Version     11
FromMUD     Dawn 1.69r Development Site~
*parent_codebase 1.69r-ReleaseCandiate1
Name        Fire Giant Castle~
ShortName   Fire Giants~
Builders    None~
Credits     Ralen Xelton~
VNUMs       1800 1899
LRange      75 91
Security    9
Colour      R~
colourcode  `
MapScale    6
MapLevel    65
Vnum_offset 0
Continent   valarin~
*LastSaved  Sat Jan 31 23:48:10 2004~

Name giant troll~
ShortD a giant troll~
LongD A giant troll is sleeping here.~
Desc Before you is a giant troll.  It is larger than most trolls of the realm
standing about 11 feet tall.  Its skin reddish brown in color and covered
with warts and bumps.  It has evil looking red-rimmed eyes that are sunken
into its face.  The troll has a bit of a pot belly and is hunched over.  Its
long , muscled arms almost drag on the ground when it is walking.  The troll
has a strong stench that would drive even flies away.  
Race troll~
Align -3 -3
Level 79
Hitroll -1
HitDice 18d11+295
ManaDice 10d10+10
DamDice 8d10+38
DamType claw
AC -450 -450 -450 -400
Wealth 80
Act    npc scavenger no_tame aggressive stay_area warrior~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared regeneration~
Off    bash berserk disarm kick parry crush~
Res    charm bash~
Vuln   fire acid~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws fangs~
StartP sleeping~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name young fire giant guard black skinned~
ShortD a fire giant guard~
LongD A young, black skinned giant is standing here.~
Desc Before you stands a young fire giant guard.  The guard is tall at almost
18 feet, but squat and bulky.  He looks something like an oversized dwarf. 
The fire giant has large, corded muscles and coal black skin.  The scowl on
his face and bright orange hair make him look very mean.  
Race human~
Align 2 -3
Level 73
Hitroll 0
HitDice 8d11+385
ManaDice 10d10+200
DamDice 9d9+38
DamType crush
AC -470 -470 -470 -400
Wealth 700
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area warrior~
AffBy  slow~
Off    bash disarm kick parry crush assist_all~
Res    charm fire~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name giant troll guard~
ShortD a giant troll guard~
LongD A giant troll guard is walking about.~
Desc Before you is a giant troll.  It is larger than most trolls of the realm
standing about 11 feet tall.  Its skin reddish brown in color and covered
with warts and bumps.  It has evil looking red-rimmed eyes that are sunken
into its face.  The troll has a bit of a pot belly and is hunched over.  Its
long , muscled arms almost drag on the ground when it is walking.  The troll
has a strong stench that would drive even flies away.  
Race troll~
Align -3 -3
Level 79
Hitroll -1
HitDice 18d11+295
ManaDice 10d10+10
DamDice 8d10+38
DamType claw
AC -450 -510 -450 -400
Wealth 80
Act    npc scavenger no_tame aggressive stay_area warrior~
AffBy  detect_hidden infrared regeneration~
Off    bash berserk disarm parry crush~
Res    charm bash~
Vuln   fire acid~
Form   edible poison sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye claws fangs~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name fire hound large fierce red~
ShortD a large fire hound~
LongD A large, fierce looking hound with red fur is chained up here.~
Desc The large fire hound before you is a fiery creation from another plane of
existence.  It has rust-red fur and red glowing eyes.  There are small black
spots on the hounds body.  Its sharp teeth and tongue are soot black in
color.  A strong sulfur odor is coming from the fire hound.  
Race wolf~
Align 2 -3
Level 75
Hitroll 1
HitDice 7d11+380
ManaDice 7d10+200
DamDice 8d9+38
DamType flbite
AC -430 -430 -430 -380
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden sneak dark_vision~
Off    dodge fade fast assist_all~
Imm    summon charm fire~
Vuln   cold~
Form   magical animal sentient biped mountable mammal~
Part   head legs heart hands feet ear eye tail claws fangs~
StartP resting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material flesh

Name ettin large two-headed giant~
ShortD an ettin~
LongD A large two-headed giant is sitting here.~
Desc You are looking at a large, two-headed giant.  The giant has light brown
skin that appears to be very soiled.  The two fierce looking heads have
long, stringy unkempt hair and large, watery eyes.  Their noses look more
like piggish snouts.  They have large mouths with disgustingly yellow teeth
many of which are missing.  The giant stinks badly apparently not having
taken a bath in quite some time, if ever.  
Race human~
Align -3 -3
Level 81
Hitroll 1
HitDice 8d12+400
ManaDice 5d10+0
DamDice 9d10+45
DamType crush
AC -540 -540 -540 -490
Wealth 500
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area~
AffBy  dark_vision~
Off    bash disarm parry crush~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name cyclops large one-eyed giant~
ShortD a cyclops~
LongD A large, one-eyed giant is resting here.~
Desc Before you is a monstrous giant with only one eye in the center of its
head.  The giant is over 20 feet tall and looks very muscular.  The eye is
very large and deep red in color making the giant look quite angry.  This
warrior wears now armor, but probably doesnt need it because it has a very
thick hide.  
Race human~
Align -2 -3
Level 79
Hitroll -1
HitDice 9d12+410
ManaDice 10d10+0
DamDice 10d10+45
DamType pound
AC -560 -560 -560 -480
Wealth 790
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
Off    area_attack bash disarm parry crush~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP resting~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name fire giant warrior large bulky black skinned giant~
ShortD a fire giant warrior~
LongD A large and bulky black skinned giant is standing here.~
Desc Before you stands a large fire giant warrior.  The warrior is tall at
almost 19 feet, but squat and bulky.  He looks something like an oversized
dwarf.  The fire giant has large, corded muscles and coal black skin.  The
scowl on his face and bright orange hair make him look very mean.  
Race human~
Align 2 -3
Level 83
Hitroll 0
HitDice 9d12+430
ManaDice 10d10+200
DamDice 10d10+48
DamType crush
AC -580 -580 -580 -530
Wealth 830
Act    npc no_tame aggressive stay_area warrior~
AffBy  slow~
Off    bash disarm dodge parry crush assist_all~
Res    charm fire~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name ancient red dragon huge old~
ShortD an ancient red dragon~
LongD A huge, old looking red dragon is resting here.~
Desc Before you is an enormous red dragon.  Its body is almost 150 feet long
with its tail being just as long.  The dragons body is covered with thick
red scales that are as hard as metal.  The scales have a smooth, dull
finish.  This dragon looks quite old by dragon standards.  It has large
intelligent- looking eyes and long, sharp teeth.  The dragons wings are so
large that they could shelter a small army from rain.  Heat radiates from
the dragon.  
Race dragon~
Align -3 -3
XPMod 115
Level 85
Hitroll 2
HitDice 9d12+430
ManaDice 9d12+430
DamDice 10d11+49
DamType claw
AC -580 -620 -600 -550
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area mage~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden infrared flying~
Off    area_attack fast tail crush~
Imm    summon charm fire~
Res    charm bash slash fire~
Vuln   pierce cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mountable mammal reptile dragon~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye wings tail claws fangs scales~
StartP resting~
DefPos resting~
Size   huge~
Sex    female~
Material flesh

Name fire giant king huge noble black skinned giant~
ShortD the fire giant king~
LongD A huge, noble looking black skinned giant is sitting here.~
Desc Before you stands huge, noble looking fire giant.  The giant is tall at
more than 20 feet, but squat and bulky.  He looks something like an
oversized dwarf.  The fire giant has large, corded muscles and coal black
skin.  The scowl on his face and bright orange hair make him look very mean.
Race human~
Align 2 -3
Level 87
Hitroll 1
HitDice 9d13+455
ManaDice 10d10+200
DamDice 10d11+52
DamType crush
AC -640 -640 -640 -580
Wealth 870
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area warrior~
AffBy  slow~
Off    bash dodge parry crush~
Res    charm fire~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name fire giant witch doctor cloaked black skinned~
ShortD a fire giant witch doctor~
LongD A cloaked, black skinned giant is here.~
Desc Before you stands large, cloaked fire giant.  The giant is tall at more
than 18 feet, but squat and bulky.  He looks something like an oversized
dwarf.  The fire giant has large, corded muscles and coal black skin.  The
scowl on his face and bright orange hair make him look very mean.  
Race human~
Align 2 -3
Level 88
Hitroll -1
HitDice 8d12+415
ManaDice 9d12+435
DamDice 9d11+40
DamType crush
AC -570 -570 -570 -500
Wealth 850
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area cleric mage~
AffBy  slow~
Off    crush~
Res    charm magic weapon fire~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name young warrior~
ShortD a young human prisoner~
LongD A young warrior is being kept prisoner here.~
Desc This young man, once a warrior, is now looking beaten and worn.  He perhaps 
came here as a brave warrior seeking to destroy the giants, but his battle 
ended in misfortune, as he is now kept as a prisoner.  
Race human~
Align 2 2
XPMod 80
Level 1
Hitroll -2
HitDice 1d2+1
ManaDice 1d2+1
DamDice 1d2+0
DamType slap
AC 100 100 100 100
Wealth 0
Act    npc~
Imm    summon charm~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP resting~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name fire elemental flame animated huge~
ShortD a fire elemental~
LongD A huge animated flame is moving about here.~
Desc Before you is what appears to be a huge flame that is animated with life.
The flame is about 12 feet tall.  It is quite bright and emanates a great
deal of heat.  There appears to be a face in the flame but with all the
flickering, it is hard to make out.  Tiny balls of fire periodically shoot
out of the large flame and arc out a couple feet falling to the ground.  
Race unique~
Align 0 -3
Level 87
Hitroll 3
HitDice 9d12+425
ManaDice 9d12+425
DamDice 9d12+52
DamType flame
AC -610 -610 -610 -610
Wealth 0
Act    npc aggressive stay_area~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden dark_vision~
Off    area_attack fade fast~
Imm    fire~
Res    charm bash pierce slash~
Vuln   magic cold~
Form   magical instant_decay sentient construct intangible~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material fire

Name fire elemental flame animated huge~
ShortD a fire elemental~
LongD A huge animated flame is moving about here.~
Desc Before you is what appears to be a huge flame that is animated with life.
The flame is about 12 feet tall.  It is quite bright and emanates a great
deal of heat.  There appears to be a face in the flame but with all the
flickering, it is hard to make out.  Tiny balls of fire periodically shoot
out of the large flame and arc out a couple feet falling to the ground.  
Race unique~
Align 0 -3
Level 91
Hitroll 3
HitDice 9d12+425
ManaDice 9d12+425
DamDice 9d12+52
DamType flame
AC -610 -610 -610 -610
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander aggressive stay_area~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden dark_vision~
Off    area_attack fade fast~
Imm    fire~
Res    charm bash pierce slash~
Vuln   magic cold~
Form   magical instant_decay sentient construct intangible~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material fire
MProg DEATH 1800 70~

Name hermit mage old man~
ShortD a hermit mage~
LongD A tall old man sits on a large rock here, twiddling a ball of fire.~
Desc This man has to be at a hundred years old.  His skin is covered in wrinkles, 
so many in fact his face looks like that of a tapestry of spider webs.  
Race human~
Align 0 0
Level 110
Hitroll 0
HitDice 11d14+525
ManaDice 12d16+818
DamDice 11d13+61
DamType punch
AC -790 -790 -790 -647
Wealth 20
Act    npc dont_wander stay_area cleric mage~
AffBy  sanctuary protect_evil protect_good haste dark_vision regeneration~
Off    dodge fast parry~
Imm    summon charm magic weapon sleep~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material flesh

Name a huge fire giant guard black skinned~
ShortD a huge fire giant guard~
LongD A huge, black skinned giant is standing here, abusing the prisoner.~
Desc This huge fire giant, stands at least twenty five feet tall.  He looks like 
a gargantuan dwarf in comparison and has coal black skin.  His eyes burn 
with a deep fiery ember and his sinister features shows only so much as to 
what he really maybe.  
Race human~
Align 2 -3
Level 98
Hitroll 1
HitDice 10d13+480
ManaDice 10d10+200
DamDice 10d11+54
DamType crush
AC -690 -690 -690 -500
Wealth 980
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area warrior~
AffBy  haste regeneration~
Off    bash disarm fast kick parry crush assist_all~
Imm    summon charm~
Res    charm fire~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name fire giant warrior large bulky black skinned giant~
ShortD a fire giant warrior~
LongD A large and bulky black skinned giant is standing here.~
Desc Before you stands a large fire giant warrior.  The warrior is tall at
almost 19 feet, but squat and bulky.  He looks something like an oversized
dwarf.  The fire giant has large, corded muscles and coal black skin.  The
scowl on his face and bright orange hair make him look very mean.  
Race human~
Align 2 -3
Level 87
Hitroll 0
HitDice 9d12+430
ManaDice 10d10+200
DamDice 10d10+48
DamType crush
AC -580 -580 -580 -530
Wealth 870
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area warrior~
AffBy  slow~
Off    bash disarm dodge parry crush assist_all~
Res    charm fire~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    male~
Material flesh

Name fire elemental flame animated huge~
ShortD a fire elemental~
LongD A huge animated flame is moving about here.~
Desc Before you is what appears to be a huge flame that is animated with life.
The flame is about 12 feet tall.  It is quite bright and emanates a great
deal of heat.  There appears to be a face in the flame but with all the
flickering, it is hard to make out.  Tiny balls of fire periodically shoot
out of the large flame and arc out a couple feet falling to the ground.  
Race unique~
Align 0 -3
Level 91
Hitroll 3
HitDice 9d12+425
ManaDice 9d12+425
DamDice 9d12+52
DamType flame
AC -610 -610 -610 -610
Wealth 0
Act    npc aggressive stay_area~
AffBy  detect_invis detect_hidden dark_vision~
Off    area_attack fade fast~
Imm    fire~
Res    charm bash pierce slash~
Vuln   magic cold~
Form   magical instant_decay sentient construct intangible~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material fire
MProg DEATH 1800 70~


Name huge spiked breast plate~
Short a spiked breast plate~
Desc A huge, spiked breast plate is here.~
Level 91
ItemType armor~
Cost 1900
Asize 75
Rsize 70
Values 30 27 30 21 0
Weight 2000
Material steel~
Extra    magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 damroll 6 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hitroll 4 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 ac -15 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 4 0
ExtraDesc spike breast plate~
This is a huge, spiked breast plate.  The spikes are on the shoulders and
extend over a foot into the air.  The plate is made of steel that has a blue

Name huge open faced helmet~
Short an open-faced helmet~
Desc A huge, open-faced helmet is here.~
Level 91
ItemType armor~
Cost 1800
Asize 40
Rsize 70
Values 23 22 24 18 0
Weight 775
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take head~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 8 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hitroll 4 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 damroll 6 0
ExtraDesc open faced helmet~
This is a huge, open-faced helmet.  The helmet is bowl shaped and extends
down to protect the sides and back of the neck.  It is made of steel that
has a blue hue.  

Name green brilliant floating stone~
Short a `#`Gbrilliant green`^ stone~
Desc A `#`Gbrilliant green`^ stone is floating here.~
Level 75
ItemType gem~
Cost 1000
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material stone~
Extra    glow magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take float~
ClassAllowances mage cleric paladin ranger~
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 ac -15 0
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 mana 40 0
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 hp 4 0
ExtraDesc green stone~
This is a stone that seems to float on its own.  The stone it transparent 
and green in color.  The stone give off light and is shining brightly.  

Name pair black leather gloves~
Short a pair of `#`Sblack`^ leather gloves~
Desc A pair of `#`Sblack`^ leather gloves lie here.~
Level 80
ItemType clothing~
Cost 1200
Asize 15
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material cloth~
Extra    glow magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hands~
ClassAllowances thief warrior paladin ranger~
Affect modifier -1 80 -1 agility 2 0
Affect modifier -1 80 -1 strength 5 0
Affect modifier -1 80 -1 quickness 1 0
ExtraDesc black leather gloves~
These gloves are made out of leather that has been stained black.  The 
gloves are very light.  The palm side of the gloves seems to grip very well. 

Name large round shield~
Short a large round shield~
Desc A large round shield is here.~
Level 89
ItemType armor~
Cost 1300
Asize 60
Rsize 50
Values 29 29 29 22 0
Weight 300
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take shield~
ClassAllowances cleric thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 89 -1 damroll 2 0
ExtraDesc large round shield~
This is a large, round shield.  The shield is fairly heavy and made out of 
steel.  There is a round spike protruding from the center of the shield.  

Name crystalline wand~
Short a `#`Wcrystalline`^ wand~
Desc A `#`Wcrystalline`^ wand lies here.~
Level 75
ItemType wand~
Cost 1100
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values 75 3 3 sleep 0
Weight 20
Material wood~
Extra    glow hum magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 move -250 0
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 mana -100 0
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 hp -25 0
ExtraDesc crystalline wand~
This is a brightly glowing wand.  The wand is clear and completely 
transparent.  There is a faint humming sound coming from the wand.  

Name smelly ragged loin cloth~
Short a smelly, ragged loin cloth~
Desc Before you is a pile of cloth emanating an awful stench.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost -5
Condition 50
Asize 30
Rsize 70
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 20
Material cloth~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take waist~
ExtraDesc stain ~
Dark colored stains cover this cloth.  Perhaps they are the source of the
odor.  It does not look like any amount of washing will get the stains out. 
ExtraDesc loin cloth ragged~
Before you is a foul looking loincloth.  The cloth is torn and ready to fall 
apart.  It has several stains on it.  The loincloth has a pungent odor coming 
from it.

Name huge spiked club mace~
Short a huge, spiked club~
Desc Before you is a huge, spiked club.~
Level 77
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1250
Asize 65
Rsize 70
Values mace 4 19 smash 0
Weight 550
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior druid paladin barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 hitroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 hp 2 0
ExtraDesc club ~
This club looks like it was made from the trunk of a young tree.  There
are several rusted spikes protruding from the crude weapon.  It is quite
heavy, and not well balanced.  

Name scattered gold coins~
Short some gold coins~
Desc There are some gold coins scattered about here.~
Level 0
ItemType money~
Cost 1000
Asize 100
Rsize 50
Values 10 0 0 0 0
Weight 10
Material gold~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take~

Name glowing fiery red cloak~
Short a `#`Rfiery red`^ cloak~
Desc A `#`Rfiery red`^ cloak has been left here.~
Level 91
ItemType clothing~
Cost 1750
Asize 50
Rsize 60
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 200
Material cloth~
Extra    glow nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take about~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 ac -20 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 saves -4 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 6 0
ExtraDesc fiery red cloak~
This is a huge, fiery red cloak that is glowing brightly.  The cloak is
made out of a thin cloth material that does not seem to burn no matter how
hot it gets.  

Name huge scalemail skirt~
Short a huge scalemail skirt~
Desc A huge scalemail skirt is here.~
Level 91
ItemType armor~
Cost 1800
Asize 55
Rsize 70
Values 18 18 18 13 0
Weight 1000
Material steel~
Extra    magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take waist~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 ac -15 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 6 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 damroll 6 0
ExtraDesc huge scalemail skirt~
This is a huge scalemail skirt.  The skirt is quite heavy and would be
difficult to wear for any normal sized humanoid.  The skirt is made of steel
that has a blue hue.  

Name pair huge leather boots~
Short a pair of huge leather boots~
Desc A pair of huge, leather boots is here.~
Level 91
ItemType armor~
Cost 1800
Asize 40
Rsize 70
Values 16 16 16 11 0
Weight 250
Material leather~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take feet~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 agility 2 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 quickness 2 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hitroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 2 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 ac -10 0
ExtraDesc pair huge leather boots~
These huge boots are made of cured leather.  They are in perfect shape
and also seem to be glowing.  

Name huge glowing two-handed sword~
Short a huge, glowing two-handed sword~
Desc Before you is a huge, glowing two-handed sword.~
Level 91
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1800
Asize 70
Rsize 70
Values sword 3 32 slash DF
Weight 2000
Material steel~
Extra    glow magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 damroll 6 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hitroll -6 0
ExtraDesc huge glowing two-handed sword~
This two-handed sword is gigantic and could only be wielded by the
strongest of warriors.  It has a long, glowing blade which is made out steel
that has a blue hue.  

Name pair huge steel greeves~
Short a pair of huge, steel greeves~
Desc This is a pair of huge, steel greeves.~
Level 91
ItemType armor~
Cost 1750
Asize 40
Rsize 70
Values 22 19 22 17 0
Weight 500
Material steel~
Extra    magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take legs~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 8 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 ac -15 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hitroll 4 0
ExtraDesc pair huge steel greeves~
Before you is a huge pair of steel greeves.  They are quite heavy and
would be difficult to wear for any normal sized humanoid.  They are made out
of steel that has a blue hue.  

Name giant ruby ring~
Short a giant `#`rruby`^ ring~
Desc A giant `#`rruby`^ ring lies here.~
Level 91
ItemType jewelry~
Cost 2000
Asize 1
Rsize 70
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material gold~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take finger~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 ac -20 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 saves -4 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 6 0
ExtraDesc giant ruby ring~
This is a huge ruby ring.  The ring is made of gold and has a flawless
ruby attached.  The ruby is mesmerizing when looked into.  

Name huge glowing steel bracer~
Short a huge, glowing steel bracer~
Desc Before you is a huge, glowing steel bracer.~
Level 91
ItemType armor~
Cost 1800
Asize 30
Rsize 70
Values 10 12 14 9 0
Weight 500
Material steel~
Extra    glow magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wrist~
ClassAllowances cleric thief warrior paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 strength 4 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 constitution 4 0
Affect modifier -1 91 -1 hp 2 0
ExtraDesc huge glowing steel bracer~
This is a huge glowing bracer made of steel with a blue hue.  It is so
large that it could fit around the leg of most men.  

Name huge steel helmet~
Short a huge, steel helm~
Desc A huge, steel helmet is here.~
Level 87
ItemType armor~
Cost 1700
Condition 90
Asize 40
Rsize 70
Values 22 21 23 17 0
Weight 650
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take head~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 hitroll 4 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 damroll 6 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 saves -4 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 hp 4 0
ExtraDesc huge steel helmet~
This is a huge, steel helmet.  The helmet is bowl shaped and extends down
to protect the sides and back of the neck.  It is in good shape, but it
looks like it has seen a couple battles in its time.  

Name huge chainmail tunic~
Short a huge chainmail tunic~
Desc A huge chainmail tunic is here.~
Level 87
ItemType armor~
Cost 1780
Asize 55
Rsize 70
Values 28 29 30 21 0
Weight 1000
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 strength 4 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 constitution 4 0
ExtraDesc huge chainmail tunic~
This is a huge chainmail tunic.  The chain links are a bit larger and
thicker than normally used in chain armor, but there is still little room
for weapons to slip through.  

Name huge chainmail skirt~
Short a huge chainmail skirt~
Desc A huge scalemail skirt is here.~
Level 87
ItemType armor~
Cost 1710
Asize 55
Rsize 70
Values 16 17 18 12 0
Weight 1000
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take waist~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 quickness 4 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 agility 4 0
ExtraDesc huge scalemail skirt~
This is a huge chainmail skirt.  The skirt is quite heavy and would be
difficult to wear for any normal sized humanoid.  The skirt is made of steel
chains that are a bit larger and thicker than normally used in chain armor,
but there is still little room for weapons to slip through.  

Name pair huge leather sandals~
Short a pair of huge, leather sandals~
Desc A pair of huge, leather sandals is here.~
Level 87
ItemType armor~
Cost 1710
Asize 35
Rsize 70
Values 17 17 17 14 0
Weight 180
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take feet~
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 move 40 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 ac -10 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 hp 4 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 saves -4 0
ExtraDesc huge leather sandals~
Before you is a pair of huge, leather sandals.  They are so big that they
would not fit the feet any normal sized humanoid.  The sandals appear to be
in remarkably good condition.  

Name huge two-handed sword~
Short a huge two-handed sword~
Desc Before you is a huge two-handed sword.~
Level 87
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1740
Asize 70
Rsize 70
Values sword 5 18 slash F
Weight 1750
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 hitroll -2 0
ExtraDesc huge two-handed sword~
This two-handed sword is gigantic and could only be wielded by the
strongest of warriors.  It has a long blade which is made out steel that has
a blue hue.  

Name huge steel bracer~
Short a huge steel bracer~
Desc Before you is a huge stell bracer.~
Level 87
ItemType armor~
Cost 1700
Asize 30
Rsize 70
Values 12 9 12 8 0
Weight 450
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wrist~
ClassAllowances cleric thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 strength 2 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 quickness 2 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 constitution 2 0
Affect modifier -1 87 -1 agility 2 0
ExtraDesc huge steel bracer~
This is a huge bracer made of steel with a blue hue.  It is so large that
it could fit around the leg of most men.  

Name huge studded leather tunic~
Short a huge studded leather tunic~
Desc A huge studded leather tunic is here.~
Level 77
ItemType armor~
Cost 1450
Asize 50
Rsize 65
Values 24 24 27 19 0
Weight 650
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 hp 4 0
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 ac -10 0
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 memory 2 0
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 reasoning 2 0
ExtraDesc huge studded leather tunic~
This is a huge studded leather tunic.  The leather looks quite thick and
strong.  The tunic is in good condition.  

Name huge studded leather skirt~
Short a huge studded leather skirt~
Desc A huge studded leather skirt is here.~
Level 77
ItemType armor~
Cost 1450
Asize 50
Rsize 65
Values 14 15 14 11 0
Weight 750
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take waist~
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 hitroll 4 0
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 damroll 4 0
Affect modifier -1 77 -1 hp 4 0

Name huge black cloak~
Short a huge, `#`Sblack`^ cloak~
Desc A huge, `#`Sblack`^ cloak lies here.~
Level 88
ItemType clothing~
Cost 1750
Asize 50
Rsize 60
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 150
Material cloth~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take about~
ClassAllowances mage cleric druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 88 -1 saves -6 0
Affect modifier -1 88 -1 reasoning 3 0
Affect modifier -1 88 -1 memory 3 0
ExtraDesc black cloak~
This is a huge, black cloak that seems to absorb light.  The cloak is
made out of a thin cloth material that does not seem to burn no matter how
hot it gets.  

Name long skull headed staff~
Short a long `#`wskull headed`^ staff~
Desc A long `#`wskull headed`^ staff lies here.~
Level 88
ItemType staff~
Cost 1200
Asize 65
Rsize 50
Values 88 20 20 fireball 0
Weight 150
Material wood~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc skull head staff~
This staff is very long and thick.  There is a humanoid skull attached to
the end of the staff.  The wood of the staff is smooth and has no visible

Name gold pendant~
Short a `#`Ygold`^ pendant~
Desc A `#`Ygold`^ pendant has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType jewelry~
Cost 2000
Asize 1
Rsize 45
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material gold~
Extra    rotdeath visdeath nonmetal nolocate~
Wear     take neck~
ExtraDesc shiny gold pendant~
This is a small, shiny gold pendant.  It has an insignia of a falcon
engraved in it.  

Name large catapult stone wheels~
Short a large catapult~
Desc Some large catapults with stone wheels are here.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 5000
Rsize 50
Values 6 7500 CFILOP 50 100
Weight 20000
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc large catapult stone wheels~
The catapults here are quite large and look like they could hurl a handful of 
men at a time.  They have stone wheels that could easily crush a man unlucky 
enough to get caught under them.

Name large crossbow device~
Short a large crossbow device~
Desc Some large crossbow devices are here.~
Level 0
ItemType trash~
Cost 0
Asize 3500
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc large crossbow device~
These crossbow devices appear to fire huge missiles the size of a man.  They 
are much too large and cumbersome to move around let alone take.  

Name huge stone key~
Short a huge stone key~
Desc A huge stone key is here.~
Level 1
ItemType key~
Cost 1
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 150
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc huge stone key~
This is a huge stone key.  The key is as thick as a humans wrist and is
quite heavy.  The stone is polished and made of speckled rock; possibly

Name dirty tattered pants~
Short some dirty tattered pants~
Desc A dirty pile of tattered fabric is here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 0
Asize 35
Rsize 45
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take torso~

Name large rock~
Short a large rock~
Desc A large rock is here.~
Level 0
ItemType trash~
Cost 0
Asize 65
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 200
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc rock ~
This is a large rock that is a grayish color.  It is almost a foot in 
diameter.  The rock doesn't look like it is all that valuable.

Name huge stone pillars~
Short a huge stone pillar~
Desc Some huge stone pillars extend high into the air.~
Level 0
ItemType trash~
Cost 0
Asize 10000
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight -25536
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc stone pillar~
These are gigantic stone pillars.  The stone they are made out of is grayish 
tan in color.  The pillars are rather plain, but they look like they could 
hold up any amount of weight imaginable.  

Name crates~
Short a large wooden crate~
Desc Some large wooden crates are here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 300
Rsize 50
Values 5000 0 0 500 100
Weight 0
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc crate ~
Before you are many large wooden crates that are piled up.  Most of them are 

Name large wooden barrels~
Short a large wooden barrel~
Desc Some large wooden barrels are here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 275
Rsize 50
Values 5000 0 0 500 100
Weight 0
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc barrel ~
Before you are many large wooden barrels that are piled up.  Most of them 
are empty.  

Name grain~
Short some grain~
Desc Some grain is here.~
Level 0
ItemType food~
Cost 1
Condition 75
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 1 1 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material grain~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take~

Name large leather pelt~
Short a large leather pelt~
Desc A large leather pelt is here.~
Level 1
ItemType clothing~
Cost 10
Condition 90
Asize 40
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 20
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc leather pelt~
This is a large leather pelt.  Most likely, it was taken from a cow or 
something bigger yet.  The pelt is a bit worn.  

Name large iron key~
Short a large iron key~
Desc A large iron key is here.~
Level 0
ItemType key~
Cost 0
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material iron~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name smoky quartz shiny black stone~
Short a piece of `#`Ssmoky quartz`^~
Desc A `#`Sblack coloured`^ stone taht shines is sitting here.~
Level 15
ItemType gem~
Cost 50
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material quartz~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
Affect modifier -1 15 -1 selfdiscipline 1 0
ExtraDesc quartz stone~
This is a black colored stone that is slightly transparent.  The stone gives 
off a dull shine.  It looks like it might be a gem of sorts, but is not cut 
very well.  

Name hard leather pouch~
Short a hard leather pouch~
Desc A hard leather pouch is stuck in the gold here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 20
Condition 50
Asize 15
Rsize 50
Values 20 AC 0 3 100
Weight 10
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     hold~
ExtraDesc leather pouch~
This is a hard leather pouch.  The pouch is stuck in the gold, but it looks 
like it can still be opened.  

Name small ruby~
Short a small `#`rruby`^~
Desc A small `#`rruby`^ has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType gem~
Cost 250
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc ruby ~
This ruby is quite small.  It looks like it is of fair quality.  

Name onyx ring~
Short an `#`Sonyx`^ ring~
Desc An `#`Sonyx`^ ring has been left here.~
Level 85
ItemType jewelry~
Cost 1700
Asize 1
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material gold~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take finger~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 saves -4 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 ac -10 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 quickness 3 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 agility 1 0

Name wyrm shaped dagger~
Short a wyrm shaped dagger~
Desc A wyrm shaped dagger is here.~
Level 88
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1750
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values dagger 6 13 stab A
Weight 20
Material steel~
Extra    magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc wyrm dagger~
This is a wyrm shaped dagger.  The hilt and guard look like the head, body, 
and wings of a wyrm.  There are tiny rubies set in they eyes of the beast.  

Name blue colored vial~
Short a `#`Bblue`^ coloured vial~
Desc A `#`Bblue`^ coloured vial is here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 20
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 5 AC 0 2 100
Weight 10
Material glass~
Extra    glow magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc blue vial~
This vial is blue in color and is transparent.  The glass of the vial is 
giving off a faint glow.  There is a cork set in the top of the vial.  

Name light green pill~
Short a `#`Glight green`^ pill~
Desc A `#`Glight green`^ pill is here.~
Level 15
ItemType pill~
Cost 150
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 poison poison poison poison
Weight 1
Material herbs~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc light green pill~
This is a light green colored pill.  It is round in shape and quite small.  
The coating on the pill is smooth.  It should be easy to swallow.  

Name redwood staff~
Short a `#`rredwood`^ staff~
Desc A `#`rredwood`^ staff is here.~
Level 80
ItemType staff~
Cost 1000
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 80 5 3 'dispel magic' 0
Weight 50
Material wood~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc redwood staff~
This is a redwood staff.  Half of the staff is sticking out of the gold on 
the floor, the other half is buried within.  It doesn't look like its going 
to be possible to get the staff out.  

Name sword blade~
Short a half-buried sword~
Desc A half-buried sword is here.~
Level 77
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1000
Asize 50
Rsize 50
Values sword 14 5 slash 0
Weight 100
Material steel~
Extra    magic nodegrade burnproof~
ClassAllowances thief warrior paladin ranger barbarian spellfilcher~
ExtraDesc half-buried sword buried~
The blade of a sword is sticking out of the gold here.  You cannot see any 
part of the hilt.  The sword looks like it will be impossible to dig out.  

Name suit platemail plate mail~
Short a suit of platemail~
Desc A suit of platemail is stuck in the gold here.~
Level 89
ItemType armor~
Cost 1200
Asize 75
Rsize 50
Values 29 29 29 22 0
Weight 200
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin barbarian~
Affect modifier -1 89 -1 hitroll 4 0
Affect modifier -1 89 -1 damroll 4 0
Affect modifier -1 89 -1 hp 4 0
Affect modifier -1 89 -1 saves -4 0
ExtraDesc suit platemail~
This is a shining suit of platemail.  It looks like it is in remarkably good 
condition.  The only problem is that half of it is buried within the gold on 
the floor.  There isn't any easy way to extract it.  

Name half-buried half buried humanoid skeleton~
Short a half-buried skeleton~
Desc A half-buried humanoid skeleton is here.~
Level 0
ItemType trash~
Cost 0
Condition 50
Asize 75
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 150
Material bone~
Extra    nonmetal~
ExtraDesc half buried skeleton humanoid~
Before you is a half-buried skeleton.  The head and torso are sticking out 
of the gold on the floor and its entire lower half is underneath.  

Name enormous stone table~
Short an enormous stone table~
Desc An enormous stone table is here.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 5000
Rsize 50
Values 200 20000 BEHN 100 100
Weight 10000
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc enormous stone table~
This table is large enough to seat an entire army of men, but there are only 
about thirty seats around it.  The table is made out of a slate-like stone.  


Name stone blocks~
Short a block of stone~
Desc Many stone blocks are set around the table for use as chairs.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 1000
Rsize 50
Values 30 10000 BEHN 100 100
Weight 10000
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc stone blocks~
These are huge stone blocks that are spaced evenly around the huge table.  
They are aparently here for use as chairs.  

Name huge stone chair~
Short a huge stone chair~
Desc A huge stone chair is here.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 2000
Rsize 50
Values 1 10000 BEHN 100 100
Weight 10000
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc huge stone chair~
This is a huge stone chair.  It is so large, it is almost throne-like.  The 
chair is positioned at the end of the huge stone table.  

Name large stone table~
Short a large stone table~
Desc A large stone table is here.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 5000
Rsize 50
Values 50 5000 BEHN 100 100
Weight 10000
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc stone table~
This is a large stone table.  The table is made from hard gray-black rock 
that looks like slate.  

Name some animal bones~
Short some animal bones~
Desc Some animal bones are rotting away here.~
Level 0
ItemType trash~
Cost 0
Condition 75
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 20
Material bone~
Extra    nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc bones ~
These are the bones of a large mammal.  They have been picked clean of meat 
and seem to have been rotting away for quite a while.  

Name large wooden barrels~
Short a large wooden barrel~
Desc Some large wooden barrels are here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 275
Rsize 50
Values 5000 0 0 500 100
Weight 0
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc barrel ~
There are several large wooden barrels lined up here.  Most of them are 

Name weapon rack~
Short a weapon rack~
Desc A weapon rack is here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 200
Rsize 50
Values 1000 0 0 200 100
Weight 500
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
ExtraDesc weapon rack~
This is a large weapon rack.  It is designed to store weapons.  The rack is 
made out of wood and seems quite heavy.  

Name huge stone throne~
Short a huge stone throne~
Desc A huge stone throne is here.~
Level 0
ItemType furniture~
Cost 0
Asize 2000
Rsize 50
Values 1 10000 BEHN 100 100
Weight 10000
Material stone~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc huge stone throne~
This is a huge stone throne.  The throne is made out of gray-black rock.  
There is no padding on the throne and it doesn't look too comfortable.  

Name large wooden steel table~
Short a large wooden and steel table~
Desc A large wooden and steel table is here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 5000
Rsize 50
Values 2000 0 0 1000 100
Weight 10000
Material wood~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc wooden steel table~
This is a large wooden and steel table.  The table is so large that it is as 
high as the shoulders on a normal man.  

Name milky orange potion~
Short a `#`wmilky `Rorange`^ coloured potion~
Desc A `#`wmilky `Rorange`^ coloured potion is here.~
Level 80
ItemType potion~
Cost 1200
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 80 fly '' '' ''
Weight 20
Material liquid~
Extra    magic nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~

Name transparent baby blue potion~
Short a transparent baby blue colored potion~
Desc A transparent baby blue colored potion is here.~
Level 80
ItemType potion~
Cost 1200
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 80 sober '' '' ''
Weight 20
Material liquid~
Extra    magic nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~

Name murky red potion~
Short a `#`rmurky red`^ coloured potion~
Desc A `#`rmurky red`^ coloured potion is here.~
Level 80
ItemType potion~
Cost 1200
Asize 10
Rsize 50
Values 80 'protection good' '' '' ''
Weight 20
Material liquid~
Extra    magic nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~

Name vial green powder~
Short a vial of green colored powder~
Desc A vial of green colored powder is here.~
Level 80
ItemType pill~
Cost 1200
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 80 regeneration poison poison ''
Weight 5
Material glass~
Extra    magic nonmetal~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~

Name glowing neon-green stone neon green~
Short a glowing `#`Gneon-green`^ stone is here.~
Desc A glowing neon-green stone is here.~
Level 80
ItemType warpstone~
Cost 1200
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material stone~
Extra    glow hum magic nonmetal nolocate nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 80 -1 mana 100 0
Affect modifier -1 80 -1 saves -6 0

Name huge battleaxe battle axe marble hilt~
Short a huge battleaxe with a `#`Wmarble`^ hilt~
Desc A huge battleaxe with a `#`Wmarble`^ hilt is here.~
Level 80
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1300
Asize 70
Rsize 70
Values axe 4 21 slash 0
Weight 750
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin barbarian~
ExtraDesc battleaxe battle axe marble~
This is a huge battleaxe that has a hilt made of marble.  The battleaxe is 
in excellent condition and doesn't look like it has seen battle yet.  

Name huge morning star marble hilt~
Short a huge morningstar with a `#`Wmarble`^ hilt~
Desc A huge morningstar with a `#`Wmarble`^ hilt is here.~
Level 85
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1400
Asize 60
Rsize 70
Values flail 11 7 smash 0
Weight 750
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc morning star marble~
This is a huge morning star that has a hilt made of marble.  The morning 
star is in excellent condition and doesn't look like it has seen battle yet. 

Name huge mace marble hilt~
Short a huge mace with a `#`Wmarble`^ hilt~
Desc A huge mace with a `#`Wmarble`^ hilt is here.~
Level 90
ItemType weapon~
Cost 1500
Asize 60
Rsize 70
Values mace 16 5 smash 0
Weight 750
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc mace marble~
This is a huge mace that has a hilt made of marble.  The mace is in 
excellent condition and doesn't look like it has seen battle yet.  

Name emerald golden goblet~
Short a `#`Ygolden`^ goblet adorned with `#`Gemeralds`^~
Desc A `#`Ygolden`^ goblet adorned with `#`Gemeralds`^ is here.~
Level 0
ItemType drinkcontainer~
Cost 1000
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values 10 4 vodka 0 0
Weight 50
Material gold~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc golden goblet emeralds~
This is a large golden goblet.  The gold doesn't seem to be very pure but is 
still shiny.  There are emeralds set in a circle around the goblet.  

Name emerald golden plate~
Short a `#`Ygolden`^ plate adorned with `#`Gemeralds`^~
Desc A `#`Ygolden`^ plate adorned with `#`Gemeralds`^ is here.~
Level 0
ItemType treasure~
Cost 1000
Asize 20
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 50
Material gold~
Extra    magic nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc golden plate emeralds~
This is a large golden plate.  The gold doesn't seem to be very pure but is 
still shiny.  There are emeralds set in a circle around the plate.  

Name large wooden steel table~
Short a large wooden and steel table~
Desc A large wooden and steel table is here.~
Level 0
ItemType container~
Cost 0
Asize 5000
Rsize 50
Values 2000 0 0 1000 100
Weight 10000
Material wood~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
ExtraDesc wooden steel table~
This is a large wooden and steel table.  The table is so large that it is as 
high as the shoulders on a normal man.  

Name large marble key~
Short a large marble key~
Desc A large marble key is here.~
Level 0
ItemType key~
Cost 0
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material marble~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name large steel key~
Short a large steel key~
Desc A large steel key is here.~
Level 0
ItemType key~
Cost 0
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take hold~

Name A globe of fire~
Short a globe of `#`Rfire`^~
Desc A globe of `#`Rfire`^ lies here.~
Level 60
ItemType light~
Cost 3500
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 300 0 0
Weight 5
Material glass~
Extra    inventory nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take~
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 hp 4 0
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 saves -4 0
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 hitroll 2 0

Name heart fire~
Short a heart of `#`Rfire`^~
Desc A heart of `#`Rfire`^ hovers here, crackling with flame.~
Level 85
ItemType treasure~
Cost 100
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 100
Material fire~
Extra    magic nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take float~
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 strength 2 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 hitroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 hp 2 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 saves -2 0
Affect modifier -1 85 -1 constitution 2 0


Name Canyon's Path~
Desc The terrain is very barren and lifeless.  The walls remain steep and 
unclimbable in this area.  The pass abruptly ends here, where it seems a 
massive pile of rocks have fallen and blocked the path any further.  
Sector inside~
Exit north 1802

Name A Deep, Narrow Pass~
Desc You are within a deep, narrow pass in the mountains.  There is no vegetation 
or life of any sort to be seen.  The walls here are very steep and 
unclimbable.  You can make your way east or west through the pass.  
Sector mountain~
Mana 80
Heal 80
ExtraDesc walls ~
The walls rise up on both sides of this pass.  They are made of hard,
gray colored rock.  They are very steep and would be treacherous to climb.  
Exit east 30480
Exit west 1802

Name A Bend in the Pass~
Desc You are at a bend in the deep, narrow pass.  The terrain is very barren
and lifeless.  The walls here remain steep and unclimbable.  The pass bends
to the north and widens a bit off in the distance, or you can leave east. 
All other directions are blocked by steep walls of rock.  
Sector mountain~
Mana 80
Heal 80
ExtraDesc rock ~
There is rock everywhere you look.  The rocks covering the floor of this
narrow pass would make resting very uncomfortable.  
Exit north 1803
Exit east 1801
Exit south 1800

Name End of a Canyon~
Desc This is the east end of a large Canyon.  The canyon walls rise up around
you.  The walls here are almost vertical and impossible to climb.  The
terrain is barren.  There is a mountain pass leading off to the north and
south.  The canyon floor leads to the west.  On the ground near you, there
is a dried up puddle.  
Sector mountain~
Mana 80
Heal 80
ExtraDesc puddle ~
This dried up puddle is shaped like a humanoid foot.  If it was actually
made by a foot, the being that made it must be very large.  The imprint is
about three and a half feet long from end to end.  
Exit north 1804
Exit south 1802
Exit west 1805

Name A Dead End Pass~
Desc You have reached the end of a long, narrow pass.  Mountains surround you
on all sides except to the south.  The steep sides of the mountains are
impossible to climb.  There is no vegetation to be seen.  There is no way to
go except back to the south.  
Sector mountain~
Mana 80
Heal 80
ExtraDesc mountains ~
The mountains in this region are very high.  Some of the tips even
disappear into the clouds beyond sight.  
Exit south 1803

Name Within a Canyon~
Desc You are in the middle of a wide canyon.  The canyon is several hundred
feet across at this point.  The walls of the canyon are very steep and go up
as far as the eye can see.  The canyon floor is covered with crushed rocks. 
They might have fallen from far above.  Aside from the countless rocks, the
canyon is barren.  You can see mountains far off to the north and south and
you can travel through the canyon in those directions.  
Sector mountain~
Mana 80
Heal 80
ExtraDesc rocks ~
The rocks on the canyon floor vary in size.  The rocks are worthless and
could not be used for much.  
Exit east 1803
Exit west 1806

Name Entrance to a Castle~
Desc The canyon comes to an end here.  On the west end of the canyon you can
see what appears to be the entrance to a strange looking castle.  The castle
is built into the side of a huge mountain.  Half of the walls appear to be a
part of the mountain, and the other half made out of enormous blocks of
stone.  Gigantic stone pillars stand before the entrance to the castle and
hold up a balcony far above.  Beyond the stone pillars is a set of oversized
double doors that are also made of hard rock.  
Sector mountain~
Mana 80
Heal 80
ExtraDesc doors double~
These doors are huge by human standards.  They are about 25 feet tall and made 
completely of stone.  It looks like it would take ten men just to open them.
Exit east 1805
Exit west 1809
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1829
EKeywords doors~
Exit up 1807

Name Before the Balcony~
Desc You are flying before a large stone balcony.  From here, you can see
large crossbow devices and catapults on the balcony.  There are also several
piles of large boulders lying on the balcony.  There is an entry way leading
into the castle to the west.  This castle appears to be in a very defensible
position and would be hard for any army to assault.  
RoomFlags no_mob~
Sector air~
Mana 80
Heal 80
ExtraDesc boulders pile~
The boulders here vary in size, but most of them average three feet in
thickness.  It would be difficult for a man to roll one of these stones let
alone pile them up as they are.  
Exit west 1808
Exit down 1806

Name On a Balcony~
Desc You are on a large stone balcony.  There are several large crossbow
devices and catapults on the balcony.  There are also many large piles of
boulders scattered about.  From here it would be easy to attack any
approaching force from below.  You can see far into the canyon to the east
from here.  There is an entryway leading into the castle to the west.  
Sector city~
ExtraDesc boulders ~
These boulders are piled high.  They vary in size, but each weighs about
200 pounds and is a couple feet thick.  The boulders look rather useless and
would be difficult to carry around.  
Exit east 1807
Exit west 1810

Name Inside a Castle on the Lower Level~
Desc You are just inside the castle on the lower level.  The walls are smooth, 
but appear to be a part of the mountain.  There are several large pillars 
going from the floor to ceiling.  The ceiling is far above in the air and is 
hard to make out.  To the east lies the entrance to the castle and a hallway 
begins to the west.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc ceiling ~
The ceiling almost 50 feet into the air and is hard to see because of the 
dim lighting.  There doesn't seem to be anything special about it.  
Exit east 1806
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1829
EKeywords door~
Exit west 1811

Name Inside a Castle on the Upper Level~
Desc You are just inside the castle on the upper level.  The walls are smooth, 
but appear to be a part of the mountain.  There are several large pillars 
going from the floor to ceiling.  The ceiling is almost 50 feet into the air 
and is hard to make out.  To the east lies the balcony and a hallway begins 
to the west.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc ceiling ~
The ceiling almost 50 feet into the air and is hard to see because of the 
dim lighting.  There doesn't seem to be anything special about it.  
Exit east 1808
Exit west 1812

Name The Lower Hallway~
Desc You are in a short hallway.  The walls here are made out of dark, relatively 
smooth stone which appears to be a part of the mountain.  The ceiling is 
quite high in the air.  Torches are set in the wall to light the hallway.  
There is a huge spiraling stone stair case leading upwards.  There are 
passageways going to the north, south, east, and west.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc torch ~
There are several torches fastened to the wall here that light the hallway.  

ExtraDesc spiraling stair~
These spiraling stone stairs extend far into the air.  The stairs themselves 
are huge, with each step being almost three feet up.  
Exit north 1820
Exit east 1809
Exit south 1823
Exit west 1822
Exit up 1812

Name The Upper Hallway~
Desc You are in a short hallway.  The walls here are made out of dark, relatively 
smooth stone which appears to be a part of the mountain.  The ceiling is 
quite high in the air.  There is a huge spiraling stone stair case leading 
downwards.  You can see a door in the southern and northern walls.  There is 
a huge decorated stone archway on the west end of the hallway.  There is a 
glow coming from beyond the archway.  There is also a passageway going to 
the east.  
RoomFlags no_mob indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc archway ~
This archway is made of gigantic stone blocks.  It is so large that a mid 
sized tree could easily fit through it.  The stone blocks are decorated with 
symbols of war.  
Exit north 1813
EFlags door closed nolock~
EKeywords door~
Exit east 1810
Exit south 1814
EFlags door closed nolock~
EKeywords door~
Exit west 1815
Exit down 1811

Name The Armory~
Desc You have entered what appears to be an armory.  There are parts of weapons 
and armor scattered about the room.  There are various weapons in a rack 
that is sitting on the floor.  You can see some armor hanging from the 
walls.  Most of the items here look too large for a normal sized person to 
use.  There are also scraps of useless metal and leather on a large table 
that are being used to create or mend armor.  Close to the west wall is a 
gigantic forge.  The only visible exit is the door to the south.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc forge ~
This is a huge forge.  It is cold at the moment and has the remnants of coal 
in the bottom.  
ExtraDesc table ~
There is a large wooden table here that has scraps of metal and leather 
spread across the top of it.  The scraps do not seem to be worth much.  
Exit south 1812
EFlags door closed nolock~
EKeywords door~

Name Some Living Quarters~
Desc This is a large cavernous area.  There are several stone beds tucked away in 
different corners and pockets that loosely define rooms.  The beds are 
covered with some cheap furs.  There is a huge stone table in the middle of 
the cavern with several stone blocks around it that must be used as chairs.  
The air in this room is a bit stagnant.  The only visible exit is the door 
to the north.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc beds ~
These beds are large enough to sleep ten men comfortably.  They are made 
from huge stone blocks and covered with animal furs.  
Exit north 1812
EFlags door closed nolock~
EKeywords door~

Name The Throne Room~
Desc This is a huge brightly lit throne room.  There is a gigantic throne on the 
far end of the room that is made of a dark gray colored stone.  In the 
middle of the room is a huge stone pit.  Burning embers are ablaze within 
the pit.  The heat emanating from the pit can be felt throughout the room.  
The air in the room smells of sulfur.  There are fancy steel doors set in 
the northern and southern walls of the throne room.  The only other visible 
exit is a huge stone archway to the east.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Heal 0
ExtraDesc throne ~
Beyond the throne you can see the silhouette of a door.  
ExtraDesc pit ~
This pit is filled with burning coals and gives off a tremendous amount of 
heat and light.  Even in the farthest reaches of the throne room, the heat 
is strong enough to cause a burning sensation on the skin of anyone who 
isn't protected properly.  
Exit north 1816
EFlags door closed locked easy~
EKeyvnum 1870
EKeywords door~
Exit east 1812
Exit south 1817
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1869
EKeywords door~
Exit west 1818
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1869
EKeywords door~
Exit down 1819

Name The Witch Doctors Quarters~
Desc This room looks out of place compared to the rest of the rooms in the 
castle.  There are strange decorations hanging on the walls and ceiling.  
There is a large steel and wooden table in the center of the room that holds 
several potions and powders.  On the far end of the room is a stone bed 
covered with furs.  The only exit is the door to the south.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc decorations ~
There are various decorations hanging from the walls and ceiling.  Most of 
them appear to be religious symbols of some sort.  
ExtraDesc bed furs~
This bed is large enough to sleep ten men comfortably.  It is made from huge 
stone blocks and is covered with animal furs.  
Exit south 1815
EFlags door closed locked easy~
EKeyvnum 1870
EKeywords door~

Name The Kings Quarters~
Desc You have entered an extravagantly decorated room.  There are exotic 
tapestries and fine weapons adorning the walls.  The floor is covered with 
what appears to be a dragon skin rug.  There is a table in the middle of the 
room that has a golden goblet and plate on it.  There is a huge stone bed on 
the far end of the room that is covered with furs.  The only exit is the 
door to the north.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc tapestries ~
The tapestries are covered with scenes of battle and war.  
ExtraDesc bed furs~
This bed is large enough to sleep ten men comfortably.  It is made from huge 
stone blocks and is covered with animal furs.  
Exit north 1815
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1869
EKeywords door~

Name A Secret Treasure Room~
Desc You have found a large treasure room.  The room is perfectly square.  The 
walls are made out of smooth gray stone.  There are shelves built into the 
north, south, and west walls.  These must be hard times because there isn't 
much treasure to be found.  The only visible exit is the door to the east.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc shelves ~
These shelves are depressions that have been dug into the wall.  They are 
large enough to serve as a bed for a normal sized human.  
Exit east 1815
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1869
EKeywords door~

Name The Fire Pit~
Desc You have fallen into a pit filled with burning coals.  It is hot enough in 
here to melt ore.  A terrible stench of sulfur is rising from the coals.  
The walls of the pit are made of smooth gray colored stone.  There doesn't 
seem to be any way out of the pit except for up.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Heal 0
Exit up 1815

Name The Mess Hall~
Desc This room looks like it is the main mess hall of the castle.  There is an 
enormous stone table that stretches from one end of the mess hall to the 
other.  There are large stone blocks spaced evenly on three sides of the 
table that look like they are used for chairs.  There is a large stone chair 
on the far end.  There is a pair of swinging double steel doors at the west 
end of the hall and a passageway to the south.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc table ~
This table is large enough to seat an entire army of men, but there are only 
about thirty seats around it.  The table is made out of a slate-like stone.  

Exit south 1811
Exit west 1821
EFlags door closed nolock~
EKeywords doors~

Name The Kitchen~
Desc You have entered a large kitchen.  There are huge stone stoves lined up 
along the north wall of the kitchen.  There are large pots and kettles 
scattered about.  There is a large stone table in the center of the room 
that is covered with crumbs.  There are large barrels sitting by the south 
wall.  The only visible exit is a pair of swinging steel double doors to the 
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc stoves ~
These stoves are large enough to fit a whole cow into.  There are remnants 
of burnt coal within the stoves.  
Exit east 1820
EFlags door closed nolock~
EKeywords doors~

Name The Barracks~
Desc This is a huge, round room that looks like a large cave.  The floor of the 
room is relatively smooth and flat.  All of the walls are made of a dark 
gray stone.  There are many animal skins on the floor that are used for 
beds.  The air in this room is dank and musty and the temperature is quite 
hot.  The only visible way out of the room is a passageway to the east.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc animal skin beds~
The animal skin beds here do not look like they are very comfortable and are 
mostly worthless.  
Exit east 1811

Name A Store Room~
Desc You have entered a large store room.  The walls are made of a rough gray 
stone.  There are crates and barrels piled up on the floor.  Dust covers 
most of the room and there are cob webs hanging from the ceiling.  There is 
a staircase leading downward in the back of the store room.  The only other 
exit is the passage to the north.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc cobwebs web cob~
These cobwebs look like they have been here a while.  The inhabitant isn't 
anywhere to be seen at the moment.  
Exit north 1811
Exit down 1824

Name The Beginning of a Passageway~
Desc This is the beginning of a large passageway that leads to the west.  The 
passageway is round in shape.  The ceiling is at least thirty feet into the 
air.  The walls are made out of rough gray rock.  There are small stones and 
pebbles covering the floor.  On the north wall you can see some bars that 
form a jail cell.  You can go west into the passageway, up the large stair 
case, or north through the door of the jail cell.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc stones pebbles~
The stones and pebbles here look like they came from the walls.  They are 
essentially useless.  
Exit north 1834
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1837
EKeywords cell door~
Exit west 1825
Exit up 1823

Name Turn in a Passageway~
Desc You have come to a turn in the passageway.  The passageway is round in 
shape.  The ceiling is at least thirty feet into the air.  The walls are 
made out of rough gray rock.  There are small stones and pebbles covering 
the floor.  The passageway is dark and silent.  You can either continue to 
the north, or go east into the passageway.  
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc ceiling ~
The ceiling here is made out of rough gray rock similar to that of the walls 
and floor.  
Exit north 1826
Exit east 1824

Name Bend in a Passageway~
Desc You have come to a bend in the passageway.  The passageway is round in 
shape.  The ceiling is at least thirty feet into the air.  The walls are 
made out of rough gray rock.  There are small stones and pebbles covering 
the floor.  The passageway is dark and silent.  As you travel through the 
passageway, it seems as though the temperature is rising.  You can either 
continue to the west, or go south into the passageway.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc walls ~
The walls here are made out of hard gray colored rock.  Upon closer 
inspection you can see shiny black particles imbedded in the rock.  
Exit south 1825
Exit west 1827

Name Intersection in a Passageway~
Desc This is an intersection in the passageway.  The passageway is round in 
shape.  The ceiling is at least thirty feet into the air.  The walls are 
made out of rough gray rock.  There are small stones and pebbles covering 
the floor.  The air in the passageway smells of sulfur and it has gotten 
noticeably hotter.  The main passageway leads to the east and west, or there 
is a slightly smaller tunnel going to the north.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc stones pebbles~
The stones and pebbles here look like they came from the walls.  They are 
essentially useless.  
Exit north 1828
Exit east 1826
Exit west 1829

Name A Winding Tunnel~
Desc You are walking through a long, winding tunnel.  The tunnel is round in 
shape.  The ceiling is more than twenty feet into the air.  The walls of the 
tunnel are made out of rough gray rock.  There are small stones and pebbles 
covering the floor.  The winding tunnel continues on to the west, or you can 
go back south.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc ceiling ~
The ceiling here is made out of rough gray rock similar to that of the walls 
and floor.  
Exit south 1827
Exit west 1830

Name Front End of a Huge Lair~
Desc The passageway comes to an end here and opens into a wide cavern.  The 
cavern is brightly lit by molten lava on the far west side.  Farther into 
the cavern, the floor is covered with what appears to be a huge amount of 
melted gold.  The walls of the cavern are made of smooth gray-black stone.  
It is extremely hot within the cavern and the air reeks of sulfur.  From 
here, you can go west further into the cavern, or back east.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector cave~
Heal 0
ExtraDesc walls ~
The walls are made out of grayish-black stone.  They are quite smooth as 
though the stone was melted into liquid form at one point.  
Exit east 1827
Exit west 1835

Name Turn in a Tunnel~
Desc You are walking through a long, winding tunnel.  The tunnel is round in 
shape.  The ceiling is more than twenty feet into the air.  The walls of the 
tunnel are made out of rough gray rock.  There are small stones and pebbles 
covering the floor.  It is very dark and eerily silent here.  The winding 
tunnel turns to the north here, or you can go back east.  
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc walls ~
The walls here are made out of hard gray colored rock.  Upon closer 
inspection you can see shiny black particles imbedded in the rock.  
Exit north 1831
Exit east 1828

Name Bend in a Tunnel~
Desc You are walking through a long, winding tunnel.  The tunnel is round in 
shape.  The ceiling is more than twenty feet into the air.  The walls of the 
tunnel are made out of rough gray rock.  There are small stones and pebbles 
covering the floor.  The air here smells of sulfur and the temperature is 
quite hot.  The winding tunnel bends to the west here, or you can go back 
south.  There is a glow coming from the west.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc stones pebbles~
The stones and pebbles here look like they came from the walls.  They are 
essentially useless.  
Exit south 1830
Exit west 1832

Name A Dead End~
Desc You have reached the end of the winding tunnel.  It is very bright here and 
the heat here is almost unbearable.  To the south, you can see a huge pool 
of molten lava.  Its impossible to proceed any further due to the heat of 
the lava.  There is a strong odor of sulfur coming from the south.  The only 
way that you can travel is back to the east.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Heal 0
ExtraDesc pool molten lava~
There is a huge pool of lava to the south.  You cannot see a ceiling over 
the lava, but its too hot to move close enough to look further up.  
Exit east 1831

Name Above a Pool of Molten Lava~
Desc You are above a pool of molten lava.  The lava is bubbling and boiling below 
you.  It is extremely hot here and reeks of sulfur.  
Sector inside~
Heal 0
Exit north 1832
EFlags oneway~

Name A Jail Cell~
Desc This is a large jail cell.  Three of the walls are made of hard gray rock 
and the south wall is comprised of iron bars.  There are chains and shackles 
hanging from the north wall.  You can see the bones of previous visitors 
scattered about on the floor.  The iron bars are very thick and spaced close 
enough together to keep the smallest halfling captive.  The only apparent 
way out is through the door on the bars to the south, if you are lucky 
enough to have the key.  
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector inside~
Mana 75
Heal 75
ExtraDesc bones ~
These bones look like they have been rotting away here for quite some time.  
They smell of decay and don't look like they could be used for much.  
Exit south 1824
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 1837
EKeywords cell door~

Name Back End of a Huge Lair~
Desc You are in the far side of the cavern.  The cavern is brightly lit by molten 
lava just to the west.  The floor of the cavern is covered with what appears 
to be a huge amount of melted gold.  There are many items sticking up from 
the gold-like floor including weapons, wands, staves, and bones.  Most of 
the items are held in place firmly and will not budge.  The walls of the 
cavern are made of smooth gray-black stone.  There is a huge lava pool in 
the west end of the cavern, but it is not possible to get close enough to it 
to see what is beyond.  It is extremely hot within the cavern and the air 
reeks of sulfur.  The only exit is back to the east.  
RoomFlags indoors noscry~
Sector cave~
Heal 0
ExtraDesc floor melted gold~
The floor appears to be covered with a huge layer of melted gold.  Upon 
closer inspection, you find that the gold is rock hard and not worth the 
time that would be spent trying to dig into it.  
Exit east 1829


M 1803 spec_breath_fire
M 1807 spec_breath_fire
M 1809 spec_cast_cleric
M 1811 spec_breath_fire
M 1812 spec_breath_fire
M 1813 spec_cast_adept
M 1816 spec_breath_fire

M 0 1813 1 1800 1
G 0 1871 -1
O 0 1831 -1 1802
M 0 1800 1 1804 1
G 0 1829 -1
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
E 0 1806 -1 waist~
O 0 1832 -1 1806
M 0 1803 4 1808 1
O 0 1827 -1 1808
O 0 1828 -1 1808
M 0 1801 4 1808 1
E 0 1823 -1 waist~
E 0 1822 -1 torso~
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
M 0 1803 3 1809 1
O 0 1832 -1 1809
O 0 1832 -1 1810
M 0 1801 4 1812 1
E 0 1823 -1 waist~
E 0 1822 -1 torso~
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
M 0 1805 1 1813 1
E 0 1806 -1 waist~
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
O 0 1817 -1 1813
O 0 1822 -1 1813
O 0 1852 -1 1813
O 0 1855 -1 1813
P 0 1820 5 1855 1
P 0 1807 10 1855 2
M 0 1806 3 1814 1
E 0 1821 -1 rwrist~
E 0 1821 -1 lwrist~
E 0 1819 -1 feet~
E 0 1817 -1 torso~
E 0 1820 -1 wielded~
E 0 1818 -1 waist~
E 0 1816 -1 head~
O 0 1852 -1 1814
O 0 1850 -1 1814
M 0 1808 1 1815 1
G 0 1869 -1
G 0 1870 -1
E 0 1815 -1 rwrist~
E 0 1815 -1 lwrist~
E 0 1814 -1 rfinger~
E 0 1813 -1 legs~
E 0 1812 -1 wielded~
E 0 1809 -1 about~
E 0 1811 -1 feet~
E 0 1810 -1 waist~
E 0 1801 -1 head~
E 0 1800 -1 torso~
O 0 1856 -1 1815
M 0 1809 1 1816 1
E 0 1819 -1 feet~
E 0 1825 -1 hold~
E 0 1824 -1 about~
E 0 1823 -1 waist~
E 0 1822 -1 torso~
O 0 1857 -1 1816
P 0 1858 1 1857 1
P 0 1859 1 1857 1
P 0 1860 1 1857 1
P 0 1861 1 1857 1
P 0 1862 1 1857 1
O 0 1863 -1 1817
O 0 1864 -1 1817
O 0 1865 -1 1817
O 0 1868 -1 1817
P 0 1866 1 1868 1
P 0 1867 1 1868 1
M 0 1803 5 1818 1
M 0 1803 3 1818 1
O 0 1808 -1 1818
M 0 1812 1 1819 1
M 0 1804 1 1820 1
E 0 1806 -1 waist~
O 0 1849 -1 1820
O 0 1850 -1 1820
O 0 1851 -1 1820
M 0 1806 3 1821 1
E 0 1821 -1 rwrist~
E 0 1821 -1 lwrist~
E 0 1819 -1 feet~
E 0 1817 -1 torso~
E 0 1820 -1 wielded~
E 0 1818 -1 waist~
E 0 1816 -1 head~
O 0 1852 -1 1821
O 0 1854 -1 1821
P 0 1853 5 1854 1
M 0 1801 4 1822 1
E 0 1823 -1 waist~
E 0 1822 -1 torso~
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
M 0 1802 2 1823 1
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
E 0 1806 -1 waist~
O 0 1833 -1 1823
P 0 1836 6 1833 3
O 0 1834 -1 1823
P 0 1835 10 1834 2
M 0 1801 4 1824 1
E 0 1823 -1 waist~
E 0 1822 -1 torso~
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
O 0 1838 -1 1825
M 0 1802 2 1826 1
E 0 1806 -1 waist~
E 0 1807 -1 wielded~
M 0 1806 3 1828 1
G 0 1837 -1
E 0 1816 -1 head~
E 0 1818 -1 waist~
E 0 1820 -1 wielded~
E 0 1817 -1 torso~
E 0 1819 -1 feet~
E 0 1821 -1 lwrist~
E 0 1821 -1 rwrist~
M 0 1807 1 1829 1
M 0 1806 3 1830 1
G 0 1837 -1
E 0 1821 -1 rwrist~
E 0 1821 -1 lwrist~
E 0 1819 -1 feet~
E 0 1817 -1 torso~
E 0 1820 -1 wielded~
E 0 1818 -1 waist~
E 0 1816 -1 head~
M 0 1816 1 1832 1
M 0 1811 1 1833 1
M 0 1810 1 1834 1
E 0 1830 -1 torso~
E 0 1826 -1 neck1~
M 0 1814 1 1834 1
E 0 1822 -1 torso~
E 0 1816 -1 head~
E 0 1820 -1 wielded~
O 0 1808 -1 1835
O 0 1846 -1 1835
O 0 1802 -1 1835
O 0 1848 -1 1835
O 0 1839 -1 1835
P 0 1840 5 1839 5
O 0 1841 -1 1835
O 0 1803 -1 1835
O 0 1847 -1 1835
O 0 1842 -1 1835
O 0 1804 -1 1835
O 0 1845 -1 1835
O 0 1843 -1 1835
P 0 1844 3 1843 3

buy_type light~
profit_buy 300
profit_sell 5
close_hour 23


title heart of fire~
code mob echo The elemental's crackling heart of `#`Rfire`^ falls to the ground unharmed.
mob oload 1872 1 none
disabled false

