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keyword GOALS~
category undefined~
text This is the founding document written at the time when plans began 
on the Dawn of Time.

`GThe Dawn of Time Policy Document (concept) - July 97 - Bahn
`GThe goals of our mud.`=?

1. Increase players, playing.
   (When in doubt, make the popular decision)

2. Have the Dawn of Time become a 'Mud' in it's own right.

3. Flexiblity in Rp.

4. Uniformity in Rp.

5. Greater automony to players.

6. Clear and open decision making.

7. Increased immortal accountability.

8. Feedback where possible.

9. Keeping in mind the fun aspect of playing, when 
   making decisons where realism and rp are a factor.

10. Immortals are here to serve. (the Dawn of Time)

11. Credit given where due, and rewards both ic & ooc given to those who serve.

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text This is a list of Roleplaying laws that should be followed in this game.
- Mobs are as alive as any character is, those who are sentient, as sentient 
as your character. They are to be treated as such. You should use your 
imagination, and ignore the fact that our code does not have artificial 
- Swears used in this game are not supposed to offend anyone who is playing 
the game. Do not use low level language. Create new, colorful swears, like 
'you pile of rotten pig ears!'. Penalties will be applied.
- Alignments should not flicker. They are anchored to the depths of your 
character's soul. If you feel your rp is not in accord with your alignment, 
read 'help alignment-change' and note the Roleplay Council.
- The only language that should be used here, in character, is english. 
French, German, or whatever other earth language do not exist here, and 
should not be used. If you want to speak in a different language, learn 
one of Mythrin languages (such as goblin and gnoll).
- Charmed mobs and pets should not be equipped with things they shouldnt be 
able to wear, `#`Weven if the code allows it`^. Things like turtles wearing 
rings, horses holding swords, crabs wearing plate mails are deeply frowned 

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text Low level swearing is not accepted here either over the OOC channel or IC.  
By low level swearing, we mean all those 4 letter words that many people are 
so fond of (and some that are more or less than 4 letters).  This type of 
swearing is offensive to others playing the game.  The use of such words 
while IC will result in negative moots for your character.  If you use such 
language over the OOC channel, you are likely to loose your OOC privileges 
for a day or more.  We do encourage you to come up with more creative forms 
of swearing and insults.  As an example, you could say, "you pile of rotten 
pig ears..."  

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text Newbie support are the crucial gateways for newbies to learn about the Dawn 
of Time.  As such powerful influences, newbie support personnel are expected 
to be kind and helpful, and be able to offer meaningful answers for most any 
question that newbies may have.  Most of the newbie helpers have played at 
Dawn of Time for more than 6 months, and many have mudded elsewhere and are 
familiar with general mudding commands.`+
Some times showing people the ropes is extremely time consuming, and 
likewise very frustrating to accomplish.  Those that are newbie support must 
have the patience and understanding to deal with these sort of situations.  
If you don't believe this, try explaining to one of your non-mudder friends 
how to play.  If you have any questions about newbie support, direct them at 
a member of the `#`MSupport Council`^.  Check the wizlist for information.`+
Newbies are considered those under level 11 and not letgained, though 
nsupport can still tell to those upto level 25 and not letgained.  Most 
"newbies" are not really newbies, but rather people who have recreated a new 
player to start again.  For this reason, it's adviseable to not spam every 
newbie with messages of help until they show signs of needing it.  Of 
course, it's been shown to give off more of a friendly atmosphere to go out 
and offer assistance, even when it's not needed. 

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text . 
`#`WArea Requirements`^
- In order of implementing an area, there is a minimum number or rooms that 
are required. Depending on how powerful the items on the area will be, the 
number of required rooms change. The reason is that powerful items will 
be better protected. The following table shows the relation between items 
and rooms:
    Kind of Area         Rooms
    Simple items         15 +
    Good items           30 +
    Powerful items       50 +
  To know the kind of items your area has, check Table 2 on the Object Balance 
Section of the Builder's Manual. The table lists 3 levels of equipment level:
    with one alliance flag or the magic flag
    with 2 alliances flags and the magic flag`^
  What determines the kind of your area is the kind of items your main mobs will 
be wearing.
  Main mobs are those that rule the area, or the most powerful mobs in the 
area. Examples: main mobs in Mekali are the guard captain and the shopkeepers; 
in the Training Fields, it is the Absent General.
- The area must have an internal organization. There should be a hierarchy 
(who rules?), an economy (what do they eat? Where does that come from?), and 
facilities (where do the poor guards sleep? not to mention toilets, 
kitchen...). Your area could be an exception for some of the above mentioned 
organization, but hardly to all of them.
  Examples of non-aggressive areas you can use as a comparison:
    - facilities: 
       good example: Silver Temple, Brigand Camp
       bad example: Training Fields
    - hierarchy:
       good example: Training Fields, Orcish Fortress, Mrem Tree, Brigand Camp.
       bad example: City of Lost Winds
- You are expected to write a small help file (one paragraph is enough), 
describing the history and organization of your area. This file will be 
imm-only and is OOC.
- If you want to add an item with a mythos, history, diary, you must submit 
your text to the Roleplay Council.
- You should read the mythos related to any race you are using in your area. 
If your group will be radically different from the general individuals of that 
race, you must report that to the Roleplay Council. That means that if you 
want an area of orcs that will be angels, you must discuss that with Roleplay.

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text Abusing skills or spells by spamming their command in an attempt to get your 
skills percentage increased is not allowed.  This means sitting in one place 
and repeatedly typing the skill command for no better reason than to get 
better at the skill.  Anyone caught doing this will likely find their skill 
removed or minimally, set back to 1 depending on circumstances.  There will 
also be a minor experience penalty.  Increasing a skills percentage through 
natural and non-spammy use is fine.  

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-------     -------`^
`#`ySLAY`^        Slay can have an ic use in a few specific situations: if a death is 
            required, and a pkill fight won't fit (like a ritual); if a player 
            is to meet certain death, from which he shouldn't have a chance to 
            flee (like when a divine lighting falls from the sky).
`#`yPDISABLE`^    Usually there is no need for disabling a mortal's command, for the 
            sake of rp. Just sending a tell 'You are mute now, rp it' should 
            be enough. In the case of a disable that should last longer, 
            though, pdisable could be useful. In this case, `#`Ymake sure you 
            speak to the player prior to disabling the command`^. (NOSAY, 
            NOEMOTE fall into this case).
`#`yFORCE`^       This can be most fun, for it can bring some surprises to the player. 
            Once again, though, `#`Ymake sure you speak to the player prior to 
            doing this`^.
`#`yTRANSFER`^    Although tempting, transfer should not be used when switched into a 
            mob that does not have that power (like Mekali's laborers :p).
`#`yLOAD`^        Same as above. A god can 'create a buquet of roses'. Mekali's jewler
            can 'create a beautiful necklace'. But most mobs can't.
`#`yPURGE`^       Same thing. Just use common sense.

keyword **PK-REASONS~
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text .. 
`rStrong ones:
------ ----`^
These are reasons that can justify a pkill by themselves.
- being pkilled (if a group attacked you that's reason enough to kill all the 
- being killed - cases such as a charmed mob killing you at the order of a 
- a cool rp situation - mind you, a true rp situation - like someone stealing 
your girlfriend, or a court plot.
- being payed to do so - `#`YNote:`^ this is a special case. The killer doesn't 
need any other reasons, but the employer does.
- your friend was killed - `#`YNote:`^ in which case, your friend will no longer 
have a reason to pkill his murderer.
`#`bMild ones:
---- ----`^
Here are the reasons which, by themselves, `#`Rdo not`^ justify a pkill, but if 
joined, might. Note that some reasons will weight more than others. An example: 
being teleported counts more than a spit. Usually, though, more than two of 
these reasons will be needed to justify a pkill.
- invasion of your clan.
- invasion of your house.
- spitting, swearing, general harrassment.
- being teleported, slept.
- being stolen.
- killing innocent people (mobs).
`s1.`c the nobles and immortals reserve the right to judge each situation 
independently, and to change the afford mentioned reasons, as they seem fit.
`s2.`c All the above reasons are subject to your alignment. A +3/+3, for example 
would not kill for any of the above, but he might rescue a little child who's 
is being attacked.
`s3.`c Once you pkill someone, `Call`c your pkreasons are reseted. That is, you 
won't have any reason left to pkill the same person again. Even if you had 
1,000 reasons, 1 pkill eliminates them all. You can only think of pkilling the 
same person if that person gives you brand new reasons.
`s4.`c Suspicions are `Cnot`c good pk-reasons. All your reasons must be concrete, 
ie, you must be able to prove them if asked.`^
