff 1 10 beating F
Weight 30
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
ExtraDesc oak staff~
This is a simple oak staff.  It is about 5 feet long, and very sturdy.

Name parchment scroll~
Short a parchment scroll~
Desc A parchment scroll is here.~
Level 40
ItemType scroll~
Cost 795
Condition 90
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 40 'enchant weapon' '' '' ''
Weight 1
Material paper~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc parchment scroll~
This scroll is made of parchment, and has strange writing on it.

Name mug ale~
Short a mug of ale~
Desc A frosty mug of ale is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 15
Condition 90
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 2 2 ale 0 0
Weight 10
Material liquid~
Extra    inventory~
Wear     take hold~

Name cup honey mead~
Short a cup of honey mead~
Desc A cup of honey mead is here.
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 20
Condition 90
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 mead 0 0
Weight 10
Material liquid~
Extra    inventory~
Wear     take hold~

Name glass red wine~
Short a glass of `#`rred`^ wine~
Desc A glass of `#`rred`^ wine is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 30
Condition 90
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 'red wine' 0 0
Weight 10
Material liquid~
Extra    inventory nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~

Name shot whisky~
Short a shot of whisky~
Desc A shot of whisky is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 50
Condition 90
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 1 1 whisky 0 0
Weight 10
Material liquid~
Extra    inventory~
Wear     take hold~

Name bottle rum~
Short a bottle of rum~
Desc A bottle of rum lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 200
Condition 90
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 10 10 rum 0 0
Weight 20
Material glass~
Extra    inventory~
Wear     take hold~

Name broken bottle~
Short a broken bottle~
Desc A broken bottle is lying here.~
Level 11
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values dagger 1 9 slash 0
Weight 20
Material glass~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ExtraDesc broken bottle~
This bottle has been recently smashed in half, and as a result has some very
sharp edges.  It might be used as a weapon if grasped by the top.

Name fine steel mace~
Short a fine steel mace~
Desc A fine steel mace is lying here.~
Level 30
ItemType weapon~
Cost 600
Asize 30
Rsize 50
Values mace 2 17 smash 0
Weight 90
Material steel~
Extra    bless antievil nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc fine steel mace~
This sturdy mace is finely wrought of solid steel.  It is well balanced, and
is in excellent condition.

Name platinum holy symbol~
Short a platinum `#`Wholy`^ symbol~
Desc A platinum `#`Wholy`^ symbol is here.~
Level 35
ItemType armor~
Cost 788
Asize 3
Rsize 50
Values 6 6 6 3 0
Weight 3
Material platinum~
Extra    bless antievil antineutral nodegrade~
Wear     take neck~
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 empathy -1 0
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 mana 40 0
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 memory 2 0
Affect modifier -1 35 -1 reasoning 2 0
ExtraDesc platinum holy symbol~
This small holy symbol is made of platinum, and is hanging on a thin chain.
Engraved on it is a small dragon.

Name sharp kitchen knife~
Short a sharp kitchen knife~
Desc A sharp kitchen knife lies here.~
Level 6
ItemType weapon~
Cost 135
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values dagger 2 4 pierce 0
Weight 20
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances mage thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc sharp kitchen knife~
This kitchen knife is made of steel, and has been sharpened to the point that
it might serve as a weapon if necessary.

Name old apron~
Short an old cooking apron~
Desc An old cooking apron lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 20
Condition 75
Asize 8
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
ExtraDesc old apron~
An old white cooking apron.  It is covered with food stains.

Name silver serving tray~
Short a `#`Ssilver`^ serving tray~
Desc A `#`Ssilver`^ serving tray is here.~
Level 1
ItemType treasure~
Cost 500
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 20
Material silver~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc silver serving tray~
This serving tray is finely made of silver.  On it is a stylized engraving of
a star over a mountain range, and the initials "ES".

Name serrated longsword sword~
Short a serrated longsword~
Desc A longsword with a serrated blade lies here.~
Level 25
ItemType weapon~
Cost 550
Asize 40
Rsize 50
Values sword 3 8 slash D
Weight 60
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc serrated longsword~
This nasty looking longsword has been finely made of steel.  The blade is
serrated and is extremely sharp.

Name black ringmail~
Short a `#`Sblack`^ ringmail~
Desc A `#`Sblack`^ ringmail lies here.~
Level 20
ItemType armor~
Cost 402
Asize 40
Rsize 50
Values 7 6 7 5 0
Weight 90
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 20 -1 quickness -1 0
Affect modifier -1 20 -1 ac -15 0
ExtraDesc black ringmail~
This black armor is fashioned from hundreds of tiny steel rings.  It seems
pretty durable.

Name plain longsword sword~
Short a plain longsword~
Desc A plain longsword lies here.~
Level 20
ItemType weapon~
Cost 411
Asize 45
Rsize 50
Values sword 2 12 slash 0
Weight 45
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc plain longsword~
This longsword is well-made, but has no decoration or adornment.  The edge
is fairly sharp.

Name steel ring~
Short a `#`Ssteel`^ ring~
Desc A `#`Ssteel`^ ring lies here.~
Level 20
ItemType jewelry~
Cost 444
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take finger~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 20 -1 hp 4 0
ExtraDesc steel ring~
A simple steel ring, with no gems or decoration.

Name wooden chest~
Short a `#`ywooden`^ chest~
Desc A `#`ywooden`^ chest sits at the foot of the bed.~
Level 1
ItemType container~
Cost 100
Asize 200
Rsize 50
Values 1000 ACD 28031 200 100
Weight 1000
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nodegrade~
ExtraDesc wooden chest~
This wooden chest looks very old, but is still very sturdy.

Name long iron key~
Short a long iron key~
Desc A long iron key lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType key~
Cost 1
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material iron~
Extra    burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc long iron key~
This old key is made of iron.  You see the letters 'ES' engraved on it.

Name pile coins~
Short a pile of coins~
Desc A pile of coins lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType money~
Cost 0
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 500 1 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material silver~
Extra    burnproof~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc pile coins~
A pile of silver and gold coins.

Name small fine sapphire~
Short a small fine `#`Bsapphire`^~
Desc A small fine `#`Bsapphire`^ lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType gem~
Cost 888
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material gem~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc small fine sapphire~
This small sapphire is finely cut and looks valuable.

Name fine white shirt~
Short a fine `#`Wwhite`^ shirt~
Desc A fine `#`Wwhite`^ shirt lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 25
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
ExtraDesc fine white shirt~
A finely made white cotton shirt.

Name soft leather pants~
Short some soft leather pants~
Desc Some soft leather pants lie here.~
Level 1
ItemType armor~
Cost 25
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 1 1 1 1 0
Weight 5
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~
ExtraDesc pair soft leather pants~
These pants are finely tailored from soft leather.  They look quite
comfortable and protective.

Name burgundy dress~
Short a `#`rburgandy`^ dress~
Desc A `#`rburgandy`^ dress lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 25
Asize 5
Rsize 45
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
ExtraDesc burgundy dress~
This dress is finely made of a burgundy-colored material.

Name pearl necklace~
Short a `#`Wpearl`^ necklace~
Desc A `#`Wpearl`^ necklace lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType treasure~
Cost 250
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material pearl~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take neck~
ExtraDesc pearl necklace~
This necklace is made up of about thirty pearls on a string, with a small
metal clasp.

Name cat collar~
Short a cat's collar~
Desc A cat's collar lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType armor~
Cost 10
Asize 5
Rsize 30
Values 1 1 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take neck~
ExtraDesc cat collar~
A leather cat collar, with a small metal clasp.

Name comfortable bed~
Short a comfortable bed~
Desc A wide, comfortable bed.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 1
Asize 2000
Rsize 50
Values 2 2000 EHKN 120 120
Weight 2000
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc comfortable bed~
This bed is crafted from oak wood and is finely made.  It is covered with
fine linens and several pillows.

Name long dagger~
Short a long dagger~
Desc A long dagger lies here.~
Level 18
ItemType weapon~
Cost 360
Asize 15
Rsize 50
Values dagger 2 7 pierce 0
Weight 30
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances mage thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc long dagger~
This long dagger is forged from steel, and has a wooden hilt.

Name dirty leather armor~
Short some dirty leather armor~
Desc A dirty leather armor lies here.~
Level 18
ItemType armor~
Cost 365
Asize 15
Rsize 45
Values 6 6 6 5 0
Weight 25
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~
Affect modifier -1 18 -1 saves 2 0
Affect modifier -1 18 -1 strength 2 0
ExtraDesc dirty leather armor~
This leather armor is sized for a human, and looks like it covers most of
the upper body.  It has been neglected and is quite dirty however.

Name fancy red robe~
Short a fancy `#`Rred`^ robe~
Desc A fancy `#`Rred`^ robe lies here.~
Level 9
ItemType armor~
Cost 181
Asize 15
Rsize 50
Values 2 2 2 1 0
Weight 20
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
ExtraDesc fancy red robe~
This robe is expertly crafted from dark red cloth.  The sleeves and collar
are embroidered with gold cloth.  It looks valuable.

Name cup milk~
Short a cup of `#`Wmilk`^~
Desc A cup of `#`Wmilk`^ is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 10
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 milk 0 0
Weight 10
Material liquid~
Extra    inventory nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc cup milk~
A cup of milk.

Name pitcher water~
Short a pitcher of water~
Desc A pitcher of water is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 5
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 5 5 water 0 0
Weight 5
Material liquid~
Extra    inventory~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc pitcher water~
A pitcher of crystal clear water.

Name whole roasted partridge~
Short a whole roasted partridge~
Desc A whole roasted partridge lies here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 45
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 20 30 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc whole roasted partridge~
This whole partridge has been seasoned and roasted to perfection over an open flame.

Name baked ham~
Short a baked `#`rham`^~
Desc A baked `#`rham`^ is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 50
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 20 30 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc baked ham~
A juicy ham, baked in honey.

Name bowl mushroom soup~
Short a bowl of mushroom soup~
Desc A bowl of mushroom soup is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 30
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 15 20 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc bowl mushroom soup~
This bowl of soup is full of mushrooms and is steaming hot.

Name hard dinner roll~
Short a hard dinner roll~
Desc A hard dinner roll is here~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 15
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 10 15 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc hard dinner roll~
This hard bread has been baked to a golden brown color.

Name bowl vegetable stew~
Short a bowl of `#`gvegetable`^ stew~
Desc A bowl of `#`gvegetable`^ stew is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 30
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 15 20 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc bowl vegetable stew~
This bowl is full of tasty vegetable stew.  It contains carrots, peas, 
potatoes, beans, and several other vegetables.

Name tall bar stool~
Short a tall bar stool~
Desc A tall bar stool.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 10
Asize 75
Rsize 50
Values 1 2000 BEH 100 100
Weight 40
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc tall bar stool~
This bar stool is finely crafted from oak wood, and is just tall emough 
to sit comfortably by the bar.

Name tall bar stool~
Short a tall bar stool~
Desc A tall bar stool.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 10
Asize 75
Rsize 50
Values 1 2000 BEH 100 100
Weight 40
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc tall bar stool~
This bar stool is finely crafted from oak wood, and is just tall emough 
to sit comfortably by the bar.

Name flagon dwarf spirits~
Short a flagon of dwarf spirits~
Desc A flagon of dwarf spirits is here.~
Level 1
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 100
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 firebreather 0 0
Weight 10
Material liquid~
Extra    inventory nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc flagon dwarf spirits~
A flagon of powerful dwarf spirits.

Name leg mutton~
Short a leg of mutton~
Desc A leg of mutton is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 40
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 15 25 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc leg mutton~
This mutton is flamecooked to perfection.

Name barbecued griffon wings~
Short an order of `#`Rbarbequed`^ gryphon wings~
Desc An order of `#`Rbarbequed`^ gryphon wings is here.~
Level 1
ItemType food~
Cost 50
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 20 30 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material food~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc barbequed griffon wings~
These wings are fried and covered with spicy barbeque sauce.

Name long wooden bench~
Short a long wooden bench~
Desc A long wooden bench.~
Level 1
ItemType furniture~
Cost 1
Asize 2000
Rsize 50
Values 4 10000 EHKN 105 105
Weight 2000
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc long wooden bench~
This bench is crafted from oak wood and is finely made.  It is long enough 
to support four people confortably, and looks quite strong.

Name trash can~
Short a trash can~
Desc A trash can sits here.~
Level 1
ItemType container~
Cost 10
Asize 25
Rsize 50
Values 99999 0 0 100 100
Weight 150
Material wood~
Extra    noremove nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc trash can~
A wooden trash can, full of empty bottles.

Name steel barding~
Short some steel barding~
Desc Some steel barding has been left here.~
Level 10
ItemType armor~
Cost 196
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 4 2 0
Weight 0
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ExtraDesc steel barding~
Light steel armor for horses.


Name Guest Room~
Desc This bedroom is finely furnished with all manners of comfortable, cozy 
looking furniture.  There is a wooden bed, covered in patch threaded 
blankets.  In the northern corner a cabinet with a mirror attached to it, 
and lying beside the bed is a beautiful white bear fur.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit west 28012
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords door~

Name Entry Yard of the Eastern Star Inn~
Desc You stand in the entry yard of a large inn.  There is a crossing of two
major roads to the southwest, making this a very busy spot.  To the north
is a small stable, and the main entrance lies to the east.  The inn is two 
stories high, and is made of dark grey stone.  There are several windows
facing this direction on both floors, and a large sign hangs above
the wooden door. 
Sector city~
ExtraDesc sign~
The sign is made of wood.  It has carved into it "The Eastern Star", and has
a carving of a bright star above a mountain range.
ExtraDesc stable~
A small stable is to the north.  You hear the sounds of horses from that
ExtraDesc inn stone window windows~
A large inn lies to your east.  It is built from dark grey stone, and has
many windows.  There is a wooden door, above which a sign hangs.
Exit north 28002
EDesc To the north lies a small stable.  You hear the sounds of horses from that
Exit east 28004
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords wooden door~
EDesc To the east is a wooden door that leads into the inn.
Exit southwest 30111
EDesc To the southwest lies a busy crossing of two roads.

Name Stable of the Eastern Star Inn~
Desc This stable is here to house the horses and mules of those staying at the
inn.  It has 10 stalls, each having buckets for food and water.  The entire 
floor is covered by straw, oates, and an occasional pile of horse dung.
Bridles and saddles of various sizes hang next to each stall, along with
brushes and other grooming materials.  The roof is partially open to the
sky.  The exit is to the south, and there is another small room through a
doorway to the west.
Sector city~
ExtraDesc straw~
Dirty straw is scattered around the floor.
ExtraDesc bridles saddles brushes materials~
Bridles, saddles, brushes, and other materials hang near each stall.
ExtraDesc dung~
Horse shit.  It smells rather bad.
ExtraDesc bucket buckets food water~
There are several old metal buckets, each full of oates or water.
ExtraDesc stall stalls~
Each stall has a simple wood frame, and has straw covering the floor.
Exit south 28001
EDesc The yard and the entrance to the inn are to the south.
Exit west 28003
EDesc A small storeroom is through a doorway to the west.

Name The Stable Storeroom~
Desc This small room is where the food and other stable supplies are kept.  
Several wooden bins line the walls, each full of various grains and oates.  
Like the stable itself, the floor is covered with straw.  There are also
two dirty pallets, which seem to indicate that the stable workers sleep 
here.  An open doorway to the main stable is to the east.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc pallets~
Two very dirty beds made of cloth and straw are here.
ExtraDesc straw~
This straw is much cleaner than that in the stable.
ExtraDesc food grains oates bins~
There are several wooden bins that line the walls here.  Each is filled with
grains and oates.
Exit east 28002
EDesc The stables are to the east.

Name The Common Room~
Desc This is the main common room of the Eastern Star Inn.  There are many 
tables and chairs placed around the room, although few are being used at 
the moment.  Windows line the south wall, and a huge stone fireplace is  
in the southwest corner.  The bar and kitchen are to the north, and a 
short hallway leads east to the reception desk and stairs.  The exit is  
through a wooden door to the west.  It is very warm because of the fire, 
and looks like an excellent place to sit back and enjoy a meal or a drink.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 115
Heal 115
ExtraDesc bar kitchen reception desk stairs~
You can't make them out that well from here.  Perhaps you should go that 
way and get a closer look.
ExtraDesc fireplace fire~
A bright fire burns in a huge stone fireplace.  
ExtraDesc windows~
These windows are made of very well made glass and are divided into 4 panes.
Through them you see the road a bit to the south.
ExtraDesc tables chairs~
Finely made chairs and tables are placed around the room.  They are made of
some hard wood, perhaps oak.
Exit north 28005
EDesc The bar and kitchen are to the north.
Exit east 28008
EDesc A short hallway leads to the reception desk and the stairs.
Exit west 28001
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords wooden door~
EDesc The exit to the inn's yard lies through a wooden door to the west.

Name The Bar~
Desc This is the northernmost part of the common room.  The bar is here, made 
of highly polished wood.  Behind it on shelves are many bottles of various 
colored liquids, and several large wooden kegs.  A few unoccupied tall 
stools sit in front of the bar.  There is a doorway to the north, and a 
stairway that leads down.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 115
Heal 115
ExtraDesc stools~
Several tall wooden stools are placed in front of the bar.
ExtraDesc kegs~
Two large wooden kegs, banded with metal strips, are resting on the floor
behind the bar.
ExtraDesc bottles liquids~
Many bottles of various shapes and sizes sit on the shelves.
ExtraDesc bar polished wood~
The bar is made of highly polished oak boards.  There are a few empty mugs
sitting on it.
Exit north 28006
EDesc To the north, an open doorway leads into the kitchen.
Exit south 28004
EDesc More of the common room and the exit is to the south.
Exit down 28007
EDesc The stairs lead down into darkness.

Name Kitchen~
Desc This is the kitchen of the Eastern Star Inn.  On the west wall is a huge
fireplace oven, in which a fire is burning.  Next to the oven are several
pails of water, and scattered throughout the room are various cooking
utensils.  There is a large table in the center of the room, upon which
there are some food scraps and a few jugs of unidentified liquid.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc jugs liquid~
A few jugs filled with cooking materials.  One smells like vinegar, the
others you don't recognize.
ExtraDesc scraps~
Mostly pieces of meat, bread, and vegetables.
ExtraDesc table~
A large table, with a stone top.  It is covered with food scraps and jugs of
ExtraDesc utensils~
Kitchen knives, large spoons, pots, pans, and various other cooking equipment.
ExtraDesc pails water~
Water to put out the cooking fire and for other cooking purposes.
ExtraDesc fireplace oven~
A large oven shaped from dark grey stone.  There is a metal grill positioned
above the fire.
Exit south 28005
EDesc The bar and common room are to the south.

Name Cellar Storeroom~
Desc This large underground room is packed full of jars, barrels, and sacks of
various kinds of food and drink.  The walls are stone, and it is kept very
cool so that the items don't spoil quickly.  The lighting is very poor.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc sacks~
Burlap sacks, filled with many kinds of food.
ExtraDesc barrels~
At least 10 huge barrels and kegs, filled with different liquids.
ExtraDesc jars~
Jars of many sizes and colors, filled with food of all types.
Exit up 28005
EDesc The bar and common room are just up the stairs.

Name Hallway~
Desc This wide hallway is very short.  It leads west to the common room, and
east to the reception desk.  There is a doorway to the north.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit north 28009
EFlags door~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc A large room lies through a doorway to the north.
Exit east 28010
EDesc The reception desk and stairs to the second floor are to the east.
Exit west 28004
EDesc The common room is to the west.

Name Meeting Room~
Desc This large room seems to be used as a meeting place for larger groups.  There
is a wooden table taking up most of the center of the room.  Chairs are
scattered throughout the room; some near the table and some facing a small
fireplace on the north wall.  Near the fireplace is a window.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc fireplace~
A small fireplace in which a fire is burning merrily.
ExtraDesc window~
A glass window in the north wall.  Through it you see the fields behind the
ExtraDesc chair chairs~
All of the chairs are made of the same oak wood as the table.  Some of them
even have cushions on the seat.
ExtraDesc table~
This wooden table seems to be carved of oak wood, and is very large.  It is
rectangular in shape.
Exit south 28008
EFlags door~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc The hallway is through the doorway to the south.

Name Inn's Reception~
Desc This is more of a wide hallway than a room.  There is a small desk along the
east wall, upon which is a guestbook and a pen.  Stairs lead up to the
second floor, and the hallway runs west.  There is a wooden door to the
north and an open arch to the south.
RoomFlags indoors inn~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc pen~
The pen is rather fancy.  It seems to be made from the feather of some large
bird.  There is a small inkwell next to it.
ExtraDesc guestbook book~
The guestbook is full of the names of those who have stayed at the inn
recently.  You don't recognize any of the names.
ExtraDesc desk~
This small desk is made of some unknown wood and is rather nondescript.
Exit north 28011
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords wooden door~
EDesc A wooden doorway is to the north.
Exit south 28019
Exit west 28008
EDesc The wide hallway leads to the west.
Exit up 28012
EDesc The wooden stairs lead up to the second floor.

Name Inkeepers Room~
Desc This seems to be where the innkeeper and his wife live.  There is a large
bed against one wall, and several chairs around a small table.  A fireplace
is built into the north wall, as is a window.  Several cabinets are along
the east wall, and a large chest lies at the foot of the bed.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc cabinet cabinets~
The cabinets are open, and contain nothing but boring clothing.
ExtraDesc window~
This small window faces north, and overlooks the yard behind the inn.
ExtraDesc fireplace~
A small fireplace in which a fire is burning merrily.
ExtraDesc chair chairs table~
The table and chairs are carved from some unknown wood, and are rather
Exit south 28010
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords wooden door~
EDesc The reception and hallway are through the door to the south.

Name Second Floor Hallway~
Desc This hallway is wide and fairly short.  There are stairs leading down to the
first floor, and doors to the north and south.  The hallway continues to the
west, where you see more doors.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc door doors~
The doors are made of wood.
ExtraDesc stairs~
The stairs are made of wood, and lead down to the ground floor.
Exit north 28013
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc A guest room is through a wooden doorway to the north.
Exit east 28000
EFlags door closed~
EKeywords door~
EDesc A guest room is through a wooden doorway to the east.
Exit south 28014
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc A guest room is through a wooden doorway to the south.
Exit west 28015
EDesc The hallway lead a short distance west, where you see more doors.
Exit down 28010
EDesc The stairs lead down to the ground floor.

Name Guest Room~
Desc This is one of the inn's second floor guest rooms.  It is finely furnished
with all sorts of comfortable furniture and decorations.  There is a large,
comfortable bed, several chairs, a table, and a cabinet.  Built into the
north wall is a small fireplace and a window.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc window~
A small window that faces north and overlooks the back yard of the inn and
the mountain range to the north.
ExtraDesc fireplace~
A small stone fireplace built into the north wall.
ExtraDesc chairs table cabinet~
The chairs, table and cabinet are all finely made from the same oak wood.
ExtraDesc furniture decorations~
There is a bed, chairs, a table, and a cabinet.
Exit south 28012
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc To the south is the door to the hallway.

Name Guest Room~
Desc This is one of the inn's second floor guest rooms.  It is finely furnished
with all sorts of comfortable furniture and decorations.  There is a large,
comfortable bed, several chairs, a table, and a cabinet.  Built into the
south wall is a small fireplace and a window.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc window~
A small window that overlooks the road and forest to the south.
ExtraDesc fireplace~
A small stone fireplace built into the south wall.
ExtraDesc chairs table cabinet~
The chairs, table and cabinet are all finely made from the same oak wood.
ExtraDesc furniture decorations~
There is a bed, chairs, a table, and a cabinet.
Exit north 28012
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc To the north is the door to the hallway.

Name Second Floor Hallway~
Desc The western end of this small hallway is rather unremarkable.  There are
guest rooms through doorways to the north, south, and west.  Off to the east
the hallway comes to more doors and a stairway.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc door doors~
The doors are made of wood and lead into guest rooms.
Exit north 28016
EFlags door closed locked easy~
EKeyvnum 28099
EKeywords door~
EDesc A guest room is through a wooden doorway to the north.
Exit east 28012
EDesc The hallway runs east to the stairs and more rooms.
Exit south 28017
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc A guest room is through a wooden doorway to the south.
Exit west 28018
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc To the west is a wooden doorway which leads into a guest room.

Name Guest Room~
Desc This is one of the inn's second floor guest rooms.  It is finely furnished
with all sorts of comfortable furniture and decorations.  There is a large,
comfortable bed, several chairs, a table, and a cabinet.  Built into the
north wall is a small fireplace and a window.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc window~
A small window that faces north and overlooks the back yard of the inn and
the mountain range to the north.
ExtraDesc fireplace~
A small stone fireplace built into the north wall.
ExtraDesc chairs table cabinet~
The chairs, table and cabinet are all finely made from the same oak wood.
ExtraDesc furniture decorations~
There is a bed, chairs, a table, and a cabinet.
Exit south 28015
EFlags door closed locked easy~
EKeyvnum 28099
EKeywords door~
EDesc To the south is the door to the hallway.

Name Guest Room~
Desc This is one of the inn's second floor guest rooms.  It is finely furnished
with all sorts of comfortable furniture and decorations.  There is a large,
comfortable bed, several chairs, a table, and a cabinet.  Built into the
south wall is a small fireplace and a window.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc window~
A small window that overlooks the road and forest to the south.
ExtraDesc fireplace~
A small stone fireplace built into the south wall.
ExtraDesc chairs table cabinet~
The chairs, table and cabinet are all finely made from the same oak wood.
ExtraDesc furniture decorations~
There is a bed, chairs, a table, and a cabinet.
Exit north 28015
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc To the north is the door to the hallway.

Name Guest Room~
Desc This is one of the inn's second floor guest rooms.  It is finely furnished
with all sorts of comfortable furniture and decorations.  There is a large,
comfortable bed, several chairs, a table, and a cabinet.  Built into the
west wall is a small fireplace and a window.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 120
Heal 120
ExtraDesc window~
A small window that overlooks the road and forest to the west.
ExtraDesc fireplace~
A small stone fireplace built into the west wall.
ExtraDesc chairs table cabinet~
The chairs, table and cabinet are all finely made from the same oak wood.
ExtraDesc furniture decorations~
There is a bed, chairs, a table, and a cabinet.
Exit east 28015
EFlags door closed~
EKeyvnum -1
EKeywords door~
EDesc To the east is the door to the hallway.

Name A Large Locker Storage Room~
Desc . You are in a large dimly lit room with a number of lockers surrounding the 
Sector inside~
LockerQuant 30
LockerInitRent 100
LockerOngoRent 250
LockerWeight 150
LockerCapacity 50
LockerPickProof 1
Exit north 28010


M 28000 spec_cast_druid
M 28007 spec_cast_mage
M 28010 spec_cast_cleric

O 0 28039 -1 28000
M 0 28000 1 28000 1
E 0 28000 -1 wielded~
M 0 28001 1 28001 1
E 0 28001 100 torso~
O 0 28002 0 28001
M 0 28002 1 28002 1
E 0 28003 100 wielded~
E 0 28004 100 legs~
M 0 28003 4 28002 3
E 0 28059 -1 torso~
M 0 28003 4 28002 3
E 0 28059 -1 torso~
M 0 28004 1 28004 1
E 0 28005 5 torso~
E 0 28006 10 wielded~
G 0 28007 -1
M 0 28005 2 28004 1
E 0 28008 100 about~
E 0 28009 100 hold~
M 0 28006 4 28004 1
E 0 28010 100 about~
M 0 28007 1 28004 1
E 0 28011 5 about~
E 0 28012 10 wielded~
G 0 28013 -1
G 0 28014 -1
O 0 28057 0 28004
M 0 28010 1 28004 1
E 0 28021 10 wielded~
E 0 28022 10 neck1~
M 0 28008 1 28005 1
E 0 28034 100 torso~
E 0 28035 100 legs~
G 0 28015 -1
G 0 28016 -1
G 0 28017 -1
G 0 28018 -1
G 0 28054 -1
G 0 28019 -1
G 0 28045 -1
G 0 28046 -1
G 0 28047 -1
G 0 28048 -1
G 0 28049 -1
G 0 28050 -1
G 0 28051 -1
G 0 28056 -1
G 0 28055 -1
M 0 28009 1 28005 1
E 0 28020 100 wielded~
O 0 28052 0 28005
O 0 28053 0 28005
O 0 28057 0 28005
O 0 28058 0 28005
M 0 28011 1 28006 1
E 0 28023 100 wielded~
E 0 28024 100 about~
M 0 28012 1 28006 1
E 0 28025 100 hold~
M 0 28013 2 28007 2
M 0 28013 2 28007 2
M 0 28014 1 28009 1
E 0 28026 100 wielded~
E 0 28027 100 torso~
M 0 28015 4 28009 4
E 0 28028 100 wielded~
E 0 28029 30 rfinger~
M 0 28015 4 28009 4
E 0 28028 100 wielded~
E 0 28029 30 rfinger~
M 0 28015 4 28009 4
E 0 28028 100 wielded~
E 0 28029 30 rfinger~
M 0 28015 4 28009 4
E 0 28028 100 wielded~
E 0 28029 30 rfinger~
M 0 28016 1 28010 1
G 0 28031 -1
E 0 28034 100 torso~
E 0 28035 100 legs~
O 0 28030 0 28011
P 0 28032 1 28030 1
P 0 28033 1 28030 1
M 0 28017 1 28011 1
E 0 28036 100 about~
E 0 28037 50 neck1~
M 0 28018 2 28011 1
E 0 28038 100 neck1~
O 0 28039 0 28011
O 0 28039 0 28013
O 0 28039 0 28014
M 0 28020 1 28014 1
E 0 28042 100 about~
O 0 28039 0 28016
M 0 28019 2 28016 2
E 0 28040 100 wielded~
E 0 28041 100 torso~
M 0 28019 2 28016 2
E 0 28040 100 wielded~
E 0 28041 100 torso~
O 0 28039 0 28017
O 0 28039 0 28018

profit_buy 100
profit_sell 75
close_hour 23


title ronar quest, speech markrist~
code say Markrist is the lawless town on the big island to the northeast.
say You gotta do a bit of sailing to get there.
say Watch out for the sea serpents, they pack a wallop!
emote guffaws deeply, spraying his meal all over you.
disabled false

title ronar quest, speech password~
code if hastoken $n 27158
emote grins and relaxes.
say Alright, I guess ye couldn't know that without the old man trustin ye.
say Well, you ain't gonna be happy, cause I ain't got the map anymore.
say I sold it to a smuggler in Markrist.
say If ye want it, yer gonna have to find him.  
emote thinks for a moment.
say The streets are crawlin with smugglers there, so you're gonna have to ask around about the map.
say Sorry I can't help ye any more than that.
emote turns back to his meal.
mob oload 27159
mob tgive 27159 $n
say Khuzad? Don't know what you're talking about!
emote turns back to his meal.
disabled false

title ronar quest, speech map~
code if hastoken $n 27157
say Map you say?
say I see you've been talking to the old man in town.
say Well, i don't know if you look like the type I can trust.
emote stares at you appraisingly.
say Did the old man give you our password?
say If so give it to me now, or leave me be.
say Map.. what map?
emote grunts.
disabled false

