// magic_ke.h
 * The Dawn of Time v1.69r (c)1997-2004 Michael Garratt                    *
 * >> A number of people have contributed to the Dawn codebase, with the   *
 *    majority of code written by Michael Garratt - www.dawnoftime.org     *
 * >> To use this source code, you must fully comply with the dawn license *
 *    in licenses.txt... In particular, you may not remove this copyright  *
 *    notice.                                                              *
#ifndef MAGIC_KE_H
#define MAGIC_KE_H

DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_look							);	// Earthwalk and Shadowflight

DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_otterlungs				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_benedict				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_maledict				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_earthwalk				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_detect_scry			);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_sunfire				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_cure_chaotic_poison	);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_shadowflight			);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_mirage					);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_commune_with_dead		);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_utterdark				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_alarm					);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_divine_light			);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_immolation				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_treeform				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_pass_without_trace		);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_pine_needles			);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_spirit_hammer			);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_druidstaff				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_totemstaff				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_logic					);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_mnemonics				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_clarity				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_persuasion				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_lucidity				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_night_eyes				);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_shrink					);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_canticle_of_warding	);
DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( spell_night_of_the_leonids	);
#endif // MAGIC_KE_H