colourcode `
security 7

title Creating the Muds First Immortal~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category undefined~
text The following help entry, explains how to manually convert a players pfile 
(player file) to an immortal pfile.  This manual process is only necessary 
once - when there are no immortal characters on the mud.  After an immortal 
character exists on the mud, that character can use the immortal advance 
command to convert other players.  (There is an immortal help entry on 
Lets assume, you have just created a character which you want to be the top 
level immortal (The Implementor).  This character we have called bob.`+
Information about bob is saved and stored in his pfile.  Bob's pfile will be 
saved as players/b/bob.plr on a linux|bsd|unix based system (along with all 
pfiles starting with the letter b) and as players\bob.plr on a windows 
system (all player pfiles are in the same directory on windows).  Bob's 
pfile needs to be moved into the immortal directory.  Once the pfile has 
been moved the level needs to be increased to 100.`+
Obviously all changes done to Bob's pfile MUST be done after Bob has logged 
After making sure Bob is logged out, manually move his pfile to the 
player/immortal directory.  In windows you can move it with explorer.  In a 
unix based environment use the mv command in the shell `+
(e.g. mv player/b/bob.plr player/immortal/).  `+
Note: You must MOVE it, NOT copy it.  If you copy it, delete the copy in the 
old location.`+
Load up pfile with your favourite editor.  You will find the top 6 lines of 
the pfile appears follows:`+
`x   #PLAYER`+
`x   Vers  9`+
`x   SubV  2`+
`x   Name  Bob`-`+
`x   Level 1`+
`x   Trust 0`+
Modify the number after the Level keyword to 100 so your file looks like 
`x   #PLAYER`+
`x   Vers  9`+
`x   SubV  2`+
`x   Name  Bob`-`+
`x   Level 100`+
`x   Trust 0`+
Save the file and exit the editor.`+
Now you can logon as bob, which you will find is an immortal of level 100. `+
We recommend you type the following commands to quickly configure any new 
immortal character:`+
`=C  set char self security 9`=?  (giving full OLC editing access/security)`+
`=C  wiznetdefault confirm`=?     (configuring default wiznet settings)`+
After you are an immortal, you may wish to edit the message of day (so it no 
longer displays a reference to this help NEWMUD-GETTING-IMP).  This is 
achieved using the OLC based help editing command hedit.  The exact syntax 
is `=Chedit motd`=?. 
