colourcode `
security 7

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? track

Rangers are masters of the wilderness, and the wylde betrays them no 
secrets.  Using their natural instincts and talents of observation, a 
skilled woodsman can discern who (or what) has passed through an area by 
examining closely the tracks they have left behind. Naturally, even the 
skills of the most seasoned trackers are limited by time and terrain. 

category undefined~
text Syntax:
    second <weapon>

Every character can wield 2 weapons.  This is not a skill you have to 
gain but certain classes are better than others at using and hitting 
with their off hand.  To second a make sure you are already wield one
then type second <object> and you will wield another weapon.

keyword DARK-VISION~
category undefined~
text Syntax:

This is an ability inherent in some races which enables them to see 
in the dark.  Usually it is racially based, those races living below 
ground tending to have this skill naturally from birth.  Some mages 
have been known to enchant items with the effect, but this is rare if
not a myth.

keyword SLICE~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    slice <corpse>

This skill will slice meat off a corpse.  A useful skill for 
gathering food.  You will need a sharp weapon.  People who are 
not very well practiced in slicing should be careful, fingers
are hard if not impossible to replace.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

For experienced warriors allowing them to deal out huge amounts
of damage.  Experience and many hours practice is needed for a 
warrior to learn this skill.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

This command will list the current skills you have.  Those that have 
n/a beside them are unable to be used yet as your character is not of 
sufficient level.

Typing (help 'skill name') will give you help on a particular skill.  
An example of this is (help disarm) this will provide help on what the 
'disarm' skill is and does.

Every character starts with two skill groups, one for their class and a 
default set that all characters receive.  The default skills are:

recall      essential escape skill (see help recall)
scrolls     reading of scrolls and other magical volumes
staves      use of magical staves
wands	    use of magical wands

For class defaults, check the classes themselves.


category undefined~
text Syntax: 
    practice <skill|spell>
PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability level in all
the skills and spells available to you.  You can check this anywhere.
PRACTICE with an argument practices that skill or spell.  Your learning
percentage varies from 0% (unlearned) to a maximum 75%, any more 
improvement in the skill is done by using the skill.  You must be at a 
guild master to practice.
The higher your memory and reasoning, the more you will learn at each 
practice session.  The total number of bonuses from all the stats on 
the `#`YRIGHT COLUMN`^ of your score sheet determines the numbers of 
practices you gain per level.  Unused sessions are saved until you 
do use them.
Bonuses < 50  = 3 Pracs
Bonuses < 100 = 4 Pracs
Bonuses < 150 = 5 Pracs
Bonuses < 200 = 6 Pracs
`#`WBonuses`^ are those numbers by your attribute. They can be negative 
or positive. Here are examples:
Co: 30( 47)/ -5
Sd: 35( 57)/+10
The bonus to Co is `#`W-5`^ and to Sd is `#`W+10`^.

category undefined~
text Syntax: 
   train <st qu pr em in co ag sd me re hp mana>
TRAIN increases one of your attributes.  When you start the game, your
character has standard attributes based on your class and race, and
several initial training sessions.  You can increase your attributes by
using these sessions at a trainer (there are several in town).
It takes one training session to improve an attribute from 1-15%, or to
increase your mana or hp.  You receive two training sessions per level.
e.g train st (Increases your strength.)

keyword MODIFIERS~
category undefined~
text Your modifiers are the bonuses your particular percentage in an attribute
entitle you to.  Modifiers are dependant on equipment and race to a large


category undefined~
see_also TRAIN~
text Each attribute is represented in the following manner on the score table:

Where CURRENT is your current percentage in that attribute.
If CUR was 54, then you are better than 54% of your _RACE_ in that attribute.
MAXIMUM is the highest possible percentage that you can hope to achieve in
that attribute.  MODIFIER is the modifier that you character receives on
various die rolls and checks that will be performed on your character.
The value of MODIFIER is determined by looking at your CURRENT, any equipment
modifiers, and any racial bonus that you received for your race.

The 10 attributes that make up each character are:

Strength:        The ability to use your muscles to their greatest advantage
(ST)             Race plays a large determination in the real strength of your

Quickness:       The measure of your reflexes and reaction time.

Presence:        The ability to control your own mind - courage, bearing,
(PR)             self-esteem.  It plays a major role your ability to influence

Intuition:       The combination of your luck, genius, precognition, ESP, and
(IN)             favor with the gods.

Empathy:         The measure of your relationship to the all-pervading force
(EM)             that is common in all things natural and supernatural.  The
                 strength of your soul.

Constitution:    Your general health and well being, resistance, and overall
(CO)             durability.  Note CO is not as important on ROM muds.

Agility:         Your manual dexterity, and litheness.

Self-Discipline: The control of your mind over your body, concentration,
(SD)             steadfastness, and inner strength.  Your ability to go on
                 despite hardship.

Memory:          Your ability to retain knowledge and what you have previously
(ME)             encountered and learned. 

Reasoning:       Your ability to absorb and comprehend, as well as to use your
(RE)             knowledge to draw conclusions. Memory and Reasoning combined
                 would be generally considered a reflection of intelligence 
                 therefore affecting things like practicing.


category undefined~
text Magical items require training to use properly.  If your character lacks the
necessary skill to use an item, you may fail when you try, possibly destroying
it.  The item skills are as follows:
scrolls - The reading of magical scrolls, tomes and books.
staves  - The use of staves and similar devices.
wands  - The use of wands and similar items. 

keyword RECALLS /~
category undefined~
see_also PANIC~
text Syntax: 

RECALL prays for miraculous transportation from where you are back to a common 
reference point. this varies from race to race.
 ``good' races recall to the Large Plaza in Mekali.  
 ``evil' races recall to the Blasted Main Square in Dzagari.

 '/' is a synonym for RECALL.

If you RECALL during combat, you will lose experience (more than for fleeing),
and you will have a chance of failing (again, more than for fleeing).  This
chance is based on your recall skill, although a 100% recall does not 
guarantee success.

RECALL costs half of your movement points.

RECALL doesn't work in certain god-forsaken rooms.  Characters afflicted by a
curse may not recall at all.

category undefined~
text Each weapon skill applies to a specific group of armaments, and determines 
how well a character fights with a particular weapon.  The weaponsmaster 
group provides talent in all weapons (save exotics), from chair legs to 
halberds. If the character has the parry skill as well, he can parry 
incoming attacks. The chance of parrying is best if the character in 
question is skilled at both his weapon and his opponent's. `+
The weapon skills consist of the following: `+
weaponsmaster   skill group of all weapons listed below (save exotic weaponry)`+
axe             the use of axes, ranging from hand to great (but not halberds)`+
dagger          the use of knives and daggers, and other stabbing weapons `+
flail           skill in ball-and-chain type weapons `+
mace            this skill includes clubs and hammers as well as maces `+
polearm         the use of pole weapons, including halberds and spears `+
staff           the use of staffs, including cudgels and quarterstaffs
sword           the warrior's standby, from rapier to claymore `+
whip            the use of whips, chains, and bullwhips `+
exotic          the use of strange magical weapons `+
The exotic skill cannot be purchased, and is dependent solely upon level.`+

category undefined~
text Syntax:

Shield block is a rather fancy name for the art of parrying with a shield.
Characters with no shield block skill will not be able to defend themselves
well with a shield.  All classes may learn shield block, but only warriors and
clerics are good at it.  Beware, flails ignore shield blocking attempts, and
whips have an easier time getting around them.  Axes may split shields in two.

category undefined~
text Syntax: 
    study <scroll>

You can learn spells by reading scrolls.  You must have all the required
realms and spheres, and you must be of high enough level.  This will
freeze your character for a while and use up the scroll, even if you are

keyword SORCERY~
category undefined~
text Syntax:

Allows you to cast spells up to 20 levels above your current level.
This power has been known to be unpredictable.  The spells you cast
will vary between 1 and 20 levels higher than your own.  This is 
a must have skill for all mages.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

Mana focusing enables a spell caster to finely hone the use
of their magic abilities.  A spell caster with this skill can focus 
their mana to maximum efficiency, and therefore use less mana in the
casting of a spell.

Mana focusing reduces consumption of mana in the best cases
by up to 50%.   Effectively adding to a spell casters overall mana 

keyword TEACH~
category undefined~
text Syntax: 
    teach <character> <spell>

The person being taught must be resting.  This will cause both the
teacher and student to be frozen for a while, even if unsuccessful.

keyword BACKSTAB~
category undefined~
text Syntax: backstab <victim>`1`1Backstab is the favoured attack of thieves, 
murderers, and other rogues.  It can only be used while wielding a dagger or 
similar weapon.  The damage inflicted by a backstab is determined by the 
attacker's level, weapon skill, backstab skill, and the power of the 
opponent.  Only thieves and spellfilchers may learn the backstab skill.  

keyword BASH~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    bash <victim>

The bash skill is a warrior talent, a brute-force attack designed to knock
your foe to his knees.  It's success depends on many factors, including the
bash rating, your weight, and the size of your opponent.  Bashing a dragon
is not generally a wise idea.

keyword BERSERK~
category undefined~
text Syntax:

Only powerful warriors can master berserking, the ability to enter insane rage
in combat.  It's effects are not altogether unlike the frenzy spell -- a huge
surge of combat prowess, coupled with a disregard for personal safety.  
Berserking warriors are more resistant to the effects of magic.
Basically this means higher damroll and hitroll and worse armor class as well
as a temporary boost in hitpoints.

category undefined~
text Syntax:
    dirt <victim>

Consider by some to be a cowardly skill, dirt kicking gives the clever 
combatant a chance to blind his opponent by casting dirt into his eyes.  The
blindness does not last long, but can provide an edge in combat.  Dexterity
helps in hitting or avoiding a dirt kick.  Only warriors and thieves may
learn this skill.

keyword DISARM~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    disarm <victim>

Disarm is a somewhat showy and unreliable skill, designed to relieve your
opponent of his weapon.  The best possible chance of disarming occurs when you
are skilled in both your own and your opponent's weapon.  Only talented thieves
and warriors may learn this skill.

keyword DODGE~
category undefined~
text Syntax:

In the words of one wise warrior, 'the best way to block a blow is to not
be where it lands'.  The dodge skill honours this tradition, by improving the
character's natural agility to the point where many blows will miss the 
target. The chance of dodging is also affected by the dexterity of the
attacker and the target.  Any class may learn dodging.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

Warriors and skilled thieves can become skilled enough in combat that they are
able to inflict more damage than other classes.  Enhanced damage is checked
for with each hit, although with a low skill, the chance of receiving a bonus
is very low indeed.

keyword ENVENOM~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? envenom <object>`+
The envenom skill is a cowardly skill practiced only by thieves, rangers, 
and spellfilchers.  It is designed to win a battle through alchemy and 
treachery rather than skill or strength.  Or, put another way, it's a skill 
used by the smart to kill the foolish.  Food, drink, and weapons may be 
envenomed, with varying effects.  Poisoned food or drink puts a mild poison 
spell on the consumer, and is unlikely to be more than a minor inconvenience 
(after all, the typical adventurer could drink sewer water with only a trace 
of the runs).  A poisoned weapon, on the other hand, can inflict serious 
damage on an opponent as the poison burns through his bloodstream.  But be 
careful, blade venom evaporates quickly and is rendered almost powerless by 
repeated blows in combat.  Some weapons can't be envenomed due to 

keyword HAND-TO-HAND~
category undefined~
text Syntax:

Hand to hand combat is a rare skill in the lands of the Dawn of Time.  Learning 
this style of fighting gives the player a weapon even when disarmed -- bare 
hands. Trained hand to hand experts are far more effective than many swordsmen.
Clerics and warriors are the best at this skill, although thieves and mages
may also learn it.

keyword KICK~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    kick <victim>

Kicking allows the adventurer to receive an extra attack in combat, a
powerful kick.  However, a failed kick may throw an unwary fighter off
balance.  Fighters and Clerics are the most skilled at kicking, although
thieves may also learn it.

keyword PARRY~
category undefined~
text Syntax:

If at first you fail to dodge, block it.  Parry is useful for deflecting 
attacks, and is successful more often than dodge.  Parry requires a weapon
for full success, the hand-to-hand skill may also be used, but results in
reduced damage instead of no damage.  The best chance of parrying occurs
when the defender is skilled in both the parrying weapon and the attacker's

keyword RESCUE~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    rescue <character>

A friend in need is a friend indeed.  And when in combat, a warrior with
the rescue skill is just the friend you need.  Rescue allows you to intercede
in combat, protecting weaker characters from bodily harm.  Hopefully the
favour will be returned.  Success in rescuing depends on the skill rating, as
well as a comparison of level, dexterity, and speed between the character and
the target. (note: you rescue a friend, not the monster)

keyword TRIP~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    trip <victim>

Back by popular demand.  Trip is a somewhat dastardly attack, and involves
using any one of a number of methods to bring your opponent down to the ground.
Tripping large monsters is generally not a good idea, and agile ones will
find the attack easy to avoid.  Thieves and warriors may learn trip.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

Training in second attack allows the character a chance at additional strikes
in combat -- although a 100% second attack does NOT guarantee 2 attacks every
round.  Any class may learn this skill, although clerics and mages have a 
very hard time with it.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

Training in third attack allows the character a chance at an additional strike
in a combat, and increases the chance of a second attack as well.  Perfect
third attack does NOT assure three attacks per round.  Only warriors and highly
skilled thieves may learn this skill.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

Training in quad attack allows the character a chance at an additional strike
in a combat, and increases the chance of a third attack as well.  Perfect
quad attack does NOT assure four attacks per round.  Only warriors and highly
skilled thieves may learn this skill.

keyword HIDE SNEAK~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
Hide and sneak are similar skills, both related to remaining undetected.
Hide has a very high chance of success, but only works for as long as the
character remains stationary.  Sneak may be used when moving (including
sneaking by monsters), but has a lower chance of success.  Only warriors and
thieves may learn these skills.
You can tell if you are sneaking or hidden by looking in your affects list.
Even when hidden there is a slight chance you be seen... Someone affected 
by the detect hidden spell has a significantly higher chance of seeing you.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

The fast healing skill improves wound healing rates, when walking, resting,
or sleeping. It represents knowledge of healing herbs or just general 
toughness and stamina.  Fast healing is checked every tick, and it is 
possible for it to fail.  All class may learn this skill, but mages find it
very difficult to master, due to their bookish lifestyle.

keyword LORE~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    lore <object>

Lore is a general skill, consisting of knowledge of myths and legends. Use
of the lore skill gives a chance of obtaining information on an object,
concerning its power and uses.  It also may occasionally increase the value
of an object, because more will be known about its worth.  All classes may
learn lore, although thieves are best at it, and warriors find it very hard
to use.

category undefined~
text Syntax:

Haggling is an indispensable skill to the trader.  It allows a character to
match wits with a merchant, seeking to get a better price for merchandise,
or to buy at the lowest possible cost.  Unfortunately, most merchants are 
already very skilled at haggling, so the untrained adventurer had best 
guard his treasure closely.  Thieves are natural masters at haggling, 
although other classes may learn it as well.

category undefined~
see_also LOOK GLANCE~
text `=lSyntax: `=?peek <target>`+
The peek skill is useful for seeing what a player or mob is carrying,
the better to use the steal command with.  More intelligent characters are
harder to peek at.  All characters may learn peek, but thieves are the most
common students.`+
You can also automatically peek when you look at someone by turning on the 
autopeek option.`+

category undefined~
text Syntax:
    pick <object|door>

Lock picking is one of the prime skills of thieves, allowing them to gain
access to many secured areas.  Lock picking chances are improved by  
intelligence, and hindered by the difficulty of the lock. Other classes may
learn to pick locks, but they will never find it easy.

category undefined~
text syntax:

This skill is similar to fast healing, but relies on the concentration and
mantras to increase mana recovery when the character is sleeping or resting.
Thieves and warriors, with their troubled minds and violent attitudes, have
much trouble learning to meditate.

keyword STEAL~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? steal coins <character>`+
`=?        steal <object> <character>`+
Steal is a skill practiced only by those of the rogue classes.  Most 
commonly practiced amongst thieves, and perhaps a few spellfilchers, this 
skill allows one to carefully grab items or money off on another.  With a 
little luck, and light fingers, those that know how to steal could rob 
virtually any item that another carries.   

keyword AWARENESS~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text `Bsyntax: `=?awareness `+
Awareness heightens your sense of hearing, and makes you more paranoid of 
your surroundings.  Awareness makes It difficult to sleep in the paranoid 
state when there are a lot of people nearby.  You are instantly awakened 
when you sense a person walk into the room where you are sleeping.  `+
Typing awareness by itself will toggle it on or off.  

keyword SCAN~
category undefined~
text Syntax: 
    scan <argument>

Using the scan skill allows you to see off into the adjoining rooms.  
Without an argument, it will scan in all directions, but you may use a 
direction as an argument to limit your search.

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?chan <#>`+
`=?        chan <#> <target>`+
Channeling is a most common practice amongst mages, but any who can control 
a spell is adept enough to learn the art of channeling.  This skill will 
transfer magical energies, either from one person to another, or it may be 
used to drain the life force to restore mana.`+
Channeling without a recipient, or target, will convert hit points into 
mana, at the conversion rate of usually about 50% but it varies quite 
Channeling with a target sends mana across the realm to the target 
recipient, but they as well must have the channel skill to focus the 
energies, and the amount of mana successfully sent is checked for by the 
skills of both the target and the recipient. 

helpflags wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? scribe <spell> `+
Scribing is a skill mastered by mages and clerics.  Some dabblers in magic 
may also be able to scribe, but this is rare indeed.  Scribing a scroll 
requires that you have an appropriate empty scroll and that you are holding 
it while conducting the "Scribing".  Scribing a spell will expend 4 times 
the normal magical energy required to cast the same spell.  You may scribe 
more than one spell on one scroll, but this is difficult with increased 
personal risk involved.  Failure to conduct the "Scribing" process properly 
can often result in nasty fireballs as the scroll burns and sometimes death. 

keyword BREWING~
category undefined~
text Syntax:
    brew <spell>

Brewing is a skill mastered by druids and mages.  Dabblers in magic
may also be able to brew, but this is rare indeed.  Brewing a potion 
requires that you have an appropriate empty potion bottle and that you 
are holding it while conducting the "brewing".  Brewing a spell will
expend 4 times the normal magical energy required to cast the same
spell.  You may brew more than one spell in one potion bottle, but 
this is difficult with increased personal risk involved.  Failure to 
conduct the "brewing" process properly can often result in nasty 
explosions and sometimes death.  

category undefined~
text `=?
    ride <animal>
    tether <animal> or
    dismount <animal>

Is the basic skill of being able to stay on top of an animal that has 
been tamed and trained for riding.  This would allow you to freely move
through the realms in relative comfort (as comfortable as horse back 
could be...). For the more skilled rider comes the added bonus of being 
able to ride a horse into the fray, increasing your power in combat.
But beware, those who are pitiful riders, are more likely to hamper 
themselves, than help, if they ride into combat.

The skill 'animal training' is used automatically when riding a 
creature, making a huge difference in trying to break it in.


category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=?
    tame <animal>
This is the ability to win over an animal and tame it to be your own.
Difficult with any animal, it is even more so for those sentient or 
more aggressive than the norm. It can take hours or days to properly
train an animal so that it will obey your every command, to act like a 
pet proper. Those of the magic professions will find this the hardest, 
as their constant studies prevent them from the constant exposure to 
wildlife needed.  Rangers and their cousins druids, on the other hand 
often have huge success, and will find it much, much easier to tame
most creatures do to their closeness to nature.
The skill domesticate 

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=?
    ride <animal>

The skill animal-training is the ability for the seasoned player to
break in all but the most unruly of creatures to be ridden.  Of 
course, the creature in question must first be rideable (no use trying 
to break in a snake if you can't actually ride it). This skill differs 
somewhat from domesticate as it doesn't make the animal yours to order
how you like.  It WILL make the animal more docile, and once broken, 
that animal can be ridden by anyone.  Beware, if you don't keep an 
eye on your mount it will wander off.

The skill is used automatically whenever you try to ride a creature.


category undefined~
see_also PALADIN~
text `=lSyntax:`=?
    lay <person>
Lay on hands is a skill for paladins that performs minor healing on the
person specified.
The success of the healing is determined if you have the faith within to do
it (you can only use the skill a certain number of times a day - depending
on your level)
Also the effectiveness of the skill increases with the paladins level.
Laying hands on yourself has no effect at all.


category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? forage <food|herbs>
The foraging skill is a skill most easily done by those in tune to the 
workings of nature and the forests.  This skill will allow those to find 
various nuts and berries if there is anything to eat in the proximity, or
collect herbs for use with the herbalism skill.  Rangers, and their cousin 
druids have huge success and can most easily find necessary food when they 
feel the pang of hunger.  Barbarians are natural foragers of food, and 
likewise have much success.  

keyword GORE~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:  `=?gore`+
`=?         gore <target>`+
Sharpen your horns, lower your head, and charge into battle!  Gore is a 
vicious skill for only those with the heart for battle.  You will attempt to 
impale your victim on whatever horns you are wearing, whether your horns are 
attached, or your helm sports a pair.  Just be sure to pick the entrails off 
your head when finished. 

keyword -BUILD~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? build <object>`+
This skill allows rangers and others practiced in woodcraft to build certain 
things.  The only thing available at this stage is 'fire', but there will be 
more soon.  Once the fire is built, you may sit, rest, sleep, or stand at 
it, and it offers slight restorative bonuses.  You are also able to cook 
food over fires, to preserve it.  `+
 You may only build fires when outdoors.  If the room is dark, a fire will 
light it quite well.  Rafts have been added to the build skill.  To build 
one, you must be in an area with enough wood, and be wielding an axe.`1`+  
***NEW*** You can now build a staff.  It's a relatively weak staff mind you, 
doing a conservative amount of damage.  It's true purpose will be revealed 
in the coming weeks.  

keyword DIAGNOSE~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?diagnose <character>`+
This wonderful skill for those devoted to the healing profession allows a 
person to look at another and determine their physical condition ailments.  
Many adverse affects that can be cured will also appear in their diagnosis.  

keyword HOBBLE~
level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?hobble <target>`+
This is a specialization skill for the mace.  Hobbling can best be described 
as bashing your victim in the side of the knees with a very, bery heavy 
object.  While it isn't as devastating as a good bash atop someone's head, 
it can cause great pain, and occasionally the victim may fall to the ground 
from his knee buckling.`+

keyword ENTANGLE~
level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? entangle`+
This skill is nearly identical to the skill of disarming your opponent.  The 
only difference is when you disarm someone, you end up with their weapon so 
they can't pick it up from the ground.  Only those fully proficient in the 
whip can learn to entangle someone's weapon. 

level 92
category undefined~
text Weaponmasters have taken their skills to new heights.  In the realm of the 
Dawn of Time, once a person has become 100% effective in their weapon of 
choise, they can opt to learn skills to help enhance their usage of the 
weapons.  This skill is called weapon specialization, and can give you an 
advantage beyond any less skilled adversary.`+
`YWeapon  `=?|  `ySpecial Techniques`+
`XAxe         Shield cleave
Mace        Hobble, Boneshatter
Polearm     Cutoff, Charg
Spear       Dervish
Whip        Entangle
Dagger      Hurl
Wildstrike? Overhead?

keyword DERVISH~
level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?dervish`+
This is a specialization skill for the spear.  The wielder will twirl the 
spear in a frenzy, possibly causing damage to any who stand around him, 
cause great confusion to those avoiding the spear, and great pain to those 
who aren't so fortunate.  When you see someone start to twirl their spear 
like a maddened dervish, best watch out.`+

keyword CUTOFF~
level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cutoff `+
The cutoff is a specialization skill for the polearm.  When in melee, the 
long shaft of the polearm can by used to reduce the success of someone 
fleeing from battle, as well as those attempting to retreat.  The cutoff 
skill is not automatic, and you must make a conscious decision to impede 
someone when you begin combat.`+

keyword HURL~
level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?hurl <target>`+
`=?        remove <dagger>`+
Throwing daggers has long been a trick of the nimble, a way to disable your 
victims from afar.  But hurling daggers will surely cause a fight to break 
out.  Only daggers can be properly thrown, and when thrown with enough 
accuracy, can stick into the body and cause great pain with every movement.  
Dislodge the dagger, and you can even hurl it back at your attacker.    

keyword CHARGE~
level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?charge <target>`+
When mounted atop a galloping steed, polearms can deliver tremendous damage 
to an opponent. Hold your polearm horizontal, aim it at your opponents chest 
area, and dash forward, slamming the tip of the polearm into the soon-to-be 
mangled chest protection of your opponent.  Charging works with only 
polearms, but a mount of personal choice may be substituted in place of a 

title Overview: Character Attributes~
category undefined~
text The attribute/stats system is based off of RollMaster stat rolling system, 
which has 10 attributes instead of the 6 attribute system found on many 
other muds. Each attribute is represented in the following manner on the 
score table:`+
Where `YCURRENT `=?is your current percentage in that attribute, `YMAXIMUM `=?is your 
max potential that you can train (see `=Chelp `=_train`=?) your stat up to, and 
`YMODIFIER `=?which is use to determine how good you are at a specific skill.`+
If CURRENT was 54, then you are better than 54% of your _RACE_ in that 
attribute. MAXIMUM is the highest possible percentage that you can hope to 
achieve in that attribute.  MODIFIER is the modifier that you character 
receives on various die rolls and checks that will be performed on your 
character. The value of MODIFIER is determined by looking at your CURRENT, 
any equipment modifiers, and any racial bonus that you received for your 
race. Any CURRENT stats above 60 will receive a bonus, with a max bonus of 
+63 for those that are 101%, while those below 26 will receive a negative 
The attributes can be divited into two seperate sections. The primary 
attributes, are those on the right side of your score sheet. The 
developmental attributes are those on the left side of your score sheet. For 
help on any of the attributes, see `Chelp <attribute>`=?.`+
`=_Strength(ST) `=_Quickness(QU) `=_Presence(PR) `=_Intuition(IN) `=_Empathy(EM)`+
`=_Constitution(CO) `=_Agility(AG) `=_Self-Discipline(SD) `=_Memory(ME)  `=_Reasoning(RE)`+

keyword ARCAIC~
category undefined~
text The arcaic language is so old that not even the wisest sages or reputable 
bards know of its true origins, but many venture a guess.  Some tales, many 
more far fetched than others, link this mysterious tongue to times as old as 
the Kron.  Others think that it's a disguised language of code, it's true 
speech hidden by a power beyond  the scope of any magi, and only select 
individuals are granted the abilities to comprehends the dialect or meaning. 

(Arcaic was spelled this way purposely.)

keyword STIFLE~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?Automatic`+
For those trained in the art of stealth and thievery, there is also training 
to keep a victim from crying out.  With this training, a death cry can be 
stopped so others do not hear your victims trying to mess up your plans. 
Even those trained fully with stifling the cries of death, there is still a 
chance, however small, that a victim might still be able to cry out. 

title Prime Attributes~
category undefined~
text Every class has two `=_attributes which are guaranteed to be 80 or over,
these attributes are often refered to their primary or prime attributes.
During creation, the system works as follows:
If your potential attribute/stat is below 80 after you pick your class, 
the attribute is boosted to 80.`+
If your potential stat is already above 80, you will get a bonus ranging 
from +1 to +5 to your stat.  This is not a randomly generated number, it is 
based on a formula that uses your existing potential stat.  If you have a 
96+ in your classes' prime attribute, it will now be at the mighty 101!!`+
The classinfo command can be used to display the prime stats for each class.`+
`=?This system adds a whole new dimension to the character creation 
process.  There is now a bit of strategy involved and you have a bit more 
control on how your character will come out.  Let's say you want to make a 
warrior, and have decent stats in almost everything, but your ST score is at 
a measly 22...  If you accept that roll, the warrior's ST will be boosted to 
80.  Or, do you reroll again, hoping for something in the 90s so that you 
have a chance to get the 101, at the possible expense of your other stats?  
In any case, the end result is in better stats, so be happy :) 

keyword LETTER~
level 1
category undefined~
see_also RP-SHEET~
text `=lSyntax:`=? letter <command>
Those who believe the art of letter writing is far from dead can take up the
quill pen their words of wisdom on sheafs of parchment.  Letters expressing
your true love, treaties ending long-standing rifts between feuding kingdoms,
or a simple letter of introduction are all handled ideally using this IC note
To write your letter, use the following commands.
 letter +          : Adds a single line of text to the letter.
 letter -          : Removes a single line of text to the letter.
 `BExample:`=? letter + This is my letter.
 letter edit       : Edits the current letter in the string editor.
 letter clear      : Clears the letter currently in progress.
As you pen your masterpiece, you can check the work in progress, and make
any revisions you deem necessary before immortalizing your words onto a piece
of parchment.
 letter showtext   : Shows the text of the letter you are working on.
 letter showscroll : Shows what the letter will look like once posted.
Once you are satisfied, you must be holding a piece of parchment onto which
you can record your words of wisdom.
 letter scribe     : Scribes the current letter onto a parchment.
When you have decided you have nothing more to say, seal the parchment with
wax and deliver it to its intended recipient.  Note, your letter will be 
sealed with your family crest (if specified), which can be set in your 
 letter seal       : Seals the parchment with wax.
Finally, should you decide your letter is more worthy of the wastepaper bin
than in libraries, you can choose to tear it into a thousand pieces, never
to be seen (or read) again.`=?
 letter tear       : Destroys the letter you are currently holding.

keyword EMPTY~
level 92
category undefined~
text .. 

level 1
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? herbalism <cauldron|mortar>
The ancient art of combining herbs to form powerful potions and 
poultices is practiced only by the most skilled druids and rangers.  
To a lesser degree, barbarians can learn this unique talent, though 
their abilities are somewhat hampered by their berserker tendencies.
The first step to creating a new potion is to collect the necessary
components.  Most brews will require a variety of herbs, and often
times water.  The herbs are gathered by using the `Wforage`=? skill,
whereas the water must be drawn from freshwater lakes throughout
the realm using the `Wcollect`=? command.  The type of herbs located
while foraging is dependent on the landscape, the season, and the
time of day.  Above and beyond these limitations, some herbs are 
simply rarer than others.  These are often prized by druids for their 
powerful properties, and worth their weight in gold.
To practice this lost art, the herbalist must have a `Wmortar`=? or a 
`Wcauldron`=? in which to combine the herbs.  A mortar is a bowl-shaped 
apparatus used in conjunction with a pestle, a heavy stone or wooden 
device used to grind herbs, yielding poultices and salves which can 
be applied later.  A cauldron is used in brewing herbal mixtures which 
are ingested, be it eaten or quaffed.
The ingredients to be mixed are placed in the proper container, and 
then combined.  If the measurements were correct, the mixture might 
yield beneficial results.  Be warned, however, carelessly mixing herbs 
together can often have deadly consequences.
Fortunately, the druids of the realm have compiled a complete list of 
herbs which can be harvested and mixed (`Whelp `=_herbs-list`=?).

level 1
category undefined~
see_also HERBALISM~
immsee_also HERBS-IMM~
text .         `ySwamp/Marsh`=?
 1 |   Arachnagelica |
 2 |       Blackrose |
 3 |  Fiend's Breath |
 4 |   Mandrake Root |
 5 |      Nightshade |
 6 |      Snakespike |
 7 |     Tarnas Root |
 8 |      Vipersweed |
              `RDesert`=? |
 9 |  Adder's Tongue |
10 |            Aloe |
11 |  Bluespine Root |
12 |      Djinn Fern |
13 |  Dragon's Tears |
14 |  Ettin's Breath |
15 |      Sunblossom |
          `BRiverbanks`=? |
16 |       Bloodkelp |
17 |       Draafroot |
18 |        Flaxweed |
19 |      Rheum Leaf |
20 |     Serpentweed |
21 |      Siren Root |
22 |      Sharkswort |
          `GGrasslands`=? |
23 |    Amber Spores |
24 |  Autumn Blossom |
25 |     Blacknettle |
26 |        Colewort |
27 |       Giantweed |
28 |     Doilan buds |
29 |        Lavender |
30 | Miretar's Crown |
31 |       Red Morel |
           `mMountains`=? |
32 |    Comet's Tail |
33 |      Featherfew |
34 |     Hawk's Bane |
35 |        Moonwort |
36 |    Roc's Breath |
37 |     Whitecandle |
38 |    Wight Orchid |
39 |      Winterbark |
             `gForests`=? |
40 |     Green Lotus |
41 |         Hemlock |
42 |        Milkwort |
43 |     Mirthwillow |
44 |      Red Willow |
45 |         Thistle |
46 |       Wolf Moss |
47 |        Wormwood |
         `SUnderground`=? |
48 |      Aspblossom |
49 |     Drider Leaf |
50 |        Lhugruth |
51 |          Ruthin |
52 |      Spiderwort |
53 |      Stoneberry |
54 |   Hryia Blossom |

keyword POUNCE~
category undefined~
text `#`=lSyntax:`^ pounce <victim>`1`1The pounce skill allows the agile fighter to leap up into the air and
send his flying oponent tumbling to the ground. Many factors will help the 
warrior, or help the victim in avoiding this form of attack. Both success or 
failure will however attract the attention of the victim and a fight is 
inevitable. This skill is easily learned yet extremely hard to master, and 
only the most talented and agile will ever excel at this tough skill. Be 
warned that a missed pounce will send the aggressor tumbling and unable to 
respond for quite some time. 

level 92
category undefined~
text Creating different herbal mixes requires many different combinations.`+
`BTeas`=? for example consist of five of the same herbs placed within a cauldron 
along with water.  The water will be explained more thoroughly while obtaining 
this skill.  `+
Eg.  (5x) put lavender cauldron, put water cauldron, herbalism cauldron.  `+
`BElixirs`=? on the other hand are different mixes of herbs that can be acquired 
from other adventurers you may meet on your journey, they also require a 
cauldron and water.  The example is just one type of combination as there 
are many.  These herbs are not real and are only examples.  `+
Eg.  (6x) put redleaf cauldron, (2x) put goron cauldron, put water cauldron, 
herbalism cauldron.  `+
`BBalms`=? can be made by using many of the same herbs in a mortar without the 
use of water.  `+
(eg.  (20x) put redleaf mortar, herbalism mortar - redleaf is not really a 
herb.  `+
Helpfile complements of Talinus.  =) 

keyword COLLECT~
category undefined~
see_also HERBALISM~
text `#`=lSyntax:`^ collect water `+
Practitioners of the art of `#`Wherbalism`^ know that for a `#`Wpotion`^ to be 
successful, only the purest water can be used.  This pure water can be found 
all over the realm in freshwater lakes.  `+
To collect this pure water, one must have `#`Wdousing flasks`^ available in his 
inventory.  And standing near the lake, one can carefully `#`Bcollect water`^.  `+

keyword CIRCLE~
level 1
category undefined~
text Syntax: circle <target>
Similar to backstab, the circle skill allows thieves and their ilk to find
the best angle to strike from in combat.  This results in increased damage
and somewhat easier fights.  Keep in mind though that one can only get an
angle on what one can actually see.

level 1
category undefined~
text The push and drag commands will allow mobs, objs, other characters and 
virtually anything else not bolted to the floor, to be forcably moved from room
to room.  There are of course notable exceptions to this and anyone found to
be abusing these abilities will be dealt with harshly.
Push <victim> <direction>
Drag <victim> <direction>

keyword RACEINFO~
title RaceInfo - Racial Information~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text The raceinfo command displays a list of creation selectable races.  This 
list includes the racial attribute modifiers, the amount of creation points 
(`=_cp) the race 'costs' and that maximum number of hit points (`=_hp) the race 
can gain. 

keyword CLASSINFO~
title ClassInfo - Class Information~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? classinfo <racename>`+
The classinfo command is similar to the `=_raceinfo command, only it shows 
`=_prime `=_attributes for each class, and in addition it displays the base 
experience points per level for a particular race/class combination. `+
For this reason, you must type the name of a race as the single parameter 
for the classinfo command.  The prime attributes are the same regardless of 
which race is playing that particular class.  If a class is not listed for a 
race, that class is unavailable to that race. `+

