Version     11
FromMUD     Dawn 1.69r Development Site~
*parent_codebase 1.69r-ReleaseCandiate1
Name        In the Trees~
ShortName   Sarsis~
Builders    None~
Credits     Khan~
VNUMs       12368 12389
LRange      1 30
Security    9
Colour      G~
colourcode  `
MapScale    7
MapLevel    1
Vnum_offset 0
Continent   valarin~
*LastSaved  Sat Jan 31 23:48:10 2004~

Name squirrel little~
ShortD a little squirrel~
LongD A little squirrel is here, chewing nuts.~
Desc A cute little squirrel with its cheeks full of little acorns.  It looks at 
you with wide little eyes and sniffs at your feet with its tiny little nose.
Race unique~
Align 0 0
Level 3
Hitroll 0
HitDice 1d5+3
ManaDice 1d5+110
DamDice 1d6+0
DamType scratch
AC 70 70 70 70
Wealth 0
Act    npc wimpy~
Form   edible animal mountable~
Part   head arms legs heart brains ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name sarsi monk~
ShortD a sarsi monk~
LongD A sarsi monk is here, deep in meditation.~
Desc This is a sarsi monk deep in meditation.  He has a little bald spot on his 
head and looks rather happy in his oneness with nature.  This monk stands at 
about 5 foot tall and seems tall for his kind.  
Race unique~
Align 2 3
Level 20
Hitroll 0
HitDice 3d5+88
ManaDice 3d5+195
DamDice 2d8+10
DamType pound
AC -40 -40 -40 -40
Wealth 200
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area cleric~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis sanctuary regeneration~
Off    disarm dodge~
Imm    fire poison holy disease wood~
Form   edible biped~
Part   head arms legs heart brains hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos sitting~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name sarsi child~
ShortD a sarsi child~
LongD A sarsi child rubbing two sticks together.~
Desc A sarsi child is here apparently using non-violent means to start a fire to 
cook raw leaves.  The child wears clothes made of wood and leaves and it has 
the cute appearance of a small hairless child.  All the sarsi children seem 
to be very short and hairless.  
Race unique~
Align 2 3
Level 5
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+1
ManaDice 2d5+120
DamDice 1d6+1
DamType bite
AC 50 50 50 50
Wealth 50
Act    npc no_tame stay_area wimpy~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden~
Imm    fire poison holy disease wood~
Form   edible~
Part   head arms legs heart brains hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   small~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name sarsi elder~
ShortD a sarsi elder~
LongD A sarsi elder is here, with a stern look on his face.~
Desc This sarsi elder seems rather old and wisened from years and years of life.  
He looks rather impervious to anything around him.  He stands about 6 feet 
tall which is extremely rare for a sarsi.  He also has a beard and it 
appears that only the elder is able to grow a beard.  Other then the beard 
the elder is completely hairless.  
Race unique~
Align 2 3
Level 30
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d5+140
ManaDice 5d5+245
DamDice 4d6+8
DamType bite
AC -90 -90 -90 -90
Wealth 300
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis sanctuary protect_good haste regeneration~
Off    dodge dirt_kick~
Imm    summon fire poison holy disease wood~
Form   edible~
Part   head arms legs heart brains hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP sitting~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name sarsi male~
ShortD a sarsi male~
LongD A sarsi male is here, looking at a tree.~
Desc A sarsi male is here looking at some tree in the far off distance.  He seems 
particularly interested in the tall trees.  He has little or no body hair 
and is completely bald.  He stands about 4 to 5 feet tall and has the 
appearance of a shrunken human.  
Race unique~
Align 2 3
Level 12
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+45
ManaDice 2d5+155
DamDice 1d10+3
DamType bite
AC 0 0 0 0
Wealth 120
Act    npc no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis~
Off    dirt_kick~
Imm    fire poison holy disease wood~
Form   edible~
Part   head arms legs heart brains hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name sarsi female~
ShortD a sarsi female~
LongD A sarsi female is here, staring at the leaves.~
Desc A sarsi female is here staring at some pattern in the leaves.  She seems to 
enjoy doing this for long periods of time.  She is dressed in clothes made 
from leaves and branches and seems to have very thin hair.  In fact it seems 
the females are the only ones able to grow hair past their eyebrows.  
Race unique~
Align 2 3
Level 10
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+18
ManaDice 2d5+145
DamDice 2d4+2
DamType bite
AC 10 10 10 10
Wealth 100
Act    npc no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis~
Off    dirt_kick~
Imm    fire poison holy disease wood~
Form   edible~
Part   head arms legs heart brains hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    female~
Material unknown


Name large branch~
Short a large branch~
Desc A large branch with little grooves has been left here.~
Level 5
ItemType weapon~
Cost 105
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values mace 1 10 smash 0
Weight 5
Material wood~
Extra    antievil nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances cleric druid~
ExtraDesc large branch~
A large branch with little grooves.

Name cloak leaves~
Short a cloak made from `#`Gleaves`^~
Desc A cloak made from `#`Gleaves`^ has been left here.~
Level 10
ItemType armor~
Cost 200
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 3 4 0
Weight 10
Material wood~
Extra    antievil nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take about~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 10 -1 memory 1 0
ExtraDesc cloak leaves~
A cloak made from the leaves of many trees.

Name pair wooden pants~
Short a pair of `#`ywooden`^ pants~
Desc A pair of `#`ywooden`^ pants lie here.~
Level 11
ItemType armor~
Cost 220
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 3 3 2 0
Weight 2
Material wood~
Extra    antievil nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 11 -1 ac -5 0
ExtraDesc pair wooden pants~
A pair of pants seemingly made of wood.

Name old wooden medallion~
Short an old `#`ywooden`^ medallion~
Desc A wooden medallion with some grooves and knots in the shapes of magical symbols.~
Level 25
ItemType armor~
Cost 250
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 4 3 1 0
Weight 2
Material wood~
Extra    antievil nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take neck~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 25 -1 move 5 0
Affect modifier -1 25 -1 mana 20 0
Affect modifier -1 25 -1 selfdiscipline 1 0
ExtraDesc old wooden medallion~
A wooden medallion with grooves and knots in the shapes of magical symbols.

Name pair wooden gloves~
Short a pair of `#`ywooden`^ gloves~
Desc A pair of `#`ywooden`^ gloves have been left here.~
Level 17
ItemType armor~
Cost 340
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 3 4 3 3 0
Weight 1
Material wood~
Extra    antineutral nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take hands~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 17 -1 hitroll 2 0
ExtraDesc wooden gloves~
A pair of seemingly wooden gloves.

Name leaf ring~
Short a `#`Gleaf`^ ring~
Desc A `#`Gleaf`^ ring lies here.~
Level 30
ItemType jewelry~
Cost 460
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material wood~
Extra    glow nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take finger~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 constitution 2 0
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 selfdiscipline 1 0
ExtraDesc leaf ring compressed~
A ring made of compressed leaves.

Name book engraved leaves branches~
Short a book engraved with leaves and branches~
Desc A book engraved with leaves and branches.~
Level 1
ItemType trash~
Cost 500
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material paper~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take~
ExtraDesc book~
It seems to be a book about the Sarsi but you can't seem to read the old 
script, maybe you should find a librarian.

Name long cloak of leaves~
Short a long cloak of `#`Glea`gve`Gs`^~
Desc A long cloak of `#`Glea`gve`Gs`^ lies here.~
Level 30
ItemType armor~
Cost 103
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 8 8 8 7 0
Weight 10
Material leaves~
Extra    antineutral nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take torso~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 hitroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 mana 20 0

Name woven sleeves~
Short a pair of woven sleeves~
Desc A pair of woven sleeves lie here.~
Level 30
ItemType armor~
Cost 103
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 7 7 7 6 0
Weight 10
Material leaves~
Extra    antineutral nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take arms~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 presence 2 0
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 selfdiscipline 2 0

Name wooden cuff~
Short a `#`ywooden`^ cuff~
Desc A `#`ywooden`^ cuff is here.~
Level 20
ItemType armor~
Cost 35
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 6 6 6 5 0
Weight 20
Material wood~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take wrist~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 20 -1 ac -10 0

Name soft green cape~
Short a soft green cape~
Desc A soft green cape lies here.~
Level 20
ItemType armor~
Cost 103
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 4 3 0
Weight 10
Material leaves~
Extra    antineutral nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 20 -1 quickness 1 0
Affect modifier -1 20 -1 intuition 1 0

Name threaded belt~
Short a threaded belt~
Desc A threaded belt lies here.~
Level 30
ItemType armor~
Cost 25
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 6 6 6 5 0
Weight 12
Material leather~
Extra    nonmetal nodegrade~
Wear     take waist~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief druid ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 hitroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 30 -1 saves -4 0


Name In the Trees~
Desc You are now high up in the great trees of the Sarsi.  Looking around you 
see bridges seemingly made out of branches stretching across the air to 
unknown destinations.  The tree you are on appears to be taller then the 
Sector forest~
Exit north 12387
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit west 12370
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit up 12369
EDesc High in the Great Sarsi Tree.

Name High in the Great Sarsi Tree~
Desc You appear to be in some sort of temple built across the highest branches 
of this ancient Sarsi tree.  Little wooden candles sprout from the branches 
themselves and it shows the obvious connection with nature these Sarsi 
people must have.  You can leave back down.
Sector forest~
Exit down 12368
EDesc In the Trees.

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You appear to be walking on the interwinding of two branches of separate 
trees.  The path is nice and wide and little knots are nicely placed to 
allow better grip.  There is an extreme harmony of nature here.  You can 
head east or west.
Sector forest~
Exit east 12368
EDesc In the Trees.
Exit west 12379

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You are now at the end of this bridge and you can see the next tree to your 
west.  The birds are chirping here and a little woodchuck scurries away 
when you step near.  The tree to the west seems to have a little hole in it 
which looks just big enough for you to climb in.  You may go east or west.
Sector forest~
Exit east 12379
Exit west 12372
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.

Name On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree~
Desc You are now right beside a knothole in the tree itself.  You can also head 
north along what looks like another branch bridge.  The smell of wet wood 
is in the air and you might have glimpsed a pair of glowing eyes from the 
hole.  You can head north, east or down into the hole.
Sector forest~
Exit north 12374
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit east 12371
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit down 12373
EDesc Inside a Knothole.

Name Inside a Knothole~
Desc You appear to have squeezed into a little room made entirely out of bark.  
Little tables and chairs seemed to have sprouted out of the tree itself.  
You assume a family of Sarsi lives here by the many little wooden toys 
spread around the floor.  Many look peaceful and most are of animals and 
plants.  You can leave up or stay for a bit.
RoomFlags dark~
Sector forest~
Exit up 12372
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You appear to be heading towards another tree which looks almost exactly 
the same as the one to the south of you.  There also appears to be a 
knothole in this tree.  You can head north or south.
Sector forest~
Exit north 12375
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit south 12372
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You seem to be heading a little higher in the trees and the tree in front 
of you is so identical to the one to the south that you wonder if it is 
just the same tree split in half.  The birds are still chirping.  You can 
head north or south.
Sector forest~
Exit north 12377
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.
Exit south 12374
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.

Name Inside a Knothole~
Desc This appears to be a library of sorts.  Perfectly shaped bookshelves are 
all around the room and for some reason you don't see any books.  Maybe 
they read trees?  You can leave up.
RoomFlags dark~
Sector forest~
Exit up 12377
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.

Name On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree~
Desc You are on top of a great Sarsi tree and a knothole is just below you 
looking rather inviting for a knothole.  You hear all the sounds of nature 
around you with that rather content little breeze blowing by.  You can go 
down into the knothole, east or south.
Sector forest~
Exit east 12378
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit south 12375
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit down 12376
EDesc Inside a Knothole.

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You are on a bridge made by two branches from two separate trees.  The 
little knotholes are placed perfectly for optimum grip.  To the northeast 
is a smaller bridge and west is a great Sarsi tree.
Sector forest~
Exit west 12377
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.
Exit northeast 12381

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You appear to be walking on the interwinding of two branches of separate 
trees.  The path is nice and wide and little knots are nicely placed to 
allow better grip.  There is an extreme harmony of nature here.  You can 
head east or west.  
Sector forest~
Exit east 12370
Exit west 12371

Name Intersection of Small Branch Bridges~
Desc The two small branch bridges seem to intersect here.  To the immediate 
north is the strange looking tree with the steps and there is a strange 
peace here.  You can go southwest, southeast or north.
Sector forest~
Exit north 12382
EDesc Stairs leading up the Tree.
Exit southeast 12384
Exit southwest 12378

Name Stairs leading up the Tree~
Desc You are on the bottom step of a huge tree and there is a huge sense 
of peace and harmony with nature here.  Its almost as if the steps were 
created by the tree itself.  Above you can see a glowing light of some 
sort.  You can head up or south.
Sector forest~
Exit south 12381
EDesc Intersection of Small Branch Bridges.
Exit up 12383
EDesc Top of the Highest Sarsi Tree.
Exit down 30302
EDesc Down to the ground.

Name Top of the Highest Sarsi Tree~
Desc You are now extremely high above the continent and think you can spot your 
city from here.  The wind seems to sing here and no birds are chirping for 
some reason.  Some sort of groove in the top of the tree is here looking a 
lot like some sort of firepit.  A leaf falls from a branch nearby and you 
think you might have heard a scream but it was probably the wind.  You can 
leave down.
Sector forest~
Exit down 12382
EDesc Stairs leading up the Tree.

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You are on a bridge made by two branches from two separate trees.  The 
little knotholes are placed perfectly for optimum grip.  To the northwest 
is a smaller bridge and east is a great Sarsi tree.
Sector forest~
Exit east 12385
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.
Exit northwest 12381

Name On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree~
Desc You are on top of a great Sarsi tree and a knothole is just below you 
looking rather inviting for a knothole.  You hear all the sounds of nature 
around you with a rather content little breeze blowing by.  You can go down 
into the knothole, west or south.
Sector forest~
Exit south 12386
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit west 12384
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit down 12388
EDesc Inside a Knothole.

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You are on top of two branches wrapped around each other from separate 
trees.  There are convenient knotholes everywhere and there is no fear of 
falling as it seems the leaves would catch you somehow anyways.  You may go 
north or south.
Sector forest~
Exit north 12385
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.
Exit south 12387
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.

Name Bridge made from Branches~
Desc You are on top of a bridge made from two branches off of two separate 
trees.  Somehow this is a very sturdy bridge and the sounds of nature can 
be heard everywhere along with a woodchuck in the distance chewing on some 
kind of nut.  You may go north or south.
Sector forest~
Exit north 12386
EDesc Bridge made from Branches.
Exit south 12368
EDesc In the Trees.

Name Inside a Knothole~
Desc You are in a very small knothole and the room appears to be some sort of 
school.  Little stools and tables are carved out of the wood by some 
natural means and there is no garbage to be found.  Whoever lives here must 
be very clean.  You can leave up.
RoomFlags dark~
Sector forest~
Exit up 12385
EDesc On Top of a Great Sarsi Tree.



M 0 12368 7 12368 1
M 0 12369 1 12369 1
E 0 12371 111 neck1~
E 0 12377 -1 lwrist~
E 0 12377 -1 rwrist~
E 0 12378 -1 about~
M 0 12372 11 12370 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12373 8 12370 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12369 111 about~
M 0 12372 11 12371 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12373 8 12371 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12369 -1 about~
M 0 12372 11 12372 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12370 10 12373 3
M 0 12370 10 12373 3
M 0 12370 10 12373 3
M 0 12373 8 12373 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12369 111 about~
M 0 12372 11 12374 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12368 7 12375 2
M 0 12368 7 12375 2
M 0 12370 10 12376 2
M 0 12370 10 12376 2
M 0 12372 11 12376 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12373 8 12376 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12369 111 about~
M 0 12368 7 12377 1
M 0 12372 11 12378 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12373 8 12378 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12369 111 about~
M 0 12368 7 12381 1
M 0 12368 7 12381 1
M 0 12372 11 12382 2
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12372 11 12382 2
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12371 1 12383 1
E 0 12373 111 lfinger~
E 0 12375 -1 torso~
E 0 12376 -1 arms~
E 0 12379 -1 waist~
M 0 12372 11 12384 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12373 8 12385 2
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12369 111 about~
M 0 12373 8 12385 2
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12369 111 about~
M 0 12370 10 12385 1
M 0 12372 11 12386 1
E 0 12368 111 wielded~
E 0 12370 111 legs~
E 0 12372 111 hands~
M 0 12368 7 12387 1
M 0 12373 8 12387 1
E 0 12368 -1 wielded~
E 0 12369 -1 about~
M 0 12370 10 12388 4
M 0 12370 10 12388 4
M 0 12370 10 12388 4
E 0 12374 111 hold~
M 0 12370 10 12388 4
M 0 12372 11 12388 1


