Version     11
FromMUD     Dawn 1.69r Development Site~
*parent_codebase 1.69r-ReleaseCandiate1
Name        Haunted Lighthouse~
ShortName   Haunted Lighthouse~
Builders    None~
Credits     Reave~
VNUMs       43200 43249
LRange      30 60
Security    9
Colour      R~
colourcode  `
MapScale    6
MapLevel    20
Vnum_offset 0
Continent   valarin~
*LastSaved  Sat Jan 31 23:48:10 2004~

Name zombie rotting~
ShortD a rotting zombie~
LongD A rotting zombie is here.~
Desc This creature was once a human man, but is now an animated rotting corpse.  
Chunks of skin are missing in many places, exposing the organs and bones 
Race human~
Align -1 -2
Level 30
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d5+150
ManaDice 5d5+245
DamDice 4d6+8
DamType pound
AC -110 -110 -110 -70
Wealth 300
Act    npc no_tame stay_area undead~
Off    parry~
Imm    summon charm poison negative mental disease drowning~
Vuln   fire holy~
Form   edible poison sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name animated skeleton~
ShortD an animated skeleton~
LongD An animated skeleton is here.~
Desc This undead creature is nothing but a skeleton that has somehow been 
magically animated.  It is about human sized.
Race human~
Align -1 -1
Level 33
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d6+205
ManaDice 2d5+18
DamDice 6d4+10
DamType beating
AC -110 -110 -110 -88
Wealth 300
Act    npc no_tame stay_area undead warrior~
Off    parry~
Imm    summon charm poison negative mental disease drowning~
Vuln   fire holy~
Form   edible sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown

Name grey ooze~
ShortD a grey ooze~
LongD A grey ooze clings to the wall here.~
Desc This strange creature is not much more than a pile of smelly grey slime.  It 
seems to be able to cling to the wall quite well, and from the damage done to 
the area around it looks quite toxic.
Race centipede~
Align 0 0
Level 40
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d6+235
ManaDice 5d6+235
DamDice 4d8+13
DamType digestion
AC -130 -130 -130 -115
Wealth 350
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  dark_vision regeneration slow~
Off    area_attack~
Imm    charm poison disease~
Res    bash pierce cold~
Vuln   fire~
Form   edible poison animal insect blob~
Part   head brains eye~
StartP resting~
DefPos resting~
Size   large~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown

Name ghost~
ShortD a ghost~
LongD The ghost of some poor human is floating here.~
Desc This is the ghost of some poor human, probably killed in such a way as to 
trap the soul behind.  It is a whispy white color, and is transparent.
Race human~
Align -1 0
Level 38
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d7+242
ManaDice 5d7+245
DamDice 3d12+14
DamType chill
AC -140 -140 -140 -116
Wealth 360
Act    npc no_tame stay_area undead~
Off    fade~
Imm    charm poison negative mental disease drowning~
Res    magic~
Vuln   weapon fire holy~
Form   edible instant_decay sentient undead mist biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name revenant lighthouse keeper~
ShortD a revenant~
LongD The revenant of the lighthouse keeper is here.~
Desc This is the undead body of the former lighthouse keeper.  Apparently some 
soul is still trapped inside, if the burning hate visible in its eyes is any 
Race human~
Align -2 -3
Level 57
Hitroll 2
HitDice 6d9+305
ManaDice 6d9+310
DamDice 6d8+24
DamType punch
AC -270 -270 -270 -243
Wealth 430
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame aggressive stay_area undead~
Off    dodge parry~
Imm    charm poison negative mental disease drowning~
Form   edible poison sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name spectre~
ShortD a spectre~
LongD A spectre is floating here.~
Desc This ghostlike undead creature is staring at you with glowing red eyes filled 
with hate.  Its body is mostly transparent, and is hard to make out.  
Race human~
Align -1 -2
Level 46
Hitroll 2
HitDice 5d8+255
ManaDice 5d8+265
DamDice 6d6+16
DamType chill
AC -160 -160 -160 -132
Wealth 390
Act    npc no_tame stay_area undead~
Off    fade~
Imm    charm poison negative mental disease~
Res    light~
Vuln   holy~
Form   edible instant_decay sentient undead intangible biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name thin wraith~
ShortD a wraith~
LongD A thin wraith is here.~
Desc This tall gaunt undead creature looks quite powerful.  It has an expression 
of pure malice on its face, and is eyeing you hungrily.
Race human~
Align -3 -3
Level 53
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d9+290
ManaDice 5d9+290
DamDice 6d7+21
DamType punch
AC -230 -230 -230 -186
Wealth 420
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area undead~
Off    fade~
Imm    charm poison negative mental disease drowning~
Vuln   fire holy~
Form   edible poison sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name ghoul~
ShortD a ghoul~
LongD A ghoul is here, leering evilly at you.~
Desc This creature was perhaps once a normal human, but it's body has been 
horribly twisted by some foul means into a warped imitation.  It is leering 
evilly at you.
Race human~
Align -1 -3
Level 36
Hitroll 2
HitDice 5d6+215
ManaDice 5d6+200
DamDice 3d10+11
DamType claw
AC -120 -120 -120 -96
Wealth 330
Act    npc no_tame stay_area undead~
Off    dodge parry~
Imm    charm poison negative mental disease drowning~
Vuln   fire holy~
Form   edible poison sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name huge blue dragon~
ShortD a blue dragon~
LongD A huge blue dragon is resting here.~
Desc This huge dragon is incredibly long and is covered with ocean blue scales.  
It is resting here in a deep pool of water.
Race dragon~
Align 0 -2
XPMod 120
Level 60
Hitroll 2
HitDice 6d10+525
ManaDice 6d10+525
DamDice 10d6+45
DamType claw
AC -440 -440 -460 -350
Wealth 600
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area~
AffBy  detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good infrared flying~
Off    area_attack crush~
Imm    charm lightning light~
Res    summon charm bash slash fire~
Vuln   pierce cold~
Form   edible sentient mountable reptile dragon~
Part   head legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye wings tail claws fangs scales~
StartP resting~
DefPos resting~
Size   huge~
Sex    random~
Material unknown

Name huge black rock worm~
ShortD a rock worm~
LongD A huge black worm is eating the stone here.~
Desc This huge worm is black in color and very grotesque.  It has a mouth of sorts 
at one end, and is using it to devour some rocks here.
Race centipede~
Align 0 0
Level 50
Hitroll 0
HitDice 5d9+275
ManaDice 5d9+275
DamDice 5d8+19
DamType chomp
AC -200 -200 -200 -164
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander aggressive stay_area~
AffBy  dark_vision~
Off    bash~
Res    bash pierce~
Vuln   cold~
Form   edible poison animal insect mountable snake~
Part   head legs brains eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   giant~
Sex    neutral~
Material unknown


Name rusty cutlass~
Short a `#`yrusty`^ cutlass~
Desc A `#`yrusty`^ cutlass has been left here.~
Level 30
ItemType weapon~
Cost 606
Condition 75
Asize 40
Rsize 50
Values sword 9 3 slash 0
Weight 30
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take wield~
ClassAllowances warrior paladin ranger barbarian~
ExtraDesc rusty cutlass~
This old short curved sword is of fine make, but has not been taken
care of and is very rusty.

Name dragon's eye~
Short a dragon's eye~
Desc A dragon's eye has been left here.~
Level 60
ItemType light~
Cost 1313
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 300 0 0
Weight 5
Material gemstone~
Extra    glow nonmetal nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ClassAllowances mage cleric thief warrior druid paladin ranger spellfilcher~
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 hp 4 0
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 hitroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 damroll 2 0
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 mana 40 0
ExtraDesc dragon's eye~
This large gem is clear with a blue pulsing light in the center.  It is
also vibrating slightly.

Name rusty old key~
Short a `#`yrusty`^ old key~
Desc A `#`yrusty`^ old key has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType key~
Cost 1
Condition 75
Asize 2
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 1
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc rusty old key~
This large key is made of steel and is old and rusty.

Name portable hole~
Short a portable hole~
Desc A portable hole has been folded up and left here..~
Level 10
ItemType container~
Cost 640
Condition 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 9999 A 0 400 50
Weight 1
Material nothing~
Extra    nonmetal burnproof chaos~
Wear     take hold~
ExtraDesc portable hole~
This flat piece of extradimensional material can be folded up, and seems
to magically store a lot.  

Name dusty silver helm~
Short a dusty `#`Ssilver`^ helm~
Desc A dusty `#`Ssilver`^ helm lies here.~
Level 50
ItemType armor~
Cost 1000
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 12 12 12 10 0
Weight 70
Material elvish silver~
Extra    magic inventory nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take head~
ClassAllowances cleric warrior paladin ranger~

Name blue dragon fang~
Short a `#`Bblue dragon's`^ fang~
Desc The fang from a `#`Bblue dragon`^ lies here.~
Level 60
ItemType weapon~
Cost 850
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values dagger 4 12 pierce H
Weight 50
Material unknown~
Extra    nolocate nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~
Affect modifier -1 60 -1 quickness 2 0


Name Entrance Room~
Desc This small room is a mess.  Broken and rotting chairs are lying here, along 
with an overturned table.  There is an exit to the outside to the west, and 
small rooms to the north and south.  Just to the east are stairs leading up 
and down.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc chair table~
rotten old furniture, mostly broken.
Exit north 43201
EDesc Storage Room.
Exit east 43203
EDesc Stairs.
Exit south 43202
EDesc Storage Room.
Exit west 30437
EDesc You can exit this way.

Name Storage Room~
Desc This small room appears to have once been used for storage.  There are hooks 
on the wall, from which hang the remains of old ropes, and several rotting 
wooden bins on the floor.  The exit is south.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc bin~
Old rotten wooden bins.  Empty and worthless.
ExtraDesc rope hook~
Rotting old ropes hang on hooks.
Exit south 43200
EDesc Entrance Room.

Name Storage Room~
Desc This small room is completely bare except for a few stone blocks on the 
floor.  Upon close inspection the walls and ceiling appear to be covered with 
a thin layer of grey slime.  The exit is north.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc stone blocks~
Plain old stone blocks.  Heavy and boring.
ExtraDesc slime~
Grey slime.
Exit north 43200
EDesc Entrance Room.

Name Stairs~
Desc The stone stairs lead up and down here.  Shuffling and grinding noises come 
from both directions.  You can also go west into a room.

RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit west 43200
EDesc Entrance Room.
Exit up 43208
EDesc Stairs.
Exit down 43213
EDesc Stairs.

Name Living Quarters~
Desc This appears to once have been the living quarters of whoever lived in 
this place.  It is obviously unused for a long time, though.  The few 
furnishings that remain are broken and overturned, and a thick layer of dust 
covers everything.  There are small rooms to the north, south, and west, and 
stairs to the east.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc furnishings~
Broken old furniture.
Exit north 43205
EDesc Living Quarters.
Exit east 43208
EDesc The stairs.
Exit south 43206
EDesc Living Quarters.
Exit west 43207
EDesc Storage Area.

Name Living Quarters~
Desc This small bedroom once belonged to a resident of this place.  There is an 
old bed here, along with a wooden desk.  A broken chair lies in pieces on the 
floor, as do glass shards from a shattered oil lamp.  The only exit is south.

RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc bed~
An old bed.  Nothing unusual about it.
ExtraDesc desk~
A nice old wooden desk.  There is nothing on it or in the drawers.
Exit south 43204
EDesc Living Quarters.

Name Living Quarters~
Desc This small room appears to have once belonged to a resident of this place. 
There is an old bed here, and a chair, but not much else.  The only exit is 
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit north 43204
EDesc Living Quarters.

Name Storage Area~
Desc This tiny room was once a storage room for food.  Shelves line the
walls, upon which are some old bottles and jars.  A small barrel sits 
in the corner.  The only exit is east.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit east 43204
EDesc Living Quarters.

Name Stairs~
Desc The stone stairs go up and down here, and there is a room to the west.  You 
hear shuffling sounds from all three directions.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit west 43204
EDesc Living Quarters.
Exit up 43209
EDesc Stairs go up.
Exit down 43203
EDesc Stairs.

Name Walkway~
Desc You are on a walkway on the top of a lighthouse.  A huge glass sphere is 
supported by chains to your west, but is not lit up in any way at the moment. 
It doesn't appear to have anything to burn in it, perhaps it is powered 
magically.  To the east you can see the ocean, and forest lies in all other 
directions.  The walkway leads northwest or southwest, or stairs lead down 
into the lighthouse.
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc sphere globe~
A huge thick glass sphere.
Exit down 43208
EDesc Stairs.
Exit southwest 43212
EDesc Walkway.
Exit northwest 43210
EDesc Walkway.

Name Walkway~
Desc You are on a walkway on the top of a lighthouse.  A huge glass sphere is 
supported by chains to your south, but is not lit up in any way at the 
moment.  It doesn't appear to have anything to burn in it, perhaps it is 
powered magically.  To the east you can see the ocean, and forest lies in all 
other directions.  The walkway leads southeast or southwest.
Sector inside~
Exit southeast 43209
EDesc Walkway.
Exit southwest 43211
EDesc Walkway.

Name Walkway~
Desc You are on a walkway on the top of a lighthouse.  A huge glass sphere is 
supported by chains to your east, but is not lit up in any way at the moment. 
It doesn't appear to have anything to burn in it, perhaps it is powered 
magically.  To the east you can see the ocean, and forest lies in all other 
directions.  The walkway leads northeast or southeast.
Sector inside~
Exit northeast 43210
EDesc Walkway.
Exit southeast 43212
EDesc Walkway.

Name Walkway~
Desc You are on a walkway on the top of a lighthouse.  A huge glass sphere is 
supported by chains to your north, but is not lit up in any way at the 
moment.  It doesn't appear to have anything to burn in it, perhaps it is 
powered magically.  To the east you can see the ocean, and forest lies in all 
other directions.  The walkway leads northwest or northeast.
Sector inside~
Exit northeast 43209
EDesc Walkway.
Exit northwest 43211
EDesc Walkway.

Name Stairs~
Desc Here some stone stairs lead upwards.  A small dark room is to the west.
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit west 43214
EDesc Cellar.
Exit up 43203
EDesc Stairs.

Name Cellar~
Desc This small room is wet and cold.  Some old wooden shelves line the walls, but 
look quite rotten.  There are stone stairs to the east, and you also notice a 
metal trapdoor in the floor.
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc trapdoor~
A metal door with a handle, set in the stone floor.
ExtraDesc shelves~
Old wooden shelves, wet and rotting.
Exit east 43213
EDesc Stairs.
Exit down 43215
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 812
EKeywords trapdoor~
EDesc Natural Cave.

Name Natural Cave~
Desc This narrow cave is wet and dark.  The stone walls are rough, and appear to 
be formed naturally as opposed to man-made.  You can go west through the 
cave, and there is a metal trapdoor set in the roof.

RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector cave~
ExtraDesc trapdoor~
A metal trapdoor with a lock.
Exit west 43216
EDesc Damp Cave.
Exit up 43214
EFlags door closed locked hard~
EKeyvnum 812
EKeywords trapdoor~
EDesc Cellar.

Name Damp Cave~
Desc The narrow cave runs south and east here.  It is rather damp, and there are a 
few trickles of water running along the walls and floor.  The stone is rough, 
and the cave appears to have been formed naturally.

RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector cave~
ExtraDesc water trickle~
Water coming form some unknown source.
Exit east 43215
EDesc Natural Cave.
Exit south 43217
EDesc Natural cave.

Name Damp Cave~
Desc The narrow cave runs north and south here.  It is rather damp, and there are 
a few trickles of water running along the walls and floor.  The stone is 
rough, and the cave appears to have been formed naturally.
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector cave~
Exit north 43216
EDesc The cave runs north.
Exit south 43218
EDesc The cave runs south.

Name Damp Cave~
Desc The narrow cave runs north and southeast here.  It is rather damp, and there 
are a few trickles of water running along the walls and floor.  The stone is 
rough, and the cave appears to have been formed naturally.  To the southeast 
it is a tight squeeze, but looks to open up into a larger cavern.
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector cave~
Exit north 43217
EDesc Damp Cave.
Exit southeast 43219
EDesc Cavern.

Name Cavern~
Desc This huge cavern has somehow been hollowed out of the stone, perhaps by the 
water that currently covers part of its floor.  The walls are very smooth, 
and have water trickling down them in a few spots.  There is a salty scent to 
the air, and a slight breeze from the east.  There is a wide opening in that 
direction, and also a small tunnel leading northwest.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector cave~
Exit east 43220
EDesc Damp Passage.
Exit northwest 43218
EDesc Damp Cave.

Name Damp Passage~
Desc This wide tunnel stretches west into the darkness, and east opens to a rocky 
beach.  There are a few inches of water covering the ground now, but maybe 
its not such a good idea to be here later during high tide.  There is water 
trickling down the smooth walls in a few places.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector cave~
Exit east 43221
EDesc Rocky Beach.
Exit west 43219
EDesc Cavern.

Name Rocky Beach~
Desc You are on a rocky beach on the edge of a great body of water.  The water 
stretches east as far as you can see.  There is a wide tunnel leading into 
the ground to your west. 
Sector field~
Exit west 43220
EDesc Damp Passage.


M 43200 spec_fido
M 43204 spec_cast_undead
M 43205 spec_cast_undead
M 43206 spec_cast_undead
M 43208 spec_breath_lightning

M 0 43200 12 43200 3
E 0 43200 100 wielded~
M 0 43200 12 43200 3
E 0 43200 100 wielded~
M 0 43201 12 43201 3
E 0 43200 100 wielded~
M 0 43201 12 43201 3
M 0 43201 12 43201 3
M 0 43202 5 43202 5
G 0 43202 -1
M 0 43202 5 43202 5
M 0 43202 5 43202 5
M 0 43202 5 43202 5
M 0 43202 5 43202 5
M 0 43201 12 43204 3
E 0 43200 100 wielded~
M 0 43204 1 43205 1
O 0 43204 -1 43205
M 0 43207 12 43206 6
M 0 43207 12 43206 6
M 0 43207 12 43206 6
M 0 43207 12 43206 6
M 0 43207 12 43206 6
M 0 43207 12 43206 6
M 0 43203 10 43207 5
M 0 43203 10 43207 5
M 0 43203 10 43207 5
M 0 43203 10 43207 5
M 0 43203 10 43207 5
M 0 43205 2 43210 1
M 0 43203 10 43212 2
M 0 43206 1 43214 1
M 0 43209 2 43217 2
M 0 43209 2 43217 2
M 0 43208 1 43219 1
G 0 43201 -1
G 0 43205 -1


