colourcode `
security 7

keyword FREEVNUM~
helpflags builder wordwrapped~
category olc~
text `=lSyntax:`=? freevnum <obj|mob|room>`+
The freevnum command displays a list of unused vnums within the existing 
area file for the type you specify.  E.g. `=Cfreevnum obj`=? will list all free 
object vnums within the area file you are located.`+


keyword OLC~
title `#---=== OLC stands for `YO`^n`Yl`^ine `YC`^reation ===---~
category olc~
text . Online Creation is a name given to the system or process of creating the 
mud gaming environment.  `+
 With OLC you can create text-based objects, mobs (monsters) and rooms while 
being online - as the creation process is like another mode of using the 
mud.  The online creation system goes beyond creating areas for the game
but can be used for creating races (pc and npc), classes, socials, aliasing 
spells and editing other various settings/systems within the game.`+
 A comparision of the building aspects of OLC would be like playing the game 
SimCity, as compared to using the SimCity terrain editor.  (The SimCity 
terrain editor is a program which you can create your own sim city landscapes 
and maps)`+
If you dont know what SimCity is then just ignore that useless comparision ;)`+
 The Objects, Monsters, Rooms and information telling the game were to put 
all these things are stored in text files...  (called area files).  `+
 Area files have a specific layout and order to put all the area information 
in so that it can be understood by the mud, Before OLC these area files were 
created manually with a text editor (like msdos edit), then uploaded to the 
server which dawn runs on.  This process was very prone to human error as 
would be expected if you see the raw layout of an area file.  `+
 To use OLC on The Dawn of Time, you must have an OLC security rating higher 
than 0.  (for more info see '`=Chelp `=_olc-security`=?')`+
 For a reference of basic olc commands see '`=Chelp `=_olc-commands`=?'`+
 To get involved with area building using OLC, please see HELP BUILDING.  
(You will generally have had to have been involved in the mud for at least a 
few months before gaining any OLC access)`+

category olc~
parent_help OLC~
text OLC security is an olc setting that is stored on each player (including
non OLC builders). The security value is in the range of 0 to 9,
0 being non-builder, 9 being builder with full olc permissions.
A players security value determines what he/she can do using OLC, this not
only includes what commands they can use, but also what areas they can edit
and what properties they can assign to areas they create.
For example:
- With a security of 1, a player can only use alist, vlist
  and astat (to be added)
- A security of 7 and below can't set the XP modifier on a mob, so it
  defaults to 100%
Security also determines what areas  a player can edit/expand?
- Any player with a security of 1 or higher can work on an area that has
  their character name specified as one of the builders or the word 'All'.
- Players with a security of 6 or over can work on areas that have
  a security value less than or equal to their security rating.

title Some Basic OLC Commands~
category olc~
parent_help OLC~
text Syntax: AEDIT [create/reset] [vnum]   - Area Creation and Repoping.
Syntax: REDIT ( [create] [vnum] )     - Room Creation and Editing.            
Syntax: OEDIT [create] <vnum>         - Object Creation and Editing.
Syntax: MEDIT [create] <vnum>         - Mobile Creation and Editing.
Syntax: ASAVE  <./world/area/changed/list> - Save Editing to Disk.
Syntax: ALIST                              - Listing of Areas.
Syntax: VLIST                              - List all areas sorted by vnum.
Syntax: RESET  See '`=CHELP `=_OLC-RESET`=?'        - View/Edit/Add room resets.
Definition: [optional]  <required>  (combined arguments)
     Inside an editor, typing COMMANDS lists working commands and ? gives
help. 'AEDIT .' and REDIT default to the current area or room.
EDIT ROOM RESET resets the current room.
Most commands with no arguments display syntax.

keyword OLC-RESETS~
category olc~
text `=?
The resets command is used to view/add/delete the resets in a room.

Resets are like a little set of scripting commands that tell the mud how
and where to load objects and mobiles into rooms.  If an area had no resets
the whole area would be just a set of empty rooms, regardless of how many
mobs or objects were defined in the areas vnum range.

Using resets you can load objects and mobs from any area file that is part
of the mud, (assuming you have sufficient security)

RESET - will show you all the resets in the current room.

`cTo add a mob into the current room `=?at the bottom of the reset list, type
RESET 99 mob <mob vnum> <max world> <max room>
The number 99 is the rooms reset number... putting it at 99 makes it appear
at the bottom of the room reset list (assuming you have less than 99 resets).

`cTo add an object into the current room`=? (on the floor)
RESET 99 obj <obj vnum> room

`cTo `Cplace`c an object into a mobs inventory`=?
RESET %mob_reset_number+1% obj <obj vnum> none

`cTo `Cequip`c an object onto a mob`=?
RESET %mob_reset_number+1% obj <obj vnum> %wear_location%
type `Y? wear-loc`=? for a list of wear locations.

RESET <number> DELETE    - delete a reset

NOTE:  These resets dont instantly take affect, if you want to see the
affects if your resets type `=Crpurge`=? followed by `=Cresetroom`=?


keyword OLC-EXITS~
title Setting OLC Exits~
helpflags builder~
category olc~
parent_help OLC~
text While in room edit mode, you create/edit/remove exits from that room.
The syntax for using the commands is to first specify the direction
(as if you are walking in that direction) then followed by one of
the following:
dig  <vnum>        - creates the room and makes a two way link
dig                - creates the room and makes a two way link
                     by autoassigning the next free vnum in the area
link <room vnum>   - make a two way link
room <room vnum>   - make a one way link (use with caution)
key  <object vnum> - makes specified object the vnum of the key required
name <door name>   - makes the door's name/keywords = to the given name
desc               - edit the description of the exit
remove             - remove this exit
<exit-flags>       - type ? EXIT for a list(make exit door, locked etc.)
eg, you are in room 3000, to make a two way link into room 3001
you could type:
`#`=Cnorth link 3001`^
this would an exit going north from room 3000 into room 3001.
Because we used the word 'link' it will have also made a south exit from
room 3001 to room 3000.  If the word 'room' was used instead of 'link' this
reverse exit wouldn't have been created.
The exit flags are presented in the following manner.  The capitalized
flags are ones not included in the reset info.  i.e. closed is due to
a player closing the door and not due to the door being set to be closed.
-South to [ 3744] Key: [   -1] Exit flags: [door CLOSED bashed pickproof]

category olc:aedit~
text LRange - OLC redit command:
Lrange <lower> <higher> sets the recommended player levels for the area, as
appears on the area list.

As an example it would simply be set to 'lrange 10 25' to recommend the
area for players of level 10 to 25.

LComment - OLC aedit command:
Lcomment is for when you want something besides recommended levels to appear
on the area list.
It will override any lrange entered, and needs to be 7 characters wide,
with the first and last being brackets [].

For example, the areas showing [ test] on the area list were set that way
by simply entering 'lcomment [ test]'

If you want the area to remain mysterious, or if its a storage area etc,
you can clear the lcomment ('lcomment clear') and have a lrange of -1 -1.


keyword OLC-ALIST~
category undefined~
parent_help OLC~
text Syntax: ALIST

This command gives you a listing of all the areas along with their
vnum assignments and the builder(s) assigned to editing them.

helpflags builder~
category olc~
parent_help OLC~
see_also OLC-COMMAND~
text `+
AEDIT - aedit is the entry point for editing information about an area... in 
this editor you can change a number of things about the area including its
name, level range and mapscale.  Typing `=Caedit`=? by itself will display
instructions on how to use the aedit command.
MEDIT - medit is the entry point for editing and creating mobiles. 
Type `=Cmedit`=? for instructions on how to use the medit command.
OEDIT - oedit is the entry point for editing and creating objects.
Type `=Coedit`=? for instructions on how to use the oedit command.
REDIT - redit is the entry point for editing and creating rooms.
Typing `=Credit`=? by itself will edit the room you are currently in... type
`=Credit <vnum>`=? to edit a particular room, or `=Credit create <vnum>`=? to
create a new room.
There are a number of commands available with in each olc editor, type 
`=Ccommands`=? for a complete list of commands once in an editor.

helpflags hide_keywords wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text Here is an example of a decent area proposal.  If you expect to build an 
area, we hope that you can at the least turn in a decent proposal.`+
Dear realm department,`+
I would like to build a monastery area.  It would be near the eastern ocean, 
on a hill, and be a large old stone structure.  The main part would be 
filled with monks of varying levels, as well as a few atmosphere creatures 
like sparrows in the garden etc.  There would also be a tomb underneath full 
of much higher level undead creatures, mostly aggressive.  `+
The monks would wear normal monk type clothing, robes etc, and carry staffs 
as well as have other objects like prayer books...there would be a cook in 
the kitchen room, a librarian in the library, young monks rushing about 
completing chores and so on... The undead locked in the tomb area by a 
heavily warded door would have items on them that they might have been 
entombed with and not rotted, like amulets.  There would be lots of 
atmosphere items lying around like beds, tables, pots, etc.`+
I'd like to include some mob programs that allow the monks and undead to 
interact in nice or nasty ways with PC's, such as making the monks greet 
clerics and things like that.`+
The overall level range will be intended for players level 5-50 in the top 
section, and 60-85 in the lower section.  There will be no aggressive 
creatures in with the monks, so that will be safe enough, but the tombs will 
be extremely dangerous.`+
As you can tell, the storyline behind the area will be simple. The monks 
monks will just be going about their day to day life and studiously ignoring 
the evil that they've sealed up below...The undead, former monks entombed, 
were twisted by some evil that entered and took over their remains, and only 
want one thing - to taste the warm blood of the monks above...`+
As you may know, I have played the mud for 5 months and have gotten a 
character to level 75, so feel that I am qualified to build an area with 
levels this high.  If approved, I'd like to build it on the OLC Builders 
port, as that seems to be the easiest way.  I don't have previous experience 
elsewhere, but would be very dedicated to finishing what i start and making 
sure i make it all detailed enough.`+
Thank you, I patiently await your answer.  I may be reached by note or at 

keyword OLC-MODE MODE~
level 1
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? mode build`+
`=?        mode play`+
The MODE BUILD command will show your building status next to your who name 
when in OLC.  To return to normal mode, type MODE PLAY. 

level 1
helpflags builder wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text The following is a list of materials that DO make a difference for certain 
special functions. This list is for objects only, though. (material on mobs 
still does pretty much nothing).`+
 `#`YMithril`^: Setting the material slot to 'mithril' will allow the item to be 
used with the mithril glaze spell. Nothing fancy about that. `+
`#`YShovel`^: Setting the material to shovel allows the item to be used as a 
shovel to bury corpses. It must also have the wear hold or wear wield flags 
set on it, as bury and dig check those equipment slots. `+
`#`YCookware`^: Should be pretty self explanatory... if you have an item with 
material set as cookware, it can be used to cook things such as mushrooms, 
slices of meat, etc. It must have the wear hold flag to work properly, as it 
must be held. `+
`#`YWhetstone`^: If you set the material to 'whetstone' the item is considered a 
stone that must be used in conjunction with the sharpen skill. It must be 
flagged wear hold in order to be used properly. `+
`#`YDousingflask`^: For use with the skill of Herbalism. When in a room with a 
spring of Untainted Water, the collect water command can be used. `+
`#`YFlowers`^:I have NO IDEA what this is for. (: *peers at Jarren* `+
`#`YAltar`^: Coming soon! `+
`#`YHolysymbol`^: Coming soon! `+
This list would be updated as more materials are added.   

keyword IMM-MIX~
level 92
helpflags builder~
category undefined~
text In dawn we now have the ability to set certain items so that they can be 
mixed to create different items.  The ability to mix is given to all 
characters as long as an imm creates a mixture using addmix.  Mixtures can 
also be set to only be done if a character has one of the few mixing skills 
right now only `BChemistry`=? for mages and `GHerbalism`=? for rangers and druids.  
`=lSyntax:`=? addmix <element1> <element2> <result> <type> <%success>
    Where element1, element2, and result are vnums of objects that exsist
    in the game.  Type is one of the current 4 mixing types.  %Success is
    the percentage at which a successfull mix will pull off.
Types of mixtures currently in use are:`+
     none - You dont need a skill to use this mixture
     herbalism - You need the herbalism skill to use this mixture
     chemistry - You need the chemistry skill to use this mixture
     any - You must have either of the mixing skills
`=lSyntax:`=? listmix
    Will display a list of all mixtures currently in game.
`=lSyntax:`=? listmix <type>
    Will display a list of all mixtures of that type currently in game.
`=lSyntax:`=? delmix <number>
    Deletes a mixture indicated by its number from listmix.
`mNOTE: %success is modified slightly by the characters skill.  
%success also determins how much damage a failed mixture will do
to mages if it goes wrong.

keyword QEDIT~
level 92
category undefined~
text Qedit is an olc system to keep track of all imm run quest in the game.
Before starting a new quest an entry into the system detailing your quest
should be made.  Before helping in another imm run quest you can check to
see if help is wanted as well as read an synopsis of the quest and any
helpfiles that are related to it.`1
`RQedit commands:`1
`=lSyntax: `=?listquest
     Lists all imm run quests currently in progress, who is running them.
     The current status of the quest, and the last data the quest entry 
     was modified.`1
`=lSyntax: `=?listquest <questname>
     With an argument of the name of a quest, listquest will show more
     detailed information on that quest.`1
`=lSyntax: `=?qedit create <questname>
     Will open up a new quest for editing with its name as the argument
     you give it.  If you create a quest you are automatically added to
     the list of imms responsible for that quest.`1
`=lSyntax: `=?qedit <questname>
     Will open up a current quest for editing.  You may only edit a quest
     if you are listed as one of the immortals responsible for it.`1
`=lSyntax: `=?delquest <questname>
     Will remove a quest and all its details from the list of quests.  You
     must be one of the immortals responsible for a quest or an admin to
     delete a quest.`1
`RWhile editing a quest...`=?`1
questname <string>
     Will change the name of the quest to <string>.
responsible <name>
     Will toggle the person <name> as a responsible imm for the quest.
status <string>
     Will display the status of the quest as <string>.
currentstatus <string>
     Same as status.
resources <string>
     Will toggle <string> as the name of a helpfile on the list of
     resources for a quest.  `Bnote: if <string> is set as "qedit"
     that will direct people to "help qedit".  If <string> is set to
     "help qedit" then that will direct people to "help help qedit"`=?
help <help_flag>
     Will set permissions on if you would like help from other imms on
     the quest or not.  Flags are:
          `yClosed-The quest is closed to all but the imms responsible.
          `yPossible-Help is possible wanted.  Send a note to responsible imms.
          `yFree-All imms are free to participate in this quest.
          `yUndefined-Status has yet to be defined, closed until further notice.`1
`=?immhelp <help_flag>
     Same as help.
     Will drop you in a text editor to write a small description of your

level 1
category undefined~
text All players who have played on this mud long enough to have become familiar 
with the world, creatures and objects within, may try their hand at building 
an area.`+
The first (and most important) step in building an area is to write an area 
proposal to the `WRealm`=? Council.  This note is designed to ensure that you 
have given some detailed thought to the area you plan to build, as well as 
allow the Realm department to make suggestions prior to beginning.  Be 
advised, however, simply by writing a proposal, you will not be assured that 
your area will be approved.  Areas which are deemed inappropriate for the 
MUD, redundant, or otherwise unacceptable will not be approved and returned 
to you for reworking.`+
To ensure that your proposal is accepted, be certain to include the 
following details in your note:`+
`S*`=? A brief outline of the area, including the general history an RP elements 
for its existence.  Consider why and how it exists -- include an area mythos 
or history, if possible.`+
`S*`=? The level range for the area you are planning.  Is it for high levels, or 
newbies?  Such details are crucial in the planning and production of new 
`S*`=? To whom the area is oriented?  Is it an RP area, or one designed for gear 
and/or hunting?  Or a hybrid of two or more of these elements?  How large 
will the area be once it is completed?`+
`S*`=? What sort of mobiles do you plan on including in this area.  Will it be 
safe for all levels, or dangerous for newbies?`+
For a more detailed explanation and example, see help `=_OLC-EXAMPLE-PROPOSAL`+
In addition to this synopsis, it would be helpful if you could include three 
or four room descriptions, describing integral parts of your area as you 
have it planned.  This will help the Realm council make stylistic 
suggestions which may be useful prior to beginning work on your area.`+
Once you have sent your proposal, please be patient and wait to be contacted 
by the realm department.  If you do not hear back immediately concerning 
your area, it does not imply your proposal has gone unnoticed, merely that 
the department is busy with pressing matters.  Rest assured, your request 
will be handled as soon as possible.`+

level 1
helpflags wordwrapped~
category olc~
text This file was compiled to answer a few frequently asked questions which tend 
to crop up amongst prospective builders.  If you have additional questions, 
or require clarification, feel free to con- tact the Realm Council.`+
`S"What is 'building'?"`=?`+
Building, or Online Creation (OLC) refers to the process of creating new 
areas for the MUD through any number of means, the most popular and easiest 
being the OLC port.`+
`S"How can I get started?"`=?`+
To get involved in the fun, consult `Whelp `=_area-building`=?.`+
`S"I submitted an area proposal, but no one got back to me"`=?`+
As a rule, imms receive a tremendous amount of notes and ideas each day.  
Though not commonplace, it is possible for notes to be lost in the shuffle 
from time to time.  If you do not hear from the Realm Council within two 
weeks, you might consider re-submitting your proposal.`+
`S"I submitted an area proposal, but it was rejected.  Why?"`=?`+
Areas which are deemed inappropriate for the MUD will be rejected out of 
hand.  Mutant bunny rabbits with submachine guns are cuddly and cute, but 
have no place in the MUD's environment.  To avoid this, make sure your area 
proposal fits DoT's theme, eschewing any anachronistic elements (such as 
guns and automobiles).`+
Some areas will be returned for reworking, with a list of comments. Often 
times, if an area is redundant (ie: Too similar to an existing area), it 
will be sent back to you for revision.`+

level 1
category undefined~
text Name             |Location| Description
Ailette          | Arms   | Leather plates which are laced to the shoulder,
                 |        | designed to deflect blows rather than stop them.
                 |        | Often decorated with coats-of-arms.  
Couter           | Arms   | Defense for elbow, affixed to armour with
                 |        | laces or rivets. 
Epaule de mouton | Arms   | Steel defense for the entire arm, used for 
                 |        | jousts.  Usually made from a single piece.
Pauldrons        | Arms   | Shoulder plates, usually made of leather or 
                 |        | metal, known for flexibility.
Rerebrace        | Arms   | Plate armour worn on the upper arm.
Spaulder         | Arms   | A piece of leather or metal which is attached to
                 |        | the shoulder, usually sewn to the rerebrace.
Vambrace         | Arms   | Plate armour worn on the forearm, generally
                 |        | laced or riveted into the underlying mail.
Breastplate      | Torso  | A solid plate of metal or hardened leather,
                 |        | used to cover the entire torso and sometimes
                 |        | the back.
Brigandine       | Torso  | A heavy vest of reinforced leather, extending
                 |        | just below the waist.
Gabeson          | Torso  | A quilted jacket of cloth or leather, usually
                 |        | worn beneath other armour.  
Habergeon        | Torso  | A waist-long coat of chainmail.
Hauberk          | Torso  | A shirt of hardened leather or mail, usually
                 |        | covering the entire arms and torso.
Jupon            | Torso  | A sleeveless shirt of leather or quilted cloth.
Lorica           | Torso  | A suit of overlapping metal plates, originally
                 |        | worn by Roman legionaries.
Scale mail       | Torso  | Armour made from interlocking metal "scales",
                 |        | sewn to a hardened leather backing.
Tunic            | Torso  | A leather or mail shirt which covers the torso, 
                 |        | and sometimes the arms.
Aventail         | Neck   | A "skirt" which fits around the neck, extending 
                 |        | to the mid-chest.  Usually worn over armour.
Bevier           | Neck   | A cupped plate which fits over the chin, usually
                 |        | attached to a gorget.
Gorget           | Neck   | A ring of metal or leather which fits around the
                 |        | neck, like a collar.
Mantle           | Neck   | A chainmail garment worn around the neck and 
                 |        | shoulders. 
Gauntlet         | Hands  | Heavy gloves, designed for combat.
Armet            | Head   | A helmet which consists of a snug "bowl", with
                 |        | attached plates to cover the cheeks secured with
                 |        | hinges.
Barbute          | Head   | A rounded skullcap with a T-shaped visor for the
                 |        | nose and face.
Coif             | Head   | A hood, usually chainmail.
Kettle hat       | Head   | A sturdy, open-faced helmet with a conical crown
                 |        | and wide brim.  Usually made of metal.
Sallet           | Head   | Another type of open-faced helmet. 
Chauses          | Legs   | Leggings made of chainmail.
Greaves          | Legs   | Heavy leg armour made of metal, generally 
                 |        | strapped to the legs, often in two seperate
                 |        | pieces.
Buckler          | Shield | A small hand-shield, usually hide or leather.
Kite shield      | Shield | Popularized by Vikings, a shield which forms an
                 |        | inverted triangle.
Pavaise          | Shield | A body shield, usually taller than the person 
                 |        | carrying it, designed as a defense against 
                 |        | missile weapons (arrows, etc).
Plaque belt      | Waist  | A heavy belt, usually made of chain links.
Girdle           | Waist  | A belt or sash worn around the waist.
Bracers          | Wrist  | Single-piece arm coverings made of leather 
                 |        | or metal, secured to the forearms via straps.

level 1
category undefined~
text Valid Damtypes for Weapons
Regular Damtypes | Special Damtypes
slice            | wrath
stab             | magic
slash            | divine
whip             | drain               
chop             | shock
thrust           | flame
smash            | chill
cleave           | radiance
claw             | phantasm
blast            | mental blast
pound            |
crush            |
pierce           |
beating          |

level 92
category undefined~
text .       MAG  SPF  THI  DRU  CLE  PAL  RAN  WAR  BAR
ST/CO   3    4    5    4    4    5    5    6    7
QU/AG   3    6    7    4    4    5    6    5    4
ME/RE   7    6    5    6    6    5    5    4    3
IN/EM   4    3    3    6    7    7    5    4    4
SD/PR   4    4    3    7    6    7    6    5    4
Hit     2    4    6    3    4    6    6   10    5
Dam     2    4    4    3    4    6    6    8   12
HP      4    6    6    5    6   10   10   12   14
Mana   200  120  40   160  160  100  100  40    0
AC     -10  -15  -15  -10  -15  -20  -20  -25  -30
Saves  -12  -8   -6   -10  -8   -6   -6   -5   -4

level 92
helpflags wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? ashow [area number]`+
`=lSyntax:`=? rshow [room vnum]`+
`=lSyntax:`=? mshow <mobile vnum>`+
`=lSyntax:`=? mpshow <mobprog vnum>`+
`=lSyntax:`=? oshow <object vnum>`+
Ashow displays the olc information on a particular area.  The area number is 
listed on the far left in alist and vlist.  If you don't specify an area 
number, it displays the area olc information for the area you are currently 
Rshow displays olc information for the specified room vnum.  If no room vnum 
is specified, the olc information for the room you are currently in is 
Mshow displays olc information for the specified mob vnum.`+
Mpshow displays olc information for the specified mobprog vnum.`+
Oshow displays olc information for the specified object vnum.`+


keyword OLC-INNS~
title Creating Inns Innkeepers for Set Recall~
level 92
helpflags wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text `=UInns:`=? This is an easy one, just make a room where your innkeeper will 
stand, and add the flag `=Cinn `=?by typing `=Croom inn `=?while in redit. This room 
is now designated as an inn, and when the player types list here, the code 
will start looking for an innkeeper, to list his rooms. `+
`=UInnkeepers:`=? Which brings us to the next thing... the innkeeper. Create a 
new mob, or grab an old one, (whatever tickles your fancy) and in medit type 
the following: `=Cinn assign`=? (much like shop assign). This mob is now an 
innkeeper with the normal stats of any shopkeeper (opening hours, profit 
markup) with default values set. `+
The innkeeper also needs to have some rooms to be able to rent and neads to 
earn a living too, so you want to define which rooms he rents, and for how 
much. This is all done still from the comforts of `=Cmedit. `=?Type `=Cinn room 1 
99`=? to make the innkeeper's first room for rent vnum 99. Then type `=Cinn rate 
1 5000`=? to make that room cost 5000 silver per hour. `+
The innkeeper has 4 rooms to rent, but if you don't want to use all of those 
4, just leave the vnums 0 for the ones you don't need. That's about it for 
now. Have a play around with it, by typing `=Crent `=?in the innkeeper's room.`+

level 92
category olc~
text Various Immortal/Admin save related commands. 
`Wasave . `m- `wsaves all changed zones 
`Wasave changed `m- `wsaves all changed zones (same as above)
`Wasave <vnum> `m- `wsaves a particular area as listed in vlist
`Wasave area `m- `wsaves the area being edited 
`Wasave list `m- `wsaves the area.lst file 
`Wasave onefile `m- `wsaves the whole world into one file (db dump) 
`Wasave world `m- `wsaves the world (db dump) 
`Whsave `m- `wsaves changes made to helpfiles 
`Wsaveclans `m- `wsave changes made to clans 
`Wsaveautostat `m- `wsaves changes made to autostats data 
`Wsavecorpses `m- `wsave pc corpses and the items within (do before reboots) 
`Wsavedeitydb `m- `wsave changes made to the deity database 
`Wsavegameset `m- `wsave changes to game set data 
`Wsaveherbs `m- `wsave changes made to herbs data 
`Wsavemixdb `m- `wsave changes made to the mixes database 
`Wsavequestdb `m- `wsave the quest database 
`Wsaveraces `m- `wsave changes made to races 
`Wwrite_classes `m- `wsave changes to classes `R+++ 
`Wwrite_comtable `m- `wsave changes to command (use after comedit) 
`Wwrite_nameprofiles `m- `wsaves name profiles to namegen.txt 
`Wwrite_skillgroups `m- `wsaves skill groups `R+++ 
`Wwrite_skills `m- `wsaves skills `R+++ 
`R+++ `m= `wwill make a backup of the pre-saved data`X 
