colourcode `
security 7

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'freezing star' <weapon>`+
This commune allows certain types of weapons to become imbued with a 
chilling enchantment that freezes bare skin upon contact.  This freeze can 
sink into muscles and slow movements, sapping the victim of their natural 
strength.  Flasks of magical potions and other liquids can also become 
frozen and explode on contact.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_elemental 

keyword BENEDICT~
category undefined~
see_also MALEDICT~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune benedict <person>`+
A faithful cleric may call down the favor of their diety on another, 
producing nothing but good affects.  The recipient of this will feel like 
the gods are smiling upon them.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?convocation protection`+

keyword FIND-OBJECT~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'find object' <keyword(s)>`+
This commune will seek the aid of the dieties to locate an object in the 
realm. The spell shows an image of the one who carries the object, or the 
vicinity of where it lies. If you are vague in your search details, you may 
find many more items that fit the description than you were looking for.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_divination 

keyword FORCE-SLEEP~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'force sleep' <victim>`+
This commune forces the victim into a deep sleep that's beyond their will or 
control, if successful.  If this commune fails, the victim may feel the 
intrusion on their body and mind, and know the intent of this offensive 
spell, and take actions.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_body `=_mind 

keyword HEAT-METAL~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'heat metal' <target>`+
Heat metal is a powerful divine attack commune, with effects that vary 
according to the armor of the victim.  It heats up the metal equipment 
(assumed to be all weapons and armor at this point in time) on the target, 
causing him or her to drop them if possible, taking serious burns in the 
process (possibly fatal if the equipment is too heavy to remove easily).  
This spell does no damage to creatures who are immune to fire.  `+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_elemental 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'unholy aura' <character>`+
`=?        commune 'holy aura' <character>`+
These spells conjure an aura of protection around the target of the commune. 
Holy aura works only on the pure and good, grants them protection from 
damage, as well as protection from negative energies, and any evil that 
touches the target will be hurt by their aura.`+
Unholy Aura is simply the version for those who lead 'less virtuous' lives.  
It also offers protection from damage, protection from the more holy 
energies, and creates an aura which hurts good creatures.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_convocation `=_protection 

keyword HOLY-WORD~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'holy word' `+
Holy word involves the invocation of the full power of a cleric's god, with 
disastrous effects upon the enemies of the cleric coupled with powerful 
blessings on the cleric's allies.  All creatures of like alignment in the 
room are blessed and filled with righteous divine wrath, while those of 
opposite morals (or both good and evil in the case of neutral clerics) are 
struck down by holy (or unholy might) and cursed.  The cleric suffers 
greatly from the strain of this spell, being left unable to move and drained 
of vitality.  `+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_convocation

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'know alignment' <person>`+
Everyone is enveloped by an aura that reveals their true alignment, 
depending on their deeds and how this wish to act in any given situation. 
This commune reveals the nature of the person in question, allowing the 
caster to see the revealing auras.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_divination

keyword PLAGUE~
category undefined~
spell_name plague~
text The plague spell infests the target with a disease of great virulence, 
sapping the strength and causing horrific suffering to the victim, possibly 
leading to death.  It is a risky spell to use, as the contagion can spread 
like wildfire if the victim makes it to a populated area.`+

keyword POISON~
category undefined~
see_also ENVENOM~
spell_name poison~
text Poison can have devestating effects when injected into the body.  It reduces 
the strength of the victim, causing them to feel week and nausious, as well 
as reduces the victim's regeneration rate. It may also be used to poison 
food, drink, or a weapon in a fashion similar to envenom, but with 
drastically reduced effectiveness.`+

category undefined~
spell_name poison immunity~
text This spell enhances the body's abilities to fend off unknown toxins and 
various poisons.  When affected by this spell, the caster is virtually 
immune to all poisons.  `+

category undefined~
spell_name protection acid~
text `=?        commune 'protection lightning'`+
These communes for protection will offer protection against against two of 
the the many natural elements that can cause much damage: acid and 
lightning.  When protected from these elements, the caster takes upto 50% 
less damage when coming into contact with them, whether they be magical 
attacks or something in the wilds.  Unlike many other protective commune, 
both can be in use at the same time.`+

keyword REFRESH~
category undefined~
spell_name refresh~
text This commune grants the person a refreshing boost of energy when they are 
feeling tired and beat.  It is rumored that the first who asked this of 
their diety has stayed awake for days straight off a constant supply of 
refresh, but with adverse affects to his thought patterns.  It is also 
possible to walk further distances without the constant need to rest.  `+

category undefined~
spell_name remove curse~
text This is a cleansing commune, in the eyes of the holy ones.  When someone is 
cursed, they have the ill favors of the gods.  This commune will attempt to 
lighten the curse on the person, granting them favors lost, such as recall.  
If an object is cursed, cast this commune directly on it to remove the 

category undefined~
spell_name regeneration~
text This commune increases the heartbeat and metabolism of person that will, in 
turn, cause old wounds to heal much faster. The recipient might also notice 
an increase in appetite as well.`+

keyword SANCTUARY~
category undefined~
spell_name sanctuary~
text This spell calls down the protection and defense from powers above.  A 
distinctively white aura protects the target character from damage received 
in battle.  The target of this spell will only feel half of all damage 
received while under protection.  `+

keyword WRATH~
category undefined~
spell_name wrath~
text This spell focuses the wrath of your diety upon your enemy.  The wrath 
invades your enemy's soul and and renders them much weaker, and much more 
susceptible to death. This spell has a limited use and can only be activated 
for dark knights and those that wish to cause havoc in the enemy's being.`+

keyword SOBER~
category undefined~
spell_name sober~
text This will remove any trace of alcohol, and completely sober up the one 
that's apparently had too much to drink.  Those that are known violent 
drunks may not appreciate the act of kindness at first..`+

keyword MALEDICT~
category undefined~
see_also BENEDICT~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune maledict <target>`+
A faithful cleric may call down the anger of their diety on another, 
producing nothing but ill effects.  The recipient of this will fell like the 
gods are looking upon then with distaste, and may take action against the 
offensiveness of this commune.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_convocation`+

keyword SMITE~
category undefined~
spell_name smite~
text By invoking this prayer, powerful and faithful clerics may bring down the 
wrath of their god on an enemy.  It is quite a powerful strike, and not to 
be used lightly.  Some have found that the damage will be greater when used 
on those of opposite beliefs, and very little damage will be inflicted on 
those with similar views.`+

keyword HOLY-BEAM~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'holy beam' <target>`+
With this spell a cleric can summon forth a divine beam of light from their 
god.  This light is shot down from the sky onto the hands of the cleric.  
This spectacular light glows with blue, pink, yellow, white and green colors 
and in a matter of seconds this light forms into a glistening ball.  If 
blessed by their god this ball of magnificent light will grow more powerful 
in the hands of the cleric.  When targeted correctly this beam will BLAST a 
striking force of light leaving an opponent blind.  Since this light is 
divine it will be more permanent than any other blinding spell.  In its full 
effect this spell will sear the retina and will cause severe pain in the 
opponent as it rips through their flesh.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_convocation

category undefined~
spell_name protection evil~
text `=?        commune 'protection good'`+
These communes for protection will offer only protection against an entity 
of good/evil, depending on which protection is conjured. The protections may 
not be granted to others and only one or the other may protect the
caster at a given time.  A person may not have both prayers active at the
same time.

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'create water' <container>`+
This commune creates water from thin air, which in turn replenishes the 
empty drink container that this spell is focused at, with a refreshing, 
crystal clear water free of minerals and impurities.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_creation `=_elemental 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cure blindness' <person>`+
This commune, which some praise as nothing short of a miracle, attempts to 
alleviate the person of temporary blindness, that which is caused by the 
malicious spell of blindness.  This does not work on blindness from smoke, 
dirt, or those that are naturally born blind.  Best leave those miracles to 
the deities themselves.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_healing 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cure disease' <person>`+
This commune works to halt the spread of plague before it breaks out into 
epidemic proportions.  Any who are suffering the ill effects of the dreaded 
plague may be alleviated with the assistance of such a cure, or take the 
traumatic chance of beating the plague before it claims your life.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?death healing 

keyword CURE-POISON~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cure poison' <person>`+
This commune cleanses the blood of those affected with any of the several 
known poisons in the realm.`+
Signs that you might be affected by poison include, but are not limited to: 
weakness, nausea, uncontrolled perspiration and/or shivering, or a 
slithering snake with huge fangs latched on to your heel.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_healing 

category undefined~
spell_name protection magic~
text This commune brings forth the protection of the gods to help fend of magical 
attacks and any other malignant spells. The beneficiary of this protection 
has a larger chance of saving vs. spells, and only taking half damage.`+

category undefined~
text ..  `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'accurate vision' <direction>`+
Accurate vision grants a vision from above to the dedicated cleric.  This 
vision will give images of who is nearby.  While this commune take more 
effort than a simple scan, it's possible to see through doors and see 
farther away with this god-granted vision.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?divination 

keyword ANALYSE~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune analyse <object>`+
No one knows more about the lands than those that created it.  Whether you 
want to know what something is made of or what enchantments affect it, a 
simple commune will reveal much information.  Speak with the omniscient, and 
much will be revealed in a simple analysis.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?divination 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune assistance <object>`+
Ask for a favor, and thou shalt receive.  A commune for assistance will 
randomly increase your performance in some way, whether it be reasoning, 
stength, or perhaps quickness, to name a few.  Now that you have the favor 
of the gods, what you do with it is your decision.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?combat convocation 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'blood star' <weapon>`+
Truly an art for the wicked at heart, blood star invokes an life draining 
aura on the weapon that has a chance of transferring the life force to the 
attacker, from the victim with every slash.  The power doesn't cohere well 
with the weapons, and thus aren't very powerful, but it is quite a 
mischievious enchantment. `+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_death 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cancel magic' <person>`+
This spell actually strips dwoemers from an ally.  It is much less effective 
than other spells that might remove magic, but it isn't considered a form of 
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_convocation `=_protection 

keyword -COMMAND~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune command <target> `+
Command is a mind penetrating spell that renders the victim hopeless against 
your willpower, and causes then to become your devoted follower.  When you 
control someone, you can ORDER then to do certain things, given they aren't 
too dangerous.`+
When you command someone, you are responsible for their actions. `+
`GSPHERES: `=?mind 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cleansing winds' <target> `+
Cleansing winds calls forth a powerful blast of wind which will try to 
cleanse the soul of the victim, but will most likely only succeed in causing 
great damage.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_convocation 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'destroy magic' <target> `+
With the help of divine powers, this commune attempts to unbind all that 
binds the magics together.  This spell causes a ripping sensation in the 
victim when unbinding magics, causing a great pain that will most likely 
provoke combat.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_protection 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'eternal light'`+
`=?        commune 'eternal light' <object> `+
And then He said, "Let there be light."  This commune will create a ball of 
light out of nothing, and it will glow for what appears to be an indefinate 
time.  The commune can also be used to give objects a glow of magic 
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_creation 

keyword DREAMLAND~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune dreamland <person>`+
This spell grants the person a moment of peace from the hectic life of the 
adventure traveler.  Whether they are tired, or just need a quick nap, 
dreamland will send them dozing until they can't sleep any longer.  This 
only works on those willing to fall asleep.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_body `=_mind 

category undefined~
spell_name sacred sanctuary~
text This commune prays for a quick teleport to a place of known safety, the 
place where safety comes in numbers.  Depending on who you pray to, you will 
be transported to either the center of Mekali, or Dzagari.`+

category undefined~
spell_name wrath of the land~
text The earth churns and trembles as the the final words of this commune are 
uttered.  Wrath of the land brings forth the anger of the Goddess of Mythrin 
to any who are nearby the caster.  Small children may stumble from this, and 
shelves will be cleared as the earth tosses and turns until for the duration 
of this spell.`+

keyword LIFE-DRAIN~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'life drain' <victim>`+
This commune allows the clerical caster to act as a conduit and draw in 
external energies from the source of this wicked spell, the victim.  The 
caster will attempt to transfer the mind, body, and soul of the target unto 
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_death 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'holy vision' <person>`+
This commune grants the cleric a short termed vision from the all seeing 
deities.  It grants the vision to see someone else, where ever they are in 
the realms.  Certain areas are protected from such scrying attempts, and the 
no god would betray the others and scry upon the other gods.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_convocation `=_divination

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'flaming star' <weapon>`+
`=?        commune 'freezing star' <weapon>`+
These commune allows certain types of weapons to become imbued with a fiery 
or freezing enchantment that burns or freezes bare skin upon contact, 
respectively.  The smokey flame from the flaming weapon can cause a 
temporary smoke blindness if exposed to the eyes, and can burn combustibles, 
such as parchments and scrolls, on contact. On the otherhand, the freezing 
weapon can cause frost burn on bare skin, creating a coldness that sinks 
deep into the muscles, and can freeze potion flasks and waterskin on 
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_elemental 

category undefined~
text ..  `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'commune with dead' <corpse>`+
This commune grants the holy cleric the last words with the deceased before 
eternal rest.  The cleric summons a ghostly spirit from whatever remains of 
the corpse there is, which will reveal who had brought on that terrible fate 
and slayed the victim. `+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_divination 

category undefined~
spell_name protection cold~
text These communes for protection will offer protection against magics of cold 
or heat, depending on which protection is conjured, and will reduce damage 
taken from those attacks by upto 50%. The protections may not be granted to 
others, and only one or the other may protect the caster at a given time.`+

category undefined~
spell_name starvation~
text This will cause the target to be gripped with instant hunger.  The unlucky 
victim will need to consume food immediately, or could die from lack of 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'dehydration' <target>`+
This commune will cause the victim to be gripped with instant thirst.  The 
unlucky victim may be required to consume water or other liquid immediately, 
or could perish from lack of water.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_time 

keyword BLESS~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune bless <person>`+
`=?        commune bless <object>`+
Those who serve the gods can bestow the blessing of their diety to help with 
such things as combats, saves against spells, and do more damage to the 
unholy.  Blessings can be cast directly on someone, or even cast on objects 
such as armor and weapons, to grant assistance.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_convocation 

keyword BLINDNESS~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune blindness <target>`+
Casting blindness on someone will cause the diety to revoke the sight of the 
person for what seems like an infinitely long time, if you're the one 
suffering from lack of vision.  `+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_healing 

keyword CALM~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'calm' <person>`+
One of the most useful and often overlooked abilities of the master cleric 
is the calm spell, which can put an end to all violence in a room.  Calmed 
creatures will not attack of their own volition, and are at a disadvantage 
in combat as long as the spell soothes their minds.  The more violent 
activity there is in a room, the harder the spell, and it is all or nothing 
-- either all combat in the room is ended (with the exception of those who 
are immune to magic) or none is.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_convocation `=_mind 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'call lightning' <target>`+
When the conditions for thunderstorms are right, a cleric can call down a 
searing bolt of lightning upon his target.  This spell, naturally, only works 
when outdoor.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_weather 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cause light' <victim>`+
`=?        commune 'cause critical' <victim>`+
`=?        commune 'cause serious' <victim>`+
`=?        commune harm <victim>`+
Those trained in the healing arts are equally proficient in causing damage 
as well.  Instead of channeling life force into the victim, it is sucked out 
and channeled back to the diety.  Upon laying hands on the victim, the sheer 
life force is drained and old wounds open as pain is inflicted on the 
victim.  It is almost as if watching old wounds open up.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_healing 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'control weather' <better|worse>`+
This commune asks for divine assistance in changing the affects of the 
weather. This works best when outdoors, since there isn't much of a 
noticeable weather change from indoors.  Change weather will cause the 
weather to get better or worse, depending on the will of the of the cleric.`+
`GSPHERE: `=?`=_weather 

keyword CREATE-FOOD~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'create food'`+
This commune creates a single enhanced mushrooms for those times when only 
one will do.  Not many other types of foods compare in how full a single 
mushroom can make you.  This is truly a gift of the gods.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_creation `=_nature 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'create buffet'`+
This commune creates a whole buffet of enhanced mushrooms. Not many other 
types of foods compare in how full a single mushroom can make you.  This is 
truly a gift of the gods.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_creation `=_nature 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'create spring'`+
This commune creates a fountain-type spring to be placed in the middle of 
the room, where anyone can drink from it.  The refreshing water has no 
impuritues, has a refreshing taste, and might possibly be bottled and sold, 
if there were such a market for that.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_creation `=_elemental 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cure light' <person>`+
`=?        commune 'cure  critical' <person>`+
`=?        commune 'cure serious' <person>`+
`=?        commune heal <person>`+
`=?        commune 'mass healing'`+
`=?        commune rejuvinate <person>`+
What would a cleric or paladin be without powers to mend wounds. These 
communes send forth healing energies into the target when the caster lays 
hands on them. The intensity of healing ranges from closing a few scratches, 
to healing all in the general vicinity, to completely mending all wounds, 
but the latter creates great strain on the cleric.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_healing 

keyword CURSE~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune curse <target> `+
`=?        commune curse <object>`+
Those who serve the gods can brings down the fury of their diety to cause 
greate discomfort to their enemies.  This spell causes the target to perform 
much worse in combats, and reduces the chance to save against spells. It 
also renders the character unclean in the eyes of their god and unable to 
RECALL. Curse may be used to fill equipment with evil power as well, 
allowing (for example) weapons to do more damage to particularly holy 
opponents.  `+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_convocation

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'detect hidden' `+
This spell enhanced the senses of the caster to help detect creatures and 
characters that are sneaking or otherwise hiding in the shadows. This does 
not help in any way to sense those that are magically hidden.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_divination 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'detect invis' `+
This spell grants the caster the ability to detect those that are magically 
invisible to the naked eye.  This also works to detect objects that are 
hidden by the same nature.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_divination

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'detect magic' `+
Magic is everywhere, though it can't be detected when not in a more 
concentrated form.  This spell grants the caster to detect the auras around 
objects with strong magical enchantments on them. `+
`G`GREALMS: `=?`=_divination 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'detect poison' <object> `+
This commune detects the presence of poison in food or drink by altering the 
poison so that it releases obnoxious fumes that are easy for a trained 
cleric to smell.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_divination `=_nature 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'dispel good' <target>`+
`=?        commune 'dispel evil' <target>`+
The communes of dispel will channel forth energies of spiritual cleansing, 
inflicting horrific torment when used against those of opposing alliance to 
the summoned energies.  Care must be taken when channeling, for these 
energies will inflict damage on the caster as well if they require the 
spiritual cleansing as well.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_protection 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'detect good'`+
`=?        commune 'detect evil'`+
This group of communes enables the caster to more easily determine who are 
the goodly and evil people with merely a passing glance.  It will reveal a 
characteristic golden and reddish aura, respectively, which fully envelops 
their entity of those that have strong tendencies to act one way or another.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_divination 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune flamestrike <target> `+
Flamestrike calls down a billowing vertical column of blistering hot fire on 
the target, inflicting severe damage and critical burns.  Those standing 
near the victim have been known to have singed many hairs, and should be 
advised to not stand so close.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_elemental 

keyword FRENZY~
category undefined~
see_also CALM~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune frenzy <person> `+
Frenzy fills the recipient with righteous fury, greatly increasing his or 
her melee attack skills and damaging capacity.  Unfortunately, this divine 
wrath is coupled with a tendency to ignore threats to personal safety, 
making the character easier to hit.  Frenzy provides immunity to the calm 
spell and may only be used on those of that share the caster's alliance.  `+
`GSPHERES: `=?combat convocation`+

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune drunkeness <person>`+
This spell is more for cheap amusement by the caster than anything harmful.  
It grants the victim the same side-affects of a full night at the local 
tavern.  The target character will instantly feel his head spin, start 
talking in a slur, and may even feel like throwing up, depending on the 
intoxicity of the spell.  The only side affects may be a mean drunk or a 
nasty hangover.  `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_body

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'aura of temperance'`+
Discovered long ago by a humble cleric searching for her peace and harmony 
during the violent times of war, this spell granted her something she always 
desired, but had been out of reach.  She was being charged by a pack of war 
dogs when approaching the gory battle scenes.  Uttering a quick prayer of 
mercy, her prayers were answered, and the fierce glare of the charging 
canines turned into a look of indifference as they slowed to a halt and soon 
turned their back in her.  The cleric, when granted protection from the 
diety, is surrounded by an undetectable aura that has a tendency to sooth 
even the most aggressive of beasties.  `+
`GSPHERES: `=?combat protection   

level 200
category undefined~
text **********************************************************************
*                Clerics magic help file                             *

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'lightning star' <weapon>`+
This commune imbues a weapon with an electrified shocking enchantment, which 
lets out a jolt of searing electricity upon contact.  The victim suffers 
double damage: damge from the weapon wounds, and also damage from the 
nerve-numbing shocks.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_combat `=_elemental 

category undefined~
spell_name rotting touch~
text This commune grants the caster the chilling touch similar to that of the 
undead, which saps all energies and strength from the muscles of the one 
touched, causing a weakening sensation until the muscles have time to relax 
and warm up.`+

category undefined~
spell_name protection poison~
text This commune grants the caster the protection to naturally fend off toxins 
and poisons found in the realms.  While the protection doesn't grant 
immunity to such poisons, there is a higher chance that the caster can shrug 
off the ill effects before becoming seriously ill.`+

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune darkvision`+
This commune grants the caster the abilities to visualize heat patterns and 
see others in the dark, when the normal eyesight doesn't work.  Only 
warm-blooded creatures are detectable using darkvision, and exits are easier 
to spot as well.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_body `=_divination 

keyword DEAFNESS~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune prayer <target>`+
The deafness prayer, though not as painful as some, causes the victim to 
lose any and all hearing.  It may not seem like a long time to the cleric 
who brought about this prayer upon the victim, but to the victim it will 
seem like an eternity.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_healing 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?commune 'cure deafness' <person>`+
When a healer finds a soul tormented by a loss of all hearing, they may pray 
to their Gods or Goddesses in hope that they will help the tormented in 
regaining their hearing. Only those close to their deity seem to get an 
answer though.`+
`GSPHERES: `=?`=_death `=_healing 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? cast 'divine light'`+
The communer of this spell summons a glowing light from the heavens,`+
which floats down upon the floor only to disperse into an ethereal,`+
glowing mist.  This mist provides increased regeneration to all who`+
rest or sleep by it.`+
`GSPHERES:`=? `=_creation `=_healing`+

level 1
category undefined~
spell_name spirit hammer~
text This powerful prayer can save the faithful cleric's life, should he find 
himself disarmed or otherwise without a weapon.  To call upon this power, 
the priest raises his arm toward the heavens and murmurs a devotion of 
faith.  As the syllables are uttered, a sturdy warhammer hewn from ether 
materializes in his palm, a gift from his patron.  The hammer can be used as 
any ordinary weapon for the duration of this prayer, dealing out holy (or 
unholy) retribution before disappearing into thin air. 

keyword HOLYGRIP~
level 1
category undefined~
text `BSyntax:`w commune holygrip
This spell grants the caster the intensely powerful grip 
which prevents any weapons wielded from being disarmed in combat.
`GSpheres:`w `=_body `=_creation`x
